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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1929, p. 14

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PAGE! FOURTEE! - THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11,1929 Lad dldidi Addit Abii ads as 2.2.2 La EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS lA ALR L S282 022 2000000 TETVVITTYTTITITTETYTTTYYY 2.2 2 22 ve vv Working On Base Kingston.--The works depart- ment ig engaged putting down the concrete base for the pavement on Division street, between Brock and Princess street. h Vital Statistics Kingston.--The vital statistics for Kingston for the month of May as registered at the office of the City Clerk, are as follows: births, 72; 'deaths, 39; marriages, 14. Guides' Challenge Cup Kingston.--The race for the ""Guides' Challenge Cup" is to be run this vear at Petawawa Camp on a date in August to be fixed later by the Camp Commandant. Trees Beautify Park Peterboro.--The trees that were planted by the Ashburnham Patri- otic League on Armor's Hill, in East City, have obtained a good growth. They are in a healthy condition and already are quite no- ticeable. Annual Practice Kingston.--The R. C. H. A. Bri- gade, which proceeded to Petawa- wa Camp on Thursday, is to com- mence its annual firing practice and training immediately, with ac- tual competitive firing between "A" and *"B" Batteries taking place on June 12 or 13. Children Drown Brockville--At Brockville eight- year-old Patricia Fulford, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ful- ford, was drowned with an 11- vear-old chum when the two girls slipped into the water from the slippery concrete which borders the river bank. Circus Coming ~ Port Hope.--The announcement that a circus is to visit Port Hope soon brings gladness to the smal boys around the district. Nothing giute equals the thrill of which a circus gives and already the youngsters are all enthusea. Goes to Gore's Landing Brockville--In pastoral changes affecting the Bay of Quinte Con- ference, United Church of Canada, just announced, Rev. James Leach. Addison, is transferred to Gores Landing, in the Presbytery of Co- bourg, and is succeeded by Rev. Robert Barbour. Elected To Office Brockville.--Mrs. Adam Lackie, Beecher street, and Mrs. H. A. Brown, 52 Pearl street east, have returned from Ottawa where they attended the meetings of the Grand Chapter of the Order of Eastern Star, at which Mrs. Brown was elected grand marshal, Gasoline Stolen Brockvii{le.--During Thursday night some unknown person broke the lock from the pipe on one of the gasoline tanks located on the British-American Oil Co. property in Ormond street and stole a small quantity of the fluid that makes the cars run. Fought Prize Bull Brockville.--At the 29th annual sale of W. R. Spann & Son, impor- ters of Jersey cattle, Morristown, N.J., held this week, the Hon. Ar- thur C. Hardy: purchased "Miss add to his herd at Avondale Farm. Troublesome Lady" for $1,200 to QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT BROS. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL 'PARLORS J. W. Worral, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 Pavilion Nearly Com plete Port Hope.--The new pavilion is rapidly nearing. completion and. soon it will be one of the centres of attraction. Someone should wup off the weather-man well in ad- vance of the opening date so he can tune up the temperature. Pavement Completed Brockville.--The work of laying East Market street has been completed and pro- vides a roadway 55 feet in width from King and Water streets, with an amiesite surface, capable of ac- commodating 70 parked cars_and leaving adequate room for moving the pavement on traffic. > May Pave Road Belleville.--It is the Honeywell Corners respect to this matter. Proceeds to Orphans Kingston.--As a result of a so- recently by the French-Canadian Society of Kings- ton, a donation has' been made to the St. Mary's of the Lake Orphan- cial event held- age by the Society... The money re ceived by the much appreciated by the Sisters. Advertising Old Home Week Peterboro.--Motorists about rae city are advertising Old Home Week and are doing their part 1n spreading the good tidings abroau. A large weather proof poster bear- Peterborough Old Home Week, June 29 to July 7. The poster is made up of ing the words, Come. red letters on a white background. Immigrants Satisfied The boys and men Immigration Association in this district. Mr. Morris, spector of the association satisfied. Played at Otty Lake Brockville--The Lutheran mony Kings orchestra of town furnished a band of pieces for the opening of and gave general the hundreds of ent. The local couples orchestra pavilion on Friday evening next. Hen On Crank Port Hope.-- While wending our way to business, one of the old- time Fords passed us, and, all un- noticed to the driver, a white leg- the handle of the crank. Evidently he had gone through a flock of hens the right through its horn hen was hanging to and one unfortunate had handle driven breast. ' Under Arrest Napanee.--James I'lynn of the Tamworth district is under arresty Ashley; here and Daniel Rogers, also of the Tamworth district, is fought some cattle. Racing Pictures Belleville.--Mr. Elmer Lebarr noted sportsman, has made earliest possible date Capitol. Trek to. Loyalists' Landing Kingston.--The battalion of ca- dets of the Royal Military College returned Saturday from the annu- al trek having remained in the field Under the diree- since Thursday. tion of Major Goodeve a technica scheme was carried out Grassy Creek, intention of the suburban road commission to pave with amiesite a part of the county system from Corbyville to and the city council committee tock action to appoint a commiftee to meet the members of the commission with institution for the comfort of the little children is that were brought to Canada by the British are ail doing well, according to G. A. Gil- lespie who has charge of the work in- from Montreal and Mr. Gillespie, recent- ly visited a numbergof thé boys and found that they were quite Har- this nine Otty Lake Dance pavilion near Perth satisfaction to pres- was engaged to play again at the same suffering from a knife wound in thé arm, which it is charged was inflicted by Flynn when he and Rogers following a heated argu- ment on Wednesday night at the Flynn home over the purchase of ar- rangements with Mr. Weller of the Capitol Theatre here to show the motion pictures of the stake races to be held in Belleville on June 27 and 28. Cameramen will be at the | track to snap the races and at the thereafter the pictures will be shown™"at tie 'near where the cadets bivouacked two nights. This creek And Now For a 'SPLASH!!! On vacation or week-end 'jaunts, or the frequent plunge into the cooling " waters of your favourite swimming resort--be sure you are properly: equip- ped from your REXALL Store with reliable BATHING CAPS AND SHOES For they are prettiest in design, are made' of real live para rubber, and rep- resent better values than procurable elsewhere Bathing caps 13c to $1. Bathing Shoes 79c 'pair. Save with Safety at THE REXALL STORES JURY & LOVELL King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 is the point where the United Em- pire Loyalists landed in 1784, Judge's Meeting Kingston. -- On Saturday the county judges of this district who have been presiding at the Courts in Frontenac-Lennox & Addington, Hastings and Prince Edward, met at the Court House. The judges at the meeting were Judge Lavell of Frontenac, Judge McLean of Prince Bdward, Judge Madden of Lennox & Addington and Judge Wills and Judge Deroche of Hast- ings. New Thrill for Skaters Peterboro.--Winter brings ski- joring but the summer brings a sport more thrilling and a little harder when the fan tumbles. In the west end a youth was noticed on roller skates behind an automo- bile and was hanging on to a rope tied to the car which drew him along at a rapid pace. The trick seemed to require skill and nerve and probably was the result of tne search for a new thrill. Horse's Kick Causes Death. Port Hope.--Kicked by a horse Friday, Reul Clare Symons, farm- er, died in Port Hope Hospital. He was prominent in church and com- munity work, and was Trustee of School Section No. 4, as well as being Past Secretary of the Hope and Port Hope Agricultural Soci- ety. Mr. Symons, who was 43, wus the eldest son of Willlam H. Sy- mons, Townshin Clerk of Hope Township. Surviving are his wid- ow, Muriel, daughter of Rev. W. A. Bunner of* Bowmanville, wud two sons. Picton Board of Trade Pjoton.--Picton Board of Trade at their annual meeting re-elected officers as follows: President, Fred Newman; Vice-President, J. &. Baxter; Secretary-Treasurer, J. L. Executive R. Davison, I. F. Fraser, -'W. J. Carter, W. H. Benson, G. M. Hicks, H. B. Pur- telle; Auditors, James Macdonald and Charles North. The annual banquet will be held June 13. Wil- liam H. Moore, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Tariff and Tax- tion, will be the chief speaker. Senator H. H. Horsey, a native of the county, will make his first ap- pearance here since his elevation » | to the upper House. Gained Promotion Kingston.--The following offic- ers qaulified for t' e rank of Lieut.- Colonel. at the recent examination held in the. Armouries by a board of officers -of which Colonel W. B. Anderson, the District: Officer Com- manding, was president: Major C. F. Stuart, 3rd Dragoon Guards; Major F. H. Erma, 3rd. Field Company; C. E.;. Major R. Moore, Victoria and Haliburton Regiment; Major J. C. D. d'Es- terre, P. W, O. R.; Major R. J. Patterson, M. M,; Major H. Sauva, Northumberland Regiment; Major IM H. Clark; Peterboro Rangers; Major J. Harris, 4th. Battalion. Machine Gun Company; Major W. J? Hoar, Durham Regiment; Ma- jor J. C. Foy, Governor General's Foot Guards. HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now is the Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With The Best Fuel Obtainable Jeddo Coal Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Good Fuel CALL TO-DAY THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THIS COMPANY GIVES TO EVERY CUSTOMER : ALSO Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime and Building Material So when thinking of concrete work or your driveway, call and let us serve you. Prices Competitive. Service The Best. Dixon Coal, Gravel & Sand Co. TELEPHONE 262 Solvay Coke AND EXPERIENCE 10 YEAROLD BOY EFFECTS RESCLE Leaps Into Water to Save Baby Girl From Drowning -- en Hamilton, June 11.--Royal Hu- mane society officials yesterday had to drawn their attention the bravery of George Modler of Brighton avenue station 6, beach, who saved Lois Holmes, daughter of Roy and Mrs. Holmes of Clare avenue, station 8, beach, from drowning late Saturday. The little girl, aged four years, was climbing on:an iron railing and toppled over into six feet of water. Modler, who is ten years old, saw her fall and ran 100 yards from his home, vaulted the tence and jumped into the water after her. Too small to get the tiny form back to safety, he succeeded 1u holding the girl's head above wat- er until George Blunt, a nearby FOUR DIRECT LINES. resident, "came 'running down 'in. answer to Modler's cries for help. The father of the rescued girl has recognized the heroic act. EE hi Ta RY 'Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets NEWELL-TIMES TORONTO: PRODUCE A a Toronto wh re ing Dis: duce to retail dealers at the following pri 3 Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, ; fresh extras, loose, ; firsts, 3ic; seconds, 28¢c. Butter--No. 1 creamery, prints, 40 to 4c; No, 2 creamery, prints, 38 to 3c. Cheese--New, large, 20c; twins, 20%4c; trip- lets, 2lc; stiltons, 26c.' Old, large 2c; twins, 2%! triplets and cuts, 28c; old stilton, 30 to C. ._ Poultry-- Chicken, 5 lbs. up .. fd Be se fenuRERad 88 Broilers, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES' Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 31 to 3ic cooked hams, 50c; smoked rolls, 28c; break- fast bacon, 26 to 38c; backs, peamealed, M4 | to 39; do., smoked, 30 to 40c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 €> 70 Ib, $21; 70 to 90 Ibs, $19; 90 to 100 lbs. and up, $18 Bgbtvieigur rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15% to 16%c; |' | pails, 16¥4c; prints, 1814 to 1834c. Shortening, -tierces, 13%; to 14%c; tubs lic; pails 14%c, tins, 16%4c; prints, 15/ic. Pork loins, 31%c; New York shoulders, 21%c pork batts, 26)4c pork hams, 26¢c, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: roduce-- P; Eggs, extras, per dozen . ., firsts, pe dozen Duck eggs, dozen .. Butter, dairy, per x Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables-- Asparagus, 2 bunches Carrots, 3 bunches .... Beets, 2 bunches .... Onions, dry, 1l-qt. ba Do., 6-qt. basket Cabbage Caulifiower ... Spinach, peck .... Mushrooms, per pound Head lettuce, each ... Leaf lettuce, three fe Potatoes, bag .... Cucumbers, 3 for 0 28068 Story id id ~o000CcOoCo0S oo 0 REESE £3 = mt mt Lasa dle Teh anges, per Grapefruit, three for Lemons, per dozen .. Bananas, per we Apples, 11:gt. basket ubarb, 3 bunches New potatoes, peck Green beans, 6 qt. Green peas, 6 qt. .. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealefs on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No. 2 northern, $1.15, No. 3 northern, $1.1 No. 4 wheat, $1.09," No. 5 wheat, 98%c. No. 6 wheat, 85¥c. - Feed wheat, 73)4c. (c.if. Goderich -and ' bay track, Ic higher than above. Parsley, per bunch . Celery per bun SRISNRBRIEES Bc) Jorts. Price on HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at -Toronto) :-- No, 1 timothy, loose per : BOM sevesesavassssrnins veeses..$19 00 to $20 00 . Nominal 14 50 12 § Oat straw . Oat straw. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, June 10.--Receifp of hogs, 7,500 holdovers, ; market active; packers and shippers mostly 10c above Saturday's average: bulk desirable 125 to 220 Ibs, $11.65 to $11.75; 230 to 250 Ibs, $11.25 to $11.50; 'packing sows, 09.50 to $10; sparingly $10.25, Receipts of cattle, 1,400; fed steers and yearlings less active yearlings, strong to ;choice, $14.75 to $15; steers, $14.50; good mixed steers and yearlings, $14 to $14.25; fat weighty steers, downward to $13.50; cows and bulls steady; good cows, $9.50 to $10.25; cut- ter grades, $5.75 to $7.75; medium bulls, $9.25 to $10; few $10.25, Receipts of calves 1,4000; vealers generally 50c higher; -good to choice, $16, mostly $16.50; common and medium, $14 to $15. Receips of sheep, 1,400; lambs fully steady; yearlings 50c higher; good to choice lambs, sorted $16.50 to $17; common and medium, $14 to $14.50; shorn yearlin, $13.25; aged wethers, $9.25; fat ewes, $6 7. BRITAIN APPROVES VISIT OF PREMIER MacDonald Is Praised For Original Methods of Diplomacy MAY AWAIT DAWES Hope Held That Disarm- ament Question May Be Settled London, June 11.--The new La- bor Government has opened fits career with a move, almost startl- ing in its originality, which cuts abruptly across traditional ideas of diplomacy. The desire attributed to Premier Ramsay MacDonald, which is said to have been sketched before the first Cabinet Council yesterday in the course of a general preliminary survey of the whole policy of the Government, is to pay a visit to the United States and endeavor to cement peaceful relations between Great Britain and the United States by personal contacts at Washing- ton. Canada would also be repre- sented at the discussion by Prem- fer Mackenzie King. This is a move which should be acceptable to all shades of poliucal opinion in the British Isles. Popular With Britain In his first Administration Pre- mier MacDonald won the greatest honors by his conduct of British foreign policy, and the nation's good-will would certainly be, with him in his new attempt to dissi- '| pate the world difficulties connect- ed with the question of disarma- ment and the freedom of the seas. Much, of course, will depend upon circumstances in the Pre- mier's first move. Mr. MacDon- ald is expected to await the arri- val of Ambassador Charles G. Dawes, to learn President Hoover's personal views, before doing any- thing decisive. The Premier's idea is to make a trip to the United States in' Aug- ust or September, if the visit should be decided upon. In those months Parliament will be in its summer: recess. ; Also Visits League. Mr. MacDonald had already an- nounced that he hopes to visit Gen- eva for the meeting of the League Assembly in September, so it may be assumed that the Washington trip would precede that to Geneva. It should be emphasized, how- ever, that all these plans are still dependent upon circumstances, and may be changed. That the Pre- mier should contemplate such an important step is taken as an in- dication that his will be the guid- ing spirit in British foreign policy, despite the fact that he has en- trusted the portfolio of Foreign Affairs to another hand. HIGH LIFE IN CANADA (Farmers' Advocate) Our standards of living in Can- ada are high indeed if we are to judge by the height and magnifi- cence of all the new hotels. Piles Go Quick Piles are caused by congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Only an internal remedy can remove the cause. 'That's why salves and cut- ting fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem- Roid, a harmless tablet, succeeds, because it relieves this congestion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has given quick, safe and lasting relief to thousands of Pile sufférers. It will do the same for you or money back: Jury & Lovell and druggists everywhere sell Hem-Roid with this' guaran- tee. 7 NATIONAL REVENUE ESTIMATESADOPTED Commons Complete Consid- eration of Hon. Mr. Euler's Requirements Ottawa, June 11.-- Estimates of another departm®nt were cleaned off the slate in the House of Com- mons last night. The house in committee of supply approved the remaining estimates of Hon. W. D. Fuler, minister of national rev- enue. The main estimate for this department totals $14,014,663, with a civil government vote of $745,840 for salaries and $50,000 for con- tingencies. . After the national rev- WEDNESDAY MORNING ONLY DOOOO000000000000000000 arava PANARRINNANNNI I AAT TT TY YY Tr rv PODOO00000000000C BIG UNUSUAL WEDNESDAY MORNING SALE 9 A.M. SHARP THE ARCADE Lo. 0 0 2O0000Q P0000 0000000Q 0000000 ODO D000 enue department estimates were disposed of, the supply committee embarked on those of the depart- ment of interior and mines. In addition to considering the department estimates, the house discussed certain phases of the sal- mon fisheries in British Columbia. SENATOR SUPPORTS FERGUSON SCHEME Hon. G. P. Graham Lands School Plan At Trustees' Convention Rt. Brockville, June 11.--Gratifica- tion that Premier Ferguson, as Minister of Education of Ontario, was 'feeling his way about" in an effort to make practical advances in education was expressed last night by Rt. Hon. George P. Gra- ham, speaking at a banquet given by the board of education to open the annual meeting of the Urban School Trustees' association of On- tarin 7 Senator Graham said = that he was behind Mr. Ferguson "to the limit" in his policy of trying out new ideas to meet the demands of tho present generation, and he reminded those present at the bau- Qc that because an idea was new, to believe that a medal is the ideal of education. Similarly he some- tims thought that too much stress is placed on examinations and that teachers are judged by the num- ber of their pupils who pass ex~ aminations. it should not necessarily be reject- ed. He also expressed himself in ia- vor of rural consolidated schools. remarking that he and others wheu in the Ontario legislature, had ad- vocated such action for years. Speaking as an old teacher who bad instructed school of over 100 pupils, Senator Graham added that h# was not always sura that it 13 a good thing to give gold medals, since sometimes the pupils are led HAVE YOU HEARD THIS? Wedding Guest: This is your fourth daughter to get married, isu't it? MacTight: Ay, and our confetti's gettin' awfu' gritty. --Answers, A safe, quick and effective relief for Asthma, Hay Fever and all Bronchial Troubles. ¥or years Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy hay been recognized as the standard remedy for this n. Manufactured by NORTHROP & LYMAN CO., LIMITED, Toronto, Canadas Rogers' Service Look for the Pennzoil Sign. These Dealers who Station, King St. East, 'Oshawa, Ont. Corbett. Motor Sales, Bowmanville, Ont. Roy W. Nicholls Motor Sales, Courtice, Ont. THE 'PENNZOIL CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA LJ p are good men to deal with. Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, Ont. display it believe in quality merchandise. They Green's Battery Service, Cobourg, Ont. Tourist Garage, Mill St., Port Hope, Ont. Whelan's Service Station, Welcome, Ont. Elliott's Highway Service Station, Newton- ville, Ont. Phone AD. 5983

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