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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1929 Aor ng i | tpl 5 : : og the mid-summer ale The ' ns OAM. ji | [enriveda (IE | bt brio, nd he cols iE Printed Rayons, 'Silk and. Cotton' wR Self Colored place'in town. | Patterned Rosachines. All Beautiful figured Summer Materi | 38 inches wide. Selling Regularly for $l. 25 yard. MID-SUM. il es Yard fore [s--Real Action! Children's Lingerie Section The Greatest Values in the Country | _Every Item Guaranteed as Represented. In This Ad SILK KNIT VESTS AND BLOOMERS 1 ; : i Sizes 2 to 6 Per garment 49¢ | Sizes 8 to 14 Per Garment 59¢ mi : 1 0 ; A LE | SLIPS. COMBINATIONS AND NIGHT. GOWNS. | Star fiog Thurs 4 ay, June 13th at 9 a.m. Let's Go! 98c Garment CHILDREN'S SILK PYJAMAS, 2 to 6 years . 1.49 Suit i OWING TO THE BACKWARD SPRING WEATHER AND OUR IMMENSE STOCKS OF SPRING AND SL ul : SUMMER MERCHANDISE, IT HAS BEEN DECIDED TO RUN THIS SALE NOW! WHILE STOCKS ARE 8 to 14 years $1.98 Suit | COMPLETE AND JUST WHEN YOU WILL BE PREPARING FOR THE HOT WEATHER SEASON. CHILDREN'S CREPE PYJAMAS 79 Suit be r-------------------- _. == ---- eel n Sale Friday Morning--350 Yards of w, Shop Early and Often : All Our Best SMARTLY Yards, i PRINTED Yards of Silk DAINTILY || It Will Pay You---Store || Draperies " VOILES, Rayon Ging. FIGURED | Closed all Day Wednes- | | i. noms: | inches wide. Regular $1.85 an : i PRINTED hams, Prints & DIMITIES day in Preparation for iy phi di 8 Sloot RAYONS Taffetines | Fast colors. Clearing at $1.48 36 to 38 inches wide. Reg. Regular 35¢ and 39¢ yard. XY tl This Event 2 : 69 and 75¢c yd. Mid- 39¢ Mid-Summer Sale 19¢c ar Drereerterrrerey m= Rayon Silk Bed Spreads L a di e s' Size 72 inch x 90 inch. In all colors. Reg- summer sale, yd a pn i Te On Sule Sata ME | = k Satwday Morning ular $4.95 and $5.95. Mid-sum- Printed Pure Silks, For Smar. | Karo Full-fashioned Pure mer sale. Each $3. 98 P ure Thread Sa EI HUNDREDS Flat Crepes and | spi on herr $275 Thread Silk Hose Velvet Cushion Tops | Silk Hose OF YARDS Georgette Crepes - to $3.95 yard. Mid-Summer i Substandards. Actually no mark or de- | Novelty Designs. A real item for : GUARANTEED (} Mid-summer sale at each ; Sale Yard , | fect of any kind to be found. Full range || : : Complete. satisfaction piaranteed: 3 = Complete range of colors. . j of shades and sizes. Regular $1.95 pair. | Frilied Curiains and Panels with eh pair sold. All shades and J Of prints, J ginghams and Val t 1.9 Wacco Silk I : i d ' ri charbrays. Regalos 25 snd alues up to $1.95 yard. All colors 36 inch wide. selling result | Mid-Summer Sale, fl: White antl white with colots. Our best ! sizes, Op reqsles $1.00 line. Mid ji 2s. ys Visaumibe, 19 c | ja same. sal sale 31. 28 for 75c yard. Mid-summer sale. L oe | fines; Rog. Sie $5.95. Mid- $3.98 8sc Plain and Fancy Lingerie i Japanese Lunch Cloth Cotton Panels Sensation Broadcloth Cotton Crepes Cotton crepe Jap figures, 54 inches Of Broadcloth, Dimity and crepe. Attractive, all-over designs. Regu; Fast colors 36 inches wide. Regular All colors, Mid-summer sale by 54 inches, Regular $1.29 All colors, Mid Summer Sale lar $1.98 and $2.50. Mid- 29¢ and 35¢ yard. Mid-suin- Mid-summer sale each 89¢ Pair ' . 5% summer sale, panel $1. 39 mer sale, yard | LADIES' FULL FAS ONED PURE 1 : P AGOD A Awning Duck Browhaad Groen 1 A Big Zanes of ii Pars Linen a Table Dove | 4 First Quality Taffetas a / Silk HOSE S11 K | Stripe Ladies' Silk Scarfs Damask Wash Satins S Post 4. eatiskélii ced. B i Md-Summer Sale, Per Three cornered and long sty- 98¢ 72 inches wide, rich decigns, Reg- Regular 98c and $1.25 Mid- 79¢ t I = id $904 ENE | | | Ss Ss 3 . i Commercial Fast Dyes 30 inches i les. Mid summer sale each ular $2.25 yd. Mid-Sum- summer sale, yard : : wide. All colors Regular 98¢ yd. i Special Selection Boys' Golf Hose | mer sale, yard $1 49 Black Dick Sasi | pair. Mid Summer sale ..iiiiiiieienne . Ci uchness oatin Mid-Summer Sale og 3 . 1 ) II Of curtainings. On Sale. S Sizes 7-9V4. Fancy cuff tops. pe : : | y | = 29c¢ Mid-summer sale, pair 45¢ i Ladies' Martha Washington Finest quality, Reg. $1.95 98¢ i $1.35 paar or These, at yard yd. Mid-summer sale yd ...... i Children's Play. Hose Checked Linen Tea Towelling || - House Dresses : SPECIAL : Black, Sand and White. Mid- Red: and. white only. 20.4, 15 Regular $2.95. Mid-sum- Sik 2 pair' for $2.50 Just about 100 yards in the 4 eurmymer Sale aly 19¢ wide. Mid-summer sale, yd. | mer sale : Pongee i | | © ' 3 32 inches wide natural shade only L : I lot of printed voiles, 36 in. i : : i wide. Mid-summer Stamped Pillow Cases Heavy All Linen Towelling Habutai Silks and Baronetie Reg. 49¢ yd. Mid-summer Sale, yard || Mid-Summer Sale, Per Wide colored borders. mid- 29 cll Satins , Silknit Slips summer sale, yard GE 4 : : | 26 inches wide, Regular 98c and Fancy Kimona Silks : Children's Fox Serge ] Stamped A Striped T: Towelli : Shadow proof, white and colors. Pp prons ripe erry iowellings $1.25. Mid-summer Sale per R $1.25 and- $1.50 vd A fie b Reefers " . | Mid Summer Sale, at Mid-Summer Sale, 69¢ Mid. Ubi yard "79¢ Reg. $1.49. Mid-summer sale, $1.19 ¢ best only. mblem on i sleeve, Fsiantesd | Co : Curt i | tton Table Damask Fine Marquisette Curtains Frilled Curtains Special each . * $2. 98 | Neat patterns, 54 in. wide. 36 inches by 8; ry Mid- 19 | Reg. $3.75 and $3.95. pr '$2. 49 Very' smart. Reg. $2.95. - $1 98 i CLEARING OF BLOUSES il Mid-simmer sale, jug. Summer Sale, ach C | Mid-summer sale pair .,, Mid- -summer sale, pair... | BOTH SLEEVE AND Girl's -- a EE ER SLEEVELESS STYLES IE | EVERY COAT IN STOCK ON SALE, ABOUT 40 | SS ASL COATS IN ALL AT LESS THAN HALF PRICE. Ladies' Silk Lingerie Special poe sue. 41. 41 G8 VALUES UP TO $39.50 * Summer calors. Size 7 to This also includes Our Suits. Mid-Summer Sale Including lace trimmed bloomers, vests, teddies and Watson's better 9%. Mid-summer sale 35 Group No. 1 $4.95; Group No. 2 $9.95; quality vests and bloomers, MID-SUMMER SALE. Per SL 00 pai Cidade Pale Fan C Group No. Ss $12. 95 Garment. Children's. Coats Children + Rubberied Rancon Twelve Only, Children's Children's Dresses Lapis nouse presses | KNITTED 8 UITS Divided into two selling ; A : : AND SOCKS f 11 th Sea- A Size 10 and 12 . R t, hat Raincoats Ginghams and prints -- 100 dresses A: sport costume lor all the summer groups, for mid-summer on A gaa Brag. Sizes 2 to 12 years. Values up Regular $1.25. son. Regular $6.95. Mid-Summer $4. 95 gale .| and rubberized umbrella combined, Regulat $3.50. Md-summer ; Each $3.98 «$6.98 er a set Mid-summer $2.98 sale, each .. : 31 5 bo > 31, 50 Mid-summer sale. 69¢ sale, each Sale, Suit : TE Gln guts ae Ladies' EIGHT ONLY LADIES' RAINCOATS Reg. $1.75. Mid Res $ [5 summer 95¢ : RAINCOATS Guaranteed Dupont Cloth, Good *) oomers $l. F i range of popular colors. Reg. $9.93. BI $1.39 Sweater Coats W : A D ! d Regular Values "wp to' | re SALE, At $6 75 Silknit and « A. Lewlal $1230. Mid Som 6 08 Lounging Sets Pullovers LIMITED E LADIES' TRENCH COATS Set includes, pyjamas and coolie i } coat, featuring high color trim- Special Clearing. line for Store Closed All Day Wed- Colors are natural red, green and blue, ci ec 3/17 GF | MiiSunmer ok: 5 08 | 16 Simcoe St. North iB pi Fo | Rol $19 isn Si 4 95 1 Tame nea Watson's Superfine Lingerie Mid-summer sale, set

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