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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jun 1929, p. 6

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nm He 2 ON 20 oC ALIRG TT SU ------ -- A a Mrs, M, Cutting oO Gueiph 1s : oy Mrs. J. H . Norton, Simcvy PIR JiR Mise E. E, Small, of Victoria, B.C., formerly of Oshawa, is visit- ing Miss Hislop and Mrs. McAdie, 24 Celina street, * Miss Derétay Reid of Torento lis. visiting her sister, Miss Norine Reid, Simcoe givest morih. 4 . * * Mrs. C. Blair Edmondson, Sim- coe street north, is among the hostesses entertaining in honor of Miss Ruth McIntosh, of Toronao, whose marriage to Mr, J. W. Mon- teith takes place on June 22. * * * The many friends of Miss Glaa- ys Oke, Harmony, will be pleased to hear that she is making rapid progress after her recent opération in the Oshawa General Hospital. * * * Mr, Harry Nobes, Oshawa Boul- evard, is spending a week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs.- G. Nobes, Kingston. A * ow Misses Wallace, Mrs. 'H. M. Smith, Rev. J. H. Kidd and Mrs. Kidd of Woodbridge were guests of Rev. R, B. Patterson, at Christ Church rectorsy on Friday : * Miss Winogene Pipher. of To- ronto, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Pipher, Bruce street, * xX * Mr. Ralph Vickery, King street east, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. H. W. Simpson, Chat- ham. *' % ¥ Miss Edythe Cawker of the Uni- versity of Toronto is spending the summer months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, F, Cawker, King street east. Ld Ld Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mitchell and daughters, Ethel and Patsy, of To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cameron, Brock street east. * * * Mr. G. Downey, Division street, is spending a week at his home in Lindsay. * 0% ® Mr. Cleveland Brown of New York City is in the city to attend the funeral of his brother, the 1aie Omer Brown. - LJ Miss Olive Tilley, whose mar- riage to Mr. A. J. Parkhill takes place in Belleville on June 19, left Saturday for her home in Belle- ville. * * * Mr. A. Lawrason, who is attend- ing the General Motors Technical school in Flint, Michigan, has re- turned to the city for the next two months, * * * Dr, Anna A, Gordon, president of the World's W.C.T.U., has ar- rived in the city to speak at this evening's session of the Dominion convention 'of the Women's Chris- tian Temperance Union, and will be the guest of Mrs. W. A, Luke, King street east. Mrs, Luke: also has as her guest Miss Sumi Kana- mori who is also in the city for the Dominion convention. x % Xx Miss Sadie Marcellus and Miss Veta Stephenson of the Toronto Conservatory of Music spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stephenson, Aberdeen street. * % * Delegates who have arrived Tu the city for the Dominion conven- ' tion of the W.C.T.U. are: Mrs. Gordon Wright of London, Ont, NOW PLAYING AL JOLSON The Singing Positively 3 Days Only Also ; COMEDY SKIT Colored Novelt; IN A PERSIAN M ET OUNT NEWS president of the convention; Mrs. .T. G. rown, of Kingston, World's corresponding secretary, also corresonpding secretary for the Canadian National convention; Mrs T. H, Wright, Hazelton, B.C. Mrs, Bruce of New Brunswick; Mrs. Morrison of Nova Scotia; Mesdames Wallace and Pascoe for Winnipeg; Mrs. Davie for Mani- toba; Mrs. Williams of Regina, Saskatchewan; Mrs. Cook, Fdmon- ton; Mrs. John Beott, Quebec; Mrs. Mabon, Montreal; Mrs, F, C. Ward, Toronto; Mrs. McLachlan, Hamilton, %* %* % Mr. George Ansley, Colborne street was in Peterboro yesterday when he Spoke to the Retary vlub of that city. » hw Mrs, John Small of North Bay is visiting her brother, Mr. Robert Cayley, Colborne street. *® % ¥ The, annual luncheon of the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitby, took place today. The graduation exer- cies take place at the college to- morrow. : * * ** A marriage of interest to former local pupils of the Ontario Ladies' College. Whitby, is that of Miss Virginia Frid, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J, W. Frid, and Wilbur Brann Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bennett, Toronto, The marriage took place in Buffalo and Rev, Dr. Howland officiated, Miss Frid Ontario Ladies' College for a num- ber of years with her sister, Miss Rhoda Frid, who was bridesmaid fof her sister. * Ld Miss A v Deter, nurse of Cam- bridge, iz spending her holi- days at x» "home in the city. Miss 'Mabel Rae, secretary of the Ontario Ladies' Softball As- sociation, was a guest of the local club last evening, for the official opening 'of the league at Rotary Park. Jp nak Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Marshall of Belleville, Mrs. Briggs and Miss Doris Briggs of Toronto and Mr. Thomas Coyte of Port Hope were recent guests of Miss Flossie Coyte, Erie street. = * Miss Leola Fulton, Clarke street, a bride-elect for June, entertained a bridge club, of which she is a member at a trosseau bridge last evening, The trousseau was dis- played in the upperrooms, after which bridge was enjoyed * * =x Mrs. L. C. McKinney of Clares- holm, Alberta, is among the dele- gates present frome the Dominior convention of the Women's Christ ian Temperance Union in King street. United Church this week. Mrs. McKinney is the first vice- president of the convention and is also president of the Alberta Union, Other delegates in the city are: Mrs. Schurman of P.E.I,, Mrs, J. M. McDonald, Griswold, B.C. Weddings DEAN--LODGE A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Gregory's Rec- tory on Saturday, June 1, 1929, when Cosette Mable Lodge, became the bride of Herbert Edward Dean, both: of Oshawa. Mrs. George Smoker, sister of the bride, was matron of honor while Mr. George Smoker assisted the groom. The bride was becomingly attired in a navy blue georgette frock with beige hat, hose and shoes to match, Mr. and" Mrs. Dean will' reside on King street east. NOTTINGHAM-BRYANT BRYANT-BRYANT A pretty double wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Topping, Bruce street, on Sat- urday, June 8, 1929, of Mary Al- meda Bryant of Oshawa to Arthur Lewellyn Bryant, of Oshawa. for- merly of Port Perry, and Ethel Irene Bryant, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bryant, Port Perry, to Stanley: Robert Nottingham, University avenue, Toronto. Rev. R. A. Whattam, pastor of Albert street United church, was the of- ficiating clergyman. The brides were lovely in frocks of poudre blue georgette with hats of match~ ing shades. Following wedding trips, Mr, and Mrs. Bryant will ré« side in Oshawa, while Mr. and Mrs, Nottingham will make their future home in Toronto. GAMSBY-MOORE A pretty event took place at the home of the bride's parents in Col- borne. at 3 p.m., on Saturday, June 8, 1929, when the marriage was solemnized of Gladys Lavinia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore, to Kenneth Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gamsby of Oreno. Rev. R. 'A. Whattam of Albert street United church, Oshawa, of- ficiated, assisted by the Rev. Mr: Falconer of Colborne United Church, To the strains or tue For Your Daily Toilet Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment simpler, daintier was a former resident pupil of the | THE SAA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1929 7 rests in the Home - and the Community 'PRACTICAL--SMART Very slim and simple too, is a charming house frock of linen in dainty garden flower print. The reversible fronts which is an in- teresting feature, are piped in plain linen in 'vivid -tone, which is amo téns at either side of front and ties in bow at back, and to edge patch pockets. It's easily made! See di- agrams! Tussah silk in soft rose piped in deeper shade, printed cot- ton broadcloth, orchid gingham with purple binding, dotted pique in. French blue with white, wash- able striped radium silk, tiny yel- low. and white checked gingham and striped men's cotton shirting fabric exceptionally attractive for serviceable wear. Style No. 189, designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 28,40, 42, 44,146 and 48 incheg bust 'measure, takes 2§ yards of 40- inch material with 11% yards of binding for.the 36-inch size. Pat- tern ptice 20c¢ in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Paris and New York Styles at- tractively presented and cleverly adapted for the use of home sew- ers fill our New Summer Fashion Magazine, - just. off . the- press. A book far superior to all previous issués. Price 15c 'a copy but only 10c when ordered same time as a pattern, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To Th Oshawa Times Pattern wa, Ont. Enclosed find ovvereiencns seeesninen cents. "Please send patterns listed below: 8i20 Lieevennennnne size size shes deounnsginevurinabasnnnae sesssvbrcee sevdesscsssace ' » . Name ... Add, ; Proviies everisnlnsiesnisntnsioseanerasiens Pri ) Sent h,, Send coin," B coi, carefully. "on: o | ness of vegetables an used to bind marrow belt that fas- |! Papen nr SOTA wedding march, beautifully played by Miss Gardiner of Toronto, cous- in of the bride, the bridal party, favored with sunny skies advanced across. the lawn to an evergreen arch tastefully decorated with Iil- acs. - The bride. who carried a bedutifyl bouquet of ophelia roses and lily of thé valley, was par- ticularly lovely in a gown of while georgette: with a mauve mohair Bat. She was attended by her sister, Miss :Cldra': Mpore, who wore a frock of pink satin with hat to match. Mr, Garnet 8. Gamsby, brother fof the groom, acted as best. man. During the signing of the register, Miss Rosaline Gams- by, sister of the groom, sang "All Mine Alone." After the ceremony the guests, fitty in mymber, were ehtértained at a wedding supper, 'following which the eouple left for Toronto, Niagara Falls and points The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to ker and the H Homema How mdny new cooks have had the dismal experiénce of having part of the meal cold or dried out before the other part is done enough to eat, The girl who has served her apprentice- ship in her mother's kite en' has learned the natural routine in prepar- ing meals, but the girl who enters a kitchen without this foregathered cooking lore is at a loss as to how to proceed. To this end, many time tables Mor roasting and baking and boiling and stewing have been worked out. Al. though they will prove invaluablé to the beginner, time tables do not stop to consider the Yarying ages and ripe~ meats, Young, freshly gathered vegetables will cook in less time than riper ones. Vegetables which have withered will take longer to cook than fresh ones. The size of the vegetable enters in- to the problem. Small vegetables or large onc cut in small pieces will cook quicker. than those left whole. The more surface exposed, the shorter the cooking 'period. Green beans cut in diamonds are supposed to cook in 30 minutes, If the beans are young and tender and freshly picked they will be deliciously tender in this length of time. But all vegetables cannot be fresh from the garden so, in order to have the beans west. Mr, and Mrs, Gamsby will reside at 41 Fairbanks street, Oshawa, on their return. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. 8. G. Chant of Maple Lane, Hampton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Stanley Emma to Thomas Arnold "Venner, eldest son of the late Thomas Venner and Mrs. Verner of Clinton, Ont. The marriage will take place at Hampton early in July. YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY MEETINGS MISSIONARY PROGRAM CENTRE STREET LEAGUE The monthly missionary meeting of the Centre street Young Peo- ple"s Association was held last ev- ening in Sunday school room of the church. Miss Emily Warson was in charge of the meeting. The scripture lesson was read by Miss Opal Stephenson. An interesting rpogram was given. Mrs. McGovern and Miss Mary Dearborn contributed a duet which was followed by a mission- ary story on China by Miss Martie Petrie. The topic of the evening was bringing Christianity to China' and was taken by Mr. Er- nest Twist. The regular business session followed the program and it was .decided that the meetings of the Association would be held during the summer months. The meeting was then brought to a close. delicious just PLAIN Try a handful of Rice Krispies right out of the red.and-green package. Golden bubbles of flavor that melt in your mouth! Serve for breakfast with milk or cream. Rice Krispies are deli- cious in a dozen different ways. Children are wild about them. At your gro- cer's. Oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario, RICE Sany vo ray RICE KRISPIES cook in a short length of time and retain their color th.y are cut length- wise before cutting in short picces, this takes time, so more time must be allowed for their preparation, ale though the cooking time is not ine creased, Allow J0 minutes for cooking as- paragus. The time for preparing this 'vegetable is short, It's 'a good vege- table when one is pressed for time. Green peas should cook in 20 lo 30 minutes. The time depends on the maturityl of the peas. But it takes time to shell peas, longer, than pres paring beans or paring potatoes, so they are not a gocd vegetable to choose when dinner must be served in 30 minutes. New beets should cook in 30 to 40 minutes. If they wre smooth, with- out innumerable tiny hair-like roots and about the. size of a small egg, they will cook in just that length of time. They require but a few minutes' 'preparation for cooking and are cise ily and quickly prepared for serving. While they won't do for a hurry-up meal, they are excellent for the meal which allows 45 minutes to an hour for preparation. New carrots cook tender in 15 to 20 minutes. Since they must be scrap. ed for cooking, a few minutes niust be calculated for their preparation. New _ potatoes will cook in 30 min- utes. Five or ten minutes must be allowed for scrubbing or paring. All these things must be reckoned with and each article must be prepar- ed and cooked with regard to the oth- er dishes in the menu. Helpful Hints » - LJ A delicious luncheon dish is made of grilled tomatoes on toast slices, covered with a thick cream sauce flavored richly with cheese. M * LJ * Fresh asparagus cious salad when served with lightened mayonnaise. Add two tablespoons of whipped cream vo the mayonnaise, "which should be tart. Cire With waistlines growing stylish again it is a good idea when mak- ing a one-piece dress with fitted hipline to use washable belting on the inside, stitching the frock to it where the waist joins the skirt. The whole thing sets better and holds much longer. : * makes a deli- Sick folks need beauty in their food. Paper dollise, colored trays, inexpensive but new china and » single flower vase are all helpful. Gelatine salads, desserts decorated with a little fresh fruit and soups garnished with parsley all help. LJ A thin half slice of grape fruit, topped with a thin half slice of orange, which in turn is topped by one of lime, makes a pretty gar- nish served at both ends and sides of the fowl dish. Canned apricots filled with shredded grape fruit are pretty too. Enough of the lat- ter should be used to serve one apiece. : - ha * * i When serving eggs for a meal, instead of having to scour each piece of silver separately try put- ting some soap and water in an aluminum pot of hot water and standing all silver in it while you wash the dishes. All stajns will re- move easily afterwards. " . Artificial flowers, delicate party handkerchiefs and other occessories can be removed cleaned perfectly by putting into a fruit jar, cover- ing with non-inflammable cleaning fluid, putting the top on and shak- ing well this way and that. Rinse the same way in Clean fluid. * Practically all fresh vegetables can be reheated perfectly if cdre- fully cooked in the - first place. Cook the minimum length of time to soften, then drain and let stand to dry, To reheat, put a little water in a pan when boiling, put vegetables in and let steam until heated through. Season and one would think they were just newly cooked. ® * * VEGETABLE CHOWDER One cup chopped carrots, One cup chopped turnips, one cup chop- ped celery, three cups diced pota- toes, eight cups water, three-quar- ter cup butter, half cup diced onions, salt, Mix together all of the vege- tables except the potatoes and simmer in the butter ten minutes. Add the potatoes and cook in'a covered pan for five minutes, then add the water and cook until the vegetables are' tender and can be forced through a colander. To the puree add the seasoning and the Ten Thousand Servants "Nora's in town," I said to a friend early ome ' morning this week. "She'd love to see you. Come over and lunch. with A. and. B." The answer was typical of so many women that I am going to preach on the subject. "It I had two servants like A. and B. each have I should be glad to come," she answered, "but with clothing and the children to look after. I have no -time for my own fun." What a commentary on the mind of the speaker. The average woman today. has more servants at her call than Cle- opatra ever had, or Solomon, or the wife of Midas. They clothe you, they feed you, they furnish your house for. you, they slip up to the front door for you at the wheel of a luxurious' chariot such as ancient queens never command- ed; they offer you a thousand pleasures; you have only to reach your hand for the telephone and an army is alert in your behalf. The advertisements in. your newspaper today arela register of the servants who attend you on every side. They save you time, they save you annoyance, they bring you comfort. The modern woman is the one who habitually makes daily use of this modern service bureau. FAMILY OF FIVE DIE BY DROWNING Father, Mother and Two Daughters Perish With Boy They Try to Rescue Randolph, Vt.,, June 11, -- Mr, and Mrs. Henry Boardman, their son Harry and two daughters, Ona. and Beatrice, drowned here last night. Harry, while swimming; was caught in the current and the others lost their lives in attempru- ing his rescue. Harry, 15, was swimming with Randolph Bennett in a branch of the White river in the rear of the Boardman. home. The current caught the Boardman boy and he was swept into deep water. The cries of the two bathers aroused the other members of the family, who rushed to their aid. There were no witnesses to the final events of the tragedy as Ben- nett ran for aid when the others reached the bank. When he re- turned the bodies of the boy, the parents and the two girls were floating in the stream at a spot where the water was ten feet deep. Benjamin Webster and his son, Paul, brought them to the shore and tried to revive them, but all were dead. SWEEPS COCHRANE Cochrane, June 11. -- With 200 cases reported, Cochrane is now in the throes of a measles epidem- .je which has been sweeping the north country since mid-winter; School here remains open, but children under 16 years ot age are barred from the theatres, Pub- lic meetings and social gatherings of all kinds are banned. The schools are being kept open, it is stated, in order to assist the detec- tion of cases. Dr. J. A. R. Biron, local officer of health, stated tonight that the disease was of a mild type, nau caused no deaths and was now de- creasing. During the winter there were outbreaks in Cobalt and in the other towns of the mining area, but none of these were serious enough to warrant epidemic regu- lations, it is stated. The disease has now been raging in Cochrane for about a month, according to Dr. Biron. In washing one of the new white blouses, piped or decorated with my house on my midd, food and | MEASLES EPIDEMIC | Pr tok or RS TX Tr. © Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. PY "half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pot of ol tea costing 50c to 60c. REDROSE TEA: is good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE isextra good good soap, rinse thoroughly and hang over a bath towel on a huug- er. When thoroughly dry, dampen and roll in a towel. This careful treatment keeps the color frou crocking. It must have been that fine sweeping moustache of Ramsay MacDonald had an irresistible ap- peal to the flappers. -- Stratford Beacon-Herald. Marion Talley says she will have no pigs on her farm, Perhaps she thinks she cast enough pearls of song before swine in New York.-- Toronto Daily Star. Ontario medlcal men, in conven- tion here, would thrill, we think. to a paper on the subject," How to Collect After the Cure.-----Hamilten Spectator. In More Fy wile FLY-TOX becomes more popu~ lar every season. People try this fragrant spray against flies and other insects, and will have no other. They like the quick ac- tion, the fragrance and stainless qualities. Harsilesd so Jeople. Every bottle gutiuittol: ELY-TO Made in Canada by Camada Rex Spray Ce, Lid, Brighten, Tr ---- Serve fresh, » and a capable housewife. Be most i salad dootsh: ful salads. Use Keen's Mustard in all your salad dressings and thus make sure that your salads are appetizing and flavourful. Salad Secrets FREE--Send for a copy of our book, "Salad Secrets", containing recipes for many new delight- ¢ tangy salads... on listless summer days! R you are entertaining company or are just by your- selves, serve fresh, tangy salads during the warm summer months and win a reputation as a charming hostess BORED IUSNIG Into a) uno put 2 particular about your salad --French, . Russian, gar. more. When us dilute with cream if KEEN"S MUSTARD Aids Digestion Coleman Koen (Canada) Lindited, 1033 Amherst st. Montreal. DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE parsley. Reheat and serve. | colored silk, use cold water and a --By Grace G. Draytor MY HMR IS 'MOST DRY THE THESE ARE PRETTY ANCE | #| TOWELS YOu CUT OUT oF 010, 1 Putin radia, fa. Gost rte AeA reserved AIR, COMFY oa | THOSE Are NICE VADIES a DOLLY AND BOBBY Deep THEMSELVES Hi 'SNIP- SNIP OUT OF THE AIR HE COT DRESS FOR DOLLY WITH SMOES KS ANEVERYTHING Ls u AN THE SNIP. SNIP « CUT OF THE AIR- A FRESH SUIT FOR BOBSY~ WRVERYTHING YoU BOTH LOOK mi SWELL ELEGANT, Hg) POLL UP YouR SOCKS) r---------- | As GooD As NEW - AND IN A JIFFY THEY WERE ALL DRESSED !

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