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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jun 1929, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1929 OSHAWA'S "BIG SWIM" ENTRANT SHOWS SPEED IN LONG TRIAL SWIMS Thomas N isby In Marathon Training Tests Shows Form Long and Short Test Indi- cate Nisby to be at His Best in 1929 Swim--Test Passed and Entry Accept- ed for Coming Marathon Thomas Nisby( Oshawa's entrant in the 1928 Canadian National Ex- hibition swim has again entcred his name in the 1929 swim. For some time past Nisby has been doing some swimming around Oshawa that the pcople of this city should be proud to talk about, but while his prowess as a long distance swimmer is well-known 'to many, there are still a number of the cit- izens of Oshawa that are ignorant of the fact that their city has a swim- mer that can hold his own with the best of them. In 1927, Nisby swam to Bowman- ville and back, a distance of approx- imately 20 miles and in 1928 he swam one way in four hours and twenty two minutes, These trial swims took place during his training for the 3rd Annual Wrigley Marathon, Another fast trial swim recently has given Nisby all the confifidence in the world in regard to his making a good showing in the coming "big swim." At the last meeting of the Council a letter was sent by Nisby to the council asking for a little financial did for his training period preceeding the swim. His letter was forwarded to the finance committee and will be TONIGHT'S SPORT CARD C.0.B.L. Senior Baseball Peterboro vs, General Mo- tors, Alexandra Park, 5.45 p.m. Junjor Lacrosse Oshawa at Weston, Girls' Baseball Whitby vs. Matwquettes, Rotary Park, 6.30. Junior Softball King street vs. Fittings Limited. Cowan Park, 6.30. acted on at their next meeting to be held in the near future. If the council can sce their way to help this simmer in his effort to bring swimming laurels to himself and his city, they will not be going far astray placing the small sum of money in the channel where it will be of great value tp the city in the eyes of the swimming world and the sport- ing world in general, Racing Pigeons Show More Speed The Oshawa Homing Society held its weekly pigeon race from Sudbury, Ontario, a distance of two hundred and sixteen miles (air line). This race, like the two previous races, was another fast race, and what the birds lacked in speed in the first races of the sea- son, they have made up in these longer races. The following is the result of the race:-- 1. G. Gudgeon, . "Smith Bros., .. 3. Bramley Bros., . J. Askew, .. ." Smith Bros., . V. Whiteley, . V. Whiteley, . . G. Gudgeon, . 9. J. Askew, » 10. Bramley Bros., i 11. Wotten and Merritt, 12. Cowle and Rowe, .... 3. Wotten and Merritt, 14. Cowle and Rowe, 15. C. Sparrow, 16. A. Webster, .. . 17. A. Webster, .. .. 1017-44 The next race will be held on Saturday next from Biscotasing, Ontario, a distance of two hundred and eighty-two miles. . 1318-53 . 1313-3 1268-28 .. 1266-98 . 1262-32 1260-90 . 1235-97 1179-09 . 1178-00 . 1177-10 1165-60 1165-03 1163-50 . 1159-69 . 1141-64 1022-51 OSHAWA Saturday, June COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 PM. D00RS OPEN 1 HOUR EARLIER - SEATS ON SALE CIRCUS DAY AT JURY & LOVELL, DRUG STORE SAME PRICE AS AT THE SHOW GROUNDS 22 [ROM EVERY VIEWPOINT THE GREATEST CIRCUS AND MOST Sa at 11:00 A.M. rain or sing ss Touring Eleven Wins From Stars Of Nat. League Toronto, June 12.--Preston North End, the touring English eleven, secured a comparatively easy 4 to 1 win over a selected National league team at Ulster stadlum last night before 5,000 spectators, The attraction was a good one and left the impression that proud Preston still have a formidable team composed of players well versed in the soccer art. The National league selection looked well on paper but proved a disappointment on the even- ing's play, chiefly due togthe bustling tactics of their opponénts. Russell opened the scoring for hte visitors after ten minutes of play and to be candid the goal should not have been registered as Allport might quite easily have cleared, Play remained even for.a period when on a breakaway Nel- son put Preston further ahead by completely fooling the local te- fence with a good shot leaving All- port little chance. Gwaham, the Nationals' centre man, had several good tries which Ewart handled in masterly fashion on each occasion. Preston continued to play won- derful combination, but were un- able to add to their margin before the interval. Toronto pressed start, many excellent plays being frustrated by the clever combin- ation plays of their opponents, who all through the game exemplified a marked superiority in every de- partment, The North Enders' third tally came by the penalty route when Noke handled when in a tight corner. Harrison, the 'pen- alty kick king," registered from the spot, Moir was responsible for the Nationals' only goal when he put over a nice cross which Gra- ham assisted into the net. Close on time Hair and Bargh engaged in a pretty play which culminated when the former player headed into the corner of the net for the final goal of the game. from the re- F ittings J uveniles Humble King St. The Fittings Limited Juveniles last night won their firstl eague game by the handy score of 15 to 3, from the King Street Juveniles. The win makes the Fittings look like a team to he reckoned with in all seriousness as they hit with ire- quency and at the right time, hav- ing only sixteen hits to score fif- teen runs with, Their battery work well together and Townes, pitching for the Fittings, had elev- en strike outs. Score by innings: R. H. E. .100101000 35 86 ..104016211516 &@ and Stanton, King St Fittings . Batferies--Powell Townes and Major. FOXX LEADS EM Four varied batting perform- ances were produced by the four Big Six members who saw action yesterday with Jimmy Foxx again showing the way. Foxx climbed from a .399 mark to .407 by cracking out a homer, a double and a single in four timee at bat, Paul Waner registered another gain by hitting twice in four at- tempts, rising to .046. Frank O"Doul got one hit but lost ground while Lou Gehrig slip- ped below the .300 mark by going hitless for the second successive day. ' Rain kept Rogers Hornsby idle while Babe Ruth is still out of the line-up. G. H. Foxx, Athletics 46 72 O'Doul, Phillies 46 P. Waner, Pirafes 47 1788 Hornsby, Cubs 47 184 Ruth, Yankees 37 134 Gehrig, Yankees 46 164 P.C. .407 AB R. 177 38 181 46 70 .387 42 41 34 62 60 43 .346 .326 321 40 49 .299 ILLIAM COLLIER sx THE PERFECT PICTURE? Romantic, dramatic, wonderfully acted and produced. It is tense and gripping from the first sceng to the electric climax, and an All-Star ing Cast | THE TALKING PICTURE THAT WILL BE THE TALK OF THE TOWN! Coming Thursday A Great Stage Play ----- Plus a Great Cast -- Plus 100°; Dia- logue! A Great Talking Picture That Will Interest All Lovers of the Spok~n Drama' SCENE OF R.C.G.A. AMATEUR Jasper, Alberta, will be the venue of the Canadian Amateur Cham- pionships of the Royal Canadian Golf Association, August 19th to 24th this year. The Jasper Park Lodge course par of 72 has not yet been made by an amateur player, and many reputations are likely to be shat- tered in the tournament this summer. which has been described by experts as the finest on the continent, will attract many of the outstanding players of North America. The photograph shows the first hole of the Jasper Park Lodge course as seen from the tee. Below is a plan of the first hole with the yardages to scale marked below it. Practically every hole has three tees, but in the amateur champienships all play will be from tee No. 1. Co-incident with the Canadian Amateur Tournament, the Western Canada Amateur will also be played over the Jasper Park Lodge course, It is expected that the course, Racing Programme Has Been Announced newal of the trotting and pacing program annually sponsored by the Canadian National Exhibition has been announced. Offering an ag- gregate of $8,500 in purses, its outstanding features are the two futurity races inaugurated by the Canadian Standard-Bred Society and having respectve guaranteed values of $3,000 and $2,000. The two futurities, one for three-year- old trotters and the other for 3- year-old pacers, will be contesteu on Wednesday, September 5, with the 2.10 pace. The complete program: Tuesday, September 3. -- 2.30 trot, purse $500; 2.20 pace, purse $500. Wednesday, September 4.--2.16 trot, purse $500; 2.30 pace, purse $500. Thursday, September 5. pace, purse $500. The Futurity for three-year-old pacers, owned, foaled and trained in Canada. Purse $200 ana sil- ver cup donated by the Dominion Harness Horse Association. The Futurity, for three-year-old trotters, owned, foaled and trained in Canada, purse $3,000 and sil- ver cup donated by the Toronto Driving Club. 2.10 SIX U. S. PLAYERS LEFT IN TOURNEY Sandwich, Eng., June 12.--With the completion today of the first round in the Britisn amateur golf championship, and disposal of half of the second round, two major up- sets were recorded. Lord Charles Hope and Major C. O. Hezlet, mem- bers of the last Dritish Walker cup team, were defeated while Cyril Tolley and a few other fav- ored ones had narrow secapes. Six United States aspirants for the crown remain in the competi- tion: Robert Baugh, Jr., Douglas Grant, Joshua Crane and Charles Sweeney remain as the result of victories today. Stuart Scheftel advanced through a default while the highly touted John Dawson of Chicago, is to play his first match tomorrow. Joshua Crane's 18- inch putter was good enough to dispose of Lord Charles Hope, four and two, today. LEAFS GET NEW FIELDER Toronto, June 12.--The Toronto Baseball club has obtained Out- fielder Jonathan T. Stone from the Detroit Tigers, Vice-President Jim Dunn of the Leafs announced last night, and it is expected that the player will report to Manager O'Neill at Baltimore in time for to-day's game. Or it may be that he may be delayed until Thurs- day and join the team at Reading. Stone was to have come to the Leafs three weeks ago, but Harry Rice was injured and caused the delay. Stone is a hard hitter, a "good outfielder and fast. The Toronto club is hot after an experienced catcher. Efforts were made to obtain Larry Woodall from the Tigers, but he has been .sent to the Portland club of the Pacific. Coast league. TWO SWIMMERS LOSE STANDing New York, June 12--The Amateur Ttheltic Union today locked the doors of amateur competition against two United States Olympic champions, both women. Miss Martha Norelius, winner of the 400-metre free-style swim at Am- sterdam last summer, and Miss Helen Meany, Olympic Tow-board - diving title-holder, were found guity of giv- ing unauthorized exhibitions with prp- fessionals. Toronto, June 12.--The 1929 re- | Slips One More INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost C Rochester 32 18 Baltimore ... 28 Reading .... 24 Toronto . or 28 Newark .... 23 Montreal 24 Buffalo Jersey City TUESDAY'S SCORES Jaltimore Toronto .... in SENATORS EASILY 2| berry [SPORT SNAPSHOTS uklatl New Martin his regrets that Oshawa can not see supplied by Carew Lumber Company. not say that they will win easily as vicey versey, by all teams in the loop. as they have both won a game. Our attention has been called to the fact that, after making a creditable ! owing in the Junior and Juvenile serics of the Ontario Baseball Amateur | \ssociation last year, there is no teams entered in either of these series in Jshawa this year and as the enquiry comes from the Secretary of the O.B.A.A., he would like to know the why and wherefor and also states among the Churches, Y.M.C.A. or Rotary Club. We have an intermediate team, have we not? they are rather secretive and since their two wins for as many games they have grown indifferent to the baseball loving public. They had a practice last night and will likely 'be playing a home game this week. The problem of handling a crowd at the Rotary Park at the girl's games has been solved, and it did not take them long, and the necessity of some accommodation for the crowd was apparrent. Tonight at the first league game, the fans will be able to see the game while sitting down on brand new benches, the lumber for which was The league proper gets started tonight with the Whitby Ladies playing the Marquettes in a nine inning league game. small game by the Marquettes on Monday and two or three games played by the Whitby Team, the Marquettes should win the game, show the fans of Oshawa that they can play ball. In the hardball game the General Motors will have to step to defeat the Petes as they have a aggregation composed of veterns that are up to the tricks of winning ball games and they will be here trying: Oshawas youth and hitting and fielding ability should see them through and though the locals have only played three games, they have two wins to their credit. The General Motors get the call here, while in Peterboro it is likely The junior lacrosse team play their firfist game tonight in Weston and with the large turnout of new material, cdach Pete Walsh expects to win the first game against the crack Weston team. ( Pete says that he will start coaching the youngsters in ernest and believes that before the season is far advanced the Oshawa Juniors will be repected In the Junior Softball game at Cowans Park, the Fittings Limited will win (guess). It is no certainity and in fact is a risky thing to guess on, The Fittings defeating Red Aces while the King Street Juniors took their victory from the U.A.C. but were forced to go ten innings to get the decision, their way clear to sponso a league Sure we have, but Monday the park opencd On past performances, a That does the Whitby girls are determined to After this game however, FRISCH AND HITS FEATURE St. Louis, June 12.--Frankie Frisch hit his first home-run of the season and added a triple and two singles yesterday as the Cardinals defeated' Philadelphia, 10 to 3, making it a grand slam in the four-game serics, O'Doul also hit for the circuit, Eddie Delker, rookie from Topekt, Kansas, doubling for Andy High, Car- dinal third baseman, who has an in- jured thumb, slammed out a triple with two men on base. By their victory, the Cardinals stay- ed a pace behind the league-leading Pirates in the standings. DEFEAT INDIANS Washington, June 12--Fred Mar- kept Clevland's 11 hits well scattered, and Washington yesterday defeated the Indians 13 to 3. The Senators batted harde against three Reading Rochester Montreal. . Newark Buffalo .. Jersey City AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost 35 11 18 >) 761 609 S560 Philadelphia New York .. St. Louis ... Detroit Cleveland Washington Chicago Boston TUESDAY'S SCORES Detroit. ....... 5 Boston Philadelphia...14 Washington. ..13 Cleveland New York ...11 St. Louis NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost 17 Chicago' © .v.vae i, Pittsburg St. Louis Chicago New York Philadelphia Cincinnati Boston Brooklyn se MH TUESDAY'S SCORES New York .... 9 Cincinnati , Pittsbury...... 3 Brooklyn St. Louis 10 Philadelphia ... Three games played. INTERNATIONAL BISONS WIN AND EVEN SERIES | Jersey City, June 12.--Inability to hit Vernon ("Slicker") Parks with men in scoring opsition cos the Jersey City Skeeters a clo and hard-fought contest with Dr falo here yesterday, the Bi evening the series by winning 2 1. Bill Henderson pitched ball for the Skeeters, but Buffa bunched hits in two innings, 20 READING DEFEATS LEADING TEAM Reading, June 12.--Reading 1e- pulsed the League-leading Roches- ter Red Wings here yesterday, taking a 4 to 3 decision on Eddie Holley's five-hit pitching. Holley allowed only two hits up" to the ninth, but weakened, and then the Red Wings scored two runs on three hits and a walk. ORIOLES' HOMERS SLIPPING LEAFS Baltimore, June 12, It was just too bad, but the Orioles had been on something of a hitting di- et for several days, with only 16 hits in the past three games. " So they gave their hit appetites full sway in the fourth game of the series with the Toronto Leafs yesterday and the result was that they masticated 17 blows trom four visiting pitchers to win, 14 to 6. Herman Holshauser opened pro- ceedings on the local peak and despite the fact that he retired in favor of Vic Ken in the sixth, Her- man uncovered a meat brand of | hurling. :| pitchers, and scored off each one. ROYALS TAKE DOUBLE WIN Newark, June 12.--Newark lost two games to the Montreal Royas here pesterday, the scores being 4 to 1 and 8 to 6. Chief Hogset, Indian southpaw, tamed the Bears in the opener. In the nightcap the Royals scored sev- en runs in the final two innings to THURS. -- FRI -- SAT, ALL STAR MYSTERY DRAMA FEATURE Vaudeville STARTING New Serial THE FINAL RECKONING COMEDY Lupino Lane IN Battling Sisters take the verdict. Fowler hit a home run in the inning with two men on, DETROIT WIN RUBBER GAME | Boston, June 12--Detroit took the! odd game of its series with Boston here yesterday by a 5 to 3 score. The Sox outhit the Tigers, getting 11 hits of Owen Carroll. Detroit's big inning was the third when Fothergill « singled with the bases loaded to score two runs, and Gehringer's sacrifice fly scored an- other, game of the series, two games in the series of four, PIRATES TAKE ROBINS Pittsburg, June 12--Dave Ban croft's low throw in the ninth on double-play set-up, gave the Pirate two runs and a 3 to 2victory over the Robins here yesterday in the final Each team won| Irvin Brame and Cliso Dudley en-| gaged in a pretty pitchers' battle, but Dudley got himself into trouble in the] ninth, setting the stage for Bancroft's misplay by filling the bases with one out. "Canada beverage. you get there . THE thrill of going from the warm, moist air of the plains to the cool, fresh breezes of the mountains is the thrill of drinking "Canada Dry," a better, purer, finer, more delicious + Pure as the air which blows off a snow-field . . « exhil- arating as the climb which takes you up to it . . . refreshing as the rest you take when cool as the mountain The finer quality of Dry" is the difference between mountains and plains old ginger ale! ginger Dry." in exa tested tory dinary lake you quench your thirst in . . . that's the thrill of this fine Only pure Jamaica quality ingredients are used in "Canada carbonated by a se- cret process and daily purity. yourself the finer quality of this extraor« and other high- It is blended ct proportions, under labora- methods for Find out for beverage. 'CANADA DRY" The (Champagne of Ginger Ales Canada Dry Ginger Ale Limited, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal Formerly J. J. McLaughlin Limited, and Caledonia Springs Corporation Limited

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