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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1929 PACE NINE PRIVATE PLANES NUMEROUS IN ® GREAT BRITAIN Men Go To Business by Air --Society Boys and Girls Fly London, June 14.--Flappers, titled grandmothers, bankers and young and old of all professions are becoming air-minded so fast that English manufacturers of light model sporting airplanes have become spirited competitors of automobile salesmen. There is one London businses man who every morning steps into his light plane at Stag-Lane air- fied and wings his way down to the south coast for a bit of salt sea air before tackling his day's work in the city. © There are society boys and girls who ship over to Le Touquet, fashionable English resort on the French coast, for a round of golf and tea, returning to their London homes in time for dinner and the theatre. The Englishman, because he is so fond of his week-end excur- sions, is taking up the airplane with a vim for it allows him to hop over to France, Belgium or Holland with a minimum loss of time, This method of travel com- pletely removes the delays and discomforts of crossing the chan- pel, which has always been a stumbling stone for internationai visitors, According to an official of the DeHaviland Alrcraft Company manufacturers of the light and popular Moth, there are at present more than 300 privately owned and piloted Moths in England. The number is growing rapidly every month, President Cosgrave, of the Irish Free State, often uses an airplane to keep his appointments, while ciety women in London have und it the most convenient meth- pd of getting to and from their pountry estates. There is a strong movement on foot among the country clubs to rovide landing fields for their embers, Several private estates plready have laid out fields for personal use and the convenience of friends who wish to make an aerial tea-time call, . Advocates of the light private plane say that it is cheaper to travel by plane than by boat and train, For about $4.50 it is pos- sible to fly to Paris fromm London. At Stag-Lane airdrome the prob- lem of housing has been solved by the construction of a number of small hangars. A machine is cared for and housed for about £15 a month, CHINESE TERRITORY INVADED BY SOVIET Troops Cross Siberian Bor- der and Establish Outposts DIRECT WAR MOVE Dictator of Manchuria Sends Urgent Message for Aid London, June 14.--~The Express today prints a dispatch from Pek- ing, China, saying that Soviet Rus- sia has launched the first direct war move against China, following the recent raids, on Soviet con- sulates in Manchuria, Soviet troops were reported to have crossed the Siberian border and to have estab- lished outposts east of Manchuli, The 'Soviets were said to be rushing reinforcements in special trains over the trans-Siberian rail- way. Chang Hsiao-Liang, dictator ,of Manchuria, in succession to his father, the late Chang Tso-Lin,*has sent an urgent appeal to Nanking, advising that measures be taken to protect his territory. A plen- ary session of the central executive has been convened hurriedly vo consider the situation. The Russian outposts were said to be at Khailar, northwestern Manchuria. Provincial troops wera under arms at Heilungkiang and others were available at Kirin and Fengtien. The Express says that outer Mongolia may be already consider- ed diplomatically the ally of Rus- sia, whose next move probabiy would be occupation of part of Manchuria, to be held until satis- GENERAL CHARLES G. DAWES New U. 8. envoy to Great Britain, will be received by the King wihitn 24 hours of his arrival in England immediately follow- ing which he is expected to visit Premier MacDonald in Scotland, with a view to are ranging a conference between the premier and President Hoover in Washington to dis- cuss naval disarmament, faction for recent raids on Soviet consulates is received and the own- ership of the Chinese Eastern rail. way settled. The government of Nanking was said to have been notified by its consuls in Russia that the consul- ates were surrounded by Russian troops. TWO HURT AT GAS STATIUN Guelph, June 14,--Struck by a motor car driven by Mrs. A, E. Co- mar, while standing in front of a local service station yesterday, El- mer Cosford, well-known Guelph merchant, and Claude Foster, ser- vice station attendant, suffered severe injuries. Apparently becom- ing confused while proceeding in- to the station, Mrs, Comar drove her car into the two men who were conversing near one of the gaso- line pumps, pinning Cosford up ®:ainst another automobile, and throwing Foster to the pavement. Although the extent of their injur- jes has not been determined, it is believed that neither suffered broken bones. LOOK at these ! Values Chevrolet, 1920 Sedan, driven less than 1000 miles, new car guarantee. Chevrolet, 1928 Coach, Looks and runs like new car. 0. K. sale price Oakland, 1928 Landau Sedan, has had the best of care and in Al condi- tion, O. K. sale price $1125 Oakland 1927 Sedan. Has had the best of care and in Al condition. O. K, Price, $765 Chevrolet, 1928 Dump Truck, with four wheel brakes and four speerl transmission. 2 new tires on rear. 0. K. price $700 Pontiac, 1927 Coach. Just overhauled, new tires. 0. K. sale price cl now. 'We can save you money on 'UAd Used Cars SPECIAL VALUE Chevrolet, 1927 Sedan, in first class condition. O.K. sale price $495 Now is the time to save money on a good used car! The sensational success of the new Chevrolet Six has given us an unusu- ally wide selection of fine used cars taken in trade. These have been thoroughly re- conditioned by our expert mechanics and have been specially priced for quick action. Some typical bargains are listed at the left. Like all our "O.K. that Counts" used cars, they can be bought on extremely reason- able terms! Come in to-day--you can save money if you act at once. USED CARS YOUNG LONDONER ALLEGED SLAYER Girl Strangled at Port Huron and Fiancee Missing London, Ont., June 14.--<Police nets have been spread in London and dis- trict since carly yesterday morning in the hope of catching Alfred Loune, the 22-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. William Loune of Manor Park, who, it is alleged, last night strangled his 17-year -old fiancee, Breatrice Frye, in the home of her brother, Robert Frye, in Port Huron. Until two years ago the youth lived with his parents here and since that time he has been working in Port Huron and boarding near the home of the dead girl. In February he and the young woman visited at the Loune home here and the young mans parents were much pleased with the girl, whom Alfred said he was soon to marry. Mr, and Mrs. Loune were surprised some time ago when they received a letter from him telling them that the parents of the bride- to-be had objected and the wedding had been indefinitely postponed. Port Huron police say Loune and his sweetheart quarrelled last night be- cause she had been going to parties with other youths, and the slaying followed. "From observations I made," said Mr. Loune, who operates a turkey farm on his premises at the end of Emery Street, "my son was madly in- fatuated with the girl. Everwhere he went he took Miss Frye. He gave her a nice diamond ring, and both Mrs. Loune and myself were somewhat surprised that the wedding had not already taken place. We were aware that the girl'st mother did not want her to get married, but we never con- sidered her objections were so strong as to break off the engagement." CANGER RESEARCH ON A HUGE SCALE Greatest Laboratory in the World to be Built in Chicago Chicago, June 14.-- The greatest cancer research laboratory in the world is to be established here in connection with the Cook coun'y hospital, This was the announcement to- day by Dr. Charles Mayo, just in from Rochester, Minn, Dr. Mayo this morning ventured the opinion that the institute will be in op- eration in another month, Edwin N, Hurley, civic leader, and former head cf the United States shipping board, is to be chairman of a local board for the clinic, the doctor said. Asked what his own part would he, he replied depreciatingly: "1 will be just a gencral deliver- er." Dr, Mayo, for a year, has been working to bring the plan to frui- tion. A great part of the work is to be carried on by research work- ers of Northwestern university, Loyola, the University of Chizago and the University of Illinois. There have been conferences with representatives of the schools in preparation for such co-operation. "All of the local committees and groups which already have taken up the cancer problem and have become interested in it will be represented on the local board," Dr. Mayo sald. ARRESTED MAN DIES ON WAY T0 JAIL Real Estate Agent To Be Charged With Theft of $5,000 Toronto, Ont., June 14.--Thom- as R. Tennant, a member of a firm of real estate agents, was taken ill in a cell at the Court street police station following his arrest yester- day on a theft charge. He: was rushed to St. Michael's hogpital where he was pronounced dead. Tennant was arrested in his of- fice on a warrant charging the theft of $5,000. The sergeant who registered him at the police sta- tion noticed that he did not look well. In response to his query Tea- nant said "This has got me un- nerved." Tennant was consigned to a cell. He was found lying on hix cot. He was placed in an ambul- ance and taken to the hospital. The police stated last night they believed death was from natural causes, Other charges were to have been laid against Tennant and bail had been set at $20,000. Tennant was 44 years of age and married. NORTH OSHAWA NEWS -------- North Oshawa, June 11.--Rers. Mr. Bunner, of Bowmanville, the regular pastor here, was unable to be with us on Sunday owing to the death of his son-in-law, at Wel. come. Mr. Taylor, of Oshawa, took the service and his message A. L. Gerry was in Chicago last week attending the Majestic Radio Convention. Other newcomers to North Osh- awa are Mr. and Mrs. Walters, who have moved into Mr. Armour's house. Mr. and Mrs. Gullivor and child- ren and Mr. and Mrs, Frank James and children all motored to Ty- rone on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glover visited Mr, and Mrs. Will Bromell at Co- lumbus on Sunday. Misses Olive Dunn and Heard, of Oshawa, visited Mrs. A. Beckett on Sunday. - North Oshawa softballers play- ed Thornton's Corners at Thorn- ton's Corners on Monday evening and were the victors. Mr. ad Mrs. John Alexander and Miss Francis and Mrs. Russell Jel- low and two sons, Bud and Ted, motored to Cobourg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and daughters, Kathleen and Dorothy, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Walker, Kenneth Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. F. R, Kirby and children are staying with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover, while they build a home on Or- chard View Blvd. FOUR CARS SIDESWIPED Brantford, June 14.--~The cars of John McChesney, city; J. J. Ni- chal, Clinton; Charles H. Lambier, Echo Place, and R, J. McCarthney, Detroit, were sideswiped on the Hamilton Highway late Thursday night by a car driven by Robert Douglas, West Hamilton, who lost control. All five cars were dam- aged.. Douglas will face a charge of reckless. driving tomorrow, There are certain types of cheese which mold very easily and when left for a few days may not be used. Cheese will not mold it it is wrapped in a cloth dipped in vinegar and kept in a covered dish, to another. snubber. Oshawa thrust of the shock through slowing the spring action by means of a heavy glycerine solution, which is forced through a small valve from one compartment i. Positive--Smooth-- Double Acting-- JH OUPAILLE Hydfiulic Sige Abicetars; 08 to every Ford car, are entirely defensive in th: action since they remain inactive' and in neutra position on smooth roads. Let a wheel encounter the slightest depression or bump, however; and they respond with the velvet precision of a cat's paw, Houdaille Shock Absorbers were 20h the Ford car after it was built, but were part of the speci. fications laid down by the Ford engineers as they =" .nned the car. Therefore, Houdailles, their power- ful operation coordinated, became integral parts of the complete chassis. It is for this reason that they function with such perfect efficiency on the Ford PRETEEN Houdailles absorb both the upward and downward They check the rebound of the car Inspect the Ford car carefully part by part. Then know the thrill of driving it. By its performance you will realize the easy riding comfort of an Houdaille equipped Ford. softly, exert no tension on the springs and are always ready to offer resistance to the blow when and as required. In fact, the more severe the shock, the more effectively Houdailles operate. Different from any other shock absorber, the Houdaille connecting link between the frame and the axle of the car is a steel arm, not just a fabric strip to wear outand be replaced. Adjustable to suit differing road conditions and various loads, the Houdaille is more than a shock absorber and more than a absorbers of gasoline to Ford Car Features Cholce of colours £3 to 65 miles an hour 40-horse power engine Full balloon tires Fully enclosed siz-brake system 4 Houdaille hydraulie shoek 20 to 20 miles per pellon Shatterproof glass windshield Theft proof ignition lock Reliability and low upkeep Arrange for your demonstration vide with the i, mearest Ford dealer Universal Motor Sales A. F. COX, DEALER Ontario Street William Street William Street Oshawa Boulevard Oshawa Boulevard Roxborough Avenue Roxborough Avenue Location Ritson Rd. to Oshawa Blvd, Ritson Rd. to Oshawa Blvd, South Limit of Lot 36, Plan 150 to Elgin St South Limit of Lot 35, Plan 150 to Elgin St. Colborne St. to Elgin St. Colborne St. to Elgin St. Side Width . Length 510.50 § 510.50 § 1,084.50 § 084.50 § 1 '637.25 $ 637.25 $_ 53/8314" 53/814 58/83" 53/83," 53'83, 53/83" North South West East East West Estimated Cost 255.25 § 255.25 $ 542.25 $ 542.25 § 318.63 § 318.63 $ Local Improvement -- William Street Opening TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to open, as a local improvement, William Street from the present East end of said Street as shown on Plan 197 to Oshawa Boulevard, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work and upon the land which is immediately benefitted by the work as follows: -- Esti mated cost, per foot ftge. 136.37 8 0.50 186.37 8 0.50 333.62 8 0.50 321.18 8 0.50 22081 8 0.50 188.31 # 0.50 City's Property ? share owner's share 118.88 § 118.88 8 208.63 $ 221.12 8 88.82 § 130.32 8 West Limit of Lot 68, Plan 150 to East Lmit of Lot 51, Plan 249 West Limit of Lot 67, Plan 150 to East Limit of Lot 29, Plan 249 Roxborough Ave. to East Limit of Lot 257, Plan 190 Roxborough Ave. to East Limit of Lot 142, Plan 190 West Limit of Lot 101, Plan 150 to East limit of Lot 87, Plan 150 TOTAL: -- The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen annual instalments. 3. A petition to the said Council will not avail to prevent the opening of said street, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. ' was well received. Mr. Taylor has spoken here before and he has al- ways a welcome at North Oshawa. The attendance at both services was not good owing no doubt to the good weather. Prayer service will be held at the church on Tues- day evening. Miss Lillian home with her week-end. Mr. and Mrs. I'leming, of Har- mony, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rous- ° ton, on Sunday. » Mr. and Mrs. Tattersall and fam- ily motored to Cobourg on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond recently moved to North Oshawa from Guelph and are residing in 'fthe house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. English, Colborne 'Street 14281 8 14231 $ 0.50 146.50 8 146.50 § 0.50 11250 8 56258 28.13 8 28.12 $ 050 12300 § 61.50 8 30758 30.75 $ 0.50 380.00 § 190.00 § 05.00 8 95.00 $ 0.50 6,235.25 $3,117.03 § 1,320.34 § 1,788.20 284.62 § 208.00 § 560.25 § 586.00 # with 'an OK that counts TE ane i police North 53'8%" 58/81" 53/814" 538%" 533%" Colborne Street South Beverley Street North Beverley Street Ontario Motor Sales OSHAWA USED CARS with an OA that counts South Phillips was at | Elgin Street parents for the South 4. Aby-law for undertaking the work will be considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 15th day of July, 1929, or at a regular or special meeting thereof to be held thereafter. Dated, Oshawa, June 12th 1929. F. E. HARE, City Clerk.

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