' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1929 PACE THIRTEEM 'RUST PERIL 10° WHITE PINE TREE Destructiv eFungus Starts in o Fruit Bushes and Spreads to Trees Montreal, June 15--White pine blister rust, a tree disease that was first 'brought into Canada from Eur- ope in 1907 on imported white pine nursery stock, is now doing damage to white pine trees at Hudspn Height and is regarded as a serious menace to white pine trces in the Dominion. Confirmation of the reported blister rust at Hudson Heights has been made by Dr. H. T. Gussow, Domin- ion Botanist, and A. W, McCallum, Forest Pathologist, who have visited the infected area resently, and advise the destruction of all the currant and gooseberry bushes in that district in "order to save the pines as the disease is spread to the trces from the fruit bushes in question. The Gazette says: About seven years ago an outbrake took place at St. Andrews East, Quebec. From there it has spread to the vicinity of Hudson "Heights. All pines having their leaves in cluster of five are sub- ject to attack by blister rust. * The fungus cannot spread directly from pine to pine, but must first pass through an intermediate stage on currant or gooseberry bushes. Dr. Gussow, said yesterday that if the far- mers and residents of the Hudson Heights district wish to save -the beautiful white pines of the district as well as the new plantations, they must destroy all currant and goose- verry bushes, both cultivated and wild. "A regular campaign should be in- itiated at once to eliminate these bushes. All currant and gooseberry bushes growing within 900 feet of the pines should be removed. In the case of cultivated black currants which are specially susceptible to rust, it is ab- solutely necessary to remove these for a distance of one mile from the pines to be protecttd. "Blister rust is a disease fatal to white pines. It is caused by a fungus which completes its life cycle by growing upon currant or gooseberry leaves, The fungus enters a pine tree by way of the needles and from these grows downwards into the bark. "It is an insidious disease because it is only during May and June of cach year, when the blister appears that it is at all conspicuous, The spores produced by the perennial cankers on the pine help to infect eventually all currants and goose- berries in the vicinity in the spring and in late summer and autumn the rust spreads back to the pines. "A stand of white pine may thus appear to the casual obseryer to be quite healthly, even though it may be very severely infected with rust. Dead branches with yellow leaves appearing among the green foliage of a tree arc often indications of the presence of rust. : DRIVER DIES AT WHEEL St. Mary's, June 15. -- While driving his car between St. Mary's and Stratford on Highway No. 7 about 10 o'clock yesterday, Mr. Edmonds, of West Lorne, was sud- denly stricken with heart failure and died, the car running into the ditch, Mr. Edmonds, who was ac- companied by his wife, was on his way to Listowel. Just as they reached the corners at Conroy, his wife saw him raise his hands from the steering wheel and exclaim, "Oh, my heart!" He expired au once. what it means foowna Nov i Chevrolet affords you the _ opportunity to indulge your preference for six cylinder perfor- mance . . makes it possible for you to get the full enjoyment out of motoring that only a six can give . . and all without going outside the price-range of the four. And the Outstanding Chevrolet does more. It provides the distinctive au- thentic styling of big, roomy Bodies by Fisher, finished in the season's smartest colorings. It offers a com- pleteness and quality of appoint- ments in keeping with its external beauty. And it gives you, in addi tion, the safety of sure, smooth four- wheel brakes, the easy-riding fort of resifient,! spect ' com- ft means torown and drive-a six. Quistanding CHEVROLET PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Ontario Motor OSHAWA WHITBY Sales, Ltd. BOWMANVILLE T'S IT'S CANADIAN BETTER .BECA More Boys Planning to Make Buchanan's Alaska Tour BUCHANAN'S Boys ATLIN, 8.C, 'o ® AT AAKE *a Geo.E. BucHANAN of BucHANAN DRIVES 4 DoG TEAM 8. a. Goose E. Buchanan, sponsor and backer of and rooter for the movement of boys to Alaska, is planning to take 50 or more to the far north the coming summer. Buchanan, who is president of the Detroit Coal Exchange and five coal companies and a bachelor, be- lieves that a trip to Alaska, pro- vided a boy partly earns his way, will be a wonderful formative in- cident in his life. He has already taken 300 boys to Alaska, and this will be his seventh annual person- ally conducted tour. The boys, ages 9 to 17, must earn one-third of the cost of the trip ($125.00); the parents advance a third and Buchanan loans the boy one third, which is to be repaid later at the boy's leisure. D S Buchanan, who gets letters from [not get sick, or if they had a bit all over the United States and Can-| of indisposition, the wonderful ada addressed "Alaska, Buchanan, |climate pepped them up and put Detroit," tells the boy who writes | them back on their feet immediate- to him direct from anywhere how |ly. "One boy gained 19 lbs. during he can earn his third by selling |the month's tour," said Buchanan, pencils, kitchen tongs, coal, steel|and every boy has gone home a ash baskets, etc. Boys who qualify | better boy physically, mentally and go westward through Canadian|as a young business man. He has Rockies, seeing Banff and Lake |seen Alaska's wonders and has Louise, then north to Alaska on |:2arned part of the money to fin- the "Princess Louise." They see |ance the trip, which covers about the wonders of Alaska and return [8,000 miles and lasts a whole by the "Princess" to Vancouver |month. One of my youngest boys, and homeward through the United | who is 5 years old, has already States, thus viewing the finest |earned about $80, and if he gets scenery in Canada, Alaska and the | his third together on his own ef- States. Buchanan goes with them | forts, he will be in our party this on every trip and gives them his |summer, even if he is only six persohal care. years old. Any boy, anywhere can When asked what he did if they | go, provided he gets his parents' got sick, he declared that they did | consent and earns his third." ¢ 324 FRENCH TROOPS ATTACK MOORS, THIRTY-FIVE DEAD French Planes Bomb Tribes- men--~Foreign Legion on Way to Rescue Rabat, 'Morocco, Jume 15, -- While rebellious Moorish tribes- men beseiged French detachments at Alt Yakoub, other French col- onial troops have penetrated treir own. country and captured their village of Tounfit, Thirty five of the Mooris tribes- men were killed; the French at- tackers finding 30 rifles and tak- ing six prisoners. Due possibly to this attack at their rear and to the severe pun- ishment to which French aero- planes have subjected them the be- siegers at Ait Yakoub have begun to withdraw, the tribesmen leaving in small numbers for their homes on the northern slopes of the great Atlas Range. Meanwhile French reinforce- ments, including eight battalions of the French Foreign Legion, un- der General Freydenberg, were ap- proaching Ait Yakoub and were expected to {Initiate retributive measures almost at once. No other. desert tribes seemed vesterday to have joined with the dissident Moors, who June 9 a.- tacked the French detachment at El Mordj, pursuing it to Ait Ya- koub. Eighty three were missing. ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURY Toronto, June 15, -- A narrow escape from serious injury was ex- perienced by A. Davey of Law- rence avenue west, North York whose car was struck by a truck owned by Gunn Packing Co., on Dufferin street, near the corner of McDougall avenue, last night, Davey attempted to turn from the right side of the street, going north, into an alley on the left side. In doing so he did not not- ice the truck approaching. His car was struck, the truck mount- ing up on the hood of the light sedan, which was owned by A. C. Saunders, Ashburton road. Davey was slightly cut about the the face and hands. OSHAWA n Saturday, June 22 ROM EVE / EPO THE) GREATEST | IRCUS COMPLETE PERFORMANCES DAILY AT 2 AND 8 PM. DOORS OPEN 1 HOUR EARLIER : SEATS ON SALE CIRCUS DAY AT JURY & LOVELL, DRUG STORE SAME PRICE AS AT THE SHOW GROUNDS at 11:00 A.M. rain or Shing pM Pyramid and National Brand . Portland Cement Sole Agents Fred Flintoft & Sons 13 King St. W. Phone 1500 and McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Ltd. 'Phone 1246 110 King St. W. WEATHER CHANGES LIFT UP SIDEWALK Ottawa People easily Alarm- ed as Result of Recent Explosion Ottawa, June 15.--Cracks and up- heavals in the sidewalks of this city have caused some uncasiness among citizens and some of them have ex- pressed fear of explosions similar to wse which recently occurred with ch serious effect. A few days ago a resident of Bank street became al- armed and telephoned to the engin- eering department in the city hall that the sidewalk had: "blown up." Members of the engineering staff hur- ried to the scene and found the cause of the alarm was a small upheaval in the sidewalk. Seweral such alarms have occurred within a few days, cracks or uphecav- als in sidewalks or pavements being reported. Commissioner of Works A F. Macallum, however, states that these have nothing to do with the recent sewer explosion but are par- ticularly noticed at present because the nerves of many people are "jumpy" as a result of the big ex- plosion. Deputy Commissioner. F, C, Askwith says there are about S50 sidewalks and pavements in various parts of 'the city with recent cracks or upheavals, but such things occur annually and are observed after sud- den changes in tlc weather. These are due to sudden expansion, to roots of trees causing sidewalks to heave up, and other causes, he says, TWO LITTLE GIRLS INJURED Toronto, June 15, -- Struck by automobiles Agnes Todd, of Gwynne avenue, 15 years old, and Doris Andon, 11 of 40 Bolton aven- ue recived injuries yesterday. The Todd girl was hurt by a car driven by Daniel Roberts of 249 Kenilworth avenue, on Queen street near Carlaw, while the An- don child was injured by an auto- mobile in the same neighborhooa, driven by Charles" Fleming of Oshawa. Neither girl was seri- ously injured. MOVING AMYWHERE HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION. MEANS RELJABLF SERVICE Phone 82 COLEMAN: CARTAGE BY Wo led NE T,) LONG DISTANCE pEEENSNENENEEENENENANINNNE ENE NEENENENEN Te: a ------T C. CHURCHLEY For satisfactory repairing bring your watch and clock work to Churchley. We guarantee all repairs--Prices reasonable. Old gold and silver bought or exchanged for new goods, ig Jhe Credit Jeweller 23 P When We Test Eyes=--ItlIs Done Properly JURY & LOVELL Optical Parlors hone 28 or 2 kar Mill Street and Help Build Up SHOPPING DISTRICT Every Dollar Spent in Oshawa Helps to Build Up Our City. YOUR LAUNDRY DONE PROPERLY "Just Phone 2520 and a driver will call OSHAWA LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning Co. "You Get Married--We Feather the Nest" 19 Simcoe Street South Phone 701 Radios--~and the Wonder Orthophonic Also Exclusive Dealer for the Victor Record in Oshawa wn D. J. BROWN King Street: West Phone 18 Oshawa 27 King St. East Sports Wear . Golf Knickers, Golf Hose and Golf Sweaters to match. together with a complete assortment of Summer toggery for sport or business wear. Siberrys' MEN'S WEAR Opposite Post Office pl.