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Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Jun 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1929 "Get the Habit" Come to Sunday Worshi p King St. United Church REV. CHAS. E. CRAGG, M.A, D.D,, MINISTER Address: 189 King B, : Parsonage-~Telephone 218 Churcli----Telephone 2287 SUNDAY, JUNE 16th 11 a.m.--Morning Worship The Rev. Chancellor Bowles Of Victoria College, Toronto, will preach. 12 noon--=Sunday School Session 7 pm. Rev. J. M. Whyte Of Enniskillen will preach ST. ANDREWS Presbyterian Church of the United Church of Canada REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister MISS P. FLETCHER, ASSISTANT - 10 A.M, -- Sunday School 11 a.m, "GETTING THINGS FROM GOD" THE MINISTER Story to Juniors--Miss Fletcher 7 pm.-- "AN HONORABLE NAME" Come and Enjoy These Services Calvary Baptist Church thol ap near Sime REV, 8 rs ACKLAND, B.Th., Minister 10 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL. 11 AM~"THE LAD WHO KILLED A GIANT" Special Sermon for the Children who are requested to remain For Short Morning Service 7PM, "WHY WILL CHRIST COME AGAIN?" Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Society. Wednesday, 8 p.m~Prayer Meeting, ¥riday, 8 p.m.~--Choir Rehearsal "ALBERT ST. UNITED CHURCH REV. R. A. WHATTAM CHILDREN'S DAY Rev. W. H. Prescott will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The unveiling of a window. A most interesting program by the children at both ser- vices. ; Monday Evening--Social Function EVERYBODY WELCOME ER GRACE Lutheran Church Sunday, June 16 WELCH'S PARLOURS 9.30 a.m.--~Sunday School. 10,30 a.m.~=Public Worship Rev. A. C. Hahn, 255 Athol st. B. ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME Methodist Church OF CANADA Over Arcade Pastor: Rev. E. R. Orser. Sunday, June 16 3 p. m. -- Evangelistic Service. ALY Thursday 8 p.m.--~Prayer -|| Meeting. "Come and We Will Do ° Thee Good." a Ab St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sta. CANON C. R. dePENCIER, M. A. Centre Street UNITED CHURCH REV. W. P, FLETCHER, B.A, D.D. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.~"The Long- ing of Jesus 39 Athol Street West Holy Communion--=$ a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday School 7 p.m.--' 'The Pinnacle Centre St.=~2.30 p.m. of Knowledge." : 7 p.m.~Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month. Mon. 8 p.m. -- Young Peoples. Ot + In City C} Churches AT GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Student Bernhard P. Habn, who has completed a year of supply work in Richmond, Virginia, will preach in the morning service of Grace Lutheran Church, He is en- rolled as a student of Concordia Seminary at St. Louis, Mo., and will complete his study for the Lutheran ministry in the ensuing school year. Those who hear him preach will be convinced that the Lutheran ministry, young and old, is thoroughly fundamental and scriptural in its stand. REV. A, R. SANDERSON IN SIMCOE STREET CHURCH Rev. A. R. Sa nw, of Whit- by, will occupy the pulpit of Sim- coe Street United Church at both morning and evening services on Sunday. In the morning, his sub- ject will be, "Stoning Christ," and in the evening he will speak on "The Young Man as a Son." ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Miss Pearl Fletcher, B.A., assis- tant to the pastor of St. Andrew's United Church, will take a special part in the service of, the church on Sunday morning, when she will tell the story for the junior con- gregation. A special invitation is extended to parents to bring their children with them to this service. CHRIST CHURCH The Rev, W. G. G. Dreyer of Bobcaygeon, will occupy the pulpit at Christ Church, (Anglican), at both of the services on Sunaay. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Mayor T. M. Mitchell, the city council, and the members of the board of education of the city, will attend Holy Trinity Church at the morning service on Sunday, At three o'clock in the afternoon the church parade of the Independent Order of Foresters will be held in this church, NORTH SIMCOE SUNDAY SCHOOL The Sunday School of North Simcoe United Church will meet at 10 am. on Sunday, and its ses- sion will be concluded before the Jegular eleven o'clock church ser- vice. MEETING IN FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH On Tuesgay evening next a pub- lic meeting is to be held in First Baptist church under the aus- pices of the Sons of Temperance, with Mayor Mitchell as chairman for the occasion. At the services on Sunday, Rev. J. N. Norton, of Cobourg, will oc- cupy the pulpit and preach both morning and évening. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH With the Bible School meeting in the morning at 10 a.m., the children are heartily invited to re- main for the morning church ser- vice at eleven, when the pastor, the Rev. H. A. Ackland, will deliv- er a special sermon for the child- ren, on the subject, "The Lad Who Killed a Giant." KING ST. CHURCH The Rev. Chancellor Bowles, of Toronto, will preach in King St. United Church, tomorrow morn- ing. Dr, Bowles neéds no 1uero- duction to an Oshawa audience. He is generally recognized as one of the foremost preachers in Can- ada. At the evening service the Rev. J. M. Whyte of Enniskillen will preach. Mr, Whyte was superin- tendent of Missions for several years in the north country, and for some time was a member of the home Missionary Society of the former Methodist Church. He is a very interesting spesker. The Rev. C. E. Cragg, of King street church is preaching anniver- sary sermons at Salem on tha Manilla charge tomorrow. Mr, Cragg was a former pastor. RICE SALAD Parboil two green peppers for five minutes, after removing the seeds, then rinse in cold water and drain. Stuff each pepper with a mixture made from one small cup of boiled rice, a tablespoon of chop- ped parsley, two tablespoons chops ped nutmeats and boiled dressing enough to cause the rice to pack readily. Chill on ice and when ready to serve slice the stuffed peppers thinly and arrange on crisp lettuce leaves that have been dipped in French dressing. Top Denunciations of Britain | Are Not India's Only Way Religion and politics are so nearly one in Mr. Gandhi's India that it is interesting to note the feeling of a leading Christian. pa- per, the Indian Witness of Luck- pow, with regard to another na- tional leader and policy. 'An artesian well of good feel- ing was struck by Mr, Sastri on his return to India," says the Witness. "The press of the country is well- nigh unanimous in aceclaiming his triumpli as India's first official overseas ambassador in modern times. Considering the state of his health and the extraordinary in- tensity of racial antagonism with which he had to contend, his achievement is comparable to that of thé youthful hero of the air. Ho went to a people whose com- mon word for Indians without any distinction is 'coolie,' who had no compunction in treating the most enlightened Tndians in their midst with contempt. "By the urbanity and charm of his manner, the persuasiveness and eloquence of his speech, the clear- ness and. power of his logic, the moderation of his demands, the poise which he unfailingly exhibit- ed in all his contacts, the mani- fest strength of his feeling and the infectiousness of his optimism, he compelled the mation to change their thinking about. his people and to import respect and reason into a 'realm where prejudice and crude sélf-interest were ruling with their accustomed arbitrariness and inef- ficlency. "The Indian community in South Africa have been inspired with a new hopefulness and have begun to meet their difficulties in a new spirit of courage and endeavor, New educational institutions have been founded and a mew force has been applied to raising the stand- ards of living of the Indians in the dominion. Friendly Europeans and Africans have been encouraged to assert their influence and use their resources in behalf of understand- ing and friendship. "In India, too, Mr, Sastri's in- fluence has brought about an im- provement of attitude toward the South African people and toward others with whom the nation has problems to settle. 'The triumph of bis methods and his spirit in South Africa commends them to the nation for use everywhere, and especially in India itself in her dealings with Great Britain and In| the dealings of one community of Indians with another. If India had followed Mr. Sastri ten years ago fu his policy of co-operation and good-will instead of Mr. Gandhi and the Ali brothers with their flerce denunciations of the British government ag 'Satanie,' she would have escaped the {ill-will that has begotten the long line of tragedies from the Amritsar and Chaun Chaura affairs to the recent rioting at Bombay." «Divine Provision -- (From The Christian Science Monitor) Humanity seems loath to, accept the fact that right thinking will solve the problem of seeming lack, in whatever phase it may present itself, whether of health, supply, friends, home, or anything good and desirable. Any circumstance which claims to make us suffer lack is a result of the wrong think- ing which seeks to impugn the wholeness or infinitude of God, good. We cannot conceive that anything could be lacking in that| which is whole. A sense of lack, therefore, results from a humaniy circumscribed view of God and His idea, man. Christ Jesus, our Way-shower, made practical use of his knowl- edge of the Father's provision for His children. Many instances of Jesus' bestowments are readily re- called, Because Jesus was ever con- scious of the wholeness of the Fa- ther, he did not suffer lack; and a sense of lack entertained by others vanished in his presence. The great Way-shower met and mastered all attempts of mortal mind to belittle or cast doubt on his teachings and his mission; and in this he reflect- ed the intelligence of divine Mind, complete in wisdom, lacking noth- ing. As we pattern our daily lives af- ter the Master's example, doing the tasks at hand with the realization that we are about our Father's business, endeavoring to express, as he did, the intelligence of the one Mind, we find all sense of lack of what is good and desirable van- ishing from our experience. BRIDE-T0-BE OF LUTHERN CHURCH PASTOR WELCOMED Congregation Discusses Buying Property for Par- sonage and Church Miss Dorothy Wolf, the bride-to- be of Rev. A. C. Hahn, was given a repeption by the Lutherans of Oshawa on Wednesday evening. She 1s spending her holidays In Canada, and will return to her home in St. Louis, Mo., at the end of the week. At the social evening she was made the guest of honor, which gave her an opportunity to make acquaintances with the mems- bers of Grace Lutheran Church. The home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dahmer was well. filled with guests, who were entertained with games and music. The members of the Ladies' Aid contributed in providing a splendid lunch. For a while: the members of the Church - Council and the pastor, withdrew to the pastor's study to hold a short business meeting. A letter to the Lutheran Mission Board .of the Ontario District was drawn up, .in which the Council ex- pressed appreciation for the will- ingness of the Mission Board to hglp - the Lutheran Church of )$hawa purchase a house, which is to be used temporarily as a parsonage and place of wor- ghip. Then several saleable pro- perties were considered. However, no ' definité business action was 'taken, and additional offers will be considered from time to time. each pepper slice with a square of tomato jelly and garnish with slie- od stuffed olives. SALVATION ARMY BAND CONCERTS HOLINESS SERVICE At the Citadel Sunday at 11 a.m. Conducted by the Band By Salvation SUNDAY BAND CONCERT LAKEVIEW PARK AT 2.30 PM. Army Band MRS. H. READ Soprano Soloist REFRESHMENTS sy ts - BAND CONCERT WITH THE Following Assisting Artists: Mr. J. N. Andoire, LT.CL. Concert Pianist GOLD MEDALIST, CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, TORONTO 1928 Salvation Army 'Hall, 8 p.m. MR. EVAN GASE Cornet. Soloist ADMISSION 25¢ PRESBYTERIAN GHURGH 15 SHOWING STEADY PROGRESS Twenty New M Members Were Received at the Com- munion Season Knox Presbyterian church has just experienced a very happy and inspiring Communion season. At the preparatory service on Friday evening, June 7, twenty- seven new members were received by the Kirk session into full com- munion, fourteen by certificate and thirteen by profession of faith, On Sunday, June 9, the church was filled to capacity at the morn- ing service. This was the largest attended communion service ever held in Knox Church. The minister's theme, 'The Four-Fold program of the Infant Church," was quite appropriate to the occasion and proved both in- structive and edifying. On Sunday evening, June 16, the minister will give a special address on the Srottish Covenanters and the Reformation. To this service the public is very cordially invited. The minister, the Rev. Duncan Munro, will be most happy to meet any Presbyterian newcomers to the city. The minister's address is 48 Drew Street. Phone 3257J. OUTSTANDING DAY AT ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH Former Pastor to Preach And Another Window to be Unveiled Sunday, June 16, in the opinion of the pastor, Rev. R. A, Whattam, and members of the congregation of Albert street United church, will be one of the outsanding days of the church year. It will be Child- ren's Day and In honor of the occa- sion special hymns, songs and reci- tations besides other splendid fea- tures will be included in the pro- gram to be given at both morning and evening services. A former beloved pastor, Rev. W. H. Prescott, of West Hunting- don, near Belleville, will return to preach at both services and it is expected that large congregations will be présent to hear him. Mr. Prescott is well-known in the city and already arrangements have been made to make the occasion one of lasting importance. Another feature of the morning service will be the unveiling of a memorial window. Monday evening fs Social Night when an interesting program will ere D@ Elven [featuring Sunday school All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome By --. SIMCOE ST.UNITED CHURCH Minister; REV. E. HARSTON, LL.B. 52 Simcoe St. S. Good Singing Phone 148 h Church Off. Bagot St. Eine Folpus Phone 3128 Sunday Services 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am. "Stoning Christ" 7 p.m. "The Young Man as a Son" "REV. A. R. SANDERSON, OF WHITBY, at both Services A Hearty Welcome Awaits You Here HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Cor. Court and Barrie Sts, REV. S. C. JARRETT KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munroe 48 Drew Street Incumbent 4 Pi g 30 Fairbanks St wna. Sunday, June 16 | Com- 8 a.m.--Holy munion. 10 a. m. School. 11 a. m.--Matins and Sermons. Mayor T. B. Mitchell, Members of City Council, Members of Board of Ed- ucation will be in atten- dance at this service. 3 p.m.--Church par- ade of the Independent Order of Forreters. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. -- Sunday June 186 yi 11 a.m.--Baptismal Ser~ vice. "Its Pledge and Re- sponsibilities." OSHAWA PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 311 Celina Street Opposite Maple St. Sunday, June 16 Sunday School--10 a.m. ~ Morning Worship--11 a.m. REV. J. W. VAUGHN At Both Services Tuesday 8 p. m. -- Prayer Meeting. Friday 8 p.m.--Bible Study STRANGERS WELCOME 7 p.m.--"Scottish Cove enanters", A Cordial Welcome To All pn Christian Science North Simcoe St. First Church of Christ, Scientist, . 64 Colbo Unite d Church 4 Colborne Street East | v Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, Sunday, June 16 B.A., B.D,, Pastor SUBJECT: 39. Greta St. "God The Preserver of Man™ Morning Service at 11 am. Sunday School 12.10 a.m. : Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to ate tend the services and to make use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and all authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased and periodicals subscribed for, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Saturdays from 3 to § pam. Phone 3263W Unity Truth Centre S. 0. BE. HALL, KING ST, E Sunday, June 16 11 a.m,--Public Service. Sunday School Everybody welcome 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 am.--"Christian Fel- lowship."' 7 p.m.--"The Kingdom" The - Pastor will preach at both services. A. Cordial Welcome to Everyone Gospel Hall Sunday, June 16 11 a.m.-- "Remembering the Lord." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Gospel Service. Tuesday 8 p.m. -- Bible Meeting. 'CHRISTADELPHIAN EZEKIEL, CHAPTER 88. TO BH FULFILLED BEFORE THE LORD JESUS SITS UPON THE THRONE OF DAVID IN PALESTINE. "THE SCRIPTURE CANNOT BE BROK- EN." 'LET HIM THAT READETH' UNDERSTAND." Friday, Reading, ALL ARE WELCOME 8 p.m.--Prayer Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts. REV. R. B. PATTERSON, y M. A. Incumbeut, 503 Masson St. Sunday, June 16 11 a.m.--~Morning Prayer Rev. W. G. G. Dreyer, of Bobcaygeon 2.30--8unday School 7 p.m, --Bvening Prayer Rev, W. G. G. Dreyer, of Bobcaygeon Daptisms next Sunday at 4.30 p.m. talent. Sunday school on Sunday will be withdrawn owing to the special arrangements for the day. USEFULNESS OF VINEGAR First Baptist Minister REV. JOHN GALT To retsore its pristine brightness to a carpet somewhat the worse for wear, first sweep it well, then wring out a cloth in a pail of wa- ter to which a cupful of vinegar has been added, and go over the entire surface piece by piece. The cloth should be wrung out fairly dry. This process completed, xo over the carpet again with the cloth rinsed out in plain water. If, when boiling salt beef, half a cupful of vinegar is added to the water, the meat will be delici- ously tender and juicy, A little vinegar in the water used for cleaning windows will im- part a brilliant polish to the glass. When cleaning paint from win- dow panes, soak a rag well with vinegar and apply. The paint will quickly disappear. Old potatoes are vastly improy- ed, when boiling, by the addition of a little vinegar to the water. Church Service and Sunday School 11 a.m. Preacher for the day REV. J. N. NORTON OF COBOURG " B.Y.P.U. Monday 8 pm. Prayer Meeting Wed. 8 p.m. . Choir Rehearsal, Fri. day 8 p.m. On Tuesday at 8 pm, a Public Meeting with Mayor Mitchell as Chairman will be held in the Church under the auspices of the Soms of Temperance. All interested are invited ------ Pentecostal Assembly 200 King St. W. Sunday, June 16 Sunday School, 10 a.m. 11 a.m.--Morning Ser- vice, 7 p.m.--Evening Ser vice. Evangelistic Ser- vice. Tuesday and Thursday Services at 8 p.m. ALL WELCOME If no glue or paste is at hand, and you want to stick a labe' on a tin or pot, a piece of cold b:iled potato rubbed over the si face will often serve the purpose, EE ------

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