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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1929, p. 5

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" THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1929 ~ HOUSE DRESSES There comes a time when keeping a house or an apartment spick and span becomes irksome . . . that is the time when a few new House Dresses add new zest. These are all new models of printed per. cale fascinatingly trimmed with contrasting plain. colors, crisp or- gandie, flares, pockets, scallops, pleats and sashes, Sizes 16 to 42. GEORGE HA=T Will be dispensing ice cream and cold drinks at the Street Fair of the Rotary Club on Wedhes- day. © CITIZENS VOICE YY 11 4 | APPRECIATION OF BYLAWY' VOTE (Continued from Page 3) dustrial development, and to secure this end the Chamber of Commerce has devoted its ene to securing the best foundation possible to at- tract industries. This includes the By the passing of the four bylaw 1 lowest possible rates on all utilities. There 1s noth- on Saturday by overwhelming major- : > : ities, an opportunity has been given ing like the Daily for a reduction in the clectrical * rates. The council is also now per- iy Newspaper in Can- mitted through a two-thirds yote of (5) . its members, to acquire by expro- : ada to link a ur- igi or otherwise suitable lands 250TH ANNIVERSARY OF EVENT OBSERVED BY 15000 PEOPLE BEFORE CANOPIED AL TAR . . or industrial purposes, making av ail- Goat Island. wi ib a : . i : : . : ; : sland witnessed an impressive , bands from the American Legion and | special mass was conducted by Bishop | view of concourse during open air chaser quickly with able. ih oii industrial ceremony yesterday when 15,000 per- {300 priests, observed the 250th an-| William Turner of Buffalo. (1) Very service. (4) the open air canopied h 1 f Sites @ Sound Por : sons, including members of the niversary of the finding of Niagara |Rev. Sebastian Scheff, Detroit, O. M.| altar before which the thousands the P ace O pur- y : | Knights of Columbus, 300 choir boys, | Falls by Father Louis Hennepin. The |of Capuchin Fathers. (2) general [gathered and (5) view of the officia- "The passing of the Industrial 8 ed | om ase. Sites. bylaw also permits the fune-} ___ i ing officiers o e mass. tioning in a sound way of the Osh-|gistant inspector of legal offices for { Rev. Duncan Munro, last evening. school was in Toronto, where it now Th £. il awa Industrial Foundation, Limited,| Ontario, Warden Adam Dobson and | The congregation filled the base- fs x College, The removal of e Iami y -ls iff » py Pp itor 5 3 ol 4 | the he o Toronto follew- formed for the purpose of construct Sheriff J. F. Paxton, granted the | ment auditorium and it was evi ind the school ing buildings for manufacturers who petition without he ion. mr, | dent that the effect upon the few years ago i telephone and the may be secured for establishment in] neke commented tl his depar-|People was, as the effect of tha 4 ecame affiliated with the University this city. ; ment 'had been surprised that a|story always is, a strengthening of ha h f Toronto and later amalgamated York, closes at 7.30 pm, June 18. | JIX family hewspaper "The experience of the last 12) h0tition had not been received | devotedness to' the cause of civil : - | with F ) With the discus- | Letter mail only. ; | i . months in endeavoring "to sccurc| prom Oghg citizens long ago. and religious liberty. { sion of the n of the churches it], For SS. Aurania, from Montreal, A KITFUL OF are allies and the new industrics has indicated a rca- New Position The memory of the hefoic men vas thi rat K Hog 14 closes at 7.30 p.m., June 19. All mails, | ] $ vas Knox college wou > rl . y sonable chance of success, with the yy, ancwer to a question from |and women who laid down their ) n but when it remained For 8.5. Majestic, from Now York. | SAFETY TO o hand in hand lower rates for power that will befare conant, the assistant inspector |lives on the battle field or at the din 4 byteri ege, the theological closes 8 750 pm, June 20. Letter | 3 made available, the availability of} ocr ained that the appointment of |gibbet, in pestiferous dungeons, ud of United church again | Mail only. : GUARD : ith th h h Id suitable industrial sites, and the op-| givicion court clerk and bailiff for or in foreign lands for "Christ's LARGE ATTENDANCE moved. to Victoria. college. which at For S.8. Metagama, from Montreal, : dy wil € nousenoid. portunity that small, sound manu- the new 'distiet. + rithi the | Crown and Covenant" ig held by AT HOLY TRINITY his A hecore #. school Simon closes at 7.30 t 7.30 p. m., June 2 . All mails | AGAINST ¥ facturers will have to use building hands of the Seibel true Presbyterian in the ntirely d to the teaching of . The reader Sree oe tae pha Posie, il ment. He estimat d that ) : f Jie tia inn, The Story oi CHURCH the \ . Victoria was over- ' s tion of clerk would he worth aj sufferings of the led, an was decided that it ! Here's instant treatment ary to build an addi- . ) ! » favorably in. securing diversified aga khan 'ovenanter lot Barts. of f a D Ne S- pete 1a] » proximately $4,000 a vear in fees. an the hearts of 7 v Ss L s o aily Ww : J } 1851 the congregation, Liberty, Benevolence And| ion to Emmanual College, for the || when something hap- industries. The clerk will be required to fire : F. L. Mason : ie Walid . 'Bol At a time when the doctri fine Of volt. eh i Pry H . \ s ¥ paperadvertisement "The ratepayers have spoken, in Nish his own Wa . hit he » 0%8 | passive obe dience in its Hiab Concord" Is Topic of 'or this Di urj os n will she mhnisex: (0 | pens The : Firstaid no uncertain way," declared I, L. HN Bb Ry Le SONY lis qualified and slavish form was Capt. S. C. darren to raise 10,000, not for the --_ mergency Kit 3 equip. ) $ p {| ped with disinfectant, preached by Ecclesiastics and en- tag can go directly to Mason, "They have said 'We want trict of the ding alone, bitt for equine cheaper light and power." For this Sh : forced by rulers at the : : ; S------ i bsorb ' f \ y tio t Oshaw: : 8 a point of ment and other matters. A ple . | absorbent cotton a the place where the the foundation is laid, the way is i pa v= waen Aas popu i i " ok Doha. the sword, and when the Scottish A special service for the Independ- nade Lo a hd ie of Ride 2 has Keith Worden of Darling- surgical plaster y [Sauze: : s ed, we know this result is coming : ii ' 2 didn 251 Parliament enjoined all classes, | ent Order of Foresters in which 150] (pi, a | ' 3 ue ag ha it is tc \ T > J L € classes, . i . nited chu 1 . article that 18 adver- "They have also said 'we want ad- mu 3 is rd i 3 Juda <The lunder the penalty of death to ace |members from hen Unitey : Tn h to help in this part of | ton, Well-known Here, | ammonia and other re- . ve stric lude wo dockets, ous |, E 4 1 lo T° . fi ditional industries.' They have given [district included ty , knowledge that the sovereign j«| participated was held at Holy Trinity Cl | ey er tad : 1 | uisites needed when tised 1S On sale The the city council a mandate, and it|at Whitby, and the other at Osh- supreme over all persons z in atl | Anglican Church' yesterday afternoon hanccllor Bowles explained the Dies After Operation q : . 3 z jae | A ce a persons and in all g iy C A 1 ! pl ced the eCOSSHA > 0 h d now behooves those actively eng awa. Miss E. L. Macdonnell, of cayges, civil and religiou The | beginning at 3.30 o'clock." The com-| Sd he necessity of trang someone 1s hurt or sud- 7 ; y ; ° IT tit bid ¥ ligious. he | IX Ng aL x bh { y met r y i : : soundest merchan- in this work to carry out the wishe Whithy, velar i of the court with f;peqker said the Covenanters hold- | pany iforined in marching order at A 1 > wh the Ys The death occurred in Oshawa f denly taken ill. Take it yon o8 § | e 10) 2 " h pleaded w ung 0 A ~ ie . of those who said, 'Go ahead. a ig 4 vilhy 4 al, ly declared that 'Magistrates have | the Lodge Rooms and headed by the | io had not decided their erent General Hospital Saturday night along for safety on your hit hy. 10. bailiff is Mr. Frank |, ower t at te Aoriv Ee < . Zz Jat Tar Lid I v ra ti Fo £5 +a pH dising consists of rai Ald. McLeese as ail 3s Fhi no power but w hat is derived from | Oshawa ( itizens Band, marched to fife to devote themselves to the: tin following an _operation for appeu vacation--on hikes--on Th i The result of the by-law vote on : of : L 3 LoL ¥ 2 th¥. 1the people." They never despaired |the church in south Oshawa, ists The life. of -the minister is-a dicitig, of Keith Worden, of South aut trips C advertisin where Saturday was unmistakable evidence efore the new court may be es- of the "good old cause" even at A fine solo was given by Brother happy ore explained. Charcelios Darlington township. He was in | 3) o 1ps. ompact, 24 of the sentiment of the people to- ta lished 2 order-in- oui must the darkest hour, when to every-|Davis who came all the way from |p; wes. since i x filled with the two | his 21st year and was well-known | light, easy to carry and the goods are to be |}ards industrial exnansion' said Al. |G vernon. This, however, is but. a | ciency Tn comed hopeless. Their San Fransisco and was able to be hings which make life worth living, | in both Oshawa and the communi- || pack. Rexall Firstaid derman A. L. McLeese, chairman of Rei ens ur 2: ruzgles have indeed contributed [ present at the service. Mr. Davis! elicion and rationality. The changes | tY where his home is. Complica- Emergency Kits are sold the special industrial committee ofjmatter rm, and it is expacted.lfo insure to succeeding genera- {sang "No night there" in a splendid|; ts conte ti isi following tl - oun an to ve i 0 cl 9 4 that such an order may be forth ions fr . } T A : e thoughts connected with re- ons arising lollowing the oper only at Rexall Stores. the city council. It showed ' the at an nay be rth-ytions freedom of thought and |voiee. The full choir assisted. Brother : ers in the last {forty vears. | ation were the cause of death | y, : ' people are behind the efforts of their [coming within two weeks. Assist- [speech and worship. Mitchell, assistant Superior chief] >... eal ase ts Amy years, hich tT 5 & 1 | Special price ooas ere t leaders 1 the : ant Inspector Locke expressed the| Ti inister. af tawi Md 0 | and Dr. Bowles showed | Which has come as a shock «. 4 w ey caders, and the vote was a mandate [ant Inspect Ocke expr ec 1e minister, after reviewing the | spoke to the c gation on theq . t chafiping ; y i S P ai | this nth . ; to the council to strive with all its|opinion today that a division court [history of the "Killing Days" of | principles of the Order DE Gee n changing the way of en Iriends and Scilla antes. | Ss 'mo d ised be ability to secure new industri office. would he operating in Osh- |i} xteenth 'and sevent | -1 "Liberty, ¢ 1 +d benevoletice aching and leading the young men] Mr. Worden was popular in Osha . are advert to 3 ndustrics, I X ind seventeenth cen Liberty, « feord and benevolence, to think their own thoughts and to| wa where he worked with the F. Save With Safely at Your ( ds "The co-operation of the city coun-|awa by next September. ur giving brief biographies of | the motto of the Order as a i sold. cil, the Chamber of Commerce and The petition for the establish-|Knox, Grey, Craig, Wishart, Janet | splendid foundation upon which a Teason matters oul themselves, F, Fino and Sons, Hardware, At the close of the service, leaflets | and the General Motors of Canada, | the pcople is absolutely necessary.|ment of the court originated with [Geddes, Richard Cameron and per-|iraternal sccicty may base its prin-{.. 1 1 1 k We must use our salesmanship and | Messrs. Conant and Annis. secutors like Claverhouse and |ciples," declared Rev, S. C. Jarrett yere Gisin ited aniong the congrega= Limited. : DRUG STORE tion describing © the - necessity of Born in Darlington, Mr. Worws= - B e ca use "sell" Oshawa to prospective indus- Thomas Dalziel told of incidents |rector. He went on to show that in building this theological leg d 4 A i ps ¢ { z hE A RA Tl EN recorded of deeds of fidelity on |libe rty a man or an-order prides him-| _ = E : for i THT and lived all his life. at the family J & L ll was created many years ago oo . . . tries. ' The council should take ) there 1S nothing like aggressive lead, and the people | the part of those' who had taken |séli in being able to think and speak ; i 7h Pr homestead and attended the Eben- . > should behind it and boost for their i: 10! the Covenant and would gladly die {what he believed to be right and J BD 4 A ng, Fofessor A. J.{ ezer United church. He was a the Daily News- city." wu | 5 i Ui before they would be untrue to |thus establish in some cascs a preced- ii Son ¥: oie College spoke on prominent member of the Sunday : . . Fn RE ) bh ope ol ind erection of the New school there as well as being ac- King E. Simcoe S. paper for proclaim- {ih The preacher in impassioned |to five up to. Benevolence represents | Lice sical college lor the traning] yively connected with Tuxis work Phone 28 Phone 68 i words called upon all true Pres-|the practical side of Christiamty, This of young men in the ministry. at that church. Nt 7A 77a 7 ru ; ing the place of pur- hyistians lo Ie Four of Ry Hatorment wis Hastinted by the story - er-- 4 Besides hi fu her, Frank Wor- UE AEE hy : , 1i- fof the Good Samaratn, : s i e sister, mies chase it is our ly part with those privileges Crores th rh characteristic CITY NEWS 'Allfe, re . Aol suite ER, ' 4 A 10 HAVE gf Yous at such a price by their f cssential to the well-warking out of at home. Mr. Worden's mother : ore nears. ideas and principles, was, the speaker i nities MAn es. T&5/ ) p strongest support in Mr. Munro has been minister in nh 1 he in lg Wig BRITISH MAlLg oe jus will be held Ne Martin . . Knox Church for only a month Mails for Great Britain and Euro W ye } » | make-up oi the LO.F, It less to pe i i building up and DIVISION COURT Rev. Duncan Munro Thrill- but he has already won for himself Hii 1D de 10, Blt 35 Jusele Ss 10 close at the Oshawa Post Office at i olock a warm place in the hearts of his |The danger of fraternal Tea . ati | the following hours during the next day afternoon at one o'clock, D.S. Sgn : : ganizations T., Rev. H. Stainton officiating. In- NOW PLAYING at the family residence on Tues- . . Te . . ed Congregation With Stor; zn 4 f 1 t people, 2 AR soda A | week :-- maintaining wide y Vir A . . land of church government is not lack ; SS, A : New | terment will be made in Union "God, the Kirk and the Covenant'. | ent which form a fine mark for others For Aquitania, from o i . o Thei . Mr. A. E. Mills sang the bari-| _¢ : ; 1 i 4 . (Cc t F 3 0 *dls ¢ lack O poy # ) and strong distribu- by the eR Ply tiers of Their Sacrifice tone Jl "Soldiers of Christ a Sok of Ihe spice "York, closes at 7.30 pm, June 17.| Cemetery ¢ J was no division court office at Osh- TT Avie" 1 his customary £004 taste, Le id Ja A RE Queb or . ontroya rom uebec, A College Caper tion. awa. "The Scottish Reformation see 5 : S st 2) a. and = ; ses at 7.30 p . Petition Granted the Covenanters was the theme of : ek Eh Ss. 37%, iii Sane i oy -- aa The Daily News- The board, including His Honor 'a sermon preached in Knox Pres- y : | -- I ; J 2 Acts Judge Thompson, H. A. Locke, as- byterian 'Church by the minister, paper' is_always to aR. \ - - : "Bye Now", Thies Pri" ogi % NEW GOLLEGE Al a ; \ 5 Vaudeville banking accounts. | REE @ : Ji sin UNITED CHURCH ip | \ FOX NEWS ,. Like any effici- Rh J 3 ---- HU and rE Ra Chancellor Bowles Spoke in : 5) . PEPPY COMEDY ent tool in trade . Dry mouth and parched ) \ 3 ; throat are grateful for the King Street United craft or art, News- Be : i 1 refreshing coolness of Church Wrigley's Spearmint. paper advertising mn § \ WO > Wriplev hi 1 A. large congregation assembled ; 1 4 \ J T Iki 1 3 3 3 rigieys whitens teet: yesterday morning at King Street 5 ny cost and space 1s : ¥ 3 ' . sweetens the mouth, dears United Church to hear Chancellor : i a 1S Bowles of Victoria College, Toronto, always under your | . \ 3 : 3 the throat and aids digestion, deliver another of his helpful and in- . : : on a. hs i esterday hg NOW PLAYING { while the act of chewing [structive sermons.' Yesterday, how- full control. 5 4 3 calms and soothes the nerves. | cver, Chancellor Bowles announced | |8 : | 3 3 : TT * Richard Bathelmess, i that he would not deliver a sermon but rather give a "glorified announce- Y, E 3 p a 2 en ment." Rev. Dr. Bowles spoke 'on | |S > PEON {of WRIGLEYS Vt ee BONS | «WEARY CD: NA " EN i Speaking of Re Beey of the, g $ Beatrice Fry, 7 Port Huron. ; res i 4 Pheological department of Victoria, : N was found strangled at the home ! RIVER" he told of the erection of the first x. of her sister-in-law, Alfred Loune, (8 UPERS PO 1 EWART ALGER heel gest Schog) 3 OE 22 of Tondon, Ontario, said to With Betty son . "WAR Al which he recejved his training, This ERNIE MARES have been her fiance, was. located --A 150 MAJOR E. C. HODGINS {In charge of a ball-throwing game X training school for ministers was for | Who is in charge of a blanket booth | by the police in connection Aly Hon. Treasurer for the Rotary Club} at Wednesday's Rotary Street those of Mecthodist denomination, at the Rotary Club Street Fair | with the affair. Photo shows de- Other. Sound Attractions Street Fair, Fair, while the. Presbyterian theological on Wednesday. ceased girl and Loune,

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