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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1929, p. 9

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OY COUNCIL. CONSIDERS NEW ELECTION PLANS (Continued from Page 3) entry in the Canadian Nations! Exbibition Marathon swim wus adopted, The Recommendation The rpcommendation regarding changes in munieipal governmwut | brought down considerable debate, The clause read:-- '"The motions of Ald, Carnell with respect to a re-division of the wards and the reducing of the number of aldermen in each ward from three to two were discussed with the mover and your commits tes, While realizing the inequali- ties of representation in the Ward pystem as it exists in our municls pality, we would recommend that before attempting a re-division ot the wards or introducing any change in our present constitution, that an expression from the rate- payers would be most advisable on the following questions; (a) Is the retention of the pres. ent Ward System advisable? (hb) Do you favour a reduction in representations? (e) Bhould the term of tne council he extended from one to two years?" Inequalities Acknowledged Alderman Carnell declared that while the committee acknowledged that there were inequalities in the present division of the wards, it evaded the issue and did not ask the municipal board to investigate the subject of redistribution of wards, This request must he made by July 13 in the year in which it was proposed to have action, and the question should not he defers red any further, he declared, Be sides the three questions outlined in the report, the people should also have an opportunity to vote on the ward system, with one new ward east of Ritson road, said the alderman, General Vote Alderman Macdonald said that it would he very likely that the question of election of aldermen hy general vote would in all probabil. ity he submitted to the people In January, If the electorate decid ed on election of aldermen hy gen~ eral vote, all the work and ex- pense of submitting » proposition to the Nallway Board for an extra ward would be wasted, An ex- DODD'S KIDNEY ~ KIDNEY BAC kac rH! WL ' yh 0 ay, 'ODD § TROUT, L} . / ' dip RHE maT! apf, er mie Pi . % PENSLAR riendshi ALE NOW IN FULL SWING AT KARN'S Drug Store ES w Al COME IN AND YOU WILL SEE SOME WONDERFULL BARGAINS Next Post Office Phone 378 pression of opinion should be ob- tained from the people before the munpieipal board was called in to redistribute the wards, he said, Recalls Petition There was no immediate need for an investigation by the Muni. cipal Board, declared Aldermun Hart, It would be unwise to go on with the ward system until ue people had decided, There was still a petition of 400 ratepayers for the submission of the general vote sys. tem and the council was required by law to submit the question to the people, probably in January, Honor The Petition Mayor Mitchell agreed with Al- derman Hart that the petition should be honored and the ques- tion be submitted, "I go on rec- ord favoring a change in the mu- nieipal government, and that this petition should be honored and the question of general vote be submit- ted to the people," he declared, He moved, seconded by Alder- man McLeese, that the clause be amended to read "that the electors vote on the question of the elec- tion of 10 aldermen from tue whole city, five to be elected for one year and five for two years; five being elected for two years in ench year thereafter," Suggests 7 Aldermen |, Alderman McLeese supported the motion, but suggested that the number be reduced to 7. "We would get hetter men to run for the council," he declared, ¥avors 6 Wards Alderman Carnell moved an amendment that the Municipal Board be requested to re-divide the city into 6 wards by the crea. tion of a new ward east of Ritson Road, He went on record favor- ing the ward system but admitted that, even so, it would be impowsss ble to exactly equalize the wards, Alderman Macdonald sald tust the recommendations were simply a matter of policy, and that the number of aldermen which were to he voted on by the people would be inserted in the by-laws, Refer It Back Aldermen Mason and KE, Jack- son moved in amendment that the clause be referred hack to the nn- ance eommittee for a more Couse plete report, Mayor Mitchell referred to a ves mark that no members of the Board of Education lived below John street, "I would reply that the Board of Education has been under the general vote system only two years and in that time ad- ditlons have been built to Bimcoe south school, Ritson school and Cedardale school, all below John street, 'This shows conclusively that men elected from the city at large will truly represent the city as a whole and give the people what they want," he declared, When there was a petition ask- ing for a vote on election of alder« men from the city at large, the council is derelict in its duty if it did not allow the electors to ex. press their views on the subject, sald the Mayor, For Ward System Alderman Preston agreed thut the matter should be referred back to the committee, 'Election of aldermen by general vote is a step backward," he suid, He favored the ward system, A man in or- dinary circumstances could not stand the expense of an election campaign by general vote, he said, adding that the wards should be re-divided for more equal represen. tation, 'We aldermen should do it, without a vote of the people, What dn the people know about it?" he declared, ' Alderman MoLeese said that election of aldermen by general vote was the best method, Alderman BE. Jackaon supported the ward system, On division, the question was re- ferred back to the council commit. tee of the whole, MODEL AUTO ROAD FOR SPAIN Construction of the mode! auto- mobile road, 260 miles long, in Spain, ia to be started at once, It will enable autolsts to travel be tween Madrid and San Sebastian in a few hours, The roadway will be 38 feet wide, and curves will be wider and banked to allow speedy turns, TOY BOAT INSURANCE PAID A fourteen-year-old achoolboy recently collected $40 Insurance for the total loss of hia toy boat in a London pond, Lloyd's had sent experts to try to locate and salve the vessel, but their efforts were unsuccessful, and the claim, one ot the most unique of the century, was paid, Ne ------ 145,000 VOLTS OVER LINE Current was recently sent over the first section of the Govern. ment's $25,000,000 electricity pro- jeot in Central Scotland from Bon- nybridge to Glasgow, The line car- ried 145,000 volts as a test, the previous highest in Britain being at Newcastle, England, where 66,- 000 volts were carried, WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER OISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. ' [THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1929 NEW CHARM NEW STYLE portrayed ntheTray use pS ity 5 lndure posit ve value Th---- COBOURG DOCTOR CHARGED WITH SHOOTING GIRL Dr. G. H. Field, M.O.H,, Also Charged With Assaulting Wife SAYS IT WAS ONLY PERSONAL QUARREL Crown Attorney, Cousin of Accused, Declines to Act in Case Cobourg, June 18-Dr, G, H, Field, prominent local physician and medical health officer, is charged with assaulting his wife, ereating a disturbance and uniaws fully discharging the weapun which wounded Alice Earl, an 1»- year-old schoolgirl, who was pass- ing the scene of the dispute, The gir! was shot on Friday night, She {s suffering from a hip wound and nervous shock and the accused will appear before Magistrate W, H, Floyd on Wednesday next, Allee Earl, who is under medi. cal treatment by Dr, W, G, Jamie- son, yesterday told a newspaper man of her experience, With her during the interview, was a sister, Dorothy, and a friend, Agnes Mec- Kenzie, "I finished writing examina- tions in the afternoon and the three of us were on our way to a dance she related, 'Outside Dr, Field's house we saw a crowd or people, The back window was broken and we could hear gun- shots inside the house, "Suddenly Dr, Field rushed out the front door, pointed a revolver and then we took to our heels, I ran about fifty yards down McGill street, before I dared look back, He was waving the gun and I saw a flash as he fired, The next thing I remember wis a burning pain in my hip, Then I went to Dr, Jamieson," Alice attributes the superficiality of the wound to the fortunate fact that the bullet first hit the pave- ment and to the firm texture of the tweed cont she was wearing, Personal Quarrel When a reoprter called on Dr, Field he expressed his surprise that interest had heen manifested in what he termed 'Just a personal quarrel between a man and bis wife," ¢ "It was just a flash in the pan," he remarked, 'and nothing to (six about, In only fired the revolver to scare my wife away because she was bothering me, If the people had minded thelr own business it would have been all right, as it was just another family row," Chief of Police John C, Ruse said that there was no nicessity for the arrest of Dr, Field, "Dr, Field is a prominent man and we can get him when we want him," he explained, "I am running things here, and although I heard that a passerby had been wounded I didn't know until yesterday wuo the girl was, If I had known such was the case at the time I might have arrested him hut as soon as we found out that the girl had been hit we laid the charges against him, I saw the couple after the affair and Mrs, Field told me that the doctor had just heen 'playing' with her, Even If we had arrested him the 'doctor would have had bail in a few minutes," Dr, W, G, Jamieson, who attend- ed Alice Earl following the shoot- ing, explained that the bullet drew blood, leaving a superficial wouna about a half inch in diameter, The surrounding flesh, he sala, wus bruised for three or four inches, District Crown Attorney, who is a cousin of the acoused, declined to discuss the case heyond stating that Dr, Field and his wife were on the most amicable terms Satur- day and Sunday, "Will you have charge of the in- vestigation?" 'No, Since I am related to the accused I felt that thera would he more satisfaction in the town If I did not take an active part, I have asked the de- partment to send someone over, but of course I will be on hand te assist," INDUSTRIAL AREA HAY BE CREATED IN SOUTH OSHAWA (Continued from Page 1) time ago, of a strip of land 14 feet wide along the whole length of his property on Simcoe street south, to widen this street to 80 feet, This included the frontage of the land which he was selling to the Skin ner Company. As he expected to close the den! with the Skinner Company this week, Mr. Conant stated that he desired the council to take immediate action, as, if this strip of land along this front- age. were conveyed to the Skinner Company the city might have more diMeulty in securing the land to widen this street at a future date, Mr, Conant offered to give a V Famed among next Saturday afternoon and night, FLORA BEDINI the white tops as the Circus Beauty, featurdd bareback riders on the program of Spay exhibfts in Oshawa next Saturday afternoon and night, Lovers of the circus will find in the Sparks' a return to the days when riding acts were a d the big top, and were outstanding in the displays, ¥or to many, it fust wasn't a circus without the riders, any more than it would have been without the clowns, and the latter in, those days of the "talking clown", contributed much to the riding numbers. The days of the talking clown are gone because his voice would not be heard under the immense stretch of canvas now used for the exhibitions of a big circus, but the Sparks' program this season presents such famous names among the aristocracy of the circus, the barchack riders, as Flora Bedini and the Riding Guices. These star performers will be seen in the three rings of Sparks' Circus when it exhibits in Oshawa is one of the Circus, which Program this season, stinctive feature of strip 14 feet wide along the east side of Simcoe street south from in front of the lands being sold to the Skinner Company south to where Ritson road intersected with Simcoe street, and on the west side from a point opposite Ritson road to the southern limit of his prop- erty, While this would necessitato a jog in Simcoe street where Rit- son road intersected, it would elim- inate the necessity of purchasing the lands of two property owners on the nast side of Simcoe street, south of Ritson road, Under Mr. Conant's new suggestion, only one other property, owned by Mr, Mae- kis, situated just north of the creek, would be affected, South of the ereek bridge, the wide road could be continued by simply cut- ting a strip 14 feet wide off the Lakeview Park lands. To Special Meeting Alderman Hart declared that im- mediate attention should be given to this letter, as it was desired to close the deal hetween Mr, Conant and the Skinner comany at once, On motion of Alderman Hart and Porry, the matter was referred to the special meeting of the council next Monday night, Industrinl Committee Repory When the report of the Industri. al committees was presented, the council for the first time in many years defeated a motion to go into committes of the whole, and also one to refer it to a meeting of the council In camera, as a committee of the whole, on some other eves ing, Alderman Preston sald that fit was not a question that should he debated behind closed doors, but that the press should he present when it was taken up, to give ft publieity, Alderman Hart desired to dis. cuss the question at last night's meeting, but Alderman Mason de- mured, as he wished. a few days tn mecure Information and think over the question, A motion of Alderman Boddy and Perry that a special meeting of night to consider the question, was carried, Houses Destroyed Kingston,--Boys playing with matches caused a serious fire loss | Tm Hi alg oy i pi 3 | | | W. J. TRICK CO, LTD, 25 Albert Street Oshawa Ontario Phone 280 and 157 last Friday after nine o'clock when two of four frame houses at the rear of 2474 Earl Street, one oceu- piad by Mrs. Gallagher and the other by W. Jordan and his fam- ily, were almost gutted, The four hours known as A, B, C, and D, nre situated close together and it is belleved that the fire started in the rear shed of C, house where hoys were playing with matches, The names of the hoys have heen secured hy the police, FUND FOR MALARIA CON. QUEROR As n testimonial to Bir Donald Ross, who is credited with solving the secret of malaria, a fund of $200,000 is being raised In Eng- land, It is to be a tribute to his 1fe-work for humanity and to re lleve him from financial anxiety. A large sum has already been rals- ed, [i hh i. NI brick close Some bargains in houses, choice and in locations, If about to buy, see what I have, It will pay you, Summer cottago for sale or rent at Caesarea Beach, J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871-087W the council be held next Monday which Many a disappointment in a new house is due to warped or sticking doors. The crime of it is that it is absolutely unnnecessary, We have a distinctive door is against fault -- it will not warp, swell, peel, nor check, and costs no more than an ordinary door. It will pay you to investigate both for new and remodelling jobs. Remember there are whatever on the guarantee, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 positively guaranteed no strings Hardwood Floors Hardwood floors laid, sand. ed, Finished Complete by Experts, W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED a8 Albert Streot Phones 8230 & 137, 1928 Chev. Sedan. New car warranty $650 ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 9 Priuve St, Oshawa Phone 1100 Albert Alumni Meets Belleville, -- Albert College Al- umn! Association met in the Mem- orial Chapel Saturday, for election of officers and other . business, Misa E, Gardiner, the Secretary, reviewed the work and showed the Memorial Chapel for which the alumni became sponsors was near. ly self-sustaining, Officers elect ed were: President, Dr, George Stobie; Vice president, Prof, Sam Anglin; seoretary, Miss E, Gardin. er; assistant secretary, Mra, A, R, Sohryver; treasurer, Rev, 8, L, Wight; He rronpyraenseid Ofb-. K Wight; Hon, presidents, Dr, Chas, Bishop, principal, and Dr, BE, N, Baker principal emeritus; exeou- tive, Miss Madeline Young, Miss Jessie Tuite and Miss M, Lavole, Woman Escapes Bullets Cobourg,--Dr., G. H. Field, a prominent physician of Cobourg, faces two charges, one of causing a disturbance and one of doing bodily harm with €ire-arms, follows ing a shooting affair in his home shortly after eight o'clock Friday night, His wife was, apparently, the object of his attack and sne waa rather badly beaten up, but the revolver shots directed at her, allegedly by the physician, missed her and passed out of a window of the home, one of them striking but not seviously injuring a young girl who was passing at the tlme, YOUNG RUSSIA LEARNS TO FLY Boys of Soviet Russia are learn fag to fly. Pupils of the Raditche School: for Technical Science in Moscow are being taught how to build model! planes of different types, and others are given instruc tions in flying. The future flyers are said to show an unusual apti- HARDWOOD FLOORS LAL) BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old tloors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors. B. W. HAYNES 101 King St W, Pheme 0, ceaidence 180r2, Hudson-Essex Distributors A V. A. Henry INSURANCE MM} Shncoe St. N, Phones 1108 W--Uffice Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON a4 KING 8ST. W, Telephone 572-283 Night Calls 310-1360 To improve cornstarch pudding add the yolk of one egg and a table spoon of butter, Beat the white separately and put into mould or pudding dish and pour on cooked cornstarch, This will make it light as a souffle. Whipped cream add- ed just before serving will also ens tude for the work, a Law. DANCE 18 AIUD iim mamis nie | | \ | It is yours for always--not are in a position to render service, whether you wish LUMBER | F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 324 Whitby 13 O fo hate yp ERE EE STR -.. Your Home There it stands ready to welcome you. merely as long as you pay rental tribute, It is your haven of security, your safe ine vestment, your dwelling place, There are many reliable firma listed here who immediate to buy a home or build one yourself. COAL! COAL! Phone 103 W. J. SARGANT Yard--38 Bloor street LU. it Orders Promptly Delivered After the Honeymoon: HOM \ 4%: Prince' St. g Oshawa? Ont. 4a LUMBER © Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. -------- 20 acres of excellent pass ture at city limits for vent. 50 acres of hay, clover and timothy,, open for tender. , Large barn and stable also for rent, Apply LYCETT 28 King St. East, ---- ee 4 Rooms ~-- Park Road District, new. A chance for a handy man to fin. ish. Electric, Price $1,500 with $200 cash. DISNEY Opp. P. O. Phone 1850

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