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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1929, p. 10

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PACE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1929 OSHAWA PASTOR TO" SPEAR AT HAMPTON Rev. W. P. Fletcher Will Conduct Anniversary Services ---- Hampton, June 17.--Hampton Sun- day school anniversary will be held on Sunday, June 30, when Rev, W. P. Fletcher of Centre street United church, Oshawa, will conduct the morning and evening services, Hampton people, under the direc tion of F. J. Groat, president, are preparing a dramatic program for Dominion Day in connection with the annual supper and concert. The many old schoolmates of Evy. erett Robbins, of winnipeg, join in congratulating him on the obtaining of his Master of Arts degree, at the University of Manitoba where he ob- tained the unusual standing of 91 per cent. A number of Hamplon residents attended the graduating exercises of Bowmanville hospital, Miss Ruby Clatworthy, of Hampton, was a mem- ber of the graduating class, Many villagers attended the funer- al of the late Mrs, P. ¥. Newhouse, at Trinity United Church, Bowman- ville, on Monday afternoon, The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Newhouse and family and the relations here, in the logs they have sustained, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Wilkinson, Toronto, were Sunday visitors of C. E. Horn, Miss Emma Niddery, night super- intendent at the Bowmanville Hos. pital is holidaying with her mother, Mrs, Georginia Niddery. A large number of Hampton Wo- men's Institute members attended Addl Ce PN IIE I TI I) a ae me i a TIME TABLES Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West .m, Daily, ,23 a.m, Daily, y x RIN Laity except Sunday. bE Namo RY TEES 22 x ally, " 8. ly except Sunday, 11.10 p.m, Daily, 12,03 a.m, Daily, : All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) astboune , Daily except Sunday. , Sunday only, .' Daily, Daily except Sunday, , Daily except Sunday. , Daily except Sunday. nints aily, . Daily except Saturday. . 'Daily, , Daily. 'Westbound , Daily. . Daily. . Daily except Sunday. Daily. RELI IS TS PEG 1 1 1 9. 1. 2, 5 9. 1. 1; 2. 4, 5 3. 6. 9. 2 4, 7. 7. 8 88S 8 TTPEEE®® PTUPDITPEES , Daily except Sunday. , Daily except Sunday. , Daily. , Sunday only, , Daily except Sunday. . Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) (Daylight Saving Time) &oing West 3E88; aia-wo b-] 2 SNEINS PT Leave Sowmanville Oshawa hm, 7.10 a.m, 8.10 am, Hospital w 3353 = 3 10.50 a.m, 12.45 p.m, a. Weal Ss 333323: 4.35 pm, 6.45 pam, . » Suna 332z2 5235333333353¢ 10.55 p.m. ~oeN 3BES5558858 PTPPTTPTDYD Ei Arrive Oshawa Bowmanville 6.50 a.m, 7.50 am, 8.50 a.m, 10.20 a.m, > & T 2 1, m, 1 vm, 4.35 pm, 6.50 pu, PPEPEE? 1 e_convention at Solina last Fri L. T. Pascoe and daughter, Mar. jorie, were guests of Mr. W. R. Courtice, Courtice, while at- tending anniversary services at Eb enezer last Sunday, Stanley Cowling is recovering nice ly from his recent {liness with pneu- monia, Mrs. Alfred Challiner and son, Dr. Reginald Challiner, Toronto, visited Jno, Colwill and called on other friends in the village recently, Mrs. J. R, Bick has returned from Toronto, where she has been for some weeks with her mother and sister, who have been serious! ill. Wm, Cowling visited his daugh- ter, Mrs. Sydney Hockaday, recently, Mrs. B. Cunningham and baby, Grace, Fenelon Falls, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Grace Clatworthy, Congratulations are being extend- ed to Albert Allin in the completion of his B.A. degree at Victoria Col- lege with honor standing. 'Albert has been placed in charge of gov- ernment Biological Fish Survey on Lake Erie with headquarters at Port Dover, He will have two students as his assistants and two motor boats at his revice. This is the second year Albert has spent his holidays at this work, Mrs. Roy Metcalfe and children, Maple Grove, visited A. Trenoath's, Mrs. Martyn and son, Arthur, To- ronto, were recent visitors at Jno, Cowling's, Hampton Cemetery Board fis plan- ning a "Remembrance Service" to be held Sunday, June 23. The many friends and relatives of the late Mrs, P. F. Newhouse of Cainsville, Ontario, were greatly shocked when the news reached here of her sudden death on Friday, June 7th. She had been about her usual household duties during the day and was serving when strucken at 6 o'- clock and died about three hours la- ter. Deceased was a daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Kerslake of Hampton, where she was born in 1872 and where she lived until a few years before her marriage to P. ¥, Newhouse, town engineer, of Bow- manville, After leaving Bowmanville they moved to Toronto, but for the past six or seven years have been residing in Cainsville near Brant. ford, The remains were brought to Bow- manville on Monday, the pastor, Rev. J. PF. Reycraft, Brantford, and a number of friends accompanying the cortege. The funeral 'service took place in Trinity United Church. Felt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELER 15 Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South y J AER 18 Simcoe Street South . Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 12 For Better Values in DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Rev. J, N. Robbins, pastor of the Chilreli;- sondueted the~ service, as sisted by Rev. J. R, Bick, Hampton, Mrs, | Rev. Mr. Reycraft gave the address which was fine and most comforting message. A large number of rela tives and old friends from Hampton and vicinity were present to pay their last tributes of respect to one who was well known and highly re- spected, The pall-bearers were six cousins, Messrs, B. T, Moore and W, Wilbur, Many beautiful floral tributes ex- pressed the sympathy of relatives and friends. Besides her husband, she leaves three #tep-children, Frank, George and Annie Newhouse, also three bro- thers, Fred G, and Chas. J. Kers lake, Hampton, and Frank R, Kers- Jake, Bowmanville, Among those present from a dis Tailor made Scotland Woolien Mills 8. Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe 8. || ] W. A. OPTOMETRIST 23Y; Simcoe St. North Hundreds of peuple wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultiess Lenses PHONE 22 For Your Dnug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Sv, 8.--We Deliver tance were Mr, and Mrs, Drake and several others from Cainsville, Mrs. Frances Ruse, Mrs, Lewis Ruse, Mrs, Heron Hudson, Mrs. J. K. Stouit, Toronto; Mrs. Mary Mason, Mr, and A Mrs. ¥. IL. Mason, 8, W. Ruse, Osh- awa, RUSSIA SINGER IS IN EDMONTON NOW Madame Karinskaya Recalls Czar and Czarina and .. And Terrible Inci- dents in Revolu- tion (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Alta,, June 18, -- Once one of the best known sing- ers in the Russian empire, and the dearly beloved {dol of hundreds of Russian soldiers and poor people whose lives she had brightened with her lovely voice and whose homes she had cheered with her generosity, Marie Karinskaya to- day is the "Dearly Beloved Sister" of the smallest and poorest Bap- tist congregation in Canada and-- according to her own story--she is happy as she never was in the days when she every luxury beau- ty and talent could command and money could buy; when she sang before kings and emperors; even when she recived 183 decorations, to some of them the most coveted the czar could bestow, for her so- cial work and her efforts on hehalf of the Russian soldiers in the fir- ing Une, Madame Karinskaya ig at pres- ext a visitor in Edmonton, where ---- a - - : MAGIC BAKING POWDER in all your Thats the way to assure success. (VIR Mode /n Conadd ' - 0 lu. mm. l Noms Ho 1g nih E.W. GILLETT CO. LTD, TORONTO, CAN. bs 5% Lio | kil MAGI BAKING she had. delighted audiences with her singing. Madame Karinskaya sang 11 times before the Russian royal family and remembers the royal household of the murdered czar and czarina well, "What was the czarina like?" asked the reporter who interview- ed her as she'lay {ll in bed with tonsilitis in the home of an Ed- monton friend from the Ukraine, "Oh, she was beautiful, lovely red hair and a real classical beau- ty," she replied, "but she was a hysterical woman," "And the czar?" "He was a charming and gra- cious man, very shy." When the revolution tou her away from her palatial home in Petrograd, with its 20 servants, and her summer place at Moscow and the brilliant career in which she received as much as $4,000 for singing for a single night be- fore tho socially elect of the world's capitals, Madame XKarin- skaya did not mind, What did cut her to the soul was the bloodsneu of the revolution, she said, "My politics are peace, happi- ness, and certainly "Thou shalt not kill," she said, "I did not mind losing wealth, I did not car for such things nor need them. I saw the revolution and went through some terrible experiences. I do not condemn them, the revol- utioniets, but I left Russia." TRUCK OVERTURNS . NEAR ALMONDS Almonds, June? 17.---A large truck owned by the Perry Transportation Co, turned turtle in the ditch on Wednesday afternoon a mile west of Whithy as the result of tire trouble. The truck was heavily loaded with cases of beer and was enroute to Oshawa Brewery warehouse, The truck and load were damaged con- siderably but the driver, M. C, Lawrence, escaped unburt, The Young Ladies' Bible class met at the home of Mrs. Dr, McQuay on Thursday afternoon, A good num- ber were present and after the busi- ness of the afternoon was discussed dainty refreshments were sered by the hostess, A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. McQuay for the pleasant social hour spent together. | Mrs, Harry Arnold, of Arnhill| SEED CORN Improved Leaming White Cap Early Bailey Golden Glow Wisconsin No. 7 16 CELINA ST. We have a complete line of the Best Varieties of Fodder and Cob Corn Now In Stock North Dakota Longfellow Compton's Early Rennie's xxx Giant Eureka White COOPER SMITH Co. PHONE 8 tess at a reception given to her many friends of Whitby, Oshawa and Pick- ering. The gracious rooms were beautifully decorated with floflwers. Mrs. H. Arnold and her sister-in-law received the guests during the after- noon and were shown about the home and the spacious lawn beautiful with an abudance of foliage, The tables were beautifully decorated and dain- Farm, highway Pickering, was hos- ty refreshments were served, iy U 7 my os ii / ; SPECIAL Ladies' Shoes I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King W. Phone 733W -- Dd ds i iH By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb PE US hRoor, - iby Meuopebaan Newspaper By Geo. McManus MR. MOORE SENT ME TO SEE YOU TO JO\N THE RESEARCH SOCIETY OF 4 HE'S THE FOUNDER A AND PRESIDENT OF THE SOC\ETY : fl Eg TELLING TOMMY --_-- NO TOMMY, AUTOMOBILES ARE NOT v TUN PALAQUIN FOR ARRAS WOMEN WHAT MAKES YOU 2822558 2d 23223238 I THINK MOTHER WOULDNT (§ LIKE TORIDE WN A + WHEELBARRON, TOMMY AS COMMON IN MARY PARTS OF THE WORLD AS THEY ARE HERE. IN CHINA SOME FOLKS RIDE IN WHEEL BARROWS. i >= SoNomas--h , 1.30 pm, are through Combin- 49c Dominion Clothing Store 08 King St. W, Phone 2141 Boy's Balbriggan L50 pam, 11.00 pom, 1110 p.m Special Time marked Whitby Hospital, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Hospital *900 am. 93 am, 945am, 1000 am. 12.25 p.m, busses to OMNIBUS, CHINA 5 : EF WE COULD TAKE A MAGIC CARPET FORA ul i oo * pT or TRIP ROUND THE WORLD HE WOULD FIND | Ww TNE CT | MANY STRANGE VEHICLES tH USE AID . ! THE WORLDS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. i Ls ALL SORTS OF AMIMALS. DOGS, GOATS PONS, MANY PASSENGERS ARE STILL MOVED BY | AE" DOMKEYS, MULES, HORSES, REWDEER, CAMELS, | | MANPOWER IN VARIOUS CARRYING CHAIRS, OXEN, BULLOCKS, WATER BUFFALO, ELEPHANTS. | ¢ CARTS, WHEEL BARROWS AND RICKSHAWS. AND LLAMAS ARE ALL USED AS A PART OF ( ° reo Ol ee 10.15 aan, 12.45 pm, 2.45 p.m, "4.45 po, 6.8 pm, 8.45 p.m, 11.00 pm.' 1015 pom, Time marked Whitby Hospital, al Busses For All Occasions Reasonable Rates and Careful Drivers I. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville--Phone 412 or 38 Phone 2283 Ushawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince St.-- 12.9 p.m, ome! EYESIGHT SPECIALIST ervice ealt! Straln Disney Block 2% 1516--Phene~151¢ i YES, BUT HAR REN TO KNOW TL KA THE SAEN0G AAS | DECIDED THE A) ' "0 LET. RUMPUS MAC TAKE WHY, - TILLIE| | His \ mduaHT [vacation YoU WERE NOW Lie wou = ov o Cac on er Tn PLANNED FoR. MIM / : OH, YES ER , \'M JWRRY MiSs) eure | J.D.KELLOGGS sthma ALI Dr.J.D. Kellogg's old reliable Asthma Rem- edy is a simple but effective relief for Asthma and Hay Fever, It is composed of herbs, the fumes of which when burned, quickly and effective- Felieve al irrita- on, Ac and surely. ely Manufactured by NORTHROP & :- LYMAN COMPANY, LIMITED Toronto . . Canada

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