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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE ' ) r THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1929 1 Em PT PVT RPT TPT TW PT EVIE JOT Pr rw wwy = Eel is iderably higher than last sss ssasssSssansabelss PPP PVPPVITTTTVVVVTTVVIVITVTVTVVVYITTTVITVVITIYYYYY EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: AAA A AAA LAL SEAR LL 20208000888 Still at Large Kingston.--Patrick O'Shea, who took French eave from the coun- ty jail last Saturday, Is still at iiberty, The police have combed the city but no trace of the miss- ing prisoner has been found. y Buys Island Property Brockville ~--Stephen K. Bresee, of Syracuse, N.Y., formerly of New- boro, has purchased St. Elmo Is- land, about five acres in extent, and lying opposite to Alexandria Bay. The island was formerly owned by Louis T. Hunt, Frontenac Rate Fixed Kingston. -- Frontenac County Council has fixed its tax rate at 15 mills, the same as last year. The budget calls for an estimated revenue of $206,194.11, In two years the deficit has been cut by more than $5,000. Boys Will Be Boys Port Hope.--The risks taken by children who jump on autos and wagons for rides about town was well exemplified by the exeprience of a seven year old boy when he was jolted from a truck at the corner of Mill and Walton streets. He sustained a bad shaking up and was dazed for some time. His es- eape from more serious injury was remarkable, PIPPI IVVVITVIVVIVITIVVIVVIVIVVIVIVVVVIVIVIVIVIIVVYY New Streets This Year Picton.--At this week's session of the County Council a bylaw was passed providing for the construc tion of permanent streets on East Lake Road from Main street to the corporation limits and on wast Main street from the. Agricultural Grounds to the town limits, Boys Camp July 2 Picton, -- The seventh annual boys camp will be held at Consecon Lake, Jely 2 to 10. This camp is promoted by the Prince Edward County Boy's Work 'Board and is interdenominational. Rev, C. Mel- ville Wright, B.A., is the camp di- rector, Appointed to Board Belleville.--Mr, C, A, Camerou, Belleville, was appointed one of the members of the Band of Ad- ministration for three years at the B5th General Assembly of the Presbyterian church meeting at Ottawa, James Dutton, of Peter- boro is also a member for three years. Belleville Rate Unchanged Belleville.--The general rate for Belleville was fixed by council Saturday night. It will be 45 6-10ths, the same as last year. Ex- epnditures are $480,304.31, which HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now is the Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With The Best Fuel Obtainable Jeddo Coal Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Good Fuel CALL TO-DAY AND EXPERIENCE THE SERVICE AN" THIS COMPANY GIVES TO EVERY CUSTOMER . pi ALSO Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime and Building Material So when thinking of concrete work or your driveway, tall and let us serve you. Prices Competitive, Service {The Best. Dixon Coal, Gravel & Sand Co. TELEPHONE 262 Solvay Coke ATISFACTI" N FOUR DIRECT LINES. year, The separate school and collegiate institute rate was much higher than last year, but the gen- eral rate was cut to equal the in- crease Mr. Bennett Coming Brockville--Hon, R. B, Bennett, leader of the Conservative party, is to pay a visit to Stormont and Glengarry on June 27, speaking at a plenic in Alexandria during the afternoon and at a meeting in the Palace Theatre, Cornwall, in the evening. : Visitors From States Kingston. -- Arrangements have been made for a party of 210 business men from the State of Mississipi to come to Kingston on Sunday, August 11th, and make a trip down among the Thousand Islands. They will arrive in Kiugs- ton via a sepcial train over the Canadian Pacific Railway, Attended Convention Kingston, -- Mr, C. 1. Folger, manager of the Public Utilities Commission has returned from Ot- tawa where he attended, at the request of the local commission, the annual convention of the Can- adian Gas Association, which was in session for two days at the Chateau Laurier. 2,500 Under Canvas Kingston, -- Reports from the different units all over this mili- tary district indicate that the number of all ranks who will be under canvag at Camp Barriefield this summer will easily surpass the two thousand mark, and may possibly reach the total of 2,500, More Chicken Thieving Brockville. -- At Chesterville, a few days ago, Jack McEwan, of no address, pleaded guilty to the theft of chickens and was sentenced by Magistrate McCormick to one year in prison, at hard labor, and a fur- ther {indeterminate term of one year, less one day. Principal Resigns Brockville--After having served for four years as principal of the Kemptville high school, B. D. Mar- wick has resigned pointment to the principalship of a new eight-teacher high school which is being opened at New Lis- keard, Temiskaming district. Mr. Marwick will receive an initial sal- ary of $3,000 per annum with a guaranteed increase of $100 per year for three years. Cadets Parade Kingston.--The Cadet Battalion of the Royal Military College paraded to St. George's Catehdral Saturday morning for service in connection with the graduation ex~ ercises. Communion was celebrat- ed by Right Rev. Bishop Seager, and the preacher was the Very Rev. Dr. W. W, Craig. No Commission Appointed Kingston.--The County Council have decided not to appoint a spe- cial commission at this time, to look after the local applications under Watch For The ARCADE FLOAT In The Rotary Parade and the Arcade Advertisement -=and You Will See to accept ap- THE VERDICT "BETTER EVERY spoonful will prove that these crisp bran flakes made by Kellogg in Lon. don, Ontario, are better. They have the famous flavor of PEP, Vitamins, Mineral salts. Just enough bran to be mildly laxative, Sold only in the red.and. green package. Try them. Bran FLAKES arate Produce Prices in the $i Commercial Markets a al TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to vetail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 35c; fresh ; 30c; seconds, 2c. ts, 40 to dlc y to Pe. 2c; twins, 21%c; trip. ec, Old, large, rs twins, and cuts, 2c; old stiltons, Ducklings ..o.oeee Broilers, 1b: +e000 TORONTO TROVISION PRICES i | $15.75 -|75¢ to $1 to ¥c; do. 30 to 40c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 bs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs, $19; 90 to 1000 ubs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel, Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15% to 16%4c; pails, 16)4c; prints, 18}4 to 18)4c. Shortening, ag ld rig ed 14c; pails, 14%5c, tins, i ts, ork loins, 32%c; New York shoulders, 22Yic; pork butts, 27%c; pork hams, 2c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, June 17.~Egg futures on the Chicago Mercantile exc ce weakened $15 a car today. ipts were larger but the spot held firm, Uncertainty seems still fo domi the majori the Old Age Pensions Act. It is not likely that the Act will come into effect until November, and the council may in their November ses- sion appoint a commissios. Excursi Wel Cobourg.--The young people of the Federated Churches of New York State ran an excursion to Cobourg Saturday from Rochester, 800 coming over. They were met by the young people of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church at the boat, and, accompa- nied by the Cobourg Kilties' Bana, paraded to Trinity United Church, where an international goodwill meeting was held. They were wel- comed by the Mayor and Council. Gypsy Band.Chased Lindsay. -- Provincial Officer Wtatherall had a lively chase af- ter a band of travelling gypsies who were alleged to have entered the store of I. M. Laidley, Duns- ford, and to have stolen food. When the officer brought the band to a halt, they denied guilt, but when told they would have to re- turn to Lindsay, the made rescitu- tion. Delegates Arrive Brockville.--Delegates began to arrive Saturday to attend the an- nual meeting of the Dominion Credit Exchange, the business se»- sions of which will be held tomor- row with the president, W. J. Wall, Montreal, occupying tue chair. The program includes ad- dresses by A M, Hyde, Montreal; C. E, Smallpiece and M, P. Lav- erty, Montreal; W. H. Biggs, Lon- don, and K. M. Gardner, Brock- ville. Milk Producers' B:anch Campbellford. -- A meeting will be called shortly at Campbellford for the purpose of forming a branch of the Ontario Milk Pro- ducer's Association at a represen- tative meeting held some little time ago the subject was discuss- ed. At this meeting it was brought forcibly against those present that great profits would accrue if milk standards were raised. It was held that the stan- dard of milk and butter could be raised if the milk supply was carefully guarded. Anglers Requested Action Kingston, -- Asking the council to recommend to the government that commercial fishing in the lakes of Frontenac county be ban- ned, officials of the Fish and Game Protective Association wait- ed on County Council on Friday afternoon but nothing was done with their request, Councillor W. Spanke of Wolfe Island being the only member to speak on the mat- ter, and he was decidedly opposed to the request of the anglers. Strawberries at West Lake Picton. -- Home grown straw- berries are now on the market. This week Mr, Thomas Drew, West Lake, mail carrier picked 10 boxes from his plot which sold at 30c a box. He reports others rip- ening rapidly and a great demand for those he had for sale. These are the first strawberries reported picked this year. Boy Dives To Death Belleville.--Diving from a raft into 13 feet of water, James Cas- sidy of Trenton, 11-year-old son of James Cassidy of that place, was drowned on Saturday morning. With a companion, Albert Coaney, he was playing along the shore when the raft became loose from its moorings. Cassidy, who was unable to swim, jumped into the water, sinking instantly from sight. Cooney made strenuous ef- 1928 Chev. Sedan. .. New car warranty $650 ¥ ROSS, AMES & | GARTSHORE CO. i | 9 Prince St., Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Essex Distributors QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 al MALLETT. BROS. hi y of traders. December butter dipped $48 a car in early trading and was unable to recover at the close in the absence of buying support, Open commitments--June eggs, 22; Nov. eggs, old, 178; Nov. eggs, new ,1,762; June butter, 20; Dec butter, 416, Chicago spot market--Butter, extras, 42¥c; standards, 42)4c; tone steady; eggs, firsts, 29; tone steady. tone steady! eggs, firsts, 20/4 to 3ic; tone steady, 26 cities--Butter today, 38,861,500; last year, a tggs today, 5,188,017; last year, No ten markets movements or street stocks account y in Boston. EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, June 17~Receipts of hogs, 7/600; holdovers, 100; market active to all interests, 20 to 25c over Saturday's averdge! Sala pS 5.) 50 to 75; packing sows, $9.75 to $10; few, $10.25. ' Receipts of cattle, 1,200; all classes and rades active, 25 to 40c higher; some up 50c; vy waterfill considered ; choice steers under 1,000 pounds and yearlings, $15 to $15.25; good steers and light heifers; $14.25 to $14.75; mostly $14.50 to $14.75; good cows, $10 to $10.50; cutter grades, $6 to $3.25; medium bulls, $9.75 to $10.25; calves, 1,400; vealers active, steady; good to choice, $16 to $16.50, Receipts of sheep, 3600; lambs, 50 to 75¢ off; quality rather plain; Sod to choice, to $16; sparingly, $16.50; yearlings, lower; good to choice, 95 pounds down, $12 to $12.25; top, $12.50; ewes scarce, weak to 25c lower, $5.75 to §7, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Gran dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making th following quotations for car lots: » . Manitoba Wheat No, 2 northern, $1143. No. 3 northern, $1.1234, No, 4 wheat, $1.09, No, 5 wheat, 98¢ No. 6 wheat, 85%;c, Feed wheat, 73;c. (caf, Goderich and bay ports track, 1c higher than above.) Price on TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to farmers (delivered at Toronto): No. | timothy, loose per ton $19 00 to $20 00 Po., baled ..occerisrvies Nominal No. 2, do., do., 14 00 No, 3 do, do. . Lower grades .... Wheat straw 13 00 New York spot market--Butter, extras, 44c; Oat straw .. forts to save his chum, but to no avail, Chief of Police Bain of Trenton searched the nearby waters for some hours, but it remained for Howard Jarrett to locate the body. First-Aid methods were employed, but the body had been in the water SUN » " v TAN- ' NOT SUN BURN Don't be afraid of injuring your skin by playing about in the scorching sun, Just apply FRENCH BALM -- quickly, easily, it extracts the sore- ness and soothes the burning tissues, leaving only a healthy sun tan, Reg, 50c a bottle, JUNE SALE PRICE 39¢ A hundred other bargains on our June Toilet goods sale, SAVE WITH SAFETY AT The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell Simcoe South Phone for some hours before it was re covered and it was impossible to revive him. Burial will be made 1a Trenton. Coroner Dr. Crowe did not order an inquest. A little turpentine will work like magic in cleaning a greas sink. It removes the grease quickly and the turpentine smell evapor: ates quickly, ~~ Unive Oehawn and driving comfort. Grips with Silent 'Power HE greatest safety feature on any autos | JL. mobile--the braking system --has been developed on the Ford car to a degree that insures absolute driving confidence. Being fully enclosed, the internal expanding brakes on all four wheels are free from an: danger of impaired performance from sand, road dirt, grease or other foreign matter entering the mechanism or between the bands and drum. The four wheel system is operated by a foot pedal, while the emergency or parking system of two brakes, one on each rear wheel, is distinct and separate, operated by a hand lever. This added security is made possible through the unique design of the Ford steel spoke wheels to which drums are fitted to . accommodate two sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. The smooth, even braking of the Ford car yields more advantages than maximum safety at all times, since it makes tires last longer and adds immeasurably to riding ease arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer rsal Motor Sales A. F. COX, DEALER Ontario i i AAS ALO

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