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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jun 1929, p. 2

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GR The he Whitby Daily Times 52 sows witb received o the Whity Ofc, Dudas Sit, office.~Telepbone 434, ~ next the post a | REPRESENTATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN OFFER TOSHL WHITBY INTEREST IN GRAVEL PIT Streets Committee of Coun- cil to Consider Proposal of Township MEETING WAS QUIET: Council Decides to Take Vacation, Unless Special Business Arises (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 18.--An offer to sell to the municipality a half in- terest in the gravel pit situated on Lot 26, Concession 3, Whitby township, for $1,000, was made in a 'communication to the town council last night by the township of Whitby. The matter was refer- red to the streets committee, The town council has the right to purchase gravel from the pit at the cost of 5 cents per cubic yazd, according to an agreement which was entered upon some time ago when the department of highways occupied the pit, This right was upheld by the court in litigation which occurred between the town- ship and town last year. Now however the township would like to sell the municipality an interest in the pit so that there might be no misunderstanding in hauling gravel, A communication was recejved last night from the Port Whitby Ratepayers' Association pointing out that the association had built a backstop behind the baseball dia- mond in the south ward park as a gift to the park, The council ex- pressed its appreciation for this actinn upon motion of Councillor J. H. Ormiston seconded by Coun- cillor Robert Reed. A request from the Association that the temporary bridge across the creek on Watson street be equipped with a hand-rail in order to protect old people and child¥en was referred to the town engin- eer, 'Asks For Street Work The Cedar Nurseries Co., whote the council urging that Pine street be gravelled and graded. The eompany promised to care for the boulevard if this was done, The communication was referred to the ptreetgs committee, Mr. Isaac Levine appeared be- fore the council and complained that the assessment on two prop- erties owned by him was much in excess of their saleable value. Mr. Levine was requested to lay his complaint in writing before the Court of Revision CBuneillor Wm, Pringle intro- duced the report of the finance committee and accounts totalling $617.2¢ wera passed and ordered vaid. The accounts were charged ss follows, finance, $230.12; street, $201.84; fire and light, $33.92; town property, $39.60; sidewalks, $13.31; Atsouny paid snd not' passed, $48.45 'Councillor J. H. " Ormiston, chairman of the town property committee, reported that the con- Thousands Now Eat LEY A Delightful Breakfast Food -- tract for the laying of a concrete floor in the basement of the town caretaker's home had been let to Mr, M, Campbell, local contrac- tor. Mr. Campbell's tender wos $130. Mee A Quiet Last night's tig. TY excep- tionally quiet and few matters of importance came up for discus- sion, When Deputy Reeve Bow- man meved that an adjournment be made, Mayor Dudley announced from the chair that there would be no mid-month meetings of the council during July and August unless some special business should arise, This announcement wag re- ceived with favor by members of the council board as they pictured themselves reclining In some cool spot on the third Monday of each month instead of grappling with heavy civic duties. Those present last: night in- cluded besides the mayor, Reeve J. M, Kenny, Deputy Reeve C. E. Bowman; Councillors Wm, Prio- gl, Robert Reed and J. H., Ormfis- ton. FOOTBALL GAME ENDED IN DRAW Whitby Town and Ontario Hospital Stage an Inter- esting Game (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 18--Whitby town and the Ontario Hospital football teams fought to a 1-1 tie in a keenly-con- tested South Ontario Football league game played in the Ontario Hospial grounds last night, The town team had the better part of play during the first half and pressed hard against their opponents, The experienced hard luck in shooting however, and the only goal of the fat came when Hearn, at outside left, found an open space between the posts when placed a neat penalty kick. With the score 1-0 against them in the second frame, the Hospital outfit staged a successful rally and in a few minutes they had tied the score, beat- ing Parry in goal, Both teams were in a deadlock then and exerted every effort to score. There were some brilliant attacks but the goalies prove ed invincible in both cases and the score remained a tie until the end of the game. The town team was as follows, Goal, Parry; backs, L. Bradley and Taffy Rogers, halves, King, R, Bradley and Hemington; forwards, Mackey, Gow, Jones, Hearn and Callison. Bowling Tourney Is To Be Held Tomorrow (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, June 18.--The annudl tournament of the bowling divi- sion of the Whitby Lawn Bowling and Tennis Club is being held to- morrow, The greens are now in splendid shape and a good time 18 anticipated with keen competition between the varfous rinks which have entered. Refreshments will be served on the grounds and for this purpose a large marquee tent has been erected on the club's property to the south of the greens, A tennis tournament is being run simultaneously with the bowl. ing tournament. REMANDED TILL THURSDAY Whitby,' June 18.--]. Dragone, of Toronto, who was charged with being drunk while operating a motor vehicle, last week, appeared in police court yesterday and was remanded until Thursday, June 20. Dragone is out on bail of $3,000. En route miles of DEAN LAIRD'S SIXTH ANNUAL 21.DAY TOUR AcrossCanadasBack 1BAQW FEI Corresponding fares from other points. Leaving Toranto by epecial train vis \CANADIAN PACIFIC - Monday, Js July 2, on 929 visit many important and Dicresting Pisses 's Mountain Grandeur and World-famous Beauty hii Banff, Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley tor Drives--Extensi ht-seeing trip on Banff-Wi way. a Tripe--Kootenay Feb Puget Sota, and across the En hi. tion can bo bad on_application Tustrated booklet giving full infor M. R. JOHNSON, C. P, A, ---C 11 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. hy 0) | DEAN SINCLAIR LAIRD Macdonald College P.O., Que, | EEE 0 000 SCREENS Mr. Householder,-- For those screens you are needing 'phone 2354. \ We measure your windows and make screens to fit. Our work is satisfactory, Our prices are right. Millard's Mill Phone 2354 EE TR Na -------- - TORONTO CHURCH 10 HOLD PICNIC IN WHITBY PARK Will Be Given a Welcome to Town by Mayor y Staff Reporter) Whitb: Y re 18. --~Teachers and pupils iy Jun Baptist Church Sun- day school, Toronto, are holding a picnic in the town park next Saturday afternoon, June 22. It is expected that the party will arrive here at 11 o'clock, Saturday morning, and will be conducted to the park by Mayor L. W. Dudley, Chief i Gunson and members of the council. The park is now in splendid shape and is becom- ing increasingly popular as a tourist camp and recreation ground, The large playing field lends itself admir- ably to the variety of sporting events which generally feature a feature a picnic, WHITBY SWELTERS IN TROPICAL HEAT Temperature Said To Have Reached 85 Degrees in Shade (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Y 18. -- All Whitby sweltered in the heat yesterday and the temperature is said to have raced to a point where it reached 85 in the shade, The sky was blue overhead, the sun shone bright, earth seemed clothed in a garment of fresh, emer- ald green and it was easy with the poet, who in wonderment at the beauty and freshness, characteristic of this month, wrote: "What is so rare as a day in June, Ii ever, then come perfect days." But it is doubtful whether thoughts of poetry. entred upon many minds, The common topic of light conversa- tion was the heat, just as a short four weeks ago it was the cold, Ideas centered upon the refreshing coolness of ice-cream dishes and soit drinks, confectionary stores benefitting to the extent of a land-office business. Several persons discovered ideal ways of keeping cool, The easiest method was to stretch forth on the cool, green sward, beheath the friend- ly branches of one of the town's many statley maples and in this sweet at- titude of calm repose, let the rest of the world go perspiring by. Those who were more. energetic however, raced down to Lake Ontario to plunge into its cool waters and swim about like porpoises. Farmers of the district found that the only way to keep cool was to get under a broad-rimmed straw hat, seize a hoe with determined grasp and tackle a field of mangels, WHITBY PERSONALS Rev. J. M. Crisall, rector of All Saints' Anglican Church, Mrs. Cri- sall and family, have returned from Fairy Lake, Lake of Bays dis- trict, near Huntsville, where they spent a pleasant two weeks' vaca- tion. Friends of Mr. Crisall will be pleased to hear that he has completely recovered from the ef- fects of a recent operation. Miss Margaret Hudson, of Tor. onto, is spending a vacation at the home of her parents, Dr, and Mra. Hudson, Byron street. Miss Helen Jackson, of the Tor. onto General Hospital staff, is holi- daying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Jackson, Centre street. She is accompan- ied by Miss Mabel Rolston, nurse- in-training at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, and formerly of Whitby. Miss Clara Hopper has resumed her position at the Oshawa Daily Times office after an absence of one week on account of illness, Mr. Walter Thompson, Dundas street west, left last Thursday for Montreal, Quebec, where he has secured a position. H. J. Locke, assistant inspector of legal offices for Ontario, was a business visitor here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Draper, and two daughters, visited friends in Toronto, Sunday, Mr. Louie Bandel, of St. Jerome College, Kitchener, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bandel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Millard have re- turned home after a motor trip to Kingston and Ottawa. FINE OLD MAPLE REE CUT DOWN (By Staff Reporter) Whitby: June 18--A fine old maple tree, situated on Centre street in front of the residence of Mr. L, F, Rich- ardson, had to be cut down yesterday because 'it had become rotten in the centre of the trunk. A large limb broke off the tree several days ago, and it was feared that unless the three was removed, other limbs might break off with the possibility of in- juring anyone who might be passing along the sidewalk, ALL-NIGHT THEATRES WANTED Theatre managers of London are seeking permission to run all- night performances, one of which will begin just after midnight on Sundays. They say that all-night restaurants have proved a success in that ctiy, indicating that there is a class that never goes to bed until daylight, : I THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 1929 1 Bowmanville Daily Times RICHARD COWAN Representative Phone: Office 587, TRAINING SCHOOL SCOUTS ENJOYED WEEK-END CAMP Modern Campus And Ath- letic Field to be Laid Out (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 18--Under ideal conditions, the Howard Fer- guson Scouts and Cubs combined last Friday and Saturday for the best week-end camp in the history of the school. The group of 35 tramped five miles north to a spot where the mosquitoes are extravr- dinarly large and twice as feroci- ous as any other met by the young- ster before. In spite of the pests, it was a real scouty outing in every sense of the word and one that will long he remembered. The scouts journeyed in two groups, the first group hunting out a suitable loca- tion and blazing a trail of scout signs for the remainder to follow, Many outdoor tests 'were passed, making the trip quite useful as well as enjoyable. Two interesting parties of peo- ple visited the school last week. The graduate nurses of the district inspected the plant and a group of Kiwanians from Peterborough were guests of the school one evening for dinner, followed by the usual sight-seeing tour. The two new buildings are pro- gressing rapidly and will be ready in plenty of time for the fall term. Organized baseball is just about over for another season at the school and it has been a great sea- son. In the major league the Pir- ates are leading, having won six games and lost only one. They have one more game to play and it does not matter if they lose or not as they will have the championship for their nearest rivals have lost three games. The remaining four teams are fairly well grouped, The minor leaguers have nine games yet to play and while the Red Sox are on top the other four teams are still very much in the running. A modern campus and athletic field with a quarter mile track will be laid out this summer and groom- ed for the annual track and field championships in September. The new field will be one of the show places of the school and will be located just to the east of the man entrance and driveway facing Con- cession street. To accomodate {increases in the poultry population "of over 300, several colony houses have been built at the foot of the Darch or- chard. The staff ball team trimmed the school at baseball last week by the close score of 20-19. It was any- body's game with the lead changing the game quite satisfactory; The line ups were: Bowmanville--~M. Osborne, 4g D. Osborne, c; B. Corden, 1b} Hooper, 2b; D. Piper, ss; P. Lunn, 3b; B. Cameron, cf; H. Corden, rf; H, Gamble, If. Orono--F. Lycett, p; R. Winter, C; R. Cormisk, 1b; A, West, 2b; J. Gilfillan, ss; H. Couch, 3b; G. Watson, cf; S. Cuttell, rf; J. Cor- misk, If. WORKMEN BUSY ON ST. JOHN'S STEEPLE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 18.--On Friday and Saturday, workmen were noticed busily working on cleaning up St. John's Church steeple. Bricks and other builders material were raised to the top by means of a hoist and the brick- layers finished the work of de- molishing the steeple by finishing the top off in the form of a tur- ret as St. Paul's has already been done, The turret effect give the church just as nice an appearance as the old steeple did the only difference being that the turret cannot be seen from as great a dis- tance as the steeple. Toronto Lawyer Is Fined For Speeding (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 18.---In po- lice court yesterday afternoon Downey of 935 St. Clair W,, To- DDowney of 935 St, Clair W., To- ronto $5.00 and costs for speeding. Mr. Downey, who is a prominent lawyer in that city, objected strern- uously to costs being added to fine, He will however have to pay the costs in his case, which amount to some $7.00, Free To Visit The Old Swimming Hole | Bowmanville, June June 18,~-Yester- day afternoon many of Bowman- ville juvenile citizens were seen heading for the old swimming hols with their bathing suits over thelr shoulders. These youngsters are from the lower forms in the high school and from the entradice class in public school, the one fortun- ate to get out on recommendation. In the meantime the others are busy writing examinations or are busy preparing for them. The Mat- riculations examinations" started yesterday morning which may ac- count for the troubled look in some of the older pupils eyes, R. D. ROSS T0 HEAD ROYAL COMMISSION Toronto, June 18.--Premier Howard Ferguson ansounced that P. D. Ross, publisher of the Ottawa Journal, has been appointed chair- man of the Royal Commission which is to investigate conditions in the Ontario mental hospitals, the public hospitals of the province and the various juenile welfare or- ganizations throughout the prove ince. The appointment of Mr. Ross as head of the commission follows the announcement of the inability for personal reasons, of H. 8. Wil. lame, of Toronto, to accept the duty. It is expected that several other prominent business and pro- fessional men of the province will be asked to take positions on tne commission. The survey to be made by the ERR A, ee. I The Foundation Of Smart Appearance Emart appearance is a matter of proper corsetry, Gossard Corsets knowingly designed in the modern mode, are justly pre ferred by fashionable women, everywhere. Smart appearance, yes--and comfort ----are yours in a Gossard Corset Complete, girdle, clasp-around or coms bination, they are perfectly made--remarkably designed--w reasonable in price A graduate bolseture always in attendance to assist you, Large and comfortable fitting room, Make an appointment Phone 528 Authorized Agents for Camp Corrective Supports LAMBLE'S commission will embrace the On- tario hospitals, public hospitals and the juvenile welfare organiza- tions throughout the province, The report, it is hoped, will embody suggestions for best handling the the population of the province and particularly the juveniles who are receptive of some form of manual training. The commission will have open powers to take steps it deems es- unfortunate mental defectives of sential to the success of its probe. ------ hands about every innings. The game served as a practice for the staff team as they play Whitby in the near future. The staff linsup | was--Catcher, Dr. Reaman; pitch- | er, Mr. Cunningham; 1b, Mr. | Brown; 2b, Mr. Allin; 3b, Mr, Ma- | son; short stop, Mr. Nobson; left field, Mr. Seggie; centre field, Mr. Bradt; right field, Mr. Fenton, Dr. Reaman attended the meet- ing of the Ontario Neuropsychiatric Association held at the Orillia hus- pital on Friday, June 14. ORONO TEAM LOSES T0 BOWMANVILLE Close Game Played at the Orono Grounds Last Night (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, June 18.--~The Bowmanville Pirates travelled to Orono last evening and defeated the Orono team in the Big Four! league, 6-6. It was a bitter pill for the Orono team to take to be defeated on their own grounds by such a close score. The game was fast with plenty of exciting plays throughout as the close score shows. Hitting was rather heavy, two three baggers, one by Piper and the other by West with two on. Lunn banged out a two bag- ger with two on and Gilfilan also got a two bagger. The battery for Pirates was the two Oshorne bro- thers, "Mike" and "Dutch" with "Mike" doing the hurling. These two boys are making quite a name for themselves as both can play one position just as good as the other. Winters and Lycett for Or- ofo, formed a formidable battery and gave the Pirates plenty of trou- ble. Little and Gamsby handled No More Piles Pile sufferers can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause--bad blood circulation in the lower bowel. Cutting and salves can't do this--an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leon. hardt's Hem-Roid, a harmless tab let, succeeds because it relieves this blood congestion and strength- ens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has a wonderful record for quick, safe and lasting relief to Pile sut- ferers. It will do the same for you or money back. Jury & Love ell and druggists anywhere sell Join the Crowds of Eager Buyers Will Be CLOSED ALL DAY WEDNESDAY In order to complete arrangements, mark down and tag each and every pair of shoes in this gigantic Million Dollar stock, sc that every detail may be attended to, allowing noth- F aciory F oF Hem-Roid with this guarantee, AGN 23% Simcoe St. South ing to hinder the progress of this great Anniversary S-A-L- A Fifteen-Day Monster Merchandising Event Eclipsing by far all previous efforts . . . . This is unquestionably the "Buying Chance of 1929" No maddening disappointments here, plenty of merchandise! Plenty of help! $1,000,000 worth of high-grade ladies' footwear, men's and children's boots and shoes, rubbers and tennis shoes will be offered at prices that will attract the economical buyers from miles around . . . Tell your friends! + ++ Spread the glad tidings! « + « and above all . . . come yourself! This is without a doubt CANADA'S GREATEST SHOE SALE "EXTRA SALESPEOPLE WANTED (Experienced Preferred) SHOE _ APPLY AT ONCE AT AGNEW.SURPASS SHOE STORE EW- SURPASQ You Money STORES Oshawa, Ont.

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