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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1929, p. 1

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"All the ¥ News While It Is News" " The Oshawa' Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City VOL. 4--NO. 143 at Bay Except Sundays audible: Holdaze Every OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1929 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. TWENTY T PAGES News in Brief (By Canadian Press) Forty Persons Perish Bogota, Colombia -- Forty persons were said today to have perished and more than 100 to have been injured in the Town of Seville by floods from the Quilcace River, . Injured Improving Toronto~Harry Wild and Thomas Lowe,the two men who were seriously injured in an explosion at the Ontario Hydro-Electric plant at Cooksville on Monday, are reported to be improv- ing at the General hospital. Draws A Line at Color Austin, Tex.~The Texas house of representatives today adopted the senate concurrent resolution rebuking Mrs, Herbert Hoover for receiving a negro congressman's wife at a White house tea, The vote was 99 to 10, ¥ % ¥ Big Merger San Francisco, Calif -- Examiner today sald Giannini interests had Joned with Fox Film Company and Western Electric Company in or- ganization of $100,000,000 "talk- fe"' theatre corporation. » LJ LJ Four-Legged Duck Owen Sound--A freak of nature appedred on th farm of Mr, Harry Flemings, near here, when a duck with four legs was hatched, The bird, which is now three or four days old, is one of the liveliest of the brood, .. ok % Abolition of Rifle Drill Windsor, --Substitution of physical exercise for rifle drill 'was recom- mended to urged removal . of "any hint of militarism," * % Gift To Son London, -- Lord Beaverbrook Canadian born newspaper mag- nate, has made gift .of controlling shares and interest in the Dally Express Newspaper Company to his elder son, William Maxwell Aitken, it was announced today, * * LJ] Bill Tilden Wins London, "Big Bill" Tilden woh his first match in the London lawn tennis championships which opened at Brin s Club yesterday, defeating the ritish player, H. G, N. Lee, 6=1, Lee recently won the Kent championship. ow New Record for Building Kitchener. -- With less than six months of the year gone, building irf Kitchener has eclipsed the million dollar mark and Inspector Bucher ex- pects that a new record will be creat- ed. This is despite the at that in 1923 the total was $l 893,000 Farmers Visit New York Catharines.--~The third annual farmers' bus tour was due to arrive at New York last night, The party will stay at the Times Square Hotel until Thursday noon, In New York St, they will visit the piers, Farmers' Market, Stock Exchange and other points of interest, * 0% Beer Drinking Is lllegal Windsor, -- Ruling that touring motorists must not serve beer or whiskey at roadside picnics, Magis- trate W. A. Smith yesterday in the Sandwich Police Court imposed a fine of $100 and costs when Donald Me- Donald, Detriot, pleaded uilty to having liquor in a glace other than a private dwelling. Pacific Science Congress Ottawa. ~The Pacific Science con- gress will meet in Canada in 1932, according to word received at the National Research council. The con- gress meets every three years and is attended by distinguished scientists from countries bordering on the Paci- fic. Economic and scientific problems are discussed, * * Supports Liquor Seizure Sarnia~County Magistrate C. S. Woodrow announced a decision yess terday upholding the seizure of 156 cases of whiskey made in April last by provincial officers. The liquor was taken from a truck below Sombra and was valued at $3,600. It was made up of shipments to Lambton liquor docks from various exporters at Windsor, Walkerville and Lasalle, SACRIFICED LIFE T0 SAVE YOUNGSTER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, Ont., June 19.--TIurl- {ng himself from the wagon he was driving on the highway five miles west of this city to sweep five year old Kenneth McCrow from the path of a motor car, Fred Denyes sacrificed his life today. Denyes, who is 48 years of age, was in- stantly killed while the little boy was rushed to Kingston General Hospital suffering from broken legs and a possible fracture of the skull, WEATHER Pressure is high over the Uni. ted States with an extensive low area in the western provinces. Local igen have occurred in an cooler in patie and the Mari. times. . Forecasts: 'Lower Lake region and Georgian Bay--Moderate southwest winds; local thunder- ER i 64 Walkerville - Windsor Technical School board by Major J. C, Jeffery, district cadet officer who ROTARY STREET FAIR IS ON TONIGHT Central Ontario Swept by Severe Electric Storm RUM RUNNERS Promptly As Ruin Run- ners Flee Towards Can- adian Shore PUT HOLE IN AN AMERICAN BOAT Fifty Feet Apart When Battle Started With Re- volvers Windsor, . June 19.--After « swift moving revolver battle in De- troit river just before daylight to- day rum runners of the East Wind- sor sector retreated into Canadian waters after peppering a hole in the prow of a United States cus- toms patrol cutter. There were no known casualties. The rum runners deliberately opened fire without notice on the American boat it was charged by Walter 8. Petty acting collector of customs at Detroit. His men return ed the volleys and chased the in- truders back to the Canadian shore, he said. The battle started, Potty report td when the rum craft was about 100 feet off the foot of Joesph Campau avenue, Detroit, I'he bor- der patrol was gliding down stream and was about 50 feet fiom the runner when its crew of several men blazed away suddenly 'with revolvers, the bullets' drumming against the government boat blasts |! ing a hole above its water lines, Petty said: "Our men = returned the fire promptly," Petty added. "The rum runners swung about and retreat- ed toward Canada, maintajning a heavy fire at its pursuer. Petty charges that the firing from the rum boat continued loug after it had reached Canadian waters. Tle customs boat abandoned the chasc at the international water line, TOOK HIS TIME "I hear there's an old man here that's 104 years old," said the vis- itor to the village, 'You must be proud of him." "Proud nowthin'! All he's done is grow old an' took him a time to do it, too!" -- Yorkshire BECOMES SCHOOL INSPECTOR Joseph A. Gibson, 55 Lamb Ave, Toe ronto, who has been appointed publi school inspector for North Welling ton. Mr, Gibson is 30 years of age. LIGHTNING STRIKES RITSON RD. HOME Lightning struck the house own- ed by Tony Furyk, 283 Ritson road about 2.30 o'clock this after- noon, tearing a large hole in 'the roof and ripping the plaster off the walls in two rooms before it grounded on a metal basin in the bathroom. The chimney was also partially wrecked. Fortunately no one was upstairs when the accident , accurred 'or more serious results might have taken place. | Mrs. Peter Antony- shyn and her daughter Mary, aged 8, besides Miss Elsie Furyk and 4- year-old Murray' Stasink were in the kitchen immediately under the room where the lightning struck. Damage was estimated to be about of Bedford, aged $25. is becoming an es: OPEN FIRE ON AMERICAN CUSTOMS BOAT IN DETROIT RIVER * Customs Men Return Fire Bennett Favors Empire Trade (By Frank Flaherty, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Simcoe, Ont, June 1--Desire and aim of Conservative party, as ex- pressed by Hon, R, B. Bennett, party leader, in address last nightis to give Canadians equal opportunity with fair competition to develop Dominion, Only way today this, Mr, Bennett said, was by means of protective tariff that would force products of other countries produced under more favorable competitive countries to pay toll to enter this country, He was in favor of Empire trade and suggested calling of economic con- ference with view to making Empire economic unit, but he declared Em- ire preferences should never be of lanket sort which would destroy Canadian industry as Australian and : New Zealand treaties were running our dairy business, It was fifth speech of Conservative leader's Ontario tour and today he speaks at two widely separated points, Port Stanley in afternoon and Brantford in evening. Despite very hot weather for western On- tario is now in grip of first real heat wave of season, large crowds turn out to greet leader of opposition at every point,' mF Heat Wave Relief Promised, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont., June 19. --~With a promise, of relief from the heat of the lgst two days, Ontario citizens breathed easier today. The wea- therman promises cooler breezes by tonight at least and thunder storms in Northern, Eastern and Central areas of the Province, Ottawa, with a maximum of 94 degrees in the shade, was the hot- test spot in the province yesterday, and Toronto with 92 was second, A comforting feature of the heat wave so far has been the caution displayed by the majority of the thousands of bathers teeming the shores of the lakes and rivers seck- ing relief from the scorching sun. Drowning fatalities have been less during this heat wave than the previous one. The promised cooler weather struck the eastern aprt of the prov- ince quite early in the day, Thun- derstorms were reported in sewvgn- al districts, At Brockville a sev- ere electrical storm caused consid- |. erable damage to crops and prop- erty, One farmer lost 17 head of cattle wrich weres truck. by light ning as they bunched together un- der a tree. EARLIEST BRITISH ART FOUND Believed to be the earliest work of art ever discovered in Great Bri- tain, a carved reindeer bone was recently unearthed in a cave near Creswell Craggs, a 'short distance from Buxton, England, It is thought to be at least 15,000 years old. Air mail service between Pana- ma and the United States is to be resumed. FORMER GOVERNOR-GENERAL TAKES SALUTE The most recent photo, General of Canadas, shows h of the Duke of Connaught, a former Governor taking the salute at a parade of the Leagues of the Empire, which marched from Somerset House to St, Paul's following presentation of colors. "With the Duke is the Earl of Meath, out the province, and morning's issue of the Toronto ' greater city that is to be. approved a by-law empowering dustrial purposes. ~ Oshawa's Progréssiveness Is Attracting Attention The carrying of the four city Oshawa by-laws Saturday by the ratepayers of the city, has attracted considerable attention through- comments . on the :progressiveness of the people of this city are coming from many quarters as a result, The following' is "the editorial comment which appeared. in this OSHAWA DOING WELL "Oshawa's electors evidently * have a clear vision of the (By a large majority, they have tures for the securing of industrial sites, Industrial Committee has recommended the purchase twenty-three acres of land, This would mean that, with areas already secured, there will be a solid block acres, adjacent to the harbor and all utilities, set aside for in- Oshawa, already is alive with manufacturing activity, and new factories are springing up. This latest evidence of a public-spirited community will be attractive 'to manufac- turers seeking suitable locations for their plants," Globe." the corporation 10 issue debent- In view of this, the of some together of thirty John Ivanchuk Gains Reprieve (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, June 19, -- A reprieve until July 19 has been granted to John Ivanchuk, convicted of mur- der and $n Nace to hang on Fri- day next, ered the case, has decided to put the execution off for a month, In the meantime, it is exepcted that new evidence bearing on the case will be submitted to th Fderal authorities for copsideration. Iv anchuk wasc onvicted of the mur- der of License ' Inspector Harry Constable at Cochrane, Ont, His lawyers are hopeful of obtainng new trial for the condemned mon, meme gl------ A flying club' is being organized in the Federated Malay States. abinet having consid- Kingston Man Burned to Death (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kingston, June 19.--J. C. Ash- i ley of Harrowsmith was burned to death in his barn this morning when the structure was struck by lightning, Ashley was in the barn when it was hit and failed to make his escape before the buildiug gas destroyed by flames. The ruins are now being search- ed for his body. Ashley leaves a widow and family, Flying Boat Crashes Minaki, Ont--Pilot Johnston and and Mechanic D. E. Sequin of the Royal Canadian Air Force, were slightly injured when there flying boat crashed near here yesterday, The crash occurred when the engine fatled shortly after the take-off, Electric Storm Cause of Delay In Publication POWER WENT OfF AT 2.45 THIS AFTER. NOON Severing of High Tension Line Somewhere East of City Blamed Due to the electrical storm of this afternoon the electrical power service to this city was cut off at 2.45 o'clock by the severing of high tension electric lines between this eity and Bowmanville. Power came on again at 4 o'tlock. The power was off for some time, proving of considerable in- convenience to industries and pri- vate citizens, The break in (he power system came at a most in- convenient time for The Times, which - was making the last pre- parations to go to press. The paper was consequenty de- layed, not only by the actual time that the power was off, but also by the fact that the metal melting pots on the typesetting machines became cooled off in the interval that the power was off, and a fur- ther period had to elapse while they were being reheated before oprations could be resumed. Covered Wide Area The storm apparently covered a wide area, but the downpour of rain which accompanied it seem- ed to miss Oshawa to a large ex- tent. For three hours there was a deluge of rain in Toronto and as far east as' Pickering i-and even Whitby Me 'visited by heavy rains during the noon hour, The storm was also severe fo the east, for it was in that direction that the power break occurred. A Oshawa escaped 'with only intermittent showers of rain,' although ' the lightning was close enough that it struck a house on Ritson road. ------------------ GAME CENSUS BY AEROPLANE A census of big game of Alaska is being made from the'air by the Alaska Gpme 'Commission, On one flight over the Big Delta re- gion, southeast of Fairbanks, 500 caribou and nine moose were counted, Near the Toklat rive: 20 moose were sighted. The noise of the machine frightened the caribou, who ran for shelter, but the moose were undisturbed. ADDRESSED BANKERS Attorney-General! Ward of New Yor) state who spoke at the New York tate Bankers' Association meet al 8 the Royal York hotel last night. Clinic Disastsr Inquest Ended Cleveland, Ohio, June 19,--Mak- ing no attempt to fix blame by pointing out that Cleveland clinic had been warned of faulty x-ray film 'storage which cast 123 lives by fire and poison gases, Coroner A, J, Pearre completed his in- quest after month of investigation in report of fyle with official county records today. Warning was sent to clinic by Ohio Inspection Burau of Fire Un-- derwriters = investigating service last April 2, disaster occurred May 15 It called attention to fire hazard in type of film used at clinic, urged use of another kind, and advised clinic officials that film, if burned, would generate great clouds of noxious fumes, Film was stored In basement and was ignited hv meng ae ove de- termined in d in investigation, Col. Lindberg h Back at Work New York, June 10--His honey- moon at end, Col Charles'A.' Lind- bergh was back at werk today, His first professional duty en- gagement since his marriage to Anne Spencer Morrow, May 27, Mitchell field to observe the opening flight tests for $150,000 prizes offer- ed for the safest aircraft by the Dan. jel Guggenheim fund for promotion of Aeronautics, Col. Lindburgh and hid wife brought their honeymoon to a close yesterday when the famous fiyer tied his motor cruiser Mouette, (to the dock at Sands Point, Long Island, SHOCKS CONTINUE IN'NEW ZEALAND Fate of One Town of 2,000 Inhabitants Causes Anxiety (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wellington, N.Z, June 19-~Severe earthquakes were felt in Murchison and Takaka counties both of which were hard hit in tremors of earlier in week. Considerable anxiety was felt as to fate of the town of Lyiell containing 2,000 inhabitants, which was reported greatly damaged and from which no news was available in any source, Aeroplanes tried in vain fo sight a town due to bad visibility, All roads leading to it were blocked. 'ILhere were rumors it had been wiped out but these were discredited, Postmaster at West Port reported minor earth shocks were continuing there with less frequency but said there were four severe shocks be- tween 1 and 2 am, today. Post office was damaged further, Heavy gale and rain made cook- ing outside difficult, nearly $8,600,000 to 'the United Persia sent worth of 'carpets 'States last year. 'Complete Large Toronto Business Transaction The Duchess 83, of England, 'alr plloky' is transtered in a SIMPSONS | MMITED TRANSFER TO HANDS OF Woob, GUNDY ANDCOMPANY om: | Murphy Company Montes). The lay. of e lay- Mon any. LLY) James . ¥ the res in the eal: Np Sir Joseph Fisvaile. one of the directors of th eo Robert Simpson Come board of | (3) D. store in Toronto: ) C. L. B H. Gibson, the latter deal with Woed, Gundy clates in the was, at i FOUR CORNERS TO BE SCENE OF FUN AND FROLIC FOR THE ROTARY CLUB'S BIG EVENT Y Precostings. Sim Start at 6.45 p.m. When Great Parade Leaves the Armories, and Makes a Tour of a Large Part of the City WILL BE HELD UNLESS RAINING IN EVENING Feature Event of the Eve ning, the Drawing for Chevrolet 1929 Six-Cylin- der Coach, Will Take Place at Midnight--Will Be Held Tomorrow If Postponement Needed Tonight is the big night, At four o'clock this afternoon, trafe fic will cease around the Four Core ners, and a squad of citizens, men who ordinarily would be oeccuying {| places of importance in the business and professional life of the city, will take off their coats, if they are not already off, and will be transformed into carpenters, interior decorators and salesmen, At four o'clock the streets sure foundin ar four corners for Aenight Fo ny JR Von ol ie eh Fair, an event which fo slong once a year, to help the Rotary Club in its splendid community and wel« fare work, and to give to the citizens of Oshawa and the cotntryflor miles around the time of their ¥ves in an Sundae of entertainment, fun and rolic, Officials Confident of Weather While: the weather: looked threat« ening early this afternoon, when a thunderstorm brok. over the city, the Rotarians were confident that this would clear away in time to permit the Street Fair to be completely successful, The arrangements are that if the rain is over by six o'clock the Street Fair will. go on, Should it still be raining then, and the rain continues throughout the evening, a postponement will be necessary, and the Street Fair will be held tomorrow night, The Rotarians, "however, are optimistic, and are looking forward to cool, but clear weather for the evening. This, then, is the last word from the officers, Fair at six' or soon after, 'the fair goes on; raining after six o'clock, with indications that it- will continue, postponement until tomorrow evening. . The Greatest Yet There have been other Rotary frolics in the last two years, but every member of the Rotary Club is (Continued on. Page 10), 17 Cattle Killed By Lightning -------- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, Ont, June 19. Seventeen head of cattle standing under a tree on the tar of Els wood W, Jont, reeve South Blmsley township, were bl and killed by lightnng in heavy. elee- tre storm that passed over this district this morning. Loss is estie mated at $3,000 . STILL SEARCHING FOR BODIES LOST. IN CHANEL CRASH Folkestone, Eng, June '19. Seach was' still in progress today for bodies of three women missing after crash Monday of air liner' "City of Ottawa' near here. It was believed they had been wash- ed into deep' water and probably would not be pecovered for several \) days, Three of six survivors of crash were expected to testify at inquest late today at Lydd town hall. Othe er three were in hospital recover- ing from 's , With condition of all satisfac! four bodies of 7 persons in crash have thus far been recovered Lydd, England, June 19-The cor< oner's inquest on the four victiths of the airliner City of Ottawa's' crash into. the channel on Monday, today returned a verdict that the per- sons had lost their lives by drown- , caused by th idental fall ng, Sul ae acca of a

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