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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1929 . : el a .e,... LL... ..-e lO A le Re. nd 2% | MISGUID SEN. tickets for the draw for She ing, hostile women. "So you are me," che sald. "Twent cars; le. With Band she caught ASPARAGUS SALAD : A ED SE OF lar, mber of ad A his|a gn of Bolshies, eh?" she chal-|and this Westwood phe in Dro Fi by the or. With the oth-| One bunch fresh asparagus, 1 cane . ge nul people x HUMOR APPARENT or her intention of goin "i Oshawa | lenged, waving the umbrelis|sgainst me. Who and what is he? [er she explained the Conservative [ned pintento, French dressing, lets oWManui en ai y imes ' for the Street Fair tonight when the | tBreateningly, ; He has only just come, and we ao | program, then: "Are you going to|iuce, mayonnaise, 3 (By Staff Reporter car will be raffied off, The car carried 'Better get away, Lady Astor," 1|not know what he looks like. I|vote for me?" she asked. Scrape and trim asparagus and tie . Bowmanville, June 19~Some peo- abundance of advertising and at times | warned, for a hefty woman with | tell you, Cook says this is the be-| 'Yes, sald the errand boy. in small bunches. Cook standing up- 81 ple in Bowmanville it must be -ad- had small line-ups for the Auto draw | sacking over her head was veacn- [ginning of the revolution, They "Two," sald Lady Astor seraphi- | right with heads out of water for tickets, ing for a cabbage. are out to smagh the British Gov-|ecally and hour after hour she went | fifteen minutes, Lay flat and cook News, advertising and absctions will be received at the B|mitted have a very keen sense of "Leave This to Me" ernment. Believe me, don't believe |on. ten minutes longer, Remove from wa . " ft Ii i : Bowmanville Office of The Tisnes, Telephones--Office, 587; 2 Sumer, Yestprday af disgraced ook DY R | to She spun Joued fiercely, tne darned Pot ing he come round oe let no wife of mine do it," 0 and Place n French dresving to , | walked up King street trying its N 0 me,' men cau er | touting fake promises.' sald a man, shaking his bead as he | Ch) ut pimento in narrow strips, REPRESENTA TIVE--RICHARD COWAN BL Dest to. kecp its tail between Jo legs IA ASTO ¢ roughly b by Jha 4 shoulder, and whe "Good Old Nancy" saw Lady Astor practically scrap-|Arrange five or six stalks of aspara- He ran like] There was a moment's silence, | ping with two women in the door-|gus on crisp lettuce and place a strip : of £38 haviog 2 father ard ne [ hare, and t A "stie faged thefand then they cheered ber----cheer-| way, Lady Astor came back ra-|of pimento across below the heads, inflated paper bag on the end of it, etowd ed her like mad, and as her car left | ther dishevelled and somewhat | Put mayonnaise in band across the 1 | treet between Ki King and Welling. | pe dog did not know what to do "Too proud for working wo-| the place roared and roared again | flushed. asparagus as far from the ends us "ade 1 8 u's w hen fe in pas. about it and did not seem to have -m mas, au 1 » She laughed Merri. | "Good old Nancy." : "Four," she sald shortly, the pint is from the heads, Serve orma . : " : 2 ery © any place to go, When a group of Election Canvassing Story the gibi 3 5 Via tiuwitila 12 ed, Wary orl, aay Agr alg Wh iad iy Aid he yo ing events will start at 11.30 and will men whistled at it, it had its doubts be through bie Jlternoon, There | Zi out going over but finally decided| of First: Woman MP, |tude, nose perked comically, and| "Canvassing now," she replied |date, has his picture in every win-| . o ts, The Em s iu Oth- | hat it would be safe, Then the dog in Britsin danced affectedly up and down out. | merrily, "Only I must pop in and dow. "Who, is that?" she asked | Thousands BF SVR S prizes or ee 4% Lid not know whether it would be ta : side the tenement, buy a mackintosh first." Her car|the surprised woman who opened | Now Eat are certainly worth competing for. |g "uit inom touch it, When they «They say I drink gin-and-bits| halted while she astounded a|the door. ""The Labor candidate," Two ball games that ought to attract " pf Large Party Expected to finally let the dog loose minus the BOL SHIES Fl AYED ters,' she cried, Hoy, you up|crowd of women by choosing s|replied the woman. "Come over a lot of attention are the game be- bag it had a hard time trying to show there~"_ she pointed to a woman | mackintosh in two minutes. here." said Lady Astor, They talk- £ . Make Trip to Presqu'lle [tween the Benedicts and the Bache- | 2% > ' ppreciation for the kind © act " who had been shouting herself Lady Astor is the world's great-| ed earnestly and long, and then "4 Park fore, and between the sits ne the rendered it. The tying of the bag to London, "ora you are & pack of | hoarse, "How many gin-and-bit-|est canvasser. She went into &|Lady Astor walked back to her car. ' their left hand, Presqu fe 5s an |the dog's tail is sure a cheap way of | Bolshies, Frid ters have 1 had with you, Pleas-|courtyard and yelled at the top of| "Five," sald Lady Astor. ' deal spot. for such an outing as there | 8¢tting 8 thrill Lady Asie stond with her toot | gpt?" her voice. A score of {rowsy| As her car rounded the corner| A Delightful Breakfast Food Bowmanville, June 19~The Good- ood athletic grounds, fishing . Square y planted, a large umber-| 4 little dog flew snarling at the | heads leapt to the window. 'That|she saw the perfect omen-- a wo- : year picnic will be held this Satur- ot ing and a golf links nearby. | KEEN INTEREST IN 1s "Nand fie fs i pe har [Stow Momebody thisw a brick at | one.' sid Lady Astor shortly. iu.) man taking down s plectpre of Wil- day, Every person who intends to go lrrpe es" "pavilion with an orches. , rig i prise Sy ke, a ol pi iy Ber | nim, Like an avenging angel with | dicating a particularly belligerent |ifam Westwood in her front win- on, this gréat gala event is asked 104," on the 'grounds. Lunch will he] OSHAWA STREET FAIR | (mr (oon Bo a ke ait. | bor umbrella, Lady Astor dashed specimen, She dsshed to the| dow. FOR RENT be at the Goodyear plant at 9 o'clock | oided for those who do not take o # completely alone i8 | yp saved the tittle dog, and then, house, had a short, flerce seot-to EE . Saturday morning. People travelling [pi c™ 0 "ihe hotel on the grounds, (By Sill Reporter) the courtyard of the worst tene-|with arms akimbo, harangued the|with a man in the doorway, and| Switzerland has a boom in con- Furnished Apartments In their own cars are asked to dec- [gor citizen of Bowmanville is ask- y sportier) ment in the worst street in Piy-|crowd, Her words burned Iike|then finished inside. struction of motion picture pute Apply orate them up and prizes will be giv- | 24s = oi "a (ion the Goodyear and Bowmanville, June 19,--Several | mouth, a Communist stronghold, acid, With their own words and| Five minutes later she came out |aces, W. Shacklet en to the best decorated car, The cars | one Zions on the picnic, = A good | iMes during the week the car that|and glowered at balcony on bal-|shrases she flayed and slashed at|with her face wreathed in smiles, Fl a Re ' on judg- the Rotary Club of Oshawa is giving | cony above her packed with more them "One," she said shortly. The used-car problem is now Phone 2989) will first parade uptown and the judg v i ing will take place on Temperance tile wl ve guaranteed to everyone away has been in the town selling !than a hundred shouting, shriek- "Pwenty years you have known An errand boy passed on a bl- | bothering the Philippines. BL i IC VI Dr VM 2 | Ea I I EM A a a | ep I a DV DE Os ME I I Dr DA DAC i Smanrtly Printed Hundreds of Yards Pagoda Silk Vv il ' J Of prints, ginghams and cham- hg / oiies, ® J brays. Regular 25¢ and 29c Commercial Fast Dyes 30 inches yard, Mid-Summer sale wide, All colors Regular 98¢ yd, Printed Rayons LIMITED Mid-Summer Sale 36 to 38 inches wide, Regular a - 69¢c and 75 rd, Mid-summer : aa ar 16 Simcoe Street North Pl SE Cotton Panels 39¢ Phone 2595 ae | ERA JUST THREE MORE DAYS MIDSUMMER SALE JUST THREE DAYS IN WHICH TO TAKE THE FULL ADVANTAGE OFFERED IN A COLLECTION OF BARGAINS SUCH AS WE NEVER OFFERED BEFORE. EVERY COAT IN STOCK SALE LASTS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT. WATCH THE WINDOW FOR LAST MINUTE SPECIALS. ON SALE. ABOUT 40 COATS IN ALL AT LESS " THAN HALF PRICE. VAL. | Awning Duck Brown and Green | A Big Range of : Rag Rugs : Fine Marquisette Curtains | SPECIAL PURCHASE FOR ! UES UP TO $39.50 | Stripe ! : Ladies' Silk Scarfs 1 36 inches by 18 inches. Mid- | Reg. $3.75 and $3.95. pr i "This also includes Our Suits. Mid- Mid-Summer Sale, Per | Three cornered and long sty- 08 c Summer Sale, each 1 Mid-summer sale, pair... $2. 49 MID-SUMMER SALE Summer Sale || les. Mid-summer sale each Pure Linen Table Double Damstth : First Quality Taffetas and : | | Special Selection Boys' Golf Hose ; Table Double Dante 1 Wash Satins 25 Yd Grup Ne J 3496: Cyuy Of curtainings. On Sale. See Sizes 7-9%%. Fancy cul tops. e525 va Mid Sum ox BE || Regular 98 and $1.25 Mid. 9c || 9 S . English Hand No. 2 $9. Siz Croup No. 3 These, at yard 1 Mid-summer sale, pair mer sale, yard . | summer sale, yard I Black Children's Play Hoge Li Checked Linen Tos, Toweling | Ladies Mas the Washingto r Blask Duchess San ! - ---- : ack, sand and white. Mid- | Red and white only in, n inest quality. Reg. $1. i Rayon Silk Bed Spreads summer sale pair 19¢ | wide. Mid-summer sale, yd. 15¢ Sion Disties yd. Mid-summer sale yd : I Blocked Cretonnes I Sze ToL Dic cea Spredes Stamped Pillow Cases | Heavy All Linen Towelling ~ || Regular $2.95. Mid-um- 9 QB | Fancy Kimona Silks BR 32 INCHES WIDE Reg, $4.95 and $5.95. ' Mid-Summer Sale, Per I| Wide colored borders, mid- 29 i] - mer sa'e | Reg. $1.25 and $$1.50 yd. 79¢ A collection: of the yichest pak B Mid-summer sale. Each $3.98 | summer sale, yard ¢ | Habutai Silk and Baronette Satins | Mid-summer sale yard | terns and colorings that it has || Cotton Table Damask Striped Terry Towellings | 36 inches wide, Regular 98c and Frilled Curtains | been our privilege to otfer you. | Velvet Cushion Tops Neat patterns, 54 in. wide. | Mid-Summer Sale, 'per 9 $1.25. Mid-summer Sale per 69 | Very smart, Reg. $2.95, $1 98 | Well worth $1.00 yard. Mid- | Novelty Designs. A real item 78 Mid-summer sale, yard 1 Yard C | Mid-summer sale, pair , | Summer Sale e Special § per 69 | for Mid-summer sale at each... C 4 | yard .. Cc whi led Curtains and Panels | Ladies' House || All Our Best Watson's | Eight Only Sensation. Broadeloth linen Reg. $5.25 to $5.95. 63 Dresses and | Draperies Superfine Lingerie Raincoats Fas colors 36 Lye rn Cc an C yar id-sum- c Mid-summer sale pair .... Smocks | And all are guaranteed sunfast This is the best quality made | Ie I. ! mer sale, yar wonderful colorings and rich de. vests. Regular $1.23. Bloomers | Regular Values up to. Silknit Slips 54 inches wide. Regular , Reg. $1.75. Midsummer Sale vests . 1 . 3 | $$12.50. Mid-summer sale Sotto Step jar Sues, 4 inches | sale, each i] mer sale yard. 0 wl 5¢ | Shad fo whit d col R y inches. Regular $1. : ) I ow proof, white and colors. Reg- Mid-summer sale each 89¢c ; LT | $1.47 ) : $2.98 ular $1.49, Mid: -summer = 21 19 Japanese Lunch Cloth | Regular $1.25. Mid-Summer | Eo I ie. nua sale... Yards and yards Silk Rayon ' : 7 / Clearing of Blouses both Sleeve, Ginghams, Prints and and Sleeveless Styles Tuffetine | Ladies' Pure Thread | Ladies' Full Fashioned EE $1.98 Regular 35¢ and 39% yard. Bo | Sale % . ] k H Pure Thread I ADIES' SWEATER COATS | Bloomers 1 O % e ) Silk Hose wet Sr 5p Mid- | Of Broadzloth, Dimity and crepe. All ah each . $2. 98 i Perfect good, satisfaction guaranteed. All sizes wiilers GUARANTEED i ; Complete satisfaction, guaranteed with every ; : ca ME pair sold. All shades and sizes. Our regular "and al shades Regular $1.50 pair. Mid-sum- Ladies' Knitted Suits 96 inc te I nck wide Regular $2.75 | $1.00 line. Mid-summer sale, pair ; mer sale A sport costume for all the summer Lat 1] 85 $1.35 pair or SER ld 1 C *% $ air for $2.50 : Guaratand Dupont Ch. Good range All colors 36 inch wide, selling regu- : mer 40 of popular colors. Regular $9.95. larly for 75¢ yard. Mid S --_-- vad A i 49¢ MIDSUMMER SALE, A At $6. 75 Flat Crepes Children's | Silknit Children's [| TWeveomy 4 Complete range of colors, Values up i ; Childr en's cae EAT ™ to.81.95 yard. Mid Summer 01 9Q Coats | Lounging Sets Dresses 1 d 3 blue, Regular $7.95. iil Divided into two selling groups, [| S°t includes, pyjamas and coo- inthe | Raincoats ar Sale. och Sensation Broadcloth for mid-summer sale. Hoch || lie coat, featuring high color Singhama and Rents 2 1 | Reg. $3.50. Mid-summer sale, , a Fast colors 36 inches wide, Regular i trimmings. Regular $11.50. years. Values Ni 50. |] each : Girls' Silk and Lisle Soci 29c and 33¢ yard. Mid-sum- ¥ $3 Ux d $6 08 a : Mid-S Sal 8. Summer colors. Size 7 to 94. «JO ald $0.90 | fuer sie "G0c 7 SIME | fein ne Ie mer sale, yard + RS SSE SU SC SU So om yoo om Now NO UR NH NE WH RL OWE ANSE REE a) LIRR AR AEE AE AE SR A A A A a | SS NC Sl SLA CS SC A SC SC SR UV SOO NUH SO MO Sl Sl a i om Ye Sr S| SE Sr rsh

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