ie ht LABOR 4S SCHEME 10 AI) WORKERS Being Prepared for Inclusion in the King's # Speech ' London, June 21,~Back by air from Lossiemouth, Scotland, Prem- fer Ramsay MacDonald today will preside over a cabinet meeting which will have the preparation of the King's speech from the throne for the coming parliament 8s its principal business, In the domestic field its chief interest will He in the measures for meeting the unemployment question, Dur- ing the election campaign Rt, Hon, J. H, Thomas, now lord privy sea: and minister of employment, gave some indications of Labor's unem- ployment plans by way of Tegisa- These pans are two-fod, name- yi (1) Raising the school age from 14 to 15, with allowance to par- ents. This is estimated to keep normally 400,000 out of industry for a year, (2) Supplementing the pensions of the workers of more than 65 years of age so that they will he able to retire, This, Mr, Thomas estimates, will eventually relieve the labor market of another .ov,- 000, ' In Scotland, where the percent- age of those in receipt of poor law relief is greater than in England, steps were taken yesterday to ex plore the available employment, The Scottish board of health sent an urgent message to all munieipal authorities in Scotland, asking them to state if they had any ground suitable for road levelop- ment in anticipation of housing schemes; and particulars wern ask- ed of the estimated number of men who might be employed, with the probable date of employment and the estimated cost, May Repeal Eight-Hour Day Hon, Tom Johnson, under secre- tary for Scotlanl, left for Edinburg today to have the replies col- lected and examined, Similarly, Rt, Hon, Mr, Thomas today, in view of the unemployment meus- ures necessary, met leading rai wey managers and discussed pro- posals for railway improvement and extension, Mr, Thomas is to hold further meetings with the railway manag- ers, Today he receives a deputa- tion from the British Legion of ex- service men regarding unemploy- ment among ex-service men, and the deputation will be led by Bar! Jellico, president of the Legion, While unemployment is the gov- ernment's main domestic problem, it is expected the speech from the throne will announce the appoint- ment of a royal commission to en- quire into the liquor trade, In regard to miners, the govern- ment is likely to face an embar- rassing situation, 'Labor and the Nation," a pre-election pamphlet {ssued by the Labor headquarters, stating Labor's program, pledges the party to repeal the Conserva- tive government's act which ex- tended the miner's day from seven To ; Mothers! This hot weather is try- ing to little children and grown-ups as well. Give them BARLEY WATER full direction ' in every package 0 BARLEY, It is than milk for it doea not curdle in the stomach, to eight hours, They have been urgent complaints that if the act is yepeslel the mining industry will be disorganized, At the same time the officials of the miner's federation are demanding repeal of the eight hour clause, The ex- ecutive of the federation are to meet the members of the govern ment shortly after parliament opens, THE BARMAIDS OF OLD ENGLAND Canadians Find it Strange But the Gentlemen Like It London~Canadians, that 1s those who are mot prohibitionists, may find it strange when visiting England for the first time to discover that most bars are pre- sided over by young women, Few, however, find it dificult to accus- tom themselves to the situation, The employment of barmaids would have been revolutionary in this country in the pre-"abolish the bar" days, but it is a time. honored system in the British Isles. In an article on the subject a U.8, writer tells of one place un the Strand that is particularly blessed in the matter of pretty bar- maids, There are three at this es- tablishment, and they have sufi- clent beauty and charm to be known as the three Graces, They keep their minds on their work, ne says, and on the obbligato of brisk: quips and laughter that renders the performance "a feast of wit as of the senses," But, he says, it will have to be THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JURE 27, 1929. | ALICE EARLE 18, Cobourg, who was wounded in the side by » bullet alleged to have been fired a revolver in the hands of Dr, George Field, MOH. of Cobourg, Miss Earle was passing the medical officer's house when she was hit, so it was testified, FRACTURES LEG Toronto, June 21,~~8truck down by an automobile on St, Clair ave, near Walmer Road last night, fours year-old Robert Beard, 9 Bhorn- clitfe avenue, was removed to Hos pital for Bick Children where it was found he has sustained a fractured leg and head and face abrasions, His condition was reported not serious, The boy stepped off the side walk and a westbound automobile, driven by C, 8, O'Higgins, Glen ¢airn avenue, struck him with the front fender, The driver jammed on the brakes and the car swerveu ground and hit the boy on the lvg, Detective Hutchinson of No, 11 division, investigated but did not hold the driver, DRIVING Toronto, June 21,-~Sergeant Hill of Court street division, 8r- rested Joseph D, Bernardi of 624 Spruce street, Sault Ste, Marle, on & charge of reckless driving after Bernardi's car haa crashed into another a King and Church streets, Passen- gers in Bernardi's car ons dri- ven by 8. J, Gibson, of 286 Evelyn avenus, escaped injury, although both cars were badly damaged, Walter Sheard, Jarvis street, was arrested on a reckless driving charge by P.C, Kelly (427) of West Dundas motor-cycle squad, TOO MANY CHURCHES (Dr, W, B, Selble in the Quarterly Review, London) In any good business concern, obsolete machinery soon finds its way to the scrap heap, and a great deal of our church machinery Is quite obsolete today, Only a radi- cal reconstruction of our organiza- tion and methods will meet the needs with which we are now cone fronted. Here, for example, is a village which, 30 years ago, had 1,000 inhabitants and one free church, The minister of that church was a father in God to the whole countryside, He was pass- ing rich on £00 a year, and devo ed his life to his cause. Today the village is reduced to 600 inhabit- ants and it has threes competing churches, They are all too poor to support a resident minister, and every one admits that the las¢ state of that place is worse than the first, utomoblle at | CANADIAN NATIONAL BAIL Change in , Witective June The Inter-City Limited Best- bund leavin a; Lo Py. for ot. wa AD y excep! Sunday will run daily, The Inter-City Limited West~ bound leaving at 7.27 P.M, for Toronto and daily except Sunday will run daily, No. 20 Eastbound pt 11,090 P.M, for Montreal, daily except Batur- day will run dally, 0, 21 Westbound at ia AM, for, Toronto daily except Sunday PU; n daily, No, 109 now leaving at 7.14 P.M, Sunday only for Toronto, will leave at 8.14 pm, All times shown are Eastern Standard time, is------------ SEA NOCTURNE Lights on the sea-line go, Vibrating to and fro, Errant, mysterious, low, Seen bright, seen dwindled; ; But that one steadfast oy That cleaves the drooping ) For what all fortunate, barque Is it enkindled? With far flung beam it stands, On rough and perilous jands, Warning with upraised hands The grey shipmasters; Why did no beacon free Flare out on life's brond sea, To warn and presage me Of Love's disasters? mlames Grant in the London Spec- tator, LEAVS DEFEAT ' LOWLY SKEETERS Jersey City, June 21,~What be- gan as a pitching battle between Guy Cantrell and Gordon "Dusty" Rhodes here yesterday ended in a rout with the Toronto hurler an- nexing his ninth victory of the season, The Jersey City infield cracked Who was elected president of In- stitute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario at the 46th annual meeting, behind Rhodes in the ninth in- ping of the game, and the 11-4 win which the Leafs gathered in gave the visitors the edge In the series to date, two games to one, The Leafs apparently have fully recovered from their recent slump, Despite three errors they played a lot of smart baseball afield, profit ed by good pitching in the pi ches from Cantrell and hit Rhodes much harder than the wide agsort- ment of stuff he showed them would seem to warrant, -- NEWARK TAKES TWO FROM LEADERS Newark, June 21,~Newark took both ends of a double header from Rochester here yesterday to make it three straight from the League NORTH AMERICAN LIFP President: THOMAS BRADSHAW Chairman of the Board: J. BH, GUNDY General Manager: D. E. KILGOUR leading Red Wings, The scores were § to 6 and 6 to B, St -- confessed, after a brief but r ably extensive observation, that not all the barmalds in the King dom bear out the promise of the three Graces, Most of them ure not picked for youth and pulchri- tude, but because they belong, di- rectly or indirectly, to the famny of the proprietor, And it Is a trade that once taken up, keeps its followers, The middle-aged matron is not an uncommon: fixture behind the polished mahogany, often as sisted by a daughter or a niece, who is more than likely as plain and as "shy" as the typical "help" in a country lunchroom, This is quite as true of London as of the counties, An Attraction Overlooked The writer was surprised to find that the element of beauty and {its effect on business is neglected, It would seem obvious that the pret. tier and more engaging the servi- tor, the greater the number of ous- tomers, In a land that has learn: ed to drink without self-conscious. ness and to accept the ministra- tions of the harmaid in an equally felicitious spirit there can be noth- ing shocking in the association of good liquor with good looks, And certainly the experiences of the emporium on the Strand to whieu allusion has been made demons- trates the success of the formula, This place is only two years old, and though {it rubs elbows with "pubs" that date from the spacious days of good Queen Bess, its pros. perity puts theirs to shame, It is significant that it should be only two years old, Ancient institutions are prone to cling to conservative traditions, and before the Industrial era and the multipli- cation of spenders {it may have been better business to work your family into your "pub" than to go afleld for your barmalds with an eye to capitalizing their attrac. tions, But a newcomer in ecompe- tition finds it easier and, in fact, necessary to strike out on a beld revolutionary course, Room For More London today would seem to be wide open for this kind, The won. der is that someone there has not yet opened a bar served by beau- ties from a last year's stage sue- cess, He could afford te pay them very handsomely for their trouble, one would assume, But the writer contends it would {| not do to make a clean sweep of all the "pubs" in England, ere is an ancient hostelry in Chester, for instance whose bar is presided over by a sweet, impersonal little maid; she should stay, She was a nurse in the war, and for brav- ery under fire won the D.8.0, the J only surviving girl to be thus hon- ored in the kingdom, And then there is an old hotel in Lichfield, another cathedral town, that should also escape the invasion, To enter the barroom there is to enter a drawing-room. An impeccable little hostess jumps up from a seat by the fire to greet you with a smile and a "goed eve. ning" and to enquire in an Oxford accent what it 1s your thirst sug- gests, You do not go to the bar: she does, but not behind it. A house servant passes her the order and she brings it to you seated be. fore the fire or at a table, as you please. WHAT NEXT? This week has been one of unusual zoological interest, A five-foot alligator was reported im the Don Valley, a one-foot alligator was captured by a motorist in Toronto, and stories of many vskinks" ((small lizards) have come from Buffalo, Hire is shown a large 17-pound turlte icked up by a Montreal-Toronto s driver on the highway near Belleville and brought to To. ranta, .MOTOR FUEL Cyclo is a new and entirely different motor fuel---non. poisonous and containing no chemicals, It eliminates knocking, erable engine troubles because it cleans the motor of all dirt and impurities, \ Ii | | Vl » | Opt © » providing a , Eliminates innum- RED INDIAN MOTOR OIL A tough heat resistant oll between all work: ing parts of your motor, Red Indian Motor Oils are made to stand the punishment of the modern high compres. sion, high apeed motor, from Halifax- - to Vancouver | perfect film of An unadulterated. without preliminary erates smoothly and ing or popping. GASOLINE. distilled gasoline that accel form ay -. herefore, a N ON quickly service. stutter NE of "the "most" important factors in the evers growing publi¢ preference for McColl-Frontense products is the capable, courteous MeColl-Frontenae customers No matter where you live or where you choose to drive, straight. you are always within easy reach of MoColl-Frontenao service available to }) Uniformly efficient and uniformly reliable, this nations wide service is proving a boon to hundreds of thousands who seek greater mileage, ihoreased power and years of smooth, satisfying performance in their care.' MCCOLL-FRONTENAC MeCOLL-FRONTENACIOIL' COMPANY LIMITED a