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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1929, p. 13

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(4 ong lig ----t t--r THE : C .. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1929 TAT Ld Ld WA Notary Publ loan, d oud Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Brant uorth, Phone 67. Residence B8208W. inen. Al rs, "te. Mopey to n. Alger Bids, Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614, A. J, Parkhill, A, C. H, Vield ~gTT vistors, Bolicitors, ete, 94% Sim. cos BL, N, Phone 3160, Mdhey to aan, (26t0) , Obstetrician, san; Con work and di- vouses Two years' post t fence 167 Bt N. ( hone [J . . Assoucher, resis goon. ng St. Ag By Bd t. Oshaws. 0 04, irae and children. res 97 Bond Obsvetrician, diseases of , Phone 1158 #) ia! attention otros ca, Disney Block. Fhotis fro 61 dads 9 one clan at : ves 10 " Lidl] " " L. R, OF. and 8, BEdinburgh, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric fay, Office 149 Simcoe Bt, N., Phone 3030, residence 161 King Bt. HK. Phono 8185. ( cisilst in gu on cos street " Simooe street L) Office 143 Sim. art Residence 160 orth, Phone 8030. (B6tL) TMD, GR QP , Bdioburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention te maternity ark and dls eases of children, Office and resid. ence, 185 Bimcoe St. North. Phone 81017, Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist I rect' Wes Jorote, mill be at his & Dr Store pot an from 1 ia | pm, for consultation and treatment ht 20 ate sulk hone 97. A t . Ll . 1] r Mitohell's Drug Store, Hours 10 to 13 am, 8 to %. Evenings by Oftice phone 1000. appointment, Residence, 483J, ervous on . XB, EB + v mental and Ductless ae Oftice and resid. KR gland diseases, ence Uxbridge phone 133, Pod sott's. Special attention to X-Ray work, s extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 080, J 13 1 1] 47 King street east, Alger bulldiag, Phone 3880, Evenlags by appolly . [} Al : ! - y oo Tara! hua "lie. Simoes St. N., over Dewland's Phone 1987, Rest, 393W, Eveuin by appointment. (July tl) : 3 ro oy Lo Kelis Ee pd A Dentists, 37 King St E, Special ate to ges extraction and Xo jute a in attendanoe, 'wor Phones 1348 and 33), (8) sociate architects, Simcoe St. S. Over Felt Bros. ) JX EITRALS x; Alig a Simcoe street north, Phones 110) apd 310W, 1) 1 ST OCalina street, Oshaws. Commer Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 2083, Lean Specis! | OTR Des. 811) ' . ' auctioneer, 546 Simcoe St. 8, can sell your odd of ture nod other art! at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario. , Johns, 80 SUFRNCA WANtS atten and your interests protected, agents $4 Sand Cp i ol: 4 n . Of ohh Sat ago companiet On cher (Hambourg Eo rvatory, Ti , ronto Is prepared for all exept, 5m) pu a00408Y, 93 Simcoe w. North, Phone 3764F, (189-1) RUNERTRA MUSICIANE FURNISHED FOR all ogoaslons, J, Watson, Teacher of Violin, Phone 2062, (May 27-1mo.) ransportation TAOW, "MOVING, GRAVEL sand snd einders. Loca) and long distance bauling, Phone 8048 and Horr, $mith and Cox, 44 Bond SL. COLEMAN CARTAGE and . ogc. #5 Bond St, West. Phone #2, 6 truchs for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouses equi ment, Baggage transferred to 1 all traias (Li distance, Also sand apd gravel, Cunningham, 121 Albert Bt, 1885, (June 8-1 me) od furniture movers; Park Road cartage, Frank Cowle, Prop, 65 Fark Rd, South, Phone 915, (June 16-1 mn) distance hauling, New trucks, Reasonable prices, Phone 1617. 186 Bloor street east, $186 1 mo) auty 169 Bilfott avenue for marcelling. Appointments phone pm, yy BUTTV LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe, Permanent wave §7,50 and $10. Automatic machine. 1 extra free finger wave, Phone ih 7 Ward at Betty Lou Permans ave Shop, Marvel and Shams Bet ent oo $1. Phone 2068, Beauty Shop, © Celina 8t, We specialize in ladies' hair eutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For appointments phone 2653, (June 15-1 mo) work done, THe, Powder Punt Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond net Hast. - Phone 8051, dstf) onvy to d. Parkhill & Te, Ea, Thier Blok: Phone 1614, (4) Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14 % Oshawa, Fhous and Decorating piibanger, paint and grainin X ces right, work guaranteed. Pine Ave, phone w or Ot furniture repaired, Painting bY ob or hour, 735 Cedar atreet, hone 2461J, (June 17 1 mo) S FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam, $1.60 a yd, For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros, 333 ring 11, (June 1-1 mo) ing St. East, 700, Phone 15753, Cement blogks, 8.9, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and atones, (June 20.1 me,) To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W, Borrowdale. Phone iL Distributors' prices, Glazed Sash, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Roofing, Shingles, Paint, Hardware, Walls board, Pumps, Water Systems, Plumbing Goods, Hleotrical Goods. Send for big free catalog with freight paid prices, You save by dealing direct. Halliday Company Limited. 14 Halliday Building, Hamilton. Contracting plastering, electric or alterations. 'Phone 139 for estimates, (June 81 mo.) cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations, For prices 'phone 2873W, J, Pidgen, ST Colborne 8 EB, : (83st) Automobile STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding. Snappy Battery service charking and revairine, hone | 1 £2 [1TI6W, tral, Good lot, Excellent location, Figured gumwood trim, oak floors '| throughout, bullt in tub, pedestal basin, tiled sink, built in kitchen enpboards, coal mantel, hot water heated, laundry tubs, This is wonderful buy at $5600, Call Hal- Hit 101W, ((144c) Owner leaving City, must sell his lovely Bb roomed modern bungslo with garage, garden, fruit trees, Paved street, Sacrifice price, $8000 for quick sale, Phone Helden 871W, (144) tached square plan brick house, Six large, bright rooms Hardwood throughout, Grade entrance, Many extras including large lot, Beauti- ful location, Easy terms, 2066) wost side of Park road south near C.P.R, These lots will be sold to the highest tender, Bend offers (0 Thomas Webb, Pontypool Post Of- fice or to D, A, J, Bwanson, Ak ger Bldg, Oshawa, (M-W-F) |} . on Elgin St. East. All conveniene ces, Apply 800 Mary Bt, (140-0) ROLTD Brot for sale; 4 rooms, frontage bu ft, by 1256 ft, almost new, Cor, Recs ond Ave, and Drew: Bt, (146+) A Work Wanted RE-UFHOLSTERING, CHESTER~ fields made to arder. We save you money, Estimates free. G, ons Hy 74 Mechanic street. Phone PATV'ERIBS CHARGED CALLED for and delivered 76s, If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone ARNW, June 7 1 mo) EW METH INDOW CLIKAN- ors, screen doorg put on and (loors olisked, Work guaranteed, 196 urke street, Phone 2080M, (May 29 1 mo) Hvered 760, rental 88¢, Entire electrical ayatem of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonable, Hutobinson & Martyn, 804 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3112W or 3078), (June +1 mo) Radio Service LJ paired, rebuilt or rewired, ¥. A. iplock, 126 Willlam 8t, E, Phone 2046M. Endorsed by National Ra- dio Institute, Washington, DW, Expert service at reasonable price, (May 201 mo) A tubes and sets tested, batteries ree charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re. paired at moderate prices, Chars les Wales, Phone 10447, (June 8&1 mo) aa a eA ale Hematitching yard, pleating, buttonholes, dresa. making, alterations, Mrs, Dell, 26% Simcoe south, Phone 1656, (June 14-1 mo) anted to Bu aR h " and all kinds of metals, Buylag sorap batteries, old cars and pouls try. Goods called for, Phone 3060m Residence 09 Mill St, (184¢L) roadster; will pay cash or equity of car In lot, 315 Kingsdale Ave, (145-b) Hosp! NURRING SUNSHINE COTTAGE INVITES the alok; registered nurse's care: excellent food, Phone $80 Whitby, Box 203 Whitby, (May 21.1 mo.) For Sale or re Store and six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, Garage, Ap- ply 31 Blgin E, Phone ii OF ' , it) Wo . all conveniences, hardwood floors throughout, wx yooms and attie; vent $45 per month, Apply Box 43, Times, (148-0) a epairing 8 Swiss wate maker, repay shop at "i Ki treet West, Your ontgs ia solicited. fe. " awnings, verandah ourtains, cans opy tops installed, T, Taylor, Tor onto, Oshawa phone 1043, Even KTW, (TT) roomed houses; nnouncements Mrs. Dell wiahea to Inform those whom {it may concern, that her Salon on Simcoe Street South for hematitching, pleating, dresamaking, eto, i» ia no way whatsoaver connected with any Shoppe as circulated, (138.1 ma.) MR, RICHARD GIMBLETT'S Perchern Stallion will atand for season at his stables. Rear at 539 King street east, Oras, ; ( ) "Pets and Live Stock Phone (1440) lice dog. Male, one year old. 335 3W D Va jw--gQ B k tor sale, laying. Phone pullets (48), . TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE AC COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3% Ask for Classified Ad Doe partment Articles For Sale labs, $3.50 Lil Also bone d slabs, per 0 dr body woed, Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288, (Apr. tf) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS, NOBT complete stock fn Oshawa, Murlitt and Fark, 8% Bimcoe St, 8, (64¢f) §) A ( cook stove, hot and cold water cone nections, burns coal or wood, one )[Bldway baby carriage, brown, one two burner electric grill, Apply 200 Church street, Phone 8140M, (144¢) B AT, west of. Thorn« (140) Mrs, B. Powell, ton's Corners, FOR PALE~ Lid, pianos: new and used planos, also radios, latest models; ters aivanged. Apply C, Trull, Phone 1668, (111:tf) reasonable price, 8. order. Apply Times, (tf) for sale at Jory Splendid runnin Oshawa Dal has auto parts and accessories for sale ,16-17 Bond street west, Phone 2080W, (127 1 mo) Also black loam, dump truck ser vice, Moderate prices, Phone 1778), Jack Forrester, 210 Allce streat, (127-1 wo) FOR BALE-~TRAP DRUMS, OR. chestra outfit, value $200, Will nell for $150, Terms, or $100 cash, Phone 1800 and leave number for Mr, Kelly Bolahood, (136 2 wk) ' ¢ r / for sale, #1 per bushel, WwW, J, Leask, Taunton, Phone 163 r 1 4, (1440) -- sawdust, Phone 1588W, (1452) or slightly used bicycles, $12 and up, Open evenings, Phone 2774 or 12 Richmond street east, (1480) and Found [ORT--TOUNTAIN PEN (REEF: sake) between Buena Vista Street and Nassau Street, on Thursday, June 13, Reward, Phone $1 ( "0 ORT--BMALL LEATHER PURSE containing a wedding ring, Finder please leave at Times office (145-0) "Personal GENTLEMAN, YOUNG, WISHES to meet girl friend, fond of sports and dancing, Old Country pres ferred, Write appointment, Lonely, Box 44 Times, (1480) Motor Cars 1h) condition; will exchange for a Hght truck. Apply to 638 Carnes gle Ave, (144-0) Sedan. Good tires, New battery in ood running order, Apply, 110 huroh 8t, (1440) $475 or near offer, Al condition. Phone 35840, or 382 Nftehet] dvs. (\] condition, Has wire wheels, shook absorbers, bumper, mirror, wiper, visor, new battery, tools and good tires, 236 Park Road Routh. ; 3 '(148 WHOOPRE--WHOOPEE, WORK- ing man's chance, The Prince of Wales is motoring, so can you if you buy this Chevrelet F.B, §0, Motor, tires, top, curtains and ups holatering good, A used car but not abused, Has to be seen to de appreciated. $100 cash. If yuu buy this car ahe'll love you for« ever, 248 Quebec Street, (148.h) Room and beard week: rooms only $2.50 and up, 1Apply 38 Ontario Street, (June 7-1 mo.) or two gentlemen in good quiet home, Phone 2598J. (1440) CLASS ROO) A board for gentlemen; all comveun ences, central; also garage. Apply 17 Ritson Road North. (1480) Second Hand Dealer alture bought and sold, 188 Rloor St East, Phone 161TN, (Md) ¥ |ta geod tenant, fo-Driy olor 424 Satoty io 0, 7 Ten oronLy, ar coo. WALE, FOR BAT: urday afternoons and evenings, Ky x id preferred, Avvly Burns with Blectrie ors, Hare Avy our Lott don or Junitor on Premises. The Trusts fo Gwe Torstar omy 0 le ly Grier, Phone 29893, hur FOR RENT= FURNIS. FOUR roomed suite in Victoria Apts, 801 8'meoe Bt, South, Apply to Mr, rier, Phone 2080J. (24tf) without board, Bed sitting room it preferred, Apply 68 Gibbs street, - (May 28-1 wo) OFFICE TO T, LARGE AN well lighted, On Bimeoe street, Near centres of eity, Immediate Potsemsion, Prad\y 210, Juone . ] mo) ~VIVERGONT SUNVEN cotiage at Willlams Point, Lake Beugos, Also water front lot for pale, Apply to A, W, Pickard, Bowmanville, Phone 188, (140-8) furnished rooms for light house- keeping, All conveniences, Apply 123 Huroa Bt, or phone 711M, (1411) ed, Every convenience, suitable for light housekeeping, Phone 1474J, (1410) ATARTMENT TO NENT, , 8 large. rooms, frigidaire, electric stove and laundry, Phone 434 ana 767, Haverson's Apartments, (142-8) on Simcoe Bt, 3 rooms and bath, semi-furnished, Central, Apply Bradley Bros, office, (14301) Ly NT--=NICE OWN: stairs roomy unfurnished: or fur~ nished, Phone R883W, (148-0) A 8 Phone 8358W, (148¢) established office King 8'. BE, Very central, $25 per month, Apply Box 27 Times, (1440) i. Ny ed rooms Also garage No children, Apply 64° Kenneth avenue, \éhe) ( 0 Wo UNFU ( vent for light housekeeping Phone 1208J, (1480) nished rooms, new house, suit young couple, No children, Five minutes from Motors, Phone 4011W, (1480) hee Bt, 4 rooms All modern con. veniences Including electrio stove and refrigeration, ht water, blinds, ourtain rods, use of laundry room and dryer, Phone 1773W, (1480) ROOM TO RENT, RUIT YOUNG lady, Breakfast if desired. Phone 2002, (144-0) home, Central, All conveniences, Nicely furnighed, reasonable rent Early possession. £, Hallitt, (1440) Phone 101W, I", 8 roomed hoyse to rent, Newly decorated, Phopé Holden 371W, (1440) ~~ "XT. : ment, Also garages, 153 Simcoe street gouth, Phone 89, Hit ( ) light housekeeping, Phone 8211W, ((144¢) light nousekeeping: Apply 118 Rit» son Rd, South, Phone WME ( TARE SIMCOR AT BEAVER. ton, beautiful summer home, spa. clous enclosed verandahs, excels lently furnished throughout, plane, vietrola, large landscaped grounds, hoats, garage, running water, eleo. trio light, Rent for July or Sep. tember. Apply D, G, Morrison, 1070 8t, Clair Ave, W,, Taronty, (148-b) house, all conveniences, Apply 1984 Oshawa Blvd, (148+b) f 5 Furnished, All conveniences, Gar age, 14 Nassau St, Apply Robt, Henderson, 102 Elgin 8t, E. Phone A583, (1440) roomed apartment, Phone 1778W or call 816 Alice St, (1480) rooms, hardwood floors, new house, All conveniences, Rent reas: onable, Phone 2579W, (1480) furnished or not, Apply 110 War ren Ave, (14a) light housekeeping, Rent reasons able to right party, Phone an Q tage with canveniences at Oshawa on the Lake, Phone 420, ta 0 TOR RENT--TWO I; in Harmony, Phone 1388W (145a) rooms and "bath. Rleetric fireplace. Apply 14% King St, E. Apt, 8 Phone 2369. (1480) unfurnished rooms, bath flat, hard. wood floors, Phone 2108J, Aha . 40 rent, including light, water and use of phone, Three minutes walk from Motors, $18 per month. Ap ply 323 French street, Phone 180dW (144d) 2 Bruce St, 0 A84W. (148.0) rate reasonable. 28 Phone 434W, (143) ness man; Bruce St, , GVOFYy CAF & by Ontario Wrie for body and fender [ Ages and steady enced Digm work, Geod work, 162 St $t., Stratford, Phone Btratford 1477, (13540) slotter and radia! drill hands, Men pocustomed to heavy marine en- Eine work, Apply stating age, ex- ferience and wages required, (o ox 46 Times, (14h¢e) tern makers for manufacturing lant. in Western Ontario city, My jobs under ideal working and living conditions, Btate age, experience and wages expected, Apply to Box 45, Times pffice, (145¢) for Saturday afternoons and even ings, Experienced preferred, Ap ply Burns Shoes Co, (1241) Phone (14he) eral housework AL once, A164, id show card writer, Apply Pedlpr People, Lid, »" ( 148-2) anted needs steady employment; good references If necessary, Phone evenings B60W, (148d) week in July: experienced, ver able, well recommended. Write stating particulars and salary to Rox 42, Times, (146:h) houswork, Laundry or any other, Apply 220 Eulalie avenue, Qitel ' LJ] FOR EXCHANGE-- NIX ROOM brick house All conveniences, Will take lot or car, Box 83 Times, ' {] acres of land mear Oshawa, gmail payment, Apply Box 28 Times ' ( 0 NOTICE After this date I will not he ve. sponsible for any debts contracted in my name without my permis sion, E, B, Cooper, June 1s. 128% (148-¢ Wanted To Rent man desires home in Bowmanville Whitby or country near Oshawa with yard and trees, Bix rooms or more, Apply Box 41, Times, (144¢e) oom and ant WANTED AY A NEAT APPEAR: Ing young man, Room and hoard or room in a private home of one or two, Rox 4, Times. (146-b) otice GENTLEMAN WISHES TO GET in toueh with party motoring dally to Bay street district, Toronte, passing through Pickering at 7.00 am, (daylight saving time) and leaving olty after § p.m, Business arrangement, Phone 600 Plokers ing, (148.0 Notice to Creditors ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of GEORGE BICKLE, late of the Townahip of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, about the 23rd day of December, A.D, 1938, are notified to send to the undersigned Solicitors, for William Thomas Lambert, the Ad. iniatrater, on. or before Friday the 28th day of June, their names and addreasea and full particulurs of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) duly verified by Statutory Dedlatation. Immediately after the sald 28th day of June, 1929, the assets of the sald deceased will be distri buted among the parties thereto having regard only te the claims of which the Administrator shall then have notice, Dated at' Oshawa, this 6th day of June, A.D, 192%, GRIERSON & CREIGHTON, Oshawa, Ontarie, Solicitors, for William Thomas Lambert the said Administrator. TOKYO NEAR RECOVERY Tokyo, Japan, ia nearing coms pletion of ita ambitious program made shortly atter the earthquake of 1923, to be one of the largest and moat modern oitiea in the world, With the annexation of ad- ditional territory it claims & popus lation of 4,000,000 inhabitants, which has ousted Berlin from its position of the world's third larg est oity, The streets which kava been destroyed have been rebut much 'wider to allow for future trafic increase. Many public bullae ings and business structures have been copatructed in stone or fer: concrete. Waoden structures have been specially made to withstand earthquake shooks. Today Tokyo has modern railway otations, hos tels, theatres, motion picture houass, bridges, public and private butldings, and all other improve. ments of a modern olty, A rattord Auto Body, | AD rien i " A housekeeper's ' position by first | 4 Address all particulars to: Farmer, deceased who died on or|H (F June 21) FUNERAL OF MRS, Toronto Woman fs Buried In Ebenezer Cemetery Friday Courtice, June 20~The WM Circle held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Will Lymer on Satyrday afternoon with a goed at~ tendance, Meeting opened with a hymn and the twenty-third Psalm re- eated by all, An interesting letter rom a Missionary in Africa was read by Mrs, Clarence fepiound. Mrs, Will Bickle read the Bible les- son, Readings were given by Mrs, Herbert Nichols and Miss Beth' Gay, Music was supplied from the gramor phone and a helpful and inspiring talk was given by Miss Lyla Os- borne, of Toronto, After the meeting refreshments were served and a soe cial time spent for an hour, Mrs, Ly« mer was a genial hostess and made the girls welcome guests, On Friday afternoon the late Mrs, Marshall Soules, Toronto, was laid to rest in Ebenezer cemetery, the funeral service being held in the home of her father, 8, 5, Brooks, Rey, J, H, Stainton was in charge of the service, assisted by Rev, W, 8, P, Boyce, The funeral was largely ate tended and the wonderful display of flowers showed the high esteem in which Mrs, Soules was held, She was a fond mother and a most devoted wife, and will be greatly missed in her home, The sincere sympathy of this community is extended to her sorrowing husband and three little sons, also to her father and mother and brother and sisters, Another bright, young life passed away on Saturday night in Oshawa Hospital in the person of Keith Wor. Mission den, son of Frank Werden, Follows ing an operation for appendicitiy as bout a menth age, complications sect in which caused his death, The fun eral was held at his father's house on Tuesday afternoon, the service bes ing in charge of Rev, J. H, Stainton and Rev, W, §, P, Boyce, Numbers of people gathered to pay their, last respects to one whe was popular and much loved in this vicinity, Keith was actively associated with the different organizations of the church work here being a_member of the Tuxis Boys group. The beautiful and numerous owers bespoke the high regard his many friends held for him, Mrs, Edwin Worden, Ottawa, was amang those who attended the fun eral, Mrs, (Rev) Stainton and little son are heing welcomed heme from Oshawa Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Courtice, Winnipeg, have been visiting his fas ther and mother, Mr, and Mrs, W, E, Courtice, before Hrutning home, Herbert Hancock, Winnipeg, is vis siting his mother, Mrs, Ellen Hane cock, at the heme of his brother, Horace Hancock, Her friends are glad ta note some improvement in Mrs, Hancock's condition, REPORT OF OSHAWA CONVENTION GIVEN ENNISKELLIN WMS, Mrs. H. Werry Outlines Work of Dominion Meeting Enniskillen, June 20.~The. monthly' meeting of the. W.M.S, was. held at the home of Mrs, R, Gilbert.on Friv day. After the devotional, period and business, musical numbers were given by Mrs, H, McGill, Mrs, R, Ormiston, Mrs, Iafteey and Mrs, A, Brunt, Then Mrs, Re McGill, Mrs, Ferguson and Mrs, Brunt outlined the temperance situation in different provinces, Mrs. Werry than gave a report of the W.CTU, convention at Oshawa, Lunch was served by Mrs, Ferguson's Mr, and Mrs, Oscar Tree, Woodst and Mrs, Wm, Hall, orente, ait ree Wm, Oke, i Mita Kima Dchinsan is doiding a ow days with her parents, Mr, ER wet Sota ran rs, Wilfred Sanderson, Olga and Murray visited friends' a Seagrave, A i and Jit. Arimer Beech and amily spent Sun it \ Mrs, Fred Smith, YIN Wilbur and James Hutehisen, Win. nipeg, are expected to he here. to Wend the services on Sunday, June group, Mr, and Mrs, rie Avery and Herbert Johnsen, Toronto, visited NEAT \ retyrni a oy a ait here " - ne Tr, an rs, Will Je \ Seugog Island, visited their sen, on offrey, alin id Mrs, vend Rat and Yi 3 3 PR hava, sited her mother, Mrs. Fred 'Gourlie, Torente, \ and Mrs, G. Denny, Mu, and Mrs, W, Levi and Toronto, visited John gross at Which is less than 10 feet elementary school, ia atireing Iris be Kept closed has been added th protest 100 teat trom the acheel, the | where tha monument \a. Rizal, famous Fillpino, ia belug erected, The cockpit was ol Beats, O y yg eth ¢ thaws visited Wes, Oki's, Mrs, W, Muriel attended the Yip 09, tnd of the late Mr, Veale, of Nestleton, on Sune SOULES, COURTICE at Ng bg rn, Bo" © Mr, and Mrs, Hancoek and son Courtice, H, Hancock fre west and Miss Myrtle the north runt, visited Mrs, 81 : Bowmanville Miss ih fami rs, H, Slemon and Gren of is M. Dalton, Mise Marlorie Martin, Charles Stainte Ashton' visited Stuart 4 ik; his runt, Dr, and Ly Island, iss Edna Lamb and Cecil Wil. or Vivied Lorne L nniskillen youn ! their play at Map rove ig 7 he Ladies' Aid shireh this Tiras, Seat 48 tho ohn Slemon a lt visited friends Orne Sinn NURSES OF WORLD T0 MEET IN JULY Congress of International Nurses to be Held in Mon. treal; 6,000 Nurses Exe pected to Attend I" rrr-- amb, Sunday, Florence Nightingale has for se many years been held up to graduat. Ing nurses and the public as the apotheosis of pionagr nursing that her fame has tended to obscure the greatness of many of her followers, women of all countries of the werld who have been branching out « into new fields of nursing. To Montreal in July among the 6,000 nurses who will attend the congress of the In- ternational Council of Nurses, will come a number of these outstanding women, : Representatives from Miss Nights Ingale's own country will be rs, Bedford Fenwick, whe was the first to put forward the idea of an In- ternational Council, and was its firse President, She has been the only pre- sident: of the Natlonal Council uf Nurses in Great Britain, and is pre~ sident of the British College of io ses, which has an endowment of a- bout $500,000, Helen M, Pearse of Enatand, was the first nurse in the world te hold a JoNtion us Superin. tendent of School Nurses, an -appeint- ment whigh. she received under the Londen County Council in 1907, i vom. Scandinavia Cornelia Petersen of Denmark is the author of the first. history of nursing in Danish, and is now direct» or of the Municipal Hespitg! Scheol of Nursing in Aarhus, Sister Bergi- lot Larsson of Norway founded the "Norsk Sykepleierskeforbund" in 1912, She will also represent Norway at the International Hospital asocias tion in Atlantie City, The first Chinese nurse to become Superintendent of a registered school of nursing entirely under Chinese management is the achievement of Lillian Wu, President of the National Asseciation of Chingy who had hoped to welcome this year's congress to her ewn country, She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins Scheel of Nursing, and is in charge new of the school of the Red Cross General "Hall of Healing" at Shanghai, Agnes Chan, a Toronto graduate, at present Supers imendent of Nurses at the Wesleyan Hopital, Fatshan, China, will alse attend, Last. year Martina Guevara, Pre. sident of the National Nurses' Assos ciation of Cuba, received a geld mes dal from the Government in recoge nition of 25 years of continuous ser- vice, ' Other Noted Other outstanding figures at the congress will. be Miss § dwiga Suff+ eaytaka, Secretary ore ° SOM ively new National Association in Poland! Mlle, Jeanne de Joannis, ene of the greatest experts on private duty nursing in France, whe was des corated by several Balkan States for her war work; Nallie Heath Assists ant Superintendent of Child Welfare itv Dublin, and Venny Snellman, the most prominent public health nurse. in Finland, who will be remembere by these who atend the last gens 8 . COCKPIT, CABARET FO! Clroulation of a petition ak for the reopenin the' SUSkilt, from the %, the largest town in. Camarines ur, P, I, To the demands that it {} inat a cabaret which ia the Catholic Chureh, and - being separated by only the \ Jy We last. Janu BY & 'new goning ordinance, +4 the movement to revive it ia receiving strong av ve to do away with the cabaret ort, WP been made, but the young men of the town who are fighting both Pi MONEY LOANED ri TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY Goins paid off or additions) Cash. AU Open Daily § AM. to 8 A M, aces, say they fear that | prevent the closing, Ea confidential, St Re oN

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