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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1929, p. 14

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS Kingston ~Judge Selon of Pie-| tow ided the sessions of Di roy, Cort held on Tuesday in the County Court se, Boulevards Decorated Retro um Wish, bn mittee e : have started _ work "on Charts street, the main entrance to the eity, a have placed plots of flowers at each end of the avenues which run from' that street, ' Cementing Floors Peterboro~A portion of the eonr crete floor adjoining the new hard: weed flooring in the fire hall is be- ing renewed by the firemen, With this werk complete the floors will be in condition to give service for many years, Is Now Editor Kingston~Mr, Ed, Dolan, former quarterback of Queen's senior foot- pall team and now editor of Panitary Age is in the city in connection wit promotion worl for his publication, New Homes for Birds ne Peterboro ~The iron standards supporting lights on George street are serving a double purpose, The cast ings near the top are so designed that they contain i hollow space with a convenient entrance through a hole in the side, Consequently the poles furnish homes for many sparrows and a few swallows, Storm Hits Brockville Brockville ~In a very severe el- setric storm last night, lightning struck the steeple of the Wirst Presbyterian church and ripped off numerous slates without set~ tink fire to the bullding, Public utilities services were temporar- fly. disorganized hy the force of the storm, which was accompan- fed by a heavy rainfall and wnlch blew out electric generators and ualit c-0-A-L MALLETT BROS. Phone #060 Our yard will be closed every Baturday afternoon, May to August, FLAVOR N ellsoris Ice Cream All the luscious flavors of sweet crushed fruits, skillfully blended with rich cream and ne cane sugar combine te vive you Neilson's Cream, It's a8 Wholesome and healthful as +» 1 tastes, Oorder from us for tonite's dinner, TR . KARN'S « DRUG STORE Next P, O, Phone 378 WE DELIVER OSHAW A other apparatus throughout the n LT od cott Centre, lost his barn yester: by fire, together with about ri] worth ol hay and a quantity of oats, calves end a number of hens, 6 origin of the fire is unknown and the loss is partly covered by in- surance, Making a Survey Kingston =~City Engineer Howard Dicle 1s making a survey of the fence at the fair grounds following up the recommendation of the Property Committes to spend $1,000 to have & pottion of the fence near the main entrance replaced by a wire fence and the remainder of the fence repaired with beards eut of the old fence, To Btart Jeving Kingston ~The works department has made a start on the work of pay- ing. Princess street, between Barrie and Alfred street, A gang of men were at work yesterday getting the top: ready for the paving material and it is expected that the paving gang will be able to start In the course of a few days, Forty Floats Peterboro~That the first eof July parade will be of gigantic propor tions and as beautiful as ingenuity can make it is now assured, Forty floats have already been promised, and more are expected; work has started on the construction, and Mr, Garstang is busy at the deeoration, The parade is being arranged under chairmanship of E, F, Masen, : Real Dog Days Kingston =In spite of all the ap- peals regarding dogs running at large there are still a number of canines in Kingston enjoying their liberty and Inspector Ward is ready te admit it is no easy task to get all the offenders rounded up, but stated yesterday that he is still on the trail and that more summonses will be issued for police court hearings, Wharf Repairs Completed Brockyille~Repairs have heen completed on the wharf at the Laing Produce & Storage Co, which was undermined considerably through high water and wind storms during the past spring, A pile-driver was utilized in driving clusters of piles along the wharf front to afford pros tection, J Houseboat Burns Gananoque~A large louse boat, owned by an American gentleman by the name of Winslow, anchored near Grindstone Island, was burned to the water's edge Tuesday night, A party of gentlemen on the heat, however, were able to save all their belong: ings, Principal Kent Returns Kingston ==Principal H, A, Kent, of Queen's Theological College, conducts ed by the United Church, has return« ed from the Old Country, where he went to look for a successor to the late Rey, Dr, William Morgan in the chair of New Testament exegesis, The principal will present his report te the college committee before any ans nauncement is made, Hurt in Stone Crusher Brockville ~Suffering from euts a- hout the head and undetermined ins Juries ta the leg, received in an aes cident at a stone crusher at Addison, Daniel McDougall, of Renfrew, ems played by a road construction firm, was admitted to the General hospital, where he is being attended by Dr, E, J. F, Williams, Baby's Body Buried lllegally Lindsay, = Wednesday merning Provincial Constable F, Wetherall vi sited Salem, Mariposa, and in the cemetery there dug up the bedy ef 2) Saturday, June rd ain. HERE TOMORROW Sparks Circus airives early toe morrow morning, and following the street parade, which Is sched: uled promptly at 11 a.m, will give afternoon and evening perform: ances, the matines starting at 2, And the night show at K, with doors opening one hour earlier, The tents are located at the circus grounds on King street west, Featured on the program this season is the Nelson Family, recog- nived as the world's greatest acrobats, There are seven mems bers of this famous family and tive of its star performers are girls, in which respect it is unique, Ground tumbling has always been consid- Th FFE hot i SPARKS CIRCUS ered as belonging peculiarly to the sphere of man, and the Nelson girls are the only ones of thelr sex who have ever achleved a degree of perfection surpassing that of the most skilled male performers, The program is all new this season, and opens concludes with J, H, DelVacho's mammoth spect acle, "The Lily of the Nile," in which there are 700 participants, Both general admission and re- served meat tickets will be on sale tomorrow at Jury and Lovell Drug Htore, 8 King Bt,, at the same price as at the ticket wagons on the grounds, a baby, It had been buried illegally, without permission or notice in the early hours of Tuesday morning, The body was in a reugh box when found, It was taken to Qakwoed where it will be held for an inquest, Stop Signs Erected Peterboro~In the west end of the city a number of new stop signs have been erected, Reid and Park streets are now through highways, and all vehicles entering on those streets are required to come to a full step be- fore proceeding, Will Eveet Road Signe Peterboro=The Peterborough Au- te Club is preparing for its yearly oh of putting up road signs, Abeut 50 signs that will cover municipalis ties, routes, resorts and lakes within a forty mile radius of the city are being sorted for erection and work will be started later this month, Hon, R, B, Bennett to Speak Belleville~Wednesday, June 26 will be a red letter day in the hiss tory of the Conservative party of South Hastings and neighboring dis» tricts when Hen, R, B, Bennett will address the big party pienie at the Belleville agricultural grounds, \V, E, Tummeon, M.P,, has already received the acceptances of 15 federal mem. bers and a number of local members of the legislature to attend, Transferring Fountain Brockville=A drinking fountain for horses, which stood for several years in King street east, oposite the old No, 2 fire hall, has been trans ferred to Water street west, adjoins ing the southwest corner of Market square, The 1.O.D.E, drinking founs tains (which have heen missed by pedestrians during the warm spell) - be placed in position immediate: IY Trophies On Exhibition Brockville=The emblems, medals and trophies won by Misses Elsie Kenniston and Aleda Rogers, champs ion typists, are on exhibition in the window of H, P, Conklin, Considers Wile nietent is hel wanifext in the arge trop nifying the senior championship by Canada won by Miss Kenniston, Although Miss Kenniston was trained at the Brockville Busi. ness College, W, I, Wilson, mayor of Gananoque, claims her as a native daughter and is planning to give to her a public testimonial ane of the dm of Gananogque's Old Home eek, Plane Arrives Millbrook==The arrival of an airs plane in the village on Saturday als ternoon, with the announcement that Rhiaengets would be taken wp for a ight, the fee asked being somewhat more reasonable than has previously been demanded locally for this pur pose, created a mild excitement, and attracted, quite a number of citizens, particularly of the younger genera. tion, to the field on Tupper street where a landing had been effected, and from which a take-off was made. Business was so brisk that all those wishing 10 experience this latest "thrill were unable to be accommo- dated on Saturday evening, and the Mills Brothers, who were operating the machine, decided to remain over night, continuing to make their trips through the greater part of Sunday, STRUCK BY AUTO Toronto, June 21.-=Three-year old William MeDonald of 17 Liu den avenue, was hurt about the head and body when he was struck by an automobile driven by Char Jes MH, Kerr of Oakville. Palice sald the ohild vam im fromt of the STEAM CAR BURSTS INJURES THREE MEN Boiler Explodes in Street Partly Wrecking Garage Long Branch, June 21 -=Three men were injured, a steamer autos mobile was partially, blown into wreckage, and nearly all the wins dows of a garage were shattered when the steamer car exploded on the main street at midnight last night, The car was standing out. flde Lehman's garage, taking air for the tires when ita holler erplod- od, Wilfred Leveiller, Aexandey Leveille rof Toronto, and Stanley Rusk, aged 15, of Long Dranch park, mechanie, were badly Injurs ed and are in the 8t, Joseph's hoa pital, Four other persons were in the back of the big limousine but were uninjured, Roth the Leveiller men sustaine ed broken armas and facial burns, while Rusk waa burned about the face, lega and arma, The windows in the front and all down one side of the garage were shattered, the damage being estimated at $200, The radiator of the car was blown into the garage, a distance of about 60 feet, The car was outside the garage which was closed for the night, The Leveiller brothers were stand. ing at each aide of the hood of the oar, applying the alr cock to the tives, uk was leaving the gars age and was walking past the atanding car when the boiler in the oar blew up with a terrific report, The others in the car were Wil. fred Breseau, Mra, Leveiller, Mra, Breseau, a slater to Mrs, Levelller, and Marie LaRose, all sald to be from Toronto, A baby 1s said to have been in the ear also, The party waa travelling from Toronto to Hamilton, Dr. Delamadder was called to the scene, He called for an ame bulance from Toronto. Before the ambulance arrived, however, J.V, Phoenix offered to take the injur- ed men in his car to St, Joseph's hospital, They arrived at the hos. pital about 12.80 and were reports ed to be progressing favorably we an early hour this morning. GIRL ESCAPES DROWNING DEATH Under Water Nearly Ten Minutes While Rescue Under Way Barrie, Tune 21.=Drawn to the bets tom of a mill pand and held there by the suction for nearly 10 minutes while futile attempts at rescue were made, 13-year-old Eileen Shorthrecd of Hillsdale, is still alive and recovers ing from the effects of her experience, She was unconscious for several hours but was finally resuscitated, Bileen, with several other scheel children, was bathing in the pond at Rumble's Mills when the girl ventured too near the dam and was drawn uns der by the suction, As she went down she caught. at a companion, Rita maior ean anil Morrison, and the two girls disap adag hh La atem pe -- RR A ipty of cattle, 75 ssegyy Dutcher vont wi a it outier rages, 1] Mon weight soutlhis in an, 1s ih ht by sleady) holes 10 i 05 0 40; 18 3 at standstill; 5 considerably lower; talking i) ad " wold FH on mn 0 ty $0.50; Randyweights uw 0 Ho 4 TORONTO PROPUCE to wholesale dealers are offering ML Mt retail pro at the fellowing ries Wags rash axtras, In cartons, ic; fresh OXLIRS, lose de; hrsts, Mei seconds, y uiter=No, 1 ereamery, prints, 40 to Hlg; No, 3 Eragmery prints, #4 to Ve, Cheese~New, large, de; twins, Avie; trip: lets, 246; stiltons, Ze, Od, large, 26; twins Whe; triplets and euls, ej old stiltons, Fl to LW Chaekens, 5 Ibs, wp + Do, 406 Hd HT Hens, aver 5 Do, 4 0b Do, ¥4 to 4 Ibs , Ducklings 1) ' ' Brollers, MW srvirreririiniinnrerininnin TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Toard ef Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No, 2 northern, §1,19% No.4 northern, ' Aa No, 4 wheat, i134 No, 5 whaet, 81,084, No, bh wheat, ii Vesd wheat, 774, (e.1.0, Goderich and hay ports, track, le higher than above) Price on fairly | to» 2 | Onions, dry, TORONTO PROVISION PRICES i i he fost win Bmol ah "ms, $ ast bacon, 3 0 ry J a it; 4 RT al Ard=Vure, teres, | pails, 1644; CR LA Ibs, i Bhortening, tierces, 144 0 + pails 14a, tins, es prints, Pork loins, wi) ow York shoulders, 2; pork butts, 27Ve; pork hams, Ve, TORONTO FARMERS MARKEY The follow) are quotations, retal, in oflget on the Bt, Lawrence market, Toronto; roduce-- Eggs, CXLIAS, Per dOROn (iierine 0, Nrats, per dozen ries Duck eggs, doen ..iiipiiinin "hh wiry, per pound e111 9, ErORMErY, per pound 41s rit and Vegetables Asparagus, 2 inches irrened Carrots, 4 by Tieets, 4 bunches Dao, 6:qt, ba C 8 Ceoretennienienienannties Cauliflower iovviirniens 3 inueh, peck soiiniriizn ushrooms, per pound , oul Lattuce, threes for 1.00114 Head Lettuce, thres for ,... en Head Lettuce, sach ' Votatogs, b ucumbers, ' Parsley, per bunch Cress, three for ,.., Celery, per bundle Oranges, per dozen ' A Grapefruit, three for ,,, : Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Apples, 11:q1, basket Rhubarb, 3 bunches New potatoes, peck Cireen beans, 6:qt, , Cireen peas, 6:gt, i 00000 Btrawberries, quart Bill McLeod, also aged 13, saw the srodicament and dived to the rescue, ¢ reached Eileen who was caught on some bars on the dam, but the girl seized him, making rescue Im- possible and forcing him to wrench himself free, He turned his attention to the other girl and brought her to shore safely, In the meantime an alarm had brought men from the mills who pro- ceeded to lift the gates to relieve the pressure, while Harold Rumble, son of the miller; dived and brought the inert body of the girl to the surface, HAMMER KILLED GIRL ON RANGE Dr. James Snook Said To Have Made Con- fession Columbus, Ohio, June 2! = Dr, James H, Snook has confessed that he killed Theora Hix, Ohio state unis versity co-ed, on a rifle range here last Thursday night, It was revealed in a confession in the hands of John J, Chester, Jr, county prosecutor, The deposed Ohlo state university professor of veterinary medicine is alleged to have signed a written con- fession that he struck Miss Hix over the head with a hammer, then severed her jugular vein with.a pocket pen knife and left her body on the range grounds following a violent quarrel in his coupe, The paper sald Snook claimed he though her skull was frac- ured and that she was suffering, so he severed her jugular vein, According to the confession, Snook sald Miss Hix climaxed a peried to trying to dictate his movements by threatening his wife and child with death if he dared to leave the city with his family for the week end, She then his 4 in her pocketbook, where she sometimes carried a revols ver, and In the struggle "she was hit" over the head with a hammer "with intent te stun her," the con. fesslon, as related - in the journal, said, BETHESDA PERSONALS Betheada, June 20,~KE, B, Cole spent a day in Toronto lasa week, Miss Winnifred Cole and W, A, Gilbert motored from Toronto on Sunday and visited Mr, and Mrs, J, T, Cole, Mr, and Mrs, Everton White, Marie and Eleanor, motored to Port Perry and spent the day with friends, Miss Ode Cole was in Toronto and Thornhill on Monday visting HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now is the Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With The Best Fuel Obtainable Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Cannel and Pocahontas 'And All Other Good Fuel . CALL TO-DAY AND EXPERIENCE THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THIS COMPANY GIVES CUSTOMER ' vu ALSO Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime and Building Material So when thinking of concrete call and lot us serve you, The Best, Dixon Coal, Gravel & Sand Co. TELEPHONE 262 work or your driveway, Prices Competitive, Service FOUR DIRECT LINES, 2 Dr, and Mrs, C, P, Johns, Mr, and Mrs, Bid T, Hoar, Mas- ters Lloyd and Alden Hoar, motor ed to Stratford and spent he week end with Mr, and Mrs, Gross. curth, Mrs, D, K, Fraser attended the Orono Dramatic Club last week and read a comprehensive article on "The Duke of Athens, NEWSPRINT RATE RAISE SUSPENDED 1.C.C. Holds Hand Till Jan. uary on Shipments From Canadian Points Washington, June 21. = Employing the authority which is has increasing. ly asserted over a period of several yqears, the interstate commerce com» mission yesterday ordered suspended proposed raises in freight rates on newsprint paper and other paper articles from Canadian points te New York, Chicago, Washington and a large number of other cities east of the Missouri river from June 21, 1929, to January 1, 1930, This is the usual seven' 'munths period and it contemplates the usual investigation and hearing as to whether the rates shall stand, But for it beginning tomorrow rates on newsprint from Free Rivers, Quebec, to New York would become 34 to 40%; cents per hnudred pounds and from Port Arthur, Ontario, fron 3414 to 48, TODAY'S LIST OF AUTO ACCIDENTS THREE INJURED Torono, June 21,~=1alling asleep at the wheel of the light sedan he was driving, Stanley Olliver, aged 20, of Iroquois Falls, Ont, drove himself and five others against a telephone pole on Yonge St, half a mile south of Richmond Hill, at about midnight last night, Three women, Mrs, Daniel Olli« ver, his moher, 169 Ronan avenue, Toronto; Harriet, her daughter, 10, and Miss. Lilliam McConnell, 146 Ossington avenue, wera injured and are in the General Hospital in & serious condition, Mrg, Danijel and her daughter, Harriet, sustained fractured skutis, Miss McConnell was cut 'about the face but was no seriously injured, The other members of the party raped, escape «ts STREET CAR HITS AUTO Toronto, June 21.-One of fouf women riding in an automobile at Danforth and Gillard avenues was injured when the machine wag struck by a street car. The injure ed woman, Mrs, J. G, Dunbar, (3lebeholme houlevard, was taken to ast General hospital suffering from cuts and lacerations aboub the head and face, The crash occurred as the autos mobile, driven by Mrs, Alice Jonns ston of 5 Wolverlelgh boulevard, crossed the street car tracks om Danforth avenue to avold tresles ereced around excavations in the pavement, F, Banks, motorman and the two passengers in the aus tomobile, escaped unhurt, a A---- me i EI ------ 63 KING STREET E. OUR SACRIFICE WE HAVE A FEW Battery Sets AT SACRIFICE PRICES SUITABLE FOR SUMMER COTTAGES WHICH HAVE NOT ELECTRIC CONVEN. IENCE. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE DEMONSTRATION AT | STORE. | I AEROLUX PORCH SCREENS | ideal they keep out | the sun but allow the I combination colors of || green and brown, The 1 and will give years of service, Sizes . 6.0x7.6 Spec. $8.18 8.0x7.6 Spec. 10.23 Aerolux screens are || alr to circulate, n colora stand wp well 85.3x7.6 Spec. $6.88 10.0x7.6 apec 12.98 Sale of Radios Is Still Proceeding IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING BELECTRICAL REFRIGERATION WE CAN GIVE YOU COMPLETE INSTALATION OF KELVINATOR IN 24 HOURS. SEE THESE OPER- ATING IN OUR STORE. ular $14.25, Luke Furniture Hammo Couch | Simmons' Hammo Couch, covered in Strong Khak\ Duck. has strong link spring seat and well filled cushion with wind breaker at back and ends, Rea $11. Stand for Same $8.00 Better Quality Complete with Canopy. Regular $42.48, Special $36.45 95 PH ra Sr SSH PHONES 78-79

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