lant NN |-".¥ 5 22 ', THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1929 TRAFFIC OFFICER BUSY ATCLAREWONT Several Summonses Will Be Issued for H.T.A. Violations Claremont, June 19--A traffic of- ficer was on the main corners of Claremont on Sunday evening and took the number of several cars whose owners will reccive a summons for violation of the traffic act, Mrs, Whiting, of Strathroy, visited over the week end with Claremont friends and on Monday Mr, and Mrs, Fred Pugh accompanied her by motor to her home where they will spend a few days, A number of Past Masters from Brougham Union Lodge, AF. & AM, attended the reunion of the Masters of 1928 of Toronto District at the Royal York hotel on Friday evening last, Roy Wilson has been in Toronto undergoing a couple of minor oper- ations for his nose and throat, The games in the park were fairly well attended in connection with the park committee's annual field day and in the evening a capacity house heard an interesting program by the Bruns- wick Trio of London, Ont, Dr. Cameron, of Toronto, was call- ed in consultation with Dr, N, F, Tomlinson on the case of Mrs, Read- man who has been seriously ill with gangerine in her foot, She has made such progress that an amputation was decided upon and she will be taken to St, Michael's Hospital at the ¢tlose of this week, Mr, and Mrs, J. Sulman entertain. ed relatives from the city over the week end, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sodon ac- companied by Mrs. Bennet spent Sat urday and Sunday with Claremont friends. Mr, and Mrs, S. F, Robins, of Whitby, were in the village on Mon- ay. John Beelby of the 8th concession who has been quite ill is improving, Mr: and Mrs. H, G, McIntyre and Miss Mabel McLellan spent Wednes- day in Toronto, It is understood that W. G. Scott, ex-warden of Ontario county has sold his fine farm and will retire from farming next fall, The C.G.IT, gave an interesting concert at Mount Zion to an appre- giative audience on Thursday evening ast, Mrs. Frank Gaustic who underwent an operation in the Weston Hospital is expected home this week, Richard © Middleton, of Elmvale, called upon Claremont friends on Wednesday. Mrs, Black, of Peterboro, called on Claremont friends on Monday, Miss Viola Oliver, of 'l'oronto, formerly of Claremont, is spending a few days with Mrs, B., Borland, Mr, and Mrs, John Readman, of Aurora, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs, J. Readman who is quite ill, Miss Verna Bingam, of Oshawa, was in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bushby, of Pickering, visited with Mrs, J. Bush- by, en Sunday, Awnings, Tents, Etc. This will advise all interest. ed in the purchase of awn. ings, tents, or other canvas goods, that our Oshawa ag- ency, for many years car- ried on in such an efficient manner by Messrs. H and M. Trew has been trans. ferred to the Cleve Fox, Hardware Store, and will in future be given the per. sonal attention of Mr, §. Terry. Our range of samples in plain and fancy patterns, was never quite so complete as this season, 8) ] attention will be ven phone calls for esti. mates on awnings and cur. tains for residences, We bespeak for Messrs, Fox a continuance of the gen. erous patronage accorded our former representatives, and assure you of our best endeavors to give you a sat. Isfactory service. J. J. TURNER & SONS, LTD Peterboro, Ont. Mr, and Mrs, Geo Lee, of Stouff ville, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, J. B, Madill, : Mrs, Lackie and Miss Allie Mc- Glashan, of Toronto, who spent last week with Miss Margaret Hamilton have returned home, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Underhill, of Aurora, spent Sunday with Miss Emma Underhill, Miss Vera Linton, of Balsam, spent the week end at her home here, Mrs, Barton and Mrs. Bryant are spending a few days in Toronto, Gordon Gregg spent the week end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, D, Gregg. Mr, and Mrs, H, Brown, of Tor- onto, spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Pilke son Grant, spent the week en Mr. and Mrs, J. Evans, Miss Clara Neal, of Toronto, was home for a few days last week, Miss Viola and Georgina Forsyth, of Oshawa, are spending their holi- days at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, M, Forsyth, MAXWELL'S SCHOOL MONTHLY. REPORT Other Interesting News of Taunton and District and with Taunton, June 20--~The land is much in need of rain, The shower on Wednesday was a welcome one, but it was of short duration, Mrs, E. Osborne, of Ebenezer, vi- sited her daughter, Mrs, J. Arnott, Miss G. Doan, teacher here, has received a position on the Oshawa staff as teacher, She will commence her duties there at the opening of the Fall term, ; Mr, and Mrs, John Pascoe, of So- lina, visited their nephew, Murton Walter, on Saturday, : A large number from here attend- ed the Kedron anniversary on Mon- day, The teacher and pupils of Max- well's school are holding their annual school picnic on James Hoskin's grounds, A good time is expected, Miss Doris Cobon motored with friends to- Buffalo and visited Niag- ara Falls, Following is the report for Max- well's school S. S. No. J, East Whit- y: Sr, III to Jr. IV--=Oscar Collacutt, honors; Flora Kerr, honors; Mark Hancock, honors; Percy Mountjoy. Jr. III to Sr, Ill--John LaLonde, honors; Donald Lavis, honors; Bes- sic Mountjoy, honors; Ralph Camp- bell, Stanley Campbell. Jr, II--=Frank Hancock, Jr. I to Sr. I=Jack Arnott, Jean Leach, Sr. Pr, to Jr. I--Emma Campbell, Doris Leach, Joyce Gifford, Sadie Kerr, Ly Beckle. HYDRO WIRING IS NEARING PROSPECT Several Farmers | Have Build. ings Wired For Electricity Pr~Ray Gifford, Donall Prospect, June 21.=The Hydro is now extended as far as Manchester and that village is now lighted up. Residents of this village are hoping it will soon reach Prospect as a few of the farmers have her buildings wired for it, A few from Prospect attended the Sunday school Convention in Ux bridge on Friday last, There was a large attendance and. a profitable session was held, Several from this district have been reported suffering from the effects of the heat as the weather has been hot and dry. The baseball team of Prospect school is doing much practising this week with the intenion of competing for a prize to be given at the picnic being. put on by the Grain Co of Myrtle on Saturday next, Miss Mary Martin, Miss Katherine Reeves and Will Martin spent Sune day evening with Mr, and Mrs, A. Tripp of Shirley, hy Arthur and Miss Kate Orchard spent a day on Scugog Island recent. y. Mrs, J. Saddle of Brooklin visited Mr, and Mrs, T. F, Martin on Tues- ay, Mrs. A. Middery and family spent Saturday last in Toro. 0, Mr, and Mrs, J, Poole of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. J. Halthy, Mr, and Mrs, C, Avery of Raglan visited Miss M, Martin recently. Mr, and Mrs, John Moore of Man- chester spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. A, Gray, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Smith and fam- ily spent Sunday with friends near Peterboro. Mr, and Mrs, G. Webster were in Toronto recently, Pyramid and National, ' Brand Portland Cement Sole Agents Fred Flintoff & Sons 13 King St. W. Phone 1500 and McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, Lid. Phone 1246 110 King St. W. Anytime is SIMON'S time V 2 TRAVELING Of course you'll pack a box of STMON'S CIGARS. Whether you travel for business or for pleasure you need the comfort of a real good smoke, SIMON'S HAVANA CIGARS * In All Sizes * Makers of SIMON.ETTES "A BOX AT THE OFFICE AND A BOX AT HOME' ARRANGEMENTS FOR INIUN TREATY FLIGHT COMPLETE Planes Drone Into Far North On Epic Flight Tuesday Toronto, June 21,.---Final ar- rangements in connection with the great Indian Treaty flight--a flight which will mean the 'acquisition by the Province of Ontario of the last unceded Indian lands in the whole Dominion, some 129,000 square miles of them, lying north and west of the Albany River--have been completed, Next Tuesday morning, June 25, Walter C. Cain, Deputy Minister of Lands and Forests, and Provincial Commissioner in the forthcoming negotiations with the Redmen, will take-off from Toronto Harbor with Cap. W. Roy Maxwell, Director of the Provincial Afr Force, in a brand new Moth plane, purchased by the Government especially for the flight, Their destination will be Rem! Lake, where the following day fon Government machines, carry~ ing, in addition to pilots and air engineers, H, N. Awrey, Dominion Commissioner; J, George Ruther- ford, Ontario Motion Pleture Bure. eau cameraman, who is to make a film-record of the trip; and a doc- tor from the Department of In terior, On June 28, the trip, proper, commences with the Albany Rupe ids as the first call on a schedule that is approximately 2,200 areial miles long, and which involves a visit to Trout Lake, in the heart of the barrens--a spot never pe. fore visited, as far as it can be learned, by an aeroplane, Approximately one month will elapse before the party completes its business at the nine or ten far- flung ouposts In line of visit, and return to the comparative safecy and comforts of the Provincial Afr Force station at Reml, Large Sum in Cash This last treaty which the party will negotiate with the Indians on this occasion is not actually a new treaty in itself, but is rather an adhesion to old Treaty 9---the ar- rangement under which the Moose Factory area, the James Bay Basin and other adjacent territories were acquired by the Province years ago Money payments under both Treuty 9 and the new adhesion will ve made by the Commissioners on this flight, Between $35,000 and $560,000 in cash, well guarded, will be carried by the Dominion machines for this purpose. A great portion of this fund will, it is expected, be distri- buted at Trout Lake, where several different tribes, living to the north, cast and west, have already been advised by runners from posts on the Albany to 'come in and meet the white men." More than the mere treaty nego- tiations, however, enter into the calculations of the flight particl- pants. Mr, Cain, the Provincial Commissioner, while away, will study the question of the mining claims In the Indian lands in the 190-mile gold-belt between Red Lake and Fort Hope, and how the forthcoming Crown acquisition of these lands will affect the propec- tors' staking rights, Escaped Convicts Retaken Houston, Texas.---Seventeen of the 43 convicts who escaped yes- terday from the Clemens state pri- son farm, were in irons today and four others shot and slightly wounded by possemen were in a hospital. Armed posses behind packs of bloodhounds continued their search of the river bottoms for the fugi- tives still at large. WORLD CONFERENCE OF WORKERS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN Many Countries will Be Re- presented at Great Gathering Geneva, Switzerland, June 29.---A world conference of workers for crippled children, to be attended by public officials, scientific men and social workers, will be held here July 28 to August 2. Every European country which has given thought to helping its crippled children, will be represented on the conference programme, Delegates they will be Joined by two Domin- from all parts of North and South America and far castern countries are now making arrangements to attend, Indications are that the Conference will be thoroughly representative in every respect, gar F, Allen of Elyria, Ohio, president of the International Society for Crippled Children, will open the Conference with an address detailing "The Evolution of the Problem of the Crippled Child," Mr, Allen will Summarize the ground covered by those who have had to overcome pre- judice, ignorance, indifference and lack of proper technical knowledge, to to reach the present stage wehre governmental bodies arc taking over responsibilities and employers are Sing work handicapped person can 0, Lvery important phase of the crip- pled children's problem will be thor- oughly discussed by experts from all countries represented, The general subjects to be discussed are: Finding crippled children, Examination and training during convalescence, rela- tions of practitioners, institutional men and women and ya workers and their relation to an organized pro- gramme, the education of the crippled child, vocational training and place- ment, and the prevention of the causes of crippling conditions, Arrangements have been made whereby delegates may visit leading European institutions where crippled children are cared for, and where many of the leading orthopedic sur: geons of Lurope have been trained and arc practicing their art, DEATH OF MRS. J. CORNER, BROOKLIN Died Suddenly on Wednes- day from a Paralytic Stroke Brooklin, June 20.--The funeral of Mrs. John Corner, of Brooklin, was attended by a large number of friends on Saturday, June 15, Mrs, Corner had been ill for some time, but the end came suddenly on Wednesday from a paralytic stroke, Mr, and Mrs, Corner lived for many years at Kinsale, and upon retiring from farming moved to Brooklin, where they made many friends, Be- sides her husband, she leaves three daughters and a son, Mrs, C. Taun- ton, Mrs, R, Pilkey and Miss Amy in Toronto, and Stewart at Oxdrift, New Ontario, A bus load of ladies of the Wom- en's Institute attended the annual dis- trict meeting of the South Ontario Women's Institute at the Ontario La- dies' College, Whitby, on Friday last, Congratulations are being extended to Miss Mary Hunter who passed her examination at the Business College, Napanee, She is now spending her vacation at home, Miss Bernice liddy of the Ladies' College, Whitby, is spending a few days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, C, Grass, Miss C, Ross, principal of the Con- tinuation School has resigned from her position, She has been in Brook- lin for six years and was liked by everyone, The pupils of the school presented Miss Ross with a lovely white gold watch with a suitable ad- dress which was read by W. Man- ning, AMPLE PROOF (Chicago Daily News) "My papa's bookkeeper," little Edwin proudly, "Yes, I know it, replied small Ruth 'Be borrowed a book from my faher six months ago and hasn't returned it." sald OU can afford to be particu. lar about the car you buy when you know how much Pon. tiac offers in the low price field. You can say "Nothing but a BIG Six will do .. nothing less than the power, speed and smoothness that a BIG, six-cylinder GMR engine will deliver . . nothing less than the style, luxury and ample roominess of superb new Bodies by Fisher .. nothing less than the safety and silence of big, dirt-and- weather proof four-wheel brakes . . nothing less than the supreme riding comfort of long, resilient covered springs and Lovejoy Hy. draulic Shock Absorbers". No other car within hundreds of dollars of Pontiac price can give you the amazing comibination of BIG Six features and abilities that you can obtain in Pontiac. Come in and learn what it means to own a real BIG Six .. and how little it costs, ° P.22.6.208 PONTIAC] SIN PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. 88 Simcoe St. North Ontario Oshawa, Phone 915 DR. SHIELDS VICTOR COLLEGE DISPUTE Toronto Pastor Is Chosen President of Board of Trustees Des Moines, Iowa, June 22,--Dr, T., T. Shields, yesterday was chos- en Acting President of Des Moines University, He was also re-elect- ed President of the Board of Trus- tees. 'a Miss Edith Rebman was also re-elected to her posiion as Secre- tary to the Board of Trustees and Treasurer of the university, Dr, F, E, Foulk of Dts Moines, Rev, M Stevens of Des Moines and Dr, H ¥. Wayman, deposed President of the school, are the three mem- hers who are no longer on the board, The meeting held hy the hoard Thursday was secret, but a statement Issued at the close of the meeting showed Dr, Shields in full conrol of the board, The hoards took steps Thursday, it reopried to reorganize the fac- ulty, It proposes to choose its professors with care, it indicated, to obtain men loyal to the Baptist confession of faith and the admin~ istration, "The recent occurrences," the hoard's report sald, "will in the end be seen to he a Providential ordering of events in answer to the prayers of multitudes." REMEMBERING A little ghost taps on the 'window pane ] And sobs with the wind and crief with the rain, A ghost of dreams shattered, a pro« mise forgot, A cry that was uttered to ears thaf heard not, I draw tight the curtain and turn on the light But the little ghost walks, out there in the night, --Istelle Carter Munger in the Harp The bridal group photograph of a few years ago was mostly veil and train Today it is largely legs and---legs.--Sault Daily Star, Some husbands buy nice presents for their returning wives, and oth~ er hehave while thelr wives are away,~--Kingston Whig-Standard bargains in. brick houses, choice and close in locations, If about to buy, see what I have, It will pay you, Summer cottage for sale or rent at Caesarea Beach. J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871.-087TW Some - LOTS FOR SALE Children's Aid Society of the County of Ontario, and City of Oshawa, have twenty-one lots for sale. They are splendidly situ- ated fronting on Centre, Quebec, and Fairbanks. Thev are part of the sub- division presented to the Society by Mr. J. D. Storie for the erection of the new shelter. We would like to sell in block. See J. A. Bickell, Office 430 Simcoe Street South, phone 1240W, Residence, 470 Simcoe Street South, phone 2330J. "Can the 'talkies' compete suc- cssfully with: the thatres?"" asks a writer. What the 'talkies really have to compete with is the aud- ience.--London Humorist It is taking the combined' strength of Mussolini and the Pope to pull the skir tdown two inches below the knee in Italy, Where the world has it been ?---Detroit Sat. urday Night, 1928 Chev. Sedan. New car warranty : $650 ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 9 Priuce St, Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Essex Distributors HARDWOOD FLOORS LALD BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like new. Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors B. W. HAYNES 10 King St. W, Phone 0 residence W002, LULA ca V. A. Henry INSURANC 3} Simcoe St, 8, Phones 1198 W---Office CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 To improve cornstarch pudding add the yolk of one egg and a table. spoon of butter. Beat the white separataly and put inte mould or pudding dish and pour on cooked cornstarch, This will make it light as a souffle. Whipped cream add- ed just befora serving will also en- hance its value. It is yours for always--not service, whether you wish home or build one yourself. LUMBER F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard. Phone Oshawa 824 Whitby 12 da En ka) RR AS RR Sao EE a ec Your Home There it stands ready to welcome you. merely as long as you pay rental tribute, It is your haven of security, your safe in. vestment, your dwelling place. There are many reliable finns listed here who are in a position to render immediate to buy a COAL! COAL! | Phone 103 SARGANT WwW. J. Yard--89 Bloor Street E. Orders Promptly Delivered ES S-------------- OME? LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. Hardwood Floors Hardwood floors laid, sand. ed, Finished Complete by Experts. 3 W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 33 Albert Street Phones 230 & 137, To vent, 7 roomed furnished bungar low, hardwood floors, open fireplace centrally located, $65 per month. ) J. H. R. LUKE Regent Theatre Building, Phone 871 $4,200--Gladstone Ave. Brick Veneer and Stucco Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. Ash floors through- out. Newly decorated. $500 cash down. DISNEY Phone 1550 Opposite Post Office