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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1929, p. 9

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pe aw '* THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929 \, THE C Ree" where, eller TION. RCT UV NW. J, A, " PACE NINB o | L) --r | I Te cnn buble, i Con I Ww, oh ces ro Bisoutt a y y' Public, tary Public, oan. Office HY STAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Nniary, 'over Dewlsnd's Store, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe Ht north, Phone 67. Residence risters, sto, Money to Inan, Alger Bldg, Opposite Post Office, Phone 1614, A. J, Parkhill, A, ©, H. Field risters, Solicitors, eto, 24% Sime cos St. N, Phone 3160, Mohey Lo 1aan, (080) references to materni'y work and di senses of women, Two years' post duste experience, Office and resi: ence 167 Simcoe St N., (cor, Brock) hone 119-t) ©. " . couche, Office and ress fence eo St, "ast, corner Victoria te Oshawa, Fhone 94. urgeon, Obstetrician, Ty of hildren, Office and I aD Bond Fast, hone 1185, 4] special attention uty wi gg and Electro- y, Offi¢e, Disney Block, Ph Office open ¥ am. to 9 A mn, hone 0, esidence 161 King East 16, LR. O ¥. aod 8 Baiaburgs. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrio- fan, Oftice 148 Simcoe Bt, N. Phone 3030, residence 161 King 8t. B Phone 8155. (Des, 81t1) olalist in surgery. Office 14% Bim. coe street North, Residence 106 Simcoe street North, Phone 3040, Bett) A TMD, Re , P, & 8, Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special ate tention to maternity ork and dls eases of children, Office and 'weld: 185 Blméoe St, North, Paes W 8107, y Nose, Throat v1 ANS Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over om & Lovpll's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till p.m, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat enly, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97, (4-tf Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat aver Mitchell's Drug gtore, Hours 10 to 12 a.m, 2 to 8, Evenings by we clan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Jer Engineering and Surveying io Land Surveyors sad Civil Engine cers, sub-divisions, town Jning BE Phere si ost ot uctioneer anotioneer, 346 Simcoe Bt, 8, We can soll your odd pieces of furnie ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Onterlo, A lhe A insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa, The old- ost Fire y Vidi, vot 0 Re. utable Fire Companies. (1181) consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants sitended to and your interests protected. [ snd Land Co, Local sgents for one of the bon Eaglion bo oie ey Of fice Simcoe St. N, (86-tf Music A cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams, Oshawa, Wednesday, moos Wt, North, Phone 3764F, (129-1) DANCE ORUHERTRA MUSICIANS FURNISHED FOR | all oconslons, J, Watson, Teacher of Vielin, Phone 2063, , (May 27-1mo.) Transportation tery} y sand apa einders, Local apd long distance bauling, Phone 85048 and Boor mith and Cox, 44 Bond 8. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR: age. 85 Bond St, West. Phone 82, 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouss equip. ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (641) (0 \ distance, Also sand and gravel Cunniogham, 121 Albert Bt, Phone 1886, (June 3-1 mo) OBHAWA'S OLDEST BSTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road oartage. rank Cowle, Prop, 65 Park Rd. South, Phone 915, (June 16-1 mn) distance hauling, New trucks, Reasonable prices, Phone 1617M. 186 Bloor street east, (126 1 mo) TRUCKING AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance hauling, Prompt service, Reasonable prices, Mos Nevin, Gilmour and Gardner, 007 Featubert street, Phone 2401J, (June 234 1 mo) auty Parlors Shoppe, Permanent wave $7.80 and $10, Automatic 'machine, 1 extra free finger wave, Phone id +0 §8te) Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ave Shop, Marvel and Sham, (34th) Bett ent poo $1. Phone 3068, Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, specialize In ladies' balr cutting, marcelling, sbampooing, facials, )| Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653, (June 18-1 mo) work done, T80. Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, 7 Bund Street East, Phone 3081, (104stf) ippointment, Ottice ph 2660. Roatdence 4884, (9th) tat "nervous mental and Duotleas gland diseases, Office and resid. ence Uxbridge phone 134, Dental \ 3 \ett's, Special attention to X-Ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in \ttendance, Phone 080, House 1818. 41 yr) ) al, 47 King street east, Alzer bullding, Phone 2860. Evenlugs by appoint: ment. (48th) orth, ovel eM 'y > 4 : s a Yor po Brie Phone 34. oxid a for extrac: ig "Office, Royal © Bank Bldg. Bh ° residence, 378M. al Phone 1087, Real, 992W, Eveulnge . . , [} meoe St. N,, ever Duwland's by appointment, (July 9th) Regent Theatre vy he Reslnee 66. x ental tf , Dentists, 37 King 8t. B, 8 tention to gas extraction and Xo ray work, Nuree in attendance. Phones 1243 and 231, (98eL) eterinary Surgeon pecialist diseases domestic animals, i 03 Ki ro and eo ng tal, i King west, Phone tects ak R one 9091. sociate architects, Simooe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. (e8th LURE BURIAL CO. & RING ST, East, Ambulance, Reatdence, 842 Simoeoe street north, Phones 310) and NOW, [ON tL Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street, Ambulance. Plone 1083, (36-81) Money to Loan CITY AND FARM . QANS, fon loans arranged, Parkhill & leld, Barristers, eto, Alger Blog. Phone 1614, (dtl) Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14% Rig St. East, Oshawa, Phone 2700, (79th) "Painting and Decorating erhanger, painting and grain rices right, work guaranteed, 340 Pine Ave, phene J06Sw or Ot at Painting by Cedar street, [¢ furniture repaired, ob or hour, Tih hone 24581J, (June 17 1 mo) S stone and black loam, $1.60 a 3 For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros, 332 ring 11, (June 1-1 me) Phone 158783, Cement blocks, 8:0, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones, (June 20-1 mo.) To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1 0 ot Distributors' prices, Glazed Sash, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Roofing, Shingles, Paint, Hardware, Wall: board, Pumps, Water Systems, Plumbing Goods, Electrical Gooda. Send for big free catalog with freight paid prices. You aave by dealing direct, Halliday Company Limited, 14 Halliday Building, Hamilton, TOURIST ATTENTION --ACCOM- modation for summer tourists, tur nished rooms, week or month, beautiful location, Roard yourself, Write Box 33, Bewdley, Qutatie. (147¢ = and dyers, the place for altera. tions and repairs, Phone 500, 134 King West, Above Cannings Men's Wear, (June 24 1 mo) We || " Real Estate for Sale and Land Co, Lots on Oshaws Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park ig wn suit you Office 38 Simcoe St. N, (86th) T™ he moved by purchaser off lot, Price $200, Terms If desired, Phone 2088W for particulars, (147¢) [] + ANY body: wishing to see it call after 7 pom. Pete Wipotzk, Lake View Garden, Cedardale, Oshawa, (14800) a wetate, 4 miles north of Port Perry, fronting on Lake Mcugog, adjoins Bleep's farm, 123 acres, House, bank barn, puthuildings, orchard, cedar hush, Bacrifice, Thirty-five hundred for few days only, Wils Iams, 67 Victoria street, Toronto, (1480) (4) / ' hardwood floors, chestnut trim, )Inoarly new; bargain for quick sale, for appointment or apply 240 Drew Owner leaving town, Phone 2530W Bti'eat, (Tues, Wed, Thurs tf) ork Wanted RE-UITIOCS TERING, CHESTER- fields made to order, We save you money, Estimates free. G. A, Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street, Phone 95 tf) (} for and delivered 76c, If rental supplied #1, Batteries repaired, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 885W, June 7 1 mo) J , 4 . ors, screen doory put on and floors polished, Work guaranteed, 106 Burke street, Phone 2080M, (May 20 1 mo) GED ue livered 75e, rental 25c, Entire elecirical systew of car overhauled and vepaired, Prices reasonable, Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd, Phone 3112W or 8078) (June +1 mo) Radio Service JE A ' tubes and sets tested, batteries re charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied #1, Batteries re. paired at moderate prices, Chore les Wales, Phone 1040), (June 8-1 mo) Hemstitching HENSTTTOHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress. making, alterations, Mrs, Dell, 26% Oimcoe south, Phone 1656, (June 14-1 mo) anted to Buy ART " and all kinds of metals, Buying scrap batteries, old cars and pouls try, Goods called for, Phone 3060m Residence 00 Mill St (18420) or Sale or Kent le) (8 Store and with all conveniences, Garage, Ap- ply 41 Elgin E. Phone 1680), ' (14810) 'Watch Repairing v A \ Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 4 King Street West. Your 2h ronage is solicited (29tf) Awnings #ix roomed dwelling awnings, verandah curtains, cans opy topa installed, T. Taylor, Tore onto, Oshawa phone 1038, 2/TW, (771) Announcements Mra. Dell wishes to inform those whom {t may concern, that her Salon on Simcoe Street South for hematitching, .pleating, dressmaking, eto, in no way whatsoever conndécted with any Shoppe as circulated, (128.1 ma,) ntracting JRETE, plastering, eleotric or alteratious. 'Phone 130 for estimates, (June 81 me.) [¢ INC cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations, For prices 'phone 2873W, J. Pidgen, 07 .Colborne 8t E Liat) Automobile Repairing Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding, Snappy Rattery service charging and repairing. (1070) ant o Rent August, rural house with garden, kitohen and three or four rooms, it possible bath, Apply Rex 4% Times, (147h) oom and week: rooms only $2.60 and up. Apply 30 Ontario Street, (June 7-1 mo.) ROARD' AND ROOM CLOSE TO Motors, All conveniences. 87 per week, 288 Jarvig street. (1480) Private home, Home privileges. Ap ply 344 Athol street east, (1460) ladies or gentlemen, Apply 2377 Division St, (148b) the bite, Put it on and scare them away, 18¢, 238¢c and 800 per box Try our famous Blood Mixture, Also Asthma Remedy, The dellar S| bottles that gives the million dels lar feeling, Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprietor, Goulding, 23 Prince St, Oshawa. June 24 1 mo) Hyen- 1134 Rates for Classified Ads. First insartion=rif eonts pov word Migimem chargo--3be. Each ¢ fnsortion fps Three consecutive fnsere tions for the peice of two fire insertions (three oonts a word), Minimum charge for three lnsertions, 60 cents. Bos dumber 10s adilitiona! Professional Business Cards, $250 por month for 20 words or less; 10 sents & word month for each additions) word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3 Ask for Classified Ad Do. vartment a Articles For Sale HARD AND SOFT WOOD MIXED HARD A slabs, $3.50 per load, Alsn boue dr body woed. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 11) IL AN complete stock In Oshawa, and Park. 54 Simcoe Bt, 8. , MO Murlitt (B4L1) SA Llm= [V} Lid, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest wodels; ters Siiahsed, Apply C. Trull, Phone 1660J, (1118) FACTORY ON OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price, Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Dally Times, (tf) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKERS han auto parts and accessories for sale 15-17 Bond street west, Phone 2080W, (127 1 mo) SAND AND GRAVEL, STONE, also black loam, dump truck ser~ vice, Moderate prices, Phone 1778), Jack Vorrester, 210 Allee street, (127-1 mo) FOR SALE~'THAP DRUMS, OR- chestra outfit, value $200. Will soll for $150. Terms, or $100 cash, Phone 18300 and leave number for Mr, Kelly' Bolahood, (186 3 wk) SEWING Almost new, price, Phone FOR BALE---BINGER machine, drop head, Will sell. for halt L684W, (146¢) ' ' SED MINS BID op ity Washer, terms it desired. Call 71 McLaughlin Blvd, Oshawa, Ont, (1470) MISS SIMPLICITY ELECTRIC washers demonstrators, Ten year guarantees bond with everyone, Your own terms, Call 195 Simcoe 8, or phone manager 490. (147b) FOR SALE---ELECTRI(C RANG- otte: 3 coll and Insulated oveu, works on plug, gond condition; reasonable. 241 Drew St, Phone d211M, (148:b) Apply Mrs, (148-0) also heater, cheap, Henderson, Harmony, A fee urn with electric plate, Phone 0, (148-4) FOR BALE--GOOD PRACTICE plano, antigue walnut bedroom se! two iron beds with aprings, ha rack, fall leaf table, dining room table and chairs, Apply 25 Division street, (1480) FOR SALE--WHITE ~~ WICRER baby carriage, Good as new, Price $15. Phone 23740, (148b) FOR SALE--ONT BANY BUGGY, in good condition, Phone 18657, (re) TOR SALE -- RADIO, SEVEN tubes, electric. Only a few months old, 70 he xold at large redue- tion. Apply 45 Drew at, (148-h) elp ale Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a rospect, Endorsed by Ontario otor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 40, 76 Lombard, Toroutu, CE=--1} enced Digman for body and fender work, Good wages and ateady work, Apply Stratford Auto Body, 158 St, Patrick St, Stratford, Phone Stratford 1477. (183th) house to house salesman, Repres sent Natifhal Organization, taking full charge of territory, $50 to $100 a week assured if you quals ify, Repeat business. Permanent year round position, References res quired. Give experience first letter and phone number, Strictly cons fidential, Box 49% Times, > (147h) TED==IMMEDIATELY --=pX- perienced butoher, to take charge of counter, Apply 174 Ritson Road South, (148-0) ANTE VS FROM TEN TO fourteen years for interesting work, Good money and prizes, Ap ply 88 Drew St, at 7 p.m, tonight, (148a) "Second Hand Dealer niture bought and wold. 186 Bloor St. East, Phone 1617M, (tr) elp an WANTED--FIRST CLASS COOR by Balmoral Hotel, Bowmanville, Phone 323. (1480) RERS. Phone 1237W, (147) For Rent 0 meos ¥u., Bimoos Manor and Buckingham Manor, South Simeos St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms sll lastest conveniences including, Electrio refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, inclaerator, snd shower baths. For further per- ticulnrs, Avoty Your Local Agent |, (] or Junitor ov Premises. The Trusts and Guarsntue Co, Id, Manager tor Owner, Toronto, avd fr, Urler, Phone 2089J. (111¢8) roomed suite in Victoria Apts, 301 'meee Bt, Bouth, Apply to Mr, Grier, Phone 2989). (ite) without board, Bed sitting room if preferred, Apply 0% Gibbs street, (May 28-1 wo) OFFICE TO i] well lighted, On ' 8imooe street, Near contre of elty. Immediate possession. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, (May 31 1 mo) od, Every convenience, suitable for light housekeeping, Would take roomers, Phone 1473). (141t0) AT ME LET--TFACING on Himcos Bt, 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished, Central, Apply Bradley Bros, offica. (1421) OT NENT---DEBR ROOM IN ostnhlished office King St. E, Very central, $20 per month, Apply Box 27 Times, (143t1) Wo UNIUTINTEATD ROOMA 10 vent for light housekeeping Phones 12048), (1431) wr | TO LET--ATTRACTIVE "APART ment, Also garages, 153 Bimcoe streot south, Phone (89, (1441) F 0 ME ) ' All conveniences, In mediate pos session, Baird Block, Phone 466, a (1451) TF RENT---LARGE FRONT ROOM suitable for two, single beds, Apply 18 Ontario Bt (146¢) TO RENT--BRIGHTLY FURNISH. ed front bedroom, central, Break fast optional. 100 King St. West, (1467) TO RENT == HEMI-FURNISHED apartment, private bath, central, Apply 154 William &t, East. Phone 469, (146c) ( ) we FUR h room, suitable for one or two, Also gurage, Apply 115 Oshawa Blvd, (1460) room with all conveniences, Apply 79 MeMillan Drive Phone 2320W, (147¢) "OR RENT--- ! ' room All conveniences. Close to Motors, Apply #0 Hond St. West, Phone 417, ROOM TO RENT -- SUTTADLE for two men, equipped for house- keeping, Apply 211 Simcoe St, South, "hone 2120W (1470) FTX ROONMED BRICK HOUSE TO rent at 325 Ritson road south, All conveniences, including electric lHght fixtures, Low rent to cares ful tenant, Apply Willlam Igel, 426 Prospect St, Phone 2017W, (147¢) 4 i; ) . ment to rent for July and August, Central, Phone 588J noons and evenings, (1470) MED (1470) JG] ) -- gi house, Phone 1081W, furnished rooms, all conveniences. Phone 2607), 242 Eulalie Ave, ( 148-0) 600L., OLEAN NEW GROUND floor fronf two-room apartment fur rent. Low rent; very central, ui Centre St, v (148-0) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; ven. tral, Apply 207 Church St, (148.00 (fT Apply SE ) RENT, ( Rossland and Ritson Road. R, Jenkins, third house east un Rossland Road. (148) fOR RENT--FURNISHED DED- room, in private home: would rent single or double, Apply 147 Agnes Street, Phone 2640J, (148.Dh) TO RENT--BATH FLAT, ALL conveniences, in good locality, Phone 1125F or apply 13% Park Road South. (148.0) ff |TO RENT--2 ATTRACTIVE unfurnished rooms, suit young Apply after 8 p.m. 157 (148) Ter E- ROOMED furnished flat: hardwood floors, new home, suitable for three or four adults, vacant July 15. Apply 70 Oshrawa Blvd, (140+h) couple, Agnes Street, bedroom to rent. Phone 3043W. (145¢) FOR RENT-=3 OR § ROOMS ON bath flat, Unfurnished, Wired for stove, All convenfences, Phone 1168/0, (148h) 0 } S and amall apartment, All conveni- ences, suitable for light house. keeping, also 2 stores. Apply 82% King St. W, (148¢) [¢] Yow furnishd apartment, Block, © Five large rooms, right, Phone 832.. ! MoLeese Price (148¢) front rooms for light housekeep- ing in new modern home, Hard- wood floors, near Motors. Phone 2078, (148Dh) \ -- 0) S three roomed flat, with electric stove sand basement apace, Apply 202 Clarke St, Phone 1623W, (1480) bright furnished room. Suitable for two rooming together. Apply 363 Albert St. Pltone 19849W, (147TH) 2 "w-- \ - Aud od upstairs rooms. No children. Central, Also new garage. Phone 32TM, (14Te¢) FOR SALE--RITCHEN RANGE; TWO FURNISHED AND TWO UN- | Wanted--F emale Apply preferred, (12411) Experienced Burns Shoe Co. cooking experience not necessary, to help with housework and look after children. Apply in person, 124 Elgin Bt, W, (146¢) ---- L. light housework and care of inva- Call 166 Celina 11d, two adults, (146¢) stroet, ly Mrs, Sidney Mills, 314 Simcoe Bt y 4 (146¢c) ' able to cook, Apply 27 Ritson road south, (147¢) (147h) AL A LL [Z] Quality Bjlk Neckwear of superior construction direct to the Wearer, at One Dollar and fifty cents each, commission fifty cents; also Bow 2214. =| Ties selling at fifty cents each, commission twenty five cents, State experience if any, and give rwiere ences in first letter, along with general information regarding yourself, so we will be able to sump you a stock of Ties at once. Our Ties are fast repeat sellers and wonderful value, Previous experi- ence not necessary, Hall Cravats Limited, 64 John Street, North, (146-b) Hamilton, Ont, FXPERTENCED GIRL WANTED for general housework, Apply Mrs, Crozier, 138 Bimcos St, Routh, (1481) Position Wanted RELIABLE GIRL WITH BENIOR matriculation and knowledge ui stenography, desires position for afternoons, Phone 1014W, (146¢) HXPERIENCE 3 ] keeper. neeks position, Good wages expected, P.O, Box 281, om, y ¢ . ' 4 J of 2 of invalid, disengaged, will help with housework. Moderate, Phone 742M, (148¢) Lost and Found OB Tome yh 8 months old. Grey with white tip on tail, $1 reward on return to 12 Ahol St. E. (1460) COFT--BLACK CHANGE PUREE. Finder please leave at Times of- fico or 377 Simcoe St, Eouth, (1470) LORT--ARUCK TIRE AND RIM, Saturday. Apply Oshawa Whole- sale Ltd, Phone 2184, (148h) LOST=TRU 0 ATE, number C1343, Finder please leave at 74 Wilson Rd, South. Heh mh) Motor Cars SALE~-1926 © Coupe, good running order, 730 French street, ( RB A TOURING, good running condition, $05. Ap- ly 182 Alexander Blvd, ~ (148-c) 'ROLET Apply 148-0) GET INTO BUSINESS YOR Y OURSELF==BIG PROFITS EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY Do you want to own a monopoly business that will net you frou three to fifteen thousand dollars per year, according to territory" | Millions are wasted in burnt out {electric lamps, Large industries {pay thousands of dollars for res placements. Visualize the profit in a well established process where. by you can repair these lamps, guarantee them, save the user 50% and make a profit for yourself of from one thousand per cent up. Process simple, easily learned, Electrical experience unnecessary. Complete equipment and instruce tion furnished. We are coming Fast shortly to allot exclusive ter. vitories, We can show you a genn. ine, clean cut business that will astound you, where you can own your business and be part of a na. tional onganization backed by na. tional advertising, Cash required from one to ten thousand dollars {according to territory, Write at once, Electric Lamp Reclamation Service, 40 Williams Bldg, Van. couver, B.C, (148-2) 1 will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date without my permission. Oshawa, Ontario, June 25th, 19290. W. A. GUNN, (TJuly 9) Notice Atter thix date 1 will not be reaponsible for any debts incurred by any person in my name. Oshawa, June 24th, 1929, W. ZILLON, (148¢) I ER SS Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC tions from the home ot 2345 Celina St, South, on June 26, to aell the following articles: Two stoves, good as new, two beds, 1 coal oil stove, 10 chairs, shot gun, writing desk, small stand table, western saddle and bridle, harness, two gravel screens, ather small artis cles too numerous to mention, Sale at 1.30 pm. Any person wishiug to put am)thing in this sale may do so, Terms cash. E. J. Pomery, auctioneer, (148) A cow, it ig estimated, moves her jaws 41,000 times each day, but such is the injustice of this worl, --Toronto Saturday Night, NEWCASTLE FOLK eézzxs| WERE ON SHIP THAT WENT ON THE ROCKS Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Wright Passengers on Duchess Of Richmond Newcastle, June 24,--~Mr. and Mrs, R. 1. Wright and family have again opened up thelr summer home here. NE { Mr. and Mrs, Wright and Dickie, hay. ing recently arrived home from Eng- land, They were passengers on the Duchess of Richmond, which went on the rocks and had to be taken off iy their fellow passengers on ten. ors, Asa Brond and daughter, Miss Marjory, motored from Rossmore and visited Mr, and Mrs. Merkley Clark over the week-end, Miss Des slo Clark, who has been at Rossmore for some time pust, came home, Mrs. Ella Shaw and Miss 19a Shaw of Pontypool, visited friends here last week, Mr, and Mrs, H, 8. Britton visited Toronto, over the week-end, They her parents, Dr, and Mrs, McKenzie, are both indisposed, Dr, McKenzie being in the hospital and Mrs. Mc. Kettle suffering with a fractured mb, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Gibson re turned to Canada from Atlantic City, NY, USA, last Wednesday and visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Gibson, The Towers, Newcastle, before leaving for To ronto where Mr, Gibson has a posi tion in the New Royal York Hotel, Mrs. Sarah Atkinson returned to Newcastle with them and is spend. ing a few days with her niece, Mrs, W. H, Pearce before re-opening her home, Mrs, Rev. T. M. Campbell and daughters, of Toronts, visited Mr, and Mrs, George Honey over the week-end, Mr. and Mis. James Richardson, of Pontypool, visited friends here re. cently, Dr, and Mrs, James Cotton, of To- ronto, who are both enthusiastic and active workers for the Native Sons her mother, Mrs, Long at Oupala, of Canada, spent the week-end with Newcastle-in-the-Lake, having just returned on Friday evening from the province of Quebec, where they had been on an official visit in con. nection with the organization and brought back with them a somewhat faded but fairly sound old silken flag once the personal property of Sir John A, MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Symons and son, Rochester, N.Y. called on his aunt, Mrs, George P. Rickard, last week, They motored and were on thelr way to visit relatives and scenes of his old home at Welcome, Dr, and Mrs, Buckhart, of New York, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. VanDusen, recently, About a score of young men from this community motored to Tweed on Sunday and attended the morn: ing service of the United Church, at which Rev. E. B, Cooke is pastor. They were cordially entertained by Rev, and Murs, Cooke and Miss Eileen and in the afternoon joined in a short Sunday school session under the leadership of Mrs. Cooke, former. ly teacher of the young men's class in Newcastle, { Mr, and Mrs, C. C. Lumble, of Weston spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, P. LeGresley, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Branton spent Sunday with Wesley Branton and Mr, and Mra, Chas, Branton and family just north of Whitby, Mr. and Mrs, C. F. Fawcett and Miss Myrtle, of Hamilton, formerly of Tweed, Rev, T. H. P. Anderson, and Mrs, Anderson, Newburgh, Mr, and Mrs. C. H, Kerr and daughter, of Tweed, were recent guests of Rev, and Mrs, W. P. Rogers. Farewell Blackburn of Bowman. ville; apent Sunday with his grand Jareny, Mr, and Mrs. W, C. Black: urn, ORONO WOMAN IS BADLY BURNED Mrs. C. A. Chapman Suffers Seriously About Neck and Chest Orono, June 24.--Miss Mary Knox of the high school staff at Alliston, Ont, arrived home Tuesday last for summer vacation, Mr. and Mrs, West and daughters and Dr, and Mrs, Williams, all of Beaverton, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. West, Mrs. B, Barstead, Mr. and Mrs, McLean, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, P. C. Lawrie, of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs, \V. H. Phillip, of San Francisco, Cal, Elmer Little, manager of the A. & P, Stores, Port Hope, and Mr, and Mrs, George Tall, of Newcastle, spent a few days last week at the burned about the neck and chest Hooper home here, Mrs, C. A Chapman was serious! Tuesday morning. last by standing rd near the flame of a gasoline stove which caught her clothing, the fire being fanned into a flame ss she ran outside intending 10 roll on the grass to extinguish the fire, Lawrence Lunn who was at the Chapman home ad- usting the stove at the time was adly burned about the hands, his right hand seriously, when he endeay- ored to smother the flames, Local doctors were summoned and did ey- ying possible to alleviate the sufe Miss Kathleen Staples, of Port Hope high school staff who was home for vacation is this week assisting in residing at the examinations at the owmanville high school, Mrs, John MacKay and son Red- erick and daughter Miss Agnes, Mrs, Mclnnis and Mrs, Hector McLean, of Kirkfield, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs, D, I. Allin, Roderick MacKay is clerk and treasurer, of Eldon Township, Victoria nty, Miss Rhoda McLeod, of Oshawa, is spending a few days with Mrs, William Seymour, Miss Florence Haw is home from Nichols Hospital, Peterboro, having made very rapid recovery after her recent operation for appendicitis, Horace Limbert, B.A, of Toronto, is Visiting his sister, Mr, R, H, Brown, Mr, Limbert has recently completed a course at the Ontario College of KEducation, Toronto, ani has accepted a position on the teach ing staff of the high school at Ches- ley, Ontario, ; Miss Gladys Tucker, Ontario Lad« ies' College, Whitby, daughter of Rev, and Mrs, 8, T, Tucker, Dorchester, was & week end guest of Mrs, O, VW, Ralph, r. and Mrs, H, J, Awde, of To- ronto, are spending a few days at the home of his father, Mr, and Mrs, C.F. Awde, Mrs, John J, Gilfillan has returned home rom oronto Jace she spent a week or two wit er daughter, Miss Viola Gilfillan, yo Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Patterson motored to Grey County last week and spent a few days with her father, Joseph Carscadden, at Thornbury, and found him hale and hearty in his 103rd year, and his third son John Carscadden, about 75 years uf age, living on the homestead farm in Collingwood township, Mr .and Mrs, Patterson also visited friends at Col- lingwood and madg » short visit swith his son at George Thorton, Miss Maggie Taylor has returned to the home of her sister, Mrs, Re: ert Rainey, from Rochester, N.Y, where she spent a few months with the Misses Harper, Kenneth Stevenson and Miss Gladys Slater, of Thorndale, were week end visitors at the parsonage. J. M, Simpson, principal of 'the Orono continuation school, is presid- ing at the Middle School examina. tions at Blackstock this week: The Durham Regiment band, M, J. Tamblyn conductor, gave a fine program of music at the open air concert, the first of the season, Sat. urday evening last. The band is com- posed of about thirty players among them a number of beginners of good promise, There was a large crowd in attendance forming almost a block ade of people and autos, The only complaint, as far as we could learn was directed at the horse shoe pitch ers who monopolized the best park- ing stand, cutting off the view of many at that point, The efforts of the Clarke ricul- tural Society in fostering the drama- tic talent of their young members has been commendable, The, comedy, rhooking for Mary Jane" 'presented last Friday evening was delightfully refreshing and brought out several new character interpreters of merit, The Misses. Annie Ewing and Nera Gibson and Messrs Charlie Glenny and Howard Gibson were worthy of special mention, Mrs, Robb directed the production, A New York taxicab driver has been fined $50 for using language that is unbecoming off the stage. --Philadelphia Inquirer, my Competent General to | take full charge; willing to leave tewn July and August. Agreeable per. sonality: wages accords | ingly. References requir. ed. Apply Box 50, Times, 20 acres of excellent past. ure at City limits for rent. 50 acres of hay, clover and timothy, open for tender. Large barn and stable also for rent, Apply. LYCETT 28 King St. East ER-------- she ix never recorded in Hansara. | Ca o¥ MONEY LOANED IN TEN MINUTES ON AUTOMOBILES TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY Toy Lelns pald off. or additional Cash. All dealing confidential, Open Daily ® AM. to 6 P. M, G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loan and Discount Qo, Limtted Room 6, 143% King East. Phone 3700. Cd

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