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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929 DOUBLE HEADER GIVES FANS REAL SOFTBALL -- CHOCOLATE WINS PAGE SEVEN Softball Double Header Productive of Fast Display Fittings Toke Easy Win in| First Fixture--Second Be- tween Textiles and AY. M.C. Keeps Fans' Inter ost From Start to Finish Before the year's record crowd st Motor City Stadium, the City and Industrial Softball League held its tigst double header of the year with the teams playing, ending their games according to 'Dopey,' the Fittings. taking ap easy win from the unfortunate Saint Greg- ory nipe and the AY. M.C, winning a close and exciting game from the Orfents! Textiles, Both games were seven-inning affairs and the teams all played steady ball throughout. The Saints had two bad spasms in their game, but oth- or than these the ball displayed was of the first water variety and the crowd enjoyed them fully, In the curtain raiser the Saints were allowed one hit in the first, but the man died on the basus to vetire the side in their half on the initial stanza, They also held the Fittings well in the first ana sir lowed them one hit but no runs, then opening the scoring with Stoft's home run in the second the Saints were able to hold their slim margin until one of their balloon ascensions gave the Fittings the opening they were awaiting, and they took advantage of it to: get five runs, These they got in the third inning, In the sixth the Saints again pulled one of their burlesque innings and let four more Fits, cross the plate to prac- tically clinch the ball game, as the Saints had lost all sight of the hall and only had two scattered hits from the third inning on, First Game st, Gregory's AB Topping, » ...8 Leveque, rf ...8 Lyke, 3b woven l Knight, ¢ Mathews, If ..3 Seott, 1b wwe d Ross, of .. Hubbell, p Fair, 2b vemeld Totals Fittings AR Kilburn, 1b ...4 Snowden, ss .. 4 Hall, 3b ,... Mathews, rf Jacobi, 1 oun Rowden, 2b Keenan, Tpink, © Knox, p n Totals 28 1 ] Keenan out, hit by batted bal in sixth, Ross out on drive to left for not touching second base in seventh, Summary-~Home runs, Scott; three base hit, Hall and Jacobl: two hase hits, J. ¥air, Topping and Ross, Double playe Snowden to Hall, Struck out by Hubbell 1, Knox 1. Bases on balls, off Hub- bell 5, Knox 2. Left on bases, St, George's 3, Fittings 4, Stolen bases, J. Fair, L. Hall and Jacobi, Sac. ritices Toppings, R, Luke, C. Mathews and E, Rowden. Time of game 1 hour, Umpires--Dell and Harding. Scorer---8chafer, Score by innings: ---- St, Gregorys 01100002 6 a Fittings 0051411112 1 Batteries=-Hubbell and Knight, Knox and Frink. coal ~ccocowooco™ evconr.Po] T.-L. 0 u 1 0 [1] 1 - | Heme ouangel EO DN - =1 HH Demo Mes | --"--oomooasoad - =! "enone wasXal "ou oom ale Despite two home runs hit vy Gummow and Brady off the pitch. ing of Alec, Webster, the Textlles lost the closest and the best game of 'tha present season to the league leading A.Y.M.C, nine in the sec- ond part of the evening's program last night when the two teams linked up In a seven-inning battle, with Creamer outpitehing the league's twirling ace, Webster, Though they hit two home runs, they came with the bags empty and the remaining hits were also at the wrong time. On the evening the hits were even, but those that went to the Anglicans were a flock of two baggers that came nearly always when men were patiently waiting on the bages and they did more good, Two of these by Hub bell and Webster and one by Drinkle were the telling hits that robbed the Textiles of a game that wy both needed and deserved to win, : Textiles Brady, rf ..... Morris, 8b , 4. 4d Young, 1b ,...8 Elliot, T\, 0 ...4¢ Gummow, 2b .3 Carver, If ....3 Leveque, E, of 3 Haley, a8 ,...3 Cramer, p ....3 ABRRHPOAER DODD DLO COHWBIWHEMHDL COLA S ~10 WEDDED ODD ODDO OHDODOD i pat - Totals ,..evv 30 AY. MC, Atkinson 4 ,...3 Trotter ewyeses 3 Rowden .. Webster ... Hubbell, S, Timmins Drinkle Cornwall A = = | os o > cmd wid PERE Hodes on HED DDH coooo~oom oxocoooool] DREN LADIES' SOFTBALL Whitby at Malleable WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 6.45 P.M. ROTARY PARK Slip Slide and Slither INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, reese 39 21 601 Cres B41 Baltimore Has NOeWATK sro evrsiBé 523 Montreal ..ovve0ee 8B B15 Toronto ,eoeveneee 8b 507 Buffalo ..veveevnss A468 Jersoy City +. 000:21 333 Yesterday's Results Newark ,....6 Toronto ......1 Buffalo at Reading~~Rain, Other scheduled games played Sunday as part of doubleheader, Games today-----Toronto at N ark; Buffalo at Reading; Roches ter at Baltimore; Montreal at Jer sey City, NATIONAL LEAGUE Rochester Reading 608 N81 567 433 A424 807 082 aL Brooklyn 26 BORON ivr erver 2B Philadelphia Cincinnati 31 Yestorday's Results Brooklyn ,,., 5 New York ,.,..2 Chicago 4 Pittsburg ,...3 Philadelphia at Boston---Rain, Only three scheduled, Games today---~FPhiladelphia Boston; Brooklyn at New York, Only two scheduled, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lot 5 EE eee PERT vieeed2B 1 at P.C JT48 B00 B83 588 A483 421 M40 802 Philadelphia .,.. New York Bt, Louis Detroit a8 Cleveland ,,...000.28 Washington ,......24 CRICBRO + vvavernre 33 Boston ' 19 Yesterday's Results Detroit ,... 13 Chicago ...... 4 Cleveland ..10 8t, Louis .,.,.4 Philadelphia 65 Boston ,......4 Only games scheduled, Games today=-Chicago at De- troft; Boston at Philadelphis; Cleveland at St. Louls; New York at Washington, SATTERFIELD PITCHES WELL BUT OSLERS ARE DEFEATED Toronto, fine 24 ~Although he limited the House of David to five hits, ne two of which came in any one inning, Claude Satterfield, was forced to take & 2 to O beating at Maple Leaf stadium, Saturday after- noon, while toiling in the cause of the Oslers, Satterfield and Neve K waged a pitchers' battle and Neve practically won his own game when he tripled in the Afth inning and scored later on a squeeze play executed by Mec. Cafferty, The House of David scored an- other run in the sixth inning with. out the aid of a hit, errors by Eagle- son and "Rolly" Connacher provid: ing the gift counter, t was an interesting game and about 2,500 spectators were present, WINDSOR ACTION, NOT WORDS (Toronto Globe) For the second time within the past year the Attorney-General has sharply - warned the rum-runniug fraternity that they must behave while in Canadian territory, Yet both warnings were preceded by crimes typical of the dastaruiy methods of Chicago gangland, The latest outbreak at Windsor is of so serious a nature as to constitute a direct challange to the whole ma- chinery of law enforcement in this Province, The Globe has time and again warned the Iederal Government that continued official recognition of the rum-running industry woul sooner or later result in episodes like that at Windsor on Tuesduy. That is beside ' the present point. The satratling fact is that a law- abiding party of Canadian newspa- permen have been violently set upon by a mob of thugs and out- laws while performing their daily duties, If a great horde of row- dies, or worse, can run wild for hours in such a manner, dictatig to the Provincial Police what they will give back and what they will deatry, it is high time that peo- ple of Ontario realized the serious- ness of what is going on, It fs time, not for words, but for deeds. tee ERR Crotherd ......3 1 0 1 1 0 Little, Ty 10 1 0:00 Totals .....2¢ 85 9 81 5 12 Summary---Home runs, Gummow and Brady, Two base hits, Web ater 2, Carver, Hubbell 2, Elliott and Drinkle, Left on bases, Tex- tiles 4, A.Y.M.C. 6. Strike" outs, Webater 10, Creamer 1. Bases on balls, Creamer 6, Sacrifices, Hub- bell and Timmins, Times of game 80 minutes, Umpires, Dell and Harding. Scorer, Schafer, Score by innings Textilea ......,.00313005 8 1 ANY.MC, via 1 300130x--6 § 1 Batteries--Creamer and Elliott; Webster and Rowden. HAROLD "DUKE" DAINTY Who for some time has heen one of the stars of baseball teams in and around Oshawa, and so far this year has not been seen on any diamond with the excoption of a sores ball diamond, "Duke" dis ports himself around the softs hall field wearing. the colors ors of the Moffatt Motor Bales and his sensational catches in the outfield for that f(edm have often been the talk of the games in which he has taken part, ' Now rumor has it that the Duke will again be seen on the mound for an Oshawa hard hall team, It in said that he has signed with Mor. ris Kohens Aavahs, and if this is the case will in all proba. bility be doing the twirling for them In their game with ('ohonurg here tomorimw evens ing when they take on the Cobourg nine at the Alexans dra Park diamond at 5.45, RI Toronto Tennis Players Shine Montreal, June 25,~With one exception seeded players survived second round play in the men's singles of the provincial tennis championship tourney here yester- day, John Proctor of Toronto, was the only seeded player to drop by the wayside, Paul Fontaine of Outremont, defeating the Queen City player, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4 Proctor previously had been ex- tended to the limit in defeutiug Emile Durand, of Outremont, 0-6, 8-0, 04, in a first round mateh, and this together with the intense heat had fits effect on Proctor's play in hiss econd- round mateh, Gilbert Nunns, Walter Martin and Leroy Rennie, all of Toronto, who comprise the fain out of town threats in this event, playtd two rounds eacr and came through In fost convincing style, Tha turn two arrived in the morning from Cleveland where they were play- ing in the inter-city chaplonsnips, The husky Martin, who holds the Canadian intercollegiate cnuwm- plonship, appeared in fine fettls, Nunns hesitated for a few games against I", Sullivan, St, Rose youth, who supplied worthy opposition, but. the former Davig cup player made no mistake in his second mateh and defeated W, H, McGow- an, a local player, 6-2, 6-1, Canadian Tournes For July 20t Toronto, June 25, -- The major tennis event of the year, namely, the Canadian lawn tennis champ- fonghips, will be held again on the courts of the Toronto Lawn Tennis club, commencing on Saturday, July 20, and continuing during the following week, Out of town play- ers are not called upon to rtport until Monday, July 23, The various Canadian champion ship titles which were won at the tournament last year are now held as Yollows! Men's Open Singlea--Wilmer Al. lison, Texas; represented by the Meldrum challenge cup and prize, Men's Open Doubles ~~ Wilmer Allison, Texas, and J, Van Ryn, Princeton, Ladies' Open Singles -- Misa M, Gladman, Los Angeles, Repre- sented by the Slazenger Challenge cup, Ladies' Open Doubles--~Mrs, A. H, Chapin, Springfield, Mass, and Miss Gladman, Los Angeles. Mixed doubles-=Nrs, A, H, Chap in Springfield, and John Doeg, San- ta Monica, Calif, Junior Men's Singles -- Arthur Voss, Oklahoma, Junior Ladies' Singles--Miss Ol. ive Wade, Toronto, Veterans' singles--A, J, Montreal, Veterans'd oubles -- H, Nunns and W, L. C. Richardson, Torento, Veyaey, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAN WAYS Change in Train Service, Effective Sunday, June 2rd, The Inter-City Limited Kast. bound leaving .at 8.28 pm, for Ot. tawa and Montreal, daily except Sunday will-run daily The InterCity Limited bound leaving at 7.27 pm route and Chicago, Wests for To- daily except Sunday will run daily. No, 20 Eastbound at 11.09 pan. for Montreal, daily except Satur day will run daily, No. 21 Westbound at 5.28 wan for Taronto,. daily except Sunda) will run daily, No. 109 now leaving at 7.14 p.m Sunday only for Toronto, will leave at 8.14 pm, All times shown are Eastern [Standard time. Sr. BEAR NE ---------- SPORT SNAPSHOTS Probably the biggest crowd of the was seen last night at the Motor City Jour and the best ame of the year tadium on King Street West when the league officials pulled the first double header of the intermediate league, The opening contest between Fittings | Saint Fittings and they easily took the trailing Saints into camp, and Saint Gregorys was too much but the second game, what I mean that was one real game, And from the very start the teams were (no, Not Nip and Tuck one team leading for an inning and I fooled you, it is) Touch and Go with then the other at the end however the Anglicans were the leading team over the Textile by but one run and there- by took undisputed leadership of the league, In th junior loop the King Street nine took more hits from the pitching served up to them than the Ked Aces were able to gather, they also had less errors in the field but were unable to win the game owing to the timely carly hitting that gathered them a lead sufficient to win them the game, | "7 After spending some time in a summer training camp and being {the first Canadian and Toronto boxer to train for a fight in this way, in fighting trim, ume before the knockout came, long string, Duke" Dainty, into the game, 15 if it comes to pass, have had in the past two weeks, Street West, Juckie Johnston lost the fight that he so carefull first round when the brilliant Cuban, "Kid" Chocolate landed a cluck on the jaw to put him to sleep for all of three minutes, have lost the fight in this manner without going to Midland to train and waste time by rowing and other activitics that were meant to put him prepared for in the Johnston could They must have forgotten to train the brittle jaw to stay behind: the protection of a close guard as the sensational Candy Kid used the old one, one two to bring the guard down and then land the punch that ended the fight before it really got started, And it did not give the fans the opportunity to see the flashy Cuban do his stuff, and if it-had, it likely would only have been a question of Canada's biggest and almost the shortest fight is now a thing of the past, and Kid Chocolate, the Cuban who has recently flashed across the hoxing horizon will continue on his way, adding another K.Q, to his already Tomorrow will give the Oshawa fans another chance to see the inter~ mediates do their act when they hook up with the Cobourg team in a game to be played here, 'This wonder team (wonder how they win games without practice?) have added a new man to their roster, that man should make a big difference in the team as he is no less than the one and only ¢ I Wether he will do the pitching tomorrow is a question as his certificate may not have been passed in time to entitle him to get The senior nine goes right back to Belleville and there they will attempt to do the same thing as they did here on Saturday and in that way retain the league leadership which they now held, And another interesting event of tomorrow evening will be a friendly game between the intermediate and senior lacrosse teams of. the city, that Every effort on the part of both managements are being made to stage this game and if they do it will be a real encounter with the intermediates almost a favorite, owing to the long rest the seniors If played at all the game will be at the Motor City Stadium on King Tonight sees only two softball teams playing, they are juvenile team playing at Cowans Park and the odds are, Rain 3 to 1, Red Aces 2 to 1, Canada's Scullers Show Finé Form Henley, Hng., June 26,~Cana~ da's entrants in the famous Hens ley rolay regatta accomplished fine practice work yesterday, Jue Wright rowing the full course in 8 minutes 17 seconds, or seven seconds faster than when he won the diamond eculls last year, The Argonaut club eight from Toronto, under favorable weather conditions, gave one of the most fmpressive exhibitions of rowing vet seen her, They rowed thefull Grand Challenge cup course in 6 minutes H9 seconds, only eight sec» onda outside ther ecord, Getting away to a fine start, the Argos stroked 41 in the first min. ute and kept up in good style, For the lasth alf of the course they maintained a fast. clip, averaging 456 strokes to the minute and working up to nearly 40 for the final burst to pass the winning post. Their form was most im- pressive, and {f they continua to improve it is probable they will take the cup to Canada for the first time, Thelr most formidable opponents are probably the Col. umbia university crew from New umbia UI 8A f h hedlu pjM wol Wright, who is being coached hy Bort Barry, world's professional champion, and Guest seemed to be in tine condition, Guest has heen practicing on this aide for three months under Arlett, well known Henley boatman, and has showed great improvement over last year. Many of the English crities think he may take the coveted sculls from hig elubmate, The record for the DiamondSculls was made olub, who won the event in 8 min. by F, 8 [Kelly of the Leander utes and 10 seconds, Red Ace Juniors Win Thitd Game Although they out hit and had less fielding errors than the Red Ace juniors the King,Street juniors last night lost to the Cards by a ten to seven score. The Red Aces got an early lead by hits that meant runs and held on to it having garnered in nine of their ten runs by the fifth inning the Aces were content to play steady field baseball and hold the advantage. From the fifth on the King Street clan held them well in check when they came to bat and the best the Card heavy artillery could do was drive in one more ran to make it the even The fifth inning saw the Ning Street boys with three runs and to this they added not quite enough to give them a win, Home runs a Guiltinan and Peterson featured the long hits of the game, Score by innings: . King Street 010021121 7144 Red Aces, 21411001 x10 96 Batteries: Fisher, Way and Hele; Guiltinan and Daniels, Umpires: Goodall and Barker, Junior Standing PW 33 L King St Phallies .... 3 1 i, 0 TONIGHT'S SPORT CARD Juvenile Softball, Cowan's Park, 6.30 Red Aces vs, Kt, George's Clear Lake's F irst Successful The results indicate that the fast- est hoats in Canada were present paricipaing at the initia regatia at Clear Lake Saturday, Ideal flying starts for each heat were made and the services of Roy Balley were highly commented pon, The pole boat was the Williams runabout and suittd the purpose exceptions ally well, The winners of each race were: Class "C"=="Brule" 'Trophy== Ist="1'm Alone," National Yacht Club; Owner, J, lL. Turnbull, Tor onto; Driver, Wm, Landrigan, Tor- onto, © 2nd~-"Plick 'N Shovel," National Yacht Club; Owner, lou Marsh, Toronto; Driver, Tom McClure, Toronto, drd='""Migs Cadillac," Owner, Johnson Outhoard Motor Co, Pe- terboro; Driver, Don Wood, Peter boro, Class ""B"=""Champlain' Trophy m= ft='""Migs Windsor Motors," National Yacht Club; Owner, J, Ho, Ardiel, Toronto; Driver, J, I. Ar diel, Toronto, nd--"Miss Cadillac," Owner, Johnson Outboard Motor Co,, Pete erhoro; Driver, Don Wood, Peter boro, srd--"Willlams Speed Boat," Owner, Willlams Boat Co, Oshawa, Driver, J. Rogers, Oshawa, Open Marathon Race, "Kawinie tha Trophy=1st, 'Canada Fly- er," National Yacht Club, Owner, Lou Marsh, Toronto; Driver, W, Kelly, Peterboro, nd, "I'm" Alone," National Yacht Club; Owner, J. L. Turnbull, Toronto; Driver, Wm, Landrigan, Toronto, drd, "Miss Cadillac," Owner, Johnson Outhoard Motor Co, Pet- erhoro; Driver, Don Wood, Peter. boro, The Committee In charge wers: Referee-~W, (i, McFarlane; Judge -=W, E, Brooks, Lorne Ardiel, Charles Rishor, Charles Copeland, FP, G. Spry, R. A, Tuck, The July races for these trophies will be held the second last week in July, On Saturday, June 20th; at 2.50 pp.m,, an open sailing event for the "South Beach" Trophy, will be held, at which it is anticipated nail. ing boats domieiled at the Kawar- tha Lakes, as well as Toronto, will be present, COBL. STANDING Oshawa .,. vicivare 5 k Belleville Deloro Sensational Cuban Flattens Johnston in First Round mca ' Gets Haymaker to Jaw Near| und the feft caused Johnston's End of First Round-- Ends Fight Then and There by One, One Two Method When Jackie's Jaw Is Left Uncovered Toronto, June 26,~With only 3 seconds to go before the end of the first round and with a slight mar- gin in the rather uneventful gpar- ring that had ensued up to that time, Jackle Johnston left his chin uncovered and that act ended his engagement with Kid Chocolate of Cuba at the Maple Leaf Stadium last night before a crowd whicn was smaller than expected, It was no neglect on the local Iad's part that his jaw was uncove ered, He had kept it well tucked away for most of the round and had forced Chocolate to the ropes, When at close quarters the Cuban landed solidly with his left, the punch partially turning Johnston around, and as he turned his jaw became uncovered and Chocolate's right, which had started immedi- ately after his left had got under wy, landed flush, Johnston teil back, almost half way across the ring, and as he fell Chocolate shot out another left but it barely graz- ed hig falling opponent, There was no doubt about the knockout, As soon as Johnston hit the canvas practically everyone m the park knew that the bout was over, As Referee Marsh reached the toll of eight, Johnston moved slightly but that was all, When the count was completed he was carried to his corner but it was more than three minutes before he wag brought around and then he commenced to sob, It was some time before he was taken from the ringside to his dressing-room, his wife having joined the crowd In his corner before he made an atiempt to get to his feet, Similar to Bout With Roy The hout was considerably lke the one in which Johnston was knocked out at the Arena Gardens by Kid Roy in a Canadian feather. weight titular bout, He had had the better of the going, such as it wan, and had his opponent against the rope when his brittle chin was left unprotected and the kayo punch landed. While Chocolate's punch was not exactly a lucky one it did not start for the unprotect- ed chin, It was the old one-two guard to slip away, Jt the round had gone three seconds longer Jobiiston would have been given it by a slight margin, Resul ts Sam Hackett, Toronto (136), obtained decision over Bobby Eb ber, Toronto, (123), after 6 rounds, Red Bragan, Toronto (146%), obtained decision over George Fi- field, Toronto, (147), after six rounds, Billy Ayrton, Toronto, (118), ob tained decision over Marty Gold, Philadelphia, (114), after 6 rounas, Black Bill, Cubs, (1104), ob- tained decision over Harry Gold- stein, Boston, (111), after eight rounds, Kid Chocolate, Cubs, (122), knocked out Jackie Johuston, Tor onto, (124), in first round of ten round bout, Referees--H, Osborne for first three and Lou E, Marsh for semi- final and final; judges--J., P, I"itzgerald and W, A, Hewitt, Tennis Clubs F ormal Opening Over fifty tennis enthusiasts ate tended the official ppening of the Oshawa Tennis Club held at the club's courts last Saturday after- noon, The event was favored by fiuo weather and there is every indication that the courts will be a popular recreation spot this sume mer, A team composed of Messrs. Skelton and Jamacon proved suc~ cessful in winning first place in the doubles tournament which fest ured the opening, Some fine were played and the tournament was closely contested throughout. The scores from the first round whre as follows, Messrs, Fisch- leigh and Swerdferder defeated Mr. and Mrs, Baker 6+1; Messrs, Skel- ton and Jamacon defeated Messrs. Fischlelgh and Swerdfereder 6-4: final round, Messrs, Skelton apd Jamaeon defeated Messrs, Horton and Fchaefen, 6-3, Next Saturday afternoon a men's team and a ladies' team will visit Toronto where they will play teams from Victoria College, The club plans to hold a weiner roast next Thursday night at pine o'clock. Diplomatic liquor, we presume, is the kind that makes a fellow say what he doesn't think,=Tampa Tribune, A ---------- PENNZOIL 100% PURE PENNSYLVANIA Refined to Pennzoils exacting standards The ou Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, Ont. Regus Service Station, King St. East, shawa, Corbett Motor Roy W. Nicholls Motor Sales, Courtice, Ont, Green's Battery Service, Cobourg, Ont, THE PENNZOIL CO, LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA Ont, Sales, Bowmanville, Ont, tstanding cross-country records---in plane or motor car have been made with Pennzoil safe lubrication... Look For the Pennzoil Sign. These Dealers who display it believe in quality merchandise. They are good men to deal with. Jones' Garage, Little Britain, Ont. Tourist Garage, Mill St, Port Hope, Ont, Standard Garage. Port Perry, Ont, Whelan's Service Station, Welcome, Ont. Elliott's Highway Service Station, Newtonville, Ont. Phone AD. 598

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