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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1929, p. 8

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Lod Bd » . 8 VRAEIY TI GS RTI PAGE ZICHT MARCONI PREDICTS WONDERS T0 COME IN WIRELESS FIELD Discusses Accidental Discov: ery of Transmission of . Light and Sun TO CONTROL PLANES Sending Out Heat and Pow- er are Foreseen by Wizard ' r------ London, June 25--A ray of suns shine chanced to strike a small mir- ror held in the hands of a youth of genius some 40 years ago in Italy, As. a result of this seemingly com- mon occussence, 10 years later, for the first time, a ship at sea in distress was enabled to summon help with an 50.58, : The story was told by a quiet, mod est, and unassuming Italian gentle- man whose name is now synonymous with wireless. It was during an ex- elusive interview in which after pre- dicting almost fantastic development in the science of wireless telegraphy, including the future wireless trans- mission of light, power and heat, moving pictures and television, he, Senator Guglielmo Marconi, described how he came to discover wireless telegraphy, " a really quite simp," he commenced, as though, instead of de~ scribing one of the greatest inven- {fans in the history of the world, he were relating the story of "why a chicken crosses the road" "Like almost every boy that ever lived," he continued simply, "1 used New Martin NOW PLAYING . Lewis Stone' Marceline Day Henry B, Walthall in Freedom of the Press Also Vaudeville TEA) att babes ibe ae ade ibe abeadoaloaboodoabocioedecdoodod SLL A TIME TABLES POI J TOE 1 FAT I) Ln Jl ha CP.R, TIME TABLE, Effective April 3, 1029, (Standard Time) Going West 2.04 pm, pally. 403 pom, Daily except Sunday, , CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1908, (Standard Time) Eastbound _ Rasthoun ,m, Daily except Sunday, .m, Sunday enly, Daily, i ,m. Daily except Sunday, om, Daily except Sunday. .m, Daily except Sunday, 3a3 DTDess ve Daily, Daily except Saturday. 8532563 Pe) 233338238 PULP DOPE fom DANE DIT ally, pay excopt Sunday, A 0 any. , Dally except Sunday, Daily except Sunday, A h ay only, .m, Daily except Sunday, pm. Daily except Sunday, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE . WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 20, 1029.) ! (Baylight Saving Time) oat Arrive Whithy 7.25 am, 830 am, am, 32333333 ENTER28U2S coposssss 3 - Arrive Leave Hospital hawa 10.50 am, 12.46 pm, gat es Some AN pm, 646 pa, P1055 5.0 BERBBELLS om 83 £22 a PND 05 = 590 40 = 2825532505328 .08 p.m, 10,10 pm, rm 11.30 pm, A \ e are through busses to Whitby Hospital SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE rhe Aly I] hy Whity Ra a he 2 TT to atch rays of sunshine on a if tor and..,." he paused significan then added, "well, you know as well as I do all the fun that one can have with a mirror and' a little sunshine, don't you? "But to me there was something more in it than sheer amusement, To me this reflection of light waves in the form of the sun's rays, meant an ideal way of transmitting signals to my friends, 1 put the idea into practice, Soon I was able to 'converse' with my friends at a distance by means of flashing sun rays, ' Cloudy Days Effect "But one day clouds hid the sun from view and as a result my sig- nalling activities were temporarily in- terrupted, Indeed I realized then for the first time that this method of communication was imperfect, And from that time on I set my mind up- on the problem of discovering a way to make up for the defects of the sys- tem, "Inasmuch as clouds or darkness prohibited the transmission of light waves emitted by the sun, | decided to use Hertzian waves which are available at all times, night or day, whether the sun shines or not, "That, as you probably know," he added simply, "1s what resulted in the invention of wireless telegraphy," The Sevator spoke in perfect Enge lish, His tone is gentle, His manner is quiet, Reclining comfortably at Mar- coni House in the Strand, he might have almost been mistaken for a col lege professor lecturing to a class ot history, Only when the correspondent ask- ed him what future he visualized for his invention, did the Senator slight- \ "But the possibilities of the devel opments of wireless telephoning were considerably increased by our latest discovery, the superimposing of tele- phone and telegraph services, By means of this we can transmit simul taneously over the same circuit, one or more telegraphic messages and a telephone conversation, This, of course, reduces operating costs con- siderably and at the same time en. ables us to obtain the utmost use of available ether space, AMATEUR ACTOR'S REALISTIC STAB Negro Enjoys Spilling His Own Blood in Act Washington, June 22. --Edward Sewell, negro, is a janitor by day and an amateur actor ey night, This week he had the part of King Saul in "Men of the Bible" which was playing to an apprecis- er rT Pp W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST . 23Y; Simcoe St. North Hundreds of people wear utmost eomfort Have's Fauitioss Lenses ly relinquish his calm manner and wax enthusiastic; Possibilities of Wireless "Wireless has a very great future indeed," he commenced, and then be- gan to enumerate its possibilities : "I should say that the next step in the development of wireless will be the transmission of moving pictures into people's homes; 1 believe that we shall be ready to accomplish this yithin the next year or two, Then too, wireless television will come, This, however, is still far off, I think, But it is improving and I believe that sooner or later the people on either side of the Atlantic ocean will be able to witness televisioned public ceremonies, For instance, the swear. ing in a President of the United States in Washington could be seen in Europe from armchairs in private homes or theatres, People in the Uni- ted States could, on the other hand, witness such ceremonies as the open- ing of Parliament here, "I also believe that in the far dis- tant future it may be possible to transmit heat, light and power by wireless; And at a still more distant time, no doubt, we shall succeed in moving objects at a distance, for in- stance, airplanes, ships or locomos tives, "Then too, I believe that future generations will see wireless teles phones in general use, At the same time, however, 1 do not visualize great numbers of them, 1 cannot, for instance, imagine that there will ever be say 50,000 individual wireless tele~ phone subscribers in London gonver- sing, simultaneously to 50,000 individ- ual subscribers in New York or vise versa, The number must necessarily be limited, There are only a certain number of wave-lengths available for the transmission of messages through the ether, It is not the same as pro« viding an unlimited number of wires for landlines, I -- SPECIAL 19¢ Children's Running Boots and Oxfords 1. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 King St, W, Phone 733W Felt Bres The LEADING JEWELE Eetablished 1886 \ 12 Simcoe St. South Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W, Phone 12 For Better Values in DIAMONDS Bums' Jewelry Store Corner King and Prince Cash or Terms Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner Boy's Balbriggan Combin. ations, Special 49¢ FR Dominion Clothing Store 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 El] EEE i. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST = For Your Ixug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe br, S8.~We Deliver tive lence in the Mt, Zion, A, M, E, Chureb, Decked in the kingly robes fod sparkling crown of Baul, Bewell stalked upon the stage for suicide scene, the climax of the drama, #0 absorbed in his role was the sctor that he forgot the trick of driving the dagger into the empty space between arm and ribs, The blade went through his arin but still Sewell remained in char- ncter, Jerking the bloody knife tree, he dropped to the floor, Broaned and then Intoned the big ne: "Ho dies King Baul," At the hospital where he was carvied, costume and all, Bewel] Bloated over the realism of that last big line, "When 1 let out that groan," be told a physician, "I mean it wag a groan," Hewell is back at hig janitor job today, but alms to play King Saul again next week at the Third Bap- tist Church, ANXIOUS PERIOD SEES NEW DUTIES IMPOSED ON HEIR is Careful to Keep in Condition London, June 22-Yet another year will have passed tomorrow and once again the Prince of Wales will celebrate the anniversary of a hirth day, Tomorrow is the 35th of these anniversaries, The Prince is expected to pass the day with the King and Queen at Windsor Castle, the official Royal country seat This has been a trying and anxious Lhe |, REGENT Tonight vear for the Prince. All other events have been overshadowed hy the ill- ness of King George, So serious was this illness that it seemed at one time as if nothing could prevent the son from taking the place of the tather to rule the Empire, Yet, despite the fortunate frustra- tion of this epoch-making event hy the miraculous recovery of the King, his illness has served to intensify the Prince's preparation forthe position which he myst eventually occupy, At the end of last summer he satrt. ed out on what was said to he his / THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929 fetsion of ruling some 400,000,000 peo~ ple, Early in September he set off on a big-game hunting expedition in Fast Africa, accompanied by his bro ther, the Duke of Gloucester, The vis- it was altogether unofficial and was largely paid for out of the Prince's own pocket, While the Prince was on "safari" in the heart of the game country, he received the first intimation of his father's illness, From then on, despite stupendous difficulties, he was kept daily informed as to the King's pro- gress, All manner of communications from the most modern--wireless--to the most ancient---inessengers-----wera used to keep him in touch with civis lization. Native runners, covering hundreds. of miles, carried the mes. sages from Buckingham Palace through wild jungle land to the Prince's camp, Eventually the Prince decided that «Lhe would return to England, Every thing possible was done to hasten the journey from Fast Africa to London, A warship, airplanes and special ex- ress trains brought the anxious rice to his father's bedside in re- cord time, Practically from the moment he set foot on English soil the Prince start ed on the arduous task of deputising for the. King, Although the Council of State--~formed to carry on the Em- pire's affairs while the King lay ill ~was headed by Queen Mary, it fell to the Prince of Wales to do most of the work, He has gone up yet another notch in the estimation of the people for the way in which he has carried it out, Hours of signing state papers and attending functions formed but a small part of the duties thrust upon him, Following a tour of the north coun» try mining areas, made as an effort to interest the public in the distress. ed conditions of the miners, he lust real hohday before settling down to study the vast number of 'techni calities which go to make up the pro astounded the sporting world hy an- nouyncing his intention of giving up his favorite sport of hunting, Only on CHILDREN AND SUNLIGHT PR dpi Fig a0 the winds that blow, Are you children getting sll of it they should) A sand box in the back yard where they can play contentedly and safely is one of the best ways of getting them out in the sun and absorbing it as they should, The material for a sand box, five feet square, costs only $2.25 cut to length-=all you have to do is nail it up, Telephone us and the material will be delivered ready for you to nail up in the evening, , iim cudh pouty. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 28 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821.2820 |, EE -- hunters, ad The little time he now has to hime to hounds in the futyre, And to make se is not enough for hunting, rare occasions, he said, would he | it all the more certain he sold all his LR J _-- ----- ELLA CINDERS--The Soft Answer ini] Hil I re LL LLL Tg AT dln and Jom were lost Fhe ne the < ¢ {(ASPNRRRELRRIIAE Da )e a] By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb bd ! fl -- . it gas. II [/ {or Le / / ) AN ' BRINGING UP FATHER eee yer BY GOLLY! MY GAWEET WFR COOKED HER FIRST B\CLITH FOR ME AN' LEFT EM FER ME TO EAT FER LUNCH WHILE OHES® OUT BHOPRIN'. | MOET LOOK OUT FRR ME HEALTH « WHAT WILL 1 DO WITH | © 1080, 1+ Feature Sarvion, In. Grent Hritat rights reserved, a HELLO JAAS! GLAD OL CALLED WILL YOU GrY THESE BISCUITS OLT OF MAOOD \DEA OF YOURS TELLING TOMMY WHERE 19 Foam cweest MADE, DADDY © il 11 1S MADE, IN TH VICINITY OF EDAM, HOLLAND, TOMMY AND THE PICTURESQUE COSTUMES OF THE PEOPLE. . mauve cwresr ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF CHEESE IN HOLLAND AMOUNTS TO OVER 175,000,000 POUNDS, THO" [304M HICH GIVES TS NAME TO A CHEES OF THAT DISTRICT, IS ONE OF THE CHIEF SHOW PLACES OF HOLLAND, TO THE TRAVELER, ON ACCOUNT OF TS QUAINT ARCHITECTURE THE OUTSIDE WITH CARMINE OR WITH BERUIN-RED AND LITMUS, 1929, by King Features Syndicate, Ine. Great Britain rights reserved. TO MARKET, MAKE HOLES IN SWISS CHEESE WHEN I'S UMBURGER THAT NEEDS THE AIR © TILLIE THE TOILER-- & VE wm ME | THATRILETTER |) You wero ® To Ps" nd NIAHTFanD I'LL. MAL (7 Fori\vou,' a TILE iy TTVEG ARTE ATATTO DAY, MUMRY = \ WAS TOO {R/LEERY LAST NIGHT - ADE I'v POSSIBLE FOR YOU vu To TAKE Your VACATION NOW AND AWOL wicn'T EVEN WRITE HIM « NJ AF TER "THAT ONE KI\S§ LAST NENT | COULDNY] | A LETTER W EN 010, King Porters Syadonn, Oreal Britata LAA A

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