SN as SAP GC ERAGHPTE I DT i ' f ¥ i | | ¢ | f « A 3 ! bh) '4 ] i H 4 $y i 3 $ K i i ait i EE a ----_ g News of wha t the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead- ers. Contributions to this column will be wi Times office =: 52 *,I8COUT EDITORIALS With the summer camp season ap- proaching it is probably not out of the question to remind all local Scoutmasters that the Camp Noti- fication Form should be filled out and forwarded to Headquarters di- rectly the time of the Camp and its location have been arranged, A copy of the 1920 edition of "Min- imum Standards for Troop Camps" will be sent to all who complete this form and forward it to Headquarters and as this will be a great help to- wards the arranging of the camp, the sooner you arrange to get it, the better, The recent tragedies in the water around Oshawa, also bring home to all Scoutmasters the necessity of having their boys learn the ways of applying artificial respiration, and of saving drowning persons when in the water, Care should be taken to caution weak and non-swimmers not to at- tempt rescues that they cannot pos sibly effect. If you are a non-swimmer and you note that somebody is in dif. culty, get help, or a boat (not a canoe) and render any reasonable assistance that you can, Remember that one non-swimmer on the bank running to get help for another man drowning, is a bet- ter combination than two men drown- ing with no help in sight, Even if the person in the water goes under while help is being brought, there will be more chance of his recovery. if he is pulled out quickly, than if he goes down with a plucky but foolish nonswimmer who attempts to rescue him, and stays down until somebody else hap- pens to stumble upon the accident. The best thing to do in the mean- time however, is to become .a strong swimmer, well versed in the art of lite saving, so that when an em- ergency arrives you will "be ~ pre. pared," * » » SCOUT NOTES The Second Oshawa Troop pulled down the honours in what we believe was a hot contest for the prize giv- en for "The best equipped Troop" in the Rotary Street Fair parade, Every member of the movement ex- tends their congratulations 'to the lucky troop, and to Scoutmaster Sut- ton to whom a great deal of credit is due, It is rumored that if the prize is awarded again next year, that the parade will be about twice as long because everbody will be out with all the equipment that they can mus- ter during the coming year, We are told that some of the prize money will be spent towards the fin ancing of a Summer Camp for the boys of the 2nd Troop. - [J L} NEW CUBMASTER Mr. Reg. Fry took up his duties as Cubmaster for the Eighth Cub Pack on Friday last, and the Cubs are already congratulating themsel- ves on their new acquisition, * Bx STRAWBERRY SOCIAL "At a meeting of the Committee of the Bighth Troop on Thursday last, definite steps were taken towards the organization of a Strawberry So- cial to be held on Saturday, July 6th, Those people who have not tasted strawberries a la Boy Scouts with {ce cream au Jamboree de BP, etc, are advised to take full advantage of this unique opportunity and stock up a good appetite for the ocoa- sion, The new Cubmaster Mr, R. Fry was presented to the Committee at the aforementioned meeting, EE) WELCOMED BACK The Fifth Oshawa Troop were pleased to welcome back into the fold their former Acting ASM. G. Mills, on Friday last, Mr, Mills has been absent from meetings for some time, owing to his work and in some measure to ill health, and it is hoped that he will now find it possible to be a reg- ular attendant at Troop meetings. ow TOOK MORSE TESTS A hike was arranged on last Sat- urday afternoon for a few of the boys of the Fifth Troop. The party went north at:2.00 p.m, and the study .of 'Morse was the primar; tof the event. Whew-t ey arrived home it was reported that Scout D, Miller and Jack Orr had succeeded in passing tests, JT » STUDYING MORSE The meeting of the Fifth Troop on Friday last, was given over mainly to the study of Morse, Introduction to the Flag method of sending the code was arranged, and a message sent by that method from a considerable distance. During the course of the evening several games were played, two of which were stalking games, ' Some of the boys showed consid- erable skill in being able to locate and use cover to advantage, while others, imbued with the idea of reaching the home base first, were not quite so careful and were caught fairly easily, Three boys notified their Scout. master that they were leaving town for the holidays. The lucky boys were PL. Jack Weir, PL. Lloyd Nyland and Scout 'W. Bridges. The Troop wishes them the best of luck and hope that they will all enjoy themselves, * 0% TROOP NOTICE The Fifth Oshawa Troop will meet at its usual place on Friday next, west on Rossland Road from Sim- coe street. In event of rain the meeting will be held in the Y.M.C.A¢ Patrol Leaders meeting at Main Troop meeting at 7.30 p.m. elcomed, and should be sent to the not later Tuesday week, SECURING EQUIPMENT An order for a further wall tent has been placed by the tent com- mittee of the Fifth Oshawa Troop, making the total up to three now in possesion of the Troop, It looks as if the Summer Camp Is going to be a reality, LJ . PLAN WEEK-END CAMP It is expected that a week-end camp will be run by the Fifth Troop at the Summer Camp site this week. The camp will start on Saturday and finish on Monday afternoon, Exploration of the surroundings and general prepaartion for the sum- mer camp will be the order of the day. Any boys intending fo attend should be able to notify their Scout master at the meeting on Friday next, * » » LJ] L * FOURTH TROOP NOTICE The Fourth Oshawa Troop will hold an all-day hike on Friday, June 28th. The boys will meet at 9,15 a.m, near the Pop Works on Oshawa Boulevard, » L] 6th TROOP PLANS CAMP The 6th Oshawa Troop held =a very successful meeting on Monday evening, when several new boys were admitted to the troop, Plans were made to hold a week-end camp over the Dominion Day holiday week-end, and an excellent camp site is in view near the lakeshore, It is expected that a large number of the members of' the troop will take advantage of this opportunity to spend the holiday week-end under canvas, 5 * * ATHLETIC CHALLENGE The Third Oshawa Troop is getting down to their summer's work, They are open for a challenge for an athletic meet on Civic Holiday, Any rtoop wishing to take part, communi- cate with B, Drakes, a Maple St, LJ SIXTH OSHAWA TROOP The boys of this troop are turning out in good numbers these days, They have started with 3 patrols, On Sat- urday, they are going on a week-end camp, There is every possibility of this being a live troop by fall, LONDON HOSTESS NOTED FOR CHARM Parties Given in Old Grand Manner Still Popular TRADITION HOLDS Lady Cunard Believes in Formal Introductions at Parties London.--It is a good hostess who enjoy her own party. And so Mrs, Willie James, whose passing we have just been lamenting, was a good hos tess, writes a contributor to the Lon- don Daily Express. In spite of the croaking of the old stagers, London has many more such women, who by their vitality and charm can capture for their friends from this age of unrest some- thing of the serene past--if only for an evening. Now the twenty-year-olds and the thirty-year-olds really enpoy stately, intelligent entertainment! -- though they - loudly proclaim their abhorr- ence before going, and their bore- dom after arriving. Yet they go, grumble to one an- other, and go again, Why? At bot- tom the attraction is that of con- trast with many of the vapid affairs that rank today as amusements, And what a valuable contrast! It is a safe wager that the vogue of the salon, the big musical party and dinner will return to its own, Their general revival will doubtless be hastened by means of a reason- able degree of "modernisation," Foot- men, for example, can work as ef- ficiently . without powdered wigs, And to over-eat is not (we admit today) to be over-happy., Many reasons can be given why human be- ings like sometimes to meet, and to et and drink together. If, however, we digress a little further along this attractive sidetrack we find one large signpost that frowns at us warningly, © It says that cleanliness, manners, and what may for want of a better term be called "serenity" are essentials for any form of party at. tended by women. Hence a short life for the bottle party and the pyjama party, Such entertainments are but flashes in the social pan, destined to take place chiefly wheh a few women are very bored, The parties given in the old grand manner, however, will con= tinue to be given as long as guests are available, Let us consider some of those whe worthily carry on the tradition of this kind of entertaining in London, The Hon, Mrs, Ronald Greville lives in that Charles street house which has the splendid Georgian fa- cade, She is a much-travelled wo- man, a good conversationalist, always gives parties that are balanced, and appears to be one of the happiest people present, The Duke and Duch- ess of York number her among their closest friends, and have been her guests a number of times in Charles street and at Polesden Lacey, Mrs, Greville's Dorking home. The King and Queen of Italy, the King and Spi of Spain, Ambassa- dors, Cabinet Ministers, personalities like Sir Robert Horne, and Briga- dier-Genera! and Mrs. Vanderbilt-- All boys wishing to, attend the i ON! must come with their NY Te Rlsion fo Ye meeting. | a these are a few more examples of the legions of well-known people whom "Mrs. Ronnie" entertaing {rons time aumaaate 3 FATHER AND CHILDREN AS M, P's Here is shown the most recent photograph of David Lloyd George, former premier of Great Britain and now Liberal leader, with his daughter, Megan, and son, Gwilym, taken at daughter and son won seats as Liberals in the recent general elections, Gwilym 'Lloyd George, Pembroke, ) their home in Wales, Both Miss Megan in Anglesey and Major to time, All the great ones of the earth seem to gather at her house, It is part of a hostess's job, no matter what troubles and mishaps may occur during her party, to appear as de- tached and unpreturbed, as the least concerned guest, Mrs. Greville even seemed "detached" when someone standing on 'one of her chairs once put a heel through a priceless piece of old brocade seating. The organisation of a party for, say 500 people takes more than a few days planning; but one minute before the guests arrive all signs of the business of organizing have to vanish; the party has apparently to organize itself-==which Mrs, Greville's parties do, "One of the most beautiful women in England." There is no better way of describing the Duchess of Suth- erland than by using this phrase so often quoted about her, though her qualities by no means end with beauty, The world of rank and fashion is asked and gladly goes to her parties, especially politicians and young men with ambitions, A sedan chair used by the ancestors of the duke stands in the entrance hall of Hampden House, Green street, and what better example of serenity could a nervous guest hdve to look upon on entering her house--other, of course, than the duchess herself? It is here that the fancy-dress ball of the year is held, when Princes and politicians arrive in droves ,in rigs so fantastic that there is almost as big a crowd watching outside the doors of Hampden House as there is danc- ing in the pavilion inside, The ball is often preceded by a political reception oh the same day. The holding of two such great social events of the London season within a few hours of each other naturally requires very much skill from the duchess and the assistance of a de- voted staff--both of which she hap- pily possesses, Lady Cunard says that Wagner was the first hero of her youth, To day most of London's smart musical set look to Lady Cunard, for it is she who gathers them together at Grosvenor square, Last year she entertained for Lord Balfour on the occasion of his birth- day; and dinner was followed by a musical party, Lady Cunard is pro- bably more than anyone else in Lon don at the present moment, inclined to the holding of something like the old-time salon, \ She goes to every private view in London, and is a great reader and collector of books. The Russian Bal- let has also a great enthusiast in her, Music, however, is her love, above all these, and opera her greatest jewel. About opera Lady Cunard can be very emphatic, She believes that "opera for all" is a possibility provided that more people who can enjoy it at present would help. Incidentally Lady Cunard believes that people at her parties should be properly introduced to each other, This fact would have made strange reading in pre-war days. It is part of the modern pose, however, to take a man up to a woman at a party and leave them together to find out who and what they are. Supposed to be shorn of formality, the practice very often leads to discomfort, especially if either man or woman are nervous and slow to begin a conversation, I remember during the war the great house called Londonderry, in Park lane. Then it was empty of most of its wonderful furnishings and full of the cots of wounded of- Power to Spare . . . . More Speed Than You'll Ever Need! That's what Cities Service Oils and Gasolene give your cat Call upon it to climb the steepest hills , , , not a whimper of protest... Power to spare--and that air- plane feel on the straightaway tells you that here's a wealth of reserve speed! For Cities Service Oils and Gasolene give your motor the power and stamina of a dynamo--the dash of a greyhound! There's an extra measure of goodness in each drop of fat a $900,000,000 or CELT business. ficers The guests used to come swinging in, on stretchers, and Lady Londonderry entertained by supervis- ing one of the finest London conval- escent hospitals of the war days, Since then the great drawing rooms have been seen again in some of their former magnificance, The Consckva tive receptions on the eve of Parlia ment could find no more splendid setting, Lady Londonderry, handsome, gra- cious and indefatigable in shaking hands, is a worthy chatelaine, The intellectuals of the Liberal party, on the other hand, crowd joy- ously to Lord and Lady Beauchamp's Halkyn House, in Belgrave square, Lady Beauchamp, as the wife of the party's leader in the House of Lords, takes this side of entertaining seri- ously, and her receptions in the past few years are calculated to have been valuable in recuperating the spirit of the (at times) despondent members of the party, Lady Beauchamp, her charming daughters, and clever son makes Halkyn House a delightful place to visit, One could continue at length the list of London's "good" hostesses, Of parties given by Lady Vielet Astor, Mrs. Benjamin Guinness, Lady Roward de Walden, and others, there are many delightful memories for the guests, These are the people whose enter- tainments are almost unchanging in type, but founded upon very sure tra- ditions of English hospitality, CITIES SERVICE OIL CO., LIMITED Cities Service Oils & Gasolene BIRDS BEAT A PLANE 100 MILES AN HOUR Pilots in "Way of an Eegle" 12,000 Feet in air--- Study in England London. New light on the height and speed at which birds fly, and upon bird migration, is being thrown by aeroplane pilots, Joint plans are being developed, by bird socictics and aeronautical asso- ciations, to compile systemically such acrial observations of feathered folk, It seems that birds are rarely sight- ed by airmen above a height of about 3,000 feet Not long age, however, one pilot reported seeing a couple of large birds, which he took to be eagles, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet, It is believed that some birds, when on migrating flights, attain nearly 20,000 feet. Ornithologists are asking airmen to make special observations as to the speed at which birds fly, In one case, already on record, a pilot cruising at about 100 miles an | hour was approached by a number of swifts These graceful birds not enly over- | took the acroplang, but outstripped | it with ease During the patrol war pilots on Cities Service Oils and Gasolene , . because the quality is safeguarded along every. step of the way from oil fields to service stations . , , quality backed by ganization that knows the petroleum SSE a] above the dunes of Western Bel) gium, often amused themselves by pitting their acroplanes against teal and mallard, Both these birds seem« ed capable of a speed of more than 100 miles an hour, It is hoped that aerial tests maw} throw fresh light upon the eyesighti of birds, which is known to be ame} azingly keen, i In some instances it is believed ta be 100 times as acute as that of hu} man beings, 4 by W. A, Kingsland, general mans} ager of the Canadian National Rails ways, Western Region, that the coms pany will build a 200-room hotel in Saskatoon at an estimated cost of $2,000,000, Work on the proposed Si structure will be started this year, Wi r.c. 9 Slmcos 86% ... Ehose ef | scm 18 Simcoe Street, South. ff INSURANCE 3% Simcoe St. 8. Phones 1198W-Office 1858) Residence et 1928 Chev. Sedan. New car warranty $650 ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 1] Prince St., Oshawa Phone 1100 Hudson-Bssex Distributors BY EXPERT MECHANICS 014 floors finished like new Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W, Phone 81, | residence 8072, | HARDWOOD FLOORS LAD | INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER DISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. COOL IN SUMMER = = To Last year 655,000 people entered | Last year the Saskatchewan from the United States by motor cars. While they were all designated as tourists many of them were land seekers who have relatives or friends already located in the country, " Besoin YOUR © pens. cre WwW EER = «Your Hume There it stands ready to welcome you. It is yours for always--not merely as long as you pay rental tribute, your haven of security, your safe in- vestment, your dwelling place, There are many reliable firins listed here who are in a position to render immediate service, whether you wish to buy a home or build one yourself. commercial fish. eries of Manitoba produced fish to the value of $2,183,666, an increase of $143,928 over the 1928 cateh. The largest catch was in pickerel, of and sold. for $931,010, which 10,187,000 pounds were taken li LS LUMBER | F.L, BEECROFT Whitby Lumber ana Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 894 Whitby 13 COAL! COAL! Phone 108 W. J. SARGANT Yard---80 Bloor street E. Orders rom Delivered LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. Hardwood Floors Hardwood floors laid, sand. od, Finished Complete by Experts, W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 33 Albert Street Phones 230 & 187. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON 64 KING 8ST. W. Telephone 572-288 Night Calls 510-1500 ls) $4,200--Gladstone Ave. Brick Veneer and Stucco Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath. Ash floors through- out. Newly decorated. $500 cash down. See DISNEY Phone 1850 Opposite Post Office iq ad