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Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jun 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE &« NORTH ONTARD ' er, Ud ridge; Dr, W, C. Shier, Uxbridge, Owen. Davi vies, Uxbridge; Joseph J. Cave, Beaverton ; and Charles Myers, Atherley. ~ Dr. Peter McGibbon The speaker of the day, Dr. Peter McGibbon, was then introduced. In his address, he reviewed the history of Conservative government in Can- ada, and declared that all the pro- gressive legislation that had been in- stituted and carried out in the Dom- inion since confederation had been inaugurated by members of the Con- servative party, and although accord- cd great opposition at the time of its inception, it had since been approved and adopted by Liberal governments as part of their policy as circumstan- ces warranted, Suggests Election Dr. McGibbon suggested that there might possibly be a provincial gen eral clection this fall, and urged the Conservative of North Ontario to have a candidate nominated and in the field in readiness for this even- tuality, He also stated that an elec- tion for the federal house would, in all likelihood, be held within the 'next fifteen months, and that it would be well to be prepared for this, After the thanks of the meeting had been extended to Dr. McGibbon for his address, it was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. TRADES UNION HOPE FOR THE REPEAL OF TRADESDISPUTEACT (Continued From Page 1) picketing and upon unions of civil servants being associated with pol- tics, and furthermore profceses to remove the element of conipui~ sion from the levy on union, mem- bers, The aspect of the bill which af- fects the payment of dues is prob- ably the one most agitating the General Council for probably the most militant member of the Trades Union Congress would nev- For Summer " LIGHT MEALS a Little akes a Lot of Difference er wish to repeat the general | strike experiment, It would be hopeless to expect even a Lauous administration to offer any as- sistance towards rendering such an experiment practicable. In this early stage of the new minstry's career however, It Is doubtful whether Rt, Hon, Ramsay MacDonale is prepared to indicate immediately the prospect of legis- lation concerning this act {n any of its detafls. * |BAD LUCK RIDES ON SWEDISH PLANE (Continued From Page 1) leaving a later decision whether to stop in the Gulf of St, Lawrence or to attempt to continue on di- rectly to New York, The distances as planned were as follows: Stockholm to Reykjavik, 1,375 miles, estimated flying time, 17 hours. Reykjavik to Ivgtut, 812 miles, estimated flying time, 10 hours, Ivgtut to Anticosi, in the Gulf of 8S. awrence, 800 miles, estimated flying time, 10 hours. Anticosti to New York, 1,18» miles, estimated flying time, 14 to 16 hours, AMNESTY GRANTED T0 AUTONOMISTS Alsatians Pleased With Move by French Government (By George Hambleton, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Paris, June 27.--"Bis Dat Qui Cito Dat" or "He gives twice who gives quickly." So, in the old Latin phrase, Abbe Haegy com- ments on the French Government's decision to submit an amnesty bill for those autonomists now under sentence in Alsace, Abbe Haegy, one of the leaders among Alsation autonomists, edits a newspaper, the Elseacassen Kurier, published at Colmar, scene of the bitterest autonomist trials. In hig paper he adds that the proposed amnesty does not refuse to the condemned autonomists any recourse to seek- iAg to appeal the costs of their trials, While it is early yet to gauge the full effect of the French Gov- ernment's. move of conciliation, a better spirit is already apparent in Alsace. Les Dernferes Nouvelles of Straasbourg, which under the ~V|title Die Neuests Nachrichten pub- lishes its most - widely circulated edition in German, observes that it now remains to be seen whether those witnesses who at the Besaa- con trial expressed 'so touching a desire for settlement" will fol- low their words with deeds. King of Spain in London London.--King Alfonso of Spain arrived in London yesterday, . He was greeted at the station by the Prince of Wales, Prince George, Princess Beatrice, and the Earl of Cromer, representing King George. -New Martin - NOW PLAYING TIRYON IT CAN BE DONE ~ FEATURE VAUDEVILLE BIG [3d BOY The Final COMEDY Reckoning Chapter REGENT NOW PLAYING "SPEAKEASY" Hear New York City Talk Also-- Johnny Burke in "THE OLD BARN" Special cast in "NOW AND THEN" PARAMOUNT NEWS ular? tecture! ards, it has Do you realize that four-fifths of all the homes in Canada and United States today are lumber built? the favored home pioneers, is still by far the most pop- Homes of wood are a tradition an inherent part of our national archi- As a result of unbiased tests made by the United States Bureau of Stand- Cedar Shingle walled house warmest construction of any, and this includes every other building material, barring none. New """EDGWOOD" Red Cedar, are just as fire-proof as any Shingle on the market, and fur-. thermore they admit taste in decoration, Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 That wood, material of the been proven that a Red is the Shingles in of individual Vhat REAL | Coffee VYETZ010 0 o Selected coffees . » scientifically blend- ed . . give Gold Medal its captivat- ing flavour. 70 COFFEE "You'll dyink it again" American Flier ToBeatRecords teen Minutes Every Hour (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Roosevelt Field, N.Y. June 27-- Captain Frank M, Hawks took off at 515 am. (E.D.T.) on a round trip flight to Los Angeles where he ex- pects to stop only long enough to refuel, He hoped to establish three re- cords, that for the round trip, for cast to west and west to east. The non-stop record to the Pacific Coast is 24 hours, 51 minutes established by the late CC, B. D. Collyer and Harry Tucker, The west to east record is 18 hours, 21 minutes esta- blished by himself. Colonel E. M. Roberts, represent ing the National Acro Nautic As- take off time, The plane carried 550 gallons of gasoline, an carlier plan of carrying 615 gallons being abandoned due to the additional weight making the plane tail heavy, Captain Hawks said it would take him three hours to refuel and then would immediately take off again for the return trip The plane's engine is capable of 185 miles an hour, Making the flight alone means that he will have to let the plane fly itself fifteen minutes of cvery hour while he pumps. fuel from the main tank in the fusclage up to the wing tanks from which it will feed the motor by gravity. The takeoff of the plane was per- fect and before his departure Captain Hawks * was assured. of excellent flying weather along the entire route except over Missouri, where thunder showers were reported. This how- ever, he said would not bother him, INJURED PRINCE ON HIS WAY EAST Duke of Gloucester Will Be Accompanied to Quebec by Physician Vancouver, June 27.--H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester left Van- couver last night after more than three weeks' enforced stay in this city. The fractured collarbone sus- tained by the king's son in a polo game at Brighouse, June 4, is healing well, but when he went out to the Jericho country club yester- day. afernoon with a party of friends, his arm was still tightly bound to his side. Dr. W, H. Sutherland, who, with Dr. Frank Peterson, hone speciuis ist, has been in attendance on Prince Henry since his injury, has been asked to accompany His Royal Highness across the dominions as far as Quebec, where the roy: party sails for England on July 2, aboard the Empress of Australia. Only two short stops will mark the journey across Canada. There will be a few hours in Ottawa dur- ing which Prince Henry will meet Premier. Mackenzie King, and a | few hours at Quebec, where he will be the dinner guest of their excel- lenoles, Lofd snd Lady Willingdon whe, are in residence at Quebec, -- Ball Player's Wife Killed Hamilton. -- Mrs. Clyde Manion wife of the St. Louis American League Baseball Club catcher, was killed in an automobile accident at Bronte, about -ten miles east of Hamilton, this morning. A pneumatic suction machine which s sheaves of wheat or hay straight from the field to the stack has ap- speared il: Europe, ie sR AD A Le KE RRA | . Bits of Humor - : torted the actor, A FILM FACE "Stop! For the love of Mike, stop!" yelled the film producer, and obediently the cameras ceasea clicking. ' The producer then walked over to the leading man, "Your expression is hopeless," he cried. ""Try to look as if you really were indignant." "I've . done the best I can, ve. sullenly, '"No- body could do any better." "Very well, your salary is reduc- ed by twenty pounds from today," snapped the other. 'Now, that is the idea! Hold it. Take, please." And the cameras clicked once more.~--~The Screen. , Small - Boy--Mother, there is a | 1ady on the piazza knitting, Plane Must Fly Itself Fif- sociation, gave 5:12:51 as the official | Mother--Yes, dear, What of ft? Small Boy--Hadn't T better tell her the war is over? Angus MacArdie could not be persuaded to attend the village kirk on any pretext whatever, "How is it, Angus?" asked the minister one day. "How is-it ye won't come tae church?" Angus made answer that the ser- mons were far too long to please him, "Och," retorted the minister wrathfully, "You'll probably end up in a place whaur ye'll hear no sermons, either long or snort." "Ah, weel, maybe you're right," agreed Angus placidly. "But it'll no | be for want of meenisters, ye ken!" The teacher had been talking | about famous proverbs, "Now," she sald, 'can any child tell me what this one means: "Out of sight out of mind'?" "Yes," Johnny volunteered. 'In- visible and insane." "You sald you'd be true to me, yet 1 see you throwing yourself at other men." "Well, dear, a girl's got to, have some exercise." No, No.--A satire is no{ a pre- cious stone. When it is said that a man has 'clean-cut' features it does not imply that he shaves him- self. HARD ON THE JURY The young lawyer, retained by a farmer to bring an action against Summer months bring the clos- ing of school, and the release from studies of Canadian children. The picture above shows a happy Canadian schoolgirl with an arm- ful of books, which she is taking home to be forgotten until Sep~ tember, Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up In just a few days--quicker than you ever dreamt of----these wonder- ful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets: will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the children are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over North and South Ameri- ca and even in Great Britain and Ausutralia tens of thousands of skinny run down men and women have put faith in McCoy's--and have not been disappointed, Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit you get your money back. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitch- ell, W. H. Karn, or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tab- lets--as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents--Economy Size $1.00. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worral,, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist ~ PHONE 3215 apt. of the Ontario government air service, and W. OC, Cain, ty minister of lands and forests, have taken off for Remi Lake, where they will meet Dominion govern- and negotiate with Indians for ceding some 120,000 square miles of territory to Ontario. The picture ment representatives to fly morth | pad at left shows Capt. his moth aeroplane to the landing slip for loading. Top right shows Rev. Father Barquette of Ottawa, handing over to Mr. Cain ~ A Maxwell ecclesiastical orders for delivery at Albany Post, one of the ports of call, a railway company for the loss of twenty-four pigs, did his best to impress the jury with the magni- tude of the case. "Twenty-four pigs, gentlemen," he said; "twice the number in the jury box!"----Judge, "Why do you dislike me so, Jim- my?" asked the girl's suitor of her kid brother. "What have I ever done to deserve it?" "Well, when you call on sis, you put the clock' back an hour," answer- ed: the hoy sullenly, "That m me late for school, and I get lidked Chief: "You want time off to be married? You only. returned from holidays yesterday. Why didn't you get married them?" ' "I didn't know. the lady then."' The lady candidate was addressing a crowd at the street corner( mainly composed of the fair sex). She was fulminating against the high cost of living. @ "With few exceptions," said she, "the prices of necessities are far too high." A man's voice at the back of the crowd ;-- "Yus, mum, and when you afford it, it ain't fit to drink." can Did you hear of the fellow who drove his auto home at dawn after waiting' all night for the red lan- tern on a pile of stones by the highway to change green. €*lworth while may be found. "But dear," gushed the flapper, "fs it fair to go to the pictures with a. boy you dislike?" "Well, it's like this," replied her friend, "I enjoy the pictures and he enjoys my company." OLD MAN ONTARIO + THE DADDY OF THEM ALL Did you ever realize that only a few hours from your home lies a district rich in beautiful scenery-- where everything that makes He Vo other holiday lakeland offers the varied attractions, the rest from exhausting demands of city life, as does the Province of Ontarfo, with its varied resorts with accommoda- tion ranging from the moderate boarding houses to the largest and finest of hotels, and all readily ac- cessible by Canadian National Rail- way, 41,000 square miles of water service with all the opportunities for the fishermen, canoeist, camp- er and camera hunter. Endless well-kept and scenically beautiful golf courses, tennis courts, bowling greens and so forth. The Canadian National Railways have published a master booklet on the various resorts of Ontario and will appreciate your applying for' a copy, and also in assisting you in planning your vacation in such a manner as will result in all possible Health and Recreation during your outing this Summer. A haughty lady had just pur- chased a postage stamp at a sub station. "Must I stick it on myself?" ste asked. : "Positively not, madam," replied the clerk. "It will accomplish more if you stick it on the letter. PLUCK The milionaire was boasting to his friends about his success in life. "All my success," he said, "all my tremendous financial prestigey I owe to one thing--pluck." "Yes" said one of. the party, "but how do you find the righ§ people to pluck?'--Humor, Nerve Case: "Doctor, I often feel like killing myself, What shall 1 do?" Doctor: 'Leave it to me." = Kills FLIES A pesky fly is buzzing about . . . you get FLY-TOX . . . pump the spray gun two or three times . . .the buzzing stops. It's amazing how this clean, fragrant spray kills flies. Perfectly harmless te people. Te Developed at Mollon fustitute of Industrial Research by Rex R Oshawa and Dis -- trict Folks Specially Invited to Attend Peterborough's Old Home Week Positively the greatest effo; undoubted enjoyment ever put forth by the residents of this City and County to make a week of - friendliness for all who attend. Saturday, June 29th to Sunday, July 7th BOTH DAYS INCLUSIVE Every day and every night has a fitting program, and you are cordially invited to come to Peterborough as often as you can, and participate in the pleasure and frolic of this week. OPENING ON SATURDAY, JUNE 29th. The first-program of the week! will be given at the Exhibition Grounds at. 8.30 o'clock. The Toronto Scottish, 500 strong, with Brass apd Pipe Bands, the Lindsay Regiment with Bands, the 57th Regiment and Bands, Third Prince of Wales' Dragoons, Fourth Artillery Brigade and 'Fourth Machine Gun Company will parade at 8.00 o'clock to Exhibition Grounds, where a magnificent military program will be given, including Band Concert and Trooping of the Colors. This is an outstanding event, SUNDAY, JUNE 30th. It has been thought fitting to unveil and consecrate Peter- borough's handsome War Memorial on this date, at which Sir Arthur Currie, Commander of the Canadian Overseas Forces, will officiate, assisted ' by Archdeacon Scott, the beloved Canadian overseas Padre; Colonel Henry C. Osborne, Secretary of the Im- perial War Graves Commission, and Right Rev. James F. Sweeney, Lord Bishop of Toronto. At this ceremony all the visiting and local Militia will participate together, with veterans of the Great War from the city and district. This will be a most impressive ceremony, and will be witnessed by thousands. Former pastors will 'occupy pulpits in the city churches. In the evening at 8.30 a Sacred Concert by massed bands will be given in Victoria 'Park. MONDAY, JULY 1st. At:9.30 in the mornifig there will be a Feature Parade from the Exhibition Grounds of, all the visiting and local Militia, floats, decorated®cars, comics, ete. This will be a mammoth affair, un- surpassed in brilliance and originality and unlike anything ever seen in the city or district before. On the Holiday Afternoon there will be a complete Vaudeville Program and Spectacular Military Display. In the evening, commencing at 800 with a Band Concert at the Exhibition Grounds, full Vaudeville Program, Military Display and Fireworks. Street Dancing free, 10.30 to 1 o'clock. This will be a big day. ' TUESDAY, JULY 2nd (Toronto Day). Morning, 9.30--School for Old Girls and Boys at Central School and St. Peter's School. At 10.30 all will .go to the New Collegiate Institute to hear short addresses. In the Morning there will be Motor Boat Racing at Old . Street Railway Wharf at 10 o'clock, Afternoon Water Sports at "same point at 1.30 o'clock, Motor Boat Races at 4.30 o'clock. Full Vaudeville Program, Afternoon, at Exhibition Grounds at 2.30 o'clock, Reception at Conservatory of Music of old friends, teachers and pupils of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Gliddon. Free Band. Concert at Victoria Park at 3.00 o'clock by To- ronto Transportation Band, brought to Peterborough by the To- ronto Old Home Week Committee, Evening, commencing at 8.00--Full Vaudeville Program, Band Concerts, and Magnificent Display of Fireworks. In addition to the program put on by 'the Peterborough Old Home Week Com- mittee, the Toronto Commiittee has arranged: for many additional. features, among them the sending of the famous Toronto Trans- portation Band for Tuesday's and Wednesday's festivities, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3rd. -. Morning--Trip over the Lift Locks at 9 o'clock. Afternoon--Excursion, leaving George Street Wharf at 1.30 o'clock. In addition to the full Vaudeville Program, there will be a Baseball Game of Central Ontaria League teams. Toronto Transportation Company's Band in attendance. Evening -- Vaudeville, Concert-by Toronto Transportation Company's Band, and Magnificent Display qf Fireworks. This evening the Social Event of the Week takes place, when a Ball is to be held at the Armouries. Music to be supplied by 'Jerry Shea's Paladians, direct from the Palace Theatre, Montreal: With the Orchestra are Ballet Dancers and Entertainers. The, decorations and lighting effects are most magnificent. Tickets for this dance are $3.00 a couple, and should be ordered. THURSDAY, JULY 4th (United States Day). Morning, 9.00 o'clock--Excursion over the Lift Lock. fternoon, 1.30 o'clock--Excursion to Hale's Bridge, from ; eorge Street Wharf. : In addition to a High-class Vaudeville Program, this after- ndon is the first of a fine three-day Horse Race Program. . 230 Tr& or Pace, and 2.14 Trot or Pace, to-day's races. Svening -- Moonlight down the Otonabee, steamer leaving George Street Wharf at 8 o'clock. Full Vaudeville Program, Fire- works, and Band Concert, commencing at 800 o'clock. Street Dancing, fine orchestra, on Aylnier, between King and Charlotte Street, 10.30 o'clock, free. FRIDAY, JULY 5th. : Morning--Excursion to Stoney Lake leaving George Street Wharf at 8 o'clock, over Lift Lock. Afternoon--Horse Racing and Full Vaudeville Program, To-day's Race Bill: 224 Trot or Pace; 217 Trot or Pace. Evening--Moonlight Excursion, leaving George Street Wharf at 8.00 o'clock. Dancing. ! Another fine Vaudeville Bill, Band Concerts, and Fireworks at Exhibition Grounds, v Street Dancing on Aylmer Street, SATURDAY, JULY 6th. ig The last day of fun and pleasure. . Afternoon--Horse Racing, League Baseball Game (Deloro vs. Peterborough), Track and Field Sports. "Full Vaudeville Program all afternoon. Closing the fun for the week with Vaudeville Program and a specially fine Fireworks Display. Free. SUNDAY, JULY 7th. e. 3 Will be Decoration Day, the Oddfellows and Canadian Legion having charge. : The Oddfellows will have a large number of visiting Canton to assist in this solemn service. Summer Carnival with Rides, Legitimate Games, and Clean. Shows all week. All School Grounds are Parking Grounds. Janitors in charge. Daylight Saving Time is.observed. Admission to grounds ifonly 25¢, and to Grand Stand only 25c. ~~ Saat: 1 School Children, 15¢c at Gate or Grand Stand. The biggest money's worth you ever had in clean, wholesome enjoyment. Come and bring your family and 'friends any day or every day and evening. Mayor Denne, Chairman. F. Adams, ' © Treasurer. Frank Dobbin, Secretary. GOD SAVE THE KING. «

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