THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929 PAGE SEVEN RAIN WELCOMED BY ENFIELD FARMERS "Crops Were «Sores in Need of Moisture it is Reported . Enfield, Juhe 26.--R. W, Pascoe spent the week-end in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Page, Bow- manville, and F. Page, Toronto, visited S. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ormiston and. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ormiston and babe, visited Brook- lin. Mr, and Mrs. John Hepburn vis- ited Columbus. Miss Mabel and Miss B. Virtue, Toronto, visited J. Parr. Alfred Prescott has purchased a new car. M. J. Hobbs has been 'engaged as teacher for another year. The Ladies Aid Society will hold its meeting for July at the home of Miss Ida McCulloch on Wednes- day, July 3. The recent showers were heart- ily welcomed by the farmers. The rain was sorely needed. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Hobbs vig- ited at Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sulley and family, Mount Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ormiston, 'Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. H. Cameron, Talmadge. Henry. Miss Florence McFadden, Flesh- erton, spent a few days with Miss Verna Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert vis- ited in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green and son, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Tyrone, visited BEADING ROOMS SIPBEAD Reading rooms are a f{eative of the workers' clubs in Soviet Rus- sia. Not only is the literature cen- sored and selected to make sure that it all tends to inculcate pro- communistic doctrines, but the walls of the rooms are covered Ln PROPAGANADA wiht Soviet propaganda and pic tures of Red leaders. In the read- ing room illustrated are aviation posters urging. the readers to be- come air-conscious and diagrams illustrating the growth of the reve olutionary movement, McCulloch and Mrs. M. Heatbe, Or- ono, were recent guests of Jno. Me- Culloch, Mrs. Leslie Pascoe, Misses Doro- thy, Helen, and Elizabeth, and Mrs. John Hepburn visited at Wick. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veale, Mr. and Mrs, T. McLaughlin, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferguson, Port Perry, viisted Wilbert Fergu- 'ish youths on Ontario farms The United Church of Canada, it is stated by their immigration com- mittee, will seek to place 1000 Brit- dur- ing the coming year. Talk of culture! alderman has Shakespeare. minds going ald, A Saskatchewan given a lecture on Are all the bright west 7--Hamilton Her- product before. NAME HERE is there another food so supremely good to eat, and at the same time as "good for you," as VELVEETA? This Kraft creation is the result of a brandnew idea in cheese making... the discovery of a way to include greater quantities of Vitamins, Lactose (milk sugar), Calcium and, other valuable milk minerals than it was ever possible to put into a cheese These elements, added to the choicest Canadian Cheddar cheese, give this velvet-smooth, carton which is free. L] a e ---- y Krarr- Puenix Cueese Co. Livirep, | 27. St. Paul St. W., Montreal Please send your new Recipe Book *'Cheese and ways to-serve it" to the address below : exquisitely flavoured delicacy the food-values of a super-cheese Made with painstaking care, safeguarded by. pasteurization, and as digestible as milk itself, VELVEETA is especially good for children--and they love it! It spreads like butter . . . melts, dissolves and blends with other foods for every cooking purpose . .. or it may be sliced. VELVEETA is sold only in 4b. For new and original recipes, write for our illustrated book of table-suggestions AWFUL. DIALECT OF THE AMERICAN Britisher Has to Listen to Slang of West and Bame: London, June 27 -- Complete Americanization of Great Britain through the medium of American talking pictures was predicted by. some of the leading newspaper critics who already have begun to see the influence of Main street, on the exclusive life of Mayfair. Even Cosmo>Hamilton, the nov- elist, has joined the campaign against the talkies, declaring that 50 per cent of the British public-- especially the married men--al- ways would detest talking films. The film critic of the London Daily Mirror believes that Ameri- can slang already has done irrepar- rable harm to the Queen's English. "In the West End of London" the Mirror said, "every super cine- ma, except one, is showing films in which voices provide entertainment in the dialect of the Bowery, the of New York's Four Hundred. "The effect of these talkies," the Mirror continues, "is already re- flected in the conversation of child- ren, and in many instances of grown ups. "Talk in, youthful circles to-day is 'Boob' 'Ginks' 'Stmps' 'Saps' and 'Dumbells.' "It is quite a common occur- rence for small boys and girls to greet their parents after a visit to |the talkies with 'Hello, Kid,' and small wonder that a modern trans- lation of 'a dream of fair women' becomes a 'bunch of blondes.' The only way to counteract this "influence'" the Daily Mirror con- tends, is by making good pictures in Great Britain But in spite of all the opposition the public continues to flock to the talkies. There is consderable discussion here of the possibility of making Shakespeare's plays into talkies. "But the films would have to be made by English astors." Reginald Bach, the producer said. 'That is quite certain. Americans simply cannot do this kind of thing." SECOND AND THIRD TEAR 5 HARDEST Old Theory of Married Life is Now Exploded Washington, June 27.--The old théory of married life that 'the first year is the hardest"~was ex- ploded in an analysis just complet- ed by the Commerce Department on marriage and divorce. It showed that more wives tired of marriage during the second year than any other period, while hus- bands found the third year hard. est to survive. The survey, which covered the year 1927, revealed that "cruelty" is the principal ground on which divorces are granted. Desertion is a close second and infidelity third. Fewer couples with children seek divorces than those without children. More than twice as many divorce decrees are granted wives ad husbands, and wives contest more separation suits. Most marriage annulments are due to 'fraudulent representa- tions," though bigamy counts ror nearly as many. During 1927 there were 188,885 divorces for which there were de- tailed reports. Of these, 134,048 were awarded to wives and 54,637 to husbands. A total gf 77,037 couples sepa- rated becaus®gone considered the other cruel. The term "cruelty" is taken to indicate anything from ordinary cruelty to 'violence en- | dangering life." Mental cruelty is included. | Desertion was the cause of 58.- i421 divorces. A total of 16,648 persons charged infidelity. Neglect to provide caused 7,840 divorces and drunkenness 3,216. + Husbands attempted to block ef- |. vorces in 6,316 cases, while there was no contest in 47,629 instances. | Divorce proceedings were opposed {hy 16,242 wives, while 115, a | raised no objections. SCHOOL PICNIC 5 HELD AT BROUGHAM | Presentation of Purse of Gold Made to Retiring Teacher Brougham, June 25.--An enjoy- able occasion was the school picnic held on the school grounds on Sat- urday, June 22. There was a large attendance of parents and pu- pils, the latter making excellent hosts and hostesses, entertaining the parents in royal fashion. Dur- ing the afternoon Miss Doris John- ston on behalf of the community i made a presentation of a purse ot (gold to the retiring teacher, Miss | Mair, who feelingly replied to tne words of appreciation. After the Forget All About Your Indigestion Why endure indigestion or any other stomach trouble when PINK CAP- SULES FOR INDIGESTION will give you relief almost immediately? They are guaranteed to end stomach trouble and you , can get them from Karn's or any is good druggist, si roe of their wives to obtain di- middle west and occasionally even |, program and sports were over an excellent repast was served on the lawn and all went home feeling 1t had been an enjoyable afternoon. Miss Wilma Ferguson has re- turned to Haliburton. City people flocked to the coun- try for the week-end, among them being the Dobson family, of Bea- verton, with Mrs, Philip, the Ever- est family with the Gamage fam- ily, the Robertson family with 'the Lemon family, the Wilson family with the Beer family, the Love family and Roland Perryman of Northern Ontario with E. Perry- man, Mrs. Grainger and Mrs. Ste- venson with R, D. Miller, Mrs. Wallace and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Greig of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar of Detroit with T. C. and Mrs. Brown, Miss Helen Barclay with her mother. No. 7 Highway. suffers from the dust nuisance this season. MASS SETTLEMENT OF RESOURCES Report of Royal Commission Accepted by Both Prov- ince and Dominion Ottawa, June 27.--Representa- tives of the Dominion governmeunu and of the government of Mani- toba have accepted the findings of the royal commission on Manito- ba natural resources "as the basis of the settlement of the natural resources question." They nave "agreed to take the necessary ac- tion for legislative approval upon Im --_----a_--"m,, completion of the consideration of the details." . The above announcement. :wasy = made by Premier Mackenzie this afternoon after a conference be- tween representatives of the feders al and provincial governments: The conference, it was annouuced, involved the transfer of the re- sources and the financial adjust- ments, The recommendations of the royal commission provide for a' payment of 4,584,212.49 in cash to the province of Manitoba "as the balance due for past arrears." The report recommends that from now on, until the population reach- es R00,000, the provinee should receivea nnually $562.500, When the populationr eaches" $800,00v, this sum will be increased to $750,- SALADA has the finest flavour 'in the world and it costs only" one-quarter of a cent a cup "SALADA" ea, [ E the A 000. Finally, when the population attains the figure .of 1,200;000, the amount paybble annually will rise to $1,125,000 and will remain unchangeable . thereafter Legisla- tion will be necessary in both fed- eral and provincial parliaments hefore the transfer can become ef- fective, - One of the most delicious ways of fixing garden vegetables 1s win a butter sauce, This may be made by melting two tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, adding a level tablespoon of flour, a dash of salt, peper and 'paprika, and one cup of liquor. draawn from the vegetable. When ready to serve, pour the sauce over the vegetables and srve immediately. Now that the wapm ° weather is here we can see what the girls had up their sleeves all winter.--Kitch- ener Record. \ THE JOY OF RASPBERRIES FOR DESSERT AS OFTEN AS YOU-LIKE M*LARENS INVINCI JELLY POWDERS "INVINCIBLE iN NAME AND IN QUALITY" MCLARENS LIMITED So E HAMILTON, ONT. DOMINION DAY Ne SPECIALS = and Final Week of Dominion Stores' Great June MONTH OF SALES Dominion Day, July 1st, is close at hand. Everyone will get away to the great out-of-doors, and the picnic basket must be right. Dominion Stores are featuring outstanding specials in picnic values, coupled with a fine list of specials for the final week of our Great June Month of Sales. Take advantage of these low prices and Dominion Stores un- surpassed quality of products with "Personal Service." Stores Closed Monday, July 1st, Dominion Day Reg. 35c CHOICE COHOE SALMON Laundry 5-2 SUNLIGHT SOAP Clark's Tomato Ketchup . . Crosse & Blackwell's Sour Mixed and Pickles Sweet Onions 19 Chow Sweet Mixed tess svavasiies 290 1-1b. Tin Toddy smashes G3e Jolb. Tin ................. 33 Fresh Roasted ale Ib. "- American Beauty Tin Shrimps eo oo oo 21¢ Fancy Japanese i Crabmeat . Brunswick Sardines 4 Tins 24¢c Bayside Fruits for Salad . . Crosse & Blackwell's Lime, Lemon or OrangeCup . . 35¢ Horne's Lemon or Orange Juice . 28¢ Hires' Root. Beer and Ginger Ale Post's 3 BranFlakes . . 12¢ Pkg. Grapenuts . . 17¢ Putted Wheat . 14 Pkg. Putfed Rice . . 17¢ Hall's Sandwich Chicken 'Texas Skinless Figs Chateau Cheese Peanuts 17e Tin «39 Quaker Corn Flakes 3 Pkts.29¢ IVORY SOAP GRAPEFRUIT MARMALADE LUX GUEST SIZE FINEST CANNED 5 for 19¢ Tin 25¢ PURE ORANGE JAR 39¢ Small Pkt. 10¢ FINE LAUNDERING oo 2 Tins 27e " Tin 14 8-0z. jar 19¢c % Ib. - 21e BEANS No. 2 tin e Reg. 2 for ory | 0 Tin Good Quality PEAS No. 2 Tin ©. Libby's or Aylmer With Pork oe o Cream and Pimento Bot 29¢ Pkg. Golden Corn 2 rin: 29: TOMATOES 2.27 PEACHES 'BISCUITS DOMINO BRAND DOMINO BRAND HOLLY BRAND 3 TALL TIN. 18¢ 15 Christie's Assorted Sandwich 29- REG. 35¢c LB. ye For the Picnic PURE RASPBERRY: STRAWB Y OR BLACK ¢€! NT | "JAM 16-01. 17. V2 gm LIER EEEEE NEN NE ON BN OB BN OB OB OB OB OB BORN SN BN OB A BN IB na ahh © 0000000000200 00600000©00606000600600000 oT or nx