THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 1929 -- -- --v L Phoe 13. Soe Ca * KE. Creighton, Solieitor, Notary, "over Deéwland's Store. Money to loan. 18 Simcoe street north. Phone 67. Résidence 8206W. A D, BAR- risters, ®tc. Money to Iran. Alger Bld, posite Post Office. Phone 1814. HE Parkhill, A, C H, Juela iste Su toe (268t) "Solicitors, ete. 94% N. Prone 8160. M Moda) J PRL Special ay to matefnity work and di- of women. Two years' post uate ce; Office and resi- ce 167 Simcoe St. N. (cor. Brock) 2 119-tf) ber, Fofce and resis East, > gd Victoria ; & BERRY, PHY YSICIAN, cian, diseases of children. Office and boy g East. Ph : 1158. 1- "aie oe Electro: | 18 k, Phen & asidente Hn 1k Fas L R, C ¥. and 8 E inburgh. Sirsicics, sitgéon and Obstetric: | fan. Office 143 Simcoé Bt. N. Photle 3030, residence 161 King St. E. Phone 2166. (Dee. 31th) siAlist 18 supdery. Office 143 Sim- cob street Forth. i. Fone 8010 166 Simcoe street North, Phone oe a P, & 8. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention te Maternity ork and ais sages of childrén: Office and -~eid- ve 135 Simeoe Su. North. Phont Kose, Throat Specialist 8S OF | LOOR : péet "West, Toronto, will be " his "sfice over Jury & Lovélls Dry Store eich Satiitday, from 1 till pian, for consultation and tréatmént of diseasés of ear, nose and throat ohly Apps mtnt ay be made at (49:tf) t .» OFFI over Niitcheile Drug Store, Houts ts 12 , 2 to 6. Evénings by 1 popatient, orien yoose 3080. 3 ie 8 PHONE 718), W. J: SULLEY, Soot adetionser, $46 Simess St. 5, We can soll your odd pisces of turhis ture and other articles at our yerds 41 King Bg, W., Oshawa, Ontario. insurance 3 King St. wer, Gust. FANC old- est wa: 30 Re- hal Fire Ve (118tf) ub- | WHEN PLA NSURANC sult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. insuraice int} it attended to agents for oné d Land o ¥ Stat oe is LENE f- Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL 7TEA. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- to) ils ared for all Eau Sibewe. "Wed Resday, 93 Simcoe North. Phoné AO or DANCE ond ] MUBICIANS FURNISHED FOR all oceagions. J, Watson, Teacher of Violin. Phone 2063. (May 27-1mo0.) Transportation CARTAGH, MOVING, GRAVEL said and cludérs, Local and 100g distance hatliig, Phone 3048 abd 2092F. Bmith and Cox, 44 Bond St. Ww. . COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOK- dpe 45 Bond St. West. Phone #82 6 tricks for prompt service. Mévigg | B vat and storage warehouse = équip- ment. Baggage transferréd to and trofp all trains. (64:1 OCA distance, Also sand aud gravel. Cunninghath, 121 Albert St. Phone _ (June 3-1 mo) OSHAWA'S OLDEST B8TABLISH- Park Road ed furniture movers; cartage. Frank Cowle; Prop. Park Rd. South, Phone 215. ____(June 15-1 mo) -- Db (§) istance Hauling. Néw trucks. @asonable pricés. Phoue 16174. 186 Bloor street east. (126 1 mo) TRUCKING AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance hauling. Prompt sefvice. Reasonable prices. Me- Névifi, Gilmour and Gardner, 297 Festubert stréet, Phone 2491J. (June 24 1 mo) AUTOMOBILES TO RENT. LATE models, by mile or trip. Efijoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King St. West. (June 27 1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY 1,00 PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Pérmanent wave $7.50 and 10. Autothatic machine. 1 extra ree tiger wave. Phone £988. _(88tf) 3 Bétty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shep. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34tf) WATSON'S = BARBER AND Béauty Shop, 9 Celina St. Wé spécializé in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appolatménts phone 2653. _ (June 15-1 mo) DR. R. B. E. , 8 ist nervous melita] and Ductléss gland diseases, Office and resid- j hel Uxbridge phone 133, DR. 8. J. PHILLIPS; OVER BAS. sétt's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas extraction; Nurse in attendance, Phone 950. House 1 d (dd ye) D A. » DENTISE, 87 King street east. Alzes buildiag: Phone 2860. Evenings by appotdt- meat St. N., over Ey Simcoe Phone 1957. Real. 202W. Bvenings |. by appointment. "(July 9° Lg nan | Lh Phone 1780, Dentista, 87 Kiag st. B. Special ate tegtion to extraction ead X- ray ures in attendance. Bailly = 281. (¥6tt) aad Lu AL HONG or Coline a, Corner Bruce street. Ambdulanse. Phone 1083, , $0648) (ase | +|To insure prompt delivery, MARCEL AND OURL--BEXPERT work done, 75¢. Powder Pum Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Stréét East. Phone 3051. (104:tf) bare Money to Loan CITY /ND FARM LOANS, PRO- an ioans arranged. Parkhill & iéld, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614. (49tf) MOTOR LOANS--MOTOR LOANS, Discounts Limited, Room 6, 14% King St. Bast, Oshawa. Plone £790. (Tot) Painting and Decorating "| R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA: erhangér, painting and graining. rices right, work guaranteed. 34) | Pine Ave, pliéne 3065w or 2067w. 72tf) OODWO AL TIO "| furniture tepaired. Painting by job or hour. 735 Cédar street. Phions 24517, (June 17 1 mo) Bulls Supplies VEL, stone and black loam, 8160 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Esséery Bros. 332 flag 11. nl (June 1-1 mo) . OS A CO E WORKS. Phone 1575J. Cement blouks, 8-9, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones. (June 20-1 fo.) B 061 8 F LE placs orders in advance of délivery dato. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-t0) A L FACTORY Distributors' prices, Glazed Bagh, Frames, Doors, Flooring, Roofing, Shinglés, Paint, Hardware, Wall- board, Pumps, Water Systéms, 1Plumbing Goods, Electrical Goods. Send for big free catalog with freight paid prices. You save by dealing direct. Halliday Company Limited, 14 Halliday Building, Hamilton. PATRS, 3| A and sets tested, battériep re- charged, called for and délivered, réntal supplied $1. Battéries re. paired at moderate prices. Chars les Wales. Phone 1046J. (June 8-1 mo) to A setate, 4 miles north h of Port Perry fronting on Lake Scugog, adjoins Sleep's farm, 133 acres. House, bank barn, outbuildings, orchard, cedat bush. Bacrifice. Thirty-five hundréd for few days only, Wil. liams, 67 Victoria street, Toronto. i h 1486) 00 hore 160e) Fl down, Take car or lot. 1909M, FOR within 2% "miles of Oshawa fot $400, Terms yory easy, Small pay. ment down. Apply Peebles & Mors den Real Estate. 9 Bond St. B. (1561b FOR BALD--3 FORNISHED BUN. galows, with fruit trees and boats, from $450 up. Would dlso rent. Reduction on 3. Apply Mrs. A. J. Scott; South Lake Mindén, Unf. (152+a) 515 PER FOOT LOT FOR BALE. Gibbons near King. 33 feet front- age, lies high. L. Floyd, 106 Haz- elton Avenue, Toronto. (1. 8.) ek - 5 ork Wanted RE-UFIIOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money, Estimates free. G, _Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595) (56) ¥ A for afd delivered T8e. If rental supplied $1. Batteries répaired. Stan Bligdon, 80 Mill street. Phone 1885W. June 7 1 mo) NEW MIITHOT) WINDOW CLBAN- ers, screen doorg put on and floors polished. Work guaranteed. 196 Burké street, Phone 2080M. (May 29 1 mo) BATTERIES CHARGED AND DE- livered 76c, rental 25¢. Entire electrical syatem of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Marty, 204 Osawa Blvd. Phone 3112W or 3078J. (June 6-1 mo) ACETYLE Brazing, All kind of metals, We fave the 'bést welder In eity. Workmanship guaranteed. 82 King St. West. (June 27-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING -- CONC RBIB, plastering, électric or alterations. "Phone 139 for estimates. (June 5-1 mo.) iy TI -- CONCRETE cellar floore, sidéwalks, driveways, and foundations. [Por prices 'phoné 2873W. J. Pidgén, 97 Colborne St. BE. (132-42) ~ Hematiiching I I) yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress: makihg, alterations. Mrs. Dell, 26% #Hidecoe south. Phone 16586. (Jung 14-1 mo) Wanted to Buy MRTSIA end all kinds of Metals, Buylag scrap batteries, old cars ahd pou): try. Goods called for. Phone 2060 Residenté 99 Mill St. (134er) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR TO RBENT-- Store ahd six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, Garage, Ap- ply 31 Elgin B. Phone 1686J. (143tf) Watch Repairing F. A" VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmakér, répair shep at dys King Stréet West. Your a5 ronage is solicited. Awnings INDOW AWNINGS, awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T. Taylor, 'Tor onto. Oshawa phoss 1053. Evens 25TW, a TH a-- Rates for Classified Ads. Fist iamrion tH cons TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOuUD slaba. $3.50 per load, -Alsh bone ds body wood. Wateérous-Meéeek Limited Phone 1288. I 2615) WALLPA Lt AN 3 complete stock in Oshawa. Wartitt and Park. §2 Simcoe St, S. (681) FOR SALL--HBINTAMAN Qo. Ltd, pignos: new and uséd planos, also radios, Jatos models; terws arranged. Apri C . Trull. Plone 15657, _(111:t¢) ACTORY OR OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very redsonable price. Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Daily Times. (tr) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKERS hag auto parts and accessories ND |for sale .15-17 Bond street west: Phone 2980W, _(127 1 mo) SAND AND GRAVEL, STONE, also black loam, dump truek sér- vice. oderate pricés. Phone 1778J. Jack Forrester, 210 Alice Btreat, (127-1 mo) and Guarantes mi to ives | | semi-furnished. or on I on d.,, Manager to. Apply Mr. 111th) Apts, 3! uth, to Mr. rier, Fry 2089). (148) ig ROOM WITH OR t board, Bed sittifig room it oberon: Apply 68 Gibbs dtreet. ay 88-1 mo) AN well lighted. On ' Simos street. 'Near centre of e¢ity. Immediate Pohseation, Bradléy Bros. Phone 189. (May 31 1 mo) TWO ROOMS TO LET, FURNISH- ed. Every cotivenience, suitable for light houséekéépihg. Would take robmers. Phone 1478J. (14112) 0 LET--FACING on Simcoe St. 8 rooms and bath. Central, Apply Bradley Bros. office. (1426) THREE LARGE ROOMS TO rent, in new home. Young couple ohly need apply. Apply Box 64, Times. (149:a) THEEB UNFURNISHED ROOMS to rent. Phone 8311, (151¢€) TO RENT-=2 EXCEPTIONALLY bright, cheery, furnished rovius for light housekéeping in a quret home With all conveniences, ground floor, use of living room for special occasions. 5 minutes from Motors, very central, also garage. Phono T7947, ---- (1650c) TO RENT==APARTMENT AT THE lake, over Barnhart's Pavilion. Apply Barnhart's. Phone 2220W. (15Uc) FOR RENT-=8 ROOMED FURN- ished apartment in Alger Building. Apply Box "7" Times. (150¢) med 'meoe Bt, Bo oF Sale-Drive-agtiGiare, Endorsed i] i oar [) y tario Tite 0, enced Digman for body and fender work. Good wagés and steady work, Apply Btesttord Auto Body, 152 Bt, Patrick + Stratford. Phone Steatford 1477. P; roppect. Motor as Aatets jan ues. 38th) A A JOR | ing Cards=agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co., Manutacturérs, 310 Spadina Ave. Toronto. périencéd on heavy marine work. Apply stating age, experiefice and wages wantéd to Box 57, Timés. : (151¢) A I D men allowed fifty cénts hour, learn- Chaulféuring, Dricklaying, Barbar. ing best paying tradés. Enginéér- ing, Electricity,. Garage work, ing, Hairdrésging. Literature fréc. Write--Dominjion Trade Schools, King West, Toronto. (Sat, from Juné 1-29) WANTED--TWO GOOD MEN TO work oh Oshawa Golf Course, one capable of taking charge. Goed wages for the right mén, Apply Robt. Henderson, or the Profes- sional at the Club Héuse. 5 (152¢c) SALESMEN WANTED--§175 A month Weekly advances. Our full time salesmen average $175 a month earnings. We have many good men who thike $250 to $300 a month. Full instruction given both inside and outside and assist- ance on calls by sales manager with caf. The company has been established 55 years, sells direct to cohsumér and operates 28 branch stores. Here is a good per- manent position for anyone with experience door to door. Commis sion advanced on drawing account whilé you learn. Call at 88 Simcoe St. N., not latér than Saturday evening between 7 p.m, and 9 p.m. (152a) GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT to rent, algo stove connectéd with Hot water fer sale. Phone 2551J. (150¢) 0 FURNISHED rooms to rent, Apply' 92 Oshawa Blvd, (150¢) BANJO AND "GUITAR LESSONS taught in your own home. Phone 19507. Edwin ¥. Clark, for ap- pointment, or call 97 Athol St, E., Oshawa. (150¢) FOR SALE-- BURNER GAS range, coal and wood cook stove, and' 50 feet garden hose. Apply 141 Simeoe street north. Phone 9447. 150c) FOR SALE--LAUNCH LENGHT 19 fest, beam B54 inchés, twin cy- lider St. Lawréfhce engine, first class condition' ',apply Box 243, Port Perfy, Ontario, (1508) TOR SALE--LADY'S BICYCLE. Apply 81 Ontario St. _(151¢ FOR SALE--5 ACRES HAY, TIM- othy and alfalfa, phone VW ) (1>le SAVE ON NEW CHEVRO- let or Ri car and buy $150 Cred- it Note, Phone 1788W. (151b) FOR SALE--JOHNSTON OUT: board motor, standard twin, in per- 'fect mechanical condition $83. Phone 958W. (151c) CHOIOF STRAWBERRIES FOR sale. Picked daily. By crate or box. Phone 1227W, (151¢) FOR SALE---DOUBLE-BARELL KD shot gun. Owner will sell réason- able. Apply at once, 97 Athol St. B.,, Oshawa. (152-a) FOR SALE--STANDING HAY, six acres clover, seven acres Timo- thy. Apply Mrs. B. Powell, west of Thorhntoti's Corners. (152-2) COTTAGH FOR RENT AT THE lake on car line. Newly painted. Furnished if desired. Reasonable. Also apartment, ' newly furnished. Four rooms. Largé liviig room and threé piece bath. Phone 730W or call 674 Simcoe street south, (150¢c) ¥OR RENT--PRIVATE BEDROOM in néw home, Breakfast if desired. Apply 114 Colborné St. E. (150c) 7 --=FU 0 Phone 1778W or "call 218 Alicea stréet. i (150¢) TO LET--FURNISHED APART: ment8 for two months, Apply Brad- ley Bros, (150¢c) TO LET--CHOICE OF TWO SELF contained unfurnished flats, four or five - roomed, vicinity Elgin street. Possesgion any time. Apply 468 Simcoe St. North, _(150¢) {THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, bors, néw house, all cofi- Hone 2579W, 317 Gliddon (151¢) TO RENT -- THREE ROOMS partly furnished, convéniences. Also two rooms, furnishéd, with private toilet, Apply 29 Brock St. East. (1512) TO R -- UR SHED rooms. Apply 240 Drew street. Phone 2530W, (161¢) 0 --LARGE F ED front rooin, Séparats entrance. Suitable for light housekeeping or bed room. Apply 158 Celina St. _ (1516) hardwobd veniéhces, ave. ELABORATE PICNIC OUTFIT, New. Cheap. 808 Rowena St. Apply Cleaning pr Pressing NIVERS Y LE and dyers, the place for alteras tions and repairs, Phohe 509. 1214 King West. Above Cannings Men's Wear. (June 24 1 mo) Announcements Mrs, Dell Wishes » to those whom (it may that her Salon on Simcoe Street South for hemstitching, pleating, dressmaking, etc, i in no way whatsoever coanected with any Shoppe ag cireulated. (128-1 ma.) Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. "FUR: nituré bought ang sold. 186 Rloor St. East. Phone 1617M. (tty Motor Cars FOR SALE--CHEV. TRUCK. ALL in O.K. shape. Reasonable price. 548 Oxford St. Phoné 996. (150¢) USED CAR BARGAINS + 1-=<1923 Chev. Touring «.... 11923 Chev. Touring «s.... 1=-1928 Chev. Coupe ......$ 1--1923 Chev. Sedan w.....$150 1--1023 Ford Sedan ........8$75 141023 Star Coupe ...... $125 1--1924 McLaughlin Sedan . 1-<1925 Dodge Sedan 11926 Star Six Sedan, ... 11923 Oakland Tourlig -. LUKE MOTOR SALEs Phone 382W 37 CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR gale, $450, cash or térms; A-1 cone dition; sacrifice. Phone 2584), or 892 Mitchell Ave. (163-c) A Repairing inform NSO! O08. GARAGE 188 Chufch St. Repairs all kinds cara. Special attention to bimpiag asd welding. Snappy Battery eervice ¢harging and répaifing. (10712) concern, | after 6 pm. (151¢) Herbal MOS KE- a VAIT the bite. Put it on vod scdre thom away, 15¢, 25¢c and 50c pér box Try our fdifious Blood Mixture. Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottlés that gives the million dol- lat feeling, Guarantéed purée herbs. Obtainable offly {rom propriétor, Goulding, 23 Prince .St,, Oshawa. Jute 24 1 mo) : Position Wanted - YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS work---clérk, bookkeeper, stores-- aecépt atiything. Phone 2326\w. _(152-¢ t) T WATCH. "Giréen gold, linked bracelet. Re- yard. Return to 345 Simcoe street SIXTY.-ACRE FARM TO RBNT; possession to plow part at onve; full possession in fall. Apply Mrs. B, Powell, west of Thornton's Corners. _(152-¢) FO RENT----TWO ROOMS, FURN- ished, $15 pér month. Apply 89 Wilkinson Ayehueé, (162-¢) 70 RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED | rooms for light housekéeping on ground floor. Every convenience. Apply 201 Mary St. or 'phone T39W. me LEEW) 5- ROOM HOUSE TO "RENT; ALD conveniences, on Burke St. Phsheé 18447. (152-¢) TO RENT--THREE ROOMS, USE of plone, no children. $10 per month. Apply 167 Park Rd. N. SLE Loo 41600) FOR RENT---HOUSE AT 122 Alma St. All conveniences. Posses- sion July 1st. Apply 312 Golf St Phone 871 W. (152a) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BBD- room, Board if desiréd. Apply 16 Brock street west, (153¢) fl00NS AND BOARD, 38 PER 5 | tvéek; rooms only $2.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Street. (June 7-1 mo.) OM AN BOARU FO Private home, Home privileges. Ap: ply 344 Athol street east. eyLii) BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE home. Close to motors. ~ Phone 12837. SRL "Building M Materials SAVE MONEY ON NEW BUILD- ings, altérations, répairs. Sénd for Tres Book of over 4,000 Bullaers' Bargains. Doors, Widows, Frames, Flooring, Shifigles, Paint, Hara- ware, lunibing goede, Pumps, Electric fixtures, Garages, Water yetems, and genéral builders' at - Factoty Distributors' Write teday tn Halliday fesda Prices. Cempany, 14 Halliday Building, FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT at 14 Nassau St. All convéniénces. Garage. 4 large bedrooms, Would maké good roofing house, Apply Robt Henderson, 102 Elgin St. kK. Phone 853. _(152¢) TO RENT -- MODERN FIVE roomed apartment at #2 Bond street west. A real home with all ¢onveniences. Ifithédiate posses- sion. Phone 857 for particulars, (152¢) TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms, Electric plate. All conveni- ences. 1s® a garage. 140 Tylor Cres. Phone 774W, . (162d) TO T--A 00D FLAT, emall family, in Whitby, rent $15. Apply Mrs. Neskel, Phone 2, Whit by. (151b) TWO OR BROOMS TO rent on Division street. Apply 311 Division St. . J 13 céntral, 'immediate possession. Hantilton. Phone 1400. (151¢) Help. Wanted--F emale Apply _ (124t1) © Esperienced preferred. Burds Shoe Co. _ . OD GENERAL BERK ef wanted, age abdut thirty-five, highest wages paid it suffable. Ap- ply Box 68 Times, (152¢) Help Wanted REGAL ART co. 310 SPADINA Avé., Toronto, require agenis in this 1dcality to take orders for Can- ada's finest line of Personal Christ: mas Greeting Cards. Pets und Live Stock Y » até delivery from Canada's oldest and greatést laying strains. White Wyandottes and Whité Léghoris. We were first in Canada to advér- tise and ship chicks. Safé arrival guaranteed. Wyindottés 18c each. | Leghorns 15¢ each: any number. Large catalogue frée. Fishér Poul- try Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, On- t3ri0.... FOR SALE -- TWENTY-FIVE fresh milkers and springers. Apply F. J. Clemens. Phone 1088 r 1-2. _(163¢) Room and Board Wanted {BOARD AND UNFURNISHED room wanted by July 15th, for ré- Apply 428 Sim- _(15ve) fined young man, coe St. S., Apt. 3. Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--COTTAGE at Oshawa or Whitby Beach for éasofi, furnished or unfurnishéd. hone 934, : (1508) WANTED TO RENT BY MIDDLE of July a seven or éight roomeéd house. Central, Phone 3045W. (151¢) Tenders Wanted Tenders will be réceived up to And itcluding the sixth day of July, for the supply of material and equipment for the Oshawa Technical School. Specifications of matérial désiréd may be obtain- éd from the Sécrétary's Office, Do= milion Bank Chambers, Oshawa, Oftario. A. McGIBBON, . Secretary. _(150-152-153) MISSING Any pérson having any knowledge of the present wheréabouts of Grace Demill or Grace McMullen (the sar person), who was last known to be tesiding in the City of Oshawa on or about the 4th day of April, 1919, are ue to get in touch. with mn un SWANSO Nick ENZIE & CO, Barristers, ete, 37 King stréet east, Oshawa, (151b) PLAINTIFF AND SUSPECT PLAY CARDS IN PRISON l. Elyria, Ohio, Julie 29. -- Harry Welch, of Lorain, was robbed of $20, He told authorities that Oli- ver Scott, also of Lorain, did the robbing. Scott was bound ovér to the grand jury ahd t6 make sure that at least oné Witnéss against him would be 6n hand wheén the grand jury nieets iti September, authori- ties required of Welch a $300 bond. Welch dian' t have $300, so he is in jail heré as a material witness. Scott and Wel¢h occupy adjein- ihg cells and play cards together in the bull pea. NOTED SCIENTISTS T0 VISIT AERICA)== Canada Will be ill be Represented At Annual Con. vention Cape Town, South Africa, Juné 20.-- When the British Associatiod for the opens its annual meeting in Cape Town on July 22, it will be the tion's last visit to S. Africa was in 1905. Canada has beeh the meet- ing place four times, and Austra- lla twice, The Association's tiest meéeting in Australia in 1914 prac. tically coincided with the outbréak of the war. Despite its 98 years of existence' his conélave of scientists has never met in London. There is nothing insular about the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, for many of the world's leading savants, inelud- ing French, German, Dutch #nd American, are members, and some of these aré coming to South Af- rica this year, the majority for thé first time. Their number will be further augmented by South Ardy can scientists, The Cape Argus, in a spécidl are ticle on the coming visit of the British Association for thé Ad vaficefhent of Science, mentions sofie of the most prominent athong thé expected délégates. Thése in- clude: Sir Robert Falconer, Prési- dént of the University of Toronte; Prof. Johth McLennaf, of the Uni- versity of Toronto; Sir Erpnéét Ru- therford, Cavendish Proféssor of Experimental Physics and Direcev# of Cavendish Laboratory, Univers sity of Cambridge, and Proféssor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Institu tion, formerly Macdonald Profes sér of Physics; MeGill University, Montréal, and the President-elévt of the British Associatieni, Sir Thos més Henry Helland, Présidéat of the University 6f Edinburgh. He is a #aoh of the laté Johi Holland of Springtield, Man. Dealing With these briefly The Capé Argus says: Sir Thomas Holland, Présidént: éléct for the year is an all-round noted geologist, in India, wheré hé was head of the Géological Survey for six years, and conducted re- séarclies of the greatest scientific and économic importance. He be- canie Dean of the Faculty of Science dt Calcutta University in 19v8, President of the Indian Industrial Cominission and of the Indian Board of Munitions, and was a member of the Governor-Genéral's Council in 1921-22. He wag Rec: tor of the Imperial College of Science and Technology after that tlate. Besides presiding over Geo- logical Section of the Association in 1914 and the Bducational Seéé- tion in 1926, Sir Thomas has been head of the Institution of Minifg and Metallurgy, while He Has alse found time to carry out anthropo- logical research. CAR. EARNINGS STEADY INCREASE Expenses Rise, But Not So Much, So Profits Greater WF Montreal, June 28.--Gréss and neét earnings of the Canadian National Railways for the five-month period fom Jan. } to May 31 show incréases in comparison with the similar five- month period of 1928, according to an official financial statement issued to- day from headquarters. During the five Sanh of Plrg CY gross earnings amoufité 290, as compared with ia oo for the first five months of 1928, an in- creasé during the curréiit 3 year uf $3,767,331, or 3.72 pér cent. For the first five mantle of 1929 AA Joking éxpensés totalleq $86,500, 7, as against $84,117,042.07 for the on five months of 1298, an iricreasé of $2,383, 230,30 6r 2.83 pér cént.: This furnishes net earnings for 192% of $18448,017.63, in comparisohi With net earnings for the first five months of 1928 of $17,063,81693, an ircréase for the five months of this year of $1,384,300.70, or 8.11 per cent. As a résult, the éperatin, patie {or the first five ribnths of 1 19 ha has bean reduced to 8242 pér cent. from 83.14 per cént. For the month of May last, the gross eatfiings of the Canadian Nas tional Railways aviounieq to $22,527.« 219, as against $21,751,337 fot thé cor respopding périod of 1928, an ificréase Working A FHS ihe May last totalled LN i against $18,09 ie 57, " , ini an incréase of $1,2 crease was due partially to the fact that the maintenance program began carlier this year owing to thé foré apen season. Abst mtmsaion------- IN TEN MINUTES Advancément of Scienve | second time for this noted body to |. - {meet ih this country. The Associa- scientist 6f Canadian parentage, a Net earings for May last amounted to $3,154,000,15, while in May, 1928, BR earings 'totalled $3,655436.72. The operating tatio for May was 80 per cent. as ppainlt 83.19 per cent in May, CLATNS "BULLION" CARGO: OBREGON'S American Hold .in London Says Silver Belonged Mexican PRG London, June 20. --Tweénty five mib lion. dollars' wort of silver. bullion belonging sto the heirs of the lat President Obregon, of Mexico, was described in a Londen police court recéntly as the cargo of a mystéfious vessel in which Edward Emile Jochen, an American building contractor, had attempted to interest séme English bullion merchants. Jochen was arfésted several days ago on the claim of one such mer- chant, Auguste Jacques Penellier, Who charged Jochén with having 6btaihéd oie thousand pouhds sterls ing ($4,850) from his under false pre- téncés. After giving the thotisand poufids to Jochen on a contract, Pen« éllier' testified, he came to the con- clusion that the ship was a "mythical galleon," existing only in the Ame. efican's imagination. Pénelliér said that Jochen déscrib+ | &d How Obregon had amassed the sik ver ovr a period of tweiity years and how it had taken thé Méxican president, as Obregon was in the yéats covered by Jochen's story, years t6 get his treasure out of Mexico, The ' American: was quoted as saying that the ship was in the North Séa, feady to dock immediately in London, and that there were fifty million ounces of silver at the bottom of her hold covéréd with a dummy cargo of sul- phisr. Another witness, Philip A. Wilks, sénilor partner of a firm of 'bul Bion merchants, said he obtainéd a hid for the silver ahd a dock in the Thames for lahding the catge. Held without bail sineé his arrést, Jochen, through his attornéy said that wheén his defence is offered "seme very ititricaté aid very delicate ques- tions will arise." Sir Charles Birén, the presiding magistrate again réfu- sed to allow bail to be given, TATTOOED FIGURE GIVES FALSE GLUE Looking fot Man on Serious Charge Against Wornan i entedal June 29.---Thé ure of a woman on the l&ft arm a drowned man and another on the left arm of a man wanted for a serious. crime in Montréal caused the exhumation of the drowning victim's body in order to establish whether the wanted man and the dead man were. one and the same pérsén, A body was taken from the river at Sorel last Monday. No one knéw the victim and no éne came forward at the inquest to give any information as to how, where or when the drown- ing took place, and the man Was buried. A description of the victin was sént to the Montreal Detéctive Dapagument The circular was disri- butéd among the détéctiyés and D téctives Tremblay and a Page A toc the tatoodd arm. They Were 'looking for a man on a sérious chargé against a young woman. One man. ha béen accuséd by the girl, but this was found to bé a case of thistakén idén- tity and the suspect was released. The détectives learned that the waft- ed man had thé figure of a woman tattooed ofi his 1eft afm, corréspond- ing to tle figure on the drowned than at Sorel; The détéctives went to Sorél with 2 man who knew the suspect: At Sorel the body was ex- humed. Facial descriptions, thé color of the hair, thé height ahd weight é| of thé dead man eorrésponded to The hissifig suspect. It was only whén thé tattes was éxamined that the body wag declared 16 bé that of anethér man. The Agure of thé arm of thé déad man was in a kneeling pésition, hér hands Sashes arotifid the nape of the neéek; whi that ofi the arm of the waftéd man is in an uptight position, geod Heaven knows best, but it wild bé nice jf some of thése impdridd insect pests liked dandelions. =Pasa- déna Pest, Ls UD , OR a 20 acres of excellent pasts ure at City limits for vent. 50 acres of hay, elover and timethy, epen far tender. Large barn and stable for rent. Apply. LYCETT 28 King St. East' MONEY LOANED AUTOMOBILES - TWELVE MONTHS 10 PAY Leins paid! olf or additions! Cash. All @ealing confidential Open Daily 0 AM. wo 6 P. M. Mots! Loan Room 6, 145 or LisiLideis on