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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1929, p. 14

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A =r ¢ RE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1939 . ... SCOUT EDITORIALS _. . The timo of sunburn having, 2% rived, it is necessary to mention, this .particular sort of discomfort. -* While sunburn is more or less of a common complaint during the sum- mer. months, not enough notice 1s «~ taken of it in most cases. Lr. wr It should be remembered that sun "buen is very similar to any other, kind _of a burn or scald, and may develop into serious trouble if not taken care .of in the proper manner, ! a I is Me EC oary to be careful fot. to. get too large an expanse oO "the body burned at one time 'since "there is a point where. even, sufibiirn 'miay prove fatal 3 To prevent burning, pure malt vine- gar can' De used to yan eB applying the vinegar directly the burn ek to' show a great deal of dis- comfort can be avoided. ~~ *""Care should be taken to' cover all btirns until thé sting has gone, after 'which' a coat of tan will probdb Form which will prevent the sun from burning again, Olive oil has also been found good by some in relieving this particular form of natural torture, while some "pin their faith in glycerine and lemon "juice, bitt whatever 'the cure, it is est to remember- that it tis a whole "fot bettér drid more' comfortable' to acquire your tan slowly and safely than to endanger 'your health and " bodily comfort by an unwise exposure ta brother Sol's-allurements, a A Novel Vehicle : . A, strange and wonderful vehicle is to be seen on the streets these days. .. It -is the invention of Scouts - Chappell and A. Pennel of the, 8th . Troop and. is used for advertising the Strawberry + Festival. which. their Troop is holding on Saturday of. this week, July 6th, j . If the attendance at the Festival is in ratio, with the efforf spent on it by PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs "THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe se 8~~We Deliver T .... TIME TABLES C.P.R, TIME TABLE. Effective April 20, 1989, . Daily: . Daily except Daily. . Daily. Going East . Daily, : . Daily. a . Daily except Sunday.' Daily. Lm. Daily. , ae, All times shown above are times traind _@epart {rom Oshawa Station. CAADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Sunday, Eas Daily" except Sunday, Sunday only. Daily. y Daily except Sunday. 82% aim. 8.58 am. 9.59 asm. 1,17 p.m, 2.37 p.m, Daily, - 5.37 pam. 'Daily except Sunday. 9.42 pom. Daily. 11.00 p.m. Daily, 11.42 pan, Daily, 12.09 s.m. Daily. ° . Daily. . Daily. a. Daily: Daily. . Daily except Sunday. om. Daily except Sunday, . Daily. . Sunday only. . p.m. Daily except Sunday, p.m. Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1929.) (Daylight Saving Tiae) est Leave Arrive Arrive Whith, Hospi 838 PPesks 2p3ERad%s SRESLEEE on 8 Sgt. M, B. Hall and his committee, not forgetting of course, the Troop it« self, there will not be enough straw- bezries in town to supply the custom ers, "The Festival is being held on the grounds of Christ Church, Mary St. and once 'more we want to urge you to attend" this function. H There will be booths selling every= thing from pi 1 rake. its 5 i Fig ak 3] Vo Gilwell Camp A.S.M. O'Flint of the 4th Troop is again on his way to Gilwell Camp, ade only as mother can and the logal scouting fraternity wish- }- es him the best of luck and a pleas- ant holiday. Spent Week-end in Camp = . Saturday at 2.00 p.m. saw ten week- end. campers of the 5th Troop on ly | their way. to Camp at their summer camp site on the farm of Mr. S. G. Chant, about three miles North of Courtice, . A splendid time was spent, and the rain of Saturday night and Sunday only served to try out the new tents recently purchased by the Troop. During. the stay, a bad boulder which had caused some damage to one of the cars, was removed from the road near the farm, and another which was too big to remove was banked on both sides in order to stop any possibility of further dam- age. The boys enjoyed working on the roads, although of occupation as their profession, _ An old stove was also transported from the farm to the Camp Site for future use. The method of transportation 'was by horse and stoneboat to the creek, under the guidance of Master Chant, thence by boy power over the creek, returning to the stonecboat method on the other side until the camping ground was reached. : A splendid. mulligan was cooked on the stove just before leaving, and everybody voted it a great (or pos- sibly 'we should say "grate") acquisi- $10. ""The boys at the Camp showed: great improvement in Morse, during the long distance sending which was in- diulged in on Monday morning. { 8 Simcoe 8. %, _ _.. y) {. , 28 Simcoe Street, South. ANNIVERSARY SALE Men's Red Back Overalls, garment $1.19 ] I. COLLIS & SONS 50-54 KING STREET W. PHONE 733W 4 Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELE Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop -161 King St. W. Phone 1214 - For. Better Values in {0 at from Camp and on the ey ort of gasole ¢ added zest Owing 'to inclement weather, the 5th T 'neg in the YM.CA. on Friday last, The evening was spent in the study of Morse; some sending by the Flag systent, and some Scout games. "At the close of the meeting the week-end camp- on the next day was igcussed 'and then the matter. of the ummer Camp was mentioned, Boys wishing to attend the nine day Camp to bé held at the end of rn pp somal to start preparing right away so that the ex- pense for ment would not be co- incident with the, éxpense for the Camp, a va Suggestions for the various Pafrol Leaders were made and an annoufice- ment of two" special prizes for the best Boys at Camp was made, "~~ ,. 5TH TROOP NOTICE The 5th Troop will meet on Friday next at their outdoor meeting place on Rossland Road, providing the weather is fair. If the weather isnot favourable the meeting will be in the ink lemonade to movel-{ by the boys, and , home} 7 none have stated | + | their intentions of taking up this form DIAMONDS | 'Burns' Jewelry Store | Corner King and Prince || The wise man never waits services are available. sity, secure your CONGER COAL now while best Conerr Lemien CoAL | J. H R. L KE Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687-W ; . Manager, till he is driven by neces- Co Lavrren eA ate! dens meeting at 00 p.m, 5 ni pm, Toop : ceting ; pam, 2nd TROOP, ETING The Second Oshawa troop will meet on Friday of this week. Court of honor will meet at 7.p.m., and the general meeting at 7.30. All" boys who are intending to go to camp will kindly hand 'in their Jallnes not later than the 12th. of uly. We are pleased to note that P. L. Harold Sherridan passed his test for the swimmer's badge. y '* FOURTH OSHAWA TROOP Boys will meet at seven o'clock Friday night at Pop Works, near Bond street tracks on Oshawa Blvd They will procede from here at 7.10 for the tressle bridge over Harmony Creek. Late arrivals please straight to tressle bridge. 1f weather docs not permit this outdoor meeting the meeting will be held in Rotary Hall. In any casc a very interesting programme is lined Continued on next galley up for all. ' ! The whole troop miss the presence of Scoutmaster A. Ingham and hope that in the near future he will be with us again. All members of the fourth troop wish that their A.S.M., O, Flint, has a very cnjoyable time at Gillwell these next two weeks, 7TH TROOP'S GOOD TURN On Tuesday last, the members of the 7th Troop engaged themselves mn doing a troop good turn, by deliver- ing the literature of the British and Foreign Bible Society in the district allotted to St. George's Church. The boys efforts were not very fa- vourably received by some of the citi- zens, who apparently did not 'realize that -the boys were not handing out tracts for a religious society to which they belonged, but rather a letter and appeal from the combined Churches of Canada. procede and many people received the boys with due consideration. It is expected at the time of writing J! that the collection of envelopes in connection' with this campaign will be taken care of by the boys on Tues- day, July 2nd (last night), We hear that other Troops are do- ing 'similar work for the Churches with which they are connected, al- though nothing definite has been heard. Good Tuck boys, carry on the good 'work. ISLAND FOR GIRL GUIDES PRESENTED Fettercairn Island Near King- ston opened as Training School for Canadian Girl Guides Kingston, Ont, July 3--(By the Canadian Press) PFettercairn Island, the training school of the Canadian Girl Guides' Association, was formally opened yesterday by Mrs, F. Ether- ington, of Kingston, who gave the is- land, its buildings and equipment to the Canadian Council of the Girl Guides' Association. Mrs. Etherington presented the deed of the island to Mrs. George Watt, representing the Council. Mrs, Watt expressed the Council's deep gratitude for the gift, and presented to Mrs. Etherington with a gold thanks badge as a token of the ap- preciation of Canadian Girl Guides. The first general training week started today, and applications have What's in a Name? name is the confidence and accep- One of the true values of any tance it creates in the public mind. We are constantly concerned . that the material and service with which our name is associated shall +: stand high in your regard. rt With this in mind, we stock -- lumber and complementary ma- terials which are known, adver- tised products, "standard trade. ° marked and grade-marked, Oshawa Lumber | COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 already been received from Manitoba, However the work was completed by diploma'd guides. New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario. | The training weeks will be conducted ' th Smith has been made an honor- Things really do look better for e old Democratic donkey. Al ary member of the American Soci- ety for the Prevention of Cruelty 20 a \ -- . ne ---- sa By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb to Animals.--Milwaukee Journal. A BATH 1S A LUXURY ONLY WHEN (T BECOMES A NECESSITY! AND WHILE APRIL SHOWERS MAY BRING May FLOWERS -- JULY SHOWER-BATHS ALWAYS BRING AUGUST WATER-BILLS ! BATHS, ROMAN AND SWEDISH BATHS ARE INTERNATIONALLY KNown!l' THE ONE [VE JUST TAKEN | 1S ONLY A LOCAL SUCCESS, BUT IT WILL BE FAMOUS IN MY MEMORY FOR YEARS! TURKISH 1 Hi Z Reg. U.S Par. OF, Copynght 1929 by Metropolitan Newspaper Service L BRINGING UP FATHER --] [WELL, LL. GO IN AND ASK HER IF {KIN ABSOLUTELY NOT- U NO CONSIDERATION CAN YOU GO OUT WITH THOSE LOAFERS - NDER . ALL RIGHT- I WAS JUST GOING 7 DOWN TO BAIL. YOUR BROTHER §H OUT- HE'S IN JAIL. AGAIN= ~~ § THE BOY SCOUTS WERT FIRST ORGANIZED AT BIRKENHEAD ENGLAND BY GEM. BADEN- POWELL ON JAN.24,1908, TOMMY. CAMPING FJ cour GRAFT INCLUDES IMSTRUCTION IH FIRST BRAZIL CHILE, IRAQ. SYRIA 533532 BREED op 3 Cash or Terms "Hi Seas a AID,LIFE SAVING, TRACKING, SIGNALLING, CYCLING, HATURE STUDY, SEAMANSHIP, CAMP-CRAFT,H00D CRAFT,CHIVALRY, AND ALL THE HANDICRAFTS. IE BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT HAS SPREAD TO THE FAR CORNERS OF THE EARTH AND SCOUT TROOPS fi ARE FOUND IN ICELAND, CHINA, JAPAN, ARGENTINA, i PNRrawnBSY BgsapaE OVER 40,000 SCOUTS AMD LEADERS. 43 NATIONS ARE REGISTERED IN THE INTERNATIONAL BUREAU WITH A MEMBERSHIP CLOSE T0 1,800,000. THE US. LEADS WITH 816,000 SCOUTS AHD LEADERS WHILE THE BRIMSH EMPIRE HAS OVER 582,000. © 1929, by King Features Syndicate. Ine. Great Britain rights reserved. 3 he a hs Ph PPPPPOPTPEe 4 2 a : : Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner i 4 PEE I rin » HHT oe 23 L 2 oc 3 FE] TILLIE THE TOILER--A Quick Change YM NOT GOING "TO ANSWER THAT LETTER MAC WROTE ME MUMSY - \F | DID IT WouLD pra , ONLY ENCOURAGE HM ir (SANT FAIR TO MAC WHEN | LIKE Go0D LANDY: 1 tT'8 BEYOND ME WHAT MAKES HER So CHANGE ABLE > BRRRRRBEIEIRLE Eeeozssuatiistals 31H WHERE'S THAT LETTER J 7 MAC WROTE ME? I'M @ONNA, ANSWER IT RIGHT AWAY ~ Boy's Balbriggan Combin- , ations, Special 49¢ - 'Dominion Clothing Store ~~ 68 King St. W, Phone 3141 THERE'S TACK WITH A BLONDE WN HIS CAR - THAT'S WHY HE HASN'T BEEN OVER FOR A FEW DAYS ~ wvLL Fix of i\ lu H i | (3 | S/POSE \'T'S STILL IN YoUR ROOM, CTTILLWE -- Lg Sct? a ": EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Te of: Fi Eves a bea' Lite Baie Disney Block - 1516 Phons--1516 : Sa +L p.m, 11.00 pm. 1115 pm. '11.30 ona on Bowmanv 4 Re

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