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Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jul 1929, p. 15

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~ Solicitos, Not 11 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY, 3, SA ED SECTION meets Mr. Seller "550000500 -- Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- Ee PR VLE SE oH) ih gd ; ; _ Simcoe St. Phone 1 Batrance Ses. & Orelsh I , Over Dewland's | of Store. Money to' loan. 16 Simcoe Stréot 3 north. Phove 67. Resluence 3206 y Bldg. Opposite Post Office. Phone 1614. A. J. Parkhill, A, C. H. Field. risters, Solicitors, etc. 24% eos St. N. Phone 3160, M Joan, : Medical HA : PHYS, cian, Surgeon. Obstetrician, - Special references to materni'y work and di- seases of women, Two years' post fooce i experience, Office and resi- ence 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. ie (26Lf) . J. HA eisn and Surgeon, ven tO Ta a 9 am. to oy, fie King East 2416. AYID . M.D., C. L. R. C. PF. and ri Frey Physician, Surgeon" and Obstetric- fap. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3030, residence 161 King St. E! Phone 2155. (Dee, 31t0) {alist in sur 22, Office 143 Sim. pres street North, Residence 166 Simcoe street North. Phons sae.) Gc >. & S. Eainburgh, Physiclan, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- 'tention to maternity ork and dis- eases of children. Office and 'erid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Phone 3107. (tf) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist PR F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOUR \, Street West, Toronto, will be at his Sffice over Jury & Lovells ore consultation and treatment Be ir of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments Jay be made at ye, A Throat PR. B. 5. RICHARDSON, OFFICE 5A » OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Oftice phone 2660. Residence, 432J. (otf) J.|Y £) { Nevin, Gilmour and Gardner, ~|%10 auctioneer, 346 Simcce St. 8. We can sell yopr odd piec ture acd other art! 8 H G consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simo north, ce wants attended to Jur interests HO | and Lan Co. Local 'agents for one § the iB of: b compan Cle a fice 38 Simcoe St. N. 6D Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg atory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all easms. Oshawa, Wednesday, 923 Simcoe St, -|North. Phone 2764F. (129-tf) Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING," GRAVEL sand and cloders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2392F, Smith and Coz, 44 Bond St. Ww. COLEMAN CARTACE aud STOK- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 jrucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (64ef) » ; A ly distance. Also sand and gravel. Oulniugham, 121 Albert St, Phone (June 3-1 mo) es of [1 and SERIE OLDEST ESTABLISH- Park Road ed furniture movers; 3 § cartage. Frank Cowle, Prop. Fark Rd. South. Phone 215. (June 15-1 mo) TRUCKING AND MOVING, L LOCAL and long distance hauling, Prompt service. Reasonable: prices. © Me- 297 Festubert street, Phone 2491J. (June 24 1 mo) AUTOMOBILES TO RENT. LATE models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King St. West, (June 27 1 mo) Beauty Pariors BETTY 1.00 PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.60 and Automati¢ 'machive. 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 5068. (88tf) EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shup. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34t8) WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair eutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials Marcel 50 cents, For appointments rug phone 2653. (June 15-1 mo) MARC RL-- work done, 75¢. Powder Fun Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3061. (104-t1) Money to Loan CITY /ND FARM LOANS, PRO- fo loans arranged. Parkhill & eld, Barristers, etc. Alger Blog. | 74 Phone 1614. (49tf) Nervous & Mental Diseases & Mental Diseases DR. R. B. B. WILSON, SPECIAL- ist "nervous mental and wuctless gland diseases, Office and resid- ence Uxbridge phone 133. Dental DR. 8. J, PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- _sett's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 959. House 312. : (41 yr) DR. FRED A. TLORA, DENTIST, 87 King street east. Alser building. Phone 2860. Evenings by appoint ment. (48t0) DR H. M. COOKE, ¥ SIMCOE ST. ol over MitchefFs one $4. Store. in or RL R. L' Nitrous oxid Sd ga pe Simcoe St. N.. cver ov lands Phone 1957. Resl. 292W. Evenings ~3y appoin: mt A a 1 Regent "Theatre Bids, Phone 1780, Residence 66Y. 66-tf AID, AVL Dentists, 37 King St. B. Special ate tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse 1a attendance. Phones 1243 and 231. (951) ~ Painting and Decorating GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA. perharger, painting and graining, rices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave., phone 3065w or 2067w. 72tf) ALTERATIONS Painting by Cedar street. WOODWORK furniture repaired. job or hour. 735 Phone 2451J, (June 17 1 mo) Building Supplies FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black lodm. $1.60 a yd. For quality and service 'phone Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. (June 1-1 mo) N. OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS: Phone 1575J." Cement blocks, 8-9, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones. (June 20-1 mo.) T B 8S FOR BA To insure prompt delivery; place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1s ' 7 -tI) Service RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char- les Wales. Phone 1046J. (June §-1 mo) +| Shoppe as circulated. Real Estate for Sale REAL ESTATE. OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, k and Peace Parl, Terms Vora ou Office 38 Simcoe St. N. TVE-ROOMED HOUSE, oh and conveniences, garage. $600 buys it. No balance. Phone 2376W." : (1c) FARM FOR SALE--50 ACRES good loam, 7-rcomed house, good barn, creek ani piggery, crop, stock and machinery. All for $4000. Owing to sickness this must be sold. See A. C. Lycett, 25 King Past. (TTS tf) IX- SK, touring car for sale, in good con- dition, '24, Party iz leaving city. Apply 169 Gibuvs St. (1c) SIX-ROOM BRICK VENEER, hardwood floors, chestnut trim, nearly new: bargain for quick sale, for appointment or apply 240 Drew Owner leaving town. Phone 2530W Street. (Tues, Wed. Thurs.-tf) FOR SALE--CO?TAGE, BOW- manville West 'Beach: five rooms, furnished complete, garage, boat- house and boat. Apply Box 61, Times. (2-d FOR E -- SIX ROOM house, hardwood floors, Chestnni trim. All conveniences. Apply own Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion cents por werd, Minimam charge--38c. Each rubsequent insertion ie par word Threo consecutive . inser- tions for the price of twe fire insertions (theese cents s word). Mikimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box aumber 10c additional Cards, $2.50 per mesth for 20 words or less; 19 cents a word per month for arch additions) word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment er 209 Drew street. Phone 2710J, | (1-a) me ml "Work Wanted RE-UFTIOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save money. Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595]. (S6tf) BATTERIES CHARGED CALLED for and delivered 76c. If rental supplied $1. Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. June 7 1 mo) BATTERIES ARGED AND DE- livered %75c, rental 25c. Entire electrical system of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W or 3078J. "¢June 6-1 mo) Contracting CONTRACTING -- GON C REIE, plastering, electric or alterations. 'Phone 139 for estimates. (June 5-1 mo.) COR 'TING -- CONCRETE cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations. For prices 'phone 2873W. J. Pidgen, 97 Colborne St. BE. (132-10) Hemstiiching HEMSTITOHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs. Dell, 26% Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (June 14-1 mo' Wanteé to Buy MRS. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and ali kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St. (134tf) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR TO RENT Store and six roomed dwelling with all conveniences, Garage. A)- ply 31 Elgin E. Phone 1686J, (143tf) FIVE-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE. Apply Ed, Wade. Phone 1938 r12, (1-1) Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNIEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at 4415 King Street West. ronage is solicited. Awnings AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T, Taylor, Tor- onto. Oshawa phone 1053. Even- 257W, (778) Cleaning and Pressing UNIVERSAL DRY CLEANERS and dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs. Phone 509. 12% King West. Above Cannings Men's Wear. (June 24 1 mo) WINDOW ou | bod Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOUD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry y woed. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26tf) WALLPAPER aND PAINTS. OST ovmplete stock in Oshawa. Muifitt and Park.'$2 Simcoe St. S. (651) FOR SALE---HEINTZ MAN CO. Lid, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; ters arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1566J. (111-tf) FACTORY Ok OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order. Apply pradd Daily ly Times, (te) SALE--BAND, GRAVEL, on and black loam; dump truck service; moderate prices. Phone 1778). Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St, (July 2-1 mo.) FOR SALE-ONE BOOK CASE and one bed complete. Also other ar- ticles. Apply 10474 Alma Street. (2c) 8 FOR SALE---COPPER BOIL ER, Electric washing machine in use short time, Less than half price, Phone 185, (2b) SALE -- REFRIGERATOR Two wire shelves, 18 deep, 26 wide, 44 high. - Phone 774; (2b) ELECTRIC FIXTURES FOR sale, suitable for use in churcnes, halls, lodge rooms, stores; prices reasonable. Apply G. A. Speight, 23 Charles street. (W. July jv, FOR SALE -- SECOND HAND Panden Disc. tractor Hitch, Hay Peddler six and seven foot bind- ers; also other machinery. , Apply H. Pawson, 550 Simcoe St. North. Massey Harris agent, Phone 1493J. (2-c) FOR BSALB--CASH RBGISTER and adding machine, combination; must be sold tonight; used six months; cost two-fifty; sale price ninety-five dollars. 26 Church, St. (2-b) FOR SALL--BARNETT KITCH- en cabinet and Happy Thought coal and wood stove, both practic- ally new. Phone 2772W, or 22% Simcoe St. South. (1-e) Pets and Live Stock BA CHICKS, IE | - ate delivery from Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains. White Wyandottes and White Leghorns. We were first in Canada to adver- tise and ship chicks. Safe arrival guaranteed. Wyandottes 18c each. Leghorns 15c each: any number. Large catalogue free. Fisher Poul- try Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, On- tario. FOR SALE -- TWENTY-FIVE fresh milkers and springers. Apply F, J. Clemens, Phone 1088 r 1-2, (163¢) Wanted To Rent FOR Announcements ~ Mrs. Dell wishes to those whom It may inform concern, {that her Salon on Simcoe Street South for hemstitching, pleating, dressmaking, etec., i# in no way whatsoever connected with any (128-1 ma.) H MOS-KI-TOX--DON'T WAIT FOR the bite. Put it on-and scare them away. 15c, 25c and §0¢ per box Try our famous Blood 'Mixture. Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottles that gives the million: dol- lar feeling, Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprietor, Goulding, 23 Prince St. 01d Del}: Ray Bus Station, Oshawa. June 24 1 mo) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and )| welding. Snappy Battery service Architects € C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL Hore) Bank Building. Phone 1096 n one Ra phone 909]. (8-tf) OUMSO ni architects, Simcoe st. 8. Ovér Felt Bros. (661) i BH Undertaking Luts BURIAL CQ. 67 RING East, Ambulance, Residence, sus Simcoe street north. FPbomes 210J agd 210W. DIS, 1 rd BY 87 Celina street, Osbaws. Corner TY Ambulapre. Sire ar, Jallite Company.) charging and repairing. (107t0) pa -- = Building Materials CUT PRICES DURING JULY AND August. Bargain Circular now ready offers Fir Doors $298; glazed House Sash $1.35; Barn Sash glazed .78¢c; Heavy Coated Corrugated Metal Roofing. $5.55, Asphalt Shingles $5.25; Slate Roofing $298; Oak Ilooring 6c. House Paint 68c quart; Insulating Board half inch $43.00, thousand feet. Wall Board $28.50 thousand, Ready Cut - Garages 'only $25.00 down; Pumping Engine with Jack $49.90. Bargains in Plumbing gobds: Metal ding. by Pumps, Sinks, Roof Coating, Ceiling, Garage Doors, Cais PE Doors, ete. Write for fr a a Bathroom Outfit SIXTY NINE DOLLARS BUYS Bathtub Closet and Washbasin all best heavy castiron. porcelain en- amelled. A complete water supply and sewage system for your home costs less than you imagine. Cata- log and full particulars free. Halli- day Company, 14 Halliday Build- ing, Hamilton, Ont, Motor Cars 27 CHEVROLET SEDAN FOR | sale, §450, cash or terms; A-1 cun« dition: sacrifice. Phone 2584). or 392 Mitchell Ave. FOR SALE=EXCELSIOR MOTOR | Cycle with side car. Good running order. $175 cash, Apply 535 Albers Street FOR SALE -- OLD&M touring, A-1 condition; a real buy. 26 Glads'one Ave. (2-¢) 11 Halt. 1 STAR COUPE FOR SALE. APPLY mortgage 1510 Front Street. : (153-¢, {:X YOU N €2-c) WANTED TO RENT BY MIDDLE of July a seven or eight roomed house. Central, Phone 3045W. ------ . (161c) WANTED 70 RENT--SUMMER cottage on lake at or near Oshawa. Apply Box 60, Times, (2-c) Lost and Found LOST--BENGLISH POUND NOTE, between C.P.R. and King St. Re- ward. Finder please return to Police Station. (1-c) Will the gentlemen in whose car a suiteof clothes was left en route from Toronto to Bowman- ville on July 1st, please 'phone Pickering 1403, or write H. W. Boyes, R.R. No. 1, Pickering. (1-c? oT BUNCH OF KEYS ON A ring, between Avenue and King streets, Saturday. Reward. Phone 394, (1-b) LOST--CLUB BAG, ON ROAD BE- tween Taunton and Five Points Mon- day night. Liberal reward on return to Henry Scott, Taunton, 2! AY SQUARE L et with, lady's and child's photo o Keepsake, Reward. Phone 2715J. (2-a) Position Wanted YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS work----clerk, bookkeeper, stores-- | accept anything, Phone 2326'w. : (152-¢) MAY wants daily work, sewing or 'wash- ing. Phone 2451J.° (2-¢) Wi For Exchange D tarnished Cottage on Lake seugoz, at Wiliams Point, for second Inquire at 4 Bond St. West. Phone 21 890, five rooms sll latest convenisnces inc! Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures. laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, {nclaerator, and bower baths. For further par. ticulars. Apply Your Lom Aten or Janitor on Premises. T! and Guarantee Co., Tha, tor -Owaer, wi A i Phone 20898 ls roomed suite o ia iors Apts, 291 'mcoe St. South. Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 20893. 24t0) RA AEA -------- TRIGA TU A TWO ROOMS TO LET, FURNISH- ed. Every convenience, suitable for light housekeeping. Would take Toomers. Phone 1473). (141tf) 0 LET~--. on Simcoe St, 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. Cenptral. Apply Bradley Bros. office. (142tf) SIXTY-ACRE FARM TO RENT; possession to plow part at once; full possession in fall. Apply Mrs. B. Powell, west of Thornton's Corners. (162-c) TO RENT--TWO ROOMS, FURN- ished, $15 per month. Apply 89 'Wilkinson Avenue. (1562-¢) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping on ground floor. Every convenience. Apply 201 Mary St. or 'phone 739W. (152-¢) 5-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT; ALL conveniences, on Burke St. Phone 1844). (152-¢) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room. Board if desired. Apply 16 Brock street west, (152¢) FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT at 14 Nassau St. All conveniences. Garage. 4 large bedrooms, Would make good rooming house. Apply Robt Henderson, 102 Elgin St. B. Phone 353. (1562¢) TO RENT -- MODERN FIVE roomed apartment at 92 Bond street west. A real home with all conveniences. Immediate posses- sion, Phone 857 for particulars. (152¢) TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms. Electric plate. All gonveni- ences. Also a garage. 140 Tylor Cres. Phone 774W. (152d) SEVEN ROOMED = HOUSE TO rent at 124 Agnes ntreet. All con- venicnces. Apply 120 Agnes St. (1-h) HAOUSEKE B PING ROOM TU rent, with all convenjences., Apply 4 Simcoe Street S. (1-¢) { TO RENT--FURNISHED BE sitting room, suitable for two breakfast, or light house-keeping if desired; all conveniences, 256 Court Street, Phone 2756J. (1-¢) LARGE FRONT ROOM TO REN?, furnished or unfurnished. Phone 3211W, 230 Drew St. (1-c» ROOM, SUITABLE FOR TWO, $1 per week. Phone 1412J. Call 369 Pine Avenue. (1-¢) FOR RENT -- TWO BRIGHT rooms suitable for light housekeeping at 312 Kingsdale Ave, Phone 1842w, (2c) FOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE, All conveniences. Garage. Possession July 21st. Apply 260 Athol. {2¢) SINGLE ROOM OR TWO OR three light housekeeping rooms with garage. Continuous hot water, newly decorated, ten minutes from down- Reasonable. Box 59 Times. (2c) CHOICE APARTMENT TO LET-- All conveniences. Immediate posses- sion, Baird Block. Phone 460 nies rel FOR RENT--TWO FLATS, hardwood floors, newly decorated, close to Motors. July 25. Adults. Apply 263 Haig Street. (2-¢) FURNISHED FLAT TO RENT. Apply 282 Golf St. Phone 2652J. (2-¢) COTTAGE TO RENT AT: WIL- liams Point, Lake Scugog, for last two weeks of July, Apply to A. W. Pickard, Bowwanville, or at Williams. Point. Phone 185. (2-4) TO RENT--HOUSE, ALSO ROOMS furnished. Apply 240 Eulalie Ave- nue, (2-b) town, Help Wanted--Male AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every car a prospect. Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Write Room 49, 70 Lombard, Toroniv. enced Digman for bod: and tender work. Good wages and steady work. Apply Stratford Auto Body, 152 St. Patrick St., Stratford. Phone Stratford 1477. ) | PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREET: ing Cards--agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. Wanted-----Female poly 13440) Experienced preferred. Burns Shoe Co. er wanted, age about thirty-five, highest wages paid if suitable, Ap- ply Box 58 Times, (152¢) WAITRESS WANTED. Phone 2 , (2a WANTED--MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Apply Mrs, James Bod- dy, 20 Royal St. 2c WANTED--SMA T general office work. Apply Dr. Rundle. (2-h) BINDERY GIRL WANTED WIT. at least three years' experience, at hand work and at folding ma- chines. Apply at once to W. H. Wager, Mundy Printing Co. (1-b) Help Wanted 575 PER WEEK MADE BY OUR Personal Christmas Greeting Card agents in their spare time, Write us for particulars today. Regal Art Co., 310 Spadina Ave., Torono. Ss Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- niture bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. East. Phone 1617M. "r) FOR Auction Sale ) AUCTION SALE--AT SULLEY'S sale yard at 41 King st. Oshawa, Friday July 5, 1929, of the following furniture: one piece oak dining foom suite, tables, chairs, wicker chairs, beds com- plete, Quebec ¢opoker, pictures; other things too mimerous to men- tion. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Termg cash. Any person wishing to put articles in this sale please notify W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer. Phone 7167. (2-b) Auction Sale |OF FIVE ROOMED DETACHED DWELLING Under and by virtue of the pow- er of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be producea at the time of the sale there wil be offered for sale by public auu- tion on the premises themselves-- 1158 STACEY AVENUE iu wie {CITY OF OSHAWA on MONDAY. 22nd of July, 1929, at the hvur of 12 'o'clock noon, All that certain parcel or tract of land situate in the City of Oshawa composed of Lot 204 on the north side of Stacey Avenue according to registered plan 145. The lands are situate on the north side of Stacey Avenue, a short distance east from McKim Street, and are said to be avouut 30 feet frontage by 130 feed. Erected thereon is said to bo a detached dwelling house contain- ing five rooms and a three piece bathroom, the house being of one and ovgs-half storeys and built of brfvk on A stone foundation. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms: 10% of the purchase money will require to be paid at the time of the sale and the bal- ance according to favorable terms and conditions to be then made known. For further particulars apply to Conant & Annis, Oshawa, Ont., so- licitors for the vendor: (W. July 10) TO RENT---NICELY FURNISHED room, in good locality. Phone 2382W. (2-c) FOR --FURN M, very reasonable. Suit two: room- ers. Apply 102 Mary St. (2+b) TO RENT--TWO OR THREE furnished rooims, water, light and use of 'phone, close in. 236 Dear- born Avenue. "(2-b) TO RENT--2 apartments, also furnished rooms, cheap; very central; all conveni- ences; suitable for light louse- keeping. 82 King St. W. (2-¢) TO RENT--NEW BRICK HOUSE: 4 rooms, kitchenette wired for electric stove, all conveniences. 135 Albert St. Apply 131 Albert St. to owner, Isabella Mills. (2-¢) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Planing Mill and Lumber Business, 2 story brick building with all necessary machinery and equipment. A real Shoning for a hustler. Price $6,000. ill exchange for good farm, Apply A, C. Lycett, 25 King East. (MWE tf) ROOMS AND BOARD, $8 PER week: rooms only $2.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Street. (June 7-1 mo.) M AN OA 0. Private home. Home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east. \ (146t1) | FIRST CLASS ROOM AND board for gentlemen; all conveni- (2c) | ply 17 Ritson Road, North, ences; central; also garage. . Ap- (2-2) Notice to Creditors: The Bankruptcy Act In the estate of Arthur O. Felt, au- thorized assignor, Notice is hereby given that Arthur O. Felt, retail jew- eller, of Oshawa 'and Bawmanville, Ontario, did on the Twenty-ninth day of June; 'AD. 1929, make an auth- orized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors, and that O. Lennox, Esquire, Official Receiver has appointed me to be cus- todian of the estate of the debtor un- til the first meeting of creditors. Notice is further given that the first meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at my office, Room 311, Excelsior Life Bldg, 36 Toronto Street, Toronto, on Tuesday the Ninth day of July, AD, 192, at Three o'clock in the afternoon, Day- light Saving Time. ~ To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your 'claim must be lodged with me before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with me prior threto. And further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent trustee. And further take notice that if you have any claim against. the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, pr: of such claim must be filed with me, or with the trustee when appointed; vtherwise the proceeds of the debtor's estate, will be distributed among the { parties entitled thereto without re- gard to your claim. Dated 51 Toronto this Second day of Jul PRED bAGE HIGGINS, F.CA. Custodian 3 Toronto St, Toronto | 2a)' (133te) § West, | 000, Welding . A Brazing. All kind of metals, We have the best welder in city. Workmanship guaranteed. 82 King St. West. (June 27-1 mo) URGES CANADA SHARE BURDENS OF THE EMPIRE (Continued from Page 12) mencement of the century we" were looked upon as a promising young country, twenty-five years later we had become one of the greatest trad- ing nations on the face of the Globe. "In 1913 we stood as ninth in im- portance in our aggregate trade, Fifteen years later we were fifth, be- ing exceeded only by the four great and populous nations: Great Britain, the United States, Germany and France. While 27 countries exceed us in population, only four exceed us in trade. In 1913 our trade per head of our population was $145 or sixth in importance of all nations. In 1929 our trade per capita was $268 or second. In 1913 we occupied the 17th position among the principal commercial nations of the world with reference to visible trade balance-- with an unfavorable trade balance of $222,000,000. In 1917 we were third among the nations of the world with a favorable trade balance of over $142,000,000. "To reduce all this to' the simplest possible terms, it means that in less than a generation we had increased our trade seven times in value, "This enormous volume of trade is not carried on with one or two coun- tries. It extends over the whole world. Every continent on the face of the Globe is both buyer and seller, In millions of dollars for the fiscal year. "In 1929 we bought from Sarope $287,000,000--we sold $643,000,000. "In 1929 we bought from North America $984,000,000--we sold $543,- "In 1929 we bought from South America $26,000,000; we sold $32, ,000. "In 1929 we bought from Asia $34,- 000,000; we sold $87,000,000. "In 1929 we bought from tania $22,000,000; we sold $37,000, "In 1929 we Sought It from iil $7, 000,000; we sold $20,000,000. "You will admit that these com- parisons and results are impressive extending as they do over a period, as I have said, of less than a genera- tion, which is nothing in the tfetime of a nation. If, however, they are impressive will anyone deny for a moment that our advance will be halted? We do not need to conjec- ture but we know from visible facts and from actual proofs that our ad- vancé in trade in the next genera: tion will be gpyater than it has been in the .past. Those visible facts and actual proofs surround us on every side. Our fertile soil of the Prairie provinces and of the North West is only broken. Our great mineral de- posits are hardly scratched, Our wast water powers are barely partially developed. Our manufacturing indus- tries are still in their infancy. Com- bine with these advantages only and many others not referred to the en- ergy and resource of the. Canadian people--and the increased population which will certainly conte to this land of promise and opportunity '-- and we have a future for Canada not to be equalled by any other nation on the face of the Globe, "Now let me ask you this question in view of what I have said. How can Canada be a hermit nation? How can anyone assert that our interests are confined to the boundaries of Canada alone? Is it not more true to say that our interests are world- wide and that our boundaries touch those of every other nation of the world, Interests of Commerce "Well, if that is the case, as it is without a doubt the case -- it re- quires no explanation on. my part when I say that trade must create | rélations with those to 'whom we sell and those from whom we buy--re- lations of all kinds--relations- plea- sant and sometimes unpleasant. Hence do you not think that 'our interests are sufficiently important that we should have agents abroad so as to promote the most friendly intercourse with those with whom we now trade and will trade but to a} Tasty greater extent in the future? Or do 'you prefer that these great ifiterests be left 'in * the hands of others who no matter how even hint at an open misunderstand ing--that I am convinced for these reasons alone, to say nothing at the moment of others, that we must be sufficiently and adequately repre- sented abroad. "You will say that all this is true as regards some parts of the world but what about the necessity as ree gards Japan? Necessity for any ac 'tion must as a matter of course rest on what we know and on what we have a right to expect. On both these grounds, not on. one alone, re« 'presentation: in the Orient is essen tial. As to our exports, Japan alone is our. fifth best customer, Our ag- regate trade with her has increased from Jes than $5,000,000 in 1913 to near! 000,000 for the year Ehding Js. Ay 1929, or eleveniold. ear alone, namely from the -- of ® e fiscal year 1928 to the 31st of March, 19. 929, our Fos trade increased with her ay 10,000,000. As to the Orient, our trade in three Jere alone has a arched from $62,- 000,000 to $86,000 And our total trade - with Asia oo. the last fiscal year was over $121,000,000. Is that not' sufficient proof of past perform- ance and of future possibilities? Will anyone say that with those results actually known that Canadians have not sufficient energy and resource to continue that record? With our un- doubted increase in the production from our natural industries alone-- producing just what Japan requires-- and having a knowledge as we have of her great and astonishing devel- opment there is no question at 'all that there is no market in the whole world that has greater potentialities for Canadians. "But I would be very sorry to think that our commercial relations were the only reasons why we require to be represented abroad. We quite pro- perly desire to increase our external trade. We quite justly wish to pro- cure additional markets for our pro- 'ducts. All this is very laudable but it is also very material. To me it would be a matter of infinite regret if Can- ada could only see the material side of her destiny and duty. To me she has a far greater objective and ambi< tion than that. I hope and I believe that I express your opinion when I say that the objective of anada shou! the preservati-n of the solidai... of the 1 n Commeon- wealth of Nations. Her' ambition should be the cultivation of the most friendly. relations between the. na tions of the Commonwealth--the sos friendly relations between: the - monwealth as'a whole and other na- tions with a view of securing the great objective of the Commonwealth itself which is the preservation of the peace of the world at large. Any other ambitions we may have should surely sink into insignificance before these. From this arises our" political relations abroad. Great Britain's View "But the question has sometimes been asked--how does Great Britain view the opening of legations abroad ? Some, I am informed, have even as- serted that she is not favorable ta them. I never thought that was the case myself becuase she was a willing party 'to the declaration of the Im< perial Conference of 1926 and : that clearly indicates in positive terms, that the several nations of the Com- monwealth are their own judgés 'in such matters. But until recently I was not in a position to positively affirm or actually deny the state- ment I had so heard made. I pow am and can say and assert in the most positive terms that Great Bri- tain not only welcomes the establish- ment of our legations abroad but in addition tagerly seeks consultation with us and our active.co-operation in all Commonwealth matters. She asks -our active co-operation and not merely our passive acquiescence, She seeks that active co-operation be- cause it assures all the more Empire cohesion. How else can we give that active co-operation unless we are pre- pared to stand beside her ifi various parts of the world and give our ad- vice first hand as to matters in re spect to which we have actual know~ ledge and as to which we are pecu- liar! id adapted to be of service. 'And, in so far as she is con- cerned, Canada is peculiarly adapted ta be of great value in international affairs between the Orient and other parts of the world. In proceeding to the Orient she asks nothing for herseli--but she has a position of great importance by, reason of 'whieh she can be of great help to her other partners of the Commonwealth and also to some of the other nations of the world. Geographically she is the bridge between the Orient and the Octcident. Actually. she is the only member of the League of Nations on the continent of North America, 'She is. also an equal partner in the Bri- ] tish Commonwealth of Nations." sa tent and no matter How willing are already overburdened with their own affairs? Those are the questions I submit to you with all possible res- pect in regard to our commercial re- lations abroad. If you think, as'I be- lieve you will think, that we need our own agents abroad, then the only kind of an agent competent and use. ful-to speak in the name of Canada iS an envoy or minister appointed bh His Majesty the King.and holdin his direct authority to do so. That is why in view of these vast com- mercial relations of Canada: -- rela= tions which are pregnant with diffi- culties -- difficulties which should and must be. adjusted before they | ol 20 'acres of excellent pasts ure at City limits for rent. 50 acres of hay, clover and timothy, open for tender. Large barn and stable also. for rent. 'Apply. LYCETT 25 King St. East AUTOM TWELVE MONEY LOAD IN TEN MOBILES ON ILES Lelns pald off or additional Cash. All dealing confidential, Open Dally § AM. to 8 ©, M. _ G. R. HOLDEN Motor (oan and' fioom 8, 144% King Bust. Phone 3790, Discount Co. Linitted mn -: aa b . EAS ere

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