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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 10

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'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 192° -- x "Fiith Healer", Wie | "Four Children it, July 4. -- A religious perhaps goaded into in- fury at a seance, was being _ by police last night in the of a faith healer, his wife r small children in their 3587 Saint Aubin avenue. ies were discovered brutal- d, apparently by an axe. Evangelist, 43, the heal- er an self-styled prophet, was slain dn his study, His wife. San- tino, 86, was killed in her bed with her 18-months' -old son, Morrio. Both dre thought to have died while asleep. - : Thee small daughter of the couplg were killed in an upstairs bedrobin at the rear of the two- storey! frame dwelling. The bod- ies of: Matilda, five, and Jenny, 3, were found in beds. Like their parents, their faces and necks bore marks, of many crushing blows. The odest girl, Angeline, eight, lay an arm slashed from her trunk at the foot of one of the heds. + Matilda had been complete- ly di boweled by the killer. Aceprding to the police picture of the erime, drawn from the posi- tion of the bodies, and stories by neighbors, Evangelist was slain first as he bent unsuspecting over a book in his study late last night or early today. , Crept Upstairs After disposing of Evangelist, thie police believe the slayer stole ly upstairs to where the rest ihe family slept. Bloodstained faot-prints were plainly visible on the stairway. Upstairs Mrs. Evangelist and her baby boy were next victims. Then the girls, with probably only Angeline awake, but too horrified to scream. "The theory that the killer work- ed quietly and with speed is streng- thened by the story of Dominic Dipaolo, operator of a grocery next deor to the Evangelist home. *Dipaolo retired last night in a réom back of the store at 9.30 ofelock. He heard no outcry, nor any sound;from the three large degs which the faithhealer kept in . tHe back .yard. The deaths were discovered at 11.30 a.m, today. Vincent Elias, a real estate broker, a close friend called at the home. When his knocks went unanswered he tried the door and found it unlocked. As he. entered Elias confronted a 'ghastly. sight through the study doorway. Evangelists headless body was slumped forward against the: desk. The floor below his desk was soaked with blood """An alarm 'was turned in at head- quarters. Within a few minutes the premises swarmed with uni- formed and plainclothes police. Chiet of :Detective Fox took per- sgpal command. Wealthy Men Own Life Insurance HE richer a man is, the less likely he is to have a large amount of ready money | available. Within the last few years, several 'large estates have had ile be broken up in order to . raise money to pay succession ; | duties, ~ Insurance to meet succession 3 has become a very active : of our business--and we + have trained men to advise those to whom succession duties are a serious consideration. Policies may be made payable i to the Provincial Treasurer for + of paying succession uties so Rom of will Confederation Life Head Office : TORONTO Branch : Robert WB. Smith, Local v 37, King St. E, hy Oshawa. EVERY MONTH MANY WOMEN Take ZUTOO Tablets and are ire¢ of the Griping Pain and Sick Headaches. WiGE >i at Ts t ag pon request be sunt todiseu Agent, HT, Fulford, TAKE ZuT Fulford, Que 00 + Riding on the Roof of the Rockies Looking OWN THE mM 3 VEIN Dass ---- On. THE STC ---- WATERFALL NEAR LACIER CASTLEGUARD S A Icefield from Lake Louise. continent covering 150 HWADOoW LAKE UNDER THE OHADOW OF MrT. BALL mong the most spectacular of the Trail Rides ever attempted in the Canadian Rockies will be the one proposed to start August 8 and lasting 18 days, to take in a long diskanicn vide to the Columbia largest body of glacial ice left on the North American uare miles and surrounded by peaks from ten to Bor by thousand feet in height. The ride will be from Lake Louise up the Bow Val- ley to Bow Lake, over Bow Pass and by the Mistaya Valley past Waterfowl Lakes to the North Saskatch- ewan River, then up the Alexandra River Valley to Castleguard and the Columbia Icefields. Trail Riders holding at least the silver button, em- will not prove a icefield is the Shadow Lake und Only glacier-fed lakes blematic of completion of 100 miles: of trail Hiding, will be permitted to join the expedition, since taking part must satisfy the committee that they burden to the rest of the party. For less experienced Trail Riders, or those who cannot spare the time, there will be a four-day ride starting from Banff August 1 and ending at Castle Mountain Bungalow Camp. Lake district, which will be accessible for the first time this summer, so that those participating in this ride may regard 'themselves as pioneers. Beautiful It will take in the Egypt er Mount Ball will be the camp site of the riders on the second day out and, in all, seven will be on the route of the trail. PROPERTY SALES AT PORT PERRY More Real Estate Deals Are Reported in the Village Port Perry, July 1.--It is under- stood here that Mrs. Robt. Murray has bought Arthur Dowson's prop- erty on Mary street. Mr. Dowson is moving into the house on John street, formerly occupied by Cecil Beare. Mr. and Mrs. Duff and son, cof Toronto, have moved to Port Perry and are occupying part of Thos. Smith's house. Mr. Duff is with E. H. Gerrow and Sons, P. G. Morrison has moved into his new premises in the Archer Block. Mrs. C. Jamieson and family, of Calgary, Alta., are visiting the Miss- es Stovin, Dr. Collacutt, of Woodville, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, L. Collacutt, for the holiday. Miss Lillian Payne, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Hazel Cockburn over the week end, Mrs. A. H. Rose and Miss Grace Rose are spending a few days in To- ronto. H. Bell, DeForrest Bell, Miss Mur- iel Bell, and Mr. and Mrs, Wilson, of Toronto, visited Port Perry friends on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beverley and family, of Claremont, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Peters, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Milne, of To- ronto, spent the week end with Mrs. George' Coates. Irwin Coates, of Toronto, was home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Stiner, of Oshawa, visited Port Perry friends on the holiday. Miss Bessie Crozier, of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crozier. Grant Rundle, of Toronto, is visit- ing his mother, Mos, Chas. Rundle. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson, of To- ronto, spent the eh with Mr, and Mrs. Joe. Sisson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Turner spent the week end in Buffalo, Miss Edith Peters, of Sadowa, is home for the summer. Mrs. Couthard and Grace, of Whitby, Mrs. S. Graham and Misses Graham and Florie Wakley, of Oshawa, spent Saturday at the home of John Irwin. INDIAN WOMAN TAGKLES BEAR Succeeds in Killing Attack- ing Animal With Knife Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., July 4.-- When Frances Zuckigesick. an In- dian woman, of Franz, carrying a Papoose on her back was visiting some traps near her home. she en- countered a bear and two cubs, 3nd the enraged beast attacked er The woman, armed only with a was H. daughter ;, small axe, and hampered by the in fant, accepted the challenge and in a 15-minute battle succeeded in killing the bear, escaping herself with slight scratches. The animal was a large one. The cubs escap- ed into the bush. At mile 167 on the A.C.R., van Cliffe and Emil snares for some bears that were visiting the boarding cars in Raich they lived. No hears fell into the snares but one, discovered Desjardines set | 1 TRUCE PROCLAILT IN LONDON STRIKE Order to Carmen Cancelled to Enable Negoti- . ations 4.--Truce was street. railway London, July claimed in the pro- men's 4 For Summer LIGHT MEALS a Little | BOVRIL| Makes a Lot | of Ditference : id battle for higher wages yesterday when 1 itions were resumed be- tween the union executive and Man- ger Leonard Tait, on behalf of the company. The strike order which was to have sent the cars to the barns Thursday morning at 9, was cancelled and unless fresh rupture ends the present parleys, no new crisis is an- ticipated within a week. The union and company negotiators are to meet again pcrhaps Saturday but not Ila- ter than' Monday, when Manager Tait will state what the company. is prepared to do to mcet the men's demands. Today Mr. Tait refused to discuss the situation with the men while the strike order was "held over his WH head," and to abate that President John Colbert and the union cxegu- tive decided to withdraw the order and to hear what Mr. Tait had to say. The greater part of the after- noon was spent in a closed confer- ence at the company's offices during which it is understood that Mr. Tait | described as "reasonable" the in- crease of two cents an hour prescrib- "ed for the men in the arbitration a- ward of the Ontario railway and mun- icipal board brought down last De- cember. p The meeting closed with the feel- « that the company would be pre- mg pared to find a way to pay the two- cent increase from now on, but the men made a stand for payment of the increase since the award was made. That $7,000 back wage bill finds the company with an empty treasury it 'is said, and the company is not inclined to yield the point. HAYING STARTS ON EBENEZER FARMS A Good Crop of Hay Is Re- ported in the District Ebenczer, July 2--~The time of harvesting has begun since gnany farmers have started haying opera- tions. A good crop is reported. An interesting ball game was stag- ed last Tuesday night when the girls of Maple Grove played with the Eb- enezer girls, The game resulted in a tie and since darkness came too soon it was impossible to decide the winner, School is over, examinations are completed and the pupils are free from studies for a couple of months. The teachers have returned to their Swi homes for a well deserved holi- ay. Regular services were held at Eb- enezer on Sunday last. All were well attended and were very helpful. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton, was with his congregation both 'morning and evening and preached inspiring ser- mons. The talk to the children was on "Being on Time" His morning scr- mon was on "The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper" and following the regular service the sacrament was administered. The subject in the cve- ning was Self Respect and Com- panionship." Sunday. school was held in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Rundle spent the week end with their son, Elmer Rundle, in Toronto. Several from this community at- tended anniversary services at Hamp- ton on Sunday and Monday and Monday, VURIED WORKMAN HASNARROW ESCAPE Passing Motorist Digs Out Imprisoned Man With Hands Toronto, July 4.--Curiosity and pre- sence of mind on the part of a mot- orist travelling along the highway near Erindale yesterday, saved the Arnold's Markets Have Acquired 25 MORE FOOD SHOPS 1 These modern markets known as 'Green Front Shops, pind by George and Harry Arnold, will now be controlled and operated by Arnold Markets. the 9, s (FRESH MEATS) BRL EL nN 4 Spring Lamb '4c 1. Loner 38cm. QUARTERS os ib, Fresh Beef ROAST .......... 29elb. CHUCK 22¢ ib. LEG ROAST PORTERHOUSE STEAK CHOICE WING STEAK . SWEET PICKLED OX TONGUE 1b. 28¢ LOIN OF FreshPork 1b.35¢ PureLard}. ib. 16¢ Pail MACARONI Loaf suc 1b.29¢ Bologna 1b.23¢ SWEET PICKLED SHOULDER Pork 1b.21e¢ ROAST Pork 1b.65¢ PURE PORK Sausage "i. 1b.25¢ PEAMEALED Cottage Roll 1b.29¢ ST. CHARLES EVAPORATED Sliced life of Edward Johnston, 21, No. 1, Oakville, who. was crushed in a gravel-pit ambulances to the scene, and in re- leasing the man from beneath a pile of heavy stony gravel doubtless saved Johnston from a horrible death, He lies at present in St. Joseph's hospi- tal, suffering from a badly-crushed hip and side, but his condition is not critical. The passing motorist was J. V. Martle, manager of the Oakville branch of the Bell Telephone Comp- any. In passing the deep gravel pit which the highway skirts, he noticed a team of horses, drawing a sand-wa- gon, galloping wildly across the pit from a rising column of dust. Sens- ing trouble, Martle left his rar, and made his way down into the pit. Here he found Johnston, totally in- sensible, buried in the gravel up to his neck, only his head showing, Mar- tle scraped frantically at the gravel of R.R, badly cave-in. Speedy work in getting doctors and MILK 2 Tall Tins 2 5c with his bare hands, and succeeded eventually in releasing him, with the assistance of Harry Adamson of Er- indale, who lives nearby. After rendering first-aid Dr. Smith of Streetsville, called for the Skin- ner's ambulance from Port Credit and the injured man was removed to Tu- ronto. EIGHT INJURED Kemptville, Ont., July 4.--Eight persons were injured. two of them seriously, when an automobile driven by Mrs. William Baker, o1 Kemptville, was struck by another car in charge of Wilfred McGovern, Matches 3 Boxes 24e¢ FINEST GRANULATED SUGAR Limit 10 Ibs. fo a Customer 11b. §e C. & B. ORANGE CUP AND LEMON CUP large .............. §5¢ Small ....}.:........ 35¢ ARNOLD'S DINNER BLEND OFFEE ........ Ib, 45¢ MILLIONAIRE SARDINES ... 2 tins 29c FINEST SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE 2 No.1); Tins 2 Je FRUITS AND | VEGETABLES Tomar 'Ore a yg 23 Doz.. FINEST TEXAS ONIONS 3 ibs. 17. CALIFORNIA NEW Carrots 2 Bunches } Bye SALADA TEA 1-1. Pk. J Fe WHETHEY'S PURE JAMS 32-0z. Jar Strawberry 33¢ 31ec Raspberry BROWN LABEL CLOVER LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON No. 1 Tin 4] " BEETS 3 Bunches 1 13 [Fresh Caught FISH) beni inns 2 FRESH FILLETS LB." HADDIE 21s FRESH ATLANTIC LB. MACKEREL 10e¢ CHOICE ATLANTIC LB. Halibut 7. 28e SELECT BRAND CHICKEN HADDIE ° 14e GOLDEN RAY SMOKED LB. CLARK'S Pork « Beans 2 No. 2 Tins 23 LUX 3: 28¢ also of Kemptville, on the Ottzawa- Prescott highway opposite the Kemptvile agricultursi school, Miss Agnes Gladu, Ottawa, re- ceived a broken right leg, fractur- ed in two places, and cuts to the other leg. Patrick Conway, ines, suffered a fractured skull and cuts on his face. He was able to go home after receiving medical treatment. Their names and in- Juries are as follows: Mrs! William Baker, suffering "rom shock; William Baker, her husband, head and hip injuries; Miss Lulu Rennie, severe cut at of St. Cathdr- FILLETS . 20e¢ KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE Plain He 1%e the back of the head, and many cuts and bruises about the body; Ben Robingon, cuts on the back of the head; Miss Dora Craig, suffer- ing from shock Wilfred McGovern, abrasions of the mouth. right knee and hand injured, These six pet- sons all live in Kemptville, OTTAWA CHILD KILLED Ottawa, Ont., July 4. -- Aileen Davidson, nine-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davidson of Westboro. was struck by an automobile yesterday and died of injuries 15 minutes aftrwards. . Decorations pur '82 Simcoe St. S, Phone 308 Some bargains in brick houses, choice and close in locations. If about to buy, see what I have, It will pay you. Summer cottage for sale or rent at Caesarea Beach. J. H. R. LUKE Phone 871-687W by one of the men near one of the traps, was chased by them into it and was killed by an axe. T1928 Chev. Sedan. Nor oor warranty $650] ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 135 King Street West, Oshawa. Phone 1100 Hudson-Essex Distributors HARDWOOD FLOURS LAIN BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like mew Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors B. W. HAYNES 1 King SL W, Shouse 4m, residence 1802 V. A. V. A. Henry INSURANCE | 13 Simcoe St. S. Phones 1198W----Office 1858) --Residence Ee eT INSULATING BUILDING BOARD WARM IN WINTER COOL IN SUMMER DISTRIBUTED BY ' OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. 3 te F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard, Phone Oshawa 824 LUMBER Whitby 13 .--Your Home There it stands ready to welcome you It is yours for always--not merely as long as you pay rental tribute. your haven of security, your safe in- vestment, your dwelling place, There are many reliable firms listed here who ' are in a position to render immediate service, whether you wish to buy a home or build one yourself. LUMBER 8 Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd, Hardwood Floors Hardwood floors laid; sand- ed, Finished Complete by Experts. W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Phones 280 & 187. COAL! COAL! Phone 193 'W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor street EK. Orders Promptly Delivercd ro 5 lL .CYOUNG - 4% Prince} St 0 t. Real Estate Insurance CUTLER & PRESTON o4 KING ST. W. Telephone 572-228 Night Calls 510-1560 ba SASS $4,200--Gladstone Ave. Brick Veneer and Stucco Bungalow, 5 rooms and: bath. Ash floors through- out. Newly decorated. $500 cash down. See DISNEY Phone 1550 Opposite Post Office dias

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