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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 14

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RETALIATION N LOOKED FOR El tn) Fr 4 a---- gti yet 3 alse oll ." uo Ada TATE Feme #314 ¢ | bias ht $ied Washington, July 4--The Ameri: can mont hopes the new tariff seguilations; when they finally emerge from Congress will not be so extreme as to 'fetaliation by other na- tions through diversion of trade. An official giving this"hope expression pointed out that-most of the pressure fit to bear upon Congress in shaping the; tariff came from organ: ized producers. - Chai me "The. administration "is watching dosely.- the: sentiment 1. L da, Soutl; America and in Europe with respect" to the- tariff. While Senate sub-committees consider the provision of the House tariff bill and hear tes- timony asking for revision of the rates upward or downward, the State Department is continually advised on the attitude of other nations. Sixteen of. these - have made representations through their diplomatic agents but the: department has also full informa- tion: concerning development in those countries which, have not done so through the press and advices from United States agents abroad. f In the case of Canada the depart. JURY °& LOVELL'S "OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. "'Pyesight Specialist' PHONE 3215 I ER CH Ti mp "W. A. [. .. OPTOMETRIST 23%; Simcoe St. North : : - of. people wear comfort = - Hare's Faultiess Lenses PHONE 22 *" For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8.~--~We Deliver S480 .0.0 0.0.0 00 08s fre eeeTeeReees © 8.03 pim. Daily except Sunday, 3 By p.m. Daily. 12.03 a.m. Daily. x All times shown above are times itrgins depart from Oshawa Station, 3 * CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective April 28, 1929, wy (Standard Time) a bila Daily 'except Sunday. . Sunday only. a . Daily. . 5 Lm Daly except 'Sunday. .m. Daily. m.: Daily except Sunday. .m, Daily. Wm. Daily. .m; Daily. » _: Westbound H Lm. Daily. | .m, Daily. ° .m. Paix. m, Dally, mm. Daily except Sunday. m, Daily except Sunday. m, ly. .m. Sunday only. in, Daily except Sunday, FX A "except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanvilla 3 nt ;~ BUS LINE to: WEEK DAY 'SCHEDULE (Effective on-and after April 28, 1029.) - (Daylight Savidg Time) Leave . Arrive Rakh oPee. 238p 8 Ooi [38% vo EE) Pr oa B g w TE pe» ANNO AAS 482838 8 ry a3 oo PN wmanville {dl uc ment is cognizant of sentiment there through the office of Fk / the Minister of Ottawa Un- tedly the attitude of the D - ion has been. discussed by . Cabinet me tor Reid Smoot; chair ma nance 'committee' how orkin n 'the tariff, has given the pr Brion to understand "the] committee will consider not only ins 'formation passed along by the State partment, but also information re- eived by the Jepattuient through the Press and from United States agents. 'However, Congress will be largely. in- 'fluenced by -the representations eof producers and cc s of the Unite ed States, - President Hoover, who 'has declared for "limited revision," may bring pressure to bear later on iif, in.the opinion of the administra- tion, the interests of the United States are endangered by too great zeal in building a tariff bill, President's Control In. this, Congress the President's control-is- strong, as nominal head of da, | the Republican party he has 267 Re- [publicans against 163 Democrats in the House and 56 Republicans against 39 Democrats in the Senate. There is hardly any question that if a bill which went too far were about to be produced by Congress, Hoover might step in and have it re-arranged. It is. understood the President's words "limited revision" were meant to be applied fo revision of rates on indus- trial products and not on those of the farm, so. that hope of administration interference for the purpose of low- ering rates on agricultural commodi- tics, those which chiefly interest Can- ada, is small, On the other hand, there is the value of friendly trade relations and the possibility of Can- adian trade turning in other direc tions to be considered. = Meantime there is a great stirring among the low protectionists in the United States itself. Statements by Demos crats and elements opposing increase to the tariff rates are printed almost daily. The claim is widely made that benefits to farmers, through high tariffs on agricultural products, will be offset by increases in rates of ma- nufactured articles. As a result of "an independent fact finding investi- gation of the tariff," John R. Com- mons, Sclig Periman and B, H. Hib- bard, economists of the University of Wisconsin, find the proposed tariff would corral the farmer and the consumes: for another shearing." They find the increased tariff on sugar would add $10 to $15 yearly to 'the family budget, and that an increased tariff. on butter would be useless be- cause of domestic competition, Senator Capper of Kansas predicts the tariff bill will be so changed when the. Senate. committee get through with it that it will seem like a new measure -and he asserts the farmers will be 'worse off then before if the house bill becomes law. 109. Blmode Bt I, _.. Phone 209 as 18 Simcoe Street, South, ANNIVERSARY SALE Men's Red Back $1.19 Overalls, garment I. COLLIS & SONS _ 50-54 KING STREET W. PHONE 733W 4 Machinery Repairing "NOTHING TOO LARGE +» NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, Phone 1214 J}! © For Better Values tn 4 DIAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store . : Corner King and Prince . or Terms - Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner aaa ~~ SR REE _ Through "t 'and calling it "not just a wild bull in "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY: 4,-1929 -- -- - ; national 5 Democratic commiittec Senator Walter F, George a member of the Senate finance ¢oni- mittee, says, "if President Hoover de: sires fo.coffine tariff revision within the limits indicated in his message to Congress, it is now clear he inust as- sume the responsibility of leadership." The Senator, attacks the bill as leav- ing the farmes. in. a worse. position, Mercer O. Johnson, director of the People's: Legislative Service, has made public 'a statement assailing the bill 'from the standpoint of foreign trade a china shop but a rogue elephant in a china shop." ; Foreign agitation is brought sharp- ly to the attention of the nation by the press: Parts of -an editorial in the London Times dre copied by the New York Times as "This scheme of tariff revision appears to make coun- ter measures necessary as acts of self defense." The London Times does not favor the immediate calling of an imperial conference to discuss meas- sures of retaliation but calls atten- tion to a. Canadian inquiry "into the possibilities of the adjustment of ta- riffs that would have the effect of stimulating the trade of the Empire at the expense of the United States. An attack on the American tariff roposals in Germany is also noted. 'he Foreign Trade Association in Berlin urges the ministry to "organ- ise a united: European front against America's tariff policy." The United States Senate will come back to Washington on August 19 to listen to the reports of its committee which have been studying the house tariff bill and it is then expected the forces for and against raising the tariff dutics will bring up their heavy * artillery. Republican Senators from farm states are strong .in the Senate and any fight they make to have the duties on industrial products reduced would find the low protection De- mocrats shoulder to shoulder with them. It is admitted almost anything which His Majesty King George i» the patron. . During this time the Empire Health Week will be held throughout the British . Empire. The slogan: of the week will be "Help Yourself to Health." Objects of the week aré to rouse the public to-..a- sense. .of public health which will not tolerate a high disease rate or an excessive infant mortality and which. will feel as a personal reproach the sight of an {ll-nourished or neglect- ed child. Le The immediate purpose of the campaign fs to make of public health the chief topic during one whole week. Behind the move- | ment "is the idea of creating the consciousness 'that diséase Is a thing which should be prevented, and the committee wishes to im- part sound health information throughout thé Empire. The week will. be conducted In co-operation with the National Baby Week Council, and both pub- lic health and infant welfare will be treated. Jt is suggested .to form local committees in each city and town, composed of health.' educational, insurance and social service auth- orities, the clergy, press, medical, nursing and teaching professions, and all bodies Interested or work- ing in the interests of public or private health. Programs dealing with address es in churches. schools, factories, municipal halls, etc., are suggest- ed, and visits to clinics, hospitals, baby welfare stations and health exhibitions are recommended. General clean-up work should also be conducted, it is stated, and all questions such as public works, as- sistanee in health. cleaning of streets, smoke, garbage destruc- tion, water works and sewers, HEALTH WEEK FOR 'NONTREA Whi ¥ = King is Patron of Institute] Sponsoring ~~ Special : Campaign Montreal, July 4.--Montreal is urged to hold a Health Week from October 6 to 12, by the Roy- al Sanitary Institute, London, of HIGH GRADE EQUIP. MENT KEPT IN PER | | FECT | RELIABLE | CONDITION. MEANS SERVICE ; Phone 82 LEMAN: C of [23 MAN § LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE may happpepn to the tariff in the Sénate, : should be covered in the addresses and visits of inspection. Addresses are recommended on bygiene, consumption, cancer, food, microbes, housing, flies and |] other pests, physical culture, |! cominon ailfents, municipal co-op-' 'eration in public health, mice and rats. Ske? 2 . Thé letter will be sent to Coun- cil and"thence to the Executive for action, 3 $50,000 T0 BE KEPT TWO HUNDRED YRS. Will of Man Killed on Way to Get Married Indianapolis, Ind., July 4 -- Public bequests of approximately $150,000,000 to be available in 1929 were made in a filled for pro- bate here which provides for $50, 000 to be kept intact for two hun- dred years at compound interest. The will was that of Will H. Latta, Indianapolis Street Railway Company attorney who was killed recently when an automobile he was driving was struck by a pass- enger train. At the time he was enroute to Fort Wayne where he was to marry Miss Emma Mar- guerite Sander. Miss Sander was given one-fourth of the remainder of the estate after the public be- quests, . Among the bhequsts to be avail- able in 2129, are: Approximately $35,000,000 to establish the '"Car- rie Hunt Latta Memorial Library" | in Indianapolis in memory of his | wife; $35,000,000 to establish an Indianapolis conservatory of music, endowment of $35,000,000 for the CE: ny KOK =. § FLOORS 2 22 Lay them _ Satin Finish 'Kant Kup et wl Permanence and Satin Finish *'Kant' Kup" Hardwood Flooring are syn-. onymous terms-- "re And there is not a well-posted' contractor who is not fully aware of the fact. This explains 'why the - floors of all well-built houses are of SATIN FINISH. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED . 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 Art Association of Indianapolis; $17500,000 to build community centers adjoining each school building in Indianapolis; en- 000 to establish and e | Pauw University; about $47,000,-| University" at Ligonier, the insti- grade { dowment of $17,500,000 for De| tution to be operated by tife Meth- ndow "Latta | odist Episcopal Church, He's wor RICH -- HE'S NOT p+ FAMOUS -- AND NE'S NOT ee ries MAN | Ee "NORLD \ BUT EVERY TIME [ See HM, I THROB A JOYOUS HEART AND PALPITATE of - A POWERFUL. 3 By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ES [rs uP © Mv PUBLIC TO HELP ME DECIDE} HE-MAN' BOY FRIEND, | Jim BLUNT, WON'T TAKE NO FOR. AN ANSWER, AND [ WON'T SAY YES UNTIL You GIVE ME YOUR PERMISSION BLESSING ! 7) nr Arar 15 0re a 1d RUTTER Fer 'erece sot iemcy ud see, By Geo. McManus - "~ |JA-AMESY COME HERE! {| WANT You TO GO RIGHT UP STAIRS AND TELL DINTY MOORE AND HIS WIFE | CAN'T PRACTICE MY SINGING WITHA THAT RACKET GOING ON fill THE VERY IDEA OF SUCH A NOISE GOING ON IN THIS ARIDTO- [l CRATIC APARTMENT X BLUILDING- A bil HHT 13 THEY SAID THEY KNEW YOU COULDN'T PRACTICE WITH THE NOISE: THAT 1S WHY THEY ARE MAKING IT HOW LONG HAVE PEOPLE CATTLE ARE MENTIONED IN THE OLDEST WRITTEN [3m ARE FIGURED ON EGYP- TIAN MONUMENTS RAISED 2000 YEARS BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN ERA: WHILE THE REMAINS OF DOMESTICATED CATILE < "HAVE BEEN FOUND IN THE. | SHISS LAKE DHELLINGS ALONG WITH STONE - IMPLEMENTS AND OTHER RECORDS. HE DOMESTICATED CATTLE OF THE WORLD ARE HOW OF THQ SPECIES, THE CATTLE FOUND IN EUROPE AND THE AMERICAS AND THE HUMPED 'CATILE OF INDIA CALLED ZEBUS. gtiss: 3 WY # ELIE dr" Gp WORLD BEFORE THE COMING OF THE EUROPEANS. COLUMBUS Ot HIS SEC- OND VOYAGE BROUGHT CATTLE TO THE WEST INDIES AND EARLY SETTLERS CARRIED THEM 10 THE MAINLAYD. Great Britain rights reserved OUR MILKMAN SAYS THE REASON THAT HE HAS NEVER MARRIED 15 "CAUSE HE SEES WOMEN TOO EARLY ry 9.50 4 fn 11.00 p.m, 11.10 p.m. 11.30 p.on. Time marked * are through buss Whitby Hospital. ~*~ ~ : HOLIDAY SCHEDULE! West AY- AND Arrive Arrive . Boy's Balbriggan Combin- | © ations, 8 . yom Special 49 Cc Dominion Clothing Store 08 King St. W, Phone 214t.. a 12.25 p.m. £15 a Pp pum. 11.00 pm. 845 pom.' 11.00 p.m. 1LIS Tinie mark Ushawas Waiting Room, i Prince St.-- gs Care 4nd Eye Strats' 4 ze LC} Disney Block ;™ i © 1516=Phons--1518 "TILLIE THE TOILER--She Should Have Thought of That § UM ote J . Im; 19%, King Features Sygd You CAN TOOT Your tHEAD OFF , Mr. JACK : BLO "G0 AND TA : AT BLONDE RIDIN \, You Hap our he \ GONG | "OU TENT THAT Soule FRIEND TACK QUTSIDE TLLIE § ony = NY, 8] { HELL Go nn NA MINUTE NOT cow =.= = . (YES, BUT WHAT } BR ABOUT ME T I'M Be: HERE ON. My. I} WHAT}. - VACATION TO AILS HAVE SOME FUN.|| Sou NOT TO SLEEP. | [ANA WHaTLL \ Da For 'THE REST STARS,

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