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Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1929, p. 1

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"Al the tis News" Succeeding The Oshawa Daily 583 - aly gunes se --- Newspaper in a Growing City VOL. 5--NO. 3 eras Ass sss steal sss ssl l PTITIVVIITVIVIEY News in: Brief (By Canadian Press) ess saASSARES SLL PET TYY is.--The eminent -portrait paint- Ws roi Bouverest, died yesterday. He was 77 years old. Rum-Runners Rescusd i , Erie, Pa, -- Three alleg rum- runners were rescued and brought in- to port here by the freighter aska- doc after they had drifted for three - days and nights on Lake Erie in a small, disabled motor boat. Eleven Persons Drowned Sofia, Bulgaria, -- Eleven per- sons were drowned yesterday fording a stream near Wistow, which hdd been swollen into a tor- rent by a cloudburst. The cloud- . burst also destroyed a large part of the crops in Western Bulgaria. % Action Follows Toronto--Legal action has aris- en from the accident at the open- ing of the Hamilton airport last} month when a machine piloted by Fred Shaylor collided wtih anoth- er plane piloted by Capt. Parkin- son, both men receiving injuries. * * Ratity The Protocol Moscow. -- The Turkish ambas- sador yesterday deposited with the Soviet government the ratifica- tion of Turkey's adherence to the Litvinoff protocol. This brings the Kellogg peace pact into imme- diate force between Russia and Turkey. A Woman Found Marshfield, Mass.--Coast guards- men yesterday found the body of Mrs. Lucy Brisbane, 40, of Vancouver, B. C., who disappeared two days ago while visiting vo sister, Mrs, L. G. Gunt, Footprints along the river banks led to the search in the rive for the woman's body. , Cache of 20 Barrels of Rum Sydney~--~Plowing up twenty bar- rels of rum with the tail skid of his lane was the unique experience of ajor-Gen. J, H. MacBrien when en- ine trouble' Arove him into a forced fndin on / farm near here yester- day afternoon, The cache was neat! hidden under sticks coyered with sod. Postpone Road Closing Windsor.--The river road, below Amherstburg, is not to be closed this summer, as proposed by the Malden township council, as the Ontario rail- way and municipal board is: not to hear protests against the project un- til 'Aug. 27. The board will sit that day at Sandwich. i "Osteopath Fined "Sault Ste; Marie, Ont. th, was fined $25 d 'ey, osteopath, was fin an 8 polic a BALL Yesterday on a oh ig of using the title of doctor or some prefix or affix indicative of such title yelating to the treatment of human ailments, dh Toe May Winter In Africa London. ~The Evening: News says it understands that King George is considering proposals to spend part of next winter in one of the British domisions. South Africa, about which confidential inquiries already have been made, is considered the most suitable, £ 0% % Building Nearly Doubled Montreal --Building permits issued in Montreal during the first half of 1929 have almost doubled the figures for the same period in 1928, accord- ing to figures issued today. For the first six months of this year permits have been granted for $27,300,216 in construction, as compared with $15, 256,336 last year. - 0 * Birth Certificate Stops Liverpool. -- Suit against Percy Marmont, British-American motion- picture star, by Hilba Scholes, aged 50, claiming that Marmont was her long-lost husband, missing for 26 years, was dismissed when the actor produced a birth certificate proving himself 10 years younger than the man he was represented to be. Cleveland Plane Still Flies Cleveland, O.--The monoplane City of Cleveland, continued in the air last night on its attempt to break the refueling endurance record. Shortly after 4.30 p.m. the plane passed the endurance mark of 118 hours, set by the French dirigible Dixmude. At 10.30 p.m., eastern time, Pilots Byron K. Newcomb and Roy L. Mitchell, had lopped off 124 hours toward the record of 172 hours and 31% minutes. Kills Young Girl Montreal--A cart wheel which be- came detached following a collision between a tramcar and a wagon here was the cause of the death of an 11- year-old girl, The victim, Emma De- rome, was standing with a young tompanion on the sidewalk at the time of the accident, when the loose wheel rolled off the road and knock- ed the two children down, The vic. tim suffered a fractured skull, and fied a short time later. Her compan- lon suffered bruises. Would-be Center Man of 'Basket Bt Team: I can jump as high as s college. h: What! You think you can that high? oresaid: Sure, better than that, the college can't jump at all, --State Lion, WEATHER is high on the At- "15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. SIXTEEN PAGES OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1929 GUEST AT HENLEY HOLDER OF FAMOUS SCBLLS WINS BY HALF A LENGTH Result of Magnificent Duel in Doubt Until Last Few Minutes of Race When Joe Wright Spurted to Finish LONDON ROWING CLUB DEFEAT ARGONAUTS Toronto Eight Lost in Re- row After Rowing to a Dead . Heat 'in Previous Race--London Club Won by Quarter Length (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Henley-on-Thames, July 4.--Physi- cal collapse today cost Jack Guest his chance of advancing to the semi- finals of the diamond sculls and av- enging a defeat by Joe Wright, fel- low-oarsman of the Toronto Argo- pnaut Club, last year. Within ten yards of the post, Guest stopped sculling in the quarter final to-day, his strength sapped by the terrific efforts he had put forward to keep in front of the diamond sculls hold- er throughotit thé race. ~~ ~~ Guest at one point had a lead of a length and a quarter, gained by gruelling work from the start. He had some lead still when near the end Wright pressed hard. But when he collapsed 10 yards from the finish Wright raced past to cross the line half a "¥ ro JA Wright had to be lifted from, "his shell, though Guest\managed to pad- dle back, A man, followed the race in the Um- pire's launch. ; 8 Hf Jt was a magnificent struggle right from the start and the result was in doubt until the last few strokes, when Guest faltered and Wright kept up his terrific pace. Wright broke away with 10, 19 and 36 strokes in the first quarter, half and full minute, to Guest's 9%, 18 and 35 respectively. It was a fine duel to the island, where Guest took a slight lead. At the. first signal his shell's nose was two feet in front of that of the diamond sculls. holder. Guest gradually drew ahead to a quarter-length lead at the half mile post. At Fawley, reached in 4.13, Guest maintaining a fast clip drew into a lead of nearly a length. He was sculling in beautiful form and better rhythm than Wright. Guest held a lead of a length and a quarter at the Remenham Club. Wright spurted at this stage but Guest responded nobly and hung on to his lead. The holder pressed hard along the enclosure and Guest began to tire. Wright gradually drew up until Guest suddenly stopped ten yardse from the finish, worn out with his efforts to keep in front. Guest stopped sculling while Wright passed him to win one of the best races ever seen here. Both men were exhausted after the great battle, Wright having to be lift- ed from his shell. Henley-on-Thames, England, July 4.--~London Rowing Club eliminated (Continued on Page 3) Tord Désborotigh, Pamotis spore: Figivent proper encouragement to this indus- | ss vern- | AFTER GRUELLING BATTLE Bennett Ends 'Ontario Tour Government on "Attitude Toward" Tariff (By Thomas Green, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., July 4---On the last lap of his summer speaking tour in Ontario, Hon, R. B. Bennett departed today for the head of the Great Lakes, Two sPeaking engage- ments are scheduled for the Conser- vative leader, who will arrive at Fort William on Friday morning, in com- pletion of his itinerary for the Prov- ince. Early in the afternoon, he will speaf® at Port Arthur, with his final Ontario meeting at Fort William in the evening. Mr, Bennett will leave Fort Wil- liam for Calgary on Saturday morn- ing, where he will attend the. stamp- pede. He plans to remain in Al- berta until the opening of his British Columbia tour at indermere on July 25. At his meeting here last night, the opposition chieftain was suppor- ted by. James Lyons, M.L A,, former minister of forests and mines in the Ontario Government, and T. E ' foie." member, fog Al M 'Mr. Bennett, in discussing the tar- iff, urged 'the manufacture of 'struc- i in Canada, He ¢ ¢ the government had Wot try. "The attitude of the ment' on ithe tariff, Mr. Betinett con- tinued, was that of "waiting for something to turn up." FIRES STILL RAGE IN CALIFORNIA Ranch. Homes, Cattle and ~. Grain Are Des- troyed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) San Francisco, Calif, July 4--The fire demon. continued to feast today upon the choice s€enery and pretty hames of Mill Valley and upon ranch- es, forests, and grain fields elsewhere in California and Arizona. In two places--in the canyons and ridges above Mill Valley and in the Apache Indian Reservation of East- ern 'Arizona--the demon still ate greedily. The Mill Valley fire was believed to have been diverted from the town and surrounding residential districts: but was crawling up to the wooded slopes of Mount Tamalpas. First news of the Apache Reserva tion fire reached: Phoenix late last night, Telephone operators reported a fierce conflagration in the area, which is the centre of one of the largest. pine forests in Arizona, Headed (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Moodnbeam, Ont., July 4--The Chi- cago amphibian "Untin" Bowler hop- ped off from Remi Lake this morn ing and headed for Great Whale, the next stop in the flight to Berlin, Great Whale is in the Hudson Bay district. The plane's crew of three again expressed their confidence that their plané would land them safely in, the German capital, before their take off for the far northern coast. \ A load of fuel was placed aboat the lane at Remi Lake, where a pro- vincial government' forestry _ aerial patrol station is located. Remi lake is eight miles from Moonbeam. Perfect flying weather prevailed as the Plane turned its nose into the the far north with its engines work= ing perfectly and its crew ef three confident that their craft will carry them through the barren northlands. There are no radio stations at Great Whale but the aviators will have their own wireless as a means of commun- icating with civilization when they reach the Hudson Bay settlement, 400 miles from Remi Lake. Chicago to Berlin Plane Hops Off From Remi Lake 'around the railway station wait- Wright Wins Second Heat in Henley Classic : ' : a . ~ CANADIAN CHAMPION ALL SET FOR SECOND SUCCESSIVE HONOR With excitement Fiuuing at pitch, Jos Wright, Jr, Ia. fever | winner of the Diamond Sculls, led the | ning the second heat in the trials for year's [field against Jack Guest to-day, win-|the coveted Diamond Sculls. ish Aviators and British Rescuers Madrid, Spain, July 4. -- The Spanish 'Transatlantic flyers and the five Britsh officers of H.M.S. Eagle who saved them after being seven days lost in mid-Atlantic néar the Azores, came to Madrid together on & speécigl train from Algeciras:this morning to be greet- éd with an ovation sich as this capital rarely has seen. i 'Madrid sleeps late ordinarily, but today thousands crowdea ing to sce Major Ramon Franco, his three comvanions, and their British rescuers. When finally the train arried from Algeciras, a small Cadiz city opposite Gibraltar, they broke through the police- lines and crowded onto the sta- tion platform. The human avalanche swept aside the train porters, employees, and passengers attempting to alight, and kicked lukgage from the platforms. Their roars drowned every other sound, even' the engine whistles and the brass bands. The large official repre- sentation which had planned digni- fied greeting and welcome was lost in the shuffle. Outside the station' the crush was just as bad, with the crowds extending back almost solidly for half a mile. The aviators and the British guests, who included 'Cap- tain Laurence, D.S.0. and lieuten- ant R. A, Kilroy of the Eagle, were shoved through to automo- biles which drove them to the Palace Hotel. For Great Whale ERA, "i SN, 000 HRP ls > JELAVRANK. 14000 H.R STEWARTWA GALETTAL400 HW) ENHAM 70D H.R ENEY L800 K.P. APPLETON ISOO H.R ---- CARLETON PLACE OO MRY™ Charge of Murder Formally " Laid in Court This Afternoon Whitby, July 4. -- Frank Buoho of Oshawa was formally charged with the murder of Mrs, Frank Kobernick, also of Oshawa, in police 'court here this afternoon before Magistrate Willis. Buono displayed no emotion and remained abso- lutely unmoved when the charge was read to him. Ac- cused was represented by D. A. J. Swanson, of Oshawa, and was not asked to plead, an ad- journment being made until Friday," July 12, at 2 p.m, when the preliminary hearing will take place. Buono was re- moved to the Whitby jail by Constable J. Thomas at the close of the proceedings, which occupied only a few minutes. Pray For Rain; Water Supply Bursts Main London, Eng, July 4.--Last night's heavy rain, general over the country, was received with un- bounded relief by farmers and those in charge of the water sup- ply of the big cities. Manchester, proverbially the wettest spot Jn the country, had been without rain for weeks and prayers had been offered in the . churches. The prayers were answered. to the full- est extent, for a 39-inch corpora- tion water main burst under its load today and thus a large area of the city was deprived of water for which i. had been looking for a 'long. time. N % Deny Report Of King's Visit London, July. 4.--The Canadian Press is authoritatively informed that the story circulated yesterday to the effect that His Majesty tno King intends to spend a portion of |, next winter in one of the domin- fons, is without foundation. 'The report was widely circulated and related the possibility .of the Alleged Slayer Is Arrested Police Find Blood-stained Knife And Axe in Barn (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Detroit, Mich, July 4--Discovery of a stained, razor-edged knife, a short axe and a pair of freshly washed shoes in the barn of An- gelo' Depoli, 34, led to his arrest late last night in connection with the slaying yesterday of Benny Evangelnsta, "divine prophet" of a religious cult, his wife and four children. The murder was discov- ered yesterday morning by Vincent Elias, real estate dealer who call- ed on abusiness errand. Police, summoned by Elias, dis- covered the bodies of Mrs. Evan- gelista and her children, all in ped, horribly mutilated. Arms of one of the children were amputated and the heads of all were almost severed. Depoli, held for investigation, admitted acquaintace with the family, but denied any connection with the murders. Police said the knife found in his barn, a curved uf |p of the type commonly used Big Bill 1 Worst Defeat Ever .Received . (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wimbledon, Eng,' July 4--=For the fifth time in six years, the masculine stars of the tenhis world are on the outside looking :iny at~an*all-French final. Henri Cochetiand sJean+ Be tra are the rivals for the greatest of the world's tennis érowns this year. Cochet reached' thie last" round yes: terday by downing. the last United States hope, "Big: Bill" Tilden, Whiid . iminated England's con- tender, "Bunny" Austin 'Iilden yesterday suffered the worst deteat he has ever received from the Frenchman. In the semi-finals of the women's singles today Miss Elsie Goldsack, cf England, will play Miss Helen Wills, of the United States, and Miss Joan Ridley, another Britisher, will oppose Miss Helen Jacobs of California. MAN KILLED IN SPEAKEASY FIGHT Winnipeg, Man., July: 4--A minia- ture battle in;a northend speakeasy resulted in the death of one man and the arrest .of ®wvo others, who are held at central police headquarters on a coroner's warrant pending an inquest. , ; The victim was Andrew Terin, 34- year-old boarding house keeper. He suffered internal injuries and died oro-1 -- fn cutting bananas from the stalk, was freshly stained with what ap- peared to be blood. A chemical analysis of the spots Wax fo he made today. Fe ENDURANCE PLANE STILL IN THE AIR Tonight Will Be Within Twenty-four Hours ; of Record .'Cleveland, Ohio, July 4,~=Dis- regarding hazards that for a time seemed to threaten the 'blue mono- plane, City of Cleveland, Pilot's Roy L. Mitchell and Byron K. Newcomb weeled about Cleveland airport today in a trying battle against hope and fatigue as they approached by little better than one day the world's record for re- fueling endurance flights, Tonight they come within 24 hours of the world's. record of 172 hours 32 minutes and one second, established recently in Fort Worth by Reginald Robbins and James Kelley. The tariff bill at Washington, after all, may do a great deal for Canada. It will probably waken Canadians up.--Vancouver Sun. Council Passes Motion to Purchase Industrial Area CITY SOLICITOR ISGIVEN INSTRUCTIONS TO PREPARE BYLAW TO BUY PROPERTY Vote on Resolution Favors ing the Purchase of Twen- ty-three and a Half Acres 'of Land on Simcoe Street South for $17,625, Was 9to3 : LENGTHY DEBATE ON PURCHASE OF LAND Aldermen Mason, Douglas and Preston Opposed to the Proposal -- Mayor Mitchell Strongly Resents Insinuations of Ulterior Motive in Making Pure chase The principle of the purchase of 23% acres of land on Simcoe street suoth for an industrial area, was ap= proved by the 'Oshawa city couneil last night by a vote of 9 to 3. A'by« Taw will be prepared and "submitted to the council at its next meeting providing for the purchase of this area. : ; : The motion instructing the city solicitor to prepare a bylaw for the purchase of this land occasioned - siderable war: st. ly meeting hol. ot i a [1 marks flowing = freely. Alderman Preston, Douglas: and: Mason; pro= vised the opposition. The decision [16 putchase the Conant site, on which an option had been previously se- cured at $750 per acre, totalling $17, 625, was made after the council had made a tour of all the available: in- dustrial sites 'in the city. A motion was also passed last night to secure a six months option 'on at least 7 acres of the Everson property, north of Alice street and east 'of Oshawa boulevard, at a price of $500: per acre, pursuant to Mr. Everson's offer. The Motion The following motion sponsofed: by. Aldermen S. H. Jackson and:S. G. Carnell, was: passed by; the coun- cil last night in connection, with 'the purchase of the Conant property: "That the city solicitor be... authorized to prepare a bylaw to. be submitted at the next meeting of the council to authorize the mayor and clerk of the corpora~ tion of the City of Oshawa to enter into an agreement for the pur of approximately 23% acres of part of lot No. 9. in the broken front concession in the city of Oshawa at $750 per acre, in accordance with terms of the option dated May 10 and expir- ing July 16. v And further that the offer granting free of cost to the city, a right of way at least 66 feet in width extending from the above mentioned property to the city (Continued on Page 13) Disclosed by five minutes after admission to hos- pital, : Ingenuity of Drug Smugglers Investigations Of Royal Canadian Mounted STEEET CAR AMPUTATES BABY BOYS' LEG Vancouver, B.C., July 4.--The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have in their possession the. latest product of the opium smugglers' ingenuity in getting their drugs n= to Canada, It is a collapsible boat. The craft was lowered through a hole in the floor of the pier alongside the liner Empress of Asia and in the dead of night was used, the police state, to smuggle to shore narcotics which were in the possession of a Chinese confederate on board the ghip. When not in use the boat was rais« ed above the water among the piers. 3 The police had the boat on hand preparatory to the trial of Fred Brooks, 23, and Joseph Knowles, 22, both of whom pleaded in county court before Judge 'EH: T. Ruggles, to a charge of having opium in their possession and were remanded to July 18 for sentence. Knowles, the police stated, used the boat to transport opium con- sisting of 95 tins valued at $5,900 from the Empress of 'Asia to the shore. The boat, the police said, was lowered to the water on » 24 and Knowles paddled the craft. to the steamer's sida A Chinede confederate, whose identity 'is uns . Vin Kan Kipproth; 3 260 Suess. 81. ast, toddled across the strest last vening vake organ: ry was run down a Jassiog street car, suffering the amputation of his 3 Rushed to St. RA 's hos- pital the child was opérated upon, while J. J. Watson, 56 Bolton Ave., RIGHT, lifted the child from the car tracks, drove the child to the hospital and offered his blood for the TR transfusion. The child's father's blood, however. " ; ei - known, tossed 'the oplum through | a port hole into the boat. Knowles was arrested when he paddled hir fragile craft to a place under pier where police and custom cers awaited 'him. © --_ King journeying to South Africa. The opinion' was expressed the vis- it" would be of zreat benefit to His Majesty after his serious {llness of last winter and his convalescence ! this spring and summer The giant amphibian, owned by the Chicago Tribune, left Chicago yes- terday morning with Bob Gast, pilot. Parker Cramer, co-pilot and naviga- tor and Robert W. Wood, aviator eat- tor.of The Tribune, aboard. . : ' JOWuE PROPERTIES BEING ACQUIRED BY HYDRO 'Water power interests Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario ar acquiting from M. J. O'Brien water power interests are located on Madavark? and Mississippl rivers, approximately 50 miles west of Ottawa, are in Forecasts: ower lake region and Georgian Bay--Fresh southwest winds; partly fair Lith scatter. beh N n b

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