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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jul 1929, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 929 ~ -- a a---- ar o---- SLE TED'SECTION meets Mr. Seller: oo ae\3i\oe0 J) BUTS 5. H) MAN, BARRISTER, olicitcT, Notary, over Dewland's tore. Money to loan. 16 Simcoe treet north, Phone 67. Residence 206W. PARKHILL AND ELD, BAR- Alger ers, tc. Momey to Iran. Bldg. Opnosite Pust Office. Phone 814. A.J. Parkhill, A. C. ! Field » R AND HUM ¥ 4 stots, Solicitors, ete. "20s St. N. Phone 3160. N an. Fi Medical 'DR HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- ian, Surgeon, Obstetrician, Special references to materniy work and di- sogsss. To women, Two years' post ence, Office and resi- ence <i6r'S coe S%. N, (cor. Broek) we (119-tf) ITI} FYNYTYTe YT ETe ye PETERS OAPLETRY #7 gw (26¢f) her. Office and resi- King St. East, corner Vi en ctoria ence, St. Oshawa. Phone 94. G! T Y, PHYSICIAN, Surg d children. Office ats an he 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. . HAZLEWOUD, PHYSI- cian A ' Surgeon, special attention % to X- worl he 5. Office, Dishey Block Phone 0. Dice ce open 9 am. to § Residence 161 King East 2416. (tf) ML, L. BR, C. ¥. snd 8. Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetric fap. Office 142 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3020, residence 161 King St. EB. Phone 2165. (Des, 31tf) list in Surgery. Office 143 Sim- os street North, Residence 166 Str t North esidence 11 FRO he 1 Cu CP &8. Edinburgh, Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity' ork and dise sases of children. Office and 'evid- ance, 185 Simcoe St. North. Pheu 3107. , Nose, Throat ist PE F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street. West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Jib Drug Store | each Saturdars from 1 till 4 for consultation and treatment oF diseases 'of ear, nose and throat t be made at enly. Appointments ts Jay ade 3 ye, Ear, Nose and t PE ©. F. RICHARDSON, OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 5. Evenings by sppointment. Office phone 2660. Residence, 432J. (otf) Dental PRE J PHILLIPS, OVER BAS sett's. Special attention to X-Ray work. Gas, extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 959. House 1313. (41 yr) D A. FLU , DENTIST, 87 King street east, Alser building. Phone 2860. Eveniags by appoiat- ment. (48t1) DR H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. Tg over Mitchell's ig Store. Gas for extraction. Phone L HUBBELL, DENTISTS trous oxid gen gas for extrac- Due Once. To! Bank - Bldg. Phone 048, residence. 1378M. . J. ¥. BRUC ENTIST, 13 Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland"s. Phone 1957. Resl, 202W. Evenings by dees (July 9! FFICE a Bldg. Phone ua Residence 66Y. - 66-1f 13 Dentists, 37 King St. B. Special ate tention to gas 8 ustion snd X. ray work. Nurse In attendance. Phones 1243 and 2381. (96tL) Veluruisy Surgeon N, Specials A ses domestic animals, Bi Phone 629. Architects OU! 203 Kin, Jalil Sides aos dos Fo sociate architects, Simcoe Bt. 8. Over Felt Bros. (66tr) Phone A auctioneer, 346 Simece st. 8, We can sell your odd pieces of furni- ture aod other articles at our yards 41 King St. W,, Oshawa, Ozterlo. leur nes NCE, 19 ing St. west, ot Ty The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- utable 2 Com EL (118tf) H NS H consult R. \ Yohns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants arended to | REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE -1and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park apd Peace Parl, Terms to suit you ce 38 Simcos St. N. (86th) A ' - manville West Beach: five rooms, furnished complete, garage, boat- house and boat, $1000, Apply Box 61, Times, (2-d) FOR SALE--EIGHT ROOMED house, all conveniences, good location, Splendid garden. Apply J. Parrott, Colborne St., Whitby. (4c) HOUSE AND GARDEN ON HER way in Harmony. Apply F. Alds- worth, phone 1652 r 5. 4a) FARM FOR SALE 46% ACRES aglan Village, good buildings. All Ra er cultivation, Possession March first. No exchange. Apply J. R. Claughton, Myrtle, Ont Ye 5-6-9-10-11) and your a HOUSE A and Land Co. oi agents for one of the best English Conpanies. 5: fice 38 Simcoe St. N ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg Consesvatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Wednesday, 93 Simcoe + |North. Phone 2764F. (129-tf) AO -- Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and cinders. Local and long distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2592F, Smith and Cos, 44 Bond 8S.. Ww. f) | fields 'made to order. We save ®t. | supplied $1. Work Wanted RE-UFHIOLSTERING, CHESTER- money, Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone 595]. (56tf) ATTERIES A D nD for and delivered 75c. If rental Batteries repaired. Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill street. Phone 1885W. June 7 1 mo) ATTERIES CHARGED AN . livered 76c, rental 25c. Entire electrical system of car overhauled and repaired, Prices reasonable. Hutchinson & Martyn, 204 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 3112W or 3078J. (June 6-1 mo) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOK- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storage warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to aud "| from all trains. (6415) OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTABLISH- ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Fark Rd. South. Phone 215. (June 15-1 mon) TRUCKING. AND MOVING, LOCAL and long distance hauling. Prompt service. Reasonable prices. Me- Nevin, Gilmour and Gardiner, 185 Oshawa Blvd. Phone 2915W. (June 24 1 mo) Ss TO R K models, by mile or trip. Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 82 King' St. West, (June. 27 1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY 1.0U PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.60 and $10. Automatic machine, 1 extra free finger wave. Phone 2968. (88t1) , ... Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- | © ent Wave Ship. Marcel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2068. (34L1) A AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We specialize in ladies' hair cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. (June 15-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL--EXPERT work done, 75¢.. Powder Full Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East, Phone 3051. (104-1) Money tc Loan CITY ND FAKM LOANS, PRO- frets ans arranged. Parkhill & feld, Barristers, etc, Alger Blog. Phone 1614. (49tf) Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA: | perhanger, "painting and graining. Prices right; work guaranteed, 340 Pine Ave, phone 3065w or 2067w. (72tf) WOODWORK ALTERATIONS furniture repaired. Painting o job or hour. 735 Cedar street. Phone 2451). (June 17 1 mo) ~ Building Supplies FO SA SA GRAVEL, stone and black loam. $1.60 a yd. For quality and service .'phona Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. (tf) . OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS. Phone 1575J. Cement 8-9, 10-12; cement bricks; gravel and stones. (June 20-1 mo.) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale. Phone 1618. (78-40) Radio Service A SERVI AN PAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied $1. Batteries re- paired at moderate prices. Char- les Wales, Phone 1046J. (June 8:1 mo) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Spocial attention to bumping and welding, Snappy Battery service charging and vepalring. (107t) : Cleaning and Pressing AN and dyers, the place for altera- tions and repairs, Phone 509. 12% King West. Above Cannings Men's Wear. (June 24 1 mo) Undertaking 0. 67 KING ST. t, Ambulance, Residence, 543 coe street north, Phones 210J apd 310W. 7 Celina rest, Gitave. Corner Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS, PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, can- opy tops installed. T. Taylor, Tor . Oshawa phone 1053. Even- (7T7tH) Mator Cars SM 1 R S FO ALE -- O T D * touring, A-1 condition; a real buy. watchmaker, repair shep at Street West. - Your 26 Gladstone "Ave. (2-¢) STAR COUPE FOR SALE. APPLY 510 Front Street. (2-c) FOR SALE FORD TOURING CAR 1 will care for Children day or evening. ____ (42)] Phone 1008F (a) )1 $75 cash. Phone 2581]. h Heb bou, st. blocks, { 239 CONTRACTING -- CONC REE, plastering, electric or alteratious. 'Phone 139 for estimates. (June 5-1 mo.) CONTRACTI - CONC TE cellar floors, sidewalks, driveways, and foundations. For prices 'phone 2873W. J, Pidgen, 97 Colborne St. B. (132-11) Hemstilching HEMSTITCHING, NINE CENTS yard, pleating, buttonholes, dress- making, alterations, Mrs. Dell, 2635 Simcoe south. Phone 1656. (June 14-1 mo) Wanted to Buy MR."S_ JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for, Phone 2060m Residence 99 Mill St (134t2) Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- It and sold, 186. Bloor, one 1617M (11) Welding ACETYLENE WELDING AND Brazing. All kind of metals, We have the best - welder in city. Workmanship guaranteed, 82 King St. West. (June 27-1 mo) Herbalist {204 Oshawa Blvd, Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--'3§ ecents ser word. Miniwarn charge--30c. Each rubsequent insertion ic par word Threo consecutive inser tions for the price of two f.0t insertions (three conts a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box sumber 10c additions! for 20 words or less; 10 cents & word per month for orch additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 38 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOUD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wocd. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 2611) WALLPAPER AND PAINTS. MOST complete stock ia Oshawa. Mutlitt and Park. $2 Simcoe St. S. (88L1) FOR SALE~-HEINTZMAN CO. Lid, pianos: new and used pianos, also radios, latest models; terws arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1666J. (111-tf) FACTORY Ot OFFICE CLOCK for sale at very reasonable price. Splendid running order. Apply Oshawa Daily, Times. (tr) FOR SALE--SAND, GRAVEL, stone and black loam; dump truck service; moderate prices. Phone 1778J. Jack Forrester, 210 Alice St. (July 2-1 mo.) FOR SALE--~ONE BOOK CASE and one bed complete. Also other ar- ticles. Apply 1041; Alma Street, (2c) FOR ' SALE -- SECOND HAND Panden Disc tractor Hitch, Hay Peddler six and seven foot bind- ers; also other machinery. H, Pawson, 560 Simcoe St. Massey Harris agent, 1493J, CONTENTS OF .. HOUSE Sale including piano bench and lamp, Apply Box 63 Times. (3c) FOR SALE 1929 ROGERS BAT- teryless radio and speaker. Bargain for cash. Phone 2464). (3c) FOR SALE ELECTRIC WASHING machine, Cheap, Phone 2464). (3c) 'CLE FOR SALE condition; will sell cheap. North, Phone -C) Apply (3+b) MOS-KE-TOX--DON'T WAIT FOR the bite. Put it on and scare them away. 15c, 25¢c and 50c per box Try our famous Blood Mixture. Also Asthma Remedy. The dollar bottles that gives the million dol- lar feeling, Guaranteed pure herbs. Obtainable only from proprietor, Goulding, 23 Prince St. Old Del Ray Bus Station, Oshawa. June 24 1 mo) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR TO RENT-- Store and six roomed dwelling with all convenlences. Garage. Ap- ply 31 Elgin E. Phone 1686). (1438) FIVE-ROOMED FRAME HOUSE. Apply Ed. Wade. Phone 1938 r12. (1-1) FOR SALE OR RENT--NEW SIX- roomed house: hardwood floors, all conveniences, wired for stove, garage. This is a bargain as party is leaving city. Phone owner, 1918J. . (3-c) THREE ROOMED HOUSE FOR sale or to rent, angelady's bicycle, cheap, Apply 373 ns St. Phone rd, (4c) Stock Pets and BABY CHICKS | 0 1 ate delivery from Canada's oldest and greatest laying strains, White Wyéandottes and White Leghorns. We were first in Canada to adver- tise and ship chicks. Safe arrival guaranteed. Wyandottes 18¢ each. Leghorns 15¢ each: any number. Large catalogue free. Figher Poul- try Farm, Box 0-83, Ayton, On- tario. i Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--SUMMBER cottage on lake at or near Oshawa. Apply Box 60, Times. (2-0) WANTED TORENT FIVE OR SIX roomed house. All conveniences, close in by young couple with no chil- dren. Apply Box 64 Times. (4b) LADY WITH THREE SMALL children desires two unfurnished rooms in home where children could be cared for during day. Phone 2530W evenings. (4c) For Exchange FOR - EXCHANGE--GOOD by turnished cottage on Lake Scugog, at Williams Point, for second mortgage, Inquire at 4 Bond St. West. Phone 2780. (2-¢) GOOD HOUSE IN NORTH END Oshawa to exchange on a farm 25 to one hundred acres. State location & price, Apply Box 63 Times. (3c) Position Wanted AY G ENGL WOMA wants daily work, sewing or wash- ing. Phone 2451J. (2-¢) RESPONSIBLE "YOUNG GIRL FOR SALE--6-PIECE KITCHEN suite, 1 cook stove (coal and wood), 1 orthophonic Victrola and piano. Apply 32% King Street, West. Phone 3264W. (3-c) A BELL PIANO TOR SALE IN good condilon, also 50 ft. of gar- den hose; sacrifice: owner leaving city. Phone 350 r 2, (3-c). FOR SALE--ONE W bed and springs, dresser and wash stand. Apply 114 Albert St. (4-a) FANCY HOUSE DRESSES REGU- lar $2 at $1.29. large size printed dresses regular $1295 for 895. Girls' summer dresses at $298 and $3.98, Engel's Store, 21 Bond st w. (4b) FOR SALE CHEAP---I BED DAV- inctte, 1 bed, 1 dresser, 1 small table. 632 Somerville Ave, (4b) 2 BURNER OIL STOVE WITH Oven, Almost new, Will sell®cheap for quick sale. Phone 2586F (4a) FOR SALE--CREA AM WICKER baby carriage in .good condition. Phone 1865] (dc) SPECIAL CLEARING SALE. OF Children's Slippers, Reg. $1.75, | Sale $1.29, Progressive Shoe. Store, cor. Prince and Bond. 4b FOR SALE--ELECTRIC RANG- ette, works with plug. Almost new. Apply 241 Drew_St. (4a) TOR SALE-TEN ACRES OF HAY timothy and alfalfa. Harmony. MEN'S SUITS ALL KINDS SAT- urday regular $35 for $20, Engels Store, 21 Bond st. w. (4b) Room and board ROOMS AND BOARD, $8 PER week; rooms only $2.50 and up. Apply 39 Ontario Street, (June 7-1 mo.) OOM A ARD FO. Private home. Home privileges. Ap- ply 344 Athol street east. (146t1) FIRST CLASS ROOM AND board for gentlemen; all conveni- ences; central; also garage. Ap- ply 17 Ritson Road, North. (2-¢) ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAMILY breakfast if desired. Apply 161 Col- borne St. E. Phone 1916) (Je) ROOM AND BO 74 - thur Street. Phone 1665J: (2-¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO young men or bedsitting room to rent. Apply 120 Oshawa blvd. (4c) Help Wanted 335 PER WEEK MADE BY OUR Personal Christmas Greeting Card agents in their spare time. Write us for particulars today. Regal |? Art Co, 310 Spadina Ave., Torono. Loan Wanted WANTED--TWENTY FIVE HUN- dred dollar loan, as first mortgage on a first class property, Glpuy Box 65 Times: Lo th Apply | 7 FOR | Geo, A, Scott, | T o (4c) {at 11 Nassau street, double gara For Rent North Simcoe Bt, Sitcos Manor and Buckingham Maver South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four asd five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, {nclaerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars. Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd.. Manager for Owner, Toronto, Apply Mr. Grler, Phone 2089). (111¢f) FOR -- FU 'UCR roomed suite in Victorts Apts, 301 'mcoe St, South. Apply to Mr. Grier, Phone 2989J. (24t0) ed. Every convenience, "suitable for light housekeeping. 211 Clarke St. - Phone 1473J. (141tf) APARTMENT TO LET--FACING on Simcoe St. 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. Central. Apply Bradley Bros. office. (142t1) FOR RENT -- TWO BRIGHT | 8, rooms suitable for light housekeeping at 312 Kingsdale Ave, Phone 1842w, (2c) FOR REN T--SIX ROOM HOUSE, All conveniences. Garage, Possession July 21st. Apply 260 Athol. (2¢) SINGLE ROOM OR TWO OR three light housekeeping rooms with garage. Continuous hot water, newly decorated, ten minutes from down- town, Reasonable. Box 59 Times, (2 CHOICE APARTMENT 10 LET-- All conveniences. Immediate posses sion. Baird Block. Phone 466 (©) FOR RENT--TWO FLATS, hardwood floors, i decorated, close to Motors. July 25. Adults. Apply 263 Haig Street. (2-¢) FORNT ) F ¥ Apply 282 Golf St. Phone 2652J. (2-c) COTTAGE TO RENT AT WIL: liams Point, Lake Scugog, for last two weeks of July, Apply to -A. W. Pickard, Bowwanville, or at Williams Point. 'Phone 185. (2-d) T ga Li J room, in good locality, Phone 2382W. (2-¢) 5) » partly furnished or unfurnished rooms, water, light and use of 'phone, close in, 236" Dearborn Avenue, (3+b) 3 URNISH apartments, also furnished rooms, cheap; very central; all conveni- ences; suitable for light house- keeping. 82 King St. W. (2-¢) NEW BRI H "kitchenette wired for all conveniences. Apply 131 Albert Mills. i (2-¢) ROOMS TO RENT--BOARD IF desired. Apply 137 Ritson Road South. (3b) (3 se TOR PPLY 132 William St. East. (3c) FOR RENT--AT ARMSTRONG PT. Lake Scugog, one five-room furnished cottage for last three weeks in July. Apply W, E. Armstrong, Bowman- ville, Ont. Phone 321. TO RENT--THREE UNFURNISH- ed rooms, Apply 72 Ritson Road 5 FOR RENT--ATARTWENT ONE four and ome {hree Yooms, new, private entrance, central, all con- veniences, - rent reasonable, 26 Church or 'phone 2323, (3-0) ETGHT-ROOMED HOUSE TO rent: modern conveniences, cen- trally located. Phone 1353W. (3-0) LARGE UNFURNISHED downstairs rcoms to rent, Phone 1275F. (3-¢) FOR ENT---THREE MS for light housekeeping, 311 Divi- sion St. Phone 1587TW. (3b) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent: light, water and use of 'phone, 3 minutes' walk from Mo- tors, $15 per month. Phone 1394W. {3-b) HOUSE TO RENT, APPLY 6 El- don Avenue. Phone 3127F (4c) FIREPROOF GARAGE, TO RENT. APPLY Dr, Hoig, 5 Athel St; West, a) THREE ROOMED FURNISHED flat to rent. Apply 122 Division St. or Phone 1895F (4c) FURNISHED LIGHT _ HOUSE- keeping rooms. All. conveniences. Phone 2784, 21 McLaughlin blvd. (4c) -- FURNISHED HOUSE 4 rooms, electric' stove, 135 Albert St, Bt. to. owner, TWO front newly decorated. House suitable for 2 families or for boarders or roomers, immediate en- try. Apply Robt. Henderson, 102 El- gin street, phone 353. (4b) | FOR RENT-TH EE ROOMEDL flat unfurnished wird to GM.C. Phone 1 GARAGE TO a APPLY 213 Arthur street, phone 20217. (4c) LARGE FRONT ROOM WELL furnished with conveniences; Phone 667]. 4a) PRIVATE BEDROOM 10 RENT also garage. Breakfast if desired. Ap- ply 114 Colborne street E, phone 3175W, (4c) $n stove, ehots Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the business heretofore carried on by Young Lee, Mark Ying and Chin Hing, as the STAR LAUNDRY, at 13 Celina street, Oshawa, has been sold to Henry Chin, Chin Yin, and Chin Hing who will carry on the said business. All claims against the said business are to-be forwarded to the office of Louis S. Hyman, Bar. ister, 16 Simcoe street north, Osh- "DATED AT OSHAWA this Ath day of ats 1 (3 M FARK, YING, CHIN HING, by their solicitor, Louis S. Hyman," (4a) 3c) {to Henry Scott, Help Wanted --Female Apply (124tr) 8, Experienced Burns Shoe Co. ANTED--MAI E housework, ply Mrs, James Bod- dy, 20 Royal (2c) ST GIRL WANTED WITH at least three years' experience, at hand work and at folding ma- chipes. Apply at once to W. HJ Wager, Mundy Printing Co. (3-b) AL. AND U parlor maid to go to Muskoka, Ap- ply 261 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, (3-¢c) WOMAN FOR KITCHEN WORK and \ cooking, apply Cream of Barjey Camp, Bowmanville. (4b) WANTED A COMPETENT GEN- eral, Apply to Mrs, D. F. Johnston, 104 Brock street east, phone ar? H (4t Help Waated--Male preferred. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE | 4 Safe-Drive-Anti-Glare, every. car a. prospect. 'Endorsed by Ontario Motor and Safety Leagues. Wrie Room 40, n Lombard, Toronmw. WANT ONCE~-- enced J for bod" and tender work. Good wages and steady work. Apply Stratford Auto Body, 152 St, Patrick St.,, Stratford. Phone Stratford 1477. (133tf) PERSONAL CHRISTMAS GREET- ¢) ling Cards--agents wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Canada. Regal Art Co. Manufacturers, 310 Spadina Ave, Toronto. TINSMITH WANTED AT ONCE. Apply Goodfellow and Welsh, Peter- borough, Ontario. (3c) "DRAFT ABLY with checking and specification ex- perience on small mechanical or electrical apparatus. Apply De- Forest Crosley Limited, 245 Carlaw Avenue, Toronto after 9 A.M. En- gineering Department", (3-b) WANTED--YOUNG MAN FOR IN- voice department; must have ex- perience. Apply Pedlar People Limited. (3-a) "For Sale or Exchange WILL SELL OR A OR good kitchen range Westinghouse electric range, Good as new, Phone Barn 90x30 cement floors. Passed for shipping milk. Good 7-roomed house, 26 acres alfaifa. Well fenc- ed, Price $6000 subject to $3000 mortgage. Would rent or exchange house, Situated 2 north of Port Perry on main road. Immediate possession. Edwin Jennings, Port Perry. (3-1) FOR SATE OR EXCHANGE-- Planing Mill and Lumber Business, 2 story brick building with all necessary machinery and equipment, A real opening for a' hustler. Price $6,000. Will exchange for good farm, Apply A. C. Lycett, 25King East. (MWF tf) Lost and Found (3b) | LOST--CLUB BAG, ON ROAD BE- tween Taunton and Five Points Mon- day night. Liberal reward on return Taunton. Park, July first--Ilady's navy blue guit coat, gray silk lining. Please return Gazette office, Whitby. Re: ward, (3-a) ceased, and Frank Hughes, K.C,, and John Cartwright for the har. bor commission and the owner ot the device, Saul Solman, - The early part of the evidence was that of the owner, the opera- tor and various employes of other concessions, Their testimony tended to show that it was fmpos- sible for the bars across the laps df the occupants of the whoopee cars to have become released by acei- dent, Then like a bomhshell came the testimony of A. Kellas, a wit- ness who had purchased tickets for a ride on the whoopee just before the accident. He had been stand- ing in front of the machine with his two little daughters when he saw something was wrong, he stat- ed, and he had looked up. His attention had been attracted by the jocular remarks of two young women in one of the cars. They had laughingly declared they were "there for the night" and wouldn't be able to get down." Then the machine had started to move, "I saw the car with two men in it come over the top," he continu- ed. Kempthorne and young Balne had the bar across their laps. Kempthorne was hanging on it, whens uadenly it was forced out as the:car came over the top by the weight of their two bodies." Despite the statement of one of the jurymen that three men, in- cluding Coroner Crawford, had tried with all their strength to bend the bar, Kellas stuck te his statement that he believed the bar bent under Xempthorne's and young Balne's weight. "Look at the velocity with which they came over the top," he stated. "They were thrown against the bar with terrific im- pact. "They had only an 18-inch space through which to be thrown be- fore they struck the bar," replied the juryman. Major Armour: "Who have you spoken to about this Has anyone interviewed you," Kellas: "Mr. Newman spoke. to me about it." Machine Fully Loaded The chief witness of the hearing was Albert Case, engineer of the ill-fated machine. Case had been in charge of the apparatus and had superintended the removal of the passengers from the cars arter the machinery had failed. The machine had almost a full load. Case stated. It accommo- dated 28 passengers, 14 cars with two persons in each. At the time of the accident there were 27 pas- sengers on board. Everything was going smoothly, he stated, when suddenly he net- iced that the cars were not mov- ing. He looked down and saw the shaft, which entered the mech- anism between the motor and the car-propelling equipment, spinning around and immediately came to the conclusion that the pin which holds the pinion gear on the shaft had become stripped. He then placed the break lever in the stop sprocket and unloaded all the passengers who were on the underside of the loop through which the cars travelled, In all, he removed 13 persons. He then had sent for assistance from other con ions to aid him in turning Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL, . BE RECEIVED up to and including July 15th, 1929 for certain repairs and other work on the Oshawa Public Schools! The erec- tion of a wire fence around Mary street school grounds. The interior decoration of King street school and exterior painting of Ritson road school. Replacing toilets of Simcoe street south school, Specifications may be obtained from C. C. Sten- house, Royal Bank Building. Also tenders for 600 tons of Pocohantas coal, 100 tons of Anthracite coal. Weighed on city scales and deliver- ed and trimmed in the bins at the school. Also equipment for drafting room of the Oshawa Technical school. Plans and specifications may be seen at secretary's office. J. A. McGIBBON, Sec. Oshawa Board of Education (4-5-6) EVIDENCE TAKEN WHOOPEE INQUIRY ah Onlooker And Engineer Dis- agree About Bar Bending INQUEST ADJOURNED Must Wait Two Weeks For Evidence of Injured Passengers Toronto, July 5. -- Because the primary witnesses, Mr. and srs, Frank Balne and their son, John, were still unable to leave St. Jos- eph's hospital and appear at the morgue yesterday. the resumed in- quest into the death of John Kemp- thorne, who died from injuries when he fell from the amusement ride, "Whoopee," on the night of June 21, was adjourned yesterday afternoon until July 29, at 2 p.m: Much evidence, some of it con- tradictory in effect was taken by the chief coroner, Dr. M. M, Craw- ford. Eric Armour, K.C., crown attorney for the county of York, appeared for the crown, H. A, New- man: for the relatives of the de- the equipment by hand and lowe: the cars on the sides and top to the platform. Six men had come to his assis- tance. They had succeeded in starting the machine rolling slowly anf he leaped to the brake which he had released to slacken the speed with which the cars would travél through their orbit. Then for the first time, he realized that the brake was not holding. It was affixed to the same shaft which propelled the machinery and had been paralyzed through the fail- ure of the sprocket to hold. Thee ars had then swung fairly rapidly through their arcs, he stated. If the passengers sat still, he believed, they would have ex- perienced no greater sensation than the usual. thrill sustained when the machine was operating. But instead four persons came hurtling down. The only reason for such an ef- fect, Case believed, was that the occupants of the cars had released the safety catches on the bars across their laps and when the cars swung over the end of the arc, had been thrown out. It was impossible to believe, he thought, that the bars had given way under the weight of the passengers. Oth- er passengers, he pointed out, came through the same experience in identical cars and had not ex- perienced undue force from the velocity of the swing. It was impossible for the occu- tally grasped the safety catch which held the bars and released them, said Case. In every instance, he stated the passenger had al- ways grabbed the upright along- side him and clung to that as the car swung through its are. pants of the cars to have acciden- | Major Armour: "Would the in- juries of the unfortunate passen- gers have been sp serious if the fence had not been where it is?' Cooner Crawford stated - that practically all the serious injuries to all the victims had been caused by falling on the pickets of the fence. Case stated that 8 or 10 feet more space in front of the machine would have been valuable, Saul Solman owner of the ma- chine, introduced a fresh ~ angle when he demonstrated with one of the bent crossbars on the sides of the witness box. Placing the bar across the box in the position in which it would be on the ma- chine, he showed that both bars were bent upwards instead of out- wards. Then releasing one end of the bar he let it fall as it would if released from its catch, It __ swung out and down in such a pos- ition that if the witness box had been the descending car, the bar would have struck the ground and ben bent in exactly the same man- ner in which it now is. "I can't see how the bar could have been bent upwards by anyone sitting in the car," stated Mr, Seol- man. "If their bodies had been thrown against it enough to bend it, it would have been bent out- wards, not upwards. Also, it would have to be bent further than it is now to have sprung out of the catch." BISLEY MARKSMEN BOTHERED BY RAIN Canadians Experience Vark ability of Englich 4 Weather pi Bisley Camp, Eng., July 5.--The Canadian marksmen here for -the National Rifle association's empire meet next week, have had a good sample of the variability of Eng. lish weather. The ranges. were bathed in strong sunshine Wednes- day, but Thursday, after 10 hours' continuous rain, the conditions were extremely miserable and the ground was waterlogged. By invitation of the Aldershot command the Canadians will visit the horse show there today. - Cap- tain W. G. Colquhoun, of Victoria, team adjutant, states the Canadians are physically fit and are shooting up to expectations. Lieut. Desmond Burke of -Ot- tawa, former winner of the King's prize; Pte. T. M. Norton, of Ham- ilton, and Lieut. J. W, Houlden of Sherbrooke, ue., have entered the Queen Mary competition, in connection with the British army meeting being held this week. In yesterday's shooting, Petty Officer Thwaites of Portsmouth, won the gold jewel for the best shot in the Royal navy. The cham- pionship of the British army at home was won by Regimental Ser- geant-Major Apsey, of the rifle bri. gade, a veteran marksman, who ale so won the Roberts cup and the army "loo" cup. KICKED TO DEATH ° BY OTHER BOYS Fought Because They Had Called Him "Sissy" for Wearing Watch Paterson, N.Y., July 5.--Fifteens vear-old John Nolan was kicked to death yesterday in a fight with a boy who called him a '"'sissy'" for wearing the wrist watch his widow. ed mother had given him as a gra- duation present, Louis Torvello, 16, saw John Noe lan walking on Main street yester- day, wearing his new watch. He jeered at young Nolan and called him a "sissy, the fight. Nolan's wrist boy, but he went down. When the three boys drew back he was chacking to death. A kick had dislocated his wind-pipe. . He died as he was taken to St. Joseph' [1] hospital. ---------------- Meringues should be put on pud- dings and pies after they have cooled, since if they are placed on while hot the eggs will liquify, ox MONEY LOANED IN TEN MINUTES ON AUTOMOBILES TWELVE MONTHS TO PAY Pi Galas pad off or adtiom] Cush; AU Gusling contidential Open Daily 9 AM. to 6 P. M. G.R. BoLOEN. Motor. Loan and Discount Co, Limited Room 6, 4% King Bas Fuse Phone 2700. ee " according to policefiow Joseph Hebda, 15, and Tony Pajyrers ton, 17, helped Tervello in winniyariffs, wate, how flashed in the fight with the oldé with

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