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Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jul 1929, p. 7

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Detroit, July . .6.--The triple blockade of the United States bor- der patrol, coast-guard and pro- hibition units opposite the export docks at Amherstburg, which has balked attempts of 18 rum boats to bring liquor to this side fllicit- 1y, has caused 'four vessels to dump their cargoes. Government officials stated that more than 3,000 cases of liquor were thrown overboard today by the rum-runners who were hem- med in between Canadian customs regulations preventing their re- turn to the Canadian docks after they had cleared, and the United States customs blocking the un- lawful tramsportation of liquor to this side, A fifth boat of the blockaded fleet had engine trouble which re- sulted in the burning of the craft from which B50 sacks of liguor were tossed overboard, it also was learned today. Thirteen rum boats in Canadian waters off Amherstburg still are waiting for a chance to make the dash for the AmeFican side thresigh the blockade. The blockade on the Detroit river resulted in « seizure today. One 36-foot lugger attempted to land at Ecorse and was seized by coastguardsmen who confiscated 180. cases of beer and 11 half- barrels of beer. The rum runners made their escape after abandon- ing the craft near a boat well. LLOYD GOOBIE, 18, of Newfoundland, who 102 days ago broke his spine on a construction joh in Torontn, rot 5p in bed on July 8 with the aid of a supporting plaster cast, tor the first time since the accident. SILENT HONEYMOON (London Sunday Pictoral) Further cfforts to be original at all costs include a newly-married couple who have set out from Jo- hannesburg on a six-years' honey- moon, during which they have re- sclved to speak to nobody but each other, Tis, surely, is the severest test of self-control yet devised, Un- less the bridegroom be of truculent mien, I imagine many jokers will delight in innocently addressing con- troversial remarks to him, or in treading on his toes, for the fun of watching his struggle against self-ex- pression, . JURY Saturday Candy Specials Chocolate Brazil Fudge Maple Pecan Fudge 39¢ LOVELL Noonday Luncheon Special 'Plate Lunch Dainty Salads .................20¢ 40c¢ JURY & . ~~ CONFECTIONERY 10 King Street East LOVELL Phone 2223 For Your Ice Creams and Candy WE DELIVER FREE » THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1929 THREE DEAD, MANY INJURED; HOLIDAY July Fourth Leaves Trail of Fatalities and Mishaps Behind MANY BAD CRASHES Detroit Boy and Windsor Girl Drowns at Border Beach Toronto, July 5~The fourth of July brought its toll of fatalities and injuries yesterday to Ontario, as the great invasion of American tourists flooded highways and increased the crowds at holiday resorts. Three lives were claimed by accidents during the day, another has little chance of life, while yet another succumbed to in- juries received on the previous day. In' addition to this, 12 persons, seven Canadians and five American visit- ors, are known to have been injured during the day as the result of traf- fic mishaps. The dead and injured are: DEAD : . NELLIE McDONALD, aged 2I, Windsor, drowned while bathing. DAVID WALLACE, aged 17, De- troit, drowned while bathing. DULTON = BRADY, aged Brantford, killed by auto. Canadians Injured W. A, PEACE, Toronto, badly cut in crash with U, S, car near Bronte, E. R. REID, 87 Pleasant road, To- ronto, hurt in crash with US, car near Newmarket, JACK INNES, 279 Boston avenue, Toronto, seriously injured when truck overturned near Grimsby. THOMAS BLAIR, Grimsby, hit by auto. JIMMY ROBINSON, aged three, Grimsby, hit by auto. Americans Injured W. J, WRIGHT, Chicago, with wife and three children, hurt in crash near Woodstock, WILLIAM CASSIDY, Detroit, in- jured when car upset near London, HENRY TRENTMAN, Detroit, victim of same accident, Young Couple Drown Windsor, July 5~Ignoring a large warning sign placed there several years ago because of numerous drownings in that vicinity due to the strong undertow, two young people, one of them a Windsor girl, the oth- er a 17-year-old Detroit high school student, went to their deaths off Dangerous Point Pelee in Lake Erie yesterday afternoon, They are Nellie McDonald, 21 years old, 1060 Tuscarora street, Windsor; David Wallace, 17 years old, Brighton avenue, Detroit. In company with scores of others who visited Ontario's most souther| six, Miss McDonald and young Wallace went in bathing, For a time they kept well within the safer waters, but la ter tiring of this and despite a heavy sea that was running, they ventured out just beyond the sandy strip of land that juts out into the lake at this point, and where the deadly un- dertow is strongest, : Seized by Undertow : Almost at once they were seized by the undercurrent, and realizing for the first time their danger, began call- ing for. assistance. The crowds near the beach and on shore quickly form- lied a human chair in an effort to nel IT I eT SPECIAL PURCHASE 600 Pairs WOODS' LAVENDER LINE " FULL FASHIONED Pure Silk Hose : 5 Grade B {15 wanted shades in the assort- ment. These are wonderful wear- ing hose and it stock up on them. They sell reg- ularly for $1.95. re $1. Woods' Lavender Fine Silk Vests, Regular $1.75 Special AI EAI RII RIT eS will pay you to Special 29 Pair $1.19 Bloomers to Match Vest, Reg. $2.75. Special . Bloomers come styles, elastic at waist This is the Lavender Line -- ee 3198 in three flat front, or EE IEA I EH TAT HT TRY) e "Famous Woods SERIES So "Skiing" Could' "Work. Gains 21 Ibs. and New Strength Miss Donie Brison writes, "'Be- fore I took Ironized Yeast 1 was so 'skinny' I could not do my day's work. But now I ean work hard all day and rest good all night. "About 3 months ago my weight was 126 1bs, [Ironized Yeast gave me 147 pounds of good flesh. You would think I was another wo- man, I feel and look so much better," Stop being "skinny" and always tired. Thousands have gained 5 to 15 pounds in 3 weeks with Ironiz- ed Yeast. Scrawny bones change to graceful curves, Blotched skin becomes clear and fresh, "Lazy" feeling vanishes. : Only when Yeast is Ironized is it so wonderfully effective--for Iron is needed to bring out the welght- building and strengthening values of Yeast. Pleasant tablets in a handy bottle, safe for everybody. Never cause gas or bloating, Go to any druggist today and get a full size treatment of Ironized Yeast, If after this generous trial you are not delighted, your money back. If inconvenient to buy from druggist, send $1.25 direct to Cana- dian Ironized Yeast Co., Ltd.,, Fort Erfe, Ont. Desk 398-BS. reach the drowning pair, but because of the strength of the waves and the current were forced to abandon the attempt. The forms of Miss McDonald and her companion could be seen for a few seconds as they battled desper- ately to keep their heads above water, then both were sucked below the sur- face, and did not again reappear, An hour after the tragedy, a young Windsor man, Lester Hamilton, suc- ceeded in reaching the bodies an brought them ashore. They were re- moved to Ferguson's morgue at Lea- mington, where Dr, M. A. Kendrick, coroner, will hold an inquest, Boy Killed bv Auto Brantford, July 5~Dulton Brady, six-year-old son of L. R, Brady, Erie avenue received injuries yesterday evening which resulted in his death shortly after his removal to the hos- ital, The little fellow ran out on rie avenue, suddenly and was struck by a car driven by Frank Hartly, 39 Walter street, Brantford, Truck Driver Injured Hamilton, July 5.--~Crushed by large truck and held prisonér until fellow-workmen, employees of the company, ( McNamara Construction company, Toronto, were able to ex- tricate his body from beneath the heavy machine, Jack Innes of 279 Boston avenue, Toronto, aged 27 years, is in a critical condition at St, Joseph's hospital, The accident happened late yester- i! today to celebrate "the fourth," day afternoon when Innes lost con- trol of the truck on the highway to Smithville, one mile outside of Grims- by. He was unconscious when rescued and was rushed to the office of Dr, J. R, Smith in Grimsby, who im- mediately brought him to Hamilton, Late yesterday his condition was re- ported to be grave and an operation was performed at a late hour, sur- geons agreeing after a thorough ex- amination, that this was the only chance to save the young man's life, Innes was attempting to negotiate a turn on a gravel road. The wheels of the truck skidded on the loose roadbed and the driver lost control. The machine crashed into a ditch, turned upside down and Innes was pinned beneath it. With difficulty workmen pried the machine high enough to release the victim, Part of the truck struck Innes on the head and he sustained a severe fracture of the skull as well as seri- ous internal injuries, His legs and arms were also badly bruised, Crash Near Bronte Bronte, July 5~A heavy limousine driven by an American tourist cele brating the "fourth" in Canada crash- ed head-on into a light sedan owned by a Toronto man a short distance cast of Bront last evening, Two men were travelling in the lighter car, and one, William A, Peace, 388 Douglas drive, Toronto, was severely cut a- bout the head. He is at present in the St, Joseph's hospital, Toronto, where he is reported to be doing favorably. The Toronto car, driven by Nelson L. McNames, 1621 Queen street west, was travelling easterly along the highway. Near the village limits, in dodging through the heavy traffic, it collided with the big car driven by Clyde Ward, of Rochester, N, Y, Ward was not injured. Dr. W. M, Wilkinson was called. He administer ed first aid and the injured man was taken to Toronto in Russel's ambu- lance from Oakville, The cars crashed together in the centre' of the highway, at a time when the tourist traffic was at its peak. Confusion followed. Motor cars lined up four deep all along the high- way, for a half-mile each side of the accident, Few knew of any de- tours, and it was almost a half-hour before a wrecking crew succeeded mn clearing the debris from the highway. Chief Kerr.of Oakville, was for some time unable to get to the accident, owing to the heavy press of cars, No charges are being laid. : Two Autoists Injured Newmarket, July 5--Two persons were injured and two motor cars completely wrecked in a collision on Nichol's Hil, a few miles north of Aurora, shortly before five o'clock yesterday afternoon, A south-bound car, driven by F, Dygart, 7 Erion street, Rochester, N.Y,, cutting-in on traffic ahead of it, ran head-on into Shakedown ALL STARS Comedy "STUDIO PESTS" A Hollywood Shrick Fourth Chapter wl &8 & 5 The Final Reckoning a north-bound .car driven-by E. R, Reid, 87 Pleasant road, Toronto, who was motoring to Lake Simcoe, in company with his wife, to spend a vacation at Lake Simcoe, near Sut- ton, » Mr, Reid suffered deep cuts and in- ternal injuries, His wife was not ac- tually injured, but is suffering from shock, Both are at, present in the York county hospital at Newmarket, The two cars met on a hill, It 1s said that Dygart swerved out of the line of trafic ahead to cut in on the other cars ahead of him, In dong so he misjudged his distance, and his car and that of Reid's came together, Both were travelling fast and the re- sult was a crumpled, twisted mass of steel and broken glass lying in the middle of the highway. Dr, T IH. Wesley, of Newmarket, and Dr. W. J. Stor enson of Aurora, rendered first- aia, Sergt, T. B, Kirk and Traffic Offi- cer O, Smart, made an investigation, Five Hurt Near Woodstock Woodstock, July 5~Five persons were injured on No, 2 highway nea Beachville, west of this city, shortly before noon yesterday when their car crashed head-on into a truck opera- ted by the Labatt Brewing Comp- had several ribs broken, ii 3 one of any of London, W, J. Wright, Chi- cago, was cut and bruised his wife their sons suffered a fractured collar- bone, The other two children were slightly injured, Accidents at London London, Ont, July 5--~A number of accidents were reported in London as the result of July 4 traffic, Early yesterday morning, a car driven by William Cassidy, of 59 Stanon street, Detroit, was ditched in the rain, ncar Crumlin, and turned over twice. Cas- sidy and his companion, Henry Trentman of Detroit, were severely cut and 'shaken up and were taken to Victoria hospital, They left for their home last night. Dies After Crash Brockville, July 5--Fatally injured last night in a collision between the car in which he was a passenger and another car, said to have been parked without lights on the Smith's Falls highway about three-miles north of Brockville, a man whose identity is as yet unknown died shortly after having been admitted to the General hospital and an inquest will be op- ened here tonight, SMALL THINGS, BUT-- (Stratford Beacon-Herald) Investigation into the cause of two recent accidents involving loss of life reveals the importance of small things. The disasters to the Imperial Airways airplane when seven people lost their lives in the English Chan- nel was due to the snapping of a bolt which then caused something else to give way and the engine failed, The accident to an aerial mechanical de- vice called "Whoopee" at Sunnyside, Toronto, when several persons were thrown out of a car, was due to the breaking of a shaft, Probably neither of these things could have been fore- seen by examination, These accidents show what chances humans have to take when they trust themselves to a piece of machinery, How great, sometimes, is the influence of little things in human life, ah A -------- CHILD VICTIM OF TROLLEY 1S DEAD After Greeting His Father Toronto, July 6. ~-- Twenty-four hours after being run over by a street car, three-year-old Karil Kiproff, 260 Queen street east, died in St. Michael's hospital last night, He fafled to survive the amputation of one leg at the hip, despite a mile a minute trip to the hospital, blood transfusions given by his father, and the best carv that several physicians could give. The child's death last evening came rather unexpectedly, for he had regained consciousness for a {ew hours during the day and had talked for a few minutes to his father, Peter Kiproff, 'Hello, papa," the child said a» he opened his eyes for a brief per- fod yesterday afternoop, while the father knelt beside the bed, "Hurts," the baby had said from the depths of a pillow. A few hours later he was dead. Karil was fatally hurt. as he toddled across Queen street east at Ontario in the wake of an organ grinder and a monkey. An inquest into the boy's death is to he opened at the coroner's building, Lombard street, at 8.30 next Wednesday evening, Coroner Dr. W, A, Burgess announced last night, No person is being held by the police in connection with the tragedy. Now Playing "The Duke Steps Out" With William Haines Other Attractions Little Karil Kiproff Expires | PAGE SEVEN /ictor 2. Records I'm Just A Vagabond Lover Fox Trot Rudy Vallée and His 21 Connecticut Yankees Piano Solo Harry Thomas 214544 My Siu Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylvanians Rudy Vallée 21977 Louise from the motion Picture, "Innocents of Paris' Maurice Chevalier Ben Pollack and His Park Central Orchestra Harry Thomas I've Got a Feeling I'm Falling Jesse Crawford with Orchestra Fox Movietone Follies Breakaway Big City Blues That's You, Baby Walking With Susie ' Fox Trots by George Olsen and His Music on Victor Records 21927 and 21961 21918 21941 Vocal Fox Trot Maurice Chevalier Piano Solo 216544 Fox Trot 21981 George Olsen All the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor artists ~ of Canada, Victor Talking Machine Co. Limited VE-06 An Adventure Story For Times Readers Stanley R. Osborn, the Master of Mystery, Intrigue, Adventure and Romance is the Author of the THRILLING STORY "RED HAIR BLUE SEA" The Daily Times : ON Monday, July 8 OSBORN AT HIS BEST! ! THRILLS, MYSTERY AND ROMANCE! ! A STORY YOU WILL ENJOY! ! Watch for the Opening Chapter in Monday's Issue of The Daily Times

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