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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jul 1929, p. 10

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1929 AAs sass s sess 2.8. TTTTVVVVVITVITYTY Loa 0000s (EiSTERY ON ARI0 NEWS Sib Pb dtd YT YYYTY 222200000 PPVPPPVTTVTVTTVTVIITTEY Takes Wincshester Post Brockville--Mrs. Dennis, of Pres- has been appointed organist and leader of the United Church at ester. _ Peterbor. rent ¥rusat {th Pet rboro.--The men of the Peter- Po ste 'Utilities are busy installing 5 huge transformers on Aylmer street near Hunter for power dis- tribution in the district. Fine Showing of Roses Peterboro--One of the sights of the south end of the city at the pre- sent time is the magnificent showing of roses in the garden of Mr. Fred Hall, 521 Romaine street. Mr, Hall welcomes any visitors who axe inter- ested in flowers. Catches Large Lunge Lindsay.--Fred Shorney of Grena- dier (Drive, Toronto, caught a . pound muskellonge Saturday in Str geon Lake, off Pleasant Point. It was the largest caught here for some years. Struck By Automobile =Brockville--~Roy Carr, a youth, was cut about the chest when struck by an 'automobile as he was riding a bicycle in Perth street opposite the Central fire station, Purchased River Property Brockville--Mr. Fred Wolthausen, sr, has purchased through N. S. Cuthbertson a block of beautiful river frontage just west of Fulford Point, the property of Mrs. M. Rud- dick. Mr. Wolthausen intends build- ing a summer home on the site, Tied Up Traffic Brockville.--A collision between two locomotives just west of Perth street in the Canadian National yards Friday evening tied up traffic on the eastbound main line for a short time. No one was injured. Leave For Convention Kingston.--Thomas Flint, president of the branch, and Charles Simpson, both regularly appointed delegates from the Kingston branch of the Canadian Legion to the Provincial convention being held this week in St. Thomas, left on Sunday morning for that Western Ontario city. The delegates will drive to St. Thomas with Charles Hicks, immediate past bbb re president of the local branch, who 1s 2 member of the Provincial Execu- tive Committee. and who will also be in, attendance at the convention by virtue of his office. Excursions N Cobourg.--The Ahir OY MCA. of Rochester brought an excursion party to Cobourg Saturday. Four thousand people or more have visit- ed Cobourg within a week on ex- cursions by steamers from Rochester, Many other excursions are booked for next week and the week follow- ing. To Sing at Ingersoll Kingston--Jack Elder, popular lo- cal Scotch baritone and humorist, is to be one of the entertainers at the big Western Ontario garden party which is being held at Ingersoll next Wednesday. The program is being arranged by the Caledonia Concert Company, Accidentally Shot Brockville--When a rail fell off a fence and struck the trigger of a .22 rifle that was leaning against the fence, Kenneth Gray aged 15, of Perth, was struck in the thigh by the bullet which travelled outwards through the stomach, fortunately missing the vital parts. He was re- moved to the hospital in Perth where he is now reported to be out of danger. Training Director Here Kingston--The Director of Mili- tary Training, Department of Na- tional Defence, Ottawa, Colonel H. E. Boak, D.S.0., is expected to visit Camp Barriefield during the second week of training. Colonel Boak is well-known in this military district as he commanded the R.CH.A. Bri- gade until receiving his present ap- pointment. Flower | Beds Planted Brockville--Tne Brockviue Horti- cultural Society has completed the planting of a large quantity of sum- mer blooming plants in the beds on Court House avenue and square. Block House Island Park and at the Public Library. The beds now look better than in previous seasons and are attracting much favorable atten- tion, kt Accidental Death Belleville --At Shannonville village ! Ld Hey Skinney Yoo-Hoo!! C'mon In-- "The water's just great "n see my new swimmin' shoes 'n cap. Jes' -vatch my bathing suit to a 'T". Swell ain't they? Got 'em at Jury and Loveil's." Your Rexall Store has a delightful assortment of bathing shoes, all colors. Specially priced at 79¢ a pair. Aviator diving caps in colors to match. They'll keep your hair dry. Save with Safety at Jury & Lovell's THE REXALL STORES King E. Phone 28 Simcoe S. Phone 68 d fo Ld ra oe L 3 L 3 he EA Es * + + FA oe L 3 La 4 de ole ES L 3 oe 3 oo oh ode oe oo oe og ole oho ode og og oo oo og oe oe og 3 oe oe oe og oe + EA 5 5 og 3 oe oo ode oe be fo [ morning, after having been rémand- ed from time to time on a charge of vagrancy, has been placed in a good home in the country where she will be employed as domestic help by a reputable farmer and his wife, the girl being released from custody in order to accept this of- fer of employment on Friday even- ing. Camp In Full Swing Kingston. --The camp at Barriefield | #2 for infantry and machine gun officers and non-commissioned officers hay- ing opened on Friday and now in full swing with a most encouraging attendance in both arms, while on Saturday morning the mode] Field Hospital, established by the District Medical Officer, Major G. G. Greer, M.C, RCAM.C, and the personnel of No. 3 Detachment, RCAMC, opened at noon on Saturday under the supeivision of Colonel L." J. Aus- tin, CAM.C, BRITISH HOUSE OF GOMMONS URGE PREFERENCE Libera! Member Speaks « sjoofucfosfocfosfocfonfosforfosfocfesforosfoconfecfosfecforfosfocorter Against Renewal of Safe- a boat to shore, ¢ a verdict to the effect that it tached to any person. Freighter Docks Scotia. To Hold Picnic Here St. Paul's Church, Kemptville. hold its annual picnic at St. rence Park on Wednesday next. Take Care Port Hope.--Use discretion! Don step out from behind parked if the way is clear. a bump worse than "Mutt" if you don't use discretion, Badly Hurt shown that Dyer sank whilst towing The jury returned was purely accidental with no blame at- Port Hope.--An ocean freighter, F, V. Massey, has docked here with pig iron for the Sanitary Manufacturing Co. The ship came here from Nova Brockville--The Sunday school of Will Law- cars without taking a peep out first to see You might get ever got guarding Duties London, July 9.--Canada's trade, the United States tariff and Empire pre- ference ran as a weaving thread through yesterday's debate on safe- uarding in the House of Commons. The issue was raised in the official Conservative amendment to the Ad- dress regretting the failure of. the Labor Government to make any plain declaration of policy in regard to safeguarding, the McKenna duties, and the maintenance of Imperial pre- ference. Before the = debate proper was reached there was questioning in re- spect to the new United States tar- iff. G. Lambert, Liberal, South Mol- ton, wanted to know whether repre- sentations had been made to the Uni- » | ted States that the proposed tariff in- creases must add to the difficulties of papying the British debt to America. On top of this question came an- other from the Liberal benches, whe- ther it was not a fact that if the United States, "does not take our goods we cannot pay our debt" Question Is Evaded is already the scene of a great deal of activity with the Camp Schools|Z to Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE. Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro- fuse to retail 'dealers at the following pri- Fresh extras, in cartons, 35c; fresh Pag Tres 3c; firsts, 2 to 3c; seconds, 26¢. Butter--No, 1 creamery, vials, 40 to dic; No, 2 creamety, Lint, 3 to Cheese--New, large, 2lc; Fo 2 1-2; triplets, 22c;. stiltons, 27¢c. large, Joc; twins, 26 J A triplets and cuts, 28; old stilions, 30 Ch oultry-- Chickens, 5 lbs. up Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. Do., 4 to 5 Ibs. Do., 3 1-2 to 4 Ibs, ROOSLErS ee nsr Ducklings Broilers, Ib, . TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Local wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the fa ing "quotations to farmers delivered at 'loronto):-- o. 1 timothy, loose, per ton i002 to $20,00 aled Nominal Lower grades PN Wheat straw Oat straw ..... EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK Easy Buffalo, July 8.--Hogs, 6,600; hold- overs, 50; activé to all interest 25 to 0c above Saturday and 50 to 75c over Friday's average; bulk Sesirable 150 to 200 pounds, $12.90 to $13; to 240 pounds, $12.50 to aor» Pounds, Je to $12.25; pack- ing to $10.75, attle, 1,650; fed steers and yearlings less active than early, 25 to 40c higher; Hrassérs cows stea iy to 25¢c higher; good choice steers and Ie earlings, $15.50 to $6 bulk grain fed, $14.50 to $15.75; grass steers and heifers, $12 to $14; cutter cows, $6 to $¥. Calves, 1.00 1,000; snappy to trade generally $1 high er; to choice, $17.50; most $18, heep, 0; lambs active, 50c' higher; quality ay hind Hood to choice natives mostly ; throwouts to $13.50; a ewes, $6.25 to $7.25, 3 iat TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 32 to 34c; cooked hams, 50 iid Sic; smoked rolls, 28c: Dieaklags bacon, 26 to 38c; backs, peamealed to 3c; do., smoked 45 to 47c. Te meste=Long clear bacon, 50 te 70 Ibs., $21; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 90 to 100 Ibs, and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15 3-4 10 16 1.4c; pails, 16 3.4c; prints, 18 1.4 So 18 3-4c; Shortening, tierces, 13 1-2 to 14 1.2 Java: 14c; pails, 14 1-2¢; tins, 16 1-2c; prints, 1 Pork loins, 32c; New York shoulders, 2%; | pork butts, 28 1-2; pork hams, 28 1-2, TORONT OFARMERS MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: extras, per dozen Eon 8, i fists, per, dozen Duck' eggs, dozen Butter, dairy, per pound . Je. Scalers. ber pou per pound..... egetables-- ata 6 Ar 2 bunche Carrots, 3 bunches . Beets, doz.' bunches . Onions, dry 11-qt. basket Do., 6-qt. basket Cabbage Cauliflower .. Spinach, peck > Mushrooms, per pou Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, each . Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, 3 for Parsley, per Lunch Cress, three for .. Celery, per bundle Oranges, per dozen . Grapefruit, each .... Lemons, per dozen ... SET ERREUTBUN Yom OSHAWA, ONT. In effect May 15th--To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, Portland and return $111.85 To Banff and return reached only via Canadian Paci- FIC ere vasone ve eee 390.10 In effect June 1st--to Lake Louise and return reached only via Canadian Paci- fio i viiisnarnine s+ 391.680 Return Limit October 31st. Stop over allowed. Let us arrange. your {itinerary Illustrated literature will be glad ly furnished by M. R. JOHNSON, C.P.A., C.P.R. 11 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Phone 40 Canadian Pacific World's Greatest Travel System YS, i - I. Ak R!A ccooooco~cooc0o0c0000 oo S83 Sa Bananas, per dozen . Apples, 6-gt. basket Rhubarb, 3 bunches New potatoes, peck Green beans, 6 qt, . Green peas, 6 qt. Strawberries, quart Plums, doz. Apricots, doz. .. . (Gooseberries, 6 . S Cherries, sour, 6 . 075 TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat No. 2 Northern, $1.47 3.4, No. 3 Northern, $1.43 3.4, . 4 wheat, $1.38 3.4, West coast cruises. From Vancouver. S days, meals and berth enroute. $31 and $39.00. Ask about all. espense conducted Yours of the West . 5 wheat, $1.34 1.4, . 6 wheat, $1.02 1.4, Feed wheat, 9 1-dc. (c.if. Goderich and bay' ports. track, 1c higher than above.) _ NEW YORK PRODUCE PRICES New York, July 8.--Butter irregular; re- ceipts, 9,512. Creamery, higher than extra, 42 1-2 tp 43c; extra (92 score), 42c; first (88 to 91 score), 40 to 41 1-2c; packing stocks, current make, No, 1, 31 1-2 to 32%, Cheese steady; receipts, 13,977, State, whole milk flats, fresh, fancy to fancy special, 23 1-2 to 25c; do., held, 27 1:2 to 29 1-2. Eggs firm; receipts, 21,130, Fresh- gathered extras, 33 1.2¢; extra firsts, 32 to 32 1.2¢ firsts, 31 1-4 to 31 1-2c; seconds, 30 to 3lc. - Price on PILOT'S COOINESS LANDS PLANE on the flying ground saw the pilot his speed to a minimum, come i f . BE of the wings circle above the field an, diminishing! earth Peterson was unaware that his te machine had left a wheel behind until the co-owner of the plane, Douglas Macklin, and others at the flying field painted a large sign at the door of the hangar telling the pilot of his loss and advising him THE FARRWELL DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD. OSHAWA Machine Lost Landing Wheel But Was Brought Down Safely Sarnia, July 9.--Cool and clever handling of an aeroplane which had lost a landing wheel in tak- ing off yesterday saved Harry Pet- erson, local pilot, and confined damage of the machine to smash- PENNZOIL 100.7 PURE PENNSYLVANIA Pennzoil is 100% pure Pennsylvania, of course--for Pennsylvania is the best oil known. But Pennzoil goes beyond ordinary Pennsylvania oils--it is refined to the Pennzoil standard of perfection. to make a forced landing in the lake. For thirty minutes Peterson circled over the lake, waiting for a boat to pick him up when he made the descent. However, officials at the air field decided this plan was too risky, and Pilot Ashton of Imperial Airways took the air in his Moth plane, and, coming alongside Peterson, signalled him to try the landing on the airport field. Anxiously a little band of men Lindsay.--Friday afternoon the young son of Mr. Owen Traynor, of South Ops, met with a very painful accident, While helping his father he fell upon a disc-harrow, the disc wheel cutting into his arms quite deeply. It required four stitches to close the wound. Houses Robbed Belleville.--Four houses were en- tered during the week end on the cast side of the city and jewellery and money stolen. The work is be- lieved to be that of men who know the game and does not resemble that of juveniles. Entrance in all the cases was affected by means of the pantry windows, Motorists Warned Belleville. -- Motorists who leave cars on Front and Bridge Streets at night handicapping the operation of the street sweeper, will find their cars brought down to the police sta- tion and charges laid against them for infraction of the city's bylaw re- garding parking. Friday evening an inquest was held to enquire into the circumstances re- garding the drowning of Charles Dyer, aged 16 years, at Fuller's Bay on Wednesday afternoon. Dr. W. W. Boyce, coroner of this city, presided and Mr. B. C. Donnan, county at- torney conducted the examination of witnesses, From the evidence it was announce to the public the opening on Albert St. & Olive Avenue of their machine shop, which is equipped to handle all kinds of machine shop work, including tools, dies, jigs and fixtures, as well as special tools and machine repairs. Phones: Office--3033 To both, Right Hon. J. H. Thomas, Lord Privy Seal and Minister of Un- employment, replied that the British representatives in Washington were following the situation carefully. Colonel C. K. Howard-Bury, Conser- vative, Chelmsford, suggested that steps might be taken, in co-operation with European countries, to make a united protest against the tariff. But Hon. R. Smith, Parliamentary Secretary of the Board of Trade, de- Siined to go further than Mr. Thomas ad. "Isn't it a question of watch and pay?" came the sharp query from Ye Liberal ranks, There was no re- ply. Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister, former President of the Board of Trade, in moving the Conservative amendment, pressed for further development of trade within the Empire. Already the Empire was taking something like 50 per cent. of all British exports of manufactured articles. In a large measure that was due to the tremen- dous value of the preferences Britain received in Empire markets. And Bri- tain had now one of the greatest op- portunities for developing markets within the Empire. Canada today was prosperous. She was on the eve of tremendous developments in her min- es, other natural resources and indus- tries, Britain May Share "We can share in that develop- ment," he declared. "We ought to share in that development. The chan- ges proposed in the United States tariff are prejudicial to Canada, and surely we should be more than ready, in our interests just as much as in the interests of Canada, to seize that opportunity and offer every oppor- tunity we can for mutual trade." Sir Philip declared he would like to see a real partnership between British and the Dominion industries for Empire development. It was often said that the development of indust- ries and manufacturers in the Domin- ions would lessen British opportuni- ties for trade there, "That has always seemed to me a very shortsighted view to take," he said, Increased wealth in the Dom- inions would mean greater markets. Industrial development of the Dom- inions would mean, too, a tremen- dous opportunity for partnership be- tween industry in Great Britain and the Dominions. BETHESDA BRIEFS Bethesda, July 6.--Mise Evelyn Gray, of Hamilton, is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Rundle. Kenneth Fraser, of Toronto, spent the week-end and Dominion Day at home. Mrs. Howard Couch and sisters, Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, of Toronto, are spending a week's va- cation at Sturgeon Point near Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Eslie Oke, of 'Ebe- nezer, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gray, of Hamilton, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Rundle and Mr, and Mrs. Everton White. Miss Tamblyn, Dr. and Mrs. E. L.Gansby, Arthur and Billie Gans by motored from Toronto and spent Sunday with J. R. R. Cole and sisters. QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 MALLETT'S Factory--2885 50 Wash Dresses 'A lot of odd Dimity Voile and Rayon Dresses Wednesday Morning Lindsay Scout Goes to England Lindsay.--Lindsay's 1st Troop of Boy Scouts gathered in full force Friday evening to give their chum, King Scout James Groves, a fare- well send off across the ocean on a mission that will 'bring honor to Lindsay and Scoutdom in that town, St. Paul's Anglican church - dining hall was the scene of activities as many of his friends gathered for the banquet, Measles Ended Lindsay.--Dr. Blanchard, M.O.H, states that 200 cases of measles have been reported and placarded since March this year. However the epi- demic is pretty well over now and with the closing of school will be practically wiped out. About 150 cases of chicken-pox were also re- ported but these are not required to be placarded by the law, Low Fire Loss Port Hope. --We are touching wood while we say that while the fire loss in this province has been increasing, the loss in Port Hope has not been boosting the total. The absence of serious fires is one of the commend- able features of our municipal ex- perience. Being a fireman here is about equal to having a job as a line- man for the Marconi company, Mardi Gras Parade Peterboro.--Old Home Week was brought to an end when hundreds entered into the large Mardi Gras parade when the Queen of Peterboro closed the festivities, Almost ten thousand old boys and girls from all parts of the North American con- tinent and two coming from far-off Peru registered during the event. --it lubricates effec- tively formore miles --it makes yourmotor run more smoothly --it seals compres. 'sion and gives yor more power ~it eliminates wear HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now. is the Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With The Best Fuel Obtainable Jeddo Coal Solvay Coke Cannel and Pocahontas And All Other Good Fuel CALL TO-DAY AND EXPERIENCE THE SERVICE AND SATISFACTION THIS COMPANY GIVES TO EVERY CUSTOMER ALSO Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime and Building Material So when thinking of concrete work or your driveway, Bl a ut w serve you. Prices Competitive, Service Dixon Coal, Gravel ~~ & Sand Co. TELEPHONE 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES. and cuts motor re- Chief is Appointed Napanee.--~Mr, F. W. Barrett, Chief of Police, received official notice of his appointment as High County Con- stable and Provincial Officer for the County of Lennox and Addington. Mr. Barrett will enter upon his new duties on July 20. The. appointment is a well deserved one for Mr. Ben- nett, who has performed the duties of Chief of Police for the town of Napanee with splendid efficiency during the past fifteen years, . Mr. Barrett tendered his resignation as Chief to the Police Committee of the town council Saturday and a suc- cessor will likely be appointed within another week or two. To be sure + of the genuine, ask for it by name -- Penns oil. Look for this sign. Look for the Pennzoil Sign. These Dealers Who display it believe in quality merchandise, They are good men to deal with. Ontario Motor Sales, Oshawa, Ont. Rogers' Service Station, King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. Corbett Motor Sales, Bowmanville, Ont. Roy W. Nicholls Motor Sales, Courtice, Ont Green's Battery Service, Cobourg, Ont. Edwards Service Station, Colborne, Ont. THE PENNZOIL CO., LIMITED, TORONTO, {CANADA Beatty's City Service Station, Grafton, Ont Jones' Garage, Little Britain, Ont. Tourist. Garage, Mill St., Port Hope, Ont, Standard Garage, Port Perry, Ont. Whelln's Service Station, Welcome, Ont. Elligit's Highway Service Station, Newtonville, Ont. : New Police Matron Kingston--Mrs. F. Howlett, wife of Ensign Howlett who now com- mands the Kingston Salvation Army Corps, has been appointed Police Ma- tron in accordance with the usual procedure and commenced her of- ficial duties on Friday of last week. Through the efforts of Mrs. How- lett the wayward girl who was be- fore the Magistrate on Friday JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 Phone AD. 598

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