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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1929, p. 2

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asd sews wil Ki eenion Dundas i. mips si os wil ub Wilks Ofer Street, "oe see dep REPRESENTATIVE. ba JAMES HOLDEN w PERSONALS /The ma iends of Miss Verna Huntley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. W. Huntley, are 9 tulating her on g Awatde prize in the d recently by and Company, bond house "of Toronto, Verna was one of two to win 35 Sree for the Nee Shay submitted i he is a stu- t at t thy school, Min 1. Munns along ith her mo-) ther, Mr, | Munns are spending a wee! ronto with friends, Mr.cand Mresy W, .C, Wilder and da ter Betty, are spending two cation at Port Bolster. Miss Ima Werry, of Bowman- ville, is spending a few days with Inez Luke. i Fh R. J. Leach a former local ist, and now on the dispensing a of the Toronto East General Hospital, is spending a few holidays renewing acquaintances in fown. Miss Sheila Lawler is holidaying with Miss Betty Odlum at Beaver- ton, Friends of Mr, John Watson, har- bor master, who is at present under the: doctor's care, will be glad to hear that he is is doing nicely, nicely, POLICE SEEKING "NEW EVIDENCE IN BUONO CASE Go To Kirkland Lake to Bring Back an Import- ant Witness taff ¥ Reporter) Whitby, By 19.--Chief of Police Gunson and Provincial Constable Mitchell left Whitby this morning at four am. for Kirkland Lake. The two' police officers are acting under instruction from the attorney gener- al's department and arc detailed to . bring back a man, who it is claimed, will be a very important witness when Buono appears again in police court next Wednesday. The officers expect to arrive back if town either late Sunday night or Monday morn- ng. Inspector Boyd, of th Criminal In- Hund w -- ¢ A 'Delightful 'Breakfast Food a =e TY? vestigation Department Pris Gov- ernment, assisted by Chief Gunson and Constable SCitchell, have for the last three days been collecting evi dence concerning the tragic death of Mrs, Kobernick in Whitby harbor and' it is claimed that considerable progress has been made, Many places. in the foreign section of Oshawa have been visited and sworn state- ments taken by the officers. Accord- ing to Inspector Boyd a witness has been secured who saw the whole in- cident in which Mrs. Kobernick fost her life, At the coroner's inquest to persons could be found who witness- ed 'the tragedy which cost Mrs. Kob- ernick her life, but with the recent developments the police claim they are building up a strong wall of evi- dence. STREET REPAIRS DISCUSSED BY TOWN COUNCIL Work to be Dore. Agreed Upon at 'Special Meeting (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Yoly 19.--~At a special meeting of the town council held yes- terday in the council chambers, it was decided to place calcium chlor ide on two more of Whitby's streets, The meeting' was called by Reeve Kenny and Deputy Reeve Bowman in absence of the Mayor. The streets to be treated are, Colborne from Brock to Green streets and on Green street from Colborne to Dundas, The cost is to be charged to the general rate, The streets of the town arc reported to be in good shape for this time of the ycar, Most of them have been graded and the tractor and gra- der has been of great assistance in carrying out this year's programme, At the last meeting of the council Brock street south, irom the railway bridge to the harbor was ordered to be treated with calcium chloride and the work has been done, thus abat- ing the dust. nuisance usually preva- lent. 'Town engineer Pringle was author- ized 10 look after the work on the roads and make preparations for the new steel bridge which hds been pure chased from the department of high- ways for the sum of two hundred dollars, The bridge will be put in place on Watson street sometime this tall and the contract for removing the structure from the present posi- tion -on the Whitby-Lindsay high- way north of the town has been let. fai Engineer Pringle estimated that a ermanent bridge over the creek at {Vatson street would cost approxi- mately $3,500 to replace 'the one washed away by the spring floods. The bridge bought by the council when put in place will cost at lcast $1,000 less than this figure, Those present included Reeve Kenny, Deputy = Recye Bowman, Councillors vidson, Pringle, Dev- erell, Reid and Ormiston, Town clerk Frost and engineer Pringle, TORONTO TEAM IS COMING SATURDAY Seiberling Girls Will Play Against The Rovers (By Staff Re orter) Whitby, 2 aly 19.--~Every softball fan in Whitby and the district will, no doubt, be on hand Saturday even- ing in the Town Park to see the exhibition game between the Seiber- ling girls, of the Sunnyside League, and the Whitby Rovers, The: visit- ors are an intermediate team and. en- joying the reputation of not losing a game to date while the Rovers are showing good form, They are not the least discouraged' over Wednesday night's Joss and expect to be in' first- class trim to take the visitors in hand. If the Rovers succeed in break- ing the. Seiberling girls' winning streak it will be a real feather in their cap. The Whitby supporters should not fail to sec this game and help cheer the girls to victory. We never heard an opportunity knock and never expect to. Oppor- tunities have to be captured and choked into submission.--Galt Re- porter. John Haynes Holmes says that any man who gets married has to sacrifice fifty per cent. of his indi- vidual liberty. Thou optimist, John.--Camden Post. FOOTBALL TOMORROW (By Staff Reporter) : Whitby, July 19.--Keen interest is being displayed in the football game between Whitby and Goodwood at the latter place on Saturday night, As Claremont, Goodwood and Whitby are tie for first place the game will, no doubt, be very keenly contested. Many fans are expected to accomp- any the team and lend their vocal powers in cheering the boys to play their best. 25 SUMMER DRESSES 9395 Dainty Frocks of Flat Crepe and Celanese. The styles of thesc garments are particularly attrac- tive and shown with long or short sleeves. Sizes 14 are 'from Values which sell rpulany up "eee Misses' to 42 Women's. "A Final Clearance of Our Entire Stock of Summer Millinery WASH DRESSES $2.89 Consisting of dresses of Fugi Silk, Pretty Ginghams, Figured Rayons, Pique and Prints, in a fine assortment of smart summer styles, ~~ Misses to 42 Women's. Values up to $5.95 .. W. A. DEWLAND CREE BNR SE I IR Sizes 13 $2. £9 "| fixtures 'Church, Oshawa. ns FINAL GAME OF SOFTBALL (EAGLE Protested Game will Be Re- played This 'Evening Bowmanville, July 19 -- Tonight the final game of the own softball schedule will be between the Motors and Front street, This game was played on Wednesday night but was protested by the Mo- tors who won their protest, They claim that Bates who played second base for the Front street crew had joined up with them at the opening of the season. Bates had not play- ed in any of their league fixtures and had played in scyeral exhibition for Front street. He thought that it would be all right to play for Front street as the Motors did not scem to have any nced for him, The game tonight will no doubt be a good one. The "Motors who haven't lost an official league game this sea~ son' are going out to make it a per- fect one. The Front street on the other hand are thinking differently, They know that the Motors can be beaten and believe they are the ones that are going to do it. Everybody should be out for this fixture as it marks the closing of the scheduled softball games, GOING AHEAD ON SCHOOL ADDITION Fine Weather Makes Rapid Progress With Work Possible (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 19--The work or. the High School is progressing rapidly and if the favourable weather continues it will be finished accord- ing to schedule. The floor on the second story is almost completed. The Steel work has practically all been installed. Up until the present time there has been nearly one hun- dred and twenty thousand brick and twenty thousand tile used in its con- struction. Over thirty tons of steel have been placed on the main sup- ports, this making a lasting and per- manent building. A new. hoist ar- rived yesterday but is not being used as the engine seems to be too light for the work required , A new one is expected to come from Toronto in the course of a few days. The addi- tion is of rug brick with tile backing, he three inside walls also being of tile, DEVOTION PERIOD SERVICES WERE VERY IMPRESSIVE Forty Hours Services Closed With Final Appeal of Rev. Father Butler (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 19.--The forty hours devotion at St. Joseph's Church ended on Tuesday with a large crowd attending all ser- vices, The day commenced with low Mass at five-thirty, followed by the choral High Mass at 7 a.m. On Monday evening there was a Holy Hour spent, us Father Car- rol said, "In atonement for that hour that the disciples slept when our Lord had asked them to "Watch and Pray' with Him." The order of the service was as fol- lows: Opening Hymn--Oh What My Jesus Do More. Sermon----The Conversion of St. Peter. 1st Decade of the Rosary Anthem by the choir--Jesus My Lord. Sermon--Peter's Faith, 2nd Decade of the Rosary. Sacramental Hymn----Sweet Sacra- ment Divine, Sermon~~The Denials of Peter. 3rd Decade of the Rosary, Duet--Soul of My Saviour. Final Sermon--Upon This will I.build my church, Could Rock "4th and 5th Decades of the Rosary. Hymn during the Mother Dearest. Closing Hymn---Panis Angelicus, The preacher of all the dia- courses was the Rev, Father Cai- rol of St. Augustine's Seminary, collection-- If |: Scarboro, assisted by Rev. Father Butler of Bowmanville and Rev. Father Bench of St. Gregory's The alter was laden with flowers intermingled with twinkling red lights and nearly fifty candles throwing out their flickering' flames added tio the very beautiful effect on the Holy Table. e Final Day On Tuesday, the final day of the devotions, the services in the fore- noon were the same as for Mon- day, At the service in the evening the usual Sunday evcning service was followed, At the end. of the service, the closing exercises: of the Forty hours was celebrated. The Litany of the Saints was suug and was followed by the Reposi- tional Procession, This was even more picturesque than the operheld on Sunday morning. Mis led b a surpliced altar boy bearing the: News, advertising and subscriptions. will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times, Telephones--Office, 587; RA yen COWAN played' = Times cross symbolic of Calvary, followed by a number of little girle with, their brows adorned with 'wreaths of summer blooms. These were accompanied by all the men in the church carrying candles, In the rear of these came two more altar boys with golden candle- sticks and the incense boy swing- ing the sweet perfume towards the efforts of Dr. and Rev. Robbins, happy bunch nearly all starting out again, Repairing Steps of morning work on and Bs _ Devitt, W. R. Strike At night it was a that returned home, wishing that they were Police Department (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July PY esterday carpenters were busy at the steps leading to. the olice department. These steps have ong been in need of repair and are only now receiving their long over due attention, looking at the former woodwork that the steps would not have lasted much longer as the basic parts were rot- ting away. people using these steps have had fo do so with the greatest of caution, It was casy to see by For the last few weeks When You Step Off The Train You're There o The magnificent new ROYAL YORK at Toronto, the Empire's greatest hos. I ---- blessed Host which was carried by Rev. Father Carrol, This was a most impressive service. After the benediction, the pas- tor, the Rev. Father Butler, thank- ed all who had helped make the devotions the impressive occasion that they have been. "I feel sure," said Father Butler, "that all wio have attended here derived a great deal of spiritual help and guid- ance through these precius hours in communion with our Blessed Saviour." ; Mrs, Malone of Dowmanville Beach sang several uumbers at this service. Among those wkLo at- tended these services from outside points were, Mr, and Mrs: Brown of Newcastle, Mrs. Cancilla of Port Hope and a number of American tourists. ~ SOFTBALL GAME WAS PROTESTED Victory of Front Street Over Motors Will Not Count Bowmanville, July 19--Front street succeeded in taking a fall out of the Motors in the softball league but it was to no avail as the Motors pro- tested and won their protest. The score for the fixture was 16 to 13. Front street for the first five innings never played better ball. Their bat- ting was the best of the scason and on the field they handled the ball like wizards. The score at the end of the fifth was 16 to 4. For the next three innings the teams played even with the Motors getting the break in the last of the eighth scoring nine runs, They were stopped fortunate- ly for Front street before they had overcome Front streets big lead. Both teams ;passéd the ninth score- less. Bates and Hooper banged out the biggest hits cach getting a two- bagger. The game will be replaved tonight. The line-ups were :--- Motors Positions Catcher ... Pitcher .. «1st base . 204 base Front St . McMullen ..James | . Lulley Lunney... Chartrand Witheridge. Roegnik Cancilla Stark 3 stop vee Williams Martin. ...... La field. .300ines Cancilla Moorcraft....C. field ...........Rell R. field TRINITY UNITED CHURCH PICNIC Annual Outing W Was Held 2 Cream of Barley | Park Bowmanville, July 19-~Trinity Uni- ted church held their annual picnic to Cream of Barley park on Wed- nesday afternoon with a large num- ber of members and friends of the congregation attending. During the afternoon games were played and many races run off. The children derived great enjoyment from these as well as many of the older folk who' also ran. Ball games were plen- tiful and not a few of the younger took the opportunity of swimming in the pool at the rear of the park. At supper time a large spread was held on the spacious lawns afforded by the park. After supper more games were played. That the picnic | sible. delay. This is a buyer's you. Chevrolet Coach 1927 model. In really fine condition every way. Our 0. K. price Chevrolet Touring 1928 model, Good tournings are hard to get, See this one hefore its snapped $500 up. 0. K, price ., $450 - BIG BARGAINS Many exceptionally fine used cars traded in recently on new cars must be clezred out at once. you a real opportunity to buy your used car at a big saving, for prices have been cut to the lowest pos- You may buy with confidence, for these are OK reconditioned cars which assures you of satis- factory performance and low cost operation. market, obtain the most car for the least money. See our OK cars before buying any used car. This affords Do not Now is the time to The terms will suit Chevrolet Ton Truck 1928 made! with stock racks. This job is ready to go to work. Our 0, K, price ~~ $550 Star Touring | 1926 model. In splendid condiiton, Our O. $265 K. plice with In was a great success was duc te the{ : Ontario Motor Sales OSHAWA USED CARS UA that counts TODAY'S SPECIALS Ford Coupe 1928 Model i first class condition, tires. Peppy motor, $535 Price Chevrolet Sedan, 1927 mod- el. This car has had a good home, O, K. wEite ,......... $500 Oakland Sedan, 1928 model. Refinished. Looks and runs like new car. price . .. . $950 Essex Coach, 1928 model. Only driven very small mile. age, A real bar- $685 gain for Pontiac Coach, 1927 model. Our O. K, price $585 Many More Values Like These with an OK that counts Th ae a FREE: The nal French Present this coupon and only 98¢c, to help pay our local Narcisme P otume " Manufacturer's Introductory Offer | ALL THIS WEEK Bring this Certificate and .. *sesannrenn ONCE AGAIN! Saturday Nght Juv # 20d forties & the Last Chdnce ak express, etc, and we will rid"s most exq face powder, Oil Direct From FRANCE iw 26 King St. E. ne <7 TA VE eae ae SRG IRC) BU without further Narcissus Perfume and $2 box Narcissus DeLux Face Both items are £5.00 value for just 98c. RE ur mame and address on the back of this certificate. Extra certificates for your friends may be had for the ember, only 3 gift sels to each customer at this price. Certificates good only as long as these exquisite sets oi you "Free, 'KARN'S DRUG STORE cost, $3 size French is worth §e.02 . The World's Popular Most Perfume Phone 378 RA Siig YI

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