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Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jul 1929, p. 8

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LL re i % . "YFIE OSAAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 EEE Nationals Leave To-Night For First of Final Games Battle in ( Oshawa Nationals travel to Mon- treal tonight to meet the Quebec Champion . Montreal C.N.R. The boys are all keyed up for this game, and are going out fully rea- lizing what. they are up against. it is no soft thing that the hats have to face, but they are travell- ing with the assurance that the sports-1 citizens of Oshawa are right with them, and are 80- ing all out to win. The Montreal team is one of the finest soccer teams seen in the east for a long time, and have only one defeat this season, this being from the strong Carsteels eleven, This same team defeated Ulster United at the Dpe- ginning of the season 4-1 for the Championship of the Natioinal League, which had been held over from last season. Everyone is pa- tiently waiting to see the clash be- tween these two representative teams. Never have the sports fans of Oshawa been worked up to such a pitch before. All eyes will be turned to "Mike's Place" tomor- row evening waiting for the result of the first game to come througa, which will be telegraphed immedi- ately after the game. If it is con- venient, half-time score will also be sent on. The second game which will be played at the Motor City Stadium on Monday evening at 7 p.m., will be the real game. It is expected that every fan will be out that eve- ning to cheer the Nationals' boys along. Tickets are in circulation all over South Ontario, and any- one not yet in receipt of one of these cardboards are advised tu get right over to "Mike's Place," Rats's, Karn's, Mitchell's, or Smyth's Drug stores. Get your tick- et and make sure of a seat. The Nationals' boys leave C.PR. Station tonight at 11 pm., Stand- ard Time. The following players will repre- . 'sent Nationals and Ontario, and are asked to report at 'Mike's Place" at 11 p.m, prompt: Elrick, Boyd, Davidson, Hurst, Coll, Pet- terson, N Doagall, Hagan, Sath- vang, BE. Dougall, Torrance. Trav- elling Reserves: Smith, McLatchie. The Oshawa Times are sending Now Playing 'In Old Arizona' 5 GREAT STARS .TO-NIGHT'S SPORT CARD SpE BX IOR LACROSSE i } 7 p.m.; Osh- awa an, Bramp- ton.. SOFTBALL 6.30--Fittings SENIOR BASEBALL Oshawa General Motors at Pe- terboro. SENIOR SOCCER Osh Nationals at Montreal (Dominion final) ; Oshawa City at Mimico Rovers. Exhibition Girls' softball at Rotary Park, 7 p.m. Quaker Candy Girls of Toronto vs. Ontario Malleable Iron, Oshawa. Sarnia Grid Fans Sarnie, July 19.--Sarpia's football chances are growing brighter as the season approaches. At the present time the locals have added to their strong 1928 roster three senior play- ers and tlk prospects are that an- other senior backfield and two out- standing youthful backfield stars, one a junjor, and one an intermediate, ad ine up with the local seniors when the first work-outs are set. Jackie Baker and Glen Small, last year with the Hamilton Tigers, do- minion champions, are in the city. Small came to Sarnia as dictrict rep- resentative for the firm with which he is connected, and Jackie Baker took over his duties at the Imperial Oil here on Dominion day. "Rummy" Taylor, end with Balpny Beach last year, has been located here for a month past, Nels McPhedran, star punting and running half of the Wanderer inter- mediates, O.R.F.U. finalists last year, is ready for senior company and is considering the jump. One of the outstanding juniors of the country is also said to be slated for a trial on the back division and one of the stars of the senior Intercollegiate se- ries last year is mentioned as an al- most certain starter. The entire Imperial squad will be intact for the coming season with the exception of Bill Ewner, who has leit for South America. TRACK MEET AUG. 10TH Toronto, Ont., July 19.-- An- nouncement was made last night that the Ontario track and field championships will be held at Varsity stadium here August 10. In making the announcement, of- ficers of the Ontario branch of the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada stated the meet would be postponed until Aug. 17 if unfav- orable weather is encountered on Aug. 10 OOMEDY SMITH AND DALE in' the © FALSE ALARM FIRE CO. Paramount News a representative down to Montreal with the Nationals to cover the game, and a full report will appear in Monday's issue. Don't forget Monday night's game. A capacity crowd is expected, so come along to the Stadium, and don't disap- point the people who have made this game in Oshawa possible. Are Enthusiastic Win Easy Game| ' ee The Weston Bakery juvenile la- crosse team has improved to such| able to 'win their game Burke Street Bullocks by a ten to two score. The home men all stood out for the winners that put' their team in an 'early an extent that they were last night : axa the getting goals | . commanding position scoring four oi times in the first period. They add- ed to this two' in the second' and four more in the third, while the Bullocks were only able to ' beat the defence once in the first' and once in the last. ! 'The teams: Westons Bucknam Walker Hooper Hare Crothers James McMurtry Armitage Leroy Woods Oke outside Leyden Bovin inside Wilson Subs: Gifford, Luke, Broadbent, Brady. 2 goal point cover 1st 2nd 3rd centre 3rd 2nd 1st Higgins Clarke Summary First period. Westons--Bovin, 2 min.; Me- Murtry, 3 min.; Oke, 2 min.; Woods, 1 min. Bullocks--Evans, 4 min., Second period Westons--McMurtry, McMurtry, 8 min. Third period Bullocks--Weeks, 1 min. Westons--Leroy, 6 min.; Leroy, 8 ain Oke, 3 min.; McMurtry, 1 min. Loughran Defends Light-Heavy Title (By Alan J. Gould, Associated Press Sports Editor) New York, N.Y. July 19.--~Tommy Loughran dispelled all doubt about his ability to dominate the light hea- vy-weight division last night by ad- ministering a sound thrashing to his youthful New Jersey challenger. Jimmy Braddock, in 15 rounds, that for the most part were dull and one- sided. Few masters of ringcraft have ev- er manifested so clear and undisputed superiority as did Loughran in the skillful manner he cuffed, punched and punished the 25-year-old youth from the other side of the Hudson. On just two occasions, in the first and seventh rounds, was the world's 175-pound champion apparently in any danger of difficulties .Almost the first punch of the fight, a short in- side left by Braddock, opened a se- vere cut over Loughran's left eye. This not only started a stream of blood that half blinded the titlehold- er, but so flustered him that Brad- dock was able to land telling punch- es to the head and body. Safely past this bothersome episode and back in complete command of the fight, Loughran had Braddock in distress in the seventh round. In the previous rounds the facial damage was evened when Tommy opened a gash at the side of Jimmy's right eye. But as they emerged from a mix-up near the end of the seventh, Loughran's face quickly became a mass of blood from a fresh cut, al- most in the centre -of his forehead. Apparently it was caused from a gra- zing left, but it also was claimed in Loughran's corner that the challen- ger had butted the champion to open the cut. 1 ming To Dowtr- Drive with greatest care when Children or Pedestrians are on the Highway accidents, motorists down and drive carefully when % Melvin Ott, slugging outfielder of the New York Giants, has risen to a position of prominence as a hitter, due mainly, to his grace- fully natural swing and powerful arms and shoulders. Mel is one of the leaders g both National and American League home run hitters. The picture shows Ott at the finish of his swing. Candy Maids Play Here Tomorrow Sixteen young girl athletes from Toronto will invade Oshawa on Sat- urday when the Quaker Girls come to play the Malleable Girls an ex- hibition softball game at Lakeside Park. The Quaker Girls' squad are one of the fastest industrial aggre- gation in Toronto. One of the fea- tures of the "candy maids' is that they trgvel more than any other girls' team in the Queen City, Dur- ing the past few weeks they have visited Guelph, Owen Sound and St. Catharines and their itinerary during the next month will include London, Niagara Falls, Kitchener, Galt, Woodstock, Orangeville, New- market, Oakville, Thornhill and Brampton. One of the peculiarities of the Quaker girls is that their staff of hurlers, Marge Fitzgerald and Kay Greenslade are exceptions to the time-honored traditional be- lief of baseball that all pitchers are weak hitters. Marge Fitzgerald is leading her teammates in hitting by over a hundred points. While Kay Greenslade is the "Babe Ruth" of the "candy maids" and is out In front in the home run column, The Quaker Girls are proud of their smart infield which consists of Lor- na Calver at first, Anna Shaver at second, Hazel Geary at short, while Bee Pearce is at the third sack. Their effective teamwork is com- mended upon by the fans who have seen the "candy maids" in acrion. One of the bright lights of the Quaker Girls is Hazel Godward whose regular position is in the outfield and also fills in any 1n- field job and sometimes catches. Considerable interest has been aroused by the visit of the Quaker Girls and the local fans who will attend this fixture on Saturday at Lakeside Park should be in for plenty of excitement as the Malle- able Girls are determined to up- hold the honor of girls' softball in Oshawa. Peterboro Rinks Test Finalists Peterboro, July 19.--Peterboro bowlers carried off both the major events at the local tournament, Dr. Allen's rink defeating that of H. B. Rosevear of Port Hope, in the final game for the Stratton trophy, by 22 to 12, while the Warne trophy, the consolation award, was won by John feated the four skipped by C. Sten- house, of Oshawa, by 17 to 15. The final games were both inter- esting and the Bacon-Stenhouse ar- gument particularly so, as it was a nip-and-tuck affair throughout, The results: Bacon of Peterboro, whose rink de-|T Moffatt Motors Defeat Times 15-4 The Oshawa Daily Times entry in the Softball race received a se- vere set back when they lost a game last night to the Moffatt Mo- tor Sales. Costly errors lost the game for Newsies and despite the fact that two long homers were clouted by them they lost a game that was due to be lost by the playing that the infield were displaying. Home runs were batted out by both with ' Boneham and Goodall getting the circuit clouts for the winners and Campbell and Corrin doing the same for the Times. Eighteen hits in all, coupled with the Times' errors, gave the Motors their one sided win. Box score: TIMES o > =~] = Hoon ooswo Kitchen, ec. --- Corrin, 2b. mH Boyce, 'rf. Brown, 3b. .... Hubbell, 1b. __ Campbell, 1f. Huxtable, ss. -. Givens, cf. ... Coakwell, cf. . Magill, p. ...- MOFFA AB 6 oo a Ho RE oo Soudan nanda'd QCoNC NHR me lH TS MN Ooo ORNS ED o Boneham, 2b. McNally, 3b. .. S. Claus, ss. -- J. Claus, cf. ... Hobbs, 1b. .... G. Goodall, If. Parish, c. . 3 Salmon, p. B. Claus, rf. .... Score by inning Times 10000 Moffatt 14330 Speedy Entries At Clear Lake Among the entries received by the Secretary of the Clear Lake Associa- tion, Young's Point, for the Outboard Speed events on Saturday afternoon, July 20th, are: "Pm Alonc""--Messrs. Turnbull & Landrigan, Toronto, "Canada Flyer," Lou E. Marsh, To- ronto, "Miss Windsor," J. R. Atdiel, To- ronto. "Miss Cadillac," Gordon Houlding, oronto. - "Billy: Mac" W. G. McFarlane, To- ronto. and others. These cvents promise to be very closely contested, They are for the "Kawartha" and "Brule" Challenge Cups, at present held by Lou Marsh RDN D Dm HED WRHAN yg EO LD CO Wp --- OD UN RO RD pk CSUHODOR ND comoHmuoool 8? 3 3 CIR -- 00 30 ~y 3 000-- 01 x--1 Marquettes Lose Rd kA The annual contest two motor teams the Chev ies and The Marquette, formerly the Buicks, was played last night before a large crowd of Buick dealers at the Buick Convention held at Lake- view Park with the ' Chevs coming out of the game the victors by a thirteen to four score. Marquettes started the game in a winning style and' lead 'the smaller motor team for three innings, when the Chevs got to Siblock's pitching for the Marquettes and mered the ball for plenty of errors, but not many hits. This bad innings came in the fourth and when the side was finally retired the Chevs led by seven to two, they having], gathered the whole of the seven runs in the one inning. Outside of this inning the game was a good exhibi- tion of girl's baseball and the hits and runs were just Plenty enough to keep the interest of the crowd at fever pitch, ey Annie Walker pitching for the winners was right on and allowed the Marquettes few dangerous clouts, these few being kept well scattered. Siblock, the losing pitcher pitched well, but was not given the support that will win ball games. Score by innings: Marquettes .. 1100001014 Chevs 00071023 x--13 Batteries: Siblock and Ferguson; Walker and- Kilburn... Umpire, H. C, Lecky. Junior Game Will Provide Action The General Motors juniors are all set for a victory to night at Alex- andra Park and if they do not get it there is going to be a great many disappointed lacrosse fans in Oshawa as well as players for they have ben practising faithfully in anticipation of defeating the crack Brampton Jun- iors, the team that beat them by one goal in the centre Road town a week ago. In the first meeting of these two teams. they battled away for nearly a whole game without either scor- ing then when the game was about to end in a scoreless draw the home team, Brampton, got a goal that gave them the game by the rare score of one goal to nil To-night they. have a team that they consider far better than the Brampton dozen and they fully ex- pect to win tonight's game by a larger score than they were defeated by last week. With Chuck David- son and a host of players that have intermediate' experience to guide them the = remainder of the team, players from the City juvenile league and others that are not eligible thru the age limit are a team that will be heard from in the near future, REGINA TEAM GETS GOOD LEAD Winnipeg, July 19.--Regina Scot- tish champions of Saskatchewan, se- cured a one-goal lead over Manito* ba's hopes for the Canadian football honors here last night and establish- ed themselves as slight favorites to advance into the Dominion Football association playdown semi-final, at the expense of United Weston of Winnipeg. between the Exhibition Game|} SPORT SNAPSHOTS Tomorrow the sport fans of Oshawa are to be handed another day wherein they cannot see any of the sehior tcams in action, the ball team going to Peterboro, the two soccer teams playing away from home and the lacrosse team idle while the Torontos fight for a hold on the league ladder, * * * * There is to be an interesting exhibition game here between two smart girls' softball teams, however, when the Quaker Candy team makes its first appearance in our city to lock horns with the Ontario Malleable Iron team. The local girls have now hit their stride and will need to play real ball to defeat the invaders as reports from the Queen City show that the Candy Kids are a bunch of heavy hitters with many of them having averages in their league games of over four hundred. * * Jack Roberts, pro at the local Golf Club, has been shooting some real golf lately, and as part of an inter-club meet at Peterboro played a friendly game with the Peterboro pro, defeating him and shooting the course in 67, three strokes under par for the course. This score is not an unofficial record but is one that has not been equalled to the members of the club for a great many years. * * * * Judging from reports that have been coming in the office regarding the strength of the two teams that will do battle tomorrow for the right to go to Winnipeg to play off for the Dominion Football honors. one would guess that the Oshawa Nationals are considered just a shade better than their opponents, the Montreal C.N.R. team. The following is a copy of a telegram sent to Montreal from the president of the T. & D. Soccer Association: "Fred Davies, 104 Abbott St., Westmount, Montreal ; Oshawa Nationals, formerly General Motors, one of the leading teams in Ontario today. Leading Toronto Major League; 'have not yet been defeated. Have a well-balanced team playing splendid binati Last Ulster had to play them three games to ht Cup petition: Since then win a single goal in the C the team has been consid rably back line and smooth forw: best centre forward in the Dominion. Will render a good make Montreal go the full ninety minutes. so the left half. strengthened. division with unquestionably the Have a solid half He is a Norwegian as is al- t of th lves and With best wishes for a good game and may the best team win. Tom Holland, 15 Doel av- enue, Toronto, Har. 1904." Yours Truly, T. HOLLAND, President. * * Last night a catastrophy hit The Oshawa Daily Times ball team in the form of defeat from the Moffatt Motor Sales when they pounded The Times for a fifteen to four win and thereby bumping them down in the league standing. The Times play again tonight in the second game of a doubleheader and have Tonight they play the Textiles who for a prominent place in the league H. sees the leading Anglicans take a chance to get back in the hunt. are on about a par with The Times standing. The first game of the D. on the lowly St. Gregory's. Two Goal Tie For Toronto Rivals Toronto, July. 19.--Toronto seniors and Maitland intermediates are both on even terms for the city champion- ship, the first game of the series ending in a two-all deadlock on the Riverdale flats last night, before a crowd of about 3,000. The tied score about indicates the play, although the seniors seemed a trifle stronger on the offensive but their play availed htme little with Suds Sutherland playing a star same between" the Maitland posts. The fans were treat- ed to a sterling exhibition, slow at first with both teams playing care- ful lacrosse, but gradually reaching a wild, desperate stage in the clos- the odd goal that would mean vic- tory and an advantage on the scr- ies. Proceeds of the game, which a- mounted to $154.60, were collected for charitable causes. Both teams enjoyed leads during the conflict, Torontos getting the first goal when McKinnon broke through the Maitland defence on a solo effort, but Douglas, after a journey behind the seniors' cage, ev- ened the score. Maitlands went in front in the closing period when Ivan Davis scored on a pass from Plum. mer, and with Sutherland starring in front of the strings the margin seem- ed big enough for a win until Galla- gher again knotted the count, whip- ping in a back-hand shot, Torontos got their first goal in the opening period, Maitlands evened it in the se- cond, while the third was scoreless and both tallied in the closing chap- ter, "400" Special Six 4d-Door Sodan NASH 400 LEADS THE WORLD IN MOTOR CAR VALUE Delivered, Fully Prices of £8 "4060". $1224 to $3165 children or Station Trophy Final and C. L, Turnbull, respectively, ies to 'be, as in estrians on the, ay. where children are liable to neighborhood of a school. | COURTESY COMMON The horn should be sounded in-plen time to warn them of the car's Peterboro J. Harrison 'W. Greenstade R. FE. Downey Dr. Allen ..... Stenhouse Peterbgro M. McFadden M. Dodd W. Oke J. Bacon Peterboro Gimblett Fitzpatrick ...15 Peterboro E. Taylor M. Bredin .... Peterboro Peterboro J. Sedgewick Glover Peterboro McDonald MacFadden Peterboro W. Oke J. N. Bacon ..18 ..20 Parkman T. Donaldson . Port Hope W. Smith C. Young W. Perry H. B. Rosevear 12 Semi-finals J. N. Bacon .10 T. Curvin «ss.11 Stanley Final Oshawa V. R. Luke T. P. Johns O. Arleigh C. Stenhouse . bles Round 4] Toronto Gillison 12 Peterboro Martin Johnston Peterboro J. Cullen + M.B. Chenall ..11 Peterboro Howden Bennett Peterboro C. Seymour J. Harrison ... 8 Peterboro J. Mayneord 12 The man whose wife is in the country should not forget the pile of dishes in the sink when he gets out the hose to water the lawn.-- CRICKET NOTES The Oshawa Cricket Club, plays a scheduled game with Birch Cliff tomorrow at the lat- ter's ground and the following players are asked to be on land, meeting at Centre and King Streets at ome pm.: Moore, Howorth, Langeru, Fowler, Haley, Mann, Chap- pell, Anthony, Sargeant, Ben. nett, Bickup. New Martin NOW PLAYING RE King of Wild Horses With JACK PERRIN i n Two Outlaws Zeer SOME DI ES 2 ~ SCENTO SERIAL Seeing The Final Montreal Reckoning ed, folly Nash "400 a a his very car has the 208 Bet 10d. 27 AL Seam, ester value: No ose ever ocd finer performance in field. Twin Igaitica 08 he 's outstandin, evelopment sll means, EJ 34 A dm. 'It has Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubri- cation--a feature of value and conven- ience highly esteemed by those who drive very costly motor cars. > It is factory equipped, without extra REID-NASH MOTORS Dundas St. West Sh i & i i WHITBY Taranto Telegram.. gabon - co. Phone 122

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