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Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Jul 1929, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1929 i r Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the Whitby Office, Dundes Street, IN BROCK STREET ARE ANTICIPATED Th #5 . (By Staff Reporter) Whitby July 20.--Jt is under- stood that important business will be made shortly in the business section of Brock street south. It has been made known that the Royal Bank of Canada, which established a branch In Whitby a year ago, has leased the premises now ocfupied by the F. J. McIntyre hardware, south of tne' post office and in August. will commence alterations, the result of which will' mean the establishment » a very modern banking house. A new front will be made to the Interior which will include the n- stallation of a modern vault. Plan Decorations It has also been nade known that the F. J. McIntyre hardware will move one door south to the premises recently vacated by the Canadian Bank of Commerce. It has been stated that the Mcintyre hardware will install a new and modern front on the store while the interior is to be decorated and squipped upon entirely new lines. Provision will also he made at the back of the store for a spacious work shop for the plumbing and aeating division of the company. Alterations to both places will wean the expenditure of a large wniount of money Jocally and will 24d greatly to the improvement of the business section of this part of lhe town. . The faith that a company as arge as the Royal Bank of Can- ada. js prepared to undertake shanges necessitating a consider- yb] expenditure is evidence of be- {fet and faith in the future of Whitby. : WHITBY PERSONALS Rev. A, L. Richards, is leaving sn Monday for camp at Oak Lake where he is attending the United thurch summer school there and piving. a series of life talks and tlso preaching on the Sunday morning. Messrs. G. W. Every, W, J. Richardson, 8. Murdoch, R. A. Hutchinson, F. A. Nixon,. A. M. Ross, Hugh Robinson and William JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist PHONE 3215 San 2 $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills i 8. Rotish, Mgr., 11 Simcoe 8. Ton got A Delightful Breakfast Food ATIVE -- JAMES HOLDEN ee from Ot- tawa having attended the sessions of the Masonic Grand lodge of Canada, in the province of Ontario. Mr. and Mre. Charles M. Wilcox, long residents of Whitby, have sold their household effects -and have moved to Oshawa taking up resi- dencé in the Victoria apartments, ¥ rr ---- Mr, Albert W. Jackson, local real estate dealer, was a business visitor to Port Hope yesterday. DUCOS OF OSHAWA WON BALL GAME FROM LOCAL TEAM Visitors Take Leadership -in 2 South Ontario League (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, . July 20.--Last night many softball fans enjoyed watch- ing the keenly contested game be- tween the Ducos of Oshawa and the Whitby Maple Leafs, returning the former victors by the score of 12 to 7 and giving them leadership in group A of the South Ontario Soft- ball League. Up until the tifth innings the game was very close only one run to the credit of the Ducos, being scored. The moundsmen pitched air tight ball and the players had great difficulty in hitting the ball out of the diamond. In the fifth frame the Whithy fielders seemed to go up in the wir and the Ducos, by daring base run- ning, scored three runs. Joynt, the Maple Leafs' star batter, how- ever encouraged the Whitby sup- porters when he stepped up to the plate and Ruthed a homer over centre field. The runs scored in the fifth seemed to take the heart out of the Whitby players as the Ducos eoun- ted four more runs in the sixth. However, to the great enjoyment of the Whtiby fans, Maundrell step- ped up to bat with two on bases and Alexandered the apple for a homer, clearing the bases for three runs. Not to be out done the Ducos succeeded in securing two runs in the seventh, one in the eighth when Reeves clouted a homer, and one lone counter in the ninth. Reeves' homer was a dandy, one of the best seen in the town park this season, the ball being driven clear over the centre fielders head and almost out of the ball grounds. | Exciting Finish Great excitement prevailed the end of the ninth when the Maple Leafs went to bat, as the Whitby rooters tried to encourage their team and cheer them to stage a come back. Forrester stepped. up to bat with grim determination in his eyes and landed a homer to left field. Joynt walked to first, Charl- ton was put out on fly, while Joynt stole second and third and scored on Neal's single. Kay walk- ed but Quinton failed to reach first, Neal stole third and scored on Brown's two bagger. Maundrell the next batter had hard luck driv- ing a number of fouls and finally flied out. Errors Costly Neal, the. fast Whitby pitched nice ball all through the game and was well supported by his battery mate, Quinton who played a good steady game. How- ever, the support in the field was at times a little wobbly and. their | errors proved costly. The Maple Leafs showed their courage well in fighting back and never gave up hope until the last man was out, but need more system in their team batting. The Ducos played first class ball hurler, | throughout the game and their | 1 fi -- | Harden have returned prpdpind bird 4 4 = pitcher deserves credit for the way in which he upheld his end, 'Summary of the game: WHITBY Duco Boys. AB Lovelock, cf, imu Crouter, ss. Palmer, rf. - - NayIor, 3D. ucts Reeves, 2D. mmr ATDON, Co 'westerns Petrie, (1D. covic mmm inn Rorabeck, If. . Hindes, p. MA = ComMumassow=N / PD pe E00 Kay, If. Qiiinton, c. Brown, rf. -... Maundrell, 88. wwe 5 Scott, 1b. ... Forrester, 3b. .. Joynt, ef. - Charlton, 2b. HO PHOHMME-SD NO HH=OBeDN =O HDI HOD COO HMMHMON Duco Boys-- 010034211--1214 Maple Leafs-- 000013003-- 7 6 4 Home runs--Maundrell, Joynt, Forrester and Reves. Umpires--S8mith, Wilkinson, Batteries: Ducos--Hindes Arnold; Maple Leafs--Neal Quinton. ORONO SWAMPS NEWCASTLE 11-2 Win Places Orono on Top in Second Half of Series (Special to The Times) Orono, July 20.--Newcastle and and and Orono, old rivals in the Big Four, league, met last night on the Ur- ono diamond when Orono swamped Newcastle, 11-2. The contest was keen throughout, the attendance large and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed. Tour of Orm Gamsby's regulars were encamped at Kings- ton, which necessitated using some old timers. Bud Rolph, playing first, and Seth Cornish behind the plate, both played well. The winning of this game places Orono on top in the second half of the series. The return game will be played in Newcastle on Monday night. Batteries: Newcastle--Brown, Caverly, Kil- patrick. Orono-- West, Cornish, Truck Driver Burned Chatham.--Robert Neilson, driver for the Davis Transpori, London, is recovering in St. Jos- eph"s hospital from electrical burns sustained yesterday afternoon when he attempted to hydro wire carrying over the provincial highway pe ment two miles east of a ol, HOON. FT GHARGES (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 20,--Yesterday af- ternoon, John Harris of Whitby, his step son, Robert Carr, and two youth under sixteen appeared in police court before Willis on charges of theft, Re- mand was made at request of the crown in the absence of Chief of Police Gunson and provincial Con- stable Mitchell, who made the in- vestigations and arrests, and who are at Kirkland Lake on an im- portant mission. made till Friday, July 26th, when it is expected the case will pro- ceed. The arrests were made in con- nection with alleged thefts that oc- curred in Whitby two weeks ago and included $50 from the David- gon Motor Car Co., $40 from the Presbyterian Manse, $2 from: the home of John McLellan, Green street, and chickens valued at over $10 from the Puckerin farm and from another farm, Yestedday counsel appearing for the defence included, D, A. J. Swanson of Oshawa, for Harris, who has entered a plea of not guilty, and Kennedy and Brown~ ing of Whitby for the youths. LOCAL SCRIBES TAKE HOLIDAYS Are Of to Lure Big Fish Out of Muskoka Lakes (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 20.--J. H. "Scot- ty" Ormiston, Town councillor and popular editor of the Gazette and Chronicle of Whitby, left On Thursday with his wife and daugh- ter, to holiday at Hollingshead, Fairy Lake, Muskoka. It is under- stood that Mr. Ormision has been tipped off by a mewspaper man in Huntsville, fo the fact that swarms of black basg lurked in the cool depths of Fairy Lake and that the hotel served "Scotty's" favorite dishes, oatmeal porridge and Huc- kleberry pie, three times a day. James Holden, correspondent to the Oshawa Daily Times for Whit- by, who has been holidaying with friends in Preston and Kitchener, is leaving today for Fairy and Pen- isular lakes, Muskoka. According to work received last evening "Scotty" could not handle all the fish. and the huckleberry pie and wired Jim for help. EAA CST Opposes Lowering Grain Rates Halifax.--E. W. Beatty, K.C, president and chairman - of the Canadian Pacific railway, declared at a dinner here last night that it would be impossible to establish a preferential scale of grain: rates lage over the | cut a dangling | 4,000 volts, | st, e=- 1 by Kent | the relative positions would remain giivng Canadian ports an advant- United States ports with their shorter mileage, as any rates established in Halifax 2nd John would be promptly met the United States lines and Bridge. His condition was reported | {he same. as favorable, and, with proper rest, he should be able to leave the in- stitution in a few days, it was said. The accident followed a highway crash some minutes before. "Surely this isn't a resort" said the stranger. "Why, it hasn't rained for three days." i The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says. If not satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money. RED ROSE TE As good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good ONCE AGAIN! a The Original French Narcissus Perfume Manufacturer's Introductory Offer ALL THIS WEEK Bring this Certificate and .... 0... coo iiss for Postage and Packing Please our Tota. Haase last, FREE Powder--world's moet exquisite face powder. name and address on the back of this certificate. Extra certifi th r, only 3 gift sets to each customer at this price, Certificates good A OW Sints these 23 sets Present this coupon and only 98¢, to help pay our local ; Saturday Night, July 20th, Positively the Last Chance (EG ANZ 7] RN ; : i ZZ NEE NES WN give you Free, Narcissus Perfume and $2 box Narcissus Delux Beth items are $5.00 value for just 98c. 2 Dl) 26 King St. E. 5 WW KARN'S DRUG STORE - ete, and we will $3 size Fremch Face witheut further cost, is worth so 7A l Phone 378 The World's Most Popular Perfume &, © - NN Hs TIN (l@)\ Tit ad, 7, ~ (EE ) NT )) / A Magistrate | Remand = was |' ' Li § Bowmanville Daily Times RICHARD COWAN Representative Phong: Office 587. OSHAWA GIVE CONCERTS Salvation. Army Musicians to Pay Week-end Visit to Bowmaville Bowmanville, July 20, -- This evening and Sunday, the Salvation Army Band of Oshawa will be guests of the Salvation Army in Bowmanville. Tonight the band. will give an open air pro- gram on King Street, On Sunday the band will make three appear- 'ances. The first in the morning at 11 o'clock at the Army temple on King street. In the afternoon the band will give a concert at the Cream of Barley park commencing at 2.30 p.m. In the evening a fin- al concert will be given in Trinity United church commencing at 8.30 p. m. It has been a long time since such a well known band has made an appearance in Bow- manville, Music lovers will be giv- én a real treat by this band, The lack of a band of any description in Bowmanville, has been stressed before and many are the people who would lke to see one hero. No doubt many people will take the opportunity to listen to this fine band. Frivolous Old Lady: "Are vou go- to Dorking?" Bus Conductor: "Yes, hurry up!" Frivolous Old: Lady: "Oh, T don't want to go' there, buf I was just thinking what a lovely day you've got for it." madam ; Safe Speedy Relief SCIATICA CONDITION OF GIRL STILL UNCHANGED (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 20.--The con- dition of Miss Lillie Evans of Osh- awa who was hurt in the accident when the motorcycle she was rid- ing crashed into a truck near here two weeks ago last Thursday night remains unchanged.: This case is a rather unusual one. Although the accident occurred over two weeks ago, the young lady has never {regained i! Her w FOUR YOUNG MEN * PAID FINES FOR LIQUOR CHARGES . . Police Court Cases Arise Out of Motor Car o Collision | - -- (By Staff RepoTter) Bowmanville, July 20.--Four young men appeared before Magis- trate Ward in Police Court yester- day as a result of trying to cele- brate pay-day in a big way. These! men, with one other were out for a car ride with a case of two cases of beer and one bottle of Sandy MacDonald. When coming up Kinz | St., the accelerator in some manner became stuck and the driver reach- ed down to fix it. When he looked up again the car was right up on another, The driver swerved 10 avoid it but failed and hig car smashed into the other one. The police were called and the driver 'and three others were taken to the lockup to spend the night. The fifth man was allowed to go as there was no charge against him. The four men appeared on six charges. A, Rolph of Whitby appeared on the charge of being drunk in a [RCS 359 60c and $1 at all druggler and bruises are rapidly healing uf however, - z She: Must you really go now? He: No, but your father, the cor ventions and my own force of hak compel me to exit.--Chicago Dai) News. : Mark Every Grave ) Having established the most mod- ern equipment in our new premises at corner of Bond and Mechanic Sts., we are now in a position to supply you with some very artistic designs in all kinds of monument work. Having a very large stock gchar a on hand and somewhat overstock- public place and as it was his sec- ond offense was fined $50.00 on ed we are prepared to make a large costs, C. Smylie also of Whithy reduction on any work entrusted to appeared on the same charge and | Havi - Bl tog an Ip wher us. ..Having no agents or middle- William Mason of Oshawa ap- [men's profits to pay, our custom- peared on two charges. The first|e.s are assured of first class work one was for being drunk in a pub- | lic place for whieh he was fined (at the minimum cost. $10.00 and costs, The second was for having illegal possession of J. T. liquor. For this offense he was 94 Bond St. West fined $100.00 and costs, L. Reardon the driver, also ap-| peared on two charges. The first | was for reckless driving for which he was fined $10.00 and costs. The! second was for driving without a! permit for which he was fined $10.00 and costs. In each case the men pleaded guilty, | L | HEAVY SW SERVICE Sheer brute strength. Rugged.- ness that stands up under heavy and continuous Ee service. Stamina that bears the shocks of sharp braking and instant pick-up on buses--of heavy grinding wear on trucks. That's the Dominion Heavy Service Tire. Its carcass is built up ply upon ply of shock-resisting fabric. Between these plies is a specially com- pounded heat-resisting rubber which welds the carcass into an inseparable mass. Heavy ribbed sidewalls are proof against side jabs and rut or curb. scuffing. Scientifically designed tread gives free running without suction or noise, and provides unusual mileage. There's atire that will give you your money's worth --in long wear, and freedom from trouble. blow out under two years The New R Cord~--Fiunest tire value phir at regular prices. The New Endurance -- Genuine on at surprisingly low Ws H. Rodd, Tire & Battery Service i Cor. King & Centre Streets ---- You are never far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT

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