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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jul 1929, p. 2

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» SE » A re 'Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received at the 'Daily Times ONE : | "New Gates Presented by R. _._'S. McLaughlin Near * Completion Reporter) 22~--Last week end Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pangman and family, of Oshawa, moved into their attractive new summer home at Hey- denshore Park, Whitby, The cottage, which has just been completed, in- corporates many modern features and its attractive design adds to the beau ty of the park. (By Staff 'Whitby, July "Most of the cottages have been repaited this year and with their w cll - kept lawns, beautiful flower beds and many fine shade trees, the resort presents an excellent appearance, The new gates at the entrance, which have been presented by R. 5. Mc Laughlin, of Oshawa, and are fear- ing completion, improve the entrance to the grounds a great deal and with the illumination on them at night a long felt want is filled. \ Citizens of Whitby can well be « proud of Heydenshore Park and point it out as one of the beauty spots of the community. »last evening the official bus of the "General Motors officials of Oshawa, Bonne Entente the second, was at the Park for a few hours and many of the gottagers availed themselves of the opportunity to look over the handsome and well appointed inter- 101, Whitby Team Was Beaten by Goodwood (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, July 22.-Quite a large number of Whitby football fans journeyed to Goodwood on Satur- day and saw their team defeated by the score of 2 to 0. The Whitby sup- porters report that their team put up a good fight and that they witness- ed a very clever exhibition of foot- ball, Goodwood's win. on Saturday night gives them the lead so far in the first round of the Sinclair Cup League, Rev, H. K, Luce, master of the King's scholars at Westminster school, has been appointed head- master of King Edward VI school, Southampton. The Southern Railway company _ announce that the number of pss» engers carried by them in connec- tion with the Epsom summer race meeting was nearly 110,000, which . is a record, and nearly 20,000 more than last year's total. Thousands Now Fat ¢ A Delightful Breakfast Food Centro For Trading (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 22--Whitby does not seem to be losing any of its pres. tige 'as a trading centre which it has enjoyed during former years and in fact seems to be increasing. During the last few Saturday nights it® has been noticeable that hundreds of cars line both sides of the main streets while crowds of shoppers from. all over the county, thronged the streets and fill the stores, itby's merch ants are to be commended for their enterprise in keeping abreast of the times, making their stores attract- ive and their prices right. KEEN INTEREST IN SOCCER GAME Hospital and Town Teams Meet Tomorrow Evening (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 22.~Exceptional keen interest is being displayed by the football enthusiasts of the community in the game tomorrow evening be- tween Whitby town and the Whitby hospital team to be played in the town park. As the hospital team is only one game behind the town aggregation in the race for honors in the first half of the league, supporters of both teams are very anxious as to the outcome of the game. The hospital team have been prac- ticing faithfully and are showing much improved form over their form- er performances so that their sup- porters are naturally confident the team will be returned victors, _ The town team, however, are play- mg a good game and having beaten the hospital boys before, feel that they can repeat the dose, oFotball fans of the community who attend the game tomorrow eve. ning will, no doubt, be treated to one of the hardest fought contests of the season with lots of thrills and plenty of good football. WHEN THERMOMETERS IN THE CITY ARE DANCING IN THE 90'S There's a care-free, colorful va: cation waiting for you in the High. lands of Ontario--where cool pme and balsam-scented breezes drift across sparkling azure-blue lakes-- where you can enjoy to the full au tennis, swimming, motor-boating, aqua-planing, canoeing, fishing, golf, hiking--and you will like the informal social life in this Lakeland Region--palmy, lazy moonligat nights under the glow of northern stars--soft music, delightful people --everything to crowd your vac.s tion with real happiness. For specially prepared hooklets dealing with Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Algonquin Park, French and Pickerel Rivers, and Kawartha Lakes, apply to-any Canadian Na- tional Agent. J. H. Ford, clerk of the Leeds Guardians, has completed 50 years' service with the board. DEFEATED LOCALS Interesting Game Saw Seib- erlings Win by 20 to 16 RA (By Staff Repariar) ow Whitby, Yl 22~The Seiberling girls softball team. of Toronto were the opponents of the Whitby Rovers, in an exhibition game Saturday night at the town park. A large crowd of fans were present and enjoyed the game immensely, although the Sei- berling girls obtained an early lead and defeated the Rovers 20-16. With the score standing at 3 to 1, in favor of the visitors at the end of the second, the Seiberlings, by tak- ing advantage of Whitby's many er- rors and bv daring hase running, won the game by scoring eight runs | the third innings. After that the Whitby girls re- covered from their stage fright and settled down to a hard fight and make the game more interesting for the fans. In the fifth innings the Ro- vers came into their own when "Bob- by" Long stepped up to the plate and lammed a homer over centre field, the other players seemed to take heart and three more runs were brought in, The Rovers continued to fight hard and the next three innings were keenly contested, in the sixth the Rovers scored two to the visitors' one, In the seventh each team count- ed two and the eighth Whitby took two while the visitors were held scoreless, During the last innings the fans were in a great state of excitement and cheered lustily for the home team to pull out a victory. The girls made a great effort and by clever hitting brought in four runs. The Seiberlings, however, tightened up and snuffed out Whithy's hopes, Bobby Long and Thelma Parker both played an excellent game for Whitby, making some clever catch. es in the field while the former made a nice home run, Umpires Quinton of Whitby and Corrin, of Oshawa, handled the game i the satisfaction of all concern- ed. The Seiberling girls are an inter. mediate team of the Sunnyside Lea- gue, Toronto, and enjov the enviable reputation of © never having lost & Score by mmngs: game, Seiberling Whitby Rovers... 218 031 010 142 203-20 224-106 NO ACCIDENTS WERE REPORTED TO POLICE (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 22.--Although v heavy traffic passed through. Whitby all day yesterday no accidents of any sort were reported to the police. The stop and go signs, which have been recently placed at the four corners worked perfectly and. police report, saved them endless trouble in dircct- ing the heavy flow of traffic. Out- side of the busy main highways Whitby presented a very quiet and peaceful appearance yesterday. very RRC I A A PB BI a pA Bp a A a A a a A PS A I Early Sale of FUR COATS 10% DISCOUNT SALE ENDS JULY 31st GOAT SKIN COATS Of usual beauty having 6 advantages for protection-- . 1--Redressed by special oil process. 2--Sheared 8 times to insure evenness, 3--Electrically combed to remove scales. 4--De-odorized. 5--Softened in electric drums. 6--Satisfaction guaranteed. Shades are light and dark grey, cocoa brown, beige and sand. A DEPOSIT OF $10 WILL HOLD ANY OF. THESE GARMENTS DELIVERY I RP pn your own FOR LATER SPECIAL ORDERS are being handled in this way for this month only. Coats at $79.50. For July . Coats at $59.50. For July .. Children's Coats priced from $32.50 to $45.00. Less 10 per cent. discount. $71.50 $53 W. A. DEWLAND, Limited LL SS SL Sk NE SE Se NN 9 (Continued From Page 3) taking mow and will take many oth. er swings through the Dominion that they may feel the pulse of the coun- try at first hand, i "All Canada is General Motors' market from the great grain dis- tricts of the Prairie, Provinses through the timber land districts, in- dustrial - centers and the maritime sections, 'Wherever local conditions require specific characteristics of pro- duct General Motors oflicials are anxious to be fully informed, All of them have made such trips in the past but this year they are travell- ing in a group in this specially con- structed coach which permits them to 'reach the smallest. community or the largest city--and to meet Cana- dians of all types just as they live, play and work." Produced in Canada It was to meet just this situation that the Bonne Entente 11 was built, This coach is of absolutely original design and was: constructed to mcet road conditions in any part oi the Dominion, Fyll traveling accomoda- tions are provided for six passengers so that they may stop in any place regardless of hotel accomodations, It was designed by H. H. Henchel per- sonally and produced in the General Motors Truck factory at Walkerville, the only Canadian truck factery which has a truck and coach body plant all in one unit, It was built entirely of Canadian materials and by Canadian workmen. This coach is built on a General Motors coach chassis and is power- ed with a six-cylinder General Mot- ors engine. In the Bonne Entente Il are incorporated many. new fea- tures of coach design, which combine strength and beauty, for while the coach is intended for strictly busi. ness purposes, it ig also in the na- ture of an experiment to prove the value of these innovations, The Equipment In order to facilitate easy operation and at the same time to bring about a greater economy of space it is \equipped with air brakes and an air clutch, This permits the driver to sit closer to the front of the cab as less leg room is necessary owing to the fact that no leverage is necessary on these two pedals when air pres. sure is used, In the Bonne Ententc II these two pedals are no larger than the accelerator pedal, At least a foot of additional room for pass cngers was obtained in this manner, As a warning signal the coach car- ries a large three-tone horn, also op- crated by air, and attractively moun. ted on the right side of the cowl Inside and out the body is made en- tirely of metal, with the exception of the frame, which is a kiln-dried hardwood, The outer body is sheath. ed in aluminum, providing lightness and strength. . Seats in this coach are of the convertible type, similar to those in pullman cars. The upholstery springs are of the latest improved type, while the fabric is of whipcord, Cur- tains and fittings are of a special shade designed to harmonize with the ivory and green tinted interior. A- bove the berths is provided room for storage of the bedding as well as the tents which are made practi- cally a unit with the coach, furnish- ing sleeping quarters for six addi- tional passengers, Carries a Radio In order to keep in copstant touch with business conditions a radio is carried, so arranged 'that it becomes an integral part of the upper panel. ling. In installing this, many engm- cering difficulties were solved, the sct being especially built so that there is no interference wish the many dif- ierent electric currenis with the mul- tiplicity of wiring circuits necessary mn a motor coach, Radios are already used to a large extent in passenger cars, but in motor coach construc- tion the installation § a far more difficult proposition. A small poftable phonograph and a carefully selected list of records is also carried. In ad- dition to this there is a carefully selected set of books by well known Canadidn authors dealing with Can- ada and Canadian business condi- tions, Ample light and power is provided d| | perfectly," An electrical signal LS SE SC SC A tA SUA SCR HY | by twa electric generators which light 45 electric lights and supply | all the illumination needed while two vlectric fans and three skylight ven- tilators of glass ventilate the coach sys and the rear so that the driver can tem is arranged between the driver be notified for clearway in backing. I'wo signal lights, onc green and onc red, arc arranged in the instrument panel to notify the driver when ei- ther doors are opened or closed. Complete Kitchen A complete kitchen is carried sep- arated from the living part of the coach by a partition about half way back. The lett side of this compart- ment, a complete kitchen in itself, contains a sink with hot and cold running water and a three-burner gas stove connected with a storage tank carrying 3,000 cubic feet of py- rofax gas. Below the sink board is a large ice box and generous cup- board space. "The cntire kitchen is finished in German silver. A comp- lete service of silver, specially de- signed with glassware and dishes of the same pattern, is carried to show what Canadian craftsmen can pro- duce, Glassware and dishes are sil- ver inlaid and manufactured by a' well-known Canadian manufacturer. Across the aisle from the kitchen at the front is a large closet for clo- thes, with a chest of drawers con- taining one for each passenger. Di- rectly behind this closet is the wash room and lavatory. Under the car is a large water tank carrying 110 gallons. The gasoline tank carries 50 gallons, The interior of the coach is finish- ed in a restful combination of ivory and soft green, embclitshed with the crest of the Bonne Enicnte, which i3 also found on either side of the body. The exterior ix of sun tan, green and ivory, wuh fenders of a soft brown. At the rear a conven- tional observation platform effect is obtained with a platform rail of beautiful design, This is chromium plated. : Windows of the coach are of Du- plate Shatterproof, Glass, another Canadian product which 1s manufac tured by the W, E. Phillips Co, Li- mited, of Oshawa. : ' John PA Telephone 800 TWO MEN INJURED Annan and Arthur Boyes Had Narrow Escape Pickering, July 22. Arthur Boyes and John Annan narrowly escaped serious injury on Thursday evening, while they were engaged in erecting a hay fork in the barn of Mr, G. Philip. A pole which was supporting the scaffolding, broke, and precipitated the men into space. Mr, Annan got caught in the Jopes, which prevented a twenty foot fall to the barn floor. He received in- juries to 4 limb, and is confined to his bed. Mr. Boyes fell into the mow and injured his arm, which has necessitated an absence from duty, Both men feel fortunate in getting off s0 lightly, and have expressed their determination to leave hay forks entirely alone in the future, YOUNG PEOPLE HELD 'CAMP FIRE SOCIAL Pickering, July 22. -- Chapman's Flats, two miles north of the village, was the gathering place of the three young people's societies of the vil- lage on Friday night, About fifty voung folks played games on the flats, and then had refreshments around the huge camp fire which had been prepared before hand. "OM Lang Syne" and the Mizpah Bene- diction brought the goad evening to a close, but before breaking up the gathering the young people decided to have another such meeting at the time of the full moon next month, HOME NURSING CLASS | CLOSED FOR SEASON Pickering, July 20.--The last lesson of the Home-nursing Class conducted for the past two weeks by Mrs. M. E. Lowe, R.N,, of Toronto, under the auspices of the "Women's Institute, was given on Friday afternoon. The members of the institute took advan- tage of an open class and attended to the number of fifty-five. Thirty ladies had enrolled in the class. Fol- lowing the period of instruction, the class adjourned to the Memorial Park where a 'picnic supper was served, and a social time spent. The home-nursing class proved very in- teresting and its benefit will no doubt be more apparent in the future, PICKERING BRIEFS Pickering, July 22.--~Mrs. Russell Bath of Detroit has been visiting friends in the village last week. Mr. Robt. Rankin and son of Lan- sing are visiting in the village this week, while 'Mr. Rankin is making arrangements for the sale of the es- tate of his late mother, Mrs, M. Ran- kin Word was received by Mr. G. R. Whitby on Friday of the death at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, of | his uncle, Mr. G. Carnie, who was| injured in a motor accident which | took place in front of Whitby's gar- age on Monday. The other victims Bowmanville Daily Times RICHARD COWAN Representative Phone: Office 587. TOURIST PARTY IN HOTOR ACGIOENT | CAR WITH FIVE OCCU- PANTS TURNED OVER IN DITCH Machine Completely Des- troyed by Fire--Cut-in Driver Caused Smash ' (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 22.--Five United States motorists narrowly escaped death late yesterday after- noon when the car in which they were riding, driven by R. V. Rice, of Bradford, Penn., wag forced into the ditch by an unknown motorist, turned turtle, and broke into flames. The car became a total wreck. Mr. Rice, his wife, daughter and two male companions had been on a fishing trip through Ontario for the last few days and were head- ing for home when the accident oc- curred. They were proceeding west through Bowmanville and were just east of Courtice when a large car cut in front of them, Rice, ra- ther than crash into the car, tour to the ditch where his car turned completely upside down and burst into flames. The other car kept on its way. The doors of the car could not open and the occupaucs had to break the windows and crawl out. By this time it was wo late to attempt to rescue any of their belongings. The car burned for a long tiwe, The grass around the car caught fire and burned up for a distance of fifty feet on each side of the car. At that spot there was a con- siderable growth of underbrush vu the inside of the fench which aso caught fire. The car, however, burnt out only after there was noe thing else left to burn. The up- holstering, roof, =2ll the wooaen parts and the tires were complete- ly demolished by the flames. The intense heat given off by the flames kept everybody at a distance. The spectators watched a large catch of fish, that was in the car at the time fry merrily in the flames. The motor of the car was also a total wreck, being damaged beyond repair. The remnants of the car were taken to R. Nichol's garage at Courtice this morning. A {large part of the works had to be stripped off before it could be tow- ed. The occupants of the car lost everything but the clothes they were wearing. A passing motorist, R. aWtson, took them on to Tors onto, after the accident, none of them being injured in the crash. TEANS ARE TIED SOFTBALL LEAGUE Three Teams Have Chance are making satisfactory. recoveries. Mrs. R. A. Bunting went to Tor- | onto last week to undergo an opera- | tion. Her condition is reported to be quite favorable, Miss M. Robertson of Whitby spenf a day last week with friends in the village. Miss Mary Hickey, a pupil of Miss Winnifred Scott of Whitby, was suc- cessful in passing with honors the Elementary Piano examination at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. Con- gratulations, Munster Land Commission, which already has acquired 220 Irish acres of the Trant estate, Templemore, is taking steps to secure an additional portion of it for the purpose of divid- ing it among the small holders of the district, The thirtieth annual meeting of the Irish Association of Change Ringers was held in Drogheda on Whit Mon- day. Sixty-six members sat down to dinner. Nine towers were represent- ed, viz.: Bray, Arklow, Holywood, Belfast, Bangor, Christ Church Ca- thedral, St. Augustine and John's, St. Patrick's Cathedral, and St. George's Parish Church, Dublin, The bells of St, Peter's, Drogheda, were placed at their disposal by the Rev. W. B. Allman (who was elected president for 1930), and were kept going all day by the various: bands. Gained 10 Pounds In 22 Days That's going some--but skinny men, women and children just can't help putting on good healthy flesn when they take McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Full of health and weight build- ing substancés--the proven and suc' cessful kind--the kind that are a real help to frail, rundown, skinny men and women, Try these supremely efficient su- gar coated tasteless tablets for 30 days--it they don't help greatly our money will be refunded. One woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, sixty cents--Economy Size $1.00. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H., Karn or any druggist for Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets, for Place in ' Play Off (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 22.-----As a re- sult of the Motors win over Front street in the final game of the soft- ball league, there is a three cor- nered tie for second place that has to be broken before the play-offs can be staged. The Front street, Foundry and Whiz are'all still in the running. The tie will be broken this week and the winners will meet the Motors for the champion- ship, As a result of this tie some real good games should be staged while the 'tie is being breken. Every team will be out to win and playing their best. The Motors on the other hand will be a hard team to beat in the finals. They haven't lost a regular league game this year and will also have the advant- age of a week's rest. The other teams are hoping they get rusty before the finals come along. SLIGHT COLLISIONS FEATUREON SUNDAY Two Minor Accidents in Which Several Cars Were Involved - . (By Staff Re r) Bowmanville, July 22.--~There were two slight accidents near here yesterday. Yesterday morning at 9 o'clock a Blue Line transport bus of Toronto was towing an- other one when the towline broke about two miles west of Bowman- ville, The truck that was being towed came to a dead stop. Miss Coke of Belleville, was driving a Star coach and was proceeding west close behind the second truck and when it stopped she crashed into it. Her car was considerably damaged. : The second accident was of a similar type. All day there had been a large stream of cars pass- ing through the town. Yesterday afternoon a car proceeding west past the exhibition grounds in a stream of cars, suddenly came to a dead stop. The car behind it crash- ed into it. and likewise two more cars int the line-up. Four cars in all Directions and formula on each box. featured in the accident Foriun ately there was little dgmage done to any of the four cars, OSHAWA BAND WAS BIG ATTRACTION Salvation Army Musicians Played Series of Concerts Here (By Staff Sepon. p JE TE Bowmanville, manville folks were treated to some real music over the week- end, when the Salvation Army band of Oshawa were the guests of the local Temple, Saturday night street service was held. on King street, Sunday afternoon the band playéd at Cream of Barley park, attracting many comments from the' tourists who were present. Sunday evening a special concert was given in Trinity United church. Many people took rhe opportunity to hear this. versatile: band and were quite pleased with the music provided. The coming of this band again to Bowmanville will be look- ed forward to by the citizens, MOTORS WON BY A LARGE MARGIN (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 22.---The Mo- tors team in the town softball lea- gue still remain at the top of the heap as a result of their 13 to 2 win over the Front Street aggre- gation Friday night. Johnny James, pitching for Front St.. was wilder than a night hawk. He is- sued free tickets to first base 1ib- erally and had wild pitches galore, The Motors win was rather a nol- low one on account of this. "Red" sure had an off night. "Phe Motors were hitting hard gathering in two triples and a couple of two baggers, Only good fielding on the part of the Front street crew saved the losers from a worse drubbing. 'rhe line-ups were: Front St.--James p; McMullen, ¢: Culley, 1b; Thurston, 2b; Can- cilla. 3b; Williams, ss; Cancilla, 1f; Bell, cf; Adams, rf. Motors--Lunney, p; Hooper, c; Chartrand, 1h: Witheridge, 2b; Roegnik, 3b; Stark, ss; Martin, 1f; Moorcraft, ef; Large, rf. CHINESE CRISIS CAUSES ANXIETY (Continued from page 1) and to violate the Russo-Chinese treaty. Soviet Names Army Chief London, July 22.--General Le erovitch has been appointed cous - mander-in-chief of the Russian =r. mies, according to Riga dispatches to the London Morning Post today. General Bluecher, at the same time, was appointed chief of the Russian general staff the dispatch added, Both departed for Vladivostok, which probably wil lbe the Russian headquarters in the event of an open conflict between the Soviet union and China. Pact in Effect Wednesday Washington. July 22,--The sit. uation caused by the United State's government's attempt to avert a Russo-Chinese war was tense to- day. President Hoover was scheduled to retur ntoday from his Rapidan, Va., week-end camp to confer with former Secretary of State Kellogg, co-author of the famous anti-war pact. The unexpected and wunprece- dented American action te enforce the pact will go into effect Wed- nesday, in a formal proclamation ceremony led by President Hoover and participated in y former President Coolidge, former Secre- tary of State Kellogg and Stimson. Great Britain formally added its support to the United States action Sunday, in a communication from London delivered by Sir Esme ror You Are Probably in the Dark You are probably in the dark, so far as your knowl- edge of the ingredients in the prescriptin your physic. ian orders for you is con- cerned. Tt behooves you, therefore to have fit filled at a pharmacy in which you can have perfect faith, Bring your prescriptions here with confidence----they will be filled carefully and . accurately. Ask your physic. ian, KARN'S Drug Store The Family Drug Store with the Lowest Prices Phone 378, Next the Post Office (BNI NAN 8) BY CN YE TE YL Howard, British ambassador, ex- pressing approval and co-opera- tion, All nations which have ratifiel the treaty' will be represented at the proclamation ceremony in the Sreat east room of the White House, The treaty by its own terms i: effective on deposit at the state department of the ratification of ull fifteen signatory nations, The last signatory ratification, that of Japan, has arrived here and will be deposited Wednesday morning. Twenty-six other nations, in cluding Russia and China, have ad- hered to the pact, the Soviet gov- ernment having been the first of all nations to ratify it, The pro- cess of ratfiication of adhefence is nearly complete in 21 other na- tions. Bulgaria"s adherence is {0 be deposited here today. 'The Barker with Milton Sills Dorothy Mackaill Betty Compson POST MORTEMS Featuring Raymond Griffiths A Sound and Color Symphony IN A CHINESE TEMPLE GARDEN 0 New Martin "Beware of Bachelors" With Audrey Ferris William Collier and others COMEDY Cuarlle Chaplin n "THE COUNT" The feminist picture ever made 2 FOX NEWS 8 Latest and greatest events of the day FT CANAD EXHI . . . celebrates the brilliance of t a to-be-remember the more than two tors. Low rates by rail and boat. dation. Send for illustrated entire Empire Year Am) THOMAS BRADSHAW. BITION TORONTO ~ ONTARIO Aug23+Sepn The 1920 Canadian National Exhibition . . . the fiftyfirst Expire Year, and e entire two weeks' presentation will provide iiicent, inspiringend long- spectacle for a---- e Disp ture in all its Trots and featuring Standard Bred Society Feturity. Internationa! Outboard Motor Boat Regatta and Yacht Races. Ri ----------.. Government Exhibits from prac tically every Country in the World. Grand Stand Military and Naval Pageant, ** Britannia's Muster *; by\L500 performers onthe World's Largest Stage. Showing of 1930 Motor Car Models. 1 Aircraft Show and Car nival of the Sky. of Agricuk H. W. WATERS, General Manager

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