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Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1929, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 26, 1929 Count Ilya Tolstoy Condémns vo... Entire Russian os -. Structure "DEFEAT IN WAR Says Nation Could Muster «+ Army, But Could Not Butfalo, N.Y.; July 26.--Rugged, bearded, and harking of the soll, Count Ilya Tolstoy son of Rus- 'agia's immortal man' of letters, yes- térday portrayed a pessimistic fu- -ture *for Soviet Russia in war and Weak After Operation "After having an operation, 1 was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and tried it and believe it helped me wonderfully. I have no weak spells any more, the pains have left me and my nerves are much bet. ter. | feel safe in saying Lydia E. Pinkham's . medicines have helped me wonderfully."--Mrs. Wm. H. Begchteller, Box 143, Port Colbome, :Ontarios 35%) a0 Li ® Lydia £. Pinkham's Yegeiah ¢ Gompound £ Pinkham M Lyn C.P.R. TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1909, a Lf fs BE SRT a abe In pungent, voluble outbursts, the Slavic savant forecast ; "doom" of the p of his native land les of the Russian-C ps 4. Behind the pessimistic attitude of Tolstoy's opinions therg was. the inherited liberalism and Tove of i glan peasant which his] Fly er championed in his {life and writings, His pleasant. in~ terview with the press was inter- rupted by nervous stroking of his blue-black beard and wistful gazes at the' b: expanse of Lake Erie, which he could see from the win- dow of his hotel suite, He contin- uously smoked long Russian cigar- ettes. To-day he will address an au- dience at the University of Buffalo. | 'Bitterly he tore apart the en- tire construction of the Soviet Gov~ ernment and social life. As for war with China, he predicted the same disastrous results as befell the im- peridlistic government when it at- tempted a decade previous to chas- tise Japan in the Far East, - Would Be Worsted In a fog fight with China, he scornfully declared, Russia would be worsted by the isolation of its troops in. Siberia from the heart and. pulse of the nation. Lack of supplies, money and closely-knit communications would be her downfall, he explained. True, an | army of millions could' he muster- |ed, he said, but there would be | nothing to feed ft, | In turning to the social construe- {tion of the Soviet, Count Tolstoy | pessimistically regarded it as a {labor autocracy and far removed ! from Count Leo Tolstoy's ideas of betterment in spiritual and physi- cal life for which he had crusaded during the Romanoff regime. } "It's a hopeless proposition," | Tolstoy briefly summarized, He pictured the doctrines of Karl Marx as dictatorship of labor. In- stead, he said, the Soviet power was invested in a meagre 2,000,000 of the People's Party as compared {to the 150,000,000 population of Russia the majority of which were of an agricultural and not an in- dustrial nature, It lg impossible to 'cram Communism down the pea- { sant"s throat he concluded, and ft | would he foolish to entrust power to so few. Art is Flayed Tolstoy too flayed the art of 1 Russia. Communism has seeped in and contaminated the arts as weil as the social structure of Russia, he sserted. The drama was wholly given over to propaganda wherein the hero'invariably dies as a sacri- fice to Communism he said, and music is of the ultra modern trend while painting is devoted to cub- ism, futurism, impressionism and "all the ism's that have been proved worhtless." "Still there are people . with real understanding of art who are 'ecantinuing the betterment of it in spite of Bolshevism,' the Count de- clared with some satisfaction. "They are trying over there to sup- press the individual,. It can't be done and that's why Communism and Sovietism' is doomed." In pointing out the mass in Soviet art, Count Tolstoy plained: "Why, 1f a poet writes a poem he : doesn't sign his name, He signs 'one hundred and fifty mil- lion' because he is supposed to be only the mouthpiece of the col- idea ex- was asked -his inio on. He tersley d An 's 'greatest pro- en initio Ry Prohibition? Most foolish." PITONFREE IST Senate Committee Likely To Retain Duty on Shingles Washington, July. 26.--Possibil- ity that the Senate Finance Com- mittee will retai House rate of duty on shin , but will retura lumber to the free list, was seem here when the Republican mem- bers of the committee met behind closed doors recently and began the work of considering changes in the House bill. 'The bill will practic- ally be re-written, Although it has been staeral, predicted that the finap®e co tee would knock out the House increases on bufl materials, was disclosed that Republican senators feel there is more argu- ment for free lumber than iree shingles. Some of them are disposed to take into account the complaint of losing! business made by American shingle mills in Washington and other North-western states. Presi- dent Hoover, however, is opposed to the increases on building materi- als generally, according to those who have talked the matter over with him. Aware of the administration's opposition to the House rates on cattle, farm organizations are working hard to have the finance 'turned 'into can life Tolstoy 0! on Pl di; bl 3 fo The photographs here snow the three appointments, announced re- cently, to the staff of the Na- 'tional Research Bureau, Ottawa, They 'were 'chosen for their wide eq ©orience in heir respective spheres. (1) Dr. Wm. Boyle, Uni- versity of Alberta, where he was | prosperous countries." "| oni 'the farm, in the mine, in mill or factory--for the producer and con- without ade- will be sumer alike--who, quate tariff protection, forced Into competition with poorly | paid, cheap labor of other and les STRICT REGULATIONS FOR PILOTS SEPT 1 Washington, D.C., July 26.-- Stricter regulations for aeroplane pilots go into effect September 1, and after that date fliers must keep in practice if they are to fly more than one type of plane. Under the new department of commerce regulations a pilot wu be 1i d to fly for hire one or professor of physica (2) Dr. John ilton Parkin, of To- ronto University staff, r ized as one of the leading aeronautical engineers of America, and (3) Dr. George 8. Whitby, professor of organic industry at McGill Univer- sity, Montreal. committee Republicans, not only refuse to lower them, but even to increage them. The situation is 'J complicated by the demand of some of the Progressives in the Senate that the policy of free hides be con- tinued, but that cattle rates be made higher than the House rates. While finance committee Republic ans are dispesed to work with the administration as far as possinie and, aspecially to meet the admin- istration views as to those products in which Canada is especially in- terested, they are embarrassed hy' the demand of agricultural organ- izations that Republican chiefs do not wish to offend. ' Wants Hoover's View President Hoover was called up- on to give his views on the House Tariff Bill recently by Senator La- Follette, Republican, Wisconsin, as the Republicans of the Senate Fi- nance Committee started revision of that measure in executive ses- sion. "After dictating the terms or ithe Farm Bill and condemning the debenture plan in unmeasureu terms," the Wisconsin Senator satu in a statement, 'the President can- not with very good grace remain neutral and silent on the tariff." Senator LaFollette is a member of the Republican Independent group which is opposing the House measure, and he promised a "'de- termined and uncompromising fight on the floor of the Senate." From the finance work room came a lengthy state ment by Senator Shortridge, or California, in which he declared "the Republican Party proposes to enact a tariff law which shall have due and first regard for United States, men, women and children®-- committee, more of 12 classes of planes upon which he satisfactorily passes uy- ing tests, and the classes will be specified upon his license card. Present holders of transport and limited commercial pilots licenses will be required to take the tests when they apply for semi-annual renewal of the licenses. The new requirements will give assurance to air passengers thay the flier is qualified to handle the type or class of plane he is flying and has kept in practice on fr, There are three general classifi- cations of plane by weight under .the new regulations. Those are planes of less than 3,500 pounds gross weight, planes of from 3,500 to 7,000 pounds, and planes of more than 7,000 pounds. Each of these classifications is divided into types--planes with one engine and open cockpit; more than one en- gine and open cockpit; single mo- tored cabin planes and multi-mo- tored cabin planes. The classifications apply to sea- planes and amphibians as well as 'Used Roadster New Model "A" Ouly driven small mileage. Looks like new. Rumble Seat, GRAB THIS ONP a FOR SALE BY COX MOTOR SALES FORD DEALERS 10 Bond St. West TRAIN HITS CAR St. Thomas, July 26.--N. Burns, Tillsonburg, traveller for the Harris Abattoir, escaped with a few minor injuries when his car | was struck by a westbound MCR. | passenger engine on the Elgin St. | crossing. He waited for an east- | bound freight train to pass and | drove in front of the approaching | passenger train. His car, a new | one, was considerably damaged, ! but he was able to walk into the | hospital and out of it a few min- | utes later, 0 BRS il - LAKE SCUGOG Property For Sale Small cottage with 250 feet beautifully wooded lake. front. Good beach. Prettiest part of Lake Scugog. Exclu- sive neighborhood. Twenty- five miles from Oshawa. Moderate price and reason- able terms. BOX 89, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES "4 ELLA CINDERS--A Canny Scot -y to land planes. = SE = 2 " i Here's A POSTCARD FROM BCOTLAND WITH THE POSTAGE bagi a BN w. 7 SCOTCH, MYSELF, SO WRITING AND USE THE I'M paRT TLL ERASE THE By Bill Conselman and Chiatlie Plumb ee eee eee He sven SAVED THE COMMAS AND PERIODS, BUT THE ADVICE IS FREE AND (T'S CANNY EVEN WITHOUT PUNCTUATION! Tw GOING TO TRY TO CONVINCE JM THAT FIFTY MILLION SCOTTHMEN CAN'T 7 7 7 'e 0 "94 7% wy ny, SHA 0% bd, 5 BRINGING UP FATHER HLL HAVE SOUP-\WAFFLES aN' A HAMBURGER STEAK SMOTHERED IN ONIONS - THERE'S THE GUY THAT WOZ AT THE PARTY THE OTHER NIGHT AN' TOLD MAGGIE ABOUT THE EIGHTEENDAY DIE T-I MOS TN LET HIM SEE ME EATIA! HERE IN THE CLUB OR HELL TELL MAGGIE I'™M NOT FOLLOW- Wy, (DE a.m. Daily. N a V imes shown above are times trains : J n depart from Oshawa Station. \ y \ 0 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . Effective April 28, 1929, vo (Standard Time) DORRY: BUT DOME SAILORD JUST LEFT. THEY ATE LP EVERY THING {| RAD- I'M JUST CLODING OP- p dard Time) | THOUGHT HED,GO HOME BEFORE THE CLLB DININ' ROOM CLOSED BUT WE DIDN'T: NOW V'LL HAVE TO OIG VP A PLACE / WHERE NO ONE KNOWS \ : ME - lective individuals of the state." After Russia, the interview was bo G2 arias AES PND Nsom . BERR khsns Daily. n Daily except Sunday, um, Daily, BEL, - a ne oom 868 oppe as .23 a.m. Daily except Sunday. => i ps) 4 h m. Daily. .m. Daily except Sunday. .m. Daily. .m. Daily except Sunday. m, Daily, h .m." Daily. Lm. Ratly am, Daily, AW wm. Daily. a.m, Daily. .m. Daily. . m. Daily ¥ Snide Ps - meme : .m. Daily exe nday. 3 & ; tf SI fs m. Daily except Sunday. 50-54 KING STREET W. ; i x haa, Daily, ANNIVERSARY SALE ms, Sunday only. Men's Red Back Overalls, garment $ 1 J 9 IL. COLLIS & SONS PHONE 783W wo - = © OP, = FaS oP? = = Fett, us a & - © 1929, Int] Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. ; 0 - » BOO ZYUBA8Y [i Py b-R-N ma ou 7 m, m. aily, : Daily except Sunday. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE "WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1229.) y (Daylight Saving Time) est Leave Arrive Bore, IRON ORE AND LIMESTONE + ARE BROUGHT UP THE INCLINED TRACK AND DROPPED If ALTERNATE LAYERS THROUGH A DOOR AT THE TOP. WHEN" MELTED THE LIMESTONE AND THE IMPURITIES COMBINE TO MAKE SLAG, AND BOTH THE SLAG (AND THE IRON Siti TO THE BO Py DADDY TOLD ME HOW WE | GET IRON, | BETTY. IRON ORE 15 SMELTED IN A BLAST FURNACE TO PRODUCE IRON, TOMMY. THE MODERN BLAST FURNACE 15 H SIMPLY A GREAT CHIMNEY LINED § viiTH FIRE BRICK." "ge oA, THE SLAG BEING LIGHTER, RLOATS ON Sen, Ef TOP OF THE MOLTEN IRON, AND BOTH ARE DRAW OFF AT INTERVALS TH DRAIN PIPES. HEAR THE BOTTOM, PIPES ADMIT THE FORCED DRAFT OR BLAST" WHICH GIVES THE FURNACE TS NAME. ED 4 TET RARSER ASA I £ 3 » B wNRa wi Som, Eo 2ppREEpanng Porth a eo 55000 1009. 88 PPPPPPUYPR 3 & ® 8 oma ales Ba oa pees agp 538 PpPopene g BURR 12.45 p.m. for 8 4.35 pm. 645 pm. ta 1 sak Gpo38 vo 8 BERN ln pact 3 -- « BaRRpRaang {=3 a S ? Bg 3 BRERRRREE EE fips id PUPPY PDYPases SppBpBpPEEARRR Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Corner NOT = i SLAG | MSs ma PY oo 28 SB SRLS 88 PATACY REEREEE 85288 "& ass Nad wns EiBata By Russ Wostows! IN U, VILLIE, YoU To DRWE "THE BEACH WITH ME, BUT 3EEIN YOURE So BUSY LL Sv Some oNE Anniversary Sale Men's 'Wool Bathing « $1.95 Suits ...... a TILLIE THE TOWER "Work Before Pleasure?" OF Course BeaB BoP PPYrPT Se gx 'LL BR $1» WANTED JDowiN_ TO 3. z YoU CoULD] HAVE SENT] THIS WORK 8 : SEIN SAID COULD Haus THE REST OF THE AFTERNOON OFF, AND HE'D LIKE, os. Ny ONED You YE AFTER® YOU'D GONE» HOME, r TILLIE 8 3 3 & = Teed ¢ You WOULDN'T - HAVE BEEN BOHERE] \F You HADN'T 100 i pan 9.00 py 1.00 pan. 11.15 pum. Time marked are Whi Hospital Lpecial 'Busses For All Occasions ;' Reasopable Rates . vers 1 "1. A. GARTON, Proprietor Sowmanville~Phone 412 or 348 Phone 2283 Ushawa Waiting Room, 10 Prince Sto= Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block > 1516~Phens~151¢ / 73 © 20, Ring Fraturss Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain rights reser

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