* TFIE OSFIAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 192 li, DOuSE THER BiNNAeLE= LIGHT DODEA ST EBM! ~The Crows are "Cawing" "I Told You So" The Black Birds of Panic are standing on the street corners, whis. pering of the awfulness of what may come. They see only rain and storm and forget that the sun does come out and the clouds disperse and that we do have glorious weather; which in its turn must give way to a bit of rain and sleet so that we may have those "bigger than ever" crops each year. Heavens! has there ever been a panic that half-way equalled what was prophesied? Has any previous ten year period in Canada's history equalled the past decade in our industrial and national growth? Doesn't each decade show giant strides beyond the last? Are we going to consider a dinner spoiled because one course was a bit singed? Are we going to lie down and develop a frenzy because we outgrew our clothes and found them a bit tight in spots? The new ones will shortly arrive from tailor adjustment (and let's hope we've ordered them slightly large to allow for further growth). Are we all going to Join the black birds on the serner in idleness and whispering? Of cousse nok. 'Aind we all know trade will acon get iy and Busler, then busiest again; followed by another little adjustment, don't we? Then, What's all the Fuss About "Keep on Trading" Ly Oshawa Lumber Company = Limited i 25 Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 | Kinsmen Kiddies' | KARNIVAL.- Spt The Kinsmen's Club of Osh- awa are holding their An+ nual Kiddies' Karnival for all boys and girls between the ages of seven and.eleven inclusive on Monday after" noon, August 19 at Lake- view Park between the hours of two p.m. and six p.m. Starting next week coupons will appear in the Oshawa Daily Timea and Kiddies are requested to clip these coup- ons and take them to the Y. M.C.A. where coupons will be exchanged for tickets for those eligible. All coupons must be signed by the parent or guard: ian of each Kiddie. The Kinsmen Club does not accept any legal liability with respect to injuries caused by accident, Lakvie rr The Kinsmen's Club are doing. everything within their power to give the Kiddies of Oshawa. a happy afternoon, at Lakeview: Park and every precaution is being' taken to prevent mishaps. Parents: and guardians are requested to! bring the Kiddies to" Rotiry Park += = 'on Centre St. between one and two o'clock Monday afternoon, Aug.: 19, where Kinsman Jack Hoover and his assistants will take charge: of the children until they are transe: ported to Lakeview Park. 3 UGUST 10th | At the Park various sports and games have been arranged to amuse the visitors, in fact the Kiddies will be entertained from % the moment they arrive at the Lake till six { {o'clock when they will be returned to Ro» | tary Park. Refreshments -- Hot 1: Ice Cream, Milk, Candies, etc. will jb served at the Lake. Asa protective mehs- Lure the Park will be policed by Hoy Scouts and others will be continually on the lookout to see that every child is taken care of. . : : w Parl DAVE FOWLER, . ° pi Chairman General Co ttee in charge of Kinsmen Kiddies' Karnival. | <