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Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Aug 1929, p. 12

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i When to Stop Port Hops Titra be all right fo ve the baby a of steak when "wants it, according to Dr, Blatz, t does one know when the will want the earth. _ Peterboro.--George Lush fanded a 16 d Junge while fishing near C. J ymour's property on the Oton- abee River, Mr. Lush was down for 1 troll and had only been out a short time when he caught the big fish. 3 "Loud Speakers + Peterboro--Amplifiers were uscd at the 'Cathedral, so that everyone in the building and at the entrances were able to hear the addresses and re- sponse of Archbishop O'Brien on the occasion of his return from Rome, ~ Not Pessimistic : : Port Hope.--We are not desirous of Being pessimistic nor do we wish to spoil anyone's outlook but the at- mosphere doe: seem to be taking on a bit of autumnal touch these days-- and evenings,--100. Pea Pack Shortage Belleville--THe Belleville canners' pea pack for this season has fallen considerably short of that of last year, Twenty-eight thousand cases are stated to have been packed this year, as compared with 56,000 last year. This was on accoune of 'the marked crop shortage. * Old Grey Mare Kingston.--"The old grey mare is not what she used to be" and was responsible for "stopping. the traffic on William street for over an hour on Tuesday evening as she lay in the middle of the road and refused to make a real effort to get up. Laying Road Surface Brockyille--On Sunday 25 employ- ees of the Ontario Amiesite Co., To- ronto, arrived here and are making good progress in laying the surface" of the pavement in Pearl street east. The concrete base of the James strect avement has been laid between Perth and Wall streets. Twilight Ball Tonight Peterboro--Owing to the General Motors annual picnic being held in Oshawa on Saturday next, the Osh- swa team has asked that the game scheduled for Saturday of this week Pe changed and consequently it will Be played this evening at a quarter # six o'clock, enabling all who wish fp see it. Inquest Ordered Port Hope.--To probe the circum- lances surrounding the death of re McCormick, of Port Hope, an Quality C-0-A-L MALLETT BROS. Phone 3060 Our yard will be closed every Saturday afternoon, May to August. inquest will be held at the Town Hall here next Monday evening before Coroner Dr. F, W. Diamond, Mr. McCormick an employee of the local fruit house, was found dead in the western end of the town at 1.10 pan. Sunday. School Fair Dates Port Hope--Twelve school fairs 'will be held in Durham County in September, The dates are: Mill brook, Sept. 5; Ida, Sept. 6; Garden Hill, Sept. 9; Welcome, Sept. 10; Newcastle, Sept. 12; Bethany, Sept. 13; Janetville, Sept. 16; Blackstock: Sept. 18; Enniskillen, Sept. 19; Orono Sept. 20; Hampton, Sept. 23, and Ma- ple Grove, Sept. 24. Suffers Injury to Foot Cobourg.--Roy Blackie of Dundalk aged 21 years, an employee of the Warren Paving Company, who was engaged in paving Division street here suffered an injury. to his foot when 'a steam roller passed over it. A bofie in the leg was fractured also. He was taken to Cobourg General Hospital. Must Gain Assent Port Hope.--The assent of the Pro- vincial Highways department to the plans for the paving on Cavan, Mol- son and Mill streets is all that is now needed to enable the work to be started and this official approval is expected any day now. The wark will be rushed as soon as it is started, Moving Van in Ditch Brockville.--A large motor-driven nmioving van, owned by Woodbine Mover¥, came to grief on the high- way opposite -the Ontario Hospital, when it went into the ditch from the soft shoulder of the highway after being turned out to allow a small car passage on the highway from the hospital grounds. The heavy truck was loaded with furniture being tran- sported from Toronto eastward. Dogs Raid Sanctuary Belleville~Adjacent: to the city is a sanctuary established by Walter Turner, in which a .umber of wild geese and ducks make their home in the summer. Last night dogs gai1ed entrance and killed seven geese and one tree duck. The owner Jf the dogs is known and recompense will be sought. Released on Bail Belleville.--John Burns, who was arrested in Tweed last night after the Coroner's jury had rendered its ver- dict in the inquest held into the death of Brakeman A, R. Brown of Smith's Falls, a C.P.R. employee, was subse- quently released on bail. At Madoc Burns appeared before Magistrate Casement and the case was adjourned for a few days. Big Field Day Orono.--A big field day has 'been arranged to be 'held at Orono on Saturday next at which there will be a baseball tournament, a horseshoe pitching contest, a football game and a grand concert, all of which promise to give a big day's enjoyment to every one. An energetic committee , Toe the details in cha lans for a successful | events are well under way. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1929 ~ o and the ¥ f the Fire Sweeps Wooded Area Cobourg. --~Old Ontario is not es- caping the fire menace. At the week end, twenty acres of standing wood and pasture land at McEualey's Mountain, Prince Edward County, was swept by fire, The fire started on the roadside and it is believed a passing motorist was responsible, The flames raged all the afternoon and eve and were not overcome until a drenching rain fell, 2 Ban on Fish Nets S Kingston.--Clayton E, Cobb, presi- dent of the Frontenac Fish and Game Protective Association, and C, R. Webster, K.C,, sccretary, approached the Kingston Township Council at a regular meeting of the Council 'held in the Cataraqui Hall on Tuesday evening, requesting co-operation with the association in its efforts to have the use of fish-nets prohibited in Frontenac County. : Harrier's Club Kingston.--A great deal of inter- est has been taken in running lately by Y.M.C.A. members, and a Har- rier's club is being mooted, If such a club is formed it is thought that it would be a good move towards the advancement 'of this type of sport, which has been rather backward of recent years. Several promising run- ners have been competing in short sprints and it is hoped to develop some for distance races. NEW PARLOR GAME FUTILEBUT AMUSING Consists in Selecting the Ten Best Players of the Year New York, N.Y. Aug. 9.--"Proba- bly the most harmless and certainly the most futile parlor game extant is picking the ten best plays of the vear," writes Richard Watts, Jr, in the New York Herald Tribune, "Any- way, it is a reasonably entertaining sport and, in addition, it provides possibilities for indulging in amusing variations, such as selecting the ten worst dramas, rst, gral This timorous observer's current idea of the ten new plays that pro- vided him, in one wav or another, with the greatest satisfaction of the departed season is: 'Journey's End, 'Street Scene," 'The Sacred Flame,' 'Gods of the Lightning,' 'Gvpsy Ma- chinal' 'Serena Blanish, 'Wings over Europe," 'Dynamo,' and, with apolo- gies to almost every one in the world, 'Gentlemen of the Press" It is only fair to say that this recorde? had a certain minor collaborating interest in the last named play and therefore may be a trifle prejudiced. "As a sort of tip-off on my 'ack of my commercial judgment, it may as well be confessed that the following list of the dramas that seemed to me most overrated. contained a fair higher percentage of successes. The group consistso f: 'Holid Hand," 'The Front Page. 'Little . cident, 'The Marriage Bed, 'Mima,' -- ba a _ a Instant Aid ll When Produce Prices in the Commercial Markets HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY li Some One i Is Hurt You have a "doctor" with you all the time when you have within reach a First-aid Kit. Contains iodine, cotton, gauze, spir- its of ammonia, scissors and other requisites for Cl r duce to ces creamery, prints, Cheese--New, triplets, 22c; stiltons, 27 twins, stiltons, 30 to 3lc. : TORONTO PRODUCE holes are in, ro- tn airs. ot the folowing: ori. exs~Fresh extras,, in cartons, 3c: Iresh extras, loose, 35c; firsts, 3lc; seconds. 25 to Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 42¢c; No, 2 c. 29 1.2¢; triplets, and cuts, 30c; old try -- Dressed hickens, 5 Ibs. up ... sessers 38-42 we 4 10 5 Ibs, ... . 40 Do., 3 to"# Ibs. . Hens, over 2 Ibs. . Do., 4 to 3 Lo., 31-2 to 4 Roosters . I Ti quick, safe and effective B treatment of cuts, burns, bruises and other acci- dents. Neat, compact, inexpensive. A present- day necessity for home, office, auto trips and out- ings. Keep a Firstaid Kit handy. Save With Safety Jury & Lovell's King St E. Simcoe St S. Phone 28 Phone 68 E B Si 'Jealousy,' 'Man's Estate, 'Harlem,' and 'Congai.' They certainly weren't the worst plays of the year, but it did seem to me that they received far more than their merited share of cash and admiration, "Now to get down to the business of explaining the sclection of the first list. 'Journey's End' and 'Street Scene,' of course, need no defense. The former is, as any primary fol- lower of the drama knows, the only great war play since 'What Price Glory,' and, if less robust, it is more touching than its predecessor, 'Street Scene,' it is an axiom of the the3iire to repeat, offers the finest amalga- mation of" realism and poetry that the drama has yet brought to bear on the average New York existence. After this we grow more controvers- sial and less elementary. G er N Ww O Duck eggs, dozen Carrots, doz. bunches Beets, doz. bunches . Onions, dry, 11-gt. Cabbage .. Cauliflower ... Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, 3 for . Parsley, per bunch . Cress, three for .... Celery, per bundle . Oranges, per dozen, Grapefruit," each . Lemons, per Bananas, per dozen Apples, 6-qt, basket Rhubarb, 3 bunches New. potatoes, peck Green beans, 11 qt. . Lower grades . rolers, 1 Ib, «ene TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in ef- fect on the St.. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce: -- gE extras, per dozen ... ., first, per dozen RN SCS utter. dairy, per poun Do., creamery, per pound Fruits and Sl oi ba Do., 6-qt. basket ... inach, peck ushrooms, per pound cocoonoocoosocee oocoo SSERNASRNENRDEEB 4 ° - by en . reen peas, 11 qt. . Plums, doz, ....... Gooseberries, 6 qt. . Cherries, sour, 6 at. Raspberries, quart . TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Toronto wholesale hay and straw dealers are making the following quotations to fa:m- s delivered at 'Toronto: : 0, L timothy, lonse per ton $19 UCto $20.00 Do., baled Nominal No, 2, do. . Do.. -3., do. 2 Nomiaal 9.50 10.00 heat straw ini 9.50 12.00 at straw TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 35 to 40c: ; | 18 3-4c, Shortening, tierces, 13 1-2 to 14 1-2; H tbs, 14c; pails, 14 1-2¢; tins, 16 1-2¢; prints, cooked loins. 50 to 53c: smoked rolls. 28c: breakfast bacon, 28 to 40c; back, pea-mealed 38 to 3c: do, smoked, 45 to 47c. Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 ; 70 to 90 Ibs., $19; 9 fo 100 Ibs. $18; lightweight rolls in barrels, t rolls, per barrel, Lard--Pure, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15 3-4 to 16 1.4c; pails, 16° 3-4c; prints, 18 1.4 "to Jeddo Coal - Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With That Good Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel J . Pork loins, 36c; New York shoulders, 25c: pork butts, 32c; pork hams, 31 1-2c. TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board . of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitoba Wheat . 2 Northern, $1.59 1-4. . 3 Northern, $1.56 1-4, . 4 wheat, $1.45 3-4, . 5 wheat, $1.30 1-4, . 6 wheat, $1.12 1.4, Feed wheat, 97 1-4c. (c.i.f, Goderich and bay ports. track lc higher than above.) EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Aug. 8.--Hogs--Receipts, 2,- 100; holdovers, 600; more active than early, generally 25 to 30c below Wednesday's av- erage; bulk 140 to 210 lbs., $12.50 to $12.65; Ibs., $11 to $11.50; packing sows, $9.60 to 220 his 250 1bs., $11.60 to $12.25; 250 to 310 $10.10, . Cattle--Receipts, 200; steady cutter cows, $5 to $7.50; few butcher grades, upward to $9. FOR THE Gravel, Sand, Price on 50, Calves--Receipts, 125; vealers fully steady: good to choice, $17 to $17.50; common and medium, $12.50 to $15, Sheep--Receipts, 700; lambs active, fully steady, quality plain good to choice natives, BUILDER Stone, Lime And Building Material DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES Telephone 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES $13.50 to $14; throwouts, $11.50 to $12.50; fat ewes, $6.50 to $7 CHICAGO PRODDUCE FUTURES Chicago, Aug. 8.--December butter futures were stronger on the Chicago Mercantile ex- change today when the week's output of the creamery associations revealed significant de- creases, not only from a week ago, but from the corresponding week last year. The [l'e- cember gain was $48 a car, but August fresh futures showed a $24 loss. November eggs were also higher, the gain amounting to $45 a car in light trading, due to the early ad- journment because of. the exchange's annual field day, Open commitments--November eggs, old, 160; do., new, 1,943; Aug. butter, 4; Dec. butter, 691, Two market 132; last year, last year 28,365. Chicago spot market--Butter, standards, 42 1-2¢; tone firm; 31 1-2c; tome steady. New York spot market--Butter extras, 43 1-2c; tone firm; eggs, firsts 32 3-4 to 33c; tone firm, z Street stocks--Butter tod year, 106,476; eggs today, 125 chairman stated, but that if will probably be late in the month be- fore the cheques will be issued. A majority of the local pension boards have been organized and 2,000 applications have been re- ceived by the central provincial board, the chairman stated. 'The majority of the applicants have been received from the urban cen- tres, due to the fact that boards in the latter are in a small area i B i . and can meet often, whereas the receipts--Butter today, 2L-|county and rural board# accept ap- A323; : eaRs: today, 307; plications and then meet at a cen- tral point to discuss them. The chairman stated provincial supervisors have the power to check payment of any pensions for special investigation even though the local boards may BB, ut ten markets--Butter. net in,|N2Ye Passed the application, Thus, Bo a 512: eas, net|he said, some disappointment may out, 1,276; last year, net out, 4,885, be caused by applications being de- clined even though passed by the extras, 43c; eggs, firsts, that the , 129,577; last ,294; last year, | "The Sacred Flame® was a scarch- ing and bitingly poignant tragedy about the less Oedipus-like aspects of mother: love, beautifully written and expertly acted, 'God of the Light. ning' was, of course, that brilliant and callantly partisan defense of Sac- co and Vanzetti; an exceptionally stirring example of the drama as con- troversy. 'Gypsy' provided an honest and courageous portrait of the in- constant girl who longed for the gift of loyalty. 'Machinal' combined na- turalism with the less fantastic me- thods of the dying expression in a stalwart, moving and literate work which provided a sort of lyric expla- nation of the late Mrs. Ruth Snvder. 'Serena Blandish' was an unusual ex- ample of fantastic, half-mad (though not quite mad enough) high comedy; 'Wings over Europe' was an excellent [6] n a nw CC Pp 0 Ww 0 melodrama about ideas, marred by an ver-written conclusion, and 'Dyna- 10, though a confused, hysterical nd often embarrassingly juvenile O'Neill sermon, had sections of enor- mous power and import. will have to be silence. The rest "Then there is the group of disap- pointments. 'Holiday' struck ne as a 1eretricious nnd curorisingly unwitty ymedy, in which even the lead lady was miscast, thcugh the part was written for her. "'Mima' was a dramatic tedium aritally concealed in a remarkablc 1echanical production, 'Jealousy' as a trick play in which the me- thods employed to conceal the stunt f having only two actorsfinally be- came too obvious for comfort." Nothing jolts a sarcastic man more PENSIONS TO AGED |" START NOVEMBER NEWSPRINT MILL Chairman Says Majority of FINDS EMPLOYENT Local Boards Are London, Aug. 9--sUnemployment | Organized in the north of England will be - considerably alleviated by a $5,- Toronto, Aug. 9.--Payment of 000,000 enterprise which has been the first allowances under the old launched by two groups of national | age pensions act will begin in No- | newspapers. { vember, Hon. Dr. David Jamieson, The scheme provides for the | chairman of the provincial pension [erection Qf a newsprint mill on the | boar, announced recently. The |banks of the Manchester Ship Ca- time for the inauguration of the|nal. The company which has been | than a dose of his own medicine.-- | pension scheme is on Nov. 1, the |formed in Bowater's Mersey Paper | | chen habit next day. | department stores in Can: Mills, Limited. Fifty per cent of the share capi- tal has been subscribed by the SUNDAY PICTORIAL, the DAILY MIRROR, Asgociated Newspupers Limited, and Messrs. W. V. Bowat- er and Sons, Limtied, while the other 50 per cent has been found by the SUNDAY EXPRESS, the DAILY EXPRESS and the EVEN- ING STANDARD. How well you look b a4 am writing you again to express my sincere gratitude for the continued success I have maintained through my daily dose of Kruschen. Only last week a man met me (who saw me a few months ago when I was crippled with rheumatism). His first remark was how ' well I looked. I replied, * Yes, I have only Kruschen Salts to thank, He said he was feeling "off colour and would start the Kruse 1 always recommend JAE. F. WOOLNFE. | Original letter on file for inspection, Kruschen Salts is obtainable at drug and | a at 75c. a bottle; , A bottle contains enough to last for 4 or 5 months=~g for half-a~cent a dass | Kruschen Salts." 3 PIECE FIB These Beautiful designs and colorings that would grace any window are these fine drapery silks in com- bination colors of rose and blue, "in damask and stripe effects, 50 3 piece Fibre Sets make an ideal Suite for small living rooms comprising, settee, rocker and chair, fin- ished in shaded enamels. The holstered in smart chintz. Reg. $39.95. August Sale Larger size regular $84.50. A 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite Handsome Mohair Chesterfield Suite with new buttoned front upholstered in fine quality auto spring seats are up- $35.00 $75.00 ugust Sale EERIE E 6 Pce Apartment Suits 6 Very fine 6 piece apartment suite constructed of oak and finished in old English two tone effect. The buffet has sliding trays which are very convenient. The table has four legs on a base and opens to 6 feet. The 4 chairs are up- holstered in tapestry. Regular $129.50. August $110.00 Sale 3 BREAKFAST SUITE Well constructed breakfast room suite comprising Buffet with 2 drawers and 2 cupboards, drop 0 0 '° 9 Pce Dining Room Suite Well made dining room suite of 9 pieces comprising, buffet, china cabinet, oblong extension table and set of 6 diners. Finish- ed in shaded walnut. This is an outstanding bargain. Regular $139.50. AUGUST $99 75 ° SALE . ' Silk Drapery 36 in. wide Rayon Silk Drapery in Damask pattern of rase and blue. Makes a very good looking drape at a low price. Reg. 75¢ yd. August Sale, yd. 59¢ SPINET DESK Solid walnut spinet desk that is useful and good looking at a very low price. egular $29.75. August Sale - material. The spring filled cushions are reversed with figured Moquette, 3 pieces comprising chestrfield, wing in. wide. Reg. $2.25. $1 98 August Sale yard ...... and arm chair. Reg. $198. leaf table and set of 4 chairs, finished in shaded grey enamel with decorations. Reg. $49.95. August Sale .............. 30 Slub Repps AUGUST SALE ... ... $159:3 | 50 inches wide Slub Repp for sun- room. Very smart stripes of fawn : ar a es rose blue and yellow and rose, | green and blue, guaranteed sun- ] ll fast. Extra special for .August Sale yard . R $1 50 : RD Special value are these card tables cover- ed in green baze, good sturdy construction Size 30 inches square. Regular $3.25. August Sale each .... $2.49 A large assortment of fine quality floor lamps have been specially reduced for the Au- THE BALANCE IN 5 gust Sale. 'Both Bridge and Juniors. Ranging in price com- fi plete. Aunt 7 06 63 King St., E. Sale Kitchen ~ Cabinets Well made kitchen ca- binets constructed of Kiln Dried Oak fin- ished in golden shade, fitted with porcelain top and complete with bread and flour con- tainers, sugar - bowl and spice jars. Reg. $45.00. August Sale CHAIR USE OUR CLUB PAY 1-5 DOWN Upholstered all over in smart chintz these well proportioned chairs are very fortable and ideal for bed- hei Roe $15.25. Aug Sale $13.95 FURNITURE COMPANY ' Phones 78-79

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