THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST. 10, 1929 5 i D'SECTI J! Ee Se sui on IW. 7 imcoe St. south, ces i . wa. Ph 4, : t, BA. LLB.: AF. Annis, BA. LLE Solicitor, N * publ Wl Con ® vey- sncer. [Vi yg loan. Bnird Rou new Building, Opposite Post ps 2096. g . . , SIN oy of Commerce Bundi (116-1 yr.) OErH P, MANGAN, BA --BAR- hl HEN Notary' Pudlie, Con- veyancer. loan. Office 14% King St Eset, Oshawa. Plone #45 --BAR- risters, Conveyancers, Notasics Pub- | lie, ice ever Stabdard, Hank 9 iJ Binns b Prulld B.A. : LOUIS & WYMAN, BARRMTER, icitos, (Nntary, over Dewland's Money to lugn. 16 Simcoe ; north. Phoue' 67. Resllence W. risters, te. Mopey to Iran, Alger Bldg, Opnes'ta Pust Office, Phone 1614, un Parkhill, A, C. H. Field risers, Solicitors, ete, 34% Sim- ig N, Phone 316). Mobey to {98D. (26tc) A Medical W. TRICK, PHY5I- cian, Surgeon, Obstutrician, Special references to materr 1'y work and di- seases of women. Two years' post raduste experience, Office ard resi- i t, No. . Broek) nee 167 Simcoe S-. (cor. (Hoe) municipal engineers. 365 or St E, Phones 2532) or 2544. st. 8, We can sell your odd pieces of furnl- ture and other articles at our yards 41 Kipg St. W.. oshawa, Onterlo, 8. W, CLARK, AUCTIONEER, 25 years' experience, has opened an office at 520 Simcoe St. South, Your business solicited. Phone 2593M for particulars. . (Aug. 9-1 mo) 2 insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re- putahle Fire Companies. (110) WHEN PLACING INSURANCE cohsult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north, Your insurance wants attended to and your Interests protected. INSURANCE---OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Ce, Local agents for one hss: to suit you. Office 38 Simeoe A village. Splendid farming district, Doing fifteen thousand yearly. Will exchange for Oshawa property. Box 118 Times. (88e) 0! A 8- brick house. All modern conveRis ences; 5 minutes' walk north of Motors. A snap. Apply 84 Alice st 8 FARM FOR SALE, stock and implements. sub-divided, Apply Mrs. R.R. No. 3, Oshawa. Tl Nork Wanted KE TIOLSTERING, C elds made to order, We save money. "Estimates free, G. A. . stable, 74 Mechanic street. Phone (564) D, CALL B RIES for and delivered, 756 cents, If rental, supplied $1, Batteries ree | paired. Stan Blidgon, 20 Mill St. Phone 1885W. (Aug. 10-1 mo.) of the hest English Pp 8. » fice 38 Simeoe St. N. (B6-tf) Transportation CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand gpa clopders, Local and (00g distance hauling, Phone 3048 and 2593F. Smith apd Cox, 44 Bond §t. w OSHAWA'S OLDBST ESTABLISH. ed furniture movers; Park Road cartage. Local and !cng distance. Frank Cowle, Prep, 656 Park Rd. South. Phone 215. (Aug, 15) phone ! DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi gence, King St. Kast, corner Victoria t. Oshawa. Phone 9%, iRAN SICTAN, ho 3: diseases of Surgeon, (bsetrician, d children. Office ap i Yor Bond Fast. Phone his HAZLEWOOD, PHYS! Hurgeon, special attention .ray work and Electro theopy. Office, Disney Block, Phone 2050. Office open 9 am. to 9 o..m, Residence 61 King East. Phone 2416. (tf) ARCHER, M.D,, C.M,, Edinburgh. DR B, 2 cian an given to A i ¥. and §, Farsiotsa, Surgeon amg Obstetric fan, Office 142 Simtoe St, N. Phone 2030, residence 161 King St. £ Phone 2165. (Dea. 31tf) DR, ALVIS E. STEWART, SPE- , Office 142 .Sim+ a Fu North, Residence 166 North. Residence 11 th hay Phane 3020. H.D., 1. R. GC. P. & S. Edinburgh, Physician, gurgeon, Obstetrician, special at- tention to maternity ork and dls- eases of children, Office and 'eeid- ence, 185 Simcoe St. North. Faone 8107. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F, 1. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Targnto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 "for consultation and treatment Isdases of car, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at AUTOMOBILES TO RENT, LATE models, by mile or trip, Enjoy your summer vacation motoring. Apply 83 King St, West, (Apg, 1-1mg) CARTAGE, COLEMAN'S, 85 BOND W. Phone 82. Furniture van and 6 trucks in charge of expert men, Furniture moving a specialty. Stor- age arranged. f Beauty Parlors BETTY ].OU PERMANENT WAVE Shoppe. Permanent wave $7.50 and $10, Automatic machine, 1 extra free finger wave, Phone £968. (88tf) EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Warq at Betty Lou Permans ent Wave Shup. Marvel and sham- poo $1. Phone 2968. (34¢1) WATSON'S HARBER . AND Beauty Shap, ..9 Celina 8. We specialize in ladies' heir cutting, marcelling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653, WARG T work done. 80¢. Powder Puff Beauty Parlor, 7 Bond Street East. Phone 3051. (104-tf) PARISIENNE BEAUTY PARLOR has now changed management, Marcel 50c¢; Friday and Saturday 76c.. Phone 71 Mrs. Allin & Miss Burton. (Aug, 7-1 mo.) M/ L¢ C 50. L Hairdressing Parlour. 220 Clarke st. Phone appointments. 1818W. (32c) Painting and Decorating (Aug, 0) d store. Phone 97. (49-tf Be 7 > Nose and Throat LJ . BE ever Mitchell's Drug Store. Hours 10 to 12 a.m,, 2 to 5. Evenings by appointment. Office phone 2660. Residence. 432J. (9th) Dental R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS DA. pethanger, painting and. graining, rices right, work guaranteed. 340 Pine Ave., phone 3065w or 2067w. (72) OSHAWA PAINTERS--14 NAS- sau St. Phone 1495W. Prices reas- onable. Call between 12 and 1 at noon and 6 and 7. July 9-Aug. 9) PR. 8. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- gett's, Special attention to X-Ray work, Gas extraction. Nurse in attendance. Phone 953, House 1313. 41 yr) . D ORA, DENTISU, 87 King street east. Alser building. Phone 2860. Eveninys by appoint ment, (48t0) DPR. H. M. CUOKL, 9 SIMCOE ST. north, over Mitchell's Dre, Store. Gas {or extraction, Phone 54. DR L. E HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg. Phone 948, residence. 1378M. . F. BROCK, DENTIST, 18 Simcoe St. N., ever Dewland's, Phone 1957. Resl. 292W, Evenings by appointment. . H. GIFFORD, Regent Theatre Bidg. Phone 1780. Residence 66-tf R. GMAID, AVIER, Dentists, 27 King St. B. Special at- tention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse In attendauce. Phenes 1243 and 864. (95t0) eterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat ad Dog Hospital, 203 King west. 'Phone 629. (56tf) Architects EC STENHOUSE -- GENERAL itectural work. Second floor, Srehis Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909]. (8-tf) S AN J SON, AS: soclate architects, «Simcoe St. S, Qver Felt Bros. (66tr) Pel SSS Undertaking RIAL CO. 67 KING ST. 542 FICE (July 9t2% | Building Supplies FOR SALB--SAND, GRAVEL, stone apd black loam, $1.60 a yd. For quality and servica 'phon Essery Bros. 332 ring 11. ; (try CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE: To {insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, Phone 1618, (78:40) Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL, TEA- cher {Hamburg onservasory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all eaams. Oshawa, Weanssday, 93 Simece Ht, North. Phone 3754F. (13040) Contracting EC plastering, electric or alterations, Phone 139 for estimates (13tf) "| ant salesfady. "Room and beard ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen in private family. Ap- ply 151. Colborne St. E. Phone 520F. (33c) BOARD AND ROOM $8 PER week, also garages to rent at $4 per month. Apply 377 Simcoe St. S. (34¢) Automobile Repairing STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping snd welding. Snappy . Battery service charging and repairing. (107th -- = Dressmeking = All kinds of dressmaking ana al- terations at reasonable prices. Ap- ply 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (31-tf) East, Ambulance, Resid 3imcoe street north. 'Phones 210) and 210W. i 0 NERAL HOM< 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Bruce street. Ambulaags. Phone 1082. (96-tf) maar tara SEE CE -- ; Watch Repairing F. A. VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shop at 44% King Street West, Your pat- gonage ia solici + nf) a wi Second Hand Dealer SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR- nitnre bought and sold. 186 Rloor St. Bast. Phone 1617M. (3:1) Glazed Sash FOUR LIGHT SASH REA glazed only 78¢. Many - other sizes to choose from. Special Har- vest Sale Circular free. Halliday Company, 14 Halliday Building, ) | Hamilton, Ont, Pets and Live Stock BEAUTIFUL . PERINGESE DUG fcr sale! theroughbred, 2 years, house trained, fond of children. Other breeds te choose from, 33 up. Dogs groomed and bathed. A. Mcliwaine, Star®' Keunels, Port Whitby. (July 10-1 mo.) "Rates for Classified Ads. First inartionmtté ' conta por word. Miniwan charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion Ie per word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 33 Ask for Classified Ad De- partment Articles For Sale FOR SALE--ELECTRIC RANGE, good condition, cheap for quick gale, Apply 31 Elgin St, 5 ion Motor Cars (3 C 4 touring in first class condition, No | reasonable offer refused. Apply E, Laplant, 179 Oshawa Blvd, (3083 . e Loan Wanted T FONDS DESIRED ¥ first class, first and second mort. gages, interest 7 to 9 per cent, in amounts of $200 and upwards. Correspondence invited, L, V. Diss ney, Real Estate, Oshava. (2781 | Wanted To Rent WANTED -- YEAR'S LEASE ON 6 room house in good locality. G. E. Fleming. Phone 2358W. (32c) FURNIS to rent for elderly couple North Simcoe preferred. Phone 2214. | (34b) a] Wanted to Buy WANTED TO PURCHASE PROP. erties on Simcoe St. South on the east side, between King St. and Pedlar People. Box 117, TH. : > -¢ Help Wanted----Male P (6) -- oe man and mechanic. Must haye real experience. Permanent position open for foreman. City of 25.000. Pontiac and Buick Service, Apply Box No. 116 Times, (32¢) AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learning best paying trades. ¥h- gineering, Electricity, Garage Work, Chauffeuring, Bricklaying, Barbering, Hairdressing. Litera- ture free. Write--Dominion Trade Schools, King West, Toronto. (23-29-34) WANTED --BRIGHT, ENERGETIC salesman to write insurance for old established company. Salary or commission. Whole or part time. Apply Box 119, Times. (34-¢) Help Wanted--F emale WANTED AT ONCE--BXPERI enced girl for stenography and gen- eral office work. Apply Box 13 Times, (34 1 wk) LADY [v] Cc K ANTED Experienced preferred. Apply Burns Shoe Co. (12411) FARMERETTES WANTED -- AP- ply Box 109 Oshawa Times. (32c) WANTED _EXPERTENCED GIRL or middle aged woman for general housework, Apply Mrs. Crozier, 138 Simcoe St. South. | (33¢) E able of taking full charge of house. Apply S. A. Burgess, Bow= manville, R. R. No. 8 er phone Bowmanville 203 r 2-3. (33¢) A D AT ON w Exceptional chance for good canvasser.. Apply Percy. Cowan, Rose Marie Beauty Pare lour, King street, Bowser A 0 WO v matoe peeling. Piece work. Good rates. Accommodation provided. Apply Beaver Canning Co. Lid: \ { '| TENDERS FOR GRADING. SEAL- led tenders Bloomfield. (3 Board and Room Wanted WANTED--SINGLE ROOM WITH board with private family by young business man, Apply Box 120 Times. (34c) Money tc Loan CITY ND FARM LOANS, PRO: frees loans arranged. Parkhill eld, Barristers, etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 1614, (49H | Times Office, MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs. $3.50 per load. Also bone d: body oo Waterour- Mesh Limited. Phone 5 , abt OR CALE-- Zz Ao. Lid, pianos: new and used planos, also radios, latest wodels; terws arranged. Apply C, Trull, Phone 1665J. (111-tf) FACTORY OR © JE CLO for sale at very reasonable price, Splendid running erder. pply Oshawa Daily Times. (tf) MOTOR FOR SALE--56 HORSE power, 60 cycle, 650 volt. Excele lent condition, Apply Mr. Alloway, LD R E 8, Tugs and dressers. Ro ed 10p desk, nearly new and a gas range, Phone 2068 or apply 86 Simeoe St. N. (uly 12-1 mo OR § A CREAM STROL- ler in good eondition. Phone 2565F. ae (32e) SPANLEY UPRIGHT PIANO FOR sale," good condition. Apply 191 Ritson Road South. Phone 2¥a6W. (83-¢) FOR BALB--BABY CARRIAGE, in good condition, cheap. Apply 57 Arlington Avenue. Phone 1865W. (88-¢) FOR SALE--ONE TEN INCH electric fan; one nine-piece qmning room syite, walput, Queen Anne style; One Ford Coupe, 1922 mod- el, in excellent condition, cheap for cash; also four-room cottage for rent. 102 Church St. Phone 2494M, (34-0) TENTS FOR SALE Exhibition and camp tents, com- plete camp equipment. Cleve Fox Hardware, agents for J. J. Turner & Sons, Peterboro, Phone 25 ana 26. (8 Aug. 24) OUTBOARD MOTOR: 6H.P, 6 speedy, used only 1 week, P. 0, Box 54, Oshawa. (34-t0) FOR SALE--PLAYER PIANO IN excellent condition. Reasonable price, Apply P. O. Box 573, Whit- y. b (34a a Roomers Wanted ROOMERS WANTBD--2 GENTE. for large bright room at 520 Sim- coe Street South, opposite Pedlars. Phone 2593M. (33-¢) Agents Wanted A w a1 ADINA Ave,, Torontn, require agents in this locality to take orders for Can- ada's finest line of Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Be it lt Ls HA For Sale or Rent SA . Tow R and six roomed awelling, with all conveniences, garage. Apply 81 El- gin St. H. Phone 1686], (360) RADIO SERVICE AND REPAIRS, tubes and sets tested, batteries re- charged, called for and delivered, rental supplied §1. Batteries re- red at moderate prices. Char- os - Wales. Phone 1046J. : (Aug. 23) : Tenders Wanted for grading the ap- proaches to the Conlin bridge on Oshawa suburban road No. 2, Con- cession 4, township of East Whitby will be received by the undersign- ed until 6 pom, Wednesday the 14th day of August, 1929. All \in- formation may be obtained from the undersigned. . J. KEAN, Engineer Whitby, Ontario. (34h) : ~ Building Materials For Rent CUT PRICES DURING JULY AND August. Bargain Circular now ready offers Fir Doors $298; glazed House Sash $1.35; Barn Sash glazed 78¢; Heavy Coated Corrugated Metal Roofing $5.55, Asphalt Shingles $5.25: Slate Roofing $298; Oak Flooring 6c. House Paint 68c quart; Insulating Board half inch $43.00, thousand feet. Wall Boar Cut . Garages only $2500 down: Pumping Engine with Jack $49.90. Bargains in Plumbing goods; Metal Siding, Pumps, Sinks, Roof: Coating, Metal Ceiling, Garage Doors. Gon- bination, Doors, etc. Write for free circular, Halliday Company, 14 Halli- d $2850 thousand. Ready|® FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites, including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, etc.; continuous hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co. Ltd., manager for owner, Toronto. : (27-11) 0 LET--FAC on Simcoe St. 3 rooms and bath. semi-furnished. Central. Api (143t! Bradley Bros, office. T--- DOUBLE residence, of Whitby, im- mediate possession. Apply to A. G. day Building, on, Ont. town Browning, K.C., Whitby. - o. AB Aug. 31) For Rent CR. close to Oshawa, all under cultivation, good buildings and land, immediate possession Rg full ssion 1st, 1 to é D, Con- Are ovis * (Sept. 1 F rent, dab iy Hardwood floors throughout, near General Mo- tors office, Apply 91 Ritson Road north. Aug. 20 TO NT-----PRIVA OFFI with waiting oom 4 Parehin ol steno er. Pp " Bldg. Hi] Kin, E. Fiel St. E, Ora ont. Phone 1614 (2000) : 0 ner of Division and Celberne Sts, Apply L. Hapcock, Phone 18277 23. (26:t1) 0 NT---TWO houges. All conveniences on Huron treet, Apply 215 Eulalie Ave. re ve (29tf) TO RENT=-5 ROOMED MODERN double house, newly decorated, 171 Chureh St. On paved street and negr main streets, Telephone 32187. (33) A NICE FRONT BEDROOM WITH Breakfast. Would suit two gents or friends. Central, Phone 2862. (26) TO RENT--THN ROOMED BRICK house. Hardwoed floors, front and side verandas 3 piece bath. Elec- trie light, furnace, large ground double garage, hen house. Hart's Hill, Kingston Road East, posses. sion immediately, Phone 180. r 2 or 481, (82¢) brick house, en Buckingham Ave. Front and back veranda. Furpace and electric lights, hardwood floors. Pessession September 1st. Phone 180 r 2 or 481. (32¢) FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET FOR light heusekeeping, separate flat, running water, hardweed floors, Use af phone. No children, Apply 183 Arthur street. Phone 181. ) (832e¢ All conveniences. Phone 1668W, ' (33¢) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED rooms, Also two fyrpished bed- reoms. Phone 1293), (32¢) TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping rooms to rent. $4 per week. Apply 79 Montrave Ave, (43e) tu FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms with gas and all conveni- ences. Apply 292 laig St. (35¢) FOR' RENT--6 ROOMED BRICK house. All modern convepigences. Newly decorated, brick garage. $45 per month. 115 Broek St. East. Apply 86 Simcoe St, N, Phone 2968. (33b) TO RENT--TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; suit young couple; all conveniences; no objec- tion to baby. 854 Arthur Street, (33-¢) Fo RENT--BRIOK HOUSE AND garage op Brock St. East. Apply J. Bishop, 119 Brock St. E. Phone 287, (s3-¢) {TO RENT-FOUR-ROOMED house, with conveniences, near Mo- tors; immediate possession, Apply 274 French St. (33-8) T0 RENT--~TWO BRIGHT UN- furnished rooms in new home. Ap- ply 52 Buckingham Avenue. (33-¢) TO RENT--FIND SROOMED house and garage: all conveniep- ces, beautiful residential district; Simcoe St. North. Apply Box 107, Times. (33-2) FOUR ROOMED HOUSE TO RENT Light, water and garage. $20 per month. Phone 556. (33c) HOUSES FOR RENT--362 AND 282 Haig St., $40 and $30 per month, Vacant now, Phone 2106W, (34-c) FOR RENT--THREE FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms, suitable for young couple. Apply 38 Jack- son St. S. Phone 1341), (34-¢) TF -- CB SEMI-FURN- ished rooms for light housexeep- ing, 5 minutes from G.M.C. Phone 2152W, 312 Ritson Rd. N. (8. Aug. 24) CARELESSNESS OF DRIVERS DISCUSSED Traffic Committee of Safety League Suggests Strict Measures Montreal, Aug. 9.--At a, meet- ing of the traffic committee of the Province of Quebec Safety League yesterday the problems of dealing with drunken drivers, one armed drivers, stopping at railroad cross. ings and the danger caused by ar- dent adverisers throwing cards in- to moving automobiles were dis- cussed. E. Quinn, who presided, started the discussion by telling the mem- bers that a number of complaints had been received in connection with drunken drivers and one-arm- ed drivers, E. J. L'Esperance and L. A. Daigle told the members that the menace of the drunken chaut- feurs was perhaps the most ser- fous one to be dealt with. "Drink brings courage," Mr. L'Esperance said, "and with it comes -a desire to speed, bdt drink does not bring brains." The committee expressed the opinion that police officials should take the necessary steps to put a stop to the practice and to arrest all chaul~ feurs under the influence of liquor. One-Armed Driving Mr. Quinn then took up the mat- ter of the one-armed driver. "This dan erous driver," Mr. Quinn said, "th nks that his yar is a place for spooning. He attempts to drive the the girl with his right arm. And he often teaches the girl to drive on a crowded street and this is also a dangerous habit." The nuisance caused by card gecretary explained that the lea- gue distributes their literature at | the .ports of entry when the ahto- |. mobiles are stopped at the customs returned from a trip to several ports of entry to oversee the work of the representatives. The throw: ing cards into moving ears had been taken up by the league and the several firms that used this method of circulating their literature would be instructed as to the danger of the practice, In reporting en the observance of the law calling for all cars to come te a stop before crossing a railread. the secretary told the meeting that during his last tour which = had been chiefly about the - Eastern Townships he had heen pleased with the manner in which the law had generally been obeyed, He said that there were still a few drivers who disobeyed the law but they were generally the owners of big cars who hugged the centre of the road and generally disregard all laws. It was pointed out that there had been a reduction in level crossing aceidents since the adop- tion of the law. . Oppose Greater Speed Before the close of the meeting members of the league again went on record as being opposed to raising the speed limit on the high- ways. The authorities are tolerat- ing a speed low which is the same in every other province and is ss fast as any sane person should want to go, it was argued. The sec- retary said that when drivers' ex- aminations were ag severe here as they are in London and Paris where a chauffeur must prove his ability to drive, then perhaps it would be wise to raise the speed limit, but not befere. ------ A high speed motorbeat built in France can be completely en- closed and used as a submarine for shert distances. A sinble plant In Mentevideo supplies more than 90 per cent. of the eleetrieity used for industrial purposes in Urughay Te thwart burglars steel bars that defy cutting have been in- vented, having inper eores that revelve when saws {ouch them. Ahout 97 per cent of the resi- dents of Switzerland have the uge of electricity derived frem water power, . ¥ Ovi NG, MOY AY gir : Shift them onto us. We are prepared to smooth the path on COLEMAN CARYAGE LOCAL AND GT ISTAN 13 Pay while yon are driving. G. R. HOLDEN Motor Loans & Discount Ltd. 14} King 8, E. 8 Phone 2700 car with his left hand and: holds | g® throwers, was then discussed. The 8 | offices, He added that he had just |. AUGUST BOOKLET CONTAINS a cane. ly selected and di versified list of securities which we for investment, We shall be pleased to fur. nish copies on request, WE maintain a complete investment service by mail and welcome an opportunity to demenstrate its convenience, Clignts wishing to avail themselves of this service will receive the same benefits from the organization as if one of our representatives called in person. Qur booklet "Investment" will assist you in cheosing securities most suitable to yoyr requirements. Dom INION SECURITIES CORPORATION LIMITED | TORONTO NEW YORE LONDON ENG, te RETABLASMES 1001 Head Offices: TORONTO 26 King Screes EB; MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOUVER F. J. REDDIN, Repeageniutive Telephone 3 A AIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we ean repair and make it tell the correct time D. J BROWN THE JEWELER ' Official Watch Inspector for Canadign Nations! and Oshawa Railpoads ' 10 King St. W. Phone 180 DISNEY-COTT Jf AMBULANCE B7 Celina St. Phone 1089) FARMS TO EXCHANGE For Revenue Producing Property : If you want to locate oun the land sce LYCETT 45 King E. Phone 205 A b ENJOY LABOR DAY Get That New Set Of Gum-Dipped Tires NOW! for the season--enjoy it to the utmost on Firestone Gum-Dipped tires. = Firestone tires will take you there and bring you back. 'Manufacturing features such as the patented Gum-Dipping process by which every fibre is insulated with rubber to elimin~ ate internal friction, mean complete freedom Before the holiday rush starts, drive around' to your nearest Firestone Dealer and have equip your car with a Go new set of Firestones. others, : they give the utmost in ~The Veluwe) Firestone mileage, safety and phty 7 pom. economy. 42 Slakic elwork Made in Hamilton, Caveds, by FIRESTONE TIRE & SUCSER COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD: MOST MILES PER DOLLAR 3 =