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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Aug 1929, p. 11

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Broadway at Regent| Romance, adventure, . intrigue and love crowd every breathless moment, , of. "The Black Watch," John Ford's all-talking production with Victof McLaglen, . Fox star, which comes to the Regent Theqtre while if is still the sensation of Broadway, where it is tur away thousands daily at two dbl lar prices. |. In the officers' mess of the 42nd Highlanders, the famous "Black Watch," a célebration is being held on the eve of their departure for the French: front. Captain Donald King (Victor McLaglen) is abrupt- ly summoned to the War Office, where he is told that a dangerous native uprising is being fomented in India!" +The Khyber Pass, the 'northern gateway into India, is the scene of a Buge gathering of fana+ tic tribesmen, who are planning a holy war, and due to the stripping ' of India of British troops for ser: vice in France, the situation 1s fraught with peril. By reason of his years of service in that country and his knowledge of the native language, King is or- dered to leave for India at once and endeavor to check the uprising. His order calls for the utmost secrecy and he. returns to his regiment, telling them that he has asked for a transfer. . His comrades natur- ally. believe 'him to be a slacker, . and only 'his younger brother, Mal colm (David Rollins), retains his faith in King. At Peshawur, in northern India, King gets to work. He encounters | an old native friend, Mohammed ! Khan, and confides his mission to: him, securing a promise of sup- port. The leader of the revolt is Yasmani. (Myrna Loy), a lovely and alluring half-caste girl whom the northern tribesmen worship as an inspired goddess, and it is nec- essary for King to gain her confl- dence before he can accomplish his mission. | : He skillfully attracts Yasmani's attention to himself, and appears to spend much of his time in get- ting drunk.. An elaborate plan is concocted at the officers' club at a time when Rewa Ghunga (Roy D'Arcy), a known revolutionary spy, is present. King engages In a drunken quarrel with Major Twynes (Cyril Chadwick), another secret service officer, and in the struggle Twynes is knocked down, the doctor annoupcing that his skull is fractured and that he is 'dead.. The commanding officer or- ders' King under arrest, and has him and the hody of Twynes con. veyed to his quarters. Here the "body" comes to life, and King is congratulated on his geting. Twynes is secretly sent away, with 'an imposing military funera! planned to deceive the nae tives, and a carefully devised *'es- | cape" is made by King, who is led { into Yasmani"s presence, knowing "fully that his life hangs by a thread nd that other officers sent on the 'same mission have never returned. "Despite the protests of Rewa /Ghunga, who is in love with Yas- "mani, and of Harrim Bey (Walter Yesterday and Today ol gh Thirty-five years ago the sixth of June last, in a jeweller's shop in a small town across the border, a young U.S. Government clerk, | ¥ C. Francis Jenkins, using the? machine pictured above, which he had just invented, staged the first Fo] public exhibition of moving 'pic. tures in America. It remained, however, for the telephone engineer and the scien-| J tist, trained in the electrical trans: lie of pound, to naje possible 0, nd picture ecuipmaen in pects aratus arin gli res o that whigh has has already been ins~ lled by Northern Electric en- n the ous theatres rom' coast to 0 Const t toy ghout anada, has laced in the large Sheatoes 3 a ngland, yrange: , Germany Brel Austra- lia, Ni Zesisad, B azil, West Indies, Central China, d aT s08 1 t. {pan ata n be Fatsy Oleary and Tom tschi, who are prominent in "The Isle of Lost Men" a « crazy and orders the vessel under way. A yacht from Sydney is also cruising in. the vicinity. . Captain|lieve the girl is 'bad luck. Fairfax is searching for his Sanat proclaims that if the girl goes he ter, stolen years ago. of. Lost Men he talks who tells him of Alua and the ring | she has always wor an "F", Fairfax im Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World ey Are oes, On Loard the galling vessel the men become mutinous. They are becalmed and superstitious, and be- Wolf Wolt tells the crew they can have the chart, but when he goes irked with [to the cabin the girl has fled and fately goes |the chart is gone. in pursuit of the Vulcan, taking [ship searched. Cooky goes below, Jason along. Wolf orders the sees David and the girl and drops big lantern in fright, setting fire to the hold, and driving them above, to be set upon by the crew. David climbs to the crows nest, but meantime hearym shot, and makes a spectacular #fide to the deck to Jook after Alug. Wolf is waiting for him, and there' 18 ia terrific strug- gle until both. go overboard, the Wolf to his death. David climbs aboard again to meet the first mate ready to finish the battle. MONDAY posed fugitive irom British justice, and decides to take him with her Khinjan Caves, near to the great Khyber Pass, the rallying point of her followers. tive, King accompanies her party, and the faithful Mohammed Khan, with a group of loyalists, also joins Yasmani's army. Harrim Bey and Rewa Ghunga join forces in opposing King, 'and he is tricked into a wrestling match with the native champion on the brink of a precipice, while the tribesmen watch. After a furious struggle King throws his opponent over the cliff, and disconcerts his enemies. In a blinded slave, chain- ed to a great windlass, King recog- nizes MacGregor, 4 former.comrade and one,who had preceded him on the dangerous mission." King man- ages to apprise MacGregor of his presence and comforts him with a her bodyguard. Yasmani promise that he will soon be rree. Yasmani"s alluring personality ong), 8 comes infatulited with the sup- ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS | FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES Ben Turpin will play the cross-eyed lackey in Ernst Lubitsch's romantic $ musical operetta, "The Love Parade," unt. Addition of Turpin to the cast it was announced today by Para. brings a sccond noted comediafi Sinto the picture, Lupino Lane having been furnishing comedy during the a everal weeks that the film has been in progress urice Chey alier, the "French Music Hall favorite, | heads the, cast, i ' N Betty Caldwell, whose hy fe ship for 2 past three years has 'been devoted almost exclusively to comedies, the Educational-Lupino Lanc¢ Talking Comedy just - Fire Proof," pleted. pu oi has the feminine lead in * »* Disguised as a na- has its effect on King, and despite the importance of his duty, he in turn 'succumbs to her charms. To divert Im, Yasmani produces a crystal globe, in which she shows him the Flanders front, with the Black Watch charging under a withering fire. As King sees his former ~companions :dying and his brother, Malcolm, wounded, his pa- triotism and his mission reassert themselves and he bluntly informs Yasmani of his real purpose in joining her. She tries to win him back, but is repulsed, and King leaves her rooms. We leave the reader here with but one passing remark. Mr. Osier, manager of the theatre, says: "It's one'of those pictures that will at- tract the Boys who were over there." Colorful Drama ToBePresented Comrg n the Tiffany-Stahl production "Woman To Woman" now being directed Victor Saville at their Hollywood studios. George Barraud and Juliette mpton were also engaged to play funy roles in this alluring produc- t BE Compson has been engaged to play one of the leading roles ahl by M-G-M. ition. Mr. Barraud was loaned to Tiffany 8 Fatina is featured in the tatect Gang adds. "Lazy Days," just fin- dshed in Hal Roach Studio in Culver City. 'Robert McGowan, Gang director,' es each of the six members of the Gang a turn at being head man in ole picture, and "Lazy Days," the story of a lazy black boy, is, Faring' s m. 4 * * * * 7 © "Light Fingers," an absorbing story of regeneration through love, which "combines sophisticated underworld drama with a fascinating love tale, is _olumbia Pictures' latest all-talking release, Ian Keith, appearing in the tle role, shares the featured honors with Dorothy Revier. The outstand- cast assembled for the supporting roles includes Carroll Nye, Ralph codore, Tom Ricketts, Charles, Gerrard #4 Pietro Soso. : ¢ Eddie Phillips, who had a Jeatabed role in the series known as "The ACollegians," has been given an important paft in "Road Show," the mus- cal production which Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer wiil* soon put into produc '#ion. This is an original story of a travelling troupe with Bessie Love and Charles King, who were featured in "The roadway Melody," in lead- parts. The cast will include Jack Benny, 'who acted as master of § eremonics in "The Hollywood Revue," and olly Moran, ' LJ | Patricia Caron, who plays one of two Se taine leads in "Oh, Yeah?" Pan all-djalogue comedy featuring Robert Armstrong and James Glea- oo was a 'member of the chorus of the Winter Garden show "Iniocent yes™ the same season Nancy Carroll, Joan Crawford and Jack Qakie were in the company. * %® * *® t Universal's lead-off picture for the season of 1929-30 has been chosen. { qt will be "The Drake Case" by Charles A. Logue, directed by Edward emmle. Its official release date is September 1st, 1929, } The first of the Tuexdo *Lalking Comedy Series, as yet antidded, he has at the 'Educational' Studios. The comedy is completed: . written by Kenyon Nicholson. The cast includes Raymond Se Kee, M arion Bryon, Cissy Fitzgerald and Billy Engle, At New Martin With a cast headed by Tom Sant- schi, Allen Connor, -James Marcus and Patsy O'Leary, the "Isle of Lost Men," Rayart picture pro- duced by Trém Carr and directed by Duke Worne, comes to the New Martin Theatre On Monday. Mr. Worne will be remembered for his masterly direction of '"The Cruise of the 'Hellion," and this is another melodrama of the sea, so you know in for you. = ° Shipwrecked while returning from a voyage to uncharted islanus in the South Seas in search of ru bies, Jim -Drale and David Findlay are picked up by the Yulcan, a sail- ing vessel manned) by an evil crew and captained by Brandy Jodahl, a lawless skipper known as the "Wa- ter Wolf." "Brandy realizes the value of the rt and the pieces of Jchrystalline Mimestone in their pos- session and wants a share of the spoils, but they refuse. The two cated, and exhausted and bleeding 'they are set adrift in a dory with food and drink, to lie. exposed to the 'deadly rays of.the tropic sun. They sopn find out that their ra- tions consist of salt water and salt pork, and for Jim the exposure is fatal, x The Isle of Lost Men is popu- to the depths, and ryled over by Malay Pete, a cut throat trader, 'who has brodight to this derelict colony a. native woman, Kealan), who lives in fear of her hated mas: ter. With him, too, is Alua, a white girl, young and beatiful, whose an: cestry 8 known on the island thoygh sh calls Pete father, Ja son, a stranded missionary, has be friended the girl, teaching her what he can and trying to counter- act Pete's evil influence. Alua is at Jason's when Kealan! comes for her. The Vylcan ig due 'that day and Wolf will want to see her. As she starts for home she sees a lifeless figure on the sand. It is' David, cast upon the shore. She call Jason and they help im to his cabin. To the tlowerltke od. Et ou, oo anly outlaw ships make ot there. While they are talking the Vulcan drops anchor. He realizes this is his opportunity to search for the confiscated chart, and plans to swim out after nightfall when the crew is ashore carousing. Alua is heartbroken to. lose her new found friend so quickly. Once more Kealani comes for Alva. Wolf is 4leaving soon and over their liquor Pete and te skip- per are discussing terms for the sale of this human treasure. When Wolf sees the girl he hands out what gold he has and also the pieces of limestone containing the rubies. Alua pleads with her fath- er to save her, to which he snarls in reply that he 1s not her father. ! Pete tells the Wolf that Jason will marry them, but Wolf is sailing with the tide and will find a preacher at the next port. As they talk Kealani steals wp behind Pete and stabs him. She is rid of hér hated master. She loves Wolt and pleads with him to take her with him, but a staggering blow is her answer, as he starts off with his prized Alua. When they reach the ship he or- ders the cook to take her to his cabin. Meantime David has come aboard and secrgily tells Alua not to worry, but to" search the cabin for the chart. Cooky catches a glimpse of him and believes him to be a ghost, but Wolf thinks he's ==An Ugly Spot On the blue Calm ALLEN CONNOR, JAMES MARCUS & PATSY. OLE New Martin Theatre, thege is red blooded ehtertainmenty are ;overpowered, the chart confis- lated by refugees who have sunk | What @appens when a voluptuous, exotic Ori- Shi beauty, inflamed power, crosses swords with aman whose ' only. mistress is his cowl ry. ALL TKN IETONE Regular REGENT Prices a MONDAY: tor 3 Days MYRNA LOY - ' The story of an enigmatic ad- venturess, voluptuous and cruel, inflamed with power but enslaved by passion--and the love duel that went on when she gambled for an empress' tiara and only lost when a man of iron melted in her arms. A breath-taking romance! VICTOR: MCLAGLEN DAVID ROLLINS - ROY D'ARCY ADDED ATTRACTIONS Lj : "Ener tainment TALKING COMEDY: OFF IN THE STILLY NIGHT All Star Christie Players MUSICAL NOVELTY LILLIAN ROTH And Her PIANO BOYS

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