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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Aug 1929, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAIILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1929 PAGE THREE, Two New Mo For Chevrolet Announced By G. M. C. OSHAWA'S OLDEST CITIZEN CELEBRATES 94 th BIRTHDAY AND ENJOYS BEST OF HEALTH Mrs. Maria Pike Showered ered With Con Congratulations and Gifts : 'Able to' Get up at 5.30 in the . Morning and Split Wood to Start the Fire--Was Born | in Vermont, Quebec, on Avgust 17, 1835. --Nonagenarian is 'Still Today, * Oshawa's oldest cittren. } Mrs, Maric Pike, 106 Bond street vast, celebrates her 94th Neighbors and friends have been showering her with congratulations and gifts, and she has been receiv Ing the admiration of many as she 1gain passed a milestone on her jour- ney to the century-old mark. n a little frame house, built by hér husband, the late Chauncey B. Pike, 40 years ago, Mrs. Pike en- joys her simple life, and surprises all that come upon her by her agil- ity. For anyone of 94 years of age that can get up in the morning and split wood to start the fire, is a rarity. Mrs. Pike's chief interest is her flowers and ferns, of which she has many about her little old house. She has gained a well-earned reputation among the neighbors of being able to take any plant, even the puniest weakling, and have it' healthy and, perhaps, even flowering, after a few days of care. Her plants receive her constant care, and she apparently has a "knack" of caring for them that few others possess. Is An Early Riser "This old lady sets most of the rest of Oshawa's citizens a worthy ex- ample in many ways. She is almost always up in the morning shortly after the sum, and retires with the sun at night. About 5.30 o'clock is her usual rising time in the summer, she told the Times. During the day she finds many things with which to occupy her time. She has retained all her faculties except a slight deaf- ness in one ear, and her fine eye- sight enables her to read and sew to her heart's content, She is well known among the re- sidents of her vicinity, for she walks back and forth across the road to see them several times a day. She does all her own work about the (Continued on page 9) PREMIER HONORS AT COBOURG SHOWS GOME TO OSHAWA Sensational Jumping By Michael, From Park- wood Stable Premier honors at the third day's meet of the Cobourg Horse Show, yesterday, were won by Parkwood Stables of this city, horses owned by R. S. McLaughlin winning in several of the impor- tant events. The greatest thrill of the day came in the touch-and-out stables, when five jump-offs were necessary to break the tie between Michael, of Parkwood Stables, and Rath- more, owned by M. Fleming, Tor onto. Rathmore won out by a very small margin. The winners in this class each day of the show jump oft for a large purse today, the fin- al day of the show. My Delight took first place in the saddle horses class, defeating the well known Blue Grass owned by Gordon Perry, Toronto; Oxford birthday. | t MRS. MARIA PIKE To the right of the above picture is seen Mrs, Maria Pike, who celebrates her 94th birthday to- day. She is Oshawa's oldest citi- men according to inquiry gcon- ducted by The Times. To the|' left. of the picture is Mrs. Mar- day eyening. Mr. sons and Mr. King, of Oshawa, were lucky enough to catch four fine lunge and in Sutton for a few SA WEN WARE FINE FISH CATCH AT PORT PERRY Mesors, Parish and King Secure Large Catch in Hour's Fishing Port Perry, Aug. 15.--After spend- ing about one hour fishing on Tucs- Parish and two some bass. Robert Woods and Master Terence Woods are holidaying with friends at Stoney Lake. F. A. Campbell, of Toronto, visit- ed his brother, A, W. M. Campbell, on Wednesday. Cyrill Jeffrey and J. C. Taylor are at Narrow Lake in the Hudson dis- rict, Miss Harrison has returned honre after a pleasant holiday in Toronto and other places. Gordon Bruce has returned after his trip to Calgary. Mrs. John Burnham and Master John Orde are spending a few days with friends in Muskoka. John Croft Jr., of Toronto, was in Port Perry on Thursday. Miss Robinson, of Markham is the guest of Miss Sylvia Nind. Misses Mabel Somerville and Nor- ma Ward are in Detroit where they are the guests of Mrs. Elton Wright. Mrs. A. W. Allin has returned home after visiting friends in Tor- onto, Andrew Stouffer of Newmarket, was home for a few days. Mrs. Robert Murray visited friends days. Mrs. Chas. McLean was the guest of her son Gordon in Uxbridge last garet Turner, aged 74, of Mrs. Pike. who is a neighbor and a close friend DIST. GOVERNOR VISITS THE LOCAL GLUB ON MONDAY Charles Buchanan of Toronto To Be Guest of Honor At Dinner The Oshawa Rotary Club is ar- ranging a dinner on Monday evening next, August 19, in honor of Dis- trict Governor Charles Buchanan of Toronto, who is making his annual health guest of Mrs. R. M. Holtby one day last week, visit to the club. The dinner will be held in Rotary Hall at 6.30 o'clock. Mrs. Buchanan will accompany the governor, and the Rotarians of 'this city accompanied by their wives and sweethearts, will turn out in force to greet them. Governor Buchanan is noted for the amount of time and work he has been giving to Rotary in the 27th District, and President George Hart of the local club has issued a special notice to all Rotar- ians of this city to be present at this meeting. A business session will be held at 4.30 o'clock in the afternoon, when Governor Buchanan will meet the directors and the chairmen of committees of the local club. A reception for Mrs. Buchanan by the local Rotary Annes is being held at 4.30 at the home of Mrs, G. D. week. T. W.. McLean, principal of the public school has resigned on account of ill health. We understand that he intends to remain in Port Perry. Rev. T. A. Nind and Mrs. Nind|; and family were in Haliburton county near Minden, where they camped for a few days last week. Miss Roberts, of Blenheim, is the guest of Miss Thora Kauffman, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Haney, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Haney and family, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Caesar on Sunday. Rev. T. A. Nind, Misses Sylvia Nind, K. Robinson and Evelyn Alex- ander attended the A.Y.P.A. and Sun- day school conference of the Dean- ery of East York at Glen Avis Park, Frenchman's Bay on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greaves and family have moved to Soromo; They will reside on Pape av Miss Mabél McMillan, public school nurse of Lindsay, was the CONTRIBUTIONS FOR RED CROSS COTTAGE SLOW Gifts Gratefully Received, But Many Others are Needed Conant, Simcoe street 'south. | omiTUARY | GEORGE PROCTOR Beaverton, Aug. 16--At diers' the Memorial Hospital, Orillia, on Some further contributions towards the expenses of the Red Cross Cot- tage, operated at the lake by the Oshawa Red Cross Society, have been received, but the amount asked for, $400 more, is far from being reached. With the season now well advanced, the socicty is in urgent need of further contribution of a substantial nature, and these will be NEW MODELS PRODUCED BY CHEVROLET THE NEW CHEVROLET IMPERIAL SEDAN Is finished i in smart new Duco col- | mium plated.. The Fisher body has moulded visor and solid rear quarters ors, with many exterior parts chro. concave front pillars with rakishly | stylishly fitted with landau bows, TR THE NEW CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE Has a Fisher body streamline and |plete in every detail, and with some |ience and attractiveness. is a smart four- -passenger car, com- new features to add to its conven- Latest Financial News TORONTO High Low 551% 55% 175 175 72% 12% 58% 58% 89 89 35 35 25 15 Stock Abitibi Bell Tel. Braz. ... Br. A. Oil Can. Dry Cockshutt Can, Malt, 25 Dur. Mot. 15 Cty. Dry. 15 Ford "A" 43% Gypsum 123 Imp, Oil 34 It. Nkl. 52 It. Pet. 28% Ms. Hr. 57% S. Station 77 Walkers 18% Standard Mines Amulet 249 235 Br. Holl. 28 Arno .... 45 Dal. Oil 380 Dome 1070 Falcon. 1350 frnda. 30 Holl, 690 He. Oil 2375 Howey 55% 175 73 59 89 35 pe 4312 123 33% 51% 27% 57% 15% 44 119 Hd, Bay 1950 Kd. Lk. 81 Kt. Flr. 16% Lk Sh. 2675 Malar. 161; Mn, Bs, 24 Mn. Cr. 440 Newbec 39% Nrda. 6650 12 Vipond 80 Ventures 850 Wr, Hr.: 175 Wainwell 25 MEW. XOBK Stock Amer, Can, Atchison Briggs Mfg. Balt & Ohio Can, Pac, Can, Dry Chrysler Congoleum Erie Fam. ) Gen. Mot. Gra. Paige Gold Dust Hupp It, Com, It. Nk Kly. Sgfd. Mt. Ward High 175% .279% 3415 138 233 861 123 3 23% 87% 723% 71 23% 61 41% 703% b114 10% 1241 Low 175% 279% w HE [ER=Y 2-1-1300 C3338 wad >= a Fd OF © Fa 00 = TT CS =) t © on ae 60% 413, 6914 5014 10 122% 12 ou Shed to S23 ~T ~1 0013 ~1 00 U5 33 3 =3 =1 598 4 Pa] ER > bt J 3 BO TY U3 =F DUTT w= ad ~ SR Phil, Pet. .... 403401 Pan, A. "B"" 65% 65 Packard 152% 147 Radio 861% [4% Srs, Rbeck., 164 162% Sin. Oil 39% 38% St. Oil NJ. 73 70 Utd. Air. 134% 34 U.S. Rubber 46 451% U.S. Steel 239% U.S. Leather 213% WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING Winnipge, Man, * Ang. 17.-- Wheat--Oct 1 to 3 bigher at $1.65 to $1.67; Dec. 1%¢ .. 27%ec higher at $1.62% to $1.64; May 1%¢c to 29%c higher at 167% to 168%. Oats--Oct. 13gc¢ to 7c higher at 7134 to 72; Dec. 3c higher at 70; May 3ge higher at 723. New Models To Be Exhibited At C.N.E. Now Being Produced In Oshawa Factory of GML. New Imperial Sed Sedan and New Sport Coupe Are the Lat- est Additions to the Chev- rolet Line of Six-Cylinder Automobiles. FIRST SHOWING AT TORONTO EXHIBITION Several New Features Are Incorporated in the New Models Now Being Pro- duced at Oshawa Plant Two new Chevrolet six-cylinder models have just heen announced by the Chevrolet Motor Company of Canada, division of General Motors. Their introduction has come at a time when Chevrolet is enjoying sales far ahead of those ever recorded: by a manufacturer of six-cylinder cars; for figures just issued reveal that more than a million Chevrolets have been pro- duced so far this year. The two new models are the sport coupe and -the imperial se- dan. New color schemes have heen incorporated In both, as well as in other Chevrolet models, and they present a - pleasing appear- ance, Canadian list prices on these models are $895 on 'lec imperial sedan and $825 on the spert coupe. Both of these models are now being produced on the Chevrolct line at the Oshawa plant of General Moi- ors, and the first public showing will be at the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto. The Sport Coupe The sport coupe is a smart four- passenger car, complete in every detail, and yet moderately priced. The top and rear quarters of this model are solid, a roomy folding seat in the rear deck accommo- dates two passengers, and the rear window may be lowered fo make driving more enjoyable for the + hole party.' The -- body is streamlined and finished. in new Duco colors, The Imperial Sedan The Impe-ial sedan is also built with solid top and rear quarters. Landau irons, plated with sparki- ing chromium, give a touch of distinction to the car. = A long, sweeping hood, bullet-type head- lamps chromium-plated radiater and one piece full crown fenders, as found on all Chevrolet models, add further to the appearance. The Fisher body has smart concave front pillars with rakishly mould- ed visor, The standard colors are black with moulding in sazinaw green and striping in tusk fvory.. In these as in the other Chev- rolet models, is found the 46 h.p. six-cylinder Chevrolet motor, with its fuel pump, air cleaner, im- proved combustion chamber and other features. PAVING PROGRAM IS GOING AHEAD Work on Ontario Street Is Rapidly Nearing Completion Work on the city's street paving program has proceeded rapidly this week. The Standard Paving Co. which has the contract, working un- der the supervision of city enginees W. C. Smith, has completed excava- tion and laying of concrete on Whit- ing avenue, and is now working on Ontario street, where excavating is nearing completion and concrete is being poured, After the gang finishes on Ontaris street, it will be moved to Summer- ville avenue. The work on Midland avenue and Alexandra street" will jnot be laid until practically all the i concrete has been finished, as is cus- tomary in 'paving operations, PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED Wednesday, George Proctor of Bea- gratefully received by Mrs. M. Hez- verton died in his sixty-fourth year. zelwbod, 97 Albert street, treasurer Born in Beaverton, he lived virtually | of the sociefy, or at The Times' all his life here. His grandfather, | office. The following is the contri- George Proctor, was one of the| pytion list to date:-- - $5403 Wilys, Ovid, 24% Woolworth 9014 Yellow Cab 365% 36 suitable response, expressing his thanks for this token of good fel- lowship in the Mundy Printing Company family, SERVICE AT BEAVERTON A joint memorial and decoration day service is being held in Beaver- ton tomorrow by the Beaverton branch of the Canadian Legion, and the 1.O.O.I. of the community. The war memorial is to be decorated, and the services will be held in the Thorah Stone Church cemetery, The speakers for the occasion 'are J. P. Anderson, P.G.M,, for the 1.0.0.F, of Oshawa, Queen, of Dunngannon Farms, Co- bourg, and Go Boy, owned by Gor- den Perry, Toronto, who placed in the order named. Sligo took second place on the ladies hunters class, and Michael was third in the Corinthian Class, hunters. Parkwood Stables took third place in the jumping pairs clase, with Punch and Sligo. In the first three days of the Co- bourg four-day show, Parkwood Stables have captured 14 prizes. These include four .firsts, five seec- onds, four thirds and one fourth. Pd. Or. 615 600 Pion. 36 Sh. Gr. 735 Brampton 'when the Oshawa and 0 rr ne lacrosse teams meet in the final series. The band is going to be on hand to cheer the locals on to 50] on han HARMONY HOME ROBBED Thieves entered the residence of George Goddard, Harmony, last night and stole a watch and a sum of cash amounting to $48.90. The money included two $20 bills, onc $5, a $2 bill, a $1 bill and ninety cents in change. The robbery was not dis- covered until early this morning. The police are investigating. Greatest Success in all M*Laughlin-Buick history) 740 pioneers of the district. After. leav- | Previously acknowledged ing the public school he attended | Mes, E. L Phillips pper Canada College and Picker-{ Mrs. E. Hamlin .,.. ing College. He was married in| Total to date 1890 to Miss Florance Sharp of Can-| fn addition to the cash contribu- nington, who died several vears ago. | tions, the usual donations of meat Surviving is a daughter, Mrs, Cecilia | py local butchers have been made Yeocior Cork : ) | by Proctor, McCorkels Mr. Proctor | regularly throughout the season. A served for several years on the| large donation, consisting of twelve School Board, and also as a member | dozen eggs, and a quantity of fruit, of the Council. At one time he con- | yotatoes and vegetables, has come tested North Ontario in the interest | from the Ladies Adult Bible Class of the Conservative Party. He was [at Ebenezer, a donation of jelly from a Presbyterian. The funeral willl Mrs, E. Bradley, a supply of jam take place on Saturday afternoon, | from; Mrs. M. Mcintyre Hood, and with interment in the Old Stone | two bags of potatoes from Miss Har- EVER, in McLaughlin-Buick's long, successful history, has any new model been accorded such spontaneous and en. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 00D HOME FOR ONE OR TWO - refined young men or ladies. Priv- ate family. Central, hoard if de- sired. Apply Box. 135 Times. (40c) OR RENT--EIGHT ROOMED house. Partly furnished. Phone 1349M or call 236 Dearborne Ave. (40a) FOR EXCHANGE--A LARGE LOT with cellar and cement blocks for a car or truck. Apply to Mrs. Lily Andrew, Dundas St. E., Whitby. (40c) Church Cemetery. In Memoriam WARAM--In loving memory of Raymond, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Warant, who passed away Aug. 17th, 1927, in his 21st year. ris. will also be welcomed Cross Cottage, Other donations of this nature at the Red CITY NEWS PREP ARTES PLANS Plans are being completed by Thomson & Johnson, of Belleville and Sadly missed by Oshawa, for the erection of a $20,- Mother, Father and Brother: (40a) 000 addition to the Home at Belleville, Old People's Notice Power Off There will be an interuption of Electric Service in Oshawa on Sunday, August 18th "From6to8 AM. and from2to 4 P. M. on the section north of William Street, also all rural lines north of Oshawa. Signed, Hydro-Electric Power Commission Chas. T. Barnes, Local Manager. { tle of the Boyne. FINED FOR INTOXICATION John McLaughlin, of Bowmanville, who was taken in custody on Drew street last night for being in an in- toxicated condition, was fined $20 and costs when he was brought be- fore Magistrate Hind this morning. ARE LOW TENDERERS The W. E. Phillips Company of Oshawa and Toronto is reported the lowest: tendered at $1,848, for glazing on the new Duke of York School be- ing erected by the Toronto Board of Education, Tenders will be considered by the board next Tuesday. BAND ON PARADE The fife and drum band of the Loyal True Blue Orange Lodge paraded through the business section this morning much to the surprise of those who were under . the im- pression that the band only came forth for the celebration of the Bat- There is going to apother battle: today, -howsver at' low; 5 MAKING GOOD PROGRESS T. B. Mothersill Company: of this city is making good progress on the $12,000 addition to the factory of the J.J: Cash company in Belleville, for which it was" awarded the general contract. Steel is up and brickwork is being erected on the building. Plans were prepared by Thomson & Johnson, of Belleville and Oshawa. LEAVING FOR OSHAWA Scarboro, Aug. 17.--Leonard Rich- er, LRAM, who for some time has been Supervisor of Music in School Section No. 10, Scarboro', has ac- cepted an appointment as Music Prin- cipal at Oshawa. He was prominent- ly. associated with the Toronto Sym- phony orchestra, and will still retain his work with it for the approaching season, PRESENTATION MADE An interesting ceremony took place in the newsroom of the Osh- awa Daily Times at noon today, when the members of the staff gathered to do honor to Ralph Young, member of the reportorial staff, who is to be married on Mon- day. In a brief address M. Mcintyre Hood, editor of The Timse, ex- pressed the good wishes of the staff for the future happiness of Mr. Young and his partner in life, and a handsome . magazine table was presented to him by Miss Eileen Pipher on behalf of his fel- employees. Mr, Young -wade & and M, McIntyre Hood, for the Canadian L egion, A FASHIONABLE TURNOUT A fine buggy drawn black horse was old-fashioned by a well seen Stanhope groomed on Simcoe street this morning, The' vehicle ap- peared in equipage compared good condition favorably and the with the stylish motor cars parked along the thoroughfare. The attention of many was drawn to the horse and carriage and to the well dressed gentleman and lady who occupied the seat. 'General admiration was ex- pressed for the turn-out which might well have graced a fashionable street in the Victorian age. Coming Events 8 Ceats per word each in- sertion. Minimum charge for each insertion, SSe. SQUARE AND ROUND DANCING, Barnhart's Pavilion every Thurs- day and Saturday. (Thur & 8 Aug. 31) MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, AT 21 Maple St. Phone 2372F. Hourg 2 to 9. (T-T-8 tf) THE REGULAR MEETING OF the Hospital Auxiliary will be held in the Nurses' residence on Monday, August 19th, at three . ~ 4408) here are the reasons Longer Wheelbase Increased Power Shock Absorbers 'Easier Steering New Fisher Bodies NEW LOWER PRICES Doble-Acting Lovejoy 'RoadShock Eliminators Internal Four Wheel Brakes Non-Glare Windshield West, are already 88 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ont. thusiastic acclaim as McLaughlin-Buick for 1930. From every province, from East and coming reports of the most amazing volume of sales ever recorded for any McLaughlin-Buick within its first two weeks. Hundreds of buyers did not' even wait for demonstrations, but placed their orders unconditionally, upon their first inspection of this "greatest McLaughlin- Buick of them all." It was inevitable that this New 1930 McLaughlin-Buick . . three great new series, larger, more powerful, more beautiful, more luxurious than ever.. should win an instant and exceptional suc- cess. See it for yourself at our showrooms. Ll Ask about the GMAC Plan of Credit Purchase N.17.8.29% Moffatt Motor Sales, Ltd. Phone 915 11.8 BETTER BECAUSE: EA S. CANADIAN

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