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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1929, p. 10

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Bre aa LE Ree Th pt TWENTY MINERS ENTOMBED IN PIT Fu (By Canadian, Prose | Press Leased Wire) © '. Sofia, '- Bulgaria, Aug. 21.-- : Twenty miners were entombed this | morning by an explosion caused by The damp in a coal mine near Sagora. Three miners were TANTROE FS © MADE IN WALES | Ancient Cemetery Proves Of Fo air Dates ; a momen tr HET Fa va o es bt ie LO RDO 4 Great Interest to Antiquarians d dead and several others in 8 dying condition when rescuers n'a cottage: Toached the entomber men. Bad Coder Hig Athersis' employed-on 1 Honing 'of the ventilators was farm of James ig and the f: A : PE SESE TORS VISIT HUGE PAPER MILL ne brother and' Are Also Taken Through z=-~lad is sugvived .b; 7% Be ihe sistters. was a pupil at | 5." the Dryden Public school and was Workings of The . Hollinger Mine £ ASE ssesissssenses England : with his parents "close to tl 133 EH tit oo NReUESS NLA a nBEES HH NYRR 5%, Ey Aberystwyth. -- Penglogau, the mound or place of skulls, near Tal- sarn, Cardiganshire, was the cen- tre of interest to a party of Card- iganshire antiquarians who visited it recently. This is one of the most remark- able spots in Wales, for here has been discovered a burial place which is said to go back to the bronze age, The discovery was made by Grif- fith Howells, a farmer, when re- moving a cairn of stones for road repairs. The anefént cemetery was found - o 4 August 22nd, 23rd and 24th Bargdia Days at FELT BROS. In our China Room we are showing the Prettiest [ey BEEEEE TERY - iS VERE e In Hh [regarded as a bright likeable boy. Sept. 20 - he raft 'whith the children T.-had been playing was an old stone boat which some one had dragged a: 2 he the pond from a neighboring 3 vo The cottage where the Clark fam | "9% fly lives is located on the site = an "old woolen mill - owned by: £ "Bowerman which at one time bi £ A LE 1] 2 a ad | ve ih oo 'A asd = = 9s Fl 3s Joo wer from a water-wheel oper- by a mill race flowing from the "Ottawa, Ont. 16 We Irish Coas The of the ski, who wreck of companion, Casimir Kubala, viving::: 1 Kemnay, today. Bandon. to be Brandon, district. re Yield is. around 16 bushels per i. is wrought for want of thought as "Well as v want of heayf™ nt down" in midtocean: On March 13, 1928, Captain Wal- ter Hinchcliffe and the Hon. Elsie Mackay left England for the Unit- ed States) Nothing was evér-heard from fhefn after they passed fhe ii Fecent fatality was that, igh flyer, Louis IdZilaw- lied off the Azores in thé' is plane on July 13, His / Farmer Completes Threshing / Brandon.--Wheat threshing finish- ed on the J. A. Carnahan farm, near This is the first re- port of the completion of threshing received "vin. the RS ADDED 10 ATLANTIC DEATH (Continged from Page 1) #3 4ain Leslie, Hamilton and Frederick F: Minchin left Upavon, England, ==.00 an attempted non-stop flight to Tt is believed their Cochirate, Aug. 20--The party of Ontario and Quebec editors touring northern Ontario left Timmins early today after some 15 hours, in which the council and people of the town lavished their hospitality on them in the delighted manner characteristic of the miners of this district. This morning the visitors went through the workings. of the Hollinger mine, One of the high spots of the enter- tainment here was the banquet given last night by the town council and the Kiwanis club, when the aims of the northern sections of the province were laid before the editors by prom- se inent .mens of the community, proprietor of the Sault Ste. Maric Star, who is conducting the trip, and others, extending the good wishes of the older parts of the province: to the men of the north. Mr, Currai, stressed the importance to older On- tario. He painted to the purchasing power of the mining districts, most of whose: supplies came from older Ontatio.. At Porquis Junction today the party "was met by motor cats and taken to Iroquois Falls, where they were entertained at luricheon and inspected the mill of the Abitibi Pa- per Company. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Alloway, of Oshawa, are members of this party. sur- Wi Customer; "So you sell these watches at twelve shillings?" It must. cost. that to make them." Watchmaker: 'It does." Custom- er: "Then how do you make any money?" Watchmaker: "Repalr- ng them!" Replies were made by J. W. Curran, in a mound 60 feet in.circumfer- ence. There were sixteen graves containing burnt bones, and in. two of them an urn--one large and one small, These were covered with feathered patterns. The graves were all about a foot deep and cir- cular. In one grave was found a leg bone bent in such a fashion that Dr. Evans was able to say that the man had been insufficiently fed and had suffered from rickets. In the centre of the mound was a place which had contained u rire, but no bones. Dr. Fleure, who ex- plained the features of the mound, said: that a 'similar mound had been found in East Yorkshire by Canon Greennall, who was of opin- fon that these ashes were collected from a sacred fire in another part of the fleld and then depositea In the centre of the mound. The po- sition of the mound, as explained ley Jones, undertook tions, was 890 feet above sea lev- el, and gave the living occupiers a. 'command of the surrounding country and made it difficult for unfriendly neiglibors to attack. Dr, Fleure places the period in the bronze age, and said 'there was proof that people in those 'days were in touch with Brittany and the Spanish peninsula. The urns found in the. graves were similar to 'others which had been found in' the. Channel islands, Brittany and Ireland, and were now in the mu- seum at the University Colleye ot Wales, Aberystwyth. fie Bothwell's Corners Bowmanville ..../ Bracebridge ...... Bradford Brigden . Brighton Brockville Burford ... Burlington Caledon . Caledonia Campbellford Cape Crocker Charlton ... Chatsworth Chesley .... Christian Leland . Clarence Clarksburg by Ernest Davies, who, with Stan- Cat the excava- | Cobden Coldwater .. Collingwood mber '.. Cooksville Cornwall , Delaware Delta ... Demorestville Desbarats ... Desboro ... Dorchester Drayton Dresden Drumbo Dryden ... Dunchurch Dunnville . Durham Elmira .. Elmvale Embro Emo ..... Emsdale Englehart + Oct. ¥ pe 11 . Seat. Sept. +o Oct. 3 and 4 Oc ngs 17 Sept, 31, Sept. 2 Sept. x, Oct, 1 and 2| crowd of spectators SERBLARLERDLR Wals| Walters Falls Warkworth Warren .... Waterford . Welland ., Wellandport , Wellesley . Vheatley Wiarton . 'Wilkesport Williamstown Winchester ., Wingham , Woodbridge /oodstock Wooler ., Wyoming 5 | Zephyr .. Zurich 27 and 28 ----eee------ (RECKLESS DRIVING CASE IN COURT ¢| Fine of $10.00 and Costs Imposed by The Magistrate 25 and Sept. 7 20.--A large attended the Og: x, sitting of the local police court on 2 and 27 | Monday night but were disappoint- Pickering, Aug. Sept. 20 and 21 |ed, in that the case in which they + Oct, 1 and 2 Sept. 10-12 were interested (Rex vs. Clayton) 2 Sept. 17 ana 18/ had been adjourned for a week, A bt. 30 on Oct, 1 t 1lcase of reckless 'driving, however, ad 2| proved to be of interest. H. H. Sept. 2 and 27| Rogs, of Toronto, had, on August sonsenaiess OO, 12 + Sept. 24 and 25 «Oct; 3 and 4 Sept. 11 and 12 Sept. 24 and 25 rere Sept, 24.27 . 10 and 1 . Oct, 2 . Sept. 23 and 24 "Buy Where Satisfaction is a Certainty" DINNER SETS and the best values ever offered in Oshawa. Carrying out the bargain spirit We are Giving FREE One half Dozen TEASPOONS with each DINNER SET sold on these three days. We invite you to call and see what we have to offer. FELT BROS. ESTABLISHED 1886 12 SIMCOE ST. S. - OSHAWA the defendant. Several witnesses gave evidence for both sides. The Davis car had been turning around, and upon being struck by the Roms car, had turned over, injuring two of the lady passengers. It was brought out in the evidence that the Ross car had been travellifig at an excessive rate of speed and it was upon this fact that the magis- trate declared he was compelled to make a conviction. In levying tne minimum fine of ten dollars and costs, his lordship emphasized the negligent, rather than the reckless, clause In the charge. day' with their daughter, Mrs. A. Frankin, of Port Perry. F. M. and Mrs. Chapman visited with friends in Port Credit on Sun- day. Mrs. F. H. Hall was in Toronto this week attending the funeral of her nephew. Miss Dorothy Andrew is enjoying two weeks' holidays from her du- ties in '"The Big Store." Mrs. Hogue and children have returned home after spending sev- eral weeks with relatives in Owen Sound. Mrs. Jas. Andrew spent several C. A. Sterritt has had his store paintéd and a cement platform placed at the front of it, which adds greatly to the appearance of the property. The children of the village are looking forward with varying de- grees of pleasure to the opening of school, which is a short time away. The former staff of teachers will be present at the opening, with the exception of the Continuation As- sistant, Miss Robertson, whose place will be taken by Miss Talk, of Toronto. Miss Robertson ex- pect to be on the Toronto teaching s Sept, yond, 2 2nd, collided with a car driven by kevens Sept, 24 and 25 Ha J. Davis, of Toronto, in the mid- wu. Soot, iid and 1 dle of the village, and the charge "eot 10 and 11] Was the result. Officer Kay con- Sept. 13 and 14] ducted the case for the Crown, and Oct. 2 and 3 Son 2 and 28 Mr. Cohen, of Toronto, representea oming Thursday -- -- staff next term. F. H. ana Mrs. Westney and family spent several days last ween with friends in the Stony Lake dis- trict. days last week with 'friends in To- ronto. Mrs. J. Cook, of Georgetown, is spending a week with her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. E, Stork. PICKERING BRIEFS Pickering, Aug. 20,--Mr. . ana Mrs. A. Boyes and son spent Sun- Sept. 6 Oct. 1 . t. + Sept. 24 and 25 +. Sept, 19 and 20 Sept, 26 . Sept. 11.13 ' . Sent 12 and + Sept. 1 Sent Sept See the Big Mystery 1 Solved! "The Studio Murder Myst Oakland Sedan 1927 model. Stock No. 781. In first class congdi- tion. Xdst price $750. Sale Price $550 1928 model. New tires. Perfect motor. List price $525. Sale price $450 rd Sedan in good running or- der. Extra fine motor. Stock No. 15. Worth $150. Sale $65 price yr 'e Chevrolet Sedan, 1028 model. New tires. Stock No. 18; Tist price $650. Sale pe $585 ; Chevrolet Coach, 1927 model, in' splendid condition every way. $450. Sale price +... $389. CHEVROLET TOURING 1928 'model. Refinished. Stock No. 752. List price $500, Sale Price $550 Oanta £10 Motor Sales, Limited |: OSHAWA ONTARIO £ USED [411 dq St , and 3 Lombardy Sep. / j So 718 Loring 4 London (Western Fair) ., Lucknow . Choose your car from one of the largest and finest selections of makes and mod- els we have ever offered. Every one of 'these cars carry, the "OK that Counts'. Every one has been thoroughly, check- ed, all necessary reconditioning has been done and the car is in every way OK. Read the bargains listed here! Many others equally attractive specials in our showrooms! Don't delay. Take advan- tage of these lowest prices on OK Used Cais. : Essex Coach, 1928 model in brand new condition every way. List price $595 _ $700, Sale price H Lis towel | . M Ahltowaning . Markdale .. Markham Marmora Massey . Matheson Mattawa Maxville Maynooth .,. McDonalds Corner McKellar Meaford Melbourne Merlin Merrickville Ford Coupe, Sept. 12 and 1 Sent. 25 Oct. 1 io and pt. 17 and fetcalfe . » Sent. nv d Middlevill ef un Midland Out . 4 Mildmay Millbrook 1928 $450 ~ Chevrolet Sedan, model, List price i fos $550, 'Sale price Mohawk Indian (Descronto) Mount Bry is ¥ REE d'14, Oct. 4 and § Sept. 21 Also see Oshawa's Famous Mystery Man Will Appear In Person CO eviilb Ohsweken Orillia . Oro . See him on the Stage of this Theatre To-night, Tomorrow Night and Friday Night if he is still at large. Pinkerton Porcupine .. Port Carling Port Elgin . Port Hope ., Port Perry «covers aft coun

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