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Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Aug 1929, p. 5

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THE i gid PS a OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 21, 192% | Hare, Wallace--Anc, Hist., 1; : 5 OF MIDDLE Geom., C; Lat. Au., 3; Lat, Comp., UULE VU] 2; Fr, Au, 1; Fr, Comp., 2; Germ. SCHOOL EXAMS AT Au., C; Germ. Comp., C. Harris, Stanley--Eng. Comp., 2; Eng. Lit, 1; Can, Hist, 1; Alg., 1; Chem., 3. Hazelwood, Brenton--Can, Hist., T H i COLLEGIA #1 C; Anc. Hist.,, C; Alg., 1; Chem, ; 3; Lat. Au, 3; Fr. Au, 3; Fr. (Continued from Page 3) Lat, Au, 3; Lat. Comp. 2; Au, 3; Fr. Comp., 3. Comp., 2. ; Henderson, Douglas -- Eng. Comp,. 2; Eng. Lit.,, 2; Can, Hist., Fr. 2; Alg., C, Henderson, Edward--Anc. Hist., Coulter, Margaret--Anc. Hist, |2; Geom., 2; Phys, 2; Lat. Au, 2; 1; Phys, 3. Crothers, Dorothy--Ane, Lat, Comp. 1;° Comp., 1; Germ. Au. 1; Comp., 1. Cutler, Fr. Au, 1; Donald-- Physics, Chon. C; Lat. Au., 3; Lat, Comp, Daniels, Lloyd--Phyics, C. Davidson; Donald--Geom., Phys., 3; Chem., C Davidson, Zellenor--Eng. Comp., Hist., 1; Geom., 1; Phys.. 2; Lat. Au, 1; | Geom., 3; /Phys., Fr, | Fr. Comp., 2. Germ. Cc; |1; Alg, 1; Chem. C. : Lat. Comp., 1. Henry, Jack--Anc. Hist, 1; 2: Tr. Au.,"3; Hezzelwood, Rennison -- Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., 2; Can. Hist, Hicks, Wesley--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, 2; Can, Hist,, 1; Alg., 2; Chem., C. 2; Higgins, Edwin--Eng. Lit., 3; Can. Hist., 3: Alg., 2; Chem. C Hind, Frederick--Eng, Lit., 3; C; Lit, 2; Can, Hist., 1; Alg,, [Chem., 3. 1; Clem. C. Davis, Gordon--Anc. Hist., Lat, Comp,, C; Fr. Comp. C. Deans, Harvey--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist., 2. Dreyer, Elizabeth--Eng. Comp. | Lat, Comp., C; C; Can. Hist., C; Phys. C. Dryden, John--Anc. Hist. 1 Geom., 2: Lat. Comp., 1; Comp., 1. Fr. Au. +1; Edmondson, Louise--Can. Hi C; A Au, C; lat, Comp., 3. Evang, Victor--Can, Hist. Ane. Hist., 2; Geom., 3; Phys, 3; Lat, Au., C; Lat. Comp., 3. Fleming, Eleanor -- Comp., 3. Fowke, Adeline-- Geom. 2; Hopkins, Chem., 2; Fr. Au. 2; FT. Comp, 4 Eng. Lit., 3; Can. Hist., C; Alg. "Durham, Arthur--Anc. Hist, 1; Phys., 2; Lat. Au, 1; Fr.|3; Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp. C. 18., 3. Engel, William--Phys., C; Lat. Holland, Dorothy--Eng. Lit., C; C; | Can. Hist, 2; Alg., 2; Chem. C Holmes, Wallace--Alg., 1. Holt, Clayton--Anc. Hist, C; Geom., C; Phys, C; Lat. Au., C: Fr. Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Sydney---Eng. Comp. Hunt, Mildred--Anc, Hist.,, C; Geom., 3; Lat, Au., C; Lat, Comp., Irwin, Ralph--Phys., 2; Chem., sti, | 2; Lat. Au., 1; Lat. Comp, 1; Fr. Au, 2; Fr. Comp., 3. James, Fred--Anc. Hist.,, 1; Geom., 3; Lat. Au., 1; Lat. Comp., 3; 11; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 2; Germ. Au. C; Germ. Comp., C, Jobb, Arnold--Eng. Comp., 3; Germ. | Eng. Lit.,, 1; Can, Hist, 1; Alg., 1; Chem., 3 2; Johnston, Nellie---Anc, Hist., C; Chem., 1; Lat Au., 2; Lat, Comp. | Geom., 3; Lat. Au., C; Lat. Comp., 1; Pr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp, 1. Fowke, Shirley--Eng. Tomp., 2; 2; Fr. Au, C; Fr, Comp., C. Jones, Lillian--Eng., Comp., C; Eng. Lit, 1; Can. Hist, 1; Alg.,|Eng. Lit, 3; Can. Hist., 3; Alg., 1. 2; Chem. 1. Kerr, Mary--Lat. Au., 4; Lat. Gerow, Ora--Eng. Lit, C; Can.|Comp., 2; Fr. Au., 2; Fr, Comp., C. Hist., 2; Alg., 2; Chem, 2. Gillespie, Hilda--Eng. C: Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist., 2. King, McKenzie--Anc. Hist., 1; Comp., | Geom., 1; Phys., 2; Lat. Au., 1; Lat. Comp., 1; Fr. Au, 2; Fr. Gillott,, Muriel--Eng. Comp., C; | Comp., 3. Eng. Lit., 2; Can, Hist, 2; Alg, 1; Chem, C Goheen, Kathleen--Lat. Au., 3;|32, Fr.| - Kory, George--Eng, Lit, C; Lat. Comp., 2; Fr. Au, 2; Comp., 1. Gorman, Mervin--Ane. Hist, 1; 3; | Geom., 2: Fr.| Lat. Comp., 1; Geom., 3; Phys, C; Lat, Au, Lat, Comp., 2; Fr. Au, Cj Comp., 2 Grass, Muriel--Lat, Comp., C. Green, John--Anc. Hist., Kinlan, Bernard--Eng, Comp. si Eng. Lit., 3; Can. Hist., 2; Alg., Can. Hist, 2; Alg., C. Ledgett, Ferne--Anc. Hist.,, 1; Phys., 1; Lat. Au, 1; Fr. Au, 1;. Fr. Comp., 1; Germ. Au. 1; Germ. Comp., 2. 1; LeMee, Frances--Can. Hist., C; Geom., C; Phys,, C; Chem, 2; Lat. |Chem., € Au., 2; Lat. Comp., 3; Fr. Au, C; Phys., Fr. Comp., 2. Guiltinan, Jack--Alg., 1: C; Lat. Au, 3. Hann, Earl--Eng. Lit., C; Can. Hist., 2; Alg., C. Lethbridge, Ruth--Fr, Au, C; Fr. Comp., C. Little, Harry---Can, Hist, C. C; Eng. Lit.,, C; Can, Hist., 2; Alg. Luke, Katharine--Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, 2; Alg. C. po Insurance Preparedness in the form of having first aid supplies on hand in the home, the shop, L""the pffice and the automo- bile, will often prevent much ll needless suffering --- and may even save a life. Fill that medicine cabinet now with such emergency requirements as: Tincture of Arnica -- for bruises and bumps, Boric Acid Solution--for an eye wash and for cleansing the less "serious wounds, Wam- pole's Hydrogen Peroxide, Wampole's Formolid Anti- septic Solution, or Wam- pole"s Hygeol -- for cuts, wounds and all antiseptic needs. Wampole"s Oint- ments--for sprains, cuts, bruises, etc. Antiseptic Gauze--to put next to an open wound, Absorbent Cotton--{for dressing wound. Adhesive Tape--for holding bandages, etc. Ask us about other important "First Aid" items, ' Karn's Drug Stere The Family Drug Store with the Lowest. Prices Phone 378---Next the P. O. OSHAWA, ONT. Mcintosh, Grant--Eng. Lit, C; An. Hist.,, 3; Chem. C. McKay, Ian--Can. Hist, C. McLeese, Willis--Eng. Comp., 3; Eng. Lit., C; Can. Hist., C. McLure, Mary--Eng, Comp., C; Eng. Lit.,, C;'Alg., 2. Marks, Ernie--Anc. Hist.,, 1; Geom., 2; Phys, 3; Lat, Au. 1; Lat, Comp., 1; Fr. Au, 1; Pr. Comp., 1. Mason, Charles--Anc. Hist.,, 2; Geom., 1; Phys., 3; Lat, Au, 1; Lat. Comp., 2; Fr. Au, 3; Pr. Comp., 2. Mason, Helen--Eng. Comp. C; Can. Hist., 1; Alg., 1; Chem., C Matthews, Jean---Ane, Hist, 1; Geom., 2; Lat. Au., 1; Lat. Comp, 1; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 1; Agric. 1st year, 1; second year, 2. Maxwell, May--An¢. Hisf., 3; Phys., 3; Lat. Au., 2; Lat. Comp: 3; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 1. Michael, Helen--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, 1; Alg, C. Michael, Robert--Anc. Hist.,, 3; Geom., 3; Lat," Comp., 2; Fr. Comp., 2. Millson, George--Eng. C; Eng. Lit, 3; Can. Alg., 2; Chem. C. Mitchell, Reba--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit.,, C; Can, Hist, 1; Alg., 2; Chem, C. Moodie, Lloyd--Eng. Lit.,, C; Can. Hist, 1; Alg., 1; Chem., 3 Moore, Karl--Can. Hist, C. Morison, Arthur--Can, Hist., 3; Alg., 1; Lat, Au., C; Lat, Comp., C. Morison, Helen-----Anc, Hist., 2; Geom., 3; Lat. Au., 2; Lat. Comp. 1; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp, 1, Comp., Hist., 1; profit. LOOK AT THE LUMBER QUESTION IN THIS SENSIBLE LIGHT It is a question, as any builder will readily admit. ber you buy, you've got to please customers who often understand nothing at all of your difficulties. That same lumber must turn out high-calibre work -- for your reputation is always at stake; and also must be of standard size and grade, so that no time will be lost in fabrication, thus effecting your Isn't it sensible, then, to buy the lumber that will turn out a splen- did job, wherever you use it. and be a credit to you? The progressive contractor buys from us, because he knows he is buying safe, dependable lumber. Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED 25 Ritson Road North TELEPHONE 2821-2820 With the lum. a You can stop that HAY FEVER LE Eat Morris, Mildred--Anc. Hist., 1; Geom., 1; Phys., 2; Lat, Au., 2; Lat. Comp., 1; Fr. Au, 3; Fr. Comp., 2. Mundy, Nora--Eng, Lit, C; Can. Hist, C; Alg., 3. Mutton, Ruth--Can, Hist, 1; Hist.,, 2; m., C Myers, Conant--Anc. Geom., C; Phys., C; Fr. Comp.. C. Parsons, Errington--Eng, Lit., C; Can, Hist., 3. Patte, Margaret--Eng, Lit, C: Can. Hist, C; Alg., 2. Pearce, Charles--Eng. Comp., 3; Eng. Lit.,, 2; Can. Hist.,, 2; Algz., 1; Chem., 2. Peterson, Howard--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., 3; Can, Hist., 1; Alg., 1; Chem. C. Pietrasak, Jean--Eng. Lit., 2; Can. Hist.,, C; Alg., C. Powell, Lorenzo--Eng. Lit.,, C; Can. Hist, 1; Alg., C. Reed, Margaret--Eng. Comp., S: Eng. Lit., C; Can, Hist., C; Alg., Reesor, Frank--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist., C. Rice, Hilda--Anc. Hist., 2; Geom.,' 1; Phys. C; Lat, Au, 1; Lat. Comp., 1;° Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 2; Germ, Au. 1; Germ. Comp., 2, Robbins, Willow--Can. Hist., C. Robertson, Florence -- Eng. Comp., C; Can. Hist, 3; Alg., C. Robinson, Betty--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist., 1. Robinson, Eunice--Anc. Hist., 1; Geom., C; Lat, Au. 1; Lat. Comp., 1; Fr. Au.,, 1: Fr. Comp. 1 Greek Au., 3; Greek Accidence, Rouke, Juanita--Anc. Hist.,, 2; Geom., C; Phys., C; Chem., C: Lat, Au., 3; Lat. Comp., 2; Fr, Au, 2; Fr. Comp, 1. Ross, Alice--Anc, Hist., C; Geom,, 1 Ruebottom, Leona--Can, Hist, 3; Alg., 2. Russell, Frances--Eng. Comp. 2; Eng. Lit,, 1; Can. Hist,, 1; Alg., 1; Chem. C. Scott, Ray--Can. Hist, 3; Alz., 2. Scrimgeour, Jean-- Anc. Hist., 1; Geom., 2; Phys., 3; Lat, Au, 1; Lat. Comp., 1; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 2. Shellenkoff, Shora--Eng. Lit. C; Eng. Comp., C; Can. Hist, C; Alg., 1; Chem,, C. Smith, Ortie--Eng. Lit., C; Can, Hist., 3; Chem., C. Southwell, Eldon--Anc, Hist, 3; Geom., 3; Phys., C; Lat. Au, C: Lat. Comp,, C; Fr. Au, 3; Fr. Comp., 3, Sproule, Cora--Can, Chem.. 2. Stacey, Mansell--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit.,, 3; Can. Hist, 1; Alg. 1; Chem.. 1. Sterling, Pearl--Can. Hist, 3; Alg., C. Thickson, Eleanor---Eng, Comp., C; Eng. Lit., C; Can, Hist., 2; Alg., 1; Chem. C. Thompson, Allen--Anc. Hist., C; Geom., 2; Phys, C; Lat. Au. C; Lat. Comp., C; Fr. Au, 2; Fr, Comp, 2. 4 Thompson, Dorothy--Can. Hist., C; Alg,, 2 Thompson. Gladys--Anc. Hist, 1; Geom., 1; Phys., 2; Lat. Au, 1; Lat, Comp., 3; Fr. Au, 1; Fr. Comp., 2. Twilly, C; Eng. Lit, C; Allg. 1. Valleau, Marie--Anc. Hist.,, 1; Alg., 3; Lat. Au, 2; Fr. Au, 3; Fr. Comp., 3; Germ. Comp., 3. Watts, Albert--Can, Hist.,, 3; Alg., 2. Werry, Wilma--Eng. Lit, C: Can. Hist, C. Williams, Karl--Alg., 1. Williams, Norman--Can. Hist.,, 1; Margaret--Eng. Comp., Can, Hist.,, 1; "13; Alg., 2; Chem, 3. Wilson, Betty--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit., C; Can, Hist., 2. Wood, Harvey--Eng. Comp., C; Eng. Lit, C; Can. Hist, 1; Alg, Cc "Yule, Helen--Eng. Comp., C; Can. Hist, C. -------------------------- SOCIETY GIRL JOINS CROOKS Strange Circumstances Shown in "Come Across" A New Film Thriller Excitement is the keynote of "Come Across," Universal drama of so- ciety and the underworld, which the New Martin Theatre has book- ed to open Thursday, according to an announcement made yesterday by the theatre management. "Come Across" is a colorful and vivid tale of the adventures of a society girl, who, desiring to see how the other half lives, finds her- self embroiled with a gang of crooks. The action of the picture shut- tles back and forth between a no- torious New York night club and a mansion in a fashionable district on Long Island. The night club scenes are described as exceptional, a daring entertainment scene and a raid sequence being featured. The cast of "Come Across" is a notable one. Headed by Lina Bas- quette, stage, screen and dancing star, who rcently scored a triumph in "The Godless Girl," it also in- cludes Reed Howes, Gustave von Seyffertitz, Flora Finch, Craufurd Kent and Clarissa Selwynne. "Come Across" was directed by Ray Taylor. He is said to have handled the picture with a remark- able 34 air for quick action and dis- tinguished characterization. The humorous scenes are said to have been remarkably well constructed. - Peter Milne made the adaptation of "Come Across" from a story by William Dudley Pelley. The night club scenes are spec- tacular, 'with a beauty chorus of shapely girls in alluring costumes, in dance numbers and in interest- igs back-stage seq as Hist., | OSHAWA PLUMBERS ANNUAL OUTING AT HAMPTON PARK Very Enjoyable Event Was Held on Saturday Afternoon The fourth annual picnic of the Oshawa Plumbers' Association was held at Hampton Park on Saturday afternoon. The attendance was about 250, including master plumn- ers, their wives and children, and also representatives of the various supply houses in plumbing suplies, with their wives and families. Ap- proximately 20 . plumbing supply houses were represented at this pro nic. . Upon arrival at the Park, and af- ter getting down to business, after the usual good feeling of fellowship which at all times exists, the most interesting sports were called, which consisted in.the various races, in which the children were first consideration. Race Results : 'The races were classified as fol- lows: -- Boys, 5 years and under--I1st, Ralph Parrott; 2nd, Albert Hall Girls, 5 years and under--I1st, Violet Parrott; 2nd, Mary Miller. Boys, 8 years and under.----1st, Leslie Colvin; 2nd, Douglas Brown. Girls, 8 years and under.--l1st, Helen Carroll; 2nd, Doris Kemp- ling. Boyp, 12 years and under.--1st, Harold Colvin; 2nd, Billy Daniels. Girls, 12 years and under.--1st, Jean Miller; 2nd, Helen Carroll. Boys, 15 years and under.--1st, Donald Miller; 2nd, Harold Colvin. Girls, 15 years and under,--1st, Jean Miller; 2nd, Helen Carroll. Three-legged race.--1st, Gordon Annis and Gladys Brenton; 2nd, Murray Miller and Jean Miller. Merchant Plumbers' race.--1st, W. Bowden; 2nd, M. Miller, Merchant Plumbers' wives.--1st, Mrs. M. Miller; 2nd, Mrs. M. Libby. Single men.--1st, G. Thompson; 2nd, J. Jordan. Single ladies.--1st, Fleming; 2nd, Irene Trew. Married men.--1st, Mr. Myers; 2nd Boyd Demarse. Married ladies.--1st, Mrs. D. Maruse; 2nd, Mrs. M. Miller. Wheelbarrow race.--1st, R. Par- rott and Holléy. Ladies' shoe race.--1st, Mrs. W. R. Brown; 2nd, Mrs. W. Bowden. Fat men's race.--1st, Mr. Wil- liam Hogg; 2nd, Harry Copping; 3rd. Stewart Carroll Plump ladies' race.--1st, Mrs. Saunders; 2nd, Mrs. Canneum. Wholesale Plumbers' race.--1st, Mr. Bud Morris; 2nd, Mr. Gordon Davis. Wholesale Plumbers' wives--1st, Eleanor Mrs. Gordon Davis; 2nd, Mrs. Mec- { After the races were pulled an interesting softball game was enter- ed into between the Wholesalers' representatives and the Plumbers' journeymen, which resulted as fol- lows: Wholesalers 11, Journeymen 2. Mr. William Hogg, official ref- eree, was all that could be expect- ed in the capacity of referee. (Bill knows the game perfectly and ren- dered very fair decisions). Whole- salers being the winners of the first game, it was up to them to show the Master Plumbers the art, which they did very nicely, but with much greater difficulty, the score in this game being Wholesalers 7, Master Plumbers 6. Fry and Colvin pitch- ed for the Journeymen. Vanstone as catcher for the Journeymen did very excellent service. For the visitors:--Mason, as pitcher, was very effective, as may be conceded by the scores. Can- non, as catcher, was there at all times when required. For the Master Plumbers.--Billy Bowden did excellent service. Al- bert Goyne, as catcher, has not lost the old time game, which was shown by the very small margin in runs at this important game. After the sports were over an excellent table was spread and everyone seemed to enjoy tne splendid eats. Mrs. M. Miller and Mrs. Warden Brown were in charge of tables, and all were well satisfied with the management. All the committees were right on their mettle, anu everything was carried out to the letter. Several draw prizes, contributed by the Wholesale Houses, were brought up at the last, and the successful ones were as follows: -- Mrs. Libby, Mrs. A. Goyne, Mrs. Beamis, 'Mrs. Leabitz, Mrs. Ted Colvin, Mrs. Brown, Miss Kathleen Colvin, Mrs. Ripley, Miss Lakin, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. De- Marsh, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. W. R. Brown, Mrs. 8. Carroll, Mrs. George Burt, and Mrs. Jackson. The successful prize winners among the Journeymen were:-- Gordon Thompson, Ray Beamis, Reg Lowe, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Ed- mondson, Mr. Laubitz, B. Robert- son, G. Burt, Ed. Lawrence, Mr. Pascoe, Mr. Hawley, and Ted Col- vin Jr. The weather was all that could be expected, and all went home feeling that this annual affair had been a greater success than ever before. A company known as Tamworth Clay Products Limited, has been formed for the purpose of manu- facturing flower pots, utilizing a very suitable clay in the vicinity of Tamworth on the Canadian Nation- al Railways. The Ceramics Branch of the Department of Mines is co- operating with his Company in the introduction of the latest pro- cess. Courtesies are seldom wasted. The cool, refreshing vigor of a mountain morning sparkles in this fine old ginger ale BorTLE the breeze that blows over a snow-field . . . capture the zest which mountain air gives you . , . add to it the sparkle of the sun in thevalley . . . temper it with the mellowness of a'carpet of pine needles . . . and you have something: of the thrill, the quality, the stimulation of drink- ing this better, finer, purer ginger ale -- "Canada Dry"! Just a little bit more The Champagne of Ginger Ales Canada Dry Ginger Ale Limited, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal Formerly J. J. McLaughlin Limited, and Caledonia Springs Corporation Limited refreshing . . . a little more friendly . . . a more subtle taste of ginger . , . a rarer aroma like some old wine . . . see it sparkling in the clear depths of the glass! + Taste its perfect blend which comes; from the skilful bal ancing of pure ingredi- ents. Relish the marvel- ous flavor, set off by its; uniform carbonation. | Drink it today and cap-, ture the thrill of this finer ginger ale. [LUMBER | F.L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wooc Yard. Phone Oshawa 2%4 Whitby 12 HARDWOOD FLOORS LAW) BY EXPERT MECHANICS Old floors finished like mew. Storm windows, combination doors. General Contractors B. W. HAYNES INSURANCE 13 Simcoe St. 8. Phones 1198W---Office 1858J--Residence PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S , 10 Simcoe St. S.--We Deliver A man was presented with an account which he had good reason to. believe had already been paid. "Haven't I paid this account?" he asked the boy who hrought it to him. "I don't know, sir," was the re- ply. "Does your master know?" "No, sir." "How do you know that?" "I heard him say so." "And after that he had the im- pudence to send you to see if I knew, eh?" "Well, you see, sir, it's like this, The boss don't know, I don't know, and you don't know. As the boss says, if you pays it again we shall all know," Henry Ford says religion is like electricity. But it isn't practised Hin is to become LUMBER © Building Materials Prompt Delivery Right Prices Waterous Meek Ltd. High Ciass Interior Trim Rough and Dressed Lumber W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Practically every line of busi ness is represented in this di- rectory--a handy reference for those who wish acquainted with business houses. the various 25 Albert Street : Phones 280 & 187. COAL COAL Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor #treet K. Orders Promptly Delivered STORE FOR RENT At 9 Prince St. Apply ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. 185 King Street West, Oshawa. ~ Phone 1160 Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 LS For ues Better IAMONDS Burns' Jewelry Store Corner King Prince Cash List Your Firm in the "Times" Business Directory! WARM IN WINTER INSULATING BUILDING BOARD COOL IN SUMMER OISTRIBUTED BY OSHAWA LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED OSHAWA, ONT. 5 Rooms--all conveniences Oak floors, worth $4,000. Very central. Three Thou- sand will buy if you have $1100 Cash. DISNEY Opposite Post Office. Phone 1550

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