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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Aug 1929, p. 14

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harvest is progressing very favo w l 2 / : r ye shall eat or what ye 'shall eat or{ Mrs. Arthur Millson spent a ably this vicin il i for your body what ye shall wear." | days in Buffalo, HEARING digi . : CH " ; Mr. 1s. Edward * Hinkson, Er ' FOR THE Mr. and hawa, and. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie : aa -- Hinkson, Phyllis. and Master Ted, CLAREMONT 'NEWS DE AF ----- RT ne) 3 A A . Tr. ; 3 W, R. Westlake at Inglewood over | Claremont, \Aug. 10.--Luther WORN IN THE OUTER EAR Bowes, of Peterboro, spent Satur- S Week fends + day with his mother here. The New Ear Gem Now Reagy ' First Oshawa 'v | Xen i | "Miss M. Kathleen Baker with her d Mller og SL ul 2 HRT] Rf] aunt, Mrs, Howard, Couch, Bethesda. Toes Tog go ig d small t =] Our heartfelt sympathy goes out | | y ; . The earthquake tremor at Solina ebts, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Sulman, Look at it and you SEE the pliziplest and smallest device in ships while residents of Brougham, | {co Mr. and Mrs. James Smales for ; W| | caused a good many to wonder just|"" ye © Se "Hot TCT ot Stouft- the world; use it and you FEEL that you have the most ; J 5 $s i ;jand the sympathy of the commun-| the death of their aunt, Mrs. Annan Med | what might' happen: next. when: the Lar ad} il Co ! Jrondertul piece uf mee a | yot dev sod. for Siiering man. ' br. Ava! 20,2 ague| ity 8oes out to the widow and ¢hil-| Who died at their home on Monday. | '|i | tea kettle shook and chairs moved | yr ™ PPE ur qi king. uccessfully bs Ao Ea con iy) iol ie « ureh, Ebenezer, Aug. 20,--The LEAEnE dren. ine "| Interment in Dunbarton, | . { with people on them but let's hope Miss. Mabel McLellan has return: ch ie, over Fa o, ephone, and Jone ersation, plenic which was held on uestSV| RB, Feasby and Miss Feasby, of) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Porter of De- | Ill | Wl | that Canada maybe spared' the ca-| "0 0 "0" 00 weeks' vacation with THE AUTO EAR MASSAGE 15 USED TO STOP HEAD last 'at 1 Bed net ot Torontp, and Byron pS aby's trol Mich, visited Mrs. Fanny Ar-| | Bl | tasrophe of an earthquake. I A Re Tort Eig, SEAR uo 1 ED EOL IOP 'suc ¥ 4 i family, of Oshawa, were here over | nott. | Mrs, John Baker is spending a s A nl hie bs IMPRO ] 'the Yo : e's week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Norval Motten and | . Mr. and Mrs, or Ys throughout the afternoon, i Sho Ho progressing rapidly, Fratcis and Mrs. Fanny Arnott at yesh Wis her mather Mrs. W.. J. Toronto, spent the week-end with Sa JFREE DEMONSTRATION wll sports of all kinds were enjoyed bY | oq ovain 1s a fine sample. How- | Pontypool and Janetville; | { pr s R as . tah their relatives here. '5.1 turday, ugust 24 -- Hours 10 a.m. 8 p.m, all. | Later 'a good picnic supper. .; Majcome has grown barley 4{. -Mrs. S.'E. Werry, Mrs, H. A, Pas- { r. R. W. Pascoe an isses |. Miss June Bryant, of Toronto, is An expert from New York City will be here on the above day. We was enjoyed, About seventy-five) .. 14 inches high and timothy, | coe, Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mrs. Asy Histon ud edbeth B aise, Enel spending Der JacaHion with Mr. sarnastly au o 3. coll, make a test privately, and receive expert ad¥cs pw " n i , J 3 4 RE ; wi iss M. Hogarth and Mrs. Pas- | an4. Mrs. E. Bryant. y instrument guaranteed, booklet, Topor, oll holiday. ado Ee Es resident Carl Wilbur, re Cha Sith, oe | ( £0. : | Mrs. Borland siiegiiatuc tients Tell your deat friends AT THE PARLOR SUITE Weather on Sunday was ideal, | gi0q Aug. 17, at the home of his] W. Cryderman, Mrs. J. J. Smith, In ras Marion Reeson, Columbus, at| from Toronto and Barrie on Sun- COMMERCIAL HOTEL -- OSHAW A and pervices at Pyegeser ae brother, W. Cowie, of Green River, te a Baker, Mynie Vice n I = M & 3 and yey VW Yells ani Bay, Sock easel' "uid: Aerie : e pastor . J. H. Stain- ut cKessock, 'Margaret McKes-| |i | ot A do W. rs. Be Era r 2 wo his holidays Where he b 38 Made his home) for sock, Mr. and Mrs, R. A McKessock, i ! NY | family at Mr, Leslie Thompson's on | daughter, Elaine, are spending a GEM EARPHONE CO. of CANADA last week, and was with his con- es Friend Morton and daugh-{ Misses. Evelyn' Tink," Muriel and 8" ah gop | Sunday. couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Canadian Head Office: 1112 Star Bldg., 80 King St. W.,, grega . Hi Baker, M R UL =O ¥ Mr, and Mrs, George List and son |p. J. Wilker and other friends. . Toronto tion on Sunday. He preached {ior of Newmarket, and son, Fran-| Helen er, Mr. J. L. Rundle, Mrs. [ b 3 . J ex i m y of . Roy Langmaid were all at the Lee- 3 \ Nelson, Mrs, George Burkes Mrs.|© Mr and Mrs. G. Duncan, of Ricn- very excellent sermons throughoutf is' anq" wife, visited friends her: y gm : Wil Hanlin a tug children, Handi i2nd Mrs. G. Duncan, of Bie i 8 ." | Stainton wedding as interested on- : the day. Junday [School held # | Sunday, ; lookers and enjoyed the beauty of Rochester, Mr. Wesley Ellins, Mr. Bowmanville spent Sunday even- Tegylar Seasion In the afte " Recent visitors here included thel 4. "goer, 20d solemnity of the and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor and babe, | ith friends in Claremont voor ng Btwn meeting Bic ont Joly, a, 1. sua. Mise ceremony. y Toronto, Misses Doris and Eileen ur, and Mrs. C. A. Overland and | Mrs. B. Borland. Miss Effie Graham has returned » i pa " 0 of the Women's Missionary Society | pr, 'Allen and Mr. Lambert, of pI sesers. > Ter snd Chas sili Xo lt E. Tink gt Hass ak, Column, Mr. and Mes Jone dauguhter Margaret and son, Gor. Miss Lillian' Dawson and Miss |to her home in Myrtle after spena- was held in the Sunday School. The] Acton, visited at the Perryman ig nd Mrs, McKessock with her mother | Crawford, Mr, and Mrs, Ray Plow- Jom, have reimined from a tWO| wa garet Spenceley are attending |ing a couple of weeks in Claremont. ladies of ihe same sociely {10M home Friday, Mr, and "Mrs, Broderick and son | in Hampton on Sunday, right, 'Detroit, Mrs. Sanders, Bow- gg il DA Scott and Miss Effe|® Canadian Girls' In Training| Ar interesting game of football King St. United Church, Oshawa, = Migs Orr, of Toronto, was a visi- Jack of St. Catharines with Mr. John| Mr. and Mrs, L. C. Snowden and | manville, with Mr, and Mrs. James Miller. motored to Hamilton on|Camp at White House, Lake Cou-|was played in the Memorial Park Were present, and provided a Very |ior at the Brown home, with her Baker over the week end. family, Maple Grove, at Mr. T. | Moony. M ozs to visit the latter's sister, | chichi here on Saturday evening last be- fine program, which was very eb-|cousin, Margaret Brown. '| Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, with| Baker's, Misses Betty and Mildred | Mr. and Mrs, Harold A. Pascoe Pnasy Yon i "| Miss Ext beth Smith accompani- |tween Whitby Ho ital and Cl J ond Inspiring to all. Fol-| Mr.'and Mrs. Will Bate, of Tor-1 Mrs. J, W, Yellowlees. © remaining for a few days. were guests at the Pearce- Walking: IMIS TEL 0 oly oho nas boon |od ar me mation are Hany | oven vithy Hosp! 30 In favor lowing: the program, Mrs. Han- onto, spent the week-end with Miss| Miss Ruby Parker with friends| S.S. session at Eldad was in the ton, wedding on Thursday in Tor-| Miss ne \varc. who lag aa ir Et or Ta lon. 8 Brfavor cock's group of the local society, | Bate. at Burk's Falls and Toronto recently. | form of missionary Sunday with Mrs. | onto. spending her vacation with Miss {Smith and Mrs. Smith, of Uxbridge, | 0 _" aremont. furnished refreshments and a very| The Davis family, of Toronto, | -Solina will be the mecca for all] A. Reynolds' presiding. Miss! Rev. and Mrs. Cobb and family {Burgess at Norwood, returned left on Monday on 2, Wor Bip 19 ro iss Jennie Forgie has returncd Pleasant social time was spent bf|were Sunday guests of the Art lovers of soccer on Wednesday even- | Gladys Yellowlees gave a reading, | Walkely, Sask. with Mrs. Roy Lang- [home on Saturday. ; in Branttord/ 1-884 other western Bom. . peasant holiday, with all. Carlton family. ing when Bowmanville vs, Ennis-| Mr. McKessock gave a very inter-| maid. " Mr. Geo. West, of Ashburn, will| points. tow 3 hain Ba " 3 ok i Miss Bessie Reynolds, of Peter-| Gordon Brown, of Markham, and | killen hook . up for championship | esting and instructive talk on India| Miss Kivell, Toronto, and Mrs. H.|oecupy the pulpit in the United} Miss Eves and Miss Green, o Tom: J om Seon and Mrs. boror, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. | other friends, were with the John | honors in the Darlington League.|and Mrs. Harold Shuttleworth sang | Cameron, Tyrone, were visiting their | Church here on Sunday next. Toronto, are the guests of Mr. and Tymitnaon and am) y accompanied W. H. Nichols. Phillips' family over the week-end. | There will be a booth in connection in splendid voice the solo "When | brother, Mr, John Kivell and attended | Mrs. Nichol and Miss Margaret|Mrs. E. Bryant, * for a couple of |by the Misses erris, of Londun, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickell, and sons Mrs. Swardfager, of Winnipeg, | with this play. Jesus Comes into my Heart." -Mr.| the S.S. picnic. Graham are holidaying in Muskoka, | weeks. spent Sunday with friends at Erin of Detroit, are visiting with thelr | visited at the home of her brother, Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, Miss| Tof Brown preached a very accept- Mr. and Mrs. H. Walters, Detroit,{ Miss Mildred Mantel has returs-| Mrs. F. Cowie, who underwent a Miss Margaret Graham and Mrs. relatives here, Mr. Fred Cassie, the past k Olive and Mr. Bert Luke, Toronto,| able and helpful sermon on the text [(Mrs. Norman Buss, Thornton's Corn- Jed to her home in Greenwood after serious operation in a Toronto hos<|H. G. McIntyre spent Monday in Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Courtice! Miss Beatrice od yee her | at A. L. Pascoe's on Sunday evening. "Take no thought for your life what ers, at H,'E. Tink's. spending a week with her cousin pital, is improving favorably. Toronto. or were very pleasantly surprised on |aunt, Miss Stevenson are holiday- Bill Conselman and Charli Plumb Saturday evening last when a hum- [ing at the Stevenson residence I ELLA CINDERS--SHORT ORDERS By lie ber of their fonds and relatives | present. ; gathered at their home to celebrate Mrs. George Philip attended ¢ -- i" in NEY #0 n= 71 iH 75+ with. them their twenty-fifth wed- | funeral of her ini | Torn he ,- I "8 i : a B ; PER AX J ying aaniveraary, Purine the even- | in the city on Thursday. HEIN) LORY A a octely ng, Mr. an rs. Courtice were J. Cowie is giving his residence TRL i : presented with. a silver tea service. |a coat of paint hid days. bi TOOMY i " Goss 149) riends were present from far and Mrs. James Madill was taken to : near, and a very pleasant evening city hospital on Sunday in a seri- } 1 7 : was enjoyed by all. ous condition of health. Her many. Pri . : JTR BLUNT HAS GALLOPED, OOLFED, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bickle and son, friends are very anxiously hoping Maze ZZ i sommsDTIED VITH NISS MATZIX Maupice; LEN: Peis and Mrs. °C. | for some improvement in her con- : : , 2% u C8 wd nd daughter, Fay, motored | dition. # 2 : = ; : PURR, VAMP GATETIES., WHILE id Niagara Malls o Saturday, and |' Mrs. Philip accompanied her he] ; pc 2 A -- . . am . spent the week-end there, nephew to Beaverton on Sun Fr i. ; i E 3 47 THEY WERE DINING AT THN COLUNBINE Weather remains fine and the [' The W. J. Brown family day. | ; g . \ A / ; is htm ; Jeturnes to the city after a pleas- : : ; - " / : . ' ant holiday spent with their grand- 74) wt an Ry g 4 A ) / FIANCEE OF THE PICKLE WESTERNER, J Tailor made vy A : 7 : J REPORTED 70 EE OF A DIET OF BITTER Suits .... ... $25.00 i an +k : J v " SERBS. NISS CINIERS, AS USUAL, Woollen |i ar, (477 7 h REFUSED TO COMMENT OF THE STYOATTON | i , g / THAT IS CAUSING 80 MUCH COMMENT IN ST40R ASD SOCIETY CIRCLES. U 8 Pe OF; 1929, i ghd JURY & LOVELL'S . OPTICAL PARLORS BRINGING UP FATHER J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. rar CR TTT ---- or 17 - ll PW vy Eyesight Specialist BRING ALONG MY RAIN - BUT HES NOT E SEE- | : COAT ON THIS MSWIN' TRIP EATING ANY OFT 4 BA HAM jrovghgpas tn AY 1 THINK I'LL GO He IN HERE AN cL 3 GIT BREAKFAST, ! . : £3 , BEFORE | GO . i . i 1 y hg Felt Bres 7 he LEADING JEWE yi UR 0 A Wiad : i A : oh : @ 19%, Int" Fetture Servies, Ioe., Great Briain sights resarvpd. 2 Simcoe South, ' srr 4 4 SSLSEER 85% St TR EEF {13 LEBRLES BERBERA ! £1 Na" ~ --- = » 8y 3 . 38 Btmooe Bure, South, r XY lh \ A 27 Ml B GARLIC BELONGS Flas x mn +f flit fh 10,BETTY. ,. . SPECIAL Men's Felt Hats $1.98 I. COLLIS & SONS y : gli Ss : , x +2 1 ; : 50-54 King W. Phone 783w ; : -- - IN SOME PLANT FAMILIES THERE ARE MEMBERS Kh ve ANIMAL WORLD, THE LION THE TIGER d © YSHICH DO MOT, LOOK ALIKE AND ONLY A AND THE CAT LOOK VERY MUCH ALIKE AND _ \ BOTANIST WOULD CLASS THEM TOGETHER. YOU WOULD NATURALLY SUPPOSE THAT THEY JHE MAME LILY CALLS UP AT ONCE THE EASTER Diamonds! : BELONGED TO THE SAME FAMILY. "x > "LILY, THE TIGER LILY AND THE LILY OF THEVALLEY, . ; THE PLANT WORLD, T00, THERE ARE SOME \ BUT THE LILY FAMILY ALSO INCLUDES LEEK, Bassett's 2. X ) RELATIONSHIPS THAT CAUSE MO SURPRISE -FOR i $ ONIONS, GARLIC AND ASPARAGUS... On Oshawa's Main Corner l= INSTANCE, THE BLACKBERRY AND THE RASPBERRY. 190, tr King Ribburn Syndictn. on Gotae Brian ght reed lll De "kr -- . \ TILLIE THE TOILER--JUST WHAT DOES MAC MEAN? SPECIAL = ; PAL AAA FRREERERER iF Bt | sins - - i BEERERES 311 HN AAT A REERREEE F SESEsEuRRaEs EE. B : i Eesseaes i111 BRERREREEFEE gE hi it 5 1 3111 £2 F oh ' . NOW, WHAT'S THE MATTER? Boys! Blue Suits ; $5.95 | "MAC. TM SO . SHE SAYS HER FRIEND | : SHE HEARD HIM 1 MUST HAVE SAID SOMETHING pExtra Bloomers JO | SAYS HE'S A CONFIRM ga HE vient I maar ON CLOTHING (CO. WORRIED- 1 1 {Bac : 68 KING ST. W, =! rELOR BEST LOOKING : SME'S AS SORE AS A CENTIPEDE Phone 3141 We Deliver WHO HAS rr Yt) GIRL IN THE WITH BROKEN -------- A FRIEND Lh aN | EL zd iN, | ARCHES! FEN [THAT KNOWS | 7) ARCHIE 3 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Lite Feature Service Fg a gf { i ih 1H & F i FF 0 » B Bracek R00 313; iY i & CRRERRRE Ji H ily Ft Hi g eta PER Gssss FERRE An 111117 ; if ' | i ! J i i f

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