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Oshawa Daily Times, 29 Aug 1929, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1929 SISTER PROVINGE JOINS IN PRAISES OF NATIONAL FAIR Qubec Likely to Establish Pavilion in Exhibition City Toronto, Aug. 29.--While the. Ca- nadian National Exhibition is recog- sized "as the show window of the world, an international display, the spirit of interprovincial good-will was particularly emphasized yesterday. The occasion was officially desig- mated as Retail Merchants and Ser- vice Clubs' Day, and here came 2 large delegation of merchants and others from the Province of Quebec. They brought a message of a unity of spirit of the two old Provinces of the Dominion. They brought with them a bright picture of the future of Canada, and, particularly as the Canadian 'National Exhibition was concerned, they carried a forecast of the province of Quebec establishing a pavilion in Exhibition City and joining in dramatic fashion in the % i national display here. : i Canadian Trade Activities |. Among the guests yesterday was 'Hon. James Malcolm, Federal Min- Hister of Trade and Commerce, and at I the directors' luncheon he reviewed | 3¢P { Canada's trade activities in foreign countries and appealed for support ¥n this line. And yesterday, while here were in Exhibition City many J representatives of the Retail Mer- Chants' Association, Cyril Hougham, Secretary of the Dominion Board of "this organization, stressed the role fthat it plays in national affairs. lb» It was Hon. Alfred Leduc, Minister without Portfolio in the Quebec gov- {§rnment: and Camillien Houde, Mayor "of Montreal, who particularly voiced Nthe message from the sister Prov- 'ince, but the spirit of interprovincial goodwill was emphatically marked by the attendance of the Quebec delega- tition, 4 Men from the United States re- l'cently paid $21,000 in counterfeit "money in Halifax for a cargo of li- quor. In this wise the bootleggers may yet kill off their own busi | ness.--Ottawa Journal. KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE Bo udeeuBe lock 2 J aa i C.P.R. TIME TABLE. Effective April 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West EE | we oe Lo .m. Pails, ay. in Daily except Sundar. 5 p.m. Daiiv. e Lm. LDauy. Golng East Ps ow Nope E828 kunads PP OVERS P BE a ia mS gS TSE FEE 3 | 8 12.03 a.m. Daily. : : A times shown sbove are times Frains depart from Oshawa Station. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS . Effective April 28, 1929, (Standard Time) 3 a.m. Daily 58 a.m. Sunday ,59 a.m. Daily. 17 pom. Buity except Sunday. .32 p.m. Daily. 47 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 9.42 p.m. Daily. 1 1 a Sund Sucert unday. 1000 0m EE RR ey 1.09 p.m, Daily. 1.41 p.m. Daily. Daily. 'Westbound 39 a.m. Daily. .04 a.m. Daily. 5.28 a.m. Daily, 7 - 2.05 p.m, wi a.m. Daily. a.m, Daily except Sunday. p.m, Daily except Sunday. p.m. Daily. 8.14 p.m. Sunday only. 7.27 pm, Daily, 42 p.m. Daily except Sunday. 28 20 03 02 37 1 4 5. : 9 2 4, 8 Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after April 28, 1928.) (Daylight Sayles Time) Arrive Hospital 10.50 a.m. 12.45 p.m. Bean! Rename Sy ERLELLS vv ve -r-- Essilieaiess 4.35 pm. 6.45 pm. TI 33: 83 PRAWNS S00 BBuBRVVE gg PPPPPY BREREEREE EEEEE Seunds Lia): ; Pw »& ARR BAN Soa o8 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m. G58 4.3 pm, 6.50 p.m. sk Fons 8888 11.00 pm. 11, Time marked Whitby Hospital. SUNDAY AND JI0LIDAY SCHEDULE es! Arrive w 9.45 a.m, 12.15 p.m, 2.30 p.m, CANADAS Xe]: 17.V1 35 FROM MONTREAL To Cherbourg-Southampton ' Duchess of Richmond xMontroyal Montcalm Montclare .... Montrose Minnedosa Duchess of York Duchess of Atholl Melita . Duchess of Bedford Duchess of Richmond Minnedosa Duchess of York Glasgow-Belfast 2% Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept, Sept. Sept. Sept. 28 Oct Minnedosa Metagama Duchess of Richmond Duchess of Atholl Melita fue: 2 Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Sept. . Montcalm To Antwerp 13, Oct. 10, Nov. ? 26, Oct. ' 24",..... To Hamburg , 18, Oct, 17, Nov, 14 Montcalm FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg-Southampton Empress of Australia .. Empress of Canada Empress of Scotland s of Scotland Montrose Sept. Hn + Montclare Sept. Apply Local Agents or J. B, MACKAY, General Agent, Canadian Pacific Bldg., Toronto Nothing can broken heart, Is Your Child Thin and Weak? McCoy's Tablets Puts on Flesh and Builds Them Up compensate for In just a few days--auicker than you ever dreamt of--these wonder- ful health building, flesh creating tablets called McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets will start to help any thin, underweight little one. After sickness and when the chil- dren are exceedingly puny they are especially valuable. All over North and South Ameri- ca and even in Great Britain and Australia tens of thousands of skinny run down men and women have put their faith in McCoy's-- and have not been disappointed, Try these wonderful tablets for 30 days and if your frail, sickly child doesn't greatly benefit vou get your money back. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitch- ell, W. H. Karn, or any druggist for McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets--as easy to take as candy and 60 tablets, 60 cents-- Economy Size $1.00, Men's Felt. Hata Men's Felt Hal $1 98 . I. COLLIS & SONS 50-34 King W. Phone 733w EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Block 7% 1516--Phene-151¢ Felt Bres. 7 he LEADING JEWELEPR / Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. Boys' School Boots All sizes. Special $2.49 DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST. W. Phone 2141 We Deliver Diamonds! Bassett's : ked Hospital, . adi tn mo hy Bow Ruills Pheas 0 or St . Ushawa Waiting Reom, 19 Prince St.-- On Oshawa's Main Corner on, // dl J. de Champlain was in Ottawa on August 27 on a mission from the Newfoundland government in connection with the proposed sale of Labrador to Canada, The cabi- net has considered the purchase at various times, but definite deci- sion has been held in abeyance. The above map, shows the area that may be purchased, i A party of clergymen were at- tending a Presbyterian conference in Scotland. Several of them =zet off to explore the district, Presently they came to a river spanned by a temporary bridge. Not observing a notice that the bridge was unsafe, they started to cross it. The bridge-keeper ran after them in protest. "It's all right," declared the spokesman, not understanding the reason for the old man's haste; "we're Presbyterians from the Con- ference." "I'm no' carin' aboot that," was the reply, "but if ye dinna get off the bridge you'll all be Baptiste!" Do you have the i of i rheumatism---can | torture all the time? "Fruit-a-tives" will | give you relief just as it has helped thou- THE ~ PAIN OF RHEUMATISM! "Fruit-a-tives" Rid Him of Trouble of Long Standing A sufferer from rheumatism for years, Mr. §. Floyd, Nanaimo, B.C,, turned to "Fruit- a-tives". He writes: "Jn o short while I had relief. *Fruit-odives' worked like a charm." t work, can't sleep, sands of others. No more pain for the Test Of YOuE 4%! Get a box to-day. Sold at PASSENGER VESSEL DESTROYED BY FIRE: Crew Has Close Call When Empress Burns on Stony Lake a Mount Julien, Ont., Aug. 20.--When fire of unknown origin broke out on board the 80-foot steamer Empress, of the Stony Lake Navigation com- pany last night, the members of the crew who were sleeping on board had a narrow escape from death, The steamer was completely destroyed. The fire was discovered shortly be- fore 10 o'clock and had gained such headway that efforts to check its progress were futile, Captain Hiram Young immediately ordered all mem- bers of the crew to leave the ship. Some of them were able to cave a few of their belongings. The cook, Mrs. Bulloch, had a narrow escape when her stateroom was cut off by the flames, but was finally rescued l | | 7) i i AED | ! ! k E i -- nC orn ° OO IR Boy LORD FERMOY Member of British parliament and graduate of Harvard University, whose engagement, to Miss Mary Carter, whose father is clerk in holy orders, is reported, by local boatmen. Fears that the Mount Julien dock would hecome ignited from the flames which were roaring through the up- per structure of the .steamct, finally led Captain' Young and William Thompson, local boat owner, to -at- tach a cable to the steamer and tow it out into the lake where it burned to tlie water's edge. At a ho last night the scorched hulk was ing anchored in the lake. 1 late pt et iam \ It's getting eo that a man with- out money is about as popular as a skyscraper without elevators,-- Cincinnnati Enquirer, 'Hereand There (362) Canada has one motor vehicle for every mine. persons of population. A recent estimate places the aggre- gate number of motor vehicles in the Dominion at 1,076,819. Only three countries exceed Canada in heavier density of motor cars, namely, United States, with one for every 5.11 persons; Hawaiian Is- lands 7.9 persons, and New Zealand 8.0 persons. 3 The New England conscience got busy recently in a small town in Massachusetts when a resident mailed back anonymously to the maitre d'hotel of the Royal York, Toronto, a package of spoons, ser- viettes' and dining room "sundries" borrowed some time previously. - f Made by Qenads Rex Spry Cai Lid Death to Insects, but abso- lutely harmless to people. beveLosed ar MELLIN sTITUTE OF INOUSTRIAL 'RESEARCH SY REX RESEARCH FELLOWSN 2960 Es Yast army of insects Is bred in FLY- OX laboratories to be released In the FLY-TOX "Chamber of Death" to testand certify the positive killing qual- ies of FLY.TOX beforeitissoldto you. The writer, in returning the articles to Monsieur Maillard, the maitre, said: "My conscience has been both- ering me a great deal since and I have been unable to keep them any longer." RN UY The Stoney Indians, Alberts, cannot be said to be a "vanishing race," for while the section of the tribe living on the Nordegg reserve was making a two-week troy to at- tend the annual Indian pow-wow at Banff, four babies were born. Moth- ers and children are all healthy and well. W) Ne dad Last spring a man came Into the C. P. R. ticket office on Sparks street, Ottawa, for a ticket to ieonard where he had a job. He was five cents shy on his fare, but the railway gave him a ticket any- | way. The other day a man in overalls walked into the Sparks street office and said: "I owe you | five cents on a ticket; here it is." i { An investor is known by the! {company whose gtock he keeps.--] !02 ! Finanefal Post. } INVINCIBLE OLIVES, PLAIN OR STUFFED, GIVE YOU MORE INTEREST IN THE GOOR THINGS TO COME | M*LARENS VINCIBLE "INVINCIBLE IN NAME AND IN QUALITY" McLARENS LiMiTED + HAMILTON. ONT. . ELLA CINDERS--The Double-Cross ANNOUNCEMENT - YOUR. ENGAGEMENT WW VE Lik) ALL RIGHT, im! 1, You THINK | HATE ad JM DOESN'T WANT TO SEE You, SO HE SENT ME UP TO ASK. FOR WOULDN'T BE SEEN HS RING BACK. r) th al ne ---. mr TT Ever i= vou Wy WERE TELLING THE TRUTH, 1 WOULDN'T BELIEVE You! Jin WITH YOU IN PUBLIC IN HIS RIGHT SENSES! PLEASE. GET QUT SO 1 CAN AIR THE PLACE TD Ania TA Look ! Here HE 1S WAITING TO TAKE ME HOME! * Ie HE WANTED TOISEE HE'D COME UR. WOULDN'T HE ¥ BETTER GVE ME THAT RING, ELLA ITLL Save Jim THE EXPENSE OF BUYING By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb {PB ELLA SAYS SHES [+ NEVER WANTS TO 1] === You AGAIN! SHE ] ASKED ME TO GIVE YOu BACK. YOUR. ENGAGEMENT . RING! "Can 1 Have, T2 "WHAT WAS ONCE A PRECIOUS § ~ SYMBOL OF MY ki LOVE HAS SECOME A WORTHLESS \ BAUBLE! WiLL IT 7 4 * BRINGING UP FATHER THE DOCTOR \WiLl. BE SURE TO "TELL HIM HOW YOL COPCGHED LAY NIGHT - P THECOLD 1S {a ALL RIGHT | ITS ME THATS | COMPLAINING - D0 YOU FOLLOW THE PRESCRIPTION | LEFT FOR You YESTERDAY? OF BEEN * BROKEN) ~ 1 SHOULD SAY NOT-IF { RAD-ME NECK WOQLD- i STAGE OF HIS DAY, Xt TOMMY. ¥ = ELLEN TERRY AND SIR HENRY (RVING IN HAMLET ACT IT SCEHE SY AA) --y SIR HENRY IRVING IR HENRY IRVING WAS BORN AT SOMERSET IN (838. HIS REAL NAME WAS JOHN HENRY BRODRIBB. HIS STAGE NAME IRVING WAS LEGALIZED BY ROYAL LICENSE . IM 1895, HE WAS KNIGHTED BY KING EDWARD WII. ny i OEATN OF IRVING WILE © "5 PLAYING "BECKET. Lom LYCEUM THEATER WHERE HIS TRIUMPHS WERE SHARED BY MISS ELLEN TERRY. IN 1905, IRVING 1S STRKKEN JUST AFTER SPEAIG THE HORDS BID THY HAYDS0 ORD. THTO THY HANDS, IM BECKET AHD DIED 1H A FEW HOURS. Creat Britain rights reserved. © 1929 by Kvog Features Syndicate. tne { DADDY SAYS ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE - AND 1X ALL MEN ARE "PLAYERS, pitas -------";" = TILLIE THE TOILER- By Russ Westowr THAT'S WHAT ID LIKE TO KNOW- WHEN HE WENT OUT HE SAID HE'D BE BACK IN AN PHONE MAYBE MAC 15 CALLING TO HAND ME AN ALIBI HELLO, MAC- WHAT'S | THAT T Will I ASK TILWE DID SHE TELL YOU TO GET HER A LIGHT OR. DARK BLUE SWEATERP ~~ HOW CAN MAC BE SO THOLGHTLESS?T| HE SHOULD HAVE BROLGHT BOTH THE SWEATERS - THEN I COULD PICK THE ONE L LIKE AND NE COULD TAKE THE OTHER Rel

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