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Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Sep 1929, p. 10

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Eo a, AA. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, SEFTEMBER 6, 1929 PIV TNA TOW) PPPTTTIITYTY EASTERN ONTARIO N " SLA > er a 2.48 ew sass Seles de TERT Tees Pw - Ca Vital Statistics Kingston--The vital statistics for the month of August as registered at the office of the city clerk are as fol- fows: Births, 59; deaths, 45; mar- riages, 26. Car Was Stolen Kingston.--~Hew R. Duff has re- ported to the police that his car was stolen from in front of his home at 15 Centre street on' Monday night ind up to noon today the police had no trace of the missing car. Left on Trip Kingston.--Oscar V. Bartels, city 'sreasurer, has left accompanied by Mrs. Bartels on a six weeks' holiday trip, he having been granted leave of absence by the City Council, Mr. and Mrs. Bartels will visit Calgary, the Pacific Coast and California, Goes To Toronto Kingston.Mr, Lloyd Halpenny, son of the Rev. William Halpenny of Wolfe Island left on Saturday, Aug. 31st for Toronto. He has been en- gaged in Toronto Eastern High School of Commerce and is connected with the French Department, Milk Production Drops 40 Per Cent Belleville.--Continued hot weather has had the result of drying up pas- ture lands and in consequence milk is becoming scarcer. It is estimated by those in authority that the flow of milk has fallen off nearly forty per cent the past few days, Fires Village Smithy Gananoque. Through an error a gal- Jon of gasoline was poured into a water tub in McDonald's blacksmith shop at Lansdowne. When the pro- prictor, a few minutes later, inserted a red hot iron into the tub the gaso- line ignited and set fire to the shop The volunteer brigade extinguished the blaze. Gift is Appreciated Brockville--The. members of = the Brockville branch of the Canadian Legion are grateful and wish to ex- tend their thanks to the Brockville branch of the Chinese National -Par- ty for a donation of $15 to the fund being raised for the erection of a monument over the graves of ex- service men in the local cemetery. Firemen Water Parks Peterboro.--The firemen, in an en- deavour to keep the grass in the two parks green, are co-operating with the chairman of the Parks Committee and are giving both Victoria and Confederation Parks a good soaking from time to time. =It is to he hoped their efforts will be successful. Watch the Suds Pile Up Swish a cake of Sunlight Soap t hrough a tub of water a few times and watch the rich suds pile up. Unlike other soaps Sunlight dissolves freely and goes to work at once. Its pure solution thoroughly cleanses more clothes--quickl --safely--and leaves them with that delightful fragrance whi only TO ANYONE PROVING THAT THIS SOAP CONTAINS ANY FORM OF ADULTERATION $50002° REWARD @ WILL BE PAID cloth S05 Sunlight Soap fresh, natural cleanliness can give. Let Sunlight Soap help yox. LOOK FOR THE GUARANTEE OF PURITY ON EVERY CARTON It means real geonomp-longes life to your es--protection to your Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto DODD'S KIDNEY Move Captured Guns Brockville--The two field guns captured by Eastern Ontario units during the war and at its close pre- sented to the municipality of Brock- ville have been moved from Block House Island park to the Brockville armories where it is the intention to mount them upon concrete bases on cach side of the [East avenue en- trance, Considering Improvements Brockville. -- Architects represent- ing the Metropolitan Stores, Limited, are in town investigating the carrying out of certain improvement to the property in King street west, not far from the corner of Buell street, which was recently acquired by that corpor- ation for the purpose of opening a branch business in Brockville. City Has no Dog Catcher Peterboro.--The city's dogs arc again celebrating "dog days" for there is no dog catcher. Alderman Phelan announced last night at Coun- cil meeting that the dog catcher's services had been dispensed with for the year. Needless to say, many of the dog fanciers in the city will be 'glad to note that Mark Pengelly is no lenger casting his most detective eye along the city streets for the ca- nine population. Weather Aftercast Brockville.--In compiling his report { for the month of August, G. G. Gro- thier, government meteorologist here, | found that the lowest temperature ob- { tained during he month was unusu- ally dry with only 1.01 inches of rain falling here, The - sunshine hours were greater than usual. On Mon- day, Labor Day, the highest temper- ature recorded was 83 degrees, while yesterday the highest mark recorded was 79 but the humidity intensified *"e heat. Grass Fire Kingston.--Sparks from the incin- erator plant at Hemlock Park Stock Farm set fire to the grass about 10 o'clock this morning and the sixty men employed at the farm had a battle which lasted over three hours before the fire was subdued. Over an acre of property was involved in the fire but clever work on the part of the men averted any danger that threatened, Has Beautiful Garden Peterboro--Mrs. W. Wood, Pearl Ave. who was winner in the "Better Lawns and Gardens Competition" has some very beautiful flowers in her garden. Geraniums especially were good, several hydrangeas made a magnifi- cent appearance, and her dahlias were beautiful. Altogether Mrs Wood deserves a great deal of credit for the excellence of the flowers in her gar- den and for the lawn which was free of weeds to a marked extent. Pleased at Progress Kingston.--Mr. Arthur Tate, of Rosemount, Montreal, is in the city visiting his brother-in-law and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smith, A bowlful of Kello gg's Corn Flakes at breakfast. With milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Golden flakes of toasted corn. Rich with flavor. Crunchy with crisp- ness. It's a treat 12 come every day. ,000,000 people wel- Alga CO RN FLAKES Kellogg's Corn Flakes are delicious for lunch and dinner as well as breakfast. An ideal treat for the children's supper. So easy to digest. Always extra crisp. With the flavor that can't be copied. Sold by all grocers. Served by hotels, cafeterias, on diners. Made byKellogginLondon, Ontario. Oven- fresh in the red-and-green package. Johnson street. Mr. Tate is a for- mer Kingstonian, but it is eighteen years since he was in the city. He is greatly pleased with the improve- ments since he resided here and is satisfied that his old home city has now entered on a new era of pro- gress. Receipts Increase Peterboro.--1 he August receipts at the Customs House show a cousid- erable increase over the July receipis They totalled $199,300.25, against $157,538.50. The August receipts also show an increase over those of Au- gust last year which were $187,942.39, Wanton Driving Charge is Laid Belleville.--L. F. Mullen who was involved in: an accident near Hallo- way on Labor Day in which a child, Bevercley McTaggart, was somewhat injured, appeared in court today charged with driving a motor vehicle cousing bodily injury to this child by wanton driving. Mr, C. A." Cameron who acted for Mr. Mullen asked for an adjournment of one week, which request was granted. He was al- lowed bail on his own recognizance. Found Woman Ill on Street Belleville.--Late last evening as George Hales 21 Dunbar street, wis wending his way homeward he no- ticed an aged lady wandering about the street in a dazed condition. Fear- ing for her safety, Mr. Hales had the woman taken to his home close by and summoned Dr. Faulkner. She was taken to the hospital where she is not much improved in health, In- formation revealed the woman to be Mrs. Arthur Pope of Foster avenue. Returns from Trip to Latvia, Russia Belleville.--Mrs. J. Samuels has re- turned home after spending a few months with her mother in Latvia, Russia. The home of her mother is on the Baltic Sea and Mrs. Samuels states that conditions are much im- proved in that country, Passage 1 C#nada was made on the Megantic which landed in Montreal on Satur- day. Mr. Samuels met his wife in Montreal and accompanied her to this city. ! Sneak Thieves Kingston.--Evidently there is a sneak thief at work in the city but thus far he has not reaped a har- vest. During the past two days rec- ports have been received by the po- lice about three offices having been broken into and entered, but in each case nothing was reported to be miss- ing. Entrance was secured to the of- fices by breaking a pane of glass in a window. Evidence was secured of articles in the offices being entercd, but nothing was missed and it is be- lieved that the party or parties re- sponsible were in search of money, Won Gold Medal Brockville.--Master J. R. Reynolds of Hamilton, grandson of Mrs. James Reynolds and Robert Purves, two well known residents of Brockville, on Friday last won the gold medal in cornet competition in class of 18 years and under at Canadian Nation- al Exhibition. Master Reynolds is considered by many of the outstand musical authorities of Toronto to be one of the brightest performers of his years. The judges of this com- A Produce Prices jn the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering pro- duce to retail dealers at the following prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 52¢; fresh extras, loose, S50c; firsts, in cartons, 4c; firsts, loose, 45 to 46c 3c; loose, 34 to 36c. h iw Butter--No. 1 Creamery, prints, 42c; No. 2 creamery, prints, . 5 ei ew, large, 20 to 2lc; twins, 20 1.2 to 21 1.2¢; triplets, 21 to 22; stiltons, 2c. Old, large, 29; twins, 29 1-2¢; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, 30 to 3lc. try-- Chickens, 5 lbs, up . 4 to 51 KEBLRED geese roilers ucklings TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to teh trade: Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 35 to 40c; cooked loins, 50 to 53c; smoked rolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 28 to 40c; back, pea-mealed, 38 to 39; do., smoked, 45 to 47c, Cured meats--Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 Ibs., $21 :70 to 90 Ibs, $19; 90 to 100 Ibs. and up, $18; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, l6c; tubs, 15 1-4c; pails 15 3.4c; prints, 17 to 18¢c, Shortening, tierces, 13 1.2 to 14 1.2c; tubs, l4c; pails, 14 1.2; tins, 16 1.2c: prints, 15 1.2. Pork loins. 35c:New York shoulders, 26c; pork butts, 32¢; pork hams, 31 1.2, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in efiect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce-- Eggs, extras, per dozen Do., first, per dozen ... Duck eggs, dozen Butter dairy, per pound ... Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables-- Carrots, doz. bunches .., Beets, doz. bunches Onions, dry, 1l-qt, ba Do., 6-qt. Cabbage Cauliflower .... Spinach, peck Mushrooms, per pound .. Leaf lettuce, three for . Head lettuce, 2 for .. Potatoes, bag Cucumbers, 3 Parsley, Cress, Celery. per bundle .. Oranges, per dozen Grapefruit, each 045 ; seconds, in cartons, Gi Lemons, per dozen Bananas, per dozen Apples, 6-qt. basket . Rhubarb, bunches New potatoes, peck . Green beans, 11 gt. sreen peas, 11 gt. Plums, doz. ....... Gooseberries, 6 gt. Cherries, r. 6 Raspberries, quart .. Do,, pints CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, S 5.~The Chicago Mercantile exchange session this morning was featured by the most active trading and largest turn- over experienced in the last few weeks. Both buyers and sellers entered freely into the market, which resulted in much better trad- ing volume. December butter following the sarph advance of the past two days was weaker under profit-taking. Resistance was felt, however, at these levels. Exceptionally small out of storfige movement compared with last year resulted in November egg: running into liquidation, which forced them down to 1:2c, The ember option acted likewise, closing at 1.4c under last night's close. Open commitments: DBcember butter, 704; November eggs, (new) 2,001; November egys (old), 125; December eggs, 11, Two market receipts--Butter today, 16,862; last year, 19,924, Eggs today 33,179; last year 24,589, Chicago spot market--Butter extras, 44 1.2; standards, 43 1.2c; tone firm, Eggs, firsts, 35 to 36c; tone barely steady. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 45c; tone firm. Eggs, firsts, 35 1.2 to 3c; tone ir- regular, Street stocks--Butter today, 116,423; last year, 112,940, Eggs today, 146,847; last year, 132,968, - Movement at 10 markets--Butter net with- drawals, 90,945; last year net withdrawals, 101,991, Eggs. net withdrawals, 7,370; last year, net withdrawals, 29,285, coe~ocecce ZSRNESE < srenarnen ae EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Sept. 5.--Hogs--Receipts, 2,- 400; holdovers, 300; fairly active mostly to packers, weights above 210 Ibs., steady; 200 Ibs. down 10 to 25c lower; pigs at maximum down turn; bulk 170 to 210 lbs, $11.75 1c $11.85; few $11.90; 220 to 240 Ibs., $11,50 'to 51 $11.75; 100 to 135 Ibs., $10.50 to $11; pack- 0| ing" sows, $9 to $9.60. Cattle--Receipts, 250; slow; steady to weak, butchers, $8 to $8.75; cutter grades, $4.75 to $7.25; grass steers and heifers unsold. Calves--Receipts, 300; vealers active, fully steady; good to choice, mostly $18.50; com- mon and medium, $13.50 to $16.50, Sheep--Receipts, 1,000; lambs steady, qual- ity improved; good to choice natives, $13.50 to- $13.75; throwouts, $10 to $10.50; fat ewes, $6 to $7. at Belle Isle. Excellent fishing with traps and hook and line is reported on the Labrador coast since early in July. The Straits and Canadian La- brador, however, turned out a failure. The prospects are that the fishing during the latter part of August will be somewhat better, and that the HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With That Good Jeddo Coal - Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel FOR THE BUILDER '1 Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime And Building Material DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES | Telephone 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES secretary of the association. This represents an average cost of $3 shortage may be retrieved to some extent, There seems to be little doubt, however that dried shore cod- fish will be a scarce article and that the price will accordingly be higher than usual. The eight dollar per quin- tal limit set by the Board of Trade for every man, woman and child ir» Chicago. Figures for 1929 indicate that the final total for the year wil; be even higher. is not likely to stand. The bomb, which serves racket- eers as a lash to whip racket vie- timg into line, is more dangerous than the bomb of a year ago. The average damage of each bomb in 1928 was $1,214, 'The Employers' Association has catalogued 94 organized rackete now operating in Chicago. The "business racket," as Neilson call ed it, was described as having been originally a "purely Chicago insti tution which worked so success fully here that {it spread te other cities." Bomb and Racket Show Gain Over 1928 Chicago, 111., Sept. 6.---The bomb and the racket, twin terrors to small merchants and tradesmen, | have shown a gharp gain this ye«r over last, the Employers' Associa- tion has, found out. Rackets cost the city $186,000,- 000 in 1928, according to computa- tions: by Joseph Neilson, assistant FREE! To prove the superior m of these two products Baby's use, with each 2 tin of Tiny Tot Talc .... Tiny Tot Soap petition were Captain Charles O'Neil, Mus. Doc. Digector of Music, 22nd Regiment of Quebec and Captain R. B. 'Hayward, R.M.S.M., director cf music, Toronto Concert Band. Prize Harvest Apples Peterboro.--For the next few days connoisseurs of fine apples can see a nice display of the window of The Examiner Office, of the Duchess va- riety, grown by Jack Tucker, Reid street. The drought has never caught these big fellows with their bright rosy faces; for the ground beneath the tree has been kept well soaked ever since blossom time. Mellow, quite ripe, and well matured makes them exceptionally good for table as well as cooking use. The tree has borne some twenty baskets very sim- ilar to these besides twenty-five bas- kets that were taken off earlier in the season. August a Busy Month Brockville --August was a busy month in travel circles so far as the local customs and immigration de- partments particularly were concern- ed. During the month just closed the ferry Elmer W, Janes. carried 12,775 automobiles as compared with 9,552 during the same month a year ago. The number of passengers entering Canada at this port during the past month was 26,275, an increase of 4,568 over the month of July this year, when 21,707 passengers entered here. Over the past week-end all records for local travel were broken. On Saturday the ferry carried 601 automobiles and 984 passengers into Canada and 976 passengers to Mor- ristown. On Sunday 554 cars were handled together with 1,564 Canada- bound passengers and 1,142 passcn- gers to the United States. On Mon- day, Labor Day, 664 cars were car- ried while 984 passengers were brought into Canada and 2,389 were taken out on the ferry. Newfoundland Trap Fishery a Failure St. John's, Nfid,, Sept. 6.--Except for a few localities, the shore trap fishery in Newfoundland up to the beginning of August has been a fail- ure. From Grate's Cove to Cape Race, on the eastern coast, a poor catch is reported both for traps and hook and line.. In fact, from the Fo- go district south the fishery has been the worst in years, with hook and line men in Bonavista, Trinity and Conception Bays getting very little for their labor. From Cape Race west, all along the southern shore, with the exception of a few localities in St. Mary's Bay, the catch has been the lightest in forty years, From Fogo north, and on the New- foundland Labrador the return has been better, a fair catch having been taken at Twillingate and a good one QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 bring out all the brillianc; shines up varnished furn KOZAK cloth now $1.50 The only motor car dry wash made TINY TOT SOAP We give FREE a 10c Cake of KOZAK Will keep your car looking like new, will save you at least $50.00 in washes and SHOP with erits for 5¢ guarantee of satisfactio y of color. Also iture. Buy a Confidence in the goods we sell which are made by the world's largest producer. Rexall goods are supported by Rexall Service which includes abundant varieties and a definite At The Rexall Stores EE ------------ A ---------- Tooth Brushes CONFIDENCE TOOTHPASTE FREE! DR. WEST'S With every West tooth brush --large, medium, small -- we give a large tube of West's Tooth Paste Free. n. Be a steady customer ' Here's what you need-- A 5¢c LEAD PENCIL and BIG TEN CENT SCRIBBLER Both for 10c For Adults and Children Assorted colors in the most popular shapes 25¢c and 35¢ One transparent Celluloid Tooth Brush Holder FREE with each brush. Carry Your Lunch? Here's a bargain, Genuine THERMOS LUNCH KIT Equipped with Vacuum Bottle. SOME REAL MONEY SAVERS $1.00 Riker's Beef, Wine 65c Scott's Emulsion ....... 35¢ Chase's Kidney Pills 35¢ 50c Milk of Magnesia ..... 75¢c Italian Balm 50c Ipana Tooth Paste . 25¢ Mecca Ointment ...... 75¢ Bisurated Magnesia 50c Robinson's Barley .... 60c Rubber Gloves ... 60c Virol Infant Tonic 75¢ 35¢ Sloan's Liniment 40c Eclectric Oil 25¢ Milk Chocolate Bars . $1.30 Pinkhams' Vegetabl 30c Bromo Seltzer ......... 35c¢ Minards Liniment ..... 25c Carter's Liver Pills ..... 40c Fletcher's Castoria ... 50c Dodd's Kidney Pills 85c Kruschen Salts ..... i 25c Baby's Own Tablets 50c William's Pink Pills .. 10c Palm Oil Soap ........... 50¢ Gin Pills Continued By Popular Demand! Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Woodwards Gripe Water . [EET PITT TP T TT POST Value $1.75. Makes shavin & Iron Permedge Stropper for Gillette Blades does a real job, Price ... SPECIAL ... EXTRA SPECIAL! Every student should have a Foun- g a comfort, » $1.79 tain Pen. Here is an opportunfty te FORT, k $1.25 (32 OZ.) Destroys Flies, Moths, ..49¢ ...39¢ .22¢ Roaches, Spiders, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Ants, and others Insects, .,-40c 49c ..45¢ ..5%7c ...29¢ .33¢c J ...19¢ e Com. ....$1.00 oui veins irirecsanBBC Both for Mosquitoes, 50c Hand Sprayer. ¢- et a "J. &L. SPECIAL FOUNTAIN PEN Clip-Cap. 14k. Gold Nib, Rubber bar- rel, self-filling. Regular price 98 C $1.75. SPECIAL A.S.A. 5 Gr. TABLETS (PURETEST) We do not know of anything you could use which will give more prompt relief in cases of Neural- gia, Headaches Colds, Rheuma- tism, Lumbago and Sciatica, than A.S.A. Tablets. Factory-to- you Sale Price Bottle Fly-Kill Bottle containing 100 49¢ Reg. $2.00. S Clip This Coupon SAVE $4.52 NARCISSUS PERFUME ACTUAL $3.00 VALUE 2% Face FOR 98¢ WITH Keep your child in good health BOOT'S MALT EXTRACT COD LIVER OIL Helps children concentrate "FOR THREE DAYS OF OSHAWA FAIR, SEPTEMBER 10 - 11 - 12 50cOrigmePerfume MOTHER'S PICKLES Will taste sweeter if she uses Jury and Lovell's Sweet Pickle Mix- ture, No fuss, no bother--just mix it up cold and add the pickles, 35¢c a Package and PECIAL RUSSIAN OIL (Genuine) Superior Quality Colorless and Tasteless FACTORY- TO-YOU SALE PRICE 16 oz. bottles Powder FREE 89¢ 16 oz. bottles $1.49 Total $5.50 VALUE -- for ONLY 98c¢c Carle's French Narcissus Perfume has been in. t to th ds-of en at $3.00 a bottle. Now it is available to you In introduntory sale at 98c. As an we have been authorized to give FREE $2.00 Box of Face Powder and 800 size Ori; this sensational additional offer i. { KING STREET EAST PHONE 28 gme Perfume. JURY © PHONE 68

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