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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Sep 1929, p. 16

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EASTERN ONT ARI0 NEWS # Home on Furlough §iiTiome on Fu and Mrs. L. K. Pickering, who were recently appginted to Oswego, are home ou Turlpugh, also 'aptain ' and Mrs. Vi Tidman, BE Purchase Property rt Hope,--George A. ravers K.C,, of Toronto, has purchased the Shields property. at Lakeport, Northumberland County, which he . will use as a summer Yesidente, SL 3. still In Dryrock. Kingston.--The steamer Clare- mont is still in drydock undergo- ing repairs. It will be recalled that this vessel went aground on August 22 at the head of the Mor- risbrrg Canal, laden with pulp- wood. . / Bush Fire Controlled Belleville.--Calls reached Belle- ville Tuesday for assistance in fighting a fire in the Thurlow dis- trict. The Canadan National Rail, ways station was reported to be ménaced for a time, but the flames later were controlled by a bucket brigade. 'In the Flinton, district some residents were said to have vagated their homes. Seek Unknown Autolst 'Cobourg.~--Police have been, un- able to locate'the motorist repson- sible for the accident which took place last Sunday night 'near .Co- bourg, in which Mrs. Fred Foster, wife of a Toronto photographer, was severely injured.. Her-husbana who was driving the car, a daugh- ter, Rita, and another passenger, Miss Mabel Hall, escaped injury. Mrs. Foster, who suffered a frac- tured skull, is progressing favorab- ly in Cobourg hospital. | westérnt Ontario possible will be made to give her THE OSHAWA DAILY ¥IMES, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 Go i id Fifty-Fifth Sapiverary Kingston.--On Sunday, Septem- ber the 8th, Rev. Albert Y. Geen and Mrs. Geen, Moodie Cottage, Belleville, 'celebrated the 55th an- niversary of their wedded life. Issuing Licenses Kingston. Taxi licenses are be- ing issued by the police department and the numbers have been placed below the license plate on the rear of the car. The number also ap- bove windshield. Fractured Left Thumb Brockville--W, . ¥, Baker, 11 Edgewood avenue, {is nursing « fracture of the left thumb sustain- ed a few days ago when he was ac- cidentally struck by a sledge-ham- mer at his work as a machinist in the Canada' Foundry & Forgings Co. plant. The fracture was re- duced by Dr. W, J. Gibson. / Will Be Gven Home Xingsion--A young woman who 7 before the .court on a 'numb r of occasions on a charge of VAEPANGCY. will be given a home An and every effort a mew start in life. Clased Season for Deer, Brockville--R. Baker, local over- seer of game and fisheries of' Corn- wall, was" in town Tuesday and stated tothe R. and T. that the closed 'geason for the slaughter of deer in Leeds and Grenville wil not expire until next year, in ac- cordance with a resolution passed by the council of Leeds and Gren- ville Ini1925. ears la frame inside the car juss t Gananoque.--Thieves gained ad- i Jiftageat to the okasen store of M. Crelliang ly: Tuesday by Proaking pe Big he front door. Among the goods taken were 33,- 000 cigarettes, 1 pounds of cut to- bacco and a quantity of cigars. The stolen goods amounted to about $1,600 in value. i Damaging Pro : Y perty .. -- Brockville~--Officials of the On- tario Amiesite, Limited, compiam of barricades on streets under con- struction by motorists, who have caused iderable damage through th 'breaking of lanterns and the driving of cars on fresh laid concrete. i pr Contes From Iroquois Brockyille.--The Hon. J. A. Merkley, 'appointed Minister in charge of Labor and Industries and Provincial Secretary in thé new An- derson administration in Saskatch- ewan, is a native of Iroquois, a member of a well known Dundas county family, and has been for many years in the employ of the Canadian Pacific Railway at Moose Jaw, latterly as a train' despateh- er. Chicken Thieves Kingston.--Further complaints have been rr iyed by Provineial Officers C. V. e regarding the operation of. Bi od 'thieves in the county. . It is charged that rac have 'been made *-on a number of chicken farms in this district. Pro- vincéal Constables Clubbe and Franks were out last night investi- 'gating reports about he. chicken thieves. } a Governor: ral in Belleville Belleville--According' to a mes- sage received by Mayor Greenleaf Tuesday, Viscount Willingdon, Vis- countess Willingdon. and the vfce- regal party will pay. a short visit to Belleville next M6nday. The party will arrive by special train at 5.30 ee, Congratulations! Oshawa Lacrosse Boys We Are Proud of You Coats. your inspection. CHILDREN'S COATS We have just received our fall shipment of Children's The New Styles, New Cloths and the Smart Fur Trimmings combine in making a splendid range for All sizes in stock from 3 years to 14 years. Prices from : £) $5.95.$14.50 ir i ii SATURDAY SPECIALS es. Regular $1.25 at 300 Yards Satin Messaline in 15 shades. Ideal for slips or dress- 69c Yard Pure Linen Towelling 18 in, wide with new fancy border. A good absorbent towelling, at 5 yds jor $1.00 100° "LINGERIE VESTS. . Hose [500 Pair Pure Silk Thread Full service weight in an exceptional quality. All the new fall shades at 59c Pair NIGHTDRESSES BLOOMERS $1.00 All at each Blanket, at 100 Pr. Flannelette Sheets Large size 12-4. The famous Ibex $2.29 per Pair | When At The Fair Be sure and visit the Rex- all Drug Store. We serve 'you well and save you money. Take 'advantage of these penny-saving "specials. 50c Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste .. © 40c Castoria .. 20c 35¢ Lorie Halr Fix ... 29¢ $1.50 Gillette Razor ,, 98¢c 75¢ A.S.A. Tablets ,, 49¢ 650c¢ Klenzo Shaving Cream .. Jessen 89C $1.25 Set-in-Rubber Lather Brush ....., 98¢c 50c Klenzo Mouth Wash 89¢ 25¢ Milk of Magnesia .., 19¢ 50c Robinson's Patent ' Barley ......0004,. 40¢ 35¢ Sloan's Liniment ..#9¢ Save With Safety at THE BEXALL STORES Jury&Lovell King E. Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 sees ERE "er mv and will remain in the eity 'until 7.30. The council met Tuesauy night and tentative plans were laid for the civic reception for the first visit of his excellency to Belleville. He will be accompanied by a spe- cial party. Relieve Power Shortage Brockville.--The steam auxiliary plant of the Brockville Public Util- ities Commission was operated from 7 a.m. until noon Tuesday w relieve a shortage of power on the Central Ontario System of the Hy- dro-Electric Commission. It is un- derstood that the shortage is cuus- ed by low water in the Trent River System, Four hundred horsepower was developed at the local plant, Lighter Drifts on Shoal Brockville, --The Cobourg, a lighter of the Sin- Mac Wrecking Company, with several bushels of wheat aboard, broke her anchor and drifted down the current and »n to a shoal east of Point Iroquois. The company has been { ers' Island. | .he river | :he Cobourg was adrift but did not | succeed attempting to release a freighter stuck opposite Cardinal at Farw- A tug was sent down when it was discovered in getting her off the shoal. Art of Yesteryear Port Hope.-- Citizens who are in- terested in the "things of long ago' and who look back to wh our forefathers did so well--will have an opportunity of feasting their eyes on samples of the art of yes- teryear at the display which is be- ing held at Charleston Inn on Sat- urday. Samples of old time art will be on exhibition and one may gain first hand knowledge of tne high class of excellence reached by the women of the past génmeration. The exhibition is fostered by the Canadian Handicraft Guild and it commends itself to the attention of 'every one interested in foster- ing the art of the olden days. Milk Supply Holding Out Well Picton.--Milk from . Prinee d- ward County farms is being ship- ped to Toronto. The supply in the county is holding out well, thougn burned pastures and scarcity of wa- ter for cattle have caused a decline in the output. Factories are mak- ing the smallest number of cheeses in many years, though tHe quality is nearly 100 per eent specials and firsts. The small output is not al- together attributable to the dry season, but to the competition ot the condenseries and creameries. Everywhere farmers are driving cattle for miles to water, and draw- ing it for domestic purposes.. The county experienced a light rain on Tuesday morning, which will help the tomatoes, corn, pasture, buck- wheat and fruit. It has been the driest season in Prince Edward for 25 years, according to older resi- dents. SANCTUARY By Verna Loveday Harden When worldly conquest would pos- sess my heart I flee to Nature's ever-open arms And hiding there, become a little child Who nestles safe from fright- ening alarms, A twittered message flits ffom tree to tree, And hidden insects whisper in the grass; The mating of the slowly-moving strean : Are borne on little winds that shyly pass. As softly and as secretly as Love The healing murmurs of the for- est creep; I hush my heatt that T may hear them come, More musical, more Lethe-like, than sleep, . They fill my heart until there is no space For -fear to come; .corner dim; And T am part of Nature's mighty choir That lifts adoring voice in praise of Him, 4 no smallest THE ARCADE Limited QUALITY COAL Phone 3060 Do Produce Prices i in the Commercial Markets TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto Yidlesale dealers are offering pro- duce to 1 dealers at the following pri- Eegs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 50c; fresh extzas, looses 48¢; firsts, loose, 44c; sec- creamery, Chicas ew, Jorge, 20 to 2c; twins, 20% to 21 1-2 to 22%; Ze. Old lar, e, 29; 2 2 1-2; triplets and cuts, ; old stiltons, 30 to 3lc. Poultry-- Chickens, 5 Ibs. Up sevvesss.es Do., 4 to 5 lbs. .... eh J as3eeR3d TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto Wholesale deale SE te dot e wine Smoked i medi, 32 to Ye, to Sic; smoked rolls, Her r bi or, Sion "90 to 100 Tbe. and up, 8 ig Tightweight Jolls, in barrels, $11.50; heavyweight rolls, $38.50 per barrel. Lard--Pure, tierces, 15c; tubs, 14 1.4c; pails, 15 3.4c; rints, 17 to 18c. "Shortening tierces, 14 to 15c; tubs, 14 1-2; pails, 15¢c; fins, ch prise, 2. or] ins, ew York shoulders, 19¢; pork. butts, 26c; pork hams, Zc, % TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in effect on the St. Lawrence market, Toronto: Produce-- 055 055 0 70 extras, per dozen firsts, per dozen .. Duck eggs, d Butter, dairy, Do., Fi A per 'pound creamery, pef pound .... 0 50 'egetables-- Carrots, doz. bunches . Beets, doz. bunches Onions, dry, 11-qt. basket Do., 6-qgt. basket . Cauliflower .. Cpinach, peck Mushrooms, per pound Leaf lettuce, three for Head lettuce, 2 for . Potatoes, bag .. Cucumbers, 3 for Parsley, per bunch onds, A - # Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 42c; No. 2| Ney | outs, $9.50 to $10; fat ewes, $5 to $6. 25] in both commodities on the Chicago Mer- 5| and eggs were subject to short covering and 5 ened firm a quarter above last night's close 5 and held unchanged throughout the semain- y der 0| opening 38 higher than last nizht, see-saw- Cress, three for .,..... Celery, per . Oranges, per dozen Grapefruit, each .. ons, ' per dozen Bananas, per dozen Aj , 6-gt. basket Rhubarb, 3 bunches ew potatoes, peck Green beans, i at. Green peas, 11 - Plums, basket . Grapes, 6 qt. Blueberries, 11 qt. Cantaloupe, 16 qt, Pears, 11 qt. ... TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board: of o~mNnOoDOS OS SoS D VEDRAN IBrBERRS .55; No. 5, $1.37; No. 6, $15: ced, $1; (iif. Goderich "and Bay ports.) tent toba oats--No, 1 feed, 70 1-4c; No. 2, ican corn--No. 2 yellow, $1.18 1.2; N. $1.18 (all Yeliow IL No: iris .) fiifeed, delivered, Montreal freights, bags included-- H . ton, $36.25; midds oi $44.25, 53, hor pes Ontario grain--~Wheat, $1.25, Oats, 50 55¢, free on board 0. shipping reong to va EAST BUFFALO LI LIVE STOCK East Buffalo, Sept. 11.--Receipts of hogs. 1,590; holdovers, 900; very slow, 170. to 21, Ibs., weight, 15 to 25 cents lower, $10.75 and sparingly to $10.85; others, 25 to 50 cents lower; 240 to 260 Ibs., $9.25 to $9.50; 110 to 140 Ibs. $9 to $9.50; packing sows, $8 to BD. its of gattle, 325; steady, good to, HEAT YOUR HOME THE DIXON WAY Now Is The Time to Fill Your Coal Bin With That Good Jeddo Coal - Solvay Coke And All Other Good Fuel FOR THE BUILDER Gravel, Sand, Stone, Lime And Building Material DIXON COAL AND SUPPLIES Telephone 262 FOUR DIRECT LINES yearlings, $13.75; medium heifers, $10.80; common grass steers, $8.25 to 50. cows, $4.25 to $7.25, i sitter Receipts of calves, 200; wvealers barely steady; Sore rigid sort considered ; good to choice, to $19; commn and m $13.50 to $16.50, Hum, Receipts of sheep, 900; lambs active, steady, good to choice natives, $13 to $13.50; throw- CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicdgo, Sept. 11.--Decreases in production reports brought advances and good trading cantile Exchange this morning, Both butter new investment buying. December butter op- of the session. November eggs, after ed Open eggs, new, CRRS, Two year, 19,729, Eggs today, 26,863; 29,091. Chicago spot markct--Butter, extras, standards, 43c; to 35c; Street year, 114,112, Eggs today, 143, 183; fast year, 125,193, Movement at ten markets--Butter, net out- put, 112,720; last year net input, 12,755. net output, 26,854; 686. between 36 3-8 and 36 3 1.2 on the final sale. is showing signs of imprvement, and volume today was good 1-2¢c, closing at| PAVED ROADS AND FARMERS Toronto Star An exchange says that paved highways are a boon for the farm- er. Sure they are. Trading as a whole Nov. Dec. commitments--Dec. butter, 720; 1,925; Nov. eggs, old, 119; 55. He can walk on them and get 22,467; last last year, market receipts--Butter, hit, or take to the ditch alongside and wade. Or he can drive on them with his load of hay or his buggy 2nd get bawled out by every mot- orist he delays. Paved highways are a boon for the farmer all right. And if he tears them up when moving hig farm machinery, he's liable to a heavy fine. 44c; tone steady, Eggs, firsts, 34 tone steady. stocks-- Butter today, 118,985; last Eggs last year net output, 27.- [uene scowouy ms POPULAR ROAST . . LEGS OF FANCY GENUINE SPRING LAMB . . TENDER . . . A VERY DELICIOUS AND DESERVEDLY . TRY A & P LAMB TODAY. Lamb Legs »-32- Loins 1b. 25¢ Frontsib. 17¢ BECAUSE YOU WANT THE BEST A & P has its own experts in the food markets of the world selecting the better products for your table.... A & P's mighty distributing service is built to bring the better /oods to vou at the lowest possible cost - . . Economy and quality at A & P always. \ OSHAWA TWO STORES--KING ST. WEST--SIMCOE ST. SOUTH MEATS these . YOUNG, A & P Best Quality Beef Rump Roast *::. PORTERHOUSE ROAST lb. 38c SIRLOIN ROAST ......Ib. 32¢c SHOULDER ROAST ....Ib. 20c CHEESE 1b. 2,7 Pork Loins THE BEST -- SWEET, LEAN -- AND TENDER FRESH SHOULDER PORK 1b.20c¢ 'LEAN BUTT OF PORK 1b. 28¢ -3Fe Fresh Young Roasting Pork Hams =. 1.25 Gammon Half. . Cushion Half. . i 1b. 40c Ib. 45¢ Sliced sees DAVIES FAMOUS OLD ENGLISH CURE WILTSHIRE BACK, Sliced Ib. 45¢ BACK, By the COLLAR, Sliced see BACON . 40c 35¢ SMOKED BREAKFAST By the Piecelb.30¢ Sliced ib. 32¢ SWIFT'S PREMIUM Smoked Hams 1b. 42¢ HALF OR WHOLE Whitefi i ---- Two New. Food- Opened esday at FISH ALL FISH PURCHASED AT OUR FOODSHOPS 1S CLEANED AND PREPARED AS DESIRED BY CUSTOMER i AT NO EXTRA CHARGE Sea Herring .i:i. 1b. 10¢ Smoked Fillets 1b. 20¢ Finnan Haddie m.15¢ Fresh Lake Nipigon MALLETT'S Dee oS oa Be sure to look over money - saving values before making out your order. FIVE ROSES FLOUR 24-1b. Bag $1.16 . KRAFT CANADIAN LOAF Ib. 33c | VICTORY BRAND PICKLES SWEET MIXED 30-0z. Jar 39¢c CRISPY KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 2 Pkgs. 19c CORN CHOICE GOLDEN BANTAM No. 2 Tin 15¢ DELMONTE SLICED PEACHES No. 1 Tin 19¢ ENGLISH ALL. SORTS CANDY Ib. 23¢c CHRISTIE BROWN BISCUITS LORNA DOONE Ib. 25¢ SHIRRIFF'S ASSORTED JELLIES 12-0z. Jar 23c MAGIC BAKING POWDER 4-0z. Tin 13c KRAFT VELVEETA CHEESE Ib. Pkg. 19¢ PRESERVING ITEMS TRE GREAT ATLANTIC & PAaciFic TEA LIMITED OF CANADA GROCERIES MADE FROM THE FINEST SELECTED TOMATOES Ketchup Heinz i 21e Pork é&Beans2 i 21 BOKAR BOKAR IS A DIFFERENT COFFEE . .. BECAUSE IT IS THE BLEND OF A GREAT COFFEE PLANTER . . . PERFECTED WITH LOVING CARE . . . YEARS OF EX- PERIMENT . .. MATURE JUDGMENT. IN POUND AND HALF-POUND TASTE IT. BOKAR IS SOLD FLAVOR-TIGHT TINS ... %-b. Tin 28¢ 1b. Tin § Ge Extra Week-End Special FINEST GRANULATED SUGAR AT A MONEY- SAVING PRICE Sugar 10m. §3 NECTAR TEA TEAS PACKED UNDER THE NECTAR LABEL ARE SOLD ONLY AT A & P FOODSTORES AND ARE THE FINEST QUALITY TEAS AVAILABLE. THERE IS A NECTAR BLEND TO SUIT EVERY TASTE. .49¢ Blended India b. *7Qe Orange Pekoe THE CHOICE OF MILLIONS OF DISCRIMINATING Palmolive © 3c==19e¢ Soap ALL FLAVORS--PURE GOLD BRAND Jelly Powders5 == 25¢ Fruits and Vegetables Oranges is; 2% 29¢ CELERY~--Crisp and CABBAGE--New Naunyn 'White 3 Ibs. = 2 for 19¢ APPLES--Duchess . ....6-qt. Basket 29¢c_ CAULIFLOWER--New Native--Good Size-- Onions . POTATOES-- Peck 15 Ibs. 27¢ Yellow Cooking and 534 Annette St. Toronto. Co.

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