GS SH ds a Gal dy : ; ca ? 4 i ¢ Oshawa Baily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, F RIDAY® SEPTEMBER 13, 1929 A Growing Newspeper in a Growing City 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy. * SPECIAL LACROSSE EDITION VOL..5--NO. 62 Pb and Hoiidoys OSHAWA WELCOMES MANN CUP WINNERS erg PRAY Lav eo GENERAL MOTORS LACROSSE TEAM, CHAMPIONS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA " . ; bust oy. Gaor Munroe Above is a panoramic picture of the General Motors Senior Lacrosse team, winners of the Mann Cup, and the officials and execut ives of the club. Those in the group are: left to right, C. E. McTavish, ( president), 'Mat Leyden, evo Wir ol ge rd (coach), Sam Johnson, (trainer), 'Smitty" Smithson; "Bob" Stephen son, "Smoky" Fox, "Chuck" Barron, "Shep" Shepley, "Chuck" Davidson, "Pat" Sh "Connie" Gold "Walker" Wilson, "Red" Spencer, '"Doddy" Doddemeade, 'oots 2 DeGray, Hubbell, "Bill" Coulter, "Mel" Whyte, "Andy" Cook, Fred Hobbs, vice-president) W. A. Coad, George Hezzelwood, and H. W, Nicoll, General Motors of Canada, Limited, officials in charge of the lacrosse activities. ' ' = Congratulations of Premier Ferguson . Sent to Champions Premier King Sends Congratulations to Dorin | THE CITY OF OSHAWA - Dominion Champ WELCOMES HOME THE DOMINION CHAMPIONS Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa, Ont. Will you please convey to the General Motor's Lacrosse team of Oshawa my warmest congrat- ulations their splendid acheivement in bringing back to Ontario the Dominion Lacrosse Championship and the Mann Cup. Editor, Oshawa Daily Times, Oshawa Ont. I am happy to join with the citizens of Oshawa in offering hearty congratulations to the mem- bers of the General Motors La- crosse Club of Oshawa on winning the Mann Cup, Emblematic of the championship of Canada. on ODA the city of Oshawa welcomes home with open arms the General Motors Lacrosse team, winners of the Lacrosse Championship of the Dominion of Canada, and of the historic Mann Cup. This homecom- ing celebration will be one of the great events of the city's history. As never before, the citizens of Oshawa have been watching with keen inter- est the progress of its great lacrosse team as it went on from victory to vic- tory on its way across the country to the Pacific Coast. And when the final news came to Oshawa that the championship had beén won from the Naw Westminster team, the enthusiasm of the citizens of Oshawa knew no bounds. That enthusiasm is this evening being given its full expression in the glorious reception which awaits the home-coming champions. We, the representatives of the City Council of Oshawa, and, through that body, of the people as a whole, join wholeheartedly and unreservedly, in the congratulations which have come to the General Motors Lacrosse team of Oshawa from all parts of Canada. These congratulations are all Such an acheivement bears elo- quent testimony not only to the skill of the players, but also to their obedience to the discipline fo training, without which victory would not be possible. Oshawa has done a great ser- vice In maintaining the leader- ship in lacrosse, one of our great national games. G. H. EERGUSON; Prime Minister of Ontario. The people of Oshawa may well be proud of theri' lacrosse repre- sentatives. W. L. MACKENZIE KING, Prime Minister of Canada. R. S. McLaughlin Extends His Congratulations To General Motors Team HON.- G, H. FERGUSON Prime Minister of Ontario W.E. N. Sinclair, M.P.P. Full of Praise tor Winners of Dominion Championship The citizens do well to welcome th return of the heroes, who have wor such a signal honor for themselves HON. W. L. M. KING Prime Minister of Canada About twenty to twenty-five years ago Oshawa was prominent in La- crosse. Advancing from Junior to In- The victory of the General Mo- tors lacrosse team of this city, in winning the Canadian Champion- ship, wads the greatest honor that any athletic organization has ever R. S. McLAUGHLIN President, General Motors of Can- ada. y brought to Oshawa in its entire his- tory. To bring back the Mann Cup, that many lacrosse enthusiasts thought was securely locked up in Western Canada, was a wonderful feat. The play of the Oshawa team in the finals and throughout the season was clean and of the hrgh- est possible type, and undoubtedly the fine manner in which this and 'he other lacrosse teams of the city have conducted themselves, will increase the popularity of this, the finest, cleanest and healthiest of sports, "I have been pleased to note re- cently that lacrosse is getting back to the position it was in when I was a boy, when lacrosse was lacrosse, and the ambition of every boy in Oshawa was to be a good lacrosse player. Dan McCarthy, probably the greatest lacrosse player the world has ever seen, hailed from Oshawa, and he was the object of every Hoy's hero worship in my boyhood. I am very pleased to see Oshawa reoming again a real lacrosse cen- tre." R. S. McLAUGHLIN, President, General Motors of Canada, Lua. Dr. T. E. Kaiser, M.P. Says Team's Achievements An Inspiration to Young Men DR. 1. E, KAISER, M.P, I have followed with a great deal of interest the triumphant march of the General Motors La- crosse Club of Oshawa across tho| continent of America from coast to coast throughout the Dominion of Canada. Their universal success under all circumstances and try- ing conditions was a striking trib- uate to the ingenuity, genius, en- durance, and skill of the kind of man which' is developed within the city of Oshawa. I have just returned from a trip east as far as Ottawa and through various parts of the province of Ontario, and while formerly my friends throughout the country when meeting. them, . would im- mediately 'ask as to the condition of the motor industry in the city of Oshawa, but in my recent trip the first inquiry and the first con- gratulations that I received were in regard to the glorious victory of the General Motors Lacrosse Club. It is only fitting to say that while they have covered them- selves with glory and distinction, some part in message: to discipline which made it possible. the more sincere because we know that they represent the thoughts of every citizen, and echo the unspoken thoughts of the thousands of people who will be unable to congratulate the team personally, but who wish to have the celebration of the great victory. To the members of the General Motors Lacrosse Team, we have one great The City of Oshawa is proud of you. You have brought credit to your- selves, to the organization you represent, and to the City of Oshawa by your splendid achievement, and by the skill, the training and the strict attention To travel across the continent and bring back the coveted championship places you in the ranks of Canada's outstanding athletes, and we, as citizens, are privileged to share in the glory, which you have brought to the community. Oshawa, the city whose name you have carried to honorable victory, gives you a royal welcome home, and, in doing so, we, as representatives of the people, express the hope that you may yet stand together and bring even greater honors to the community which, this evening, welcomes you home as conquering heroes. TT. B. MITCHELL, P. A. MacDONALD, Chairman, Mayor. : Special Lacrosse Reception Committee they have also brought an endur- ing and creditable honor to the city of Oshawa, one that will Le remembered for decades yet to come, and will be an inspiration to the youth of the city to Lo forth into the world and acquit them- selves with like distinction, and in whatever field they operate and succeed, may they like the General Motors Lacrosse Club, ever con- sider that they are conferring en honor upon the city of their birth or the city of their adoption, one of the most spectacular and ont- standing little cities in the Domin- jon of Canada, Again let me say that every citizen of this community, should he proud of what has been accom- plished by the General Motors La- crosse Club of Oshawa. T. L. KAISER, M. P. for South Ontario. The Oshawa Daily Times Joins in Congratulating The Dominion Champions The Oshawa Daily Times wishes to join 'with the citizens of Oshawa in extending its congratulations and' greetings to the General Motors La- crosse Team on coming home from the Pacific' Coast with the Dominion Championship and the Mann Cup. In order to celebrate the occasion in the best way possible to a newspaper, the special Souvenir Lacrosse Edition is published today. The Times, with, the co-operation of those citizens whose messages of congratulation appear in its pages, offers this as its tribute to a team which has brought honor to Oshawa, and of which every citizen has a right to feel proud. This Souvenir Lacrosse Edition is one worth preserving as a memento of this historic occasion, so The Times has printed an extra supply of copies. These can be secured at the publication office of The Times at Oshiwa, or at the Bowmanville or Whitby offices, or at any of the local bookstores. Readers who wish extra copies, either to preserve as souvenirs of the homecoming of the champions, or to send to friends elsewhere, arc advised .to secure them early. before the edition is exhausted. CONGRATULATIONS (From the Mail and Empire) Congratulations to the General Mo- tors lacrosge team of Oshawa on its great victory in the Mann cup finals. Few eastern teams, if any, have ever been able to beat the Salmon Bellies on their own grounds; so, therefore, the victory is all the more commend- able. Weston, should have beaten them to qualify for the Olympics, but the suburbanites were outlucked, in- juries obtained in Winnipeg reducing their strength. On the General Mo tors team are several former Weston- ites, and they have not forgotten about the lcss of the trip to Amster- dam. This is only the second year for General Motors in senior lacrosse and their record can't be surpassed anywhere. 'A year ago they won the senior championship, and then ant only repeated again this year, but al- so captured the highest lacrosse hon- ors in 2, termediate and then to Senior the name of the town was kept before the sporting public. As Secretary- Treasurer of the Club I was actively interested in the game and the suc- cess of the Club. Today, as one who was so actively interested in those years, I am rejoiced to know that the Senior Lacrosse team of the City of Oshawa, made possible through the aid and generosity of General Motors, has carried off the highest honors in the Canadian Lacrosse World, and has brought to Ontario and the City of Oshawa, the covet- ed 'Mann Cup. I congratulate the young men of the team, who by adhering to disci- pline and enduring hard training have been able to accomplish so much | and do honor to themselves. I wish for each and all of them the same success through life. I congratulate (General Motors on their public spirit in their generous = support of the team. The winners of the Mann Cup have added to the name of Oshawa an additional glory. Whenever dis- tinction comes to an organization or a citizen or group of citizens of Ogh- awa, we arc proud, and know that cach of such events gives us a larger place in the life of the country. W. E. and their City. W. E. N. SINCLAIR, M.P.P. for South Ontario. N. SINCLAIR, K.C, M.P.P. Mayor T. B. Mitchell Sends : Message of Greeting To The Dominion Champions This year more than any other Oshawa has played a large part in the sporting life of the world and through this part the city has rapidly become a respected quality when they field a team, and that means in any line of sport. Through this year as may- or of Oshawa | have been proud of the name of Oshawa when mentioned in connection with | sport and now that the Gener- al Motor's Lacrosse Club have achieved the highest of lacrosse honors, . the Dominion Cham- pionship my most sincere con- gratulations along with the ut- most are expressed in a humble manner to this now famous band of nlayers of Canada's National Game. T. B. MITCHELL, Mayor of Oshawa.